
ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Mar iachi Cobre, Vikki Carr, United States boxers put beat and the San Jose Symphony Thursday down on Irish in Olympic play together for charity style boxing in San Jose See page 4 See page G SPARTAN DAILY Volume 110, No. 40 Serving Sun .1()se State tlitiversity Since PM,/ March 19, 199K Money issues preoccupy voters

to hold "town hall nientings," so stu- Several students who 111,,t oui Wit viI’Vninth with the elect mfrs. By Asa Beiell thinks textbook prices are outiiigeous, Staff \X tor! and students don't get nearly enough dent, gel it chance to vnice their opin- Wednesday mentioned they kni a S111111' -I'M Illit 1111...11111 ft inn money in return when they sell the ions, is a great idea. of the candidates. There ;II, :11till 111(.1-111 V.In) an. con - The Student t Tnion and NlacQuarrie books back at the end of the semester. Ale iv Lee. a mechanical engineering "A lot of' my friends arm' C111111.11, 11111 l'll11.1 111111 11 1/1111,, Hall were busier than usual Wednesday "I voted for George Constantin for major. voted in the elections because he t'astellano a kinesiiihio major, ilati tliev i, nt to iii morning. The lobbies were tilled with A.S. director of academic affairs': Louis is concerned with such issues as library yam couldn't vote on \Veilnesdiiv I read thi- pamphlet and I riot students lining up to vote in the said. "One of his issues was helping stir fond in the cafeteria and I)ecatisti mid forwitten to tiring his aid . a i.111/1 au) Associated Students government elec- dents with financial aid and books." %vital ell ill the l'eSille1101. halls 1)iiik identification card "lionestlyi, lin English m ajor In- -I uit to vote, tion. Political science major Kristi Somers "I think people in the dorms are more going otn for the best candidates t tilliii1 it is niriuumltinit titU- "We weren't half its busy last year, agreed that controlling the cost of books concerned with the elections: he said, fr0111 party. I (haft ha \ a party dents 11;1\ .1 11 '11\ g"Ing on Itil hr. said Helen Hafner, a worker at the is one of the most important issues adding that it is iniptirtant 14 ill stu- infliliat /11... l'alll1111,1,11 to Student Vnion poll table. addressed by the candidates. n: inn vnte. For various reaSollS, 1111111.’ ile.! 110' sa nil. 1 Ilan' lot Students \dui voted seemed con- "I voted for Heather Cook 114 A.S. Ni-veitheless, there are those \vim State University students Ili) lint viite in Castellano thinks .1 it students aliout the \ eke cerned with financial saris, such as the president I because I liked her stand lin take the ,\ S. elections less seriously. the A.S. elections. simply don't care cost of tuition and books computers in the Student [minim." she think it is a popularity contest," 'I don't kiniyv a lot almait the candi t Mazen Louis, a civil engineering said. ;411,1 V1111.11.1iiseph Frankina, an English dates:said stmlies major LOUT. -Mast peeph Lilo- h nitor s :Mika' iviiiuited for the 5.15IT Party. Somers also thinks Co ik's proposal major Lipska. \vim did V1i1u, Ai,. 1, est III s. hake y:11111,11* In' Inn Department to choose V.P.

Hi Carol Dillon Sacramento, where his ii un k ',Lai \X iit. \ l'IVOS till. 11.-1Se1.1SInellt Side el strategic planning. lip feels the t'orupetition is heating up Ihr posit iiin call, tor a person who a position tliat directly itimacts (-lop plans to take the all students futures at San imiyiersitv into the future. State lini Ersity arid rilie it is getting the Ilpplielitiollti Irianill nel the 111111.1Sity its in.,11 I States. di St illy. Shia ira1 a common The position ot -Nssiiciate vision,- Sharp said. President tor Institutional Ile finds it fascinatinp how - l'Itt1111111p tiol Academic people intet t ith technology ;111,1:1111' a 11111,11111g The second candidate. Dr it t win')(1,111111 n11,1111,1 Havid Dowell et CSC Long the first is Edo, Beach is currently pulling tr ijuhu mid Academic Iles, iiirces and the duty as special ;issistatit tin tin th secomf is lust itutu inal the proiist and senior vice pres- according to Veril Phillips, exec- ident and associate dean of the utive assistant to the provost. l'ollege of Liberal Arts. 1/eyle new thipartnient will get has wiirked extensively in the underway when the candidate is livid of mental health and with chosen and will plan the the homeless, due to his doctor- initial goals it 5.151' Mr the next ate in psychology, according to 10 years, aitoinling to l'Inlips his nri,unno, Phillips said of the posi- Ile characterizes the jot) posi- tion's main duties include riir tion as a split assignment iimmentling iillocations of the working on long term academic resniirce }aiding arid coordinat- planning and assessment 110y1). ing strateinc plantar -lit of the says that the CSI' system \Yams campus. to move the Mims en student A searcli committee hutis learning and reaching goal,. to Associated Students presidential candidates Clifton' 'I 'Irith FI,ntInu r screened over :Pi applicants arid more versatile Wily:1 t11.111 ni.-1 Cunningham :mit Chris Constantin wait while can- liiPsdly hIght lii III. I' llir !lammed it down to four. classri iom. have limit coming to the campus is a lot of similarity for nieet nips that have lieen between this new position and open to all faculty iind students, with parts of my present lob little A.S. debate has made ignites SJSI. smut- rood 8zA Phillips said. These applicants niust pos ,rganizationall and It', Jeremiah I )shat, St11111 I II.1111111' L,.1111111o1- I a Ii 'opt liv11111cklist if rintill this v.ill lu ill \\ lit, was it little y. in li lb. it - ilnittaatn. I Ii V. 1,1 pripar 1111, including a iv turnout,-said orgamier and to. Ki II\ II Li Tin.% en executive leadership ,,11111/11S filr 1.111' 21st cent tit failed ;Is a lie holds Senate cilitilidate Todd lit ow II --ant oilSOB 1 h,wifl Iii .A11,11 %V.I.: ability awl experience said. 12.5, I nut 1, ,! 111.11:11. 11111,, i1,1,,111111' '' 'lIOn ilit hntied tor alstut 1110 t s1111,iii 111 ,1 11111111 11111ontl in The third candidate Is il, a a .r. A `-'; 1',11111111:111, 1 /1,1,,,Ii N1).1111 .ittolni -lint I tluniglit Iln truth --ot I i d, 1011111i. ,,ernwilinp 1i11111, ir,11,1111111 Nli1.11111111 Ka1111111111. IISSeCiate ,11,11 ti How man\ ut loll alont tile candidates I-1 preVeSt at Florida At l';111,,11 Ii alt %% oh any Hi ill Ihivid !toss, a tesidelit \ iser mil I 11's not too Lao for anx 5.151 l'iuversity. lbs oxperience .1 Nliiiilder !hill. thought the is .1 tin lie - I member who is Int elesicfl 111 includes devoloping lonft-raitre l',111 ifi' 11 \'.1l11 1111 1'1.'1111111H ill rood idea. lila (''It tin- candid lid I i 1,figagi, In iii lilt,ty1,,%\, 1,i1 11111 educational plans and iniple 11.111- If \ 1111 1111.1 IP... I II\ 1,1 the I th with the final candidate who melding them Kaufman feels 111 1' 111111i1,11, 1,11 It aiiiiiilate sh- , vn ill he on campus this Fridav. his training in education 1101 11111111' 1,111 \ said a I , r, , I ', ’ of the lour applicants is vs.\ choloi.2y aids in Ins ability tn A till. nut, d I In. T.H.pnu. I t Sharp, tho Director of bring togother. Ibis vision .pn.,:tinin .11 lie Sall ell 10111 1 1110' 1'11. Shll111.1 l"' Int. 1.1.111, Institutional Studios :it 1'51' See VII., mige 8

Celebrity 'spirits, served at pub

11% '11ind Leigh (wiser -11,1\\ 1 .1 1111 1111111111 1 'ii tu 'It 1.0iii\\ I Iran Jill r 11 It nu 11,1 -in% \ III \ Cowl.r.1 11\ t.1111-.1111 111111 I didn't eNit, t ,ttim 1 11111 111 111,1 li.1111\..111 lit ot het) .11,1 htie in% ttt,11 r. tint lu was 1,1 ,it e1,1 ,1i1-11 tile Jun , ut ni 11,111, 11,1111; 1111,111 .111110 -ennt and I tit 'It 1 tin

heir. the ii.1111%% in she it het httal, I n

tasiin Mee. Stephen. alletniain t \%en 1 tti ol I 1 etiii funnon INTV C11.11111.1 I I Ind lt,11(1 lin, ht,a(1 00(11 14, h 1111. I - .11111 l\1 II. I On. S.iti Jose St.it b'iiil11.1111 the S.in III, In 1,4hAfl twitn Nleictit Ne\\ It

