kouy até Assane k o u y a t é A Journey Through West Africa Educational Programming K - 1 2 Inquiries & Booking: E:
[email protected] P: 404.861.0775 @kouyatejeli koufoy AssaneSarah c h e f / f o o d w r i t e r / b l o g g e r od w w w . f o o d p h . c o m até kP ao lu ey sa o t n é table of contents 1.About the Artist & Overview 2.Curriculum 3.Connections 4.Standards (examples) w est africa Map Credit: Nations Online Project kouy Assane A J o u r n e y T h r o u g h W e s t A f r i c a até k o u y a t é about the artist o v e r v i e w Lassana ‘Assane’ Kouyaté was born and raised West African culture is displayed in everyday in Senegal, West Africa, of a griot family line life through many traditional art forms such originating in Mali. Griots are the poets, as music, dance, art, sports, clothing and history tellers, keepers and oral transmitters food. Exposing students to the beauty of of West African cultural traditions. these traditional art forms creates a lasting connection to our vast cultural history. He traveled the world as a lead choreographer and dancer with Le Ballet With Assane's program, 'A Journey Through National du Senegal and Ballet Sinomew, West Africa,' students will… touring internationally throughout Africa, Europe, Asia, North and South America.