ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Mar iachi Cobre, Vikki Carr, United States boxers put beat and the San Jose Symphony Thursday down on Irish in Olympic play together for charity style boxing in San Jose See page 4 See page G SPARTAN DAILY Volume 110, No. 40 Serving Sun .1()se State tlitiversity Since PM,/ March 19, 199K Money issues preoccupy voters to hold "town hall nientings," so stu- Several students who 111,,t oui Wit viI’Vninth with the elect mfrs. By Asa Beiell thinks textbook prices are outiiigeous, Staff \X tor! and students don't get nearly enough dent, gel it chance to vnice their opin- Wednesday mentioned they kni a S111111' -I'M Illit 1111...11111 ft inn money in return when they sell the ions, is a great idea. of the candidates. There ;II, :11till 111(.1-111 V.In) an. con - The Student t Tnion and NlacQuarrie books back at the end of the semester. Ale iv Lee. a mechanical engineering "A lot of' my friends arm' C111111.11, 11111 l'll11.1 111111 11 1/1111,, Hall were busier than usual Wednesday "I voted for George Constantin for major. voted in the elections because he t'astellano a kinesiiihio major, ilati tliev i, nt to iii morning. The lobbies were tilled with A.S. director of academic affairs': Louis is concerned with such issues as library yam couldn't vote on \Veilnesdiiv I read thi- pamphlet and I riot students lining up to vote in the said. "One of his issues was helping stir fond in the cafeteria and I)ecatisti mid forwitten to tiring his aid . a i.111/1 au) Associated Students government elec- dents with financial aid and books." %vital ell ill the l'eSille1101. halls 1)iiik identification card "lionestlyi, lin English m ajor In- -I uit to vote, tion. Political science major Kristi Somers "I think people in the dorms are more going otn for the best candidates t tilliii1 it is niriuumltinit titU- "We weren't half its busy last year, agreed that controlling the cost of books concerned with the elections: he said, fr0111 party. I (haft ha \ a party dents 11;1\ .1 11 '11\ g"Ing on Itil hr. said Helen Hafner, a worker at the is one of the most important issues adding that it is iniptirtant 14 ill stu- infliliat /11... l'alll1111,1,11 to Student Vnion poll table. addressed by the candidates. n: inn vnte. For various reaSollS, 1111111.’ ile.! 110' sa nil. 1 Ilan' lot Students \dui voted seemed con- "I voted for Heather Cook 114 A.S. Ni-veitheless, there are those \vim State University students Ili) lint viite in Castellano thinks .1 it students aliout the \ eke cerned with financial saris, such as the president I because I liked her stand lin take the ,\ S. elections less seriously. the A.S. elections. simply don't care cost of tuition and books computers in the Student [minim." she think it is a popularity contest," 'I don't kiniyv a lot almait the candi t Mazen Louis, a civil engineering said. ;411,1 V1111.11.1iiseph Frankina, an English dates:said stmlies major LOUT. -Mast peeph Lilo- h nitor s :Mika' iviiiuited for the 5.15IT Party. Somers also thinks Co ik's proposal major Lipska. \vim did V1i1u, Ai,. 1, est III s. hake y:11111,11* In' Inn Department to choose V.P. Hi Carol Dillon Sacramento, where his ii un k ',Lai \X iit. \ l'IVOS till. 11.-1Se1.1SInellt Side el strategic planning. lip feels the t'orupetition is heating up Ihr posit iiin call, tor a person who a position tliat directly itimacts (-lop plans to take the all students futures at San imiyiersitv into the future. State lini Ersity arid rilie it is getting the Ilpplielitiollti Irianill nel the 111111.1Sity its in.,11 I States. di St illy. Shia ira1 a common The position ot -Nssiiciate vision,- Sharp said. President tor Institutional Ile finds it fascinatinp how - l'Itt1111111p tiol Academic people intet t ith technology ;111,1:1111' a 11111,11111g The second candidate. Dr it t win')(1,111111 n11,1111,1 Havid Dowell et CSC Long the first is Edo, Beach is currently pulling tr ijuhu mid Academic Iles, iiirces and the duty as special ;issistatit tin tin th secomf is lust itutu inal the proiist and senior vice pres- according to Veril Phillips, exec- ident and associate dean of the utive assistant to the provost. l'ollege of Liberal Arts. 1/eyle new thipartnient will get has wiirked