noxiu U' op drinks ;mil pour1141 Iii', ssl --:11,1 In 1,11 his ho.ti t Hit to liciiptit others 11'11111'r 11,1 ,1 ,,11 usl111,, 111 The ek ent helped 11111.0. 111.41,, liii kin I nuis r ,,1111,,11 ml 'Ii Mello.% ha' The itIllerli.,111 Ileart 111-1111111, b.11 iV:seci it alld the A111(.1.10;111 lie 1;111 1111 111 1,,I .111 !Ann, ,\s,ochitinn 111111,- I’ln nub set a et $2.111111, Nti1 rum- 111111, lint nail% .ItTelliI111,1111.11 11111,1’ '11 1111s- 11 s1 it that ,eente.1 ed a little n ii Ii '1 thouidit tho \\ lit lug ut hi. n in the hell 11 I., 1,, it coach Dave Baldwin (left) and sports reporter for KNTV Channel San Jose State University head football t le ambitious o\\ net S11.11111 Ii ent II . n11 ni,t 11 David Lee (right) take beer orders Tuesday night at The Flying Pig Pub. It', Moil iii downto,vii S,11111111, ,.111,1, 111111 I \,1-, -,1111 c.in 1111,1% p.tit .1 ,airy Anintit,:ut They were among several other celebrities who tended bar St. Patrick's Day 1, r,11,c tun (tin "11' ill'-- ii thy Nitwit! iieed,d Heart Association arid the American Lung Association. Althitnidt 111.1m rit,toiners tht,., P.m, ..\ et And l(1.1\ ( II 19, 1998 Page 2 FORUM I It's spring fever Close encounter time; start now have all _Mrs. Clinton pawl- with kiosks gives At Last ! I finally 41.4 stye ral_years ag. and avoid rush the IleeeSCd/ evideatce to inctia litinember? lesson in patience Spartan Access y fellow stu- Thet dents: As we kiosks are mis- near the halfway Clintred na m ed ."Spart an point in the semester, Stonewall" would be the time has come to more like it. shift our focus from aca- There are six of them demics to the pursuit of on campus: two each in a week's worth of hedo- the Admissions and nism. Of course, I'm Records Office', Student talking about spring Union and Event Center break. Athletic Club. Four of Enjoying a spring them are out of order. break adventure is The' other two are squir- absolutely essential for relly at best. TuE Let the following serve) 110.NI SF:NNE MOT 11 05.11 every student's health. SPOhi% HI RI Even if you're a horrible as a dire warning to any- WRITER student who parties like one who tries to make it's spring break every use of the Spartan Access kiosks. weekend, you deserve to have fun during this 11;101hitevaterillo1e - 2047An The other day, I walked over to the Event vacation. Center (home of the only two functioning Spring break is the only vacation this kiosks) to print up my grades so I can finally semester. Moreover, it is the. only vacation get going on that graduation application. during any semester that is long enough to write a column Even though I wasn't in the Athletic Club to have some fun and get into good, clean trou- Ten good reasons not to exercise, I ended up getting exercise anyway. ble. An exercise in frustration, that is. Anyway, I to the machines. They were both In addition, spring break is a student -only t's tough having an opinion.This the Final Four as I do about strip min- walked over properly .., well, one was. The holiday, meaning you don't have to serve time me this week as I peruse ing. functioning occurs to wouldn't let anybody access student with over-the-hill relative's and act decent. the local headlines and news stories After the first day I was 9-7 on my other information. You can do whatever you want with whomev- something on which to base picks. Next year, I go back to the old- looking for I got in line) and watched as anoth- er you want. this week's column. fashioned method. Heads, Arizona wins. Rats. So er student tried to coax the machine into print- Realizing these. things, every student needs So of trying to fish out an Tails, it's Purdue.. instead Every time), the screen to get in on the. action and enjoy life during intelligent opinion. Friiit beeps and Beer #5. Sex on the web. Despite the fact ing his information. ERROR" in bright blue and spring break. Look at it this way: Once you presents this week's top 10 rejected col- that Santa Clara psychologist and sex flashed "PRINTER graduate, there. are no spring breaks. So counselor Al Cooper and MCNBC.com yellow which could be seen 100 feet away umn ideas. inspections of befbre the "real world" sucks you up and believe want to know what kind of porn you sick After 10 minute's or so, and 47 #10. STUD 100. You wouldn't befud- restricts you from having free time, take junk that comes across in little monkeys are downloading, I want the. malfunctioning printer by various some of the. gave up and advantage of this I ppurtunity while you are. desk. pre duct promises to help nothing to do with it. dled staff people, the' poor fellow This the printer in the prime of pair life. It is something you premature ejacula- #4. The. Oscars. Forget watching this trudged off. I, stupidly assuming those. suffering from stepped up to bat. will look back on 20 years from now and say, tion, because, according to STUD 100's year. If anyone thinks "Titanic" isn't was in proper working order, the. machine gave "Remember spring break in ? That slogan, "Sometimes, it's over be'f'ore it's going to win everyone single Oscar it's I struck out. Once. again, I must have slid my stu- was a crazy time.. I did some stupid things even begun." up for, then you need a dose of reality. nothing but trouble.. of there so many times and I loved every second of it." This is actually a spray that anes- And here it is: $1.1 BILLION in ticket dent ID card in and out permanently inscribed in the There is seemuch you can dl) next week and thetizes the. male genitalia. That's right, spray on sales. my picture. was fingerprints will never come off enough time to do it. If you want to go on a our miracle' lotion and you can forget about actual- #3. What celebrities do with their dead pets. slot, and my road trip to ieny of the spring break hot spots sensation of having sex for hours on This little. gem came across the AP wire' last night the screen. ly feeling the to spit out such as South Padre Island, ; anywhere end. What a great product. 'see page. 5). An actual quote from the story, "They I couldn't convince the printer with a in Florida: or Lake Havisu, you can do Actually, this we have been a great column wear suits and ties so they don't look like they've my grades. After my fifth consultation it. The. fun you have depends on how dedicat- except for two things: there are only so many numb been in the dirt." Need I say more? staff person, I was infiirmed that my mistake ed you are to having a good time. A little dri- nuts jokes I can tell. ;end I can't tell any of these in #2. SaberKittens. We. actually considered send- was in asking the machine to print all four of grades at once. Apparently, that's ving never hurt anyinte. the Daily ing one Of our reporters tel try out for the terms is one of the best vacation spots #9. Anything dealing with President Clinton, SaberKittens to get a story. more than this computer can handle. in the world. We. can do anything in less than Kenneth Starr, Linda Tripp, Kathleen Willey and That story came to a sudden halt when the I had no option but to slog through the riga- a five-hour drive. There are happening beach- Monica Lew in sky or anybody else remotely iissoci- reporter received a le'tte'r saying she needed to send marole of printing each term one at a time. guy in line behind me was no doubt doing es, mountains, deserts and urban places that ated with the Wt ish iii 0011 St '5 scandals. If ye co y, ant over, among other things, her chest measurements. The' can satisfy your interests. a column on that, just pick up any other newsr wet- #1. The Associated Students Judiciary. But hey, it slow burn, because I was taking forever. In short, I'm saying that if you can't have on the' planet. since there hasn't been a Judiciary since) 1997, why Finally, after a 20-minute visit, I exited the any fun next week, your life. is already over. #8. The Associated Students elections. While bother? building with all my grades and no patience When I come back to school on Monday, I there. are probably ten thousand jokes to beaky By the. way, you might want to ask why A.S. has left over, want to hear exciting spring break stories about all the. mudslinging and backbiting t hitt has been allowed to function without its Judiciary for I decided to complain to the Office of from classmates and see. students write to the been going on behind the. scene of this year's elec- Si) long. Admissions and Records. I was told by the Spartan Daily about some. of the crazy things tions. I'll keep my hands off this one. It's resulted in complaints about the candidates young lady I spoke tel that several of the they did. I want to hear how people' partied General rule' give them enough rope and they'll being handled by the A.S. Board of Directors, which machine's are getting new printers. She didn't naked, got arrested and flirted with death by hang themselves. by the' way, consists mainly of candidates. know when they'd be repaired. doing stupid things. It's all good. #7. The 3.500 newspapers taken oft the racks Can you say conflict of interest? That's just great. Here we are in the middle Remember: Wasting this precious time is a this week. We don't know who you are, yet, but This might not be a column yet, but give met of Silicon Valley, and we can't get the Spartan sin in the religion of hedonism. Squandering when we. find out what we need to know, everybody sonic. time. Access kiosks tee function in an efficient man- your hours doing nothing but sitting around, else will, too. ner. watching television or doing homework is #6. The N( AA tournament. It become obvious Scott Shuey is the Spartan Daily managing editor So, my lam Spartans, when you visit the illogical. This is the. one. week where students early on that I know about as much about picking His column appears every Thursday. Spartan Access machines, you might wish to actually have. an excuse to get loose and wild. take camping supplies. You could be there This behavior is considered normal, so take' awhile. advantage. of it. Kevin Hecteman is a John Meyer is a Spartan Daily senior staff writer, Spartan Daily senior staff writer Do the right thing: Exercise your voice and vote in A.S. elections Opinion page policies Readers are. enciiiir.igial 111 I.Npres, themselves on with a Letter to choose who will the Opinion page I.. the Editor. time is now to decide. stride next year SJSU students It is up to you to the Editor 21u word The ever speak on your behalf. A Letter response to an whether your needs as a San And for better or more. than issue or point of view that has appeared in the Spartan let the powers that be Jose State University student for worse, stu- EDITORIAL need to have. a Vote to Daily guaranteed say know you're paying attention will he met. dent representa- SUIMIISSIOIIS become the. property in how much we. including A.S. members. of the. Spartan The time. is now to decide, whether tion or lack Daily and may be Hilted for clarity. grammar, Ithel and how well want to give and what services we. Vote to let those who are making you will influence. the, powers that be. thereof will be. key in length. Submission. must contain the author's proposals meet your needs. receive for eair fees. decisions know that their choices at 5.151' or whine helplessly when these name, address, phone number, signature and these. issues that will Given the fact that these entities affect you and future students. you are left out of the. decision mak- Beyond major. affect the education of 5.1517 stu- are in business for profit, not neces- Vote to show that students have ing loop. Submissions may lir put en the. Letters to the Editor dents well into the next century is sarily fur benevolent giving to the' power over the quality of education The time' is now to vote. for those' been at the. Spartan Daily Office en lhvight Bente) Hall representation in Associated student population, we. need the. right they receive) at SJSU. who will be representing you in your student Room 209. sent ley fax to (408i 924-3237, e.mail at Students government. people going to bat for us. Vote( because it is less than fifteen student government. SD/111.5'0,pm Skill 11111 or mailed tee the A.S. manages millions of dollars in Voting today may just be your last minutes out of your day. Spartan Daily In the' coming year there will be. Opinion Editor. School of Journalism and Mass issues fees that affect daily services on cam- and only chance. Vote because students before you heavy descending on the. uni- Communications, S:In Jose State University. One versity Proposals such as the pus such as the Clark tend Wahlquist More important than the universi- ensured that you are represented in Washington Square. Sall Jose, CA 9519'2-0149 Ca I i fern a Education Technology libraries, the. Student Union and ty's obligation to serve. its students is the university's administration. campus clubs, to name. a few. the responsibility atheist. students to And most importantly, vote Editorials are written by, and are the consen- Initiative. and the. joint library sus of, the Spartan Daily editors, not the staff. between 5.151' and the. city of San In the midst of the university's be heard. because' you can. joint ventures with private. entities, Student goveniment is their voice. Published opinions and advertisentents do not nec- Jose. will more than likely hit their essarily reflect the views of the Spartan Daily, the School of Journalism and Mass Communications or SPARTAN DAILY One Washington Square, San Jose, I A oS191 0149 40fli 924 CAW f mail SOARS'.jenem, stsu edu

EDITORIAL ADVERTISING Co.Executive Editnris.1 Imo 5 I itinsalits. Tern K Milner Advert king Director Denier Soria Managing Editor S. on Are Director Itrenna Jenniaon Production Editor athip.air Retail Manager Douglas Evorot Opinion Editor Junkins Downtown/ Entertainment Mgr, Looms Bancroft Sports Editor Aaron WIIII National Manager F:seell Robinarin Cent Anthony A Sport.. Editor Pen./ Account Eserutivec Entertainment/ lafeatyle Editor Andrew !hisses Aryls. Fleach, Natichn Boonyapra.top, Suzette Dun. A nt Entertainment/ Lifestyle Editor 'long Burkhardt Yvette Sitar... Angela Twin, Toni Yip Photo Editor S..,11 I.4.1 liner Graphic IAnles S iiinsalits Graphic Artist Vicki Wilson ropy Editor Dennis Knight ADVISERS Senior Stair Writers: Ad vertiaing Jock Kevin liPcIvrmirt, John 51,-, Ed I lberW Quinton Yvonne I 'in.,. Editorial Stephen Greene,lan slroa /haft Writers: Photo Jim Mchlay Margaret Bethel, Asa Bowl!. Igor Rill, Nicholas Boer Leah Rower Carol Dillon, Suzanne Ferranti. Pegg,. Flynn Production Chief Tim Burke Mark tinnier Minify rinser, Jeremiah i khan Sharon Parks, Jon Per., I 'Indy Scarberra StIPa,, Shaw, Yveile Anna Treat

Photographers: Dan Frohlich ..1 Edmund NI.P. limn Prince I hne Rilev. I:rat/eon West

