The Jewish Observer Vol. 30 No. 9 November 1997/Cheshvan 5758

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The Jewish Observer Vol. 30 No. 9 November 1997/Cheshvan 5758 The Jewish Observer Vol. 30 No. 9 November 1997/Cheshvan 5758 November 25, 1997 The Many Roads To The Mountain, including quotations from Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer, Rabbi Mattisyahu Solomon, Rabbi Moshe Sherer, Rabbi Shmuel Halberstam (Klausenberger Rebbe), and Rabbi Yaakov Perlow (Novominsker Rebbe) Shlit”a. THE MESSAGES FROM THE EVENT: Rabbi Chaskel Besser; Rabbi Yaