Critique of the Gotha Program Karl Marx Foreign Languages Press FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS Collection “Foundations” #16 Contact – fl
[email protected] Paris, 2021 ISBN: 978-2-491182-55-7 Th is edition of Th e Critique of the Gotha Program is a reprint of the First Edition, Foreign Languages Press, Peking, 1972. Th is book is under license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) Contents Foreward by Frederick Engels 1 Marx to Wilhelm Bracke 4 Marginal Notes to the Program of the German Workers’ Party 8 I 9 II 20 III 22 IV 24 Engels on the Gotha Program 32 Engels to August Bebel (March 18-28, 1875) 32 Engels to Wilhelm Bracke (October 11, 1875) 42 Engels to August Bebel (October 12, 1875) 46 Engels to Karl Kautsky (January 7, 1891) 50 Engels to Karl Kautsky (January 15, 1891) 52 Engels to Karl Kautsky (February 3, 1891) 54 Engels to Karl Kautsky (February 11, 1891) 58 Engels to Frederick Adolf Sorge (February 11, 1891) 62 Engels to Karl Kautsky (February 23, 1891) 64 Engels to Frederick Adolf Sorge (March 4, 1891) 70 Engels to August Bebel (May 1-2, 1891) 72 Foreward by Frederick Engels Foreward The manuscript1 published here—the covering letter to Bracke, as well as the critique of the draft program—was sent in 1875, shortly before the Gotha Unity Congress,2 to Bracke for communication to Geib, Auer, Bebel and Liebknecht to be subsequently returned to Marx.