New. Room 40. 444 11. Pla 41's 444 1152 Advertising lees ,144 srARTAN I mu:, .1,SP5509.455 ',NI/limbed every whool rlay enItalia irviemir v...$2, and .4,,r0101, CI', Penn& pelage land at San .low Mail sateen/awns seceptwl an a IrmAindor of samentier haws Is iSTMASTES Sena address hang,. h. the Spartan Dinh. San .1...State I ’niveiiv One Washington Squaw San Jaw. CA 9/.192O1M1 I l() Sparta Guide tr'\J I 1)1 1 ) Today Atmosphere" by Prasad Pai from 12 p.m. at 410 Cambridge Ave., Suite ALPHA PHI OMEGA (NATIONAL CO- - 1:30 p.m. in Duncan Hall, Room C, Palo Alto. For more information, 'Super auxiliary' bad for students, workers EDUCATIONAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION) 615. For more information, call call Joe Feshback at (650) 853- Meeting: past, present and (408) 924-5200. 0602. This past week, 44 University concerns regarding job security, tization leading to higher hous- future members welcome at 7:30 privatization, union ing costs and inferior services GAY. LESBIAN AND LATTER-DAY SAINTS 1 Housing Services employees increased p.m in the Student Union's representation and the poten- for students. Guadalupe BISEXUAL ALLIANCE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION signed a petition urging Room. For more infor- tial consequences of Housing Managed as a program of the mation, call (408) 924-6626. "Heterosexuality: sexual prefer- Amy Watson will discuss: President Caret to reject a pro- nce or society's norm?" at 3:30 p.m. "Understanding and Appreciating posed campus auxiliary merger. Services becoming a subsidiary Division of Student Affairs, Services A. S. ELECTION BOARD in the Student Union's Guadalupe Music" and a light lunch will be Plans to merge separate aux- of the biggest retail monopoly University Housing Today is the last day to vote in Room. For more information, call served at 11:30 a.m. at the San iliaries such as University on campus (Spartan Shops). has kept student housing fees student elections from 9 a.m. - 8 Juan Ramos at (408)456-5058. Jose Institute at 66 S. Seventh St. Housing Services, Student A member of the audience lower than most urban cainpus- p.m. at the following polling loca- for more information, call (408) Health, Duplicating, Student also pointed to the constitution- es. tions: BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 286-3313. Union, Parking and Spartan ality of the question of changing It is therefore in the best MacQarrie Hall (9 a.m. - 2 p.m.) Workshop on stress manage- Shops into a type of corporate the status of current state interest of University employ- Clark Library (9 a.m. - 8 p.m.) ment, everyone welcome at 5 p.m. RECREATION B LEISURE 97 STUDENTS "Super Auxiliary" will be pre- employees. ees and students to unite Student Union (9 a.m. - 8 p.m.) in the Student Union's Council "Circus of the Spartans" from sented April 2. In a unified show of opposi- against "mergermania" trends For more information, call Alicia Chambers. For more information, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the Housing employees have tion, housing resident directors, and all "privatization" schemes Restivo at (408) 924-5955. call Maribel at (408) 294-3667. Seventh Street Plaza, in front of attended several meetings with custodians, g-roundsworkers, that seem to only enrich a small the Central Classroom Building. administrators and consultants building maintenance workers group of corporate university ASSOCIATION OF ASPIRING PRE-MED CLUB For more information, call Deanna since last summer on the merger. and mechanics, administrative CEOs at the expense of us all. Joint meeting with SAACS at Cho at (408) 269-4945. MATHEMATICS & SCIENCE TEACHERS According to some merger and financial operations staff Colloquium series and meeting 12:30 p.m. in Duncan Hall, Room James Watts 345. For more information, call Shu RE-ENTRY ADVISORY PROGRAM proponents, the "Super and several supervisors at with free lunch from 12 - 1 p.m. in Auxiliary" would generate addi- University Housing Services custodian Duncan Hall, Room 505. For more at (408) 938-0581. Clark Library workshop pre- sented by Lorene Sisson from 1 - 2 tional revenue and result in have signed the anti-merger University Housing Services information, call Jim Paolini at Representative (408) 924-4835, or Dr. Kitchen at SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN p.m. in the library computer lab, cost-saving actions. petition. CSEA Unit 5 (408) 924-5157. Student Galleries' Art Shows second floor. For more information, At a Dec. 5 meeting, Don Housing employees not only from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the Art call Susan Clair at (408) 924-5962. Kassing, vice president of fear a deterioration of working CAREER CENTER Building/Industrial Studies. For administration, was unable to conditions and benefits under a Recruiting Services Workshop at more information, call Brendan at TIGER OF SJSU answer some basic employee merger, but see increased priva- 12:30 p.m. in the Student Union's (408) 924-4330. Women against toxics from 3 - 5 Almaden Room. For more informa- p.m. in the Student Union's tion, call the Career Resource THE LISTENING HOUR Guadalupe Room. For more infor- Center at (408) 924-6034. Student Chamber Music Recital: mation, call Dennis English at SJSU Percussion Duo and String 14081 924.7932. Secret Service not just a man's joiu any more CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY Quartet performing music of the Daily Mass from 12:05 - 12:30 Romantic Period and the 20th Saturday Tn last week's Spartan Daily, was a woman, Special Agent Secret Service agents, but in the p.m. at the John XXIII Center, Century from 12:30 - 1:15 p.m in BETA ALPHA PSI 'dated March 13, the article Connie Youngers, who happens future Doug may want to keep across from SJSU Theatre. For the Music Building Concert Hall. Free tax preparation by "Students' daily routine dis- to be an SJSU alumna from the his wnting politically correct. more information, call Ginny at For more information, call (408) Volunteer Income Tax Assistance in rupted by SJ visit" by Doug graduating class of 1991 in (408) 938-1610. 924-4631. conjunction with the IRS from 12 - Burkhardt left out a small piece administration of justice. She is Don Oliver 3:30 p.m. in the Business of information about the 30 also a good friend. management of CHURCH OF ScikNiot.outr Friday Classroom Building, Room 309. For Secret Service "men" who were I know there was no way for information systems Free film. "Orientation" at 730 CHINESE CAMPUS FELLOWSHIP more information, call ,408i 924- on campus. Doug to know the specific demo- p.m. at 80 E Rosemary St For Bible study from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m 3495. At least one of these "men" graphical makeup of those more information, call Ilene at in the Student Union's Almaden (408) 441-6661. Room. For more information. call Sparta Gum's: phooded free o ,./11,rge tIl sto Esther Mar at 14081 298-4693 dents till tV 1,11d wolf The deadline for rolls, IN 110.1 Mr, days before rho:Irv:1 inthltrolion duo. DEPARTMENT OF METEOROLOGY En,: form., ono mailable to the Speiroto Seminar: "Development and CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY (O, Spore restrictions nun requirr tobong 4 soih Testing of a Model to Simulate the Free lecture: "Using Scientology roisshais Spartan Daily joins journalism 'real world' Mercury Cycle in the Earth's to Improve Your Business" at 7:30 Tuesday, March 10,1 pick you can easily see the body of aged to join organizations and Onup the daily paper. In the the victim. Lying on a gurney, participate in extra curricular role in "Ulee's Gold," but many fans still remem- upper left corner is a photo- feet pointed skyward, para- activities, The theory is that 4kiiir;fr ber him for his performance in the rowdy B-movie graph of a woman whose medics preparing to take him such activities will help us gain "The Wild Angels." breasts appear to have popped away. Off to the left, a police offi- valuable experience, give us on- The motorcycle movie, also out of her shirt. They are large. cer interrogates the suspect the-job training and help us starring Nancy Sinatra and and She is struggling with the guy responsible for the mayhem. understand how it's done in the AU regarded as a precursor to the 1969 biker movie who has grabbed her from Pretty eye catching stuff. "real world." "," is the centerpiece of Saturday behind, one hand incapacitating Any good "marketeer" will tell I'm sure that's why the edi- night's irreverent "Lost Drive-In" show on cable's her arm and the other hand you that nothing sells like sex tors and staff sacrifice their free Slater's time served Speedvision. groping at her lower abdomen. and violence. time on such an endeavor. "Each weekend we get the chance to took back ENTERTAINMENT, the ban- It has become so predomi- But on this Tuesday, I sit LA VERNE (AP) Christian Slater's jailers at the films that personified our generation," ner proclaims. nant in our daily papers it pondering the Spartan Daily, say his recent stay in their suburban lockup Dern, who plays host, said Wednesday. "This was In the upper right corner of seems almost cliche. amazed at just how "real world" brought unsolicited movie scripts, Bible-toting truly a special era, especially for those of us who the paper, is a photograph of the But this isn't the Mercury it's become. groupies and visits from actors were involved. ... They bring back memories of a back side of a woman, naked News or the Chronicle or the and Mike Meyers. great time in our lives." from the waist down. FOCUS, Star for that matter. This is the Mike Gagliardi "It was somewhat intriguing being in the lime- The Speedvision cable TV network, which the banner commands. Spartan Daily. management light for a day or two," Capt. Ken Swank said of reaches 14.5 million homes nationwide, features In the headline photograph, As students, we are encour- the media blitz when Slater arrived Jan. 14. nonstop cars, bikes, boats and planes. "Being 30 miles away from the Hollywood glitz, it "Lost Drive-In" features a collection of rarely was an experience for the whole department." screened road pictures. Slater, 28, chose the 12-bed, three-cell La Verne jail to avoid the hardened criminals at Los The Tax Man Cometh Angeles County Jail. He was released Saturday Don Knotts honored after serving 59 days on battery and drug charges. CHARLESTON, W.Va. (API Normally you'd Fans brought Bibles, writers sent scripts and have to do a lot of late night channel surfing to The IRS spends God knows how much of your tax money on these toll-free restaurants called offering to send sushi or other find Don Knotts, but the comedy actor's home- information hot lines staffed by IRS employees, whose idea of a dynamite special meals. A Girl Scout troop arrived unan- town is putting him on the map. State Highways Commissioner Sam Beverage tax tip is that you should print neatly. nounced one day, asking if they could meet with If you ask them a real tax question, such as how you can cheat, they're the "Hard Rain" star. Then there were the Sunday said Wednesday that he has given final approval visits from Hollywood notables. to rename a section of University Avenue in useless. So, for guidance, you want to look to big business. "They'd come in and ask to see Slater and they Morgantown as Don Knotts Boulevard. Big business never pays a nickel in taxes, according to Ralph Nader, who were always very respectful," said Lt. John The 73-year-old actor-comedian is best known represents a big consumer organization that never pays a nickel in taxes... Strona. as the bumbling sheriff's deputy Barney Fife on "The Andy Griffith Show." He also starred in the 1960s movies "How to Fonda on the road Frame a Figg" and "The Reluctant Astronaut." Awe Barry, political humorist and author (AP) Oscar-nominated actor may want to be known for his itAVE ft c1Iftr SPielt4G BREA*

FlItED Cali Jeff I an attorney EVICTED ? 8 professor who has worked with CHEATED' students at SJSU 8 who knows SCREWED how important your reputatthon and File Clerk INSURANCE Problem financial problems are to you and Part -Time CONTRACT Problem '7 your future INJURED or Hurt 7 25-30 Hrs./ Week Hett, ma Um WST F.,fn of Enterprise Rent-A-Car It's Assoc 1-SSS-44 I - I I NN seeks a detail -oriented Registration tlere! Prolescronal Aggresswe Lew. Senoces and dependable Street TLrne rri,,nnnt s no tee rontmgency plans F,iea Fees individual for their new Deadline : 7th

regional office in March 20, 1998 Central Plaza San Jose. eat The Collegiate Paid Internships for Students Rtness Tour Test Responsibilities include Don't Wait! Health and and Come Recruiting student leaders to work 10 hours per filing, faxing and covering and Test Date and Fri.. Health week for the office of Student Interns to the for the receptionist. When Thurs Your April 11, 1998 President. Work as a liaison for SJSU President Excellent phone etiquette March 198,20,1998 physical tneSs. required. Filing Robert Caret, attend student organization meet- experience preferred. ings, set up student meetings with the President, and forward student concerns. Flexible hours, Competitive salary. Fax $8.00 per hour. resume to (408) 445-7531 or Call: Deadline for applications: April 6, 1998 by 4:00pm (408) 467-1300. $25 fee in the President's Office, Tower Hall 206 EOE M/F/DN Pay at cashier's office Wahlqulst Central Questions or if you need more info, call 924-2981 Page 4 ENTERTAINMENT I lieu s(1.1 11.11( ii ID. I998 Joint concert brings culture, community to San Jose Arena