extensively in the underway when the candidate is livid of mental health and with chosen and will plan the the homeless, due to his doctor- initial goals it 5.151' Mr the next ate in psychology, according to 10 years, aitoinling to l'Inlips his nri,unno, Phillips said of the posi- Ile characterizes the jot) posi- tion's main duties include riir tion as a split assignment iimmentling iillocations of the working on long term academic resniirce }aiding arid coordinat- planning and assessment 110y1). ing strateinc plantar -lit of the says that the CSI' system \Yams campus. to move the Mims en student A searcli committee hutis learning and reaching goal,. to Associated Students presidential candidates Clifton' 'I 'Irith FI,ntInu r screened over :Pi applicants arid more versatile Wily:1 t11.111 ni.-1 Cunningham :mit Chris Constantin wait while can- liiPsdly hIght lii III. I' llir !lammed it down to four. classri iom. have limit coming to the campus is a lot of similarity for nieet nips that have lieen between this new position and open to all faculty iind students, with parts of my present lob little A.S. debate has made ignites SJSI. smut- rood 8zA Phillips said. These applicants niust pos ,rganizationall and It', Jeremiah I )shat, St11111 I II.1111111' L,.1111111o1- I a Ii 'opt liv11111cklist if rintill this v.ill lu ill \\ lit, was it little y. in li lb. it - ilnittaatn. I Ii V. 1,1 pripar 1111, including a iv turnout,-said orgamier and to. Ki II\ II Li Tin.% en executive leadership ,,11111/11S filr 1.111' 21st cent tit failed ;Is a lie holds Senate cilitilidate Todd lit ow II --ant oilSOB 1 h,wifl Iii .A11,11 %V.I.: ability awl experience said. 12.5, I nut 1, ,! 111.11:11. 11111,, i1,1,,111111' '' 'lIOn ilit hntied tor alstut 1110 t s1111,iii 111 ,1 11111111 11111ontl in The third candidate Is il, a a .r. A `-'; 1',11111111:111, 1 /1,1,,,Ii N1).1111 .ittolni -lint I tluniglit Iln truth --ot I i d, 1011111i. ,,ernwilinp 1i11111, ir,11,1111111 Nli1.11111111 Ka1111111111. IISSeCiate ,11,11 ti How man\ ut loll alont tile candidates I-1 preVeSt at Florida At l';111,,11 Ii alt %% oh any Hi ill Ihivid !toss, a tesidelit \ iser mil I 11's not too Lao for anx 5.151 l'iuversity. lbs oxperience .1 Nliiiilder !hill. thought the is .1 tin lie - I member who is Int elesicfl 111 includes devoloping lonft-raitre l',111 ifi' 11 \'.1l11 1111 1'1.'1111111H ill rood idea. lila (''It tin- candid lid I i 1,figagi, In iii lilt,ty1,,%\, 1,i1 11111 educational plans and iniple 11.111- If \ 1111 1111.1 IP... I II\ 1,1 the I th with the final candidate who melding them Kaufman feels , 11111111' 1,111 111 1' 111111i1,11, 1,11 It aiiiiiilate sh- vn ill he on campus this Fridav. his training in education 1101 \ said a I , r, , I ', ’ of the lour applicants is vs.\ choloi.2y aids in Ins ability tn A till. nut, d I In. T.H.pnu. I t Sharp, tho Director of bring togother. Ibis vision .pn.,:tinin .11 lie Sall ell 10111 1 1110' 1'11. Shll111.1 l"' Int. 1.1.111, Institutional Studios :it 1'51' See VII., mige 8 Celebrity 'spirits, served at pub 11% '11ind Leigh (wiser -11,1\\ 1 .1 1111 1111111111 1 'ii tu 'It 1.0iii\\ I Iran Jill r 11 It nu 11,1 -in% \ III \ Cowl.r.1 11\ t.1111-.1111 111111 I didn't eNit, t ,ttim 1 11111 111 111,1 li.1111\..111 lit ot het) .11,1 htie in% ttt,11 r. tint lu was 1,1 ,it e1,1 ,1i1-11 tile Jun , ut ni 11,111, 11,1111; 1111,111 .111110 -ennt and I tit 'It 1 tin heir. the ii.1111%% in she it het httal, I n tasiin Mee. Stephen. alletniain t \%en 1 tti ol I 1 etiii funnon INTV C11.11111.1 I I Ind lt,11(1 lin, ht,a(1 00(11 14, h 1111. I - .11111 l\1 II. I On. S.iti Jose St.it b'iiil11.1111 the S.in III, In 1,4hAfl twitn Nleictit Ne\\ It noxiu U' op drinks ;mil pour1141 Iii', ssl --:11,1 In 1,11 his ho.ti t Hit to liciiptit others 11'11111'r 11,1 ,1 ,,11 usl111,, 111 The ek ent helped 11111.0. 111.41,, liii kin I nuis r ,,1111,,11 ml 'Ii Mello.% ha' The itIllerli.,111 Ileart 111-1111111, b.11 iV:seci it alld the A111(.1.10;111 lie 1;111 1111 111 1,,I .111 !Ann, ,\s,ochitinn 111111,- I’ln nub set a et $2.111111, Nti1 rum- 111111, lint nail% .ItTelliI111,1111.11 11111,1’ '11 1111s- 11 s1 it that ,eente.1 ed a little n ii Ii '1 thouidit tho \\ lit lug ut hi.
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