SGA Reforms with the Larger Committee a Chairman Recently an Impetus Towards Reform Haa Begun in S.G.A
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Mnttx ^lu$ter ‘‘All The News That’s Fit To Surpress’ VOLUME LV MERCER UNIVERSITY, MACON, GEORGIA INOVEMBER 8, 1974 !\UMBE_R_27 Betts Stages Surprise Concert Richard Betts, guitarist for the Allman by the bluegrass Poindexters. Betts played & Bros. Band, performed at the Chapel, the role of a sideman as the tasty banjo, m Wednesday. October 30. The purpose of mandolin, and dobro of the Poindexters this surprise concert was mainly a sound belted out (when they could be heard) test for the upcoming tour. As was to be "Rolling in my Sweet Baby's Arms", "1 expected the first time, the band en Saw the Light", and "Jambalaya". countered some technical difficulties that Another bright spot in the band is the marred the show. addition of a steel pedal guitarist who Betts opened with "Blue Sky ' off of the traded riffs, with Belts throughout the m Allman's "Eat A Peach" album, and show. follow^ with "Rain" from the Highway Call uKand the Freddie King classic Betts displayed some fine guitar work "Hideaway". For the people who thought and his vocals are nice, also. The am the show was to be 100 percent country, plification problems were unfor: unate, but Betts fooled them by doing songs he wrote the purpose of this rehearsal-concert was for the Allman Bros, such as "Jessica". to find out what problems were to be ex "Southbound", and a rousing version of pected and correct them for the future "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed". The most dates. It is more unforftmate that Mercer impressive thing about the show was couldn't be one of these future dates, because I'm sure we would then see a show BeUi Perfpnni. Betts' arrangement of these songs Taking into consideration that this was the worth remembering. The audience was band's first gig. the musicians were fairly obviously pleased with the concert in spite well together except for a temporary lapse of everything, and Betts should expect a at the beginning pf "RaraWin' Man". substantial number of "Highway Call" After intermission, Richard was joined albums'in the hands of Mercer students. SGA Reforms Recently an impetus towards reform haa With the larger committee a chairman would be forced to delegate respon Cafeteria Brawl begun in S.G.A. Several new and ap parently good ideas have come up and are sibilities. Others argued that the present set up nothing happened for several minutes. As being acted upon during meetings of Mi . One Mercer student was arrested and at worked satisfactorlally and that adding least two others injured in an incident the players began to pick up their trays . S.G.A. senate. the students theybroke in frtnt of, shoved SENATORIAL DUTIES: An amend more superstructure at the top may make occuring in the cafeteria Thursday at 5:50 the systembulkier rather than more ef them out of the line. The fight then began ment to the bylaws of the constitution was p.m. One student was cut with a knife and proposed and passed bythe Senate. Its ficient. at least one was hospitalized. resulting in one student being slashed on The matter is scheduled to be voted upon the forehead with a knife. He later sections read as follows; According to witnesses, the outburst at the S.G.A. meetin^ on Mon. Nov. 11. reportedlyswore out a warrant and the 1- AU senators must be active on at least occured when several members of the A tentative division of business has unidentified player was arrested. one committee. basketball team broke up to the front of the already been set up. Academic Affairs serving line. Several studen'ts asked them The incident ended when Phil Gilbert 2- The membership of a committee is and several other students pulled the two decided b> the committee chairman. would include the Insight. Academic Af to go to the end of the line, but they fairs, Ubrary,Honor. Waverlyand groups apart. 3- -Acuve status is decided by the refused. InsulU were then ^xchanged. but committee chairman. An^Tinactive Wonderful Wednesday Committees,' facultyobservers. UniversitySenate, member is discharged by the committee Committee and tutorial services. Student chairman. life covers dorms, food. Intramurals, Cauldron Editor Resigns 4- A discharged senator has 2 school daysto gain active status on another athletics, communications, publications, the very near future. S.U.A.B., health caresecurity,and Human On October to, 1974, Ed Gaither, editor committee or he is no longer a senator. Relations and Election Committees. of the Cauldron, submitted his resignation In his letter he stated that because of his 5- Grievances against a committee or to Dr. Howard Giddens. Chairman of the Fiscal Affairs incorporates