KAJ NEWSLETTER July 4, ‘19 א' תמוז תשע"ט A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun

Volume 49 Number 10

The Board of Trustees takes this opportunity to wish all of KAJ’s members an enjoyable, safe and restful summer season.

ז''ל CHAZON DAVID KENNER on ,מורנו דוד גדליה בן ר' אברהם יצחק ,of Chazon David Kenner פטירה It is with great sadness that we note the the 21st of Sivan, June 24th. Chazon Kenner served for decades as one of K’hal Adath Jeshurun’s Chazonim, imparting feeling, Kavono, and dignity to the Kehilla’s Tefillos. As a tribute on the Shabbos following his Sammy Moeller, who led the davening that Shabbos, incorporated many of the ,פ' שלח ,Petiro melodies that Chazon Kenner had introduced to KAJ.

As Rav Mantel noted in his hesped at the Levaya in front of Shul, Chazon Kenner had Semicha from made it a surprise indeed to learn יראת שמים Gedolim, and his entire demeanor and personality, so full of he grew up in Canada, and not pre-War Europe. Chazon Kenner, who, with the voice and musical gifts he was blessed with, surely could have made a more lucrative living in other venues, chose instead to represent K’hal Adath Jeshurun as one of its devoted Shelichei Tzibur for decades. Pictured above right with Rav Schwab at a Chupah, as a KAJ Sheliach Tzibur, Chazon Kenner was also often called upon to be one of the Eidei Kidushin at Kehilla Chasunos. Chazon Kenner was taught the Ne’ilo Nusach and Nigunim by Rav Schwab. He himself later imparted that to Rav Mantel (as well as Shacharis of Yom Kipur to Rabbi It is our fervent hope that Chazon Kenner remain a “Sheliach Tzibur,” as a Meilitz .(ז''ל Edwin Katzenstein Yosher for Mrs. Kenner and their entire family, as well as the Kehilla he so faithfully represented.

יהי זכרו ברוך

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SHABBOS CHIZUK The Kehilla enjoyed its annual “Shabbos Chizuk” on Shabbos Parashas Noso, June 15/ 12 Sivan. A sit-down Kiddush was held in Moller Hall after Shul, at which the special guest, Rav Yaakov Reisman of Far Rockaway/Lawrence, spoke. Among other things Rav Reisman praised both the Kehilla’s past and present, .זצ''ל and recalled other times he had been here, during the tenures of both Rav Schwab and Rav Gelley After Mincha, Moller Hall was once again in use, as Kehilla members and friends enjoyed the end-of season Seuda Shelishis. The Senior Social Clubs sponsored both events.

Rabbi Shimon Mayer Margaliot emceed, and thanked all those involved in the planning of the event, including Mrs. Molly Resnick, SSC director.

In his address, Rav Mantel discussed the right way to use the vacation time one often has in the summer. Rav Reisman noted the yearly cycle of the Yomim Tovim, and declared the summer to be the preparation time for the approaching Yomim Noroim: A student who has a few days off from school before the Regents is not said to have free time, but time to study in advance of the exams. Rav Reisman urged his listeners to know, “Who are you?” and to not let one’s essence change in any way just because one finds oneself on vacation, and perhaps in a different, more relaxed, locale.

SPRING SEASON SEUDOS SHELISHIS The end-of season Shabbos Chizuk also capped off a successful Spring season of Kehilla Seudos Shelishis held in Moller Hall. Those who attended heard Divrei from Rav Mantel each week, as well as an additional speaker, all past or present members. Listed alphabetically, they were: Rabbi Rafael Bachrach, Dr. Paul Breuer, Rabbi Moshe Eisdorfer, Rabbi Michoel Meir Levi, and Rabbi Avi Rogin.

DAF YOMI SIYUM BECHOROS Members of the morning and evening Daf Yomi Chaburos got together on Sunday morning, June 16/ 13 Sivan for a breakfast Siyum in Moller Hall after Shacharis. The Chaburos had finished a day ahead of schedule, so as to be able to finish that Sunday, allowing the feasibility of a festive Siyum, at which Rav Mantel and Rabbi Elchonon Stern spoke. The Chaburos cordially invite new members to join them in the six months or so that are left until the Daf Yomi Siyum HaShas.

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THURSDAY NIGHT SHIUR As the Thursday evening preceding Parashas Shelach (June 27/ 24 Sivon) marked the end of the season of another successful year of the Thursday Night Chumash Shiurim, very special thanks and Yeyasher Kochachem goes to Rav , and all the other Magidei Shiur (listed below in alphabetical order) who graciously volunteered their time and prepared wonderful shiurim each week: Rabbi Yosef Basker, Rabbi Ephraim Berger, Rabbi Yitzchok Celnick, Rabbi Yosef Cohn, Rabbi Avrohom David, Rabbi Aryeh Erlanger, Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth, Rabbi Raphael Gelley, Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg, Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman, Rabbi Yirmiyohu Guggenheimer, Rabbi Yeshaya Levy, Rabbi Avi Mansbach, Rabbi Yehudah Moller, Rabbi Tzvi Nussbaum, Rabbi Eliyahu Roberts, Rabbi Asher Steinharter, Rabbi Elchonon Stern, Rabbi Shmuel Stern, Rabbi Yoel Stern, Rabbi Yosef Stern, Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Thau, and Rabbi Menachem Wechsler, Likewise, many thanks to Rabbi Yitzchok Israel, the driving force and organizer behind it all. We look resume after אי''ה forward to next season’s shiurim with, hopefully, a larger attendance. The Shiurim will Labor Day, on September 5th, the week of Parashas Shofetim.