By Doug Burkhardt enable more underrepresented music and how they blend Assistant Entertaininiont Urlitor student populations to pursue together. the goal of higher education. The Cobre and San Your guide to movies, "First, the ceremony will be Jose Symphony may help with A joint concert with Grammy concerts and events used to raise money," Crow said. that blend. award-winning singer Vikki Mariachi Cobre, a 12-piece Cobre band "Second, we are also offering free over spring break. Carr, the Mariachi Clara ensemble of trumpets, guitars Symphony will tickets to some Santa and the San Jose and high- and violins, demonstrates a Enjoy. San Jose Arena County middle school be held at the to give them the sophisticated version of mari- help raise money fiir school students Sunday to awareness of different types of achi music. The San Jose Thursday, march 19 underrepresented college hope- Symphony presents more than It's Peter, Yes, it's happening. fuls. 60 performances a year and has its Paul and, of course, the According to a press ielease, called the backbone of ken hh been woman, Mary, perform- in her 39-year singing career Valley music, according Silicon mg folk songs to sleep to at Carr has produced 17 gold to information from the press the Santa Cruz Civic albums with 55 hit songs. We are hoping that release. Auditorium. Actually, any Some of her most popular However, sponsors are more we group that can come up with songs, which Grammy (SJSU) faculty, concerned with reasons behind "Puff. the Magic Dragon," is awards, include "Si mplemente the ceremony than performing

probably OK. They probably Mujer," "Cosas del Amor" and staff and students acts. Crow said that the project talking about the were not "Recuerdo a Javier Solis." Her is aimed at underprivileged stu- same kind of "Puff" that will attend because latest album is called dents who are interested in Disney envisioned. Hopefully, es ." "E moclon this is a different higher education. no one in the audience actual- The Harmonia Concert is who are getting A's as Peter, "Students ly has a hammer. sponsored by the Unfinished kind of a concert. B's with good grade point Mary could get and Paul and/or Journey Project, which is a part- averages will be able to take a

nership between San rise State Tony Carrillo college class after school at their University, East Side Union schools," Crow said. 20 Oh, SJSU Professor of own high Friday, March High School District and a num- "College professors will travel to Things" opens pro- Educational Administration mama. "Wild ber of local community and high schools and students nationwide and sex sells, the fessional organizations. only have to pay $50 to receive baby. Starring Neve According to volunteer Irene toward a college educa- Campbell, Denise Richards devised to credits Crow, the project was 99 tion." and tw dudes who matter For students involved in the very little. "Wild Things" reduced three, hood NO, I': HIV( t promises straight sex, lesbian project, SJSU has 1111)(c. ,(1111tr.,% if nit. Utliitilshoroi hair and five unit courses to sex wed, swimming pool -winning singer Vikki Carr will promote her latest a. .d finances Grammy award shots. It's rated "R" for $:350. The project having stu- album, "Emoclones," in a joint concert with Mariachi Cobre and the straight sex, lesbian sex and another $300 the per San Jose Symphony Sunday to raise money for local college hope- wet, swimming pool shots. dent with a small $50 fee

Did I mention lesbian sex? class. to SJSU Profi44sor fkulty, staff and students will ing 10,000 people at the Arena Look fiir this movie to be an According of attend because this is a different and said they may be surprised Oscar contender next year. Educational Administration and Higher Education Tony kind of concert," said Carrillo, when they see Carr's act. who is also the director of the "She is going to sing some Friday, March 20 to Carrillo. this program was creat- ed to show students with low project. "This is a community songs in English and some songs Sunday, March 22 Fans and a cultural event that will in Spanish," (%irrillo said. "It is a of the belly button should fomilv income.4 that they can Himever, allow all of the participants an diverse mix of music in harmo- check out the Rakkasah pass college courses. the ceremony may be attractive opportunity to become financial nia." Middle Eastern Dance and supporters of the Unfinished Tickets are on sale at BASS, Music Festival, for those already affiliated with otherwise Journey Project." the Arena Box Office, and the known as the world's largest Carrillo said they are expect- Symphony Box Office. celebration if belly dance at 'We are hoping that ISJSU) the Richmond Memorial The Mariachi Cobre is a 12-piece ensemble with violins, trumpets Auditorium. Overweight and guitars. The group, shown here with 11 members, will play as part women dressed like Jeanie, of the Harmonia Concert at the San Jose Arena Sunday Night. sporting happy trails while shaking. like a Jell-0 sculp- "THE hilt 1)CAGE" ture, all for your amusement. WOMEN WHO ARE PROUD FROM ThE BIRECTOR OF CINEBAR Sunday, March 22 Pat OF THEIR A DRINKIK petrson'S bar! HERITAGE. IP Benatar may soon discover tir YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE g that hell is not only for chil- , TO BE AN EGG DONOR dren, but for now, she's reliv- IF YOU ARE 21-28YR5, ing her past glory at the Where Fr4fernitic-, tit HEALTHY, RESPONSIBLE, Fillmore in San Francisco. Sororities Meet! CALL STEPHANIEOFFC Hopefully, this is the last time Also Asian Donors Needed you can catch her in concert No drugs Fighting! tir 1-800-939-6886 so go, make an old dame feel pt' good about herself. Get wild. GENEROUS COMPENSATION 69 E San 1"i';;L:Ithi'lf:r7itt-7 of 2n(1) throw your underwear and VVVVVVVVVVVVVV hotel keys tip on stage. She'll appreciate it Just don't men- tion leg warmers. Get a Room?. Monday, March 30 Than Jake, BlueI.,ss ID $89a/StudentRoom,. lu Nle;inies and Kemuri bring 000 Meg sk a to the Catalyst in lovely One or two priNons downtown Santa Cruz. huve In-Rooin eff-Cd Ahig Beds 494t Sub! Free Hot Breakfa 27-11- VCR , much rind t/ HOW MUCH ! second 6 mch Arena Hotel Valley Park Hotel ,rrnrl.e.qc .t rr(iudl or lesser 817 The Alameda, id Iron 1r, 49C 2404 Stevens Creek Blvd. San Jose (408) 293-5000 SPIN DOES Lg SUBWAY' (408) 294-6500 Free Parking Ottei 0.gomd oiler any ,Aticr rrormoon %One. ic ....lability Scone restnclions aprie l'I' TAKE

eel Soo orlot To WIN? tell or lot I 01)722.567 011ot no 00d0, promeNortal 0 ole Norm 011ot not pod on cold cot Mo. mho, 146-11


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eesut.eeeee,eeI /11111, "III I. ,,,,l music terrain parks restaurants bars and more v, htirsdav, March 19, 1998 ENTERTAINMENT l'agv This "Titanic' Hepcat brings purity to ska The album is packed with the dance floor. solid tracks of Jamaican-influ- No matter who is listening, enced ska. "Right on Time" can be put to use doesn't sink REVIEW The songs are devoid of any of best during a party. This album the gimmicks that have made should fit in anywhere. It's not so By Sharon Parks filled with instant fulfillment, other so-called ska bands so pop- slow people would start passing Staff Writer Dawson's motto, "making it tional ska band has been making ular. No Doubt, Goldfinger and out and it's definitely not fast count," holds more meaning a name for itself among ska fans Smashmouth are just a few of enough to get testosterone Almost nine decades ago, today than ever before. We for years, but has toiled in rela- the bands that have helped bas- pumping, risking a fight. the sinking of the Titanic need to slow down and tive anonymity to the rest of the tardize the sound of rock guitars "Rudies All Around" could eas- gripped the world. Now appreciate every second world. With its third major with ska horns. ily become an instant party "Titanic" the movie is we are alive and stop release it may get their break. Hepcat does not pretend to be favorite. doing the same thing. being so foolish as to Hepcat's new label Hellcat anything it is not. There are some things that There are enormous expect that we will be alive Records is run by Epitaph, the Tracks like "I Can't Wait" and the listener should be aware of metaphors buried within tomorrow. The fact that biggest independent label on the "Tommy's Song" show that in the before making this purchase. "Titanic," and James there is no guarantee ByJerendah Oshan face of the earth. Epitaph has five years since its first release Although anyone with an Cameron does a except that at this Staff Writer been able to make groups like the band's style has not changed. open mind can surely appreciate great job at reveal- moment you are NOFX and Pennywise into huge Despite this, Hepcat has been this album, those who don't like ing them to the alive and should be If you have grown tired of all bands and I see no reason why it able to secure a loyal following to be challenged by their music audience. From the making the best of the ska-core bands now polluting won't be able to do the same with from all walks of life. might not find it to their liking. egos that built an it is what any view- the airwaves, but still love ska in Hepcat. The album can be appreciated Potential buyers should also "unsinkable ship" er could take from its pure form, Hepcat may be the "Right on Time" does not by a wide variety of open-minded keep in mind that while the to the risky combi- this film. band for you. break any new ground, but it individuals, from a punk who songs are upbeat, they are not nation of optimism Watching"Titanic," Hailing from Southern does build on what Hepcat has wants to just chill out to a rude- fast. Do not buy this album look- and money, stories the time flies by California, this nine-piece tradi- already established. boy who wants to skank it up on ing for another Rancid. intertwined to cre- despite its 3-hour- ate the intrigue that and -fifteen-minute fascinates so many peo- running time. This film ple to this day. is somewhat cut in half; Pet cemeteries Hollywood style Whenever there is the first half tells a an event of such mag- beautiful story of two Hollywood (AP) When your book also became a 1965 movie The cemetery, started Sept. 4, cemetery has a crematorium, nitude, it registers on people who meet and pooch kicks off or your cat with Jonathan Winters as the 1928, is one of the oldest pet mausoleum, casket sales area such a grand scale that fall in love, the second croaks, chances are you bury cemetery director. memorial parks in California. It and flower shop. Funerals here it can be difficult to feel continues the story as Max or Fluffy in the back yard, "Beverly Hills 90210" star is operated by the not-for-profit can cost thousands of dollars, on a personal level. the ship is sinking. or let a vet handle your pet's pas- Tori Spelling's poodle, which died Sophie Corp. an acronym for although Ms. Newth refused to The characters of While people might sage to the hereafter. in 1990, is honored as "Angel Save Our Pets History in offer a price range. Jack Dawson and Rose go to see the film to Not so for Hollywood's rich Spelling" with the remembrance, Eternity. Caskets can cost up to $3,000. Dewitt-Bukater in the watch the ship sink, they and famous, who give lavish "I love you, Tori 'Mommy"' On a recent day, grave sites A grave site can be purchased for movie version of will get caught up in the burials at the pet cemetery to 's Doberman were adorned with plastic flow- about $1,000, depending on "Titanic" bring the audi- love story. The charac- the stars the 70-year-old Los pinscher, China, is beneath a ers, American flags and even whether it's big enough for a ence in on a level that ters are impossible to Angeles Pet Memorial Park in tree with a marker reading, "The playthings. A scuffed baseball horse or small enough for a bird, leaves no choice but to dislike, and they have the hills of Calabasas. Steven beauty girl." Barker has a memo- rested on the grave of a collie said one flower-bearing mourner feel the horror first A an on-screen chemistry Spielberg, Bob Barker, Jim rial to his family of cats Gato, named Stoney; stuffed animals who didn't want to give her hand. At the same time, that's the best I've ever Nabors, Bob Newhart, Diana Tomas, Paco, Amigo and Pancho. were left at others; and dog bis- name. Cameron creates one of seen. Ross, Charlie Chaplin and When the death call comes, cuits graced some. The cemetery is a clear reflec- the most beautiful love Cameron wrote, pro- Humphrey Bogart left their pets L.A. Pet Memorial Park dis- The entrance to the pet ceme- tion of the love the owners felt stories to grace the duced, directed and at the animal cemetery, where patches men in suits to fetch tery features a 4-foot-high mark- for their pets. silver screen. even edited this more than 40,000 buried beasts man's best friend or other ani- er with a long inscription, "The "You will probably find more Knowing full movie. This was keep the grass green and the mal. There's even a viewing Rainbow Bridge," connecting love here than in people ceme- well that his "baby." trees thriving. "slumber room" at the cemetery heaven and earth. teries." "Titanic" sinks, I "Titanic" is, There are other pet burial to allow proper grieving over the It reads in part: "When a was still praying without ques- grounds in Southern California, animal. beloved pet dies, the pet goes to that the ship tion, the best including Gardena's giant Pet "They wear suits and ties so this place. There is always food, would make it to Nominee film of the year, Haven with 30,000 animal they don't look like they've been water and warm spring weather. camera quite in the dirt. We give the same The old and frail animals are cinemas America with and graves. 3 S 2nd 5San Carlos 998T3300 young again. Those who are CAMERA Jack and Review possibly one L.A. Pet Memorial Park is leg- kind of service as if Uncle Harry John Sayles Abe Chns1 e Robert Duvall Rose ready of the most endary. It was depicted in Evelyn died in the living room. We give maimed are made whole again. MEN WITH AFTER THE to live a long, memorable Waugh's 1948 novel "The Loved them respect," said Ellen Newth, They play all day with each GUNS GLOW APOSTLE happy life films made One," which referred to it as a member of the pet cemetery's other." CAMERA ONE 366 S First St 998-3300 Besides the pet mortuary, the THE MOST OUTRAGEOUSLY together. in a long "Happier Hunting Grounds." The board. CONTROVERSIAL FILM In a world so time. OF 1998 KURT & COURTNEY ['ally 515 180 Er pius S14-Sun: 3O0 TOWNE 1433 7NE ALAMEDA 237 I Ti:' ':.fiVTENT/OitIALLY RUOE. CASUALLY CRYOE’" tegEGE NIGHT IS BACK!, ADDED MIDNIGHT SHOWS FRI. & SAT.! /VFW YOPA" 41144'1"01111 Exclusive South Bay Premiere 3/20-4/2! A MUCH HIGHER CALIBER THAN THE LATEST SPIKE AND MIKE UNCENSORED ANIMATION STUFF. BOTH TECHNICALLY AND CONTENT-WISE..." EVERY THURSDAY GENERAL CHAOS TAMPA WEEKLY PLANET AT 0a0v al 3017 345 pus Fr -Sal 41 MIDNIGHT LOVE & THE WINGS NIGHT WITH DEATH ON L.A. D. NO COVER ALL LONG OF THE ISLAND DOVE CONFIDENTIAL COLLEGE ID Cmema Hong Kong Wed-Thurs 3/25-26' HERO -PLUS- MAHJONG DRAGON isOISE4 CrMZ VII, 020 *ikk I OS GATOS 41 N SANTA *40 75c DRAFT BEER FROM 8-10 VANESSA REDGRAVE LEONARDO DI CAPRI(' MRS. THE MAN IN DALLO WAY THE IRON MASK '4107,4e4, ’*.* p+ DJ HIGH -C SPINING THE BAY WWW.CAMERANET.COM MUSIC GENERALICHAOS e3V4 \NiEl AREA'S BEST DANCE THE MOST IN AMERICAS ORIGINAL OUTRAGEOUSLY UNCENSORED SPORTS BAR *. the Pavillon CONTROVERSIAL FILM OF 1998 ANIMATION P. THE WORLD FAMOUS" 20 GREAT ANIMATED SHORTS FEATURING NEW WORKS FROM FLASHBAXX PRESENTS THE "DISTURBING 8, 13111_ PLYMPTON AND THE BOLEXBROTHERS, 150 SOUTH FIRST STREET LURIDLY ENTERTAINING," Pt US THE 1996 ACADEMY AWARD "WINNER "QUEST" DOWNTOWN SAN JOSE BEST 70'S & 80'S DANCE -NEWSWEEK CALL 294-5483 MUSIC FROM MIKEY MIKE MAN GA DANCE MAN "PERVERSELY 1171 ,Immr .1011, 701.1 .11 I 17 71./17 07/(74 AND THE 1,INK 4mANGAi Nii1741. 17411 N1/7174,1711.41 1.11 wow rrz n o ENTERTAINING,- ttlYNNE WM dam fAIIZMIPIT I SrAers Arawr. MAteav 20 THIS THUR DAY: -Edward Guthmann, Dally Friday Thru Thursday SF CHRONICLE ir,teitze 7 30 PM & 945 PM 1433 The Alameda 287.1433 MidnIghl Shows Enclay and Salurday NICK BROOMFIELD'S BAY MEADOWS IS THE WORD! KURT & COURTNEY FRIDAY'S ALIVE * WIN TICKETS TO WATCH GREASE AT YOU GOTTA BE THERE! PARAMOUNT'S GREAT AMERICA. Featuring Live Music & Racing * WIN T-SHIRTS.

$1 Beers $1 Sodas * WIN GREASE 20TH ANNIVERSARY Li) Si Hot Dogs POSTERS. SI Mews from 610 PM to 910 PM EXCLUSIVE SOUTH BAY * PLUS A SPECIAL PREMIERE' March 20 Daily 5 15 730 & 945 plus TRIBUTE TO Sat Sun 300.5 15 730 & 945 great Jules Brous GREASE BY THE First Race 6:45PM FLASHBAXX STAFF

West at HWY 101 off HWY 92 on San lAatao 650-574 RACE tor Group Intotmahon call 650/523 4516 or 408/292 9361 wVw.baymeadovn can Cal train stops at our door FIRST TIME IN DIGITALLY RE -MASTERED 6 -TRACK STEREO SOUND SPORTS U.S. has luck o' the Irish in boxing, 7-3 SPartan=Shorts ByJeremiah slum Stall \X titer Texas Tech Red Raiders pillage U.S. hum,rs showed why they Spartan softball in DH sweep should he considered among the hest in the world Thursday Tilt. Sall -lose State scored it lien "moor Kara Kantiev evimIng. ersii', sottliall team driipped lot into .1 fielder's choice. Ireland was out-hoxed to the a pair of Liatii, s 1,, Texas Tech at That same conibination came tune of a 7-3 victory ilir the 5.151 Fall \t, ednesdav after- through tor the Spartans again United States. with throe unani- kin in the bottion of the third when mous decisions. three RSCs The first garne t.t., as II pitcher's Whilcimick led if the inning Referee Stopped Contest) and duel t loch the lied won with a double and canto to the one disqualified Irish boxer. it iitli A rim in the top of the plate when Iiattney singled )Iympic-style boxing was on intimg Texas Tech VaS l'exas Ticli came hack with display at the San Jose Civic al In. pitcher .\111,iiiila lentro, singlt. runs in the top of the Auditorium when the Emerald ii hi. tipped her rei to I:i 4 for fimrtlt and fifth innings, Isle and Uncle Sam squared off Anil Allowed only adding a pair of insurance Tanis fi,r the 21st time since 1978 in three hits III I Ile TIT itt 111i. si.V..11th tio fr, int of 1,663 h' ins. S.1S1' pitcher Niki Zenger s;iw setalri. )ut side the venue, Irish pro- Iii'! record drop to oil the Sabrina Quintero absorbed tester, picketed and bagpipes %ear lack of run support the loss for the Spiirtims. Iler could heard front blocks away. made Zeriger the hard luck loser record is now 2-2 Inside the venue. there was in a game in which she pitched The Spartans ,10 12 will hiit hardly a dry palate :is it seemed well 011.110110 win rival l'resito Stiite in as though every seat came com- In the second gAine. botli a doubleheader 1Vednesday plete with a beer. teams scored in the first liming liewilning at 1 pin it SJSU The matches consist three, S.ISU scored %% hen freshman laId two and -a half minute rounds ( .S11.11t,1111).111l 1)evyn Whitcariack led off the //corns Kno_dit and the boxers wear head gear. inning with a walk She later Sim rtim She,rts Iii fioither protect the lighters, Boxer Sean Barrett of Cork. Ireland, connects a powerful blow to the back of Reggie Davis during judges are more likely to stop a Thursday Night's USA-Ireland Dual held at the San Jose Civic Auditroium, Reggie Davis went on to win it tight it the first sign a fighter is Game One .1 Game Two the bout due to disqualification, weakening -Tin, is building up to the the routine of bobbing and weav- in the eighth bout of the night. D(.1.(.11S(. was fan. in the first iIyinpics;' said Kevin Neuendorf: ing but was able to land enough By midway through the first round which appeared to favor mocha relations dinvtor for USA punches to open a cut over round, Kevin Walsh of Ireland Dunne. The crowd seemed tO (if -Nliist of these guys are McCloskey's eye. The decision had been forced to take a knee ni""" 1ht ;02191,SIVelleSs the the first or second best guys in was 3-0. after absorbing a vicious (Nei.- fighters :is chat its of -1' 5 A- and their weight class in the coun- "I IV WaS11.T coming to me,- hand right. The Smith connec 'Ircianir ertipti.d it 111(. 1.11(1 ut try- lie added that the same said Kemp ibout the first round. tun forced a cut to open under Tln. round. Spring 8reak Sparta, Geuftes went tor the Irish boxers. 'I knew I had the decision in the Walsh's eye, prompting an exam Dunne si.1.111ed tiu senS(. Vidi Before the start of the fights, second round. lie wits trying to by the ring -side physician. ry its he began shuffling his feet For those of you not going to Tahiti or Hawaii on Spring Break, the both teams entered the ring and weave, but ht. couldn't hang with Th, physician let him 1:0111,111- Th(. dancing seemed to pump following games are being played at home (or close to home) They exchanged gins. After the pleas- my jab.- III but, 25 seconds Mb) the sec- Perez up, which may have influ- enced his strong finish in round could use the support, and it's free with your student ID. antries. both national anthems It began to look like the ond round Walsh was again on sung and the fighters got United Stittes might win every his knees after absorbing anoth- two. Times TliA were Baseball in Sacramento ready to rumble. remaining match, as a team it er barrage of Smith blows. Perez was unable to carry his Nlarch 25 ;it I p tim Fresno March 21 at 7 p.111. March 22 Ann Tican Keith Kemp fought led 4-1. The Irish crowd, which "They'd u the judges) taken it momentum into the final round. State 11)11) at 5.151' Field. 23 at 1 p m s San Diego perhaps the most strategically had been extremely vocal COLlphe itway from us," Smith The fighting came in flurries State at Municipal Stadium both, but Perez ended up Water Polo sound tight of the evening. throughout the first three said. -I didn't want to leave it up from March 27 at 7 p.m.. :March 28 matches, had been silenced. to t hem.- spending most of the time on the March 21 at 11 a In. VS For the entire first round, at 1 p.tn. WED vs Brigham two consecutive Irish vic- Even though the United ropes. St allfnrd it t /1(. ACILlaTICS I .(.11t(T. Kemp kept his punching to it But Young University at :Municipal tories by Robert M o tray and States ultimately prevailed, Dunne won unanimously 3-0, Mardi 25 at ilayNviird State 111111111111111 and his moving to a Stadium. two of the at 11 iini ITIIIXII1111111 EV(.11 though there Frank O'Brien re-energized the Ireland struck the first blow The final fights March 24 at 2 p tn. vs Saint early, Nlorch 25 vs. San State, ' were scattered boos. Kemp stuck Irish fans. With the United with :in early win. evening were stopped Mary's at Saint Mary'- in the tub' TliA at tin. Aquatics to his game plan and baited Paul States lead down to 4-3, the The 119-pound matchup much to the chagrin of In I enter I McCloskey into missing several night became interesting again. between Saul Perez of Oxnard apparently intoxicated crowd. The liiri-pound Quinton and Bernard Dunne of Dublin, both bouts, the decision wits Softball March 29 vs. Long lieach log swings. Smith. :mother American, Ireland, started off with both stopped by the referee due ti 2(1. and 22 CM State. I TliA :it the Aquatics 'Ile next two rounds belonged March 21 seemed to fight with a purpose fighters swinging wildly. injuries to the Irish boxers State Sacramento Tournament Ciatter entirely to Kemp. Ile continued