fiscal affairs, job at the medical center, a heavy class committee chairman are to be filed with Board of Student Publications. Stating that and adjudicated bythe S.G A. senate. appropriations, admission's, alumni, load, and other responsibilities, he would development, financial aid, and the he did nut have the lime to devote to the 6- Any senate position emptied by the be unable to maintain his position as budget. annual that it deserved, he fell it best that Cauldron editor. Mr. Gaither stated that above process is to be filled by the n<™al he resign. His resignation was accepted by NEW OFFICERS: 'feight new officers he would miss the satisfaction and money procedure prescribed by the election opde. the board, and the SGA will prcsumcaby The motion was voted on and passed were inducted into S.G.A. Five Freshmen the job brought him. Senators: Terry King, Sean O'Neal, Bill call a special election to fill this office, in unanimously. Tanner. Alfred Randall, and Jane k'uston; COMMITTEE REFORM: It was Sr. Senator,Dori Miller: Senator-at-large, discuased that the S.G.A. committees-be John Nolan; and Freshman Represen divided into three major' committees - tative to S.U.A.B., Bill Tanner. Law Notes . Academic Affairs, Student Life and a talk on Trancendental Meditation and On October 31, Bob ayatt, president of •FiejL Affairs. This is a change as there the Law, presented by .Mo.ite Ray. The are currently8 standingcommittees and a the BSA. and members of the Minority Awareness Committee met with Interested talk str«^ way:, in which T.M. could few ad hoc committees which this new Hit And Run Blacks on the Mercer campus. The improve the profiyssional's performance, proposal would fuse together into the 3 discussion revolved around the but also included the general benefits to be major committees (or agencies). Incident possibilities afforded Black students 4I0 gained through practicing T.M. One reason argued for this change is that enter the legal profession. The committee Up-coming r.peakers at the law school it should make the committees more include U.S. 'depresenutive Bill Stuckey Saturday, November 2nd. a nineteen answered questions relatii^ to many nexi'jlc. For insUnce: an item of business areas, including financial difficulties and on Novembe.- 5. Tom West of the Georgia is h uided to the chairman who then groups year-old student was hit by a car on Prison System on November 7. and College Street in front of the Student scholarship aid, future potentials of Black several people together on it. The greater attorneys, and measures that can be taken Hamilton 'uakey, chairman of the Board of choice of people means a better selection Center. Katherine Lea Norman. 2*14 Bar Ex; miners for Georgia. , Wyngate, N.W. AUanta, was standing in generally to prepare for law school. The of Ulents. knowledge and interests on a meeting was the first of a series aimed at /Studrnts and faculty are invited t*-hl- subject. And these subcommittees could front of her car with her boyfriend when ,:fend the Workman's Compensation she was hit by a car heading north on inducing qualified Black students to apply be dissolved once their function was to Walter F. George. The program will not ' hearings to be held in the Moot Court College Street. She sustained head injuries Room from ip am. to 3 p-m. on Tuesday, fmished. \ and a fractured leg. The driver of the car be carried to other colleges. Another reasotia^M was. that often Last week the law school was treated to November I2th. ■ chairmen ended up®idg most of the work. has to date not been identified. r NOVEMBER S. 1(74 u PACE S •ittfe MthcSit etl/^TEh' eMtorul page ^emr Chotei Mxiicn VHiTHisirr MACOn. OBOROU EDITOR-IN-CIUEF Only Absurdities STEVE CAI’SEY By Frank Rosser, Jr. You know, every week I'm allotted an Still another absurdity found in campus MANAGING EDITORS living is the lack of effective price controls I^RANK ROSSER. JR. unspecified amount of spi ce in this fine PETE LAMB example of a newspaper, to write an in the Campus Store. Who wants, or better editorial that is meaty, pithy, sappy, yet, who can afford to pay eighty cents for ASSOCIATE EDITOR pointed, pregnant, sestontious, succinct, a pencii? J. Paul Getty would hurt CHARLES CARRINGTON concise, and expres-dve in nature. Well, financially after a visit in the bookstore! my fellow studenU, I've decided to wrige Before I close this week’s editorial, 1 this week's editorial in reference to the must add one more absurdity to Mercer's Business MANAGER SPORTS EDITOR many absurdities that the campus resident lists of absurdities, and that is the silent Barbara riegsecker ' DAVID has to deal with. minority that supposedly governs us. and For instance, let’s take a look at the is ironically enough called, the Student visiutioo hours.