KAJ NEWSLETTER July 4, ‘19 א' תמוז תשע"ט A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun Volume 49 Number 10 The Board of Trustees takes this opportunity to wish all of KAJ’s members an enjoyable, safe and restful summer season. ז''ל CHAZON DAVID KENNER on ,מורנו דוד גדליה בן ר' אברהם יצחק ,of Chazon David Kenner פטירה It is with great sadness that we note the the 21st of Sivan, June 24th. Chazon Kenner served for decades as one of K’hal Adath Jeshurun’s Chazonim, imparting feeling, Kavono, and dignity to the Kehilla’s Tefillos. As a tribute on the Shabbos following his Rabbi Sammy Moeller, who led the davening that Shabbos, incorporated many of the ,פ' שלח ,Petiro melodies that Chazon Kenner had introduced to KAJ. As Rav Mantel noted in his hesped at the Levaya in front of Shul, Chazon Kenner had Semicha from made it a surprise indeed to learn יראת שמים Gedolim, and his entire demeanor and personality, so full of he grew up in Canada, and not pre-War Europe. Chazon Kenner, who, with the voice and musical gifts he was blessed with, surely could have made a more lucrative living in other venues, chose instead to represent K’hal Adath Jeshurun as one of its devoted Shelichei Tzibur for decades. Pictured above right with Rav Schwab at a Chupah, as a KAJ Sheliach Tzibur, Chazon Kenner was also often called upon to be one of the Eidei Kidushin at Kehilla Chasunos. Chazon Kenner was taught the Ne’ilo Nusach and Nigunim by Rav Schwab. He himself later imparted that to Rav Mantel (as well as Shacharis of Yom Kipur to Rabbi It is our fervent hope that Chazon Kenner remain a “Sheliach Tzibur,” as a Meilitz .(ז''ל Edwin Katzenstein Yosher for Mrs. Kenner and their entire family, as well as the Kehilla he so faithfully represented. יהי זכרו ברוך Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 2 SHABBOS CHIZUK The Kehilla enjoyed its annual “Shabbos Chizuk” on Shabbos Parashas Noso, June 15/ 12 Sivan. A sit-down Kiddush was held in Moller Hall after Shul, at which the special guest, Rav Yaakov Reisman of Far Rockaway/Lawrence, spoke. Among other things Rav Reisman praised both the Kehilla’s past and present, .זצ''ל and recalled other times he had been here, during the tenures of both Rav Schwab and Rav Gelley After Mincha, Moller Hall was once again in use, as Kehilla members and friends enjoyed the end-of season Seuda Shelishis. The Senior Social Clubs sponsored both events. Rabbi Shimon Mayer Margaliot emceed, and thanked all those involved in the planning of the event, including Mrs. Molly Resnick, SSC director. In his address, Rav Mantel discussed the right way to use the vacation time one often has in the summer. Rav Reisman noted the yearly cycle of the Yomim Tovim, and declared the summer to be the preparation time for the approaching Yomim Noroim: A student who has a few days off from school before the Regents is not said to have free time, but time to study in advance of the exams. Rav Reisman urged his listeners to know, “Who are you?” and to not let one’s essence change in any way just because one finds oneself on vacation, and perhaps in a different, more relaxed, locale. SPRING SEASON SEUDOS SHELISHIS The end-of season Shabbos Chizuk also capped off a successful Spring season of Kehilla Seudos Shelishis held in Moller Hall. Those who attended heard Divrei Torah from Rav Mantel each week, as well as an additional speaker, all past or present Kollel members. Listed alphabetically, they were: Rabbi Rafael Bachrach, Dr. Paul Breuer, Rabbi Moshe Eisdorfer, Rabbi Michoel Meir Levi, and Rabbi Avi Rogin. DAF YOMI SIYUM BECHOROS Members of the morning and evening Daf Yomi Chaburos got together on Sunday morning, June 16/ 13 Sivan for a breakfast Siyum in Moller Hall after Shacharis. The Chaburos had finished a day ahead of schedule, so as to be able to finish that Sunday, allowing the feasibility of a festive Siyum, at which Rav Mantel and Rabbi Elchonon Stern spoke. The Chaburos cordially invite new members to join them in the six months or so that are left until the Daf Yomi Siyum HaShas. Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 3 THURSDAY NIGHT CHUMASH SHIUR As the Thursday evening preceding Parashas Shelach (June 27/ 24 Sivon) marked the end of the season of another successful year of the Thursday Night Chumash Shiurim, very special thanks and Yeyasher Kochachem goes to Rav Yaakov Perlow, and all the other Magidei Shiur (listed below in alphabetical order) who graciously volunteered their time and prepared wonderful shiurim each week: Rabbi Yosef Basker, Rabbi Ephraim Berger, Rabbi Yitzchok Celnick, Rabbi Yosef Cohn, Rabbi Avrohom David, Rabbi Aryeh Erlanger, Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth, Rabbi Raphael Gelley, Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg, Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman, Rabbi Yirmiyohu Guggenheimer, Rabbi Yeshaya Levy, Rabbi Avi Mansbach, Rabbi Yehudah Moller, Rabbi Tzvi Nussbaum, Rabbi Eliyahu Roberts, Rabbi Asher Steinharter, Rabbi Elchonon Stern, Rabbi Shmuel Stern, Rabbi Yoel Stern, Rabbi Yosef Stern, Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Thau, and Rabbi Menachem Wechsler, Likewise, many thanks to Rabbi Yitzchok Israel, the driving force and organizer behind it all. We look resume after אי''ה forward to next season’s shiurim with, hopefully, a larger attendance. The Shiurim will Labor Day, on September 5th, the week of Parashas Shofetim. GRADUATIONS Our Yeshiva celebrated the graduations of the Mesivta’s twelfth grade seniors, the eighth-grade boys, and the Bais Yaakov Middle School’s eight grade girls at the Mount Sinai Jewish Center’s ballroom, on, respectively, Thursday evening June 13/ 10 Sivan, Sunday afternoon June 16/ 13 Sivan, and that same Sunday evening. The Mesivta seniors were first up, on Thursday. Those present heard from Rav Mantel; Rabbi Shraga Soloveitchik, Menahel; Rabbi Ephraim Fischer, general studies principal; Rabbi Zev Strom, rebbi; and Rabbi Akiva Lustiger (pictured following page at left, with talmidim), the boys’ twelfth grade Rebbi. A special tribute, presented by his talmidim, was made in honor of Rabbi Yeshaya Zelig Shapiro, beloved Rebbi in our Mesivta for three decades, who is now retiring. Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 4 Mr. Nechemia Schiffman of Monsey, father of graduate Chananya Schiffman, was the Parent Representative to speak; Eli Feinberg and Yehuda Katzenstein (pictured above right) were the class’ valedictorians. Many thanks to Mesdames Bachrach, Feinberg, and Gross, Mrs. Malkie and Miss Rivky Katzenstein, Mrs. Pfeiffer, and the Mesivta’s indefatigable secretary, Mrs. Sarah Bass, who planned and set up the elegant refreshments. Those present at the Bais Yaakov Middle School graduation, on Sunday afternoon, heard from Rav Mantel; Mrs. Hena Gottesman, Menaheles; and Ms. Odelia Schlisser, General Studies Principal. Rabbi Ronald Levy (grandfather of Miss Nechama Levy) addressed the graduates, as did Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank (father of Miss Leah Wiederblank). The Limudei Kodesh valedictorians were Misses Esther Ciner and Rivka Blank, and the General Studies valedictorians were Misses Adina Tanner and Aviva Notkin. Mrs. Gottesman and Ms. Schlisser then joined in distributing the eagerly-awaited diplomas to the sixteen graduates. The eighth-grade boys closed out the graduations that Sunday evening. Those present heard words of welcome from Rabbi Yehudah Moller, Menahel (pictured below), and greetings from Rav Mantel. The Parent Representative to speak was Dr. Raphael Rosenbaum, father of graduate Yehuda Rosenbaum. The class representatives, Shimon Stern and Eliyahu Dov Berman, presented some well-chosen words, before Rabbi Moller and Ms. Schlisser joined in the distribution of the boys’ diplomas. Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 5 Our heartiest Mazal Tov wishes to our graduates, as we wish them continued Hatzlocho in their studies, and all their endeavors. We extend the same wishes to the young ladies who graduated twelfth grade this year, Misses Chaya Cahn, Kaila Cohn, Chani Rogin, and Miriam Stern. Other classes held graduations, end-of-year, and moving-up programs as well. Pictured below, the Pre- 1A girls’ end-of-year Siddur Party. On the last day of classes for the elementary department, Wednesday, June 19/ 16 Sivan, girls in grades one through eight gathered with their Moros for a special lunch and tribute to Mrs. Grace Aschkenasy, YRSRH’s beloved second grade girls’ Morah, who is retiring. Vol. 49, No. 10 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 6 For decades, it was impossible to think of a Breuer’s elementary education without Morah Aschkenasy’s Bnos Beis as one of the high points. Pictured, Morah Aschkenasy’s famed end-of-year mother-daughter Siyum, some years ago (below left - 1996) and this year (below right). זצ''ל RAV SHLOMO BREUER The 6th of Av (this year, August 7th) marks the ninety-third Yahrzeit of Rav Dr. Shlomo Breuer, son-in-law of and successor to Rav Hirsch. Born in Pilisvorosvar, Hungary, Rav Breuer learned under his maternal grandfather, Rav Shimon Wiener, as well as in Nitra, and in the Pressburg Yeshiva under the Ksav Sofer. Rav Breuer led the Frankfurt Kehilla from 1890 until his petiro in 1926. During Rav Breuer’s Rabbonus, the imposing Friedberger Anlage Shul was built, and the Frankfurt Yeshiva was inauguarted. Rav Breuer established the “Orthodox Rabbinerverband” and furthered the “Orthodox Gemeindeverband,” Rav Hirsch has organized, to strengthen both the Frankfurt Kehilla as well as the Kehillos of Germany and beyond. It was in this same vein that Rav Breuer played a major role in the founding of Agudath Israel, in 1912. Rav Breuer’s sermons, collected and redacted as the three volumes of Chochmo uMusar continue to be learned to this day.
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