KAJ NEWSLETTER July 4, ‘19 א' תמוז תשע"ט a Monthly Publication of K’Hal Adath Jeshurun
KAJ NEWSLETTER July 4, ‘19 א' תמוז תשע"ט A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun Volume 49 Number 10 The Board of Trustees takes this opportunity to wish all of KAJ’s members an enjoyable, safe and restful summer season. ז''ל CHAZON DAVID KENNER on ,מורנו דוד גדליה בן ר' אברהם יצחק ,of Chazon David Kenner פטירה It is with great sadness that we note the the 21st of Sivan, June 24th. Chazon Kenner served for decades as one of K’hal Adath Jeshurun’s Chazonim, imparting feeling, Kavono, and dignity to the Kehilla’s Tefillos. As a tribute on the Shabbos following his Rabbi Sammy Moeller, who led the davening that Shabbos, incorporated many of the ,פ' שלח ,Petiro melodies that Chazon Kenner had introduced to KAJ. As Rav Mantel noted in his hesped at the Levaya in front of Shul, Chazon Kenner had Semicha from made it a surprise indeed to learn יראת שמים Gedolim, and his entire demeanor and personality, so full of he grew up in Canada, and not pre-War Europe. Chazon Kenner, who, with the voice and musical gifts he was blessed with, surely could have made a more lucrative living in other venues, chose instead to represent K’hal Adath Jeshurun as one of its devoted Shelichei Tzibur for decades. Pictured above right with Rav Schwab at a Chupah, as a KAJ Sheliach Tzibur, Chazon Kenner was also often called upon to be one of the Eidei Kidushin at Kehilla Chasunos. Chazon Kenner was taught the Ne’ilo Nusach and Nigunim by Rav Schwab.
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