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The SPARTAN DAILY YEAR ROUND INFANT/TODDLER TEACHERS high quality, licensed DRIVERS NEEDED br sew Dortino's makes no claim for products or & Preschool Programs looking for drop-in childcare centers for 2-12 Pizza store! Make extra cash! ANNOUNCEMENTS TRAVEL RENTAL HOUSING WORD PROCESSING MYY1086 advertised Wow nor Is creative, energetic teachers and year olds. Earn up to $9-$14/hr. Need car. there any guarantee Implied. The substitutes. Available FT &PT an & Flex PT/FT positions Insurance, DL, Good DMV. Call TERM PAPER? THESIS? DISCOUNTED ROUNDTRIP TICKET 2 BEIRM. APARTMENT- $950/ MO. DO YOU HATE TO TYPE?? devilled columns of the Spartan pm lw positions. Excellent benefits. Days, Eve, Weekends Rick after 4pm. 408.448-3722. RESEARCH MATERIALS NEEDED? to anywhere, Southwest Airlines. Security type building OR NOT HAVE TIME TO TYPE?? Daly consist of paid advertising Come join our team. Los Gatos Jcc, Min 6 ECE required Domino's - 1659 Branham Lane, www.csmonitorcom Expires 3/25. Ma 408/293-5088. Secure Parking Tenn papers, thesis, resumes, and ofIerings are not approved or Holly (408)358-3636 x 39. EOE. Team environment Pulitzer Prize Winning Close In group proectsetc. I have a verified by the newspaper. Benefits available ACTON DAY NURSERY/PRIMARY Christian Science Monitor EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Modem Building typewriter to complete your ASSISTANT: 5-20 HOURS/WEEK Call Corp Office 260-7929. PLUS seeking F/T & P/T Teariinrs Including News Archives Online. EUROPE- SUMMER '98 Laundry Room applications for mad/law school, etc. Database entry/maintenance and Aides. Substitute positions Pre-recorded info: 867.8255. WESTCOAST DEP'S - $478 fl/f' Village Apartments Will transcribe your taped EMPLOYMENT Word Perfect and ACT. STUDENT Vor PRO THERAPISTS are also available that offer flex,. Mexico/Canbb $209.8249 R/T 576 South Fifth Street interviews or research notes. 880 and The Alameda. for Autistic girl. $12+/hour, more ble hours. ECE units preferred but STUDENT DENTAL PLAN I HAWAII 5119 o/w 14081 295-6893. Fax Machine Notary Public. PART-TIME HELP NEEDED Call 1-888-908.7456 x 9200. for experience. Paid training. Part- not required. Please contact Only $57.00 per year. Call 415-834-9192 Call ANNA at 972-4992. Position available in Sunnyvale time afternoons & weekends. Cathy at 2441968 x16. Save 30% 60% http://www.airhilch.org 780 SO. 11TH STREET APTS. Optometry office. Will train. Great PT CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-5pm, Please call 408/946-8211. on your dental needs. Large 2 bdrm/2 bath. Very clean, *AFFORDABLE& EXPERIENCED* Opportunity! 408/739-3588. M -F. Answer phones, It. clerical. TEACHER INSTRUCTOR For info call 1 800 655-3225. Security type bldg. Laundry, cable, Graduate Studies, Thesis, Term Nr SJSU. Call Lisa 408275-1784. TEACHERS AND AIDES wanted. P/T-Elementary Schools. SPORTS/ THRILLS ample parking. Walk or ride bike to Papers, Nursing, Group Projects, MINATO JAPANESE RESTAURANT Small World Schools has Part- Degree or Of:dental NOT Required. school. Responsive management. Rearres, Al Formats. Specializing now accepting applications for OVUM DONORS NEEDED Time and Full -Time, a.m. and Opportunity fa Teaching Experience EVENTS 100% PURE ADRENALINE! We take advance deposits to hold in APA. Spelling/Grammar/ servers. Fun Job! Please apply at Women ages 2129, healthy, p.m., permanent and summer Need Car. There is nothing compared to an apartment. 8995-$1045/mo. Punctuation/ Editing. 24-y vs Bp. 617 N. 6th St. 998.9711. responsible, all nationalities. positions available. Units in CD, Wice Mai: (40E)287.4170 et 408 MISSING SOMETHING? the exhilaration experienced by Call 288.9157 WP 5.1/HP laser. PAM'S Give the gift of life! ECE, Psych, Soc. or Rec required. EOE/ME Need a spintual boost? skydiving! Tandem, Accelerated PFiCESSIONAL WORD PRCCESSIM YMCA OF Santa Clara Valley now $3,000 stipend & expenses paid. If you are interested in working Need a break? Try Out: Freefall. Turbine Aircraft. 247 2681. 8am.8pm. hiring for summer camp staff & bus Bonus for Chinese & Japanese donors. with a high quality child care BICYCLE MESSENGER The Enlightenment Support Group SJSU student owned & operated. SHARED HOUSING drivers. We offer Day Camps, Travel PLEASE CALL INWFC company cell 408-379-3200x 21. Part-time, Flexible Hours. Ongoing Sundays 6:00PM BAY AREA SKYDIVING CALL LINDA FOR PROFESSIONAL Camps, Speciality Camps, Sports 800-314-9996 $50 Hiring Bonus! @The Book Café Center 1-510.634-7575. ROOMS AVAILABLE in San Jose WORD PROCESSING. Camps & much more!!! Call the DRIVING INSTRUCTORS Teach Great for Students! 3483.95 S. Bascom State University Club. Located The.sesTerm PapersResumes ing YMCA near yOU for more information. SKIM INSTRUCTORS/UFEGUARDS one on one in company car. Good Serving Downtown SanJose. 14081978-8034 conveniently close to campus Grat Projects aft" Central (San Jose) 408-298-1717. Los Gatos Swim and Racquet driving & teaching skill. HS Grad, Inner City Express. GnostaAll fatths & interdencrrinationa INSTRUCTION on the corner of 8th and San All formats, including SPA 4th Ed. Northwest (CuPerlino) 408-257-7160, Club. Must have CPR. First Aide, Clean DMV, No Criminal Record. 22W. Saint John St. San Jose. Others say: "Its always new and vital." Salvadore. Quiet, comfortable Laser Printer, Experienced, Southwest (Saratoga) 408.370-1877, and Lifeguard training certificate. No exper. nec. Training provided. "It supports me in my life..." ARGENTINE TANGO Wednesdays residence, Limited to faculty, staff Dependable, Quick Return. South Valley (So. S1)408-226.9622. WSI preferred for instructors. Custom hours pt/ft. Good pay. DIRECTORS, TEACHERS & AIDES 1 get in contact with the real me." Classes at Germania Restaurant rY visiting scholars. at 293-1735. Almaden, Branham area. rift Need experienced Children's 999W. San Carlos St. 971-7557. Thinking about a career working "I experience wholeness." 261 N. 2nd St. Si Beg 7:000m, (408i 2E14504. Pur LAW OFFICE - NEEDS COURIER. Swim Team Asst. Coach. Amy in www.deluxedriving.com with elementary age children? The Suggested Donation: Int 8:00 pm, Dancing 9:00-11:00. We supply gas & car. Must have person, 14700 Oka Road, Los YMCA of Santa Clara Valley is The price you pay for a movie. 510 (85w/student ID) 408.293-7934. HOUSE FOR SALE to valid driver's license. Part-time Gatos, CA. (408) 356-2136. NOW HIRING PAINTERS $6.50. now hiring for school-age child HEALTH & BEAUTY $7.00 per hour. Call 244-4200. $10.00/hour. Marketer up to care centers in San Jose, Cupertino. EXPLORING YOUR FAITH IN GOD? PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST now DOES YOUR FRAT d DRIVING INSTRUCTOR PT/FT $15/hr. Call now! 408-939-3369. Santa Clara. Los Gatos & Milpitas. Have questions? accepting students who wish to NEED MORE ROOM?? ELECTROLYSIS CUNIC. $ TELESALES GOLF $ Will Train. Must have clean DMV. Full & part-time positions available. Curious? evel in playing guitar or bass. All Restored Victorian residence Unwanted hair removed forever. of $10 per hour mnirrxrn bonuses Flexible hours. Call 363-4182. SECURITY - ACUFACTS, INC. hours flexible around school. Fun Need a study break" levels welcome: Beginning, just half a block from campus now Specialist. Confidential. Si State Location Immediate Openings Start Today! NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY staff teams, great experience *Make friends, have fun! Intermediate or Advanced. Learn available for sale. Currently used Your own probe or disposable. t 5 hour shift 3prn-8pm Great for Students. in working with elementary age *DINNER 8 DISCUSSION any style: Jazz. Blues. Rock, as student housing. Ideal for 335 S. Baywood Ave. San Jose. Contact James 40E3295-4810 INTERNET SOLLMONS COMPANY F/T or P/T. All shifts. children, career advancement and Every Wednesday, 530.7:00pm Fusion, Funk. Reggae, or Folk. fraternity annex, Large parlor. 247-7486. et.. Seeks HTML & Java Programmers. We pay 0/T after 8 hours! good training opportunities. Student Union. Pacheco Room Call Bill at 408 298 6124 remodeled kitchen, inside laundry. tip RETAIL - MALM LUGGAGE in No experience nec. but knowledge Top Pay with Many Benefits! Teachers require minimum 6 units (Except 3/11.4/8 Montalvo Rin) ample parking Call for details and LOSE WEIGHT, FEEL GREAT!!! 111- Valley Fair Mall now hiring. Asst. of HTML and indepth knowledge Call 408286-5880 oratory in person. in ECE, Recreation, Psychology. ’ Everyone Welcome! POLONSKY PIANO SCHOOL a private showing. Mike Gordon, Natural. Doctor recommended. manager and P/T sales. Flexible of C a plus. Flex schedule. 10.20 7am to 7pm 7 days a week Sodologe and/cr Physical Education. Episcopal Canterbury Community 30 Years Teaching Experience Broker 510-426-8200. George lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks! nd hours. Great atmosphere. Call hrs/week. Rates: 812+ but neg. 555 D Meridian Ave. Si. Please call Beth Profio at 408- 408.293.2401, ABLangeeeol.com Dr. Viktor and Anna Polonsky Free samples. 408/7920323. Cindy @ 2447370 or stop by! based on skill & exp. Resumes to 291-8894 for more information http://rnembers.aoLoom/F_piax neat Russian Trained Concert Pianists his [email protected] or fax to 650- OPPORTUNITY TO EARN $4725 and locations. Professors of Piano TUTORING MEN & WOMEN PART-TIME WORKER wanted for 328-4350. Prefer CS major/minor. Education Award through Amen. National Teachers Guild Assn. PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL a tableware store inside of Yaohan corps at the San Jose Conserva- IMMEDIATE OPENINGS AUTO SERVICES National Suzuki Assn. ENGUSH TUTOR Stop shaving. waxing, tweezing it's Plaza (Saratoga & Moorpark). ASSEMBLE 8 TEST hydraulic tion Corps. Seeking selfmotivated Receptionist. Office Clerk INDIVIDUAL PIANO LESSONS Speaking, Wnting & Editing or using chemnals. Let us up Japanese speaker preferred. Call product line. Knowledge of small individuals to work with "at risk" Sales, Customer Support WADES DYNAMIC Starting $20/hr. Expenenced with the needs permanent), remove your 408.2538185 for details. handtools & light machining a youth for year-long positions. High Technician, Testing Optr. AUTO BODY REPAIR Call 408241-6662 of Foreign Studerits unwanted hair. Bari, Chest Lip :he plus. Other duties include light School diploma required & ability Warehouse Clerk "Where quality is a must" in Santa Clara fry your Credentialed Teacher 8, M.A Bikini Chin Tummy etc. CLERICAL Personal Asst need office work, shipping & receiving. to get class B license. $6.25 Call 408/94243866 'Specializing in ronor and FREE FIRSTLESSON-INTERVEW Cali Jessica i4081978.8034 Students & faculty receive 1511, -0. ed by computer magazine author. Team player mentality a must. hourly plus benefits. Full/Parttime. or fax to 408/942-8260 mid-size damage 'Free detailing discount First amt. 1/2 price if P/T 88lean n MS Offne. Qbooks, etc. Campbell, CA. Fax resume to: Call Joe 408/2837164. EOE. Electronix Staffing Services, EOE 'Free pick up 'Free delivery made before 53098 Hair Today .he Res, transaipts. & fitly requirements 408/370-5743. 1778 Clear Lake Ave. Milpitas ' Free estimates Insurance Work SERVICES COMPUTERS ETC. Gone Tomorrow, 621 E. dy, to RTI. 5201 Great Amenca Prkwy, DIRECTORS, TEACHERS & AIDES Hwy 680 exit Landess Ave. ' All makes & models Campbell Ave #17. Campbell. .he Suite 320, Santa Clara 95054 DAYCARE TEACHERS. K-8 school Thinking about a career working tum left at Clear Lake Ave. We accept: Visa. Master Card. QUICKRESUME SERVICE COMPUTER RENAISSANCE (408) 379-3500 seeks responsible individuals for with elementary age children? The Discover & American Express You need an exceptional resume Ar, buy. sell & trade computers, In WORK STUDY JOBSIM extended daycare. P/T in the YMCA of Santa Clara Valley is SECURITY Phn: 408/287 8337 to set yourself apart from other 496, Pentium, Mac. & Notebooks. LOSE WEIGHT FOR THE SUMMER Alliance for Community Care is a afternoon. No ECE units are now hiring for school -age child Full and Part Time Positions 440 N. First St. 11120 San Jose students because exceptional Refurbff equipment is warranted. Safe and fast, all herbal Free to leading non-profit provider of mortal required. Previous experience with care centers in San Jose. Cupertino, Graves, Swings and Weekends resumes get noticed by recruiters. 5263 Prospect Rd Si hi-iv. tivis consultation 30 day money back health services in the Santa Clara children preferred. Please contact Santa Clara, Los Gatos & Milpitas. Low key job sites Differentiation is the key. We, at 85 & 280 near Lawn., e Expv. 408 '792 3480 Valley. We have immediate Cathy at 244-1968 x16. Full& part time positions available. Will train INSURANCE QUICKRESUME tailor make your 408-873-8070 openings in the following areas' hours flexible around school. Fun Abcom Private Secuntv professional resume according to Mental Health Aide HELP NEEDED TO CARE FOR staff teams, great experience 408-247-4827 Auto Insurance your background, education, work Office Asst. SPECIAL NEEDS YOUNG ADULT. in working with elementary age LOW RATES expenence. & your held of expertise Computer Aide Salary negotiable. bye in or out children, carve' advancement and BARTENDER TRAINEES NEEDED SR 22's on the Same Day A good resume w.11 put your r',.ariter San lose, Morgan Hill Requirements: Applicants must good traNing opportunities. Earn to $25.00/hr salary tips. on the right had, Rate - 519.95. &Palo Alto Locations( have patience and a good heart. Teachers require minimum 6 units Students needed in the immediate Hinng Now Bilingual you get a resume as a Microsoft Daily Must have prior approval for Must be able to watch her in the in ECE. Recreation, Psychology. area. Full-time/part time openings. (English, Spanish) WORD document on a disk & five Federal Work Study through afternoon after school. 3 or 4 Sociology and/a Physical Education. Call today 1 650 968 9933. printed copies of your resume on the Financial Aide Office* days per week until father gets Please call Beth Prof io at 408- International Bartenders School. Plift 408247 3734 Quality paper Fax service available Call Nikki @ (408) 254-6828x201 home. Also on weekends when 291.8894 for more information FAX: 408.247 5417 Please call (4081 395 3544. CROSSWORD EOE father is working. PREFER FEMALE and locations evenings. 4prh 10pm. APPLICANTS !! For more info or an FUNDRAISING AUTO INSURANCE ACROSS SECRETARY P/T 130-S:30 M-F interview, please call Allan at TELEMARKETING PT/FT. We Campus Insurance Service CHILDCARE. CLOSE TO CAMPUS. PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED in downtown Si. WP 5.1. DOS exp 408.810.8900 or 40139236900. sell discount subcriptions to Bay RAISE $500 IN ONE WEEK. Special Student Programs Reasonable rates by hour. day. 1 MR-1 IplillS snit?, helpful. Fax resume to J. Lollis at Area newspapers. Auto dialers. Fundraising opportunities Serving SJSU for 20 years week Call Ida, 2781046 6 Short nail 10 Bdkery huy 286.7342, ATTENTION Flexible hrs, 9am 9pm. Downtown available. No financial obligation "Great Rates for Good Drivers" DOMMU MOM BRUME! Education and Science Majors near lightral 4 blocks from SJSU. Great for clubs. "Good Rates for NonGood Drivers" *TAX PREPARATION 487-32O3 14 Put save up UMMEIM BOO MMUMO SWIM INSTRUCTOR/UFEGUARD SCIENCE ADVENTURES Hourly $$ plus bonus. Media For more information call SPECIAL DISCOUNTS R D Rose Assoc. 50 Airport Pkwy 15 S shaped City of San Jose, Office of is looking for enthusiastic Promotions 4944200. 1888151 APlus ext. 51. "Good Student" "Faintly Multicar" hedule your appointment molding 111(111011:111115101111:4 IMBI12113112 Therapeutic Services. Eve & Sat. instructors for our aft erschool CALL TODAY 296.5270 Day Evening Weekend 16 VVriter \Mosel MEM DOOM CIUMIXIM First Aide, CPR & Lifeguard Science Clubs & Summer Camps. CRUISE & LAND TOUR JOBS FREE QUOTE Co r outentedUcensedBonded 17 Stoneworker BOOM NM le Departed training required. WSI preferred. K 6th Grade. Will Train. Earn to 12,000/month, Free wort NO HASSLE MOIIIMM CIMOOMIMO travel (Europe. Caribbean. 19 Quarry Call Heidi Andersen 2670200. $15/hr. etc.). NO OBLIGATION WRITING HELP. Fast professional MOW@ 01;100 MMOOM To Apply Please Call Get the #1 source! Ring: 19191 Also open Saturdays 9 2. rownting. Rhustwnt, 20 Alias Certain advertisements in OMOU MOMMM VETERINARY ASSISTANT, reliable 18002139796. 9331939 ext. C238. Essay-. .rtters applp at... 21 f oracle crop MOO these columns may refer the person needed 25-32 hrs/week, STUDENT AUTO INSURANCE .-4 A--paracius part MUMMO EINIBM OMMIA reader to specific telephone some exp. helpful. 374 6114 or TEACHERS/AIDES/LEADERS $1500 weekly potential mailing LOW COST AUTO INSURANCE 'r ',ire placrs M1111;11211111110 CIOMOM numbers or addresses for . AIl,or fax 374-6295. Elem. school age rec. program. our circulars. Free information. 'Low Down , Monthly Payinents D.pd. Bph 'it additional information. 510-601-9554. 111014 IlICIMCI P/T from 2-6pm. M F during the Call 410 783.8272. No Driver Refused VISA/MasterCard. FAX E-Mall ., An rl,ryingly Classified readers should be 01011200 OOMM OIAM SHIPPING/REC - PT. Fast paced school year. Some P/T morning 'Cancelled or Rejected proper persi in reminded that, when making Plmbg distr. Nr SJSU. Flex hrs. positions available from approx. $ EARN EXTRA CASH $ Dui "Suspended License rl ',errs MORIBICI MOMMEIM01130 Exp. a r. Call Lisa 408275-1784. 7am lIan. F/T during summer day up to $600/month' these further contacts, they 'Accidents 'Tickets f.' Ar ting group Oli112111110 01:111 01:21MMIE should require complete VEHICLES FOR SALE camp prog. %Int salary. no ECE Become a Sperm Donor, Immediale SR Filings , I I Ming for social 647. I S Information before can olio gicusiim PROGRAMMER - WhINT DD units req. Los Gatos Saratoga Rec Healthy males. 19.40 years old. sending 'Good Driver Discount 17 Robin Hoods money for goods or services. CONVENIENCE developer needed by MIT author Dept. Call Jart at 3M 8700 L223. Univ. Students/Grads/Faculty Non 'Owner Operator NEW TOYOTA C.AR:, rtril..FAS weapon In addition, readers should and 15 yr veteran programmer. Not available school yea" Call for Contact California Cryobank 8ain- 8pm, Monday Saturday Gr.1.1A Prr6r.r.thew,r,rrns 39 Tina Turner s er substitute carefully investigate all firms Will train. Req: Win32, summer employ: lifeguards, camp 1 650 324 1900, M F. 8.4:30. Frert Phone Quote, th, Ad & Save 40 'Mr Speck DOWN 14 Phi nles offering employment listings $$ Windows kernel familiarity. Res. leaders. pert. & cultural arts camp) Call Ii Now (inv. Vvith portrayer 1 Cass Eliut IS I Iv htrth orcoupons for discount transcripts. & salary requirements VALET PARKING Local company -4408) 241-5400 42 Bandleader .` Writer D.nesen -16 Aiv win vacations or merchandise. BOB MANN to RTI, 5201 Great Amenca Prteery. CRUISE SHIP 8 LAND-TOUR .1065 looking for people. Flexible ALL COVERAGE INSURANCE 1-888-944-5170 Brown i i C.,itastrophe,, Phoericiaii , ily 43 Gain entry Ii Suite 320, Santa Clara 95054. Excellent benefits. World Travel. schedule. PT/FT. Earn $8.00 to '14+ 4 ,ititi Like, , 18 Poll..rls Ask us howl 517.324 3090 ext. $15 per hour. 867 7275. 46 Mast response 41 It 810111311100 EDUCATION Mimi= C60411. 47 Car-Olaf 5 F eels itomeiti, hr ages 6 mo-5 yrs. Classes are with 48 Pay no IS of London 4.4 F .1Ores-. & without parents. Skills needed aneralOPIO 7 Novelist ,larmes 45 t .irn. .tr ..'Sin' to lead group include songs. games. SO Of the Fr Firenze .".m. 1 ' i i,r,r some basic tumbling & Etzmnastics. siall,P1,1Itaal I Mild Pla,i, Ip p Variety of tomes 8, days available. 53 (.0fIsIMPs condalipPt .11 Fi.torl :OR NNFIONAL / AGENCY KNIFES cAl.i. 408-924-3277 Call Pate! 408 370 1877x16 DAILY CLASSIFIED - LOCAL RATES 54 IS.nd ii soil 10 (.arry Southwest YMCA. 57 Playill martlIP It (.priipIP41 p Pima,' P I 60 Writer Morrison shade mow ITEM bet. President Print your ad here. Line is 30 spaces, including letters, numbers, punctuation & spaces between words. 61 Early morning 12 Suit niateri& ,1 unerii . 1,, Recruiting student leaders to work 62 Geography I 3 Sides ,rir i ....' i ir ir .r, A , 10 hours per week for the Office I I,ISS f0.11IIICI (ilall( is 4, ..,, of Student Interns to the President. 64 Part of A D 22 Electoral on.1 '-. I ',1', ' Work as a liaison for SJSU JUUJUCIUCILILIULLILJLIJLIJUJLILJUJUJLILIJLI 65 Corium- ntator ;fa Weighed clow 'ir'irrer President Robert Caret attending Si','.,, id 2, IM4,81i ar , .,r, P" student organization meetings. sarne LILLILILJUCILLILILLILLILILILILIUJUULLAUJUULIJ 66 I ill' :I" DislriPlar, Th. awl,' setting up student meetings with SPals ,_Iris ',6 r.,o the President, and forwarding 67 Ihin :'.,A bine 58 ft is. r LIULILLIUJLILILILILIJLILILILILIJLIULILLILLIJUJJ ,,,, student concerns to the President. 68 Slat i I H, ,irll . , verbal and written Excellent 69 Portions , t Ii f eel,. , vr, , 1. , .. 1, he .1 communications skills needed, ULILILLILILILLILLILIJLE:LILKILEJLILIJLIL-ILILILLI11 medir me "I P, tat,. computer literacy highly desirable. --k Flexible hours, $8.00 per hour. Nat/1n Deadline for Applications' April 6, Ad Rates: 3 -line minimum Please check 11111111.1111 1111.01. ' 11 1998 by 4:00pm in the President's One Two Three Four Five Arlaross one classification: Office, Tower Hall 206. Questions Day Days Days Days Days 111 or for more information. call 3 lines $S $7 $9 $11 $13 i,,ampus Clubs' Rental Housing 11’I 924-2981. NI 4 lines Housing' il 56 $10 Greek Messages' Shared $8 $12 $14 1 Pn. . TELEMARKETING POSITIONS 5 lines Si $9 $11 $13 $15 Events' Real Estate iiimi available. Easy hours. Good 6 tines $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 Announcements' Services' money. Ask for Mike, 261 1323. Send check or money order to- $1 for each additional line Lost and Found.' Health/Beauty' Spartan Daily Classifieds Volunteers' SportsTrinlls INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT University limi After the lath day, rate increases by $1 per day SanJoee State Ward to teach basic conversational For Sale' Insurance First line (25 spaces) set in bold /or no extra charge San Jcee. CA 95192-0149 NMI English in Japan. Taiwan & S Autos Ey Sae Entertainment' li Additional words available in bold for $3 each Korea? Excellent earnings + bone Classified desk is located in Dwight Benlel Hall Room 209 Computers Etc Travel lIl il al Milli fits potential. Ask us howl (517 Deadline 10 00 an, two weekdays before publication iii dm 324.3123 ext .160411. SEMESTER RATES Wanted' Tutoring' III II All ads are prepaid No refunds on cancelled ads Employment Word Processing iii 3-9 hnes. $70 10-14 lines: $00 MI Rates for consecutive publications dates only di NATIONAL PARK EMPLOYMENT 15-19 lines $110 Opportunities Scholarships UU Work in the Great Outdoors. IBQUESTIONS? CALL (406) 924-3277 Forestry. Wildlife Preserves, Con dUU ill Cessionaires, Firefighters & more Special student rates available for these classifications. $5.00 for a 3 line ad for 3 days. Ads must be placed in person Competitive wages benefits in DBH 209, between 10am and 2pm. Student ID required. al NMI till11110 Ask us how! 517 324 3110 en **Lost & Found ads are offered free, 3 lines for 3 days, as a service to the campus community ill N60411. illuum ill II Page 8 NEWS I Inn sclirs. h !ft, 1998 Working overtime I kik the Oscar winners, 101 Will

Kate Bt.,' NH. Winslet As Good As It Gets Titanic and Leonardo The Full Monty DiCaprio in Titanic Good Will Hunting L.A. Confidential Iles! I or test Matt Damon (Good Will Supporting Hunting) tutor Robert Duvall (The Apostle) Robert Forster Peter Fonda (Ulee's Gold) () Dustin Hoffman (Wag the Dog) Anthony Hopkins Jack Nicholson (As Good As It (Amistad) Gets) Actor Robert Mold Greg Kinnear (As Good As It Best tress Gets) Burt Reynolds Helena Bonham Carter (Boogie Nights) (The Wings of the Dove) Robin Williams Julie Christie (Afterglow) (Good Will Hunting) Judi Dench (Mrs. Brown) lit. I:III r r. r Ill 1).111\ Chris Constantin, far right, looks on as his uncle Constantin Gunduans, his brother George, and Helen Hunt (As Good As It his father set up one of his signs at the Seventh Street Plaza in the early morning hours Wednesday. Gets) Ilest ..1( tress Ifelen !hint Kate Winslet (Titanic) Supporting Debate: Two-hour question, answer Best Direct or 'l ross ph. of how ht. has repeatedly another promise Peter Cattaneo (The Full Monty) Continued from page 1 Constantin Kim Basinger "gone to hat" for SJSU made to students. (L.A. Gus Van Sant (Good Will Hunting) the candidates squirm ii little." "I don't want S.ISt' to just be Madden ventured out into the Confidential) Presidential candidates seemed a bunch of buildings with stu- crowd tic make students aware of Curtis Hanson (L.A. Confidential) pleased with the event, despite dents.- I mstant 01 said lie also his status as a married student. Joan Cusack the disatipiiinting turnout. it he :,...1ritod 1i) ..xIond add Ile talked about wia king with a Atom Egoyan (The Sweet Hereafter) (In & Out) Ikather l'ook (Blue & Gold i drop lover book diverse population as a CPR Party) and Chris Constantin eilticatur. James Cameron (Titanic) Gloria Stuart (SJSU Party) liaind it to be a "We don't want to have a (Titanic) learning 1..7{ [wrier-wt.. Both said 66 'McDonald's education' where Minnie Driver that issues were hi-might up they We don't want to our degrees are just given a rub- were unaware of ber stamp.- he said Nlajor goals Best Si reenplit) I Ilaterial l'retions1) Proilifteil or Polilisheilt (Good Will Marc Madden I Diverse have a 'McDonald's included opening up the bottom Hunting) Student Affiliates) and Cliff flour of the Seventh St reel Cunningham (tilde's...talent I also education' where Garage tor mght students and Donnie Brasco L.A. Confidential Wag the Dog Julianne Moore (Boogie Nights) said they found it infOrmative. putting a warning light on the The Sweet Hereafter The Wings of the Dove but said they vmuld have pre our degrees are just exit of the Fourth Street Garage. ferred a more Mrmal debate. given a rubber Bucking t trend, Cunningham The night started out with a ,einain seated hi delicer quick run-down of what A.S. stamp. Teech lie pointed to his lIest Screviiplit) 111611mi Biro I Ii for the SiTeent Matt lai.k Donlon and the introducticin of the pres of experience as a motor asset and Ben idential candidates who then Marc Madden because "student service has As Good As It Gets Boogie Nights came up and were allowed five- tailed you." A//lick in Diverse Student Good Will minute speeches. "I am the only candidate who Deconstructing Harry Cook spoke first and Affiliate, presidential Minting cited her s ill press the big issues." said The Full Monty Good Will Hunting past experience as her major carirle Into Cunningham. who was the only asset. "I fiaight tooth and nail fiir candidate to tell attendants not student rights in the Academic to vote for his opponi,nts. Senate," Cook said. "I intend to Vice presidential candidates first 211 entrants It orrei g.11111S the put more computers on campus and Mod prices and double the came next :mil largely mirrored IrI 1111 R itucel)Imice speech without increasing fees." She Endowment Fund The Fund is the opinions of their respective also said that she intends to an account used to give scholar- president s. No con t rid lers ti inners from the Mime eight categories Rill a SIII gift rerlificalr In lrIla Ilia in San lose. start having "town Ilan meet- ships to "student leaders.- A showed up and seven candidates ings" if elected. recruitment center, where corn- for various director positions All entries must be submitted to the Spartan Daily office at Dwight Bentel Hall, Room 209 by Friday at Ciinstantin talked about his patio's could 1.10..r a database to part na pat ed In the two- hour 5 p.m. Submissions must include entrants names and phones numbers. Winners will be contacted by fight to keep ROT(' is one exam - find qualified students, was event March 31, 1998. Sponsored by the Spartan Daily, staff and immediate family are excluded. _ V.P.: Candidates on SJSU job trail VOTE TODAY! VOTE TODAY! VOTE TODAY! - has taken him from Japan to the becomes Continued from page 1 our environment Be Prepared to Vote - Check out the 1998 Philippines tic his current post as more computive technologically of the job entails finding creative associate vice president for acad- and globally," Esteban said. N'oter Information Guide and don't forget to solutions to problems of long emic affairs and dean of gradu- F:stebaii feels his experience term academic dovidopment ate st ;it Arkansas Tech IN a teacher makes hint 'tipl.Cial- "In plain English, this means, t nivel sit I le said he is rvady tic I), suited for the new Joh. where do you want to invest get back to the place he often vis- "Keeping may hand in teaching VOTE TODAY!! scar«, ri.sources to provide the ited when he received his doctor- helps me to understand the (Bring Identification to polling site) highest quality programs for stu- ate in marketing at University issues faced by Iraditicalai and dents'," Kaufman explained. of California at Irvine the Bay non t nicht ional students." Thursday, March 19th Kaufman said that moving Area Esteban said. thousands of miles away doesn't Esteban said he feels an Thi IP of the candidates phase him. important skill university's owe already have had their campus "I'm at the time in my Mi. their students is the ability to intervie%ks Any iiminher of the where I'm lisiking for a chal- tr-, ('iii cd thinking skills. universitv w.lio would like to POLLING LOCATIONS: lenge. I'll find out what you are "This is the need to look at a address TIFst sills t,1 the remain- all about and SNIT will find out problem, make an .malysis and ing ciindidate is welcome to do Clark Library 9am-8pm what I'm all about, and see if I arrive at a 1,4;1(111 SOIllt ion A SI I. Kai ItIllall cc ill be on campus can In. a positive influence," university also needs to be Friday, 1.30 0) 2:30 at the Student Union 9am-8pm Kaufman said. proactive instead of reacting We Instructional Resources Building, The finial candidate is Amado need to anticipate problems ;old ilman 308. MacQuarrie Hall 9gun-2pm Gabriel Esteban, whose career allocate resources to nmet them

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