GRADUATIONS Our celebrated the graduations of the ’s twelfth grade seniors, the eighth-grade boys, and the Bais Yaakov Middle School’s eight grade girls at the Mount Sinai Jewish Center’s ballroom, on, respectively, Thursday evening June 13/ 10 Sivan, Sunday afternoon June 16/ 13 Sivan, and that same Sunday evening.

The Mesivta seniors were first up, on Thursday. Those present heard from Rav Mantel; Rabbi Shraga Soloveitchik, Menahel; Rabbi Ephraim Fischer, general studies principal; Rabbi Zev Strom, rebbi; and Rabbi Akiva Lustiger (pictured following page at left, with talmidim), the boys’ twelfth grade Rebbi. A special tribute, presented by his talmidim, was made in honor of Rabbi Yeshaya Zelig Shapiro, beloved Rebbi in our Mesivta for three decades, who is now retiring.

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Mr. Nechemia Schiffman of Monsey, father of graduate Chananya Schiffman, was the Parent Representative to speak; Eli Feinberg and Yehuda Katzenstein (pictured above right) were the class’ valedictorians. Many thanks to Mesdames Bachrach, Feinberg, and Gross, Mrs. Malkie and Miss Rivky Katzenstein, Mrs. Pfeiffer, and the Mesivta’s indefatigable secretary, Mrs. Sarah Bass, who planned and set up the elegant refreshments.

Those present at the Bais Yaakov Middle School graduation, on Sunday afternoon, heard from Rav Mantel; Mrs. Hena Gottesman, Menaheles; and Ms. Odelia Schlisser, General Studies Principal. Rabbi Ronald Levy (grandfather of Miss Nechama Levy) addressed the graduates, as did Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank (father of Miss Leah Wiederblank). The Limudei Kodesh valedictorians were Misses Esther Ciner and Rivka Blank, and the General Studies valedictorians were Misses Adina Tanner and Aviva Notkin. Mrs. Gottesman and Ms. Schlisser then joined in distributing the eagerly-awaited diplomas to the sixteen graduates.

The eighth-grade boys closed out the graduations that Sunday evening. Those present heard words of welcome from Rabbi Yehudah Moller, Menahel (pictured below), and greetings from Rav Mantel. The Parent Representative to speak was Dr. Raphael Rosenbaum, father of graduate Yehuda Rosenbaum. The class representatives, Shimon Stern and Eliyahu Dov Berman, presented some well-chosen words, before Rabbi Moller and Ms. Schlisser joined in the distribution of the boys’ diplomas. Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 5

Our heartiest Mazal Tov wishes to our graduates, as we wish them continued Hatzlocho in their studies, and all their endeavors. We extend the same wishes to the young ladies who graduated twelfth grade this year, Misses Chaya Cahn, Kaila Cohn, Chani Rogin, and Miriam Stern.

Other classes held graduations, end-of-year, and moving-up programs as well. Pictured below, the Pre- 1A girls’ end-of-year Siddur Party.

On the last day of classes for the elementary department, Wednesday, June 19/ 16 Sivan, girls in grades one through eight gathered with their Moros for a special lunch and tribute to Mrs. Grace Aschkenasy, YRSRH’s beloved second grade girls’ Morah, who is retiring. Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 6

For decades, it was impossible to think of a Breuer’s elementary education without Morah Aschkenasy’s Bnos Beis as one of the high points. Pictured, Morah Aschkenasy’s famed end-of-year mother-daughter Siyum, some years ago (below left - 1996) and this year (below right).


The 6th of Av (this year, August 7th) marks the ninety-third Yahrzeit of Rav Dr. Shlomo Breuer, son-in- of and successor to Rav Hirsch. Born in Pilisvorosvar, Hungary, Rav Breuer learned under his maternal grandfather, Rav Shimon Wiener, as well as in Nitra, and in the Pressburg Yeshiva under the Ksav Sofer. Rav Breuer led the Kehilla from 1890 until his petiro in 1926. During Rav Breuer’s Rabbonus, the imposing Friedberger Anlage Shul was built, and the Frankfurt Yeshiva was inauguarted. Rav Breuer established the “Orthodox Rabbinerverband” and furthered the “Orthodox Gemeindeverband,” Rav Hirsch has organized, to strengthen both the Frankfurt Kehilla as well as the Kehillos of Germany and beyond. It was in this same vein that Rav Breuer played a major role in the founding of Agudath Israel, in 1912. Rav Breuer’s sermons, collected and redacted as the three volumes of Chochmo uMusar continue to be learned to this day.

יהי זכרו ברוך

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זצ''ל RAV ELIYAHU GLUCKSMAN This coming 4th of Av will mark the fifteenth Yahrzeit of our unforgettable Dayan Eliyohu Dov Glucksman. Originally from Germany, Rav Glucksman, with the support of his wife, Rebbetzin Ruth Glucksman, had where he shared a bench with Rav ,זצ''ל the rare opportunity to learn in the Kollel of the Chazon Ish Rav Glucksman developed a unique teaching style which .זצ''ל Yaakov Yisroel Kanievsky, the Steipler Go’on endeared him to hundreds of Talmidim and Talmidos. Rav Glucksman joined the Kehilla in the 1960’s not only as Dayan, but as Youth Director, a role which led to the decades of his teaching in both the Rika Breuer Teachers Seminary and our Beth Jacob High school. Rebbetzin Glucksman, too, taught in YRSRH, as a beloved sixth-grade Morah for many years. Even when Rav Glucksman, due to failing eyesight, stopped officially teaching, he still would address the classes on occasions such as the anniversary of Kristallnacht, until very close to his petiro.

יהי זכרו ברוך ז''ל PETIRO OF DR. YEHUDA (LEO) LEVI We regret to announce the Petiro of our long-time member, Dr. Yehuda (Leo) Levi. Dr. Levi received Semicha from both Rav Breuer and Rav (in whose morning Kollel he studied), and earned his PhD in physics from Polytechnic Institute. He was a President of the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists, and, later, was Rector of the Institute of Technology, and gave Shiurim at Dvar Yerushalayim. During the last four years of his living in Washington Heights, he—at the behest of Rav Naftoli Friedler, the Besi Medrash’s —gave Shabbos shiurim to the Beis Medrash talmidim focusing on the teachings of Rav Hirsch, including Chorev. Rabbi Dr. Levi was also the author of many works, including Sha'arey Torah (English translation, by his brother Raphael N. Levi, in the Living Hirschian Legacy—published by KAJ in 1988), Kav Ve'noki (onYerushalmi Seder Zera'im), and Zemanei HaYom BaHalacha—Jewish Chrononomy, on the Luach and Zemanei Tefilla etc.

יהי זכרו ברוך

of KAJN PART II פרכות THE As Moshe Rabbeinu realized in regard to the need for an Oron to be in existence prior to his descent where shall I place them?), the abundance of Porochos and their—היכן אתנם) with the Luchos accouterments with which KAJ is blessed, required some logistics and forethought as to their storage and care. As mentioned in the last issue of the KAJN, the current Shul at its outset had a lengthened Poroches originating from 90 Bennett’s tenure as shul, and then acquired a blue Shabbos Poroches, and a white Yomim Noroim one (used until recently for the Aseres Yemei Teshuva and Hoshana Rabbo). In the decades that followed, KAJ’s Poroches-holdings increased significantly. It was Mr. Leo Gutmann—who designed many of the original designs of the Porochos—who also engineered the way they would be stored. In the unprepossessing KAJ storage-room, itself but a closet, located on the school floor, beneath Shul, a high closet—whose closed dimensions are rather modest—was designed with tracks built in towards the top. These tracks bear cross-bars, on which one—or two, once the numbers increased— Porochos hang. While in storage, the bars align directly one behind the other, allowing for a minimum of space to be occupied. When a Poroches’ turn comes, the closet is opened, the tracks are extended Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 8

outward, and the desired Poroches is taken down (this requires a ladder, due to the height of the Porochos and thus the tracks.) Pictured below: At left, the closet in its closed position, in its tight quarters; center, the Porochos as they hang (two to a cross-rod, facing inward towards each other); right, the tracks fully extended.

On its own double-wide rod, at the very back of the closet, hangs the Kapores of the Yom Kipur Poroches.

While the valances of all other Porochos can be folded, the Yom Kipur Kapores, with its unique design and thickness (pictured above left, and the sketches for its design by Mr. Gutmann), does not allow for this storage option, and therefore it enjoys its own spot in the closet. It is the shelving to the right of the Oron Kodesh, upstairs in Shul, that is the storage-site for all other Kaporos, as well as the other cloths that match to each Poroches—covers for Omud, Shulchan, pulpit, choir stand, Kiddush table, and lecterns at the Rabbonim’s seats—as well as the four matching Sefer-Torah mantels each Poroches comes with (below right—the current arrangement of shelving also allows for the storage of the portable Oron for .(בר מינן ,an Ovel house Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 9

To quote the original Building Report by the Shul’s architect, Mr. David Moed, published in the September- October 1952 issue of the Mitteilungen, “The central section [of the Oron] accommodates 14 [actually, 15] Seforim with two adjoining rooms [i.e., closets] for Klei-Kodesh and Porauches.” Pictured above left, the two closets, to the sides of the Oron. Storage drawers also exist directly beneath the Oron, below the wooden doors, and not visible behind the Poroches. As an aside, it bears noting that while in KAJ the ,other than supervision and care, is to merely draw back the Poroches ,הוצאה והכנסה Gabbai’s function at the Gabboim were a somewhat more crucial part of Pesicha in Frankfurt: The very impressive doors to the Oron of the IRG were of bronze, not wood, and it sometimes required the combined strength of the Gabbai and the gentleman who had been mechubad with Hotzo’oh veHachnosso to open them, one by one. Editor’s Note: We once again express our great appreciation to Mr. Avram Gutmann for his help in the preparation of this article.

CORRECTION In reporting the annual Kollel Breakfast in the last issue of the KAJN, we should have stated that it was Mr. Uri Katz of Elite Caterers who catered the tasteful and delicious breakfast. We apologize for the error.


The .נ''ך Rebbetzin Mantel informed and inspired a rapt audience in a pre-Shovuos shiur about women in embodied Emuno, Tznius and Chesed. Some of the points the Rebbetzin spoke נ''ך illustrious women in about included:

.who had an exquisite appearance: Soroh, Rochov, Avigail and Esther נ''ך Chazal mention four women in Their physical beauty matched their character. Rochov, who hid the spies Yehoshua sent, merited to have Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 10

eight Neviim come from her lineage. She had supreme faith in HaShem and later joined the ranks of Bnei Yisroel, becoming a Giyores. Achsah, the daughter of Koleiv, requested when she got married fertile fields and two springs of water from her father. The request was not for personal gain, but a way to insure her husband had parnoso and could learn Torah. Devorah HaNevia lived in the times of Pinchos Ben Elozer (the early years of the Shoftim period) and was a giant in Yiras Shomayim and good deeds. When Devorah judged, she sat under a tree (Tomer Devorah), outside, so as to avoid yichud. Devorah prepared the wicks for the Mishkon and delivered them via her husband, Lapidos. She did this to ensure her husband would mingle with the Torah scholars there, who would imbue a Torah-influence on her spouse. Barak (who was, according to some Meforshim, Devorah’s husband Lapidos) requested Devorah accompany him when he went out to battle. Why? Barak knew his wife's Zechuyos surpassed his own. The enemy army were singed by burning, falling stars, causing them to leap into Nachal Kishon to cool off, and they were then swept away and vanquished. Yael, the wife of Chever HaKeini, a descendant of Yisro, brought salvation to the Jews by killing General Yael followed the example set by the ;מנשים באהל תברך Sisro, with a tent-peg. Devorah describes her as Imahos. Chana davened and persisted in prayer, requesting the blessing of a child. She gave birth at an advanced age, never despairing, but for many years preoccupied with constant prayer. This indicates the level of Emuno Chana maintained during her long barren years. Rus, despite her descent from the cruel nation of Moav who had refused to give bread and water to Bnei Yisroel, was the epitome of chesed. Rus was kind to her mother-in-law Naomi. She continued to be considerate of Naomi even after being widowed herself. Rus might have felt she was now alone and vulnerable and should look out for her own welfare. Instead, Rus continued to treat Naomi in a kind and considerate manner. The selfless manner Rus exhibited merited her to become the mother of royalty, as the great-grandmother of Dovid HaMelech. We know that Moshiach stems from her lineage, may he come speedily in our days.

NEWS FROM MORIAH SENIOR CENTER Moriah Senior Center hosted its annual Intergenerational Bingo Game with the Yeshiva Pre-1A boys this June, a favorite of young and old alike. We would like to thank Morah Miriam Huffman for continuing to partner with us and understanding the value in programming that fosters bonds that span the generations. In conjunction with a work of historical fiction that our Book Club was currently reading, Moriah seniors embarked on a private tour of Grand Central Terminal. Our guide, Justin Rivers from Untapped Cities, is a veritable encyclopedia of all things New York regarding history, factoids and many untold secrets.

Grand Central Terminal is the largest station track-wise in the world, with the largest footprint from 42nd Street all the way up to 96th Street. We learned that horse drawn trains were in use from the 1830s all the way through the 1930s! We learned the secrets of the GCT logo, and how the Vanderbilts left little surprises and hints throughout the building. We learned about the Redstone Rocket that was anchored to the ceiling as a piece of showmanship to counter the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik. The spot is still visible today. A widely-spread but false fact is that the Redstone was so tall, it bore a hole through the top Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 11

of Grand Central Terminal’s ceiling. The myth even goes as far as to suggest that a hapless engineer didn’t do the math correctly. But this, as we saw in vintage photographs, was not the case.

We learned about the iconic clock at the central information counter and that one of the opaline glass faces is not original, having been accidentally shot out by a policeman’s dropped firearm. We were shown the telltale signs that give the replacement glass away. We learned the reason that the times of the train departures are always off by about a minute at the terminal: The times are when the gates to the platform were closed prior to departure, up until the ‘80s. We visited the historic track 34 and learned all about the 20th Century Limited (the Queen Mary of trains), which took 15 hours to , had its own phone number, running water, sleeper cars with bathrooms, and cost about $700 in today’s money. We viewed the 1883 clock heralding the advent of Eastern Standard Time (Did you know that prior to this, there were over ONE HUNDRED time zones in the United States and the time varied from city to neighboring city?!). We visited the Whisper Gallery and can now tell you why all the chandeliers in the terminal feature naked bulbs. Of course the biggest mistake in Grand Central’s history is the fact that the night sky on the ceiling of the terminal is completely backwards! But the Vanderbilts came up with a clever retort to even that huge error. We spied the door to M42, the deepest secret basement at 13 stories down that appears on NO maps and NO plans and contained the generators for the entire transit system, and heard how the Nazis attempted to gain access and throw sand into the generators in an act of terror. All this and SO MUCH MORE! Just ask one of our seniors!

Our July 4th Party was once again a Red, White and Blue extravaganza. So many of our seniors came dressed in the theme of the day. Festive decorations, spirited music, an all-American menu, topped off with a stunning red, white and blue trifle dessert, left everyone with a positive outlook on our great country. Many thanks to Cantor Eric S. Freeman for so ably multi-tasking, not only cooking our delicious meal, but also entertaining the crowd in his inimitable style. Thanks also to our senior volunteers, along with younger volunteers Gavriel, Ephraim and Ezra Feigenbaum and our newest volunteers from the vocational program at the HASC Center for serving lunch and making sure that everyone had the best possible experience. To top off the afternoon, each attendee received as a gift, a useful pop-up folding fan to keep cool in the summer heat. Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 12

As we proceed into the summer months, Moriah has more flexible use of the space and is able to offer more frequent and broader programming. We will be holding Tai Chi for Arthritis twice a week, a brand new weekly conversational Hebrew class in the mornings, a new weekly program titled Tricky Trivia and a seminar outlining Healthy Strategies for Better Sleep. Why not come and try new things? Moriah is actively seeking volunteers to assist with check-in and lunch service. Volunteer for an hour, volunteer once a week, or volunteer more often. The choice is yours. If you are interested it being part of our warm and welcoming environment, please call us at 212-923-5715. If you are 60+, working or retired, this might be the time to come in and register. See what Moriah can offer you. If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter via email, please contact us at [email protected].

NEW PAYMENT OPTION We now offer members the option of paying their membership, pledges or new donations by eCheck. Members and donors enter their bank's routing number and bank account number on the secure www.kajinc.org website hosted by ShulCloud. This payment method, like the credit cards and PayPal methods we offer, can be used to make a one-time payment or split into as many 60 payments in weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or annual segments. Please note that this payment method charges KAJ a smaller fee than credit cards and PayPal. SUMMER JOBS There are many summer intern positions available at the New York Power Authority at all locations around the State The positions do require the applicant to be currently an undergraduate or graduate student. Click on the following link for more information: https://careers.nypa.gov/go/Internship/4353600/

Photo Credits We thank the following individuals for the many photographs featured in this issue of the KAJN: Mr. Alan Ettlinger, Mr. Ben Ettlinger, Mr. and Mrs. Pinchas Katzenstein, Rabbi Ezra Lasdun, Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Levy, Mr. Manny Meyer, Mrs. Shuli Gutmann, Mrs. Esty Rogin and YRSRH Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 13

Tuesday Night Minchas Chinuch Shiur Shiur takes place in the Sulzbach Shiur Room 50 minutes מנחת חינוך Rav Mantel’s Tuesday evening .מעריב בזמנו before Sisterhood Shabbos Shiur The following shiurim take place in 90 Bennett Avenue at 5:30 PM in July and 5:00 PM in August and September.

Miss Shayna Weinberg-Gordon קרח July 6 Miss Rochel Alpert חקת 13 Rabbi Solomon Jacobovits בלק 20 Miss Shaindy Hirsch פינחס 27 Mr. Michael Gutmann מטות-מסעי Aug 3 Av / No Shiur 9 דברים 10 Mrs. Esther Katz ראתחנן 17 Mr. Albert Blank עקב 24 Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer ראה 31 Dr. Paul Breuer שופטים Sept. 7 Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman כי תצא 14 Mrs. Devorah Strauch כי תבוא 21

Sisterhood Weeknight Shiurim

Mondays 8:00 p.m. 90 Bennett Avenue. Note: The first Shiur on July 8 will take place in Dombrow* The Book Library will be open whenever possible.

Topic: Special Pirkei Tehillim in our Tefillos *July 8 Miss Rochel Alpert PEREK 115 & 116 15 Mrs. Esther Katz PEREK 24 22 Rabbi A. Hoffman PEREK 91 29 Mr. Michael Gutmann PEREK 27

Fort Tryon Nursing Home Shiur

The Shiurim take place an hour and forty-five minutes before Nacht.

PM Miss Shayna Weinberg-Gordon 7:35 קרח July 6 PM Miss Rochel Alpert 7:35 חקת July 13 PM Miss Shaindy Hirsch 7:30 בלק July 20 PM Miss Atara Arbesfeld 7:20 פינחס July 27 PM Mr. Michael Gutmann 7:15 מטות-מסעי August 3 No Shiur דברים August 10 PM Mrs. Esther Katz 6:55 ואתחנן August 17 PM Mr. Albert Blank 6:40 עקב August 24 PM Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer 6:30 ראה August 31 PM Dr. Paul Breuer 6:20 שופטים Sept. 7 Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 14

Tuesday Morning Ladies Shiur During July and August the shiur is being given by Miss Rochel Alpert, on Pirkei Avos

SOCIAL REGISTER It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Samson Bechhofer on the birth of a daughter to their children, Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Bechhofer. Mazel tov to the great-grandmothers, Mrs. Meta Bechhofer and Mrs. Martha Hexter.

Mr. and Mrs. Moishe Spreiregen happily announce the recent marriage of their granddaughter, Bracha Zions to Gershon Kosowsky. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Zev Zions and Rabbi and Mrs. Kosowsky. At the same time, we wish the Spreiregen’s another mazel tov on the birth of their new great-grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Akiva and Esther May and the grandparents, Yonah and Yael Wolf.

Heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. David Rubinstein on the birth of their grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Moishe and Aliza Quezada, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Quezada and the great-grandparents, Mrs. Elsa Rubinstein and Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Simmons. At the same time, we are delighted to wish the Rubinstein’s another mazel tov on the marriage of their son, Shimon to Shoshana Friedman. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Friedman and the grandmother, Mrs. Elsa Rubinstein. Mazel tov to Mrs. Judith Levi (Wash. Hts.) on the birth of a great-grandson to Meir Zwi and Rina Altmann of Zurich. Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Schwab on the birth of a boy to their grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Tzvi Schwartz. Best wishes to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gavriel Schwab. Mr. and Mrs. Julius J. Klugman happily announce the birth of a daughter to their grandchildren, Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Meir Goldberg. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Shimon Katz. Mazel tov to David and Jocelyn Stern on the birth of a granddaughter born to their children, Shayna and Shua Statman. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. L. Leslie Weis on the engagement of their grandson, Mordechai Shimon Weis to Devorah Biberfeld. Best wishes to the parents, Aron and Baila Weis and Rabbi Yechiel and Rochel Biberfeld of Philadelphia, the grandparents Ephraim and Suri Miller and the great-grandfather, Dr. Mosy Biberfeld. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Baum on the birth of a daughter to their children, Shaya and Temima Baum.

Heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. David Roth upon his engagement to Yiska Dreymann.

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It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Gordimer on the marriage of their son, Chaim, to Miss Amalia Ehrlich of Chicago. Best wishes to the Kalloh’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Ehrlich. All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Naftoly Katzenstein on the forthcoming marriage of their son, Dovid, to Adina Fisch. Mazel to the Kallah’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Baruch Fisch. It gives us pleasure to extend our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi. and Mrs. Joel Stern on the marriage of their daughter, Rochel, to Shmuel Krischer. Mazel tov to the Chosson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benji Krischer.

Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. David Klugmann on the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Naftali and Elisheva Cahn, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Eichorn and the great- grandmother, Rebbetzin Rosenberg (Schwab).

Our best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Michoel and Aliza Klugmann of Toronto on the engagement of their son, Aryeh, to Serel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Lercher of Lakewood.

LOOKING FOR A RIDE TO LAKEWOOD July 14 at 10:00 AM or earlier Willing to pay Call Ray Adler – 212-927-0366

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• Whenever Maariv is recited before nightfall, as it is in Shul on Friday evenings and the weekday first Maariv, one is obligated to repeat the three Parashiyos of Shema after night. • Mincha Gedola Monday thru Thursday: In Sonn BH”M: June 24th – August 22nd 1:45 PM. Aug. 26th – Aug. 29th, 1:30 PM TBD In Shul: Sept. 2 – March 5th 1:30 PM


The family of Mrs. Sonja Wechsler cordially invites you to attend the hespedim l’kavod the shloshim

Tuesday night July 9th at 7:15 PM

Agudas Yisroel Bircas Yaacov of Passaic Park 262 Terhune Avenue, Passaic NJ 07055

YRSRH Preschool is looking to hire full time assistant preschool teachers and a part time preschool lead teacher. Please contact Shani at [email protected].

Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 17


Mrs. David Simons (2 Crestview Terrace) mourns the passing of her mother, Mrs. Tzila (Celina) Garfinkel. Mrs. Tzertel Kenner (2207 Fountainview Avenue, Monsey), Mrs. Miriam Loewi, Rabbi Yisroel Maier Kenner, Rabbi Shlomo Kenner, Mrs. Esther Rochel Wolf, Mrs. Rivky Schwab (41 Edgewood Avenue, Clifton) and Mrs. Gitty Goldberg mourn the passing of her husband, their father and our member, Rabbi David Kenner


Zum Andenken an Frau Rabbiner Rika Breuer, o.h. (Tamuz/Av/Elul) ...... 173.40 In memory of our beloved parents, Jacob and Meta Kohn, a.h...... 36.00

בס"ד We wish to express our appreciation to Rav and Rebbetzin Mantel and all those who joined the Minyanim, who came, called and sent notes to express Nichum Aveilim for .May we only experience Simchos in the future .ע"ה ,our mother, Mrs. Jeanette Hoff The Hoff and Siegel Families

בס"ד We would like to thank Rav and Rebbetzin Mantel, Rebbetzin Gelley, the Chevra Kadisha, everyone who came to make sure we had a Minyan mornings and evenings and each and everyone who came to visit us or called and sent cards during the Shivo for May we be zoche to share only .ז"ל ,our dear husband and father, Rabbi Bert Cohn Simchos in the future.

Mrs. Liesel Cohn and family

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SHOVUOS FLOWERS 2019 We thank the following donors for contributing towards the beautiful flower decorations in our Synagogue

Mrs. Ray Adler Dr. and Mrs. Johny Hellmann Miss Rochel Alpert Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hes Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Aschkenasy Mr. and Mrs. David Hoff Mrs. Shirley Auslander Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Hoffman Mr. Ernest Bacharach Mrs. Esther Jacobovits Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Bachrach Rabbi and Mrs. Solomon Jacobovits Mrs. Honey Banin Mr. and Mrs. Naftoly Katzenstein Ms. Jane Baranker Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kinderman Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Basker Mrs. Annette Kirschner Mr. Joel Bassan Mr. and Mrs. Julius J. Klugman Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Baum Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Meir Klugman Mr. and Mrs. Samson R. Bechhofer Mr. and Mrs. David E. Klugmann Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lewin Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blank Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lomner Mr. and Mrs. David Braham Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mansbach Mr. and Mrs. Mark Breiner Mr. and Mrs. Leon Metzger Hon. and Mrs. Herman Cahn Mrs. Rita Moss Mr. Milton Cahn Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Neufeld Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cohen Ms. Florence Neuman Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Cohen Mrs. Annie Nussbaum Mrs. Edith Erlbach Mrs. Miriam Reiss Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ettlinger Mr. and Mrs. Elan Rieser Mr. and Mrs. Gidon Feigenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Eric Friedman Mr. and Mrs. David H. Rosenstock Mrs. Naomi Fulda Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Rosenstock Mr. Michael Goldman Rabbi and Dr. Moshe Rosenwasser Mr. Sydney Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gottesman Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel Gradman Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sommer Mr. Jonathan Gruenebaum Mr. Kenny Sommer Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Gutman Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spitz Mr. Sidney Gutman Mr. and Mrs. Moishe Spreiregen Mr. and Mrs. Avram J. Gutmann Mr. and Mrs. David Stern (Bennett Ave) Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gutmann Rabbi and Mrs. Elchonon Stern Mr. and Mrs. Yitzchok Gutterman Miss Jeannette Stern Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 19

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Strauss Rabbi and Mrs. L. Leslie Weis Ms. Chava Torand Rabbi and Mrs. Raphael M. Weis Rabbi Schemuel van Messel Mr. and Mrs. Gunther Weiskopf Mrs. Sandra Wachspress Dr. and Mrs. Morris Whitcup Miss Shayna Weinberg Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wimpfheimer Miss Baila Rochel Weis N.N.

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There are several positions available for September in the General Studies Department of YRSRH. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected] if you are interested in pursuing any of these positions:

5th Grade General Studies 2019-2020 School Year Responsibilities include teaching all General Studies Subjects in the afternoons M-Th. Following the curricula, writing lesson plans and attending training sessions. Collaborating with colleagues and communicating regularly with parents. Most importantly, creating a safe and accepting learning environment for every student. Bachelors degree required. Masters preferred. Salary commensurate with education and experience. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]

Middle School Science Teacher 2019-2020 School Year Teaching science/ lab/ STEM and math in the afternoons M-Th. Following the curricula, writing lesson plans and attending training sessions. Collaborating with colleagues and communicating regularly with parents. Most importantly, creating a safe and accepting learning environment for every student. Bachelors degree required. Masters preferred. Salary commensurate with education and experience. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]

Technology Specialist 2019-2020 School Year Looking to hire an afternoon computer teacher for elementary school students. Bachelors Degree and teaching experience preferred. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]

Boys Gym Teacher 2019-2020 School Year The ideal candidate is available 2 afternoons a week, and has experience with sports. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]

Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 22

We are pleased to announce that Sefer Yirmeyah Translation and Commentary by Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer


Sefer Yechezkel Translation and Commentary by Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer

are now again available. These are classic works which enhance our study and understanding of Nevi'im.

Sefer Yirmeyah was published in 1988. The new edition is dedicated to the memory of Rabbi Edwin Katzenstein z'l.

Sefer Yechezkel was published in 1993. The new edition is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Michael Kirschner z'l.

Copies may be ordered through the KAJ Office at $25/volume or through https://www.kajinc.org/form/Rav%20Breuer%20on%20Navi.html

Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 23

From the Memorbook of our Kehilla

AV 9 Julius David-NY 18 Salomon Stern- 1 Raphael N. Levi-NY 9 Hannchen Hahn-NY Voelkersleier-NY 1 Gisela Feuchtwanger-Bad 10 Michael Eisemann-Ffm 19 Lina Hanauer-Karlsruhe Kissingen-NY-Philadelphia 10 Sophie Gutmann-Ellingen 19 Benno Schueler-Ffm-Berlin- 3 Hirsch Hanauer-Adelsheim 10 Karoline Bier-Koeln La Paz-Lima 3 Sophie Gruenebaum-NY 10 Herman Bier-Koeln 20 Josef Schuster-NY 4 Heinrich Lindner- 10 Jakob Mayer-Nauheim 21 Sophie Lauber-Kitzingen- Donaueschingen 10 Leopold Oppenheimer-NY NY 4 Gella Moller-NY 10 Dorothy Victor, nee Spiro- 21 Wolf Kruskal-Ffm 4 Rav Eliyahu Glucksman-NY Ffm-NY 21 Netti Rothschild-NY 5 Erich Klibansky- 10 Joseph Kaufmann- 21 Hermann Feldheim-NY 5 Nettchen Jonas-Gladenbach Meckesheim-Dusseldorf 21 Henry E. Wechsler-NY 5 Moritz Klugmann-NY 11 Aron Adler-Niedenstein 22 Arthur Neu-NY 5 Oskar Hahn-NY 11 Rosle Goldschmidt-Ffm 22 Margarete Sondheimer-NY 5 Sophie Gutmann-NY 11 Gida Suessfeld-NY 22 Regina Baer-NY 6 Rav Dr. Salomon Breuer- 12 S. M. Schwarzschild- 22 Meir Nussbaum-Fulda- Ffm Brooklyn Jerusalem 6 Alfred Klugmann-NY 13 Joseph Alexander- 22 Martha Kahn-NY 6 Bella Strauss-Burghaun- Vallendaar 23 Moses Baumann- Lohr 13 Louise Strauss-NY Gemuenden 6 Berta Wallheimer-Aurich 14 Herbert Freudenberger-NY 26 S. H. Katzenstein, NY 7 Henry Hoechstaedter- 14 Leon Wohlfarth-NY 26 Paula Joseph-NY Noerdlingen 14 Helen Hellmann-NY 27 Mildred Philipps-NY 7 Michael Loewy-Kuestrin- 15 Fanny Salomon-Ffm 27 Regina Vorchheimer- NY 15 Gittel Sonder--NY Thuengen 8 Manus Katzenstein- 15 Leopold Loeb-Ffm 28 Eugenie Eschwege-NY Frankenau 15 Max Baer-NY 28 Joseph Muhlgay-Brooklyn 8 Alice Lehmann-NY 16 Martha Nussbaum-NY 29 Rosa Strauss-Ffm 8 Edward Apfel-NY 16 Karoline Schwab- 29 Gella Ettlinger-Fuerth 8 Harry Levi-NY Kleinsteinach 29 Rabbi M. J. Jacobovitz-NY 8 Richard Neumann-Brooklyn 16 Isidor Weissmann-NY-Bnei 29 Rabbi Semi Plaut-NY 8 Bettina Sonn-NY Brak 29 Levi Spier-Bad Schwalbach 9 Karoline Sulzbach-Ffm- 16 Sally Goldschmidt-Ffm 30 Reline Eisemann-Ffm Amsterdam 16 Arthur von Halle-- 30 Dr. Wolf Berlowitz 9 Leo & Lothar Blumenthal- NY 30 Sarah Heckscher-Hamburg Fulda-Auschwitz

Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 24

From the Memorbook of our Kehilla

Elul 15 Emma Guggenheim- 22 Salli Plaut- 1 Lily Moses-NY Amsterdam Schenklengsfeld 2 Jonas Eschwege-NY 15 Heinrich Guggenheim- 22 Baruch Zimmer-Fuerth- 3 Alice Ansbacher-NY Amsterdam Tel Aviv 4 Jenny Katzenstein-NY 16 Arthur Moses-NY 23 Minna Ansbacher-Cohn- 4 Gertrude Katzenstein-NY 16 Max Nussbaum-NY Kopenhagen-Ffm 4 Margarete Weglein- 16 Jack Oppenheim-NY 23 Abe Wertheim-NY Stone-NY 16 Bernard Stone-NY 23 Edith Gruenebaum-NY 6 A. Gruenebaum-Bad 17 Meir Liebster-NY 24 Burkhardt Froelich-Bad Kissingen 17 Felix Strauss-Jerusalem Mergentheim 6 Bernard Falk-NY 17 Norbert Hellmann-NY 25 Rosa Weil-Ffm 6 Ida Rosenstock-Eiterfeld 18 Chajim Plaut-NY-Israel 25 Simon Bodenheimer- 7 Sara Klein-Berlin 18 Fanny S. Berlowitz-NY Darmstadt 7 Isidor Halberstadt-Ffm 18 Selma Philipps-Ffm 25 Salomon Pfeifer- 8 Eva Stern-NY 18 Hugo Kugelman-NY Braunsbach 10 Paul Stern-NY 19 Moritz Levi-NY 25 Anna Pfeifer-Braunsbach 11 Michael Kahn-Ffm 19 Pinkus Klibansky-Ffm 25 Julia Pfeifer-Braunsbach 11 Ida Goldschmidt- 19 Hanna Sommer-NY 26 Bertha Stein-Ffm Gelnhausen 20 Adolf Neufeld-Nuernberg 26 Jul. Ries-Ffm 11 Arthur Morris-NY 20 Jacob Ehrenfeld-Antwerp 27 Jul. Gruenebaum-Ffm 12 Sara Berlowitz- 20 Shlomo Ehrenfeld- 27 William Katzenstein-NY Nuernberg Antwerp 27 Ricke Fromm-Muenchen 13 Walter (Wolfgang) 20 Meir Ehrenfeld-Antwerp 28 Salomon Nussbaum-NY Gonzwa-London-Ffm 20 Adolf Goldschmiedt- 28 Ilse Lehmann-NY 13 Jacques Schlanger- Zehlem (Ungarn) 29 Rabbi Dr. Leo Strasbourg 20 Herm. Dingfelder-Fuerth Hirschfeld-Giessen 13 Samuel Katz-NY 21 Max Distelburger-Ffm 29 Werner Blank-NY 15 Dr. Joshua Breuer-NY 21 Bertha Hamburger-NY 15 Max Ehrmann-NY 21 Max Hackenbroch-NY

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SHAATNEZ Shaatnez (wool and linen) is often found in garments bought even from a reliable Jewish clothing store. Therefore, it is forbidden to wear any man’s, woman’s or child’s garment that contains wool or linen until it has been determined not to contain shaatnez. To determine whether your garment is shaatnez-free, garments may be dropped off at the Kehilla office, 714 W. 186th Street at the following times: Weekdays 10:00 – 4:30 Fridays 10:00 – 12:00 Please fill out a pre-check form online at https://www.kajinc.org/services/shaatnez-lab/pre-check. If you have questions, please email [email protected]. Rabbi Kalman Strauss will test the garments on our premises. Please note that it is important to leave on tags with information where garment is manufactured and list of materials contained in it.

Chevra Kadisha When the services of the Chevra Kadisha are required - Bar Minon - kindly contact any of the following immediately:

OFFICE OF THE CONGREGATION 1-212-923-3582 LEON GERSTLE —100 Bennett Avenue Cell: 917-733-3639 PINCHAS KATZENSTEIN —100 Bennett 201-399-4494

All levaya arrangements must be made verbally with the Chevra Kadisha or the Kehilla office. Family members should not contact the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel. To avoid mix-ups, the Chevra Kadisha will communicate with the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel regarding levaya arrangements.

CONTACT INFORMATION Synagogue, 85-93 Bennett Avenue, New York, NY 10033

Office: 700 W. 186 Street 212-923-3582 Rav Yisroel Mantel (Study) 212-781-1345 212-923-5936 E-mail [email protected] Rav Jacob Posen 212-740-0020 Fax 212-781-4275 Rav Chaim Kohn 718—252-3343 Email: [email protected] Phone in Shul 212-923-3614 Rabbi Moses Edelstein 845-425-9089 Mikveh - 4351 Broadway 212-923-1100 Fax 845-356-2938 Yeshiva Executive Office 212-568-6250 Email: [email protected] Yeshiva Office 212-568-6200 Mr. Victor Sussman 212-568-2867 Mesivta Office 212-781-3399 Kehilla Maintenance [email protected] Jewish Community Council 212-568-5450 Moriah Senior Center 212-923-5715 www.moriahseniorcenter.org HATZOLOH: 1-212-230-1000 o r 1-212-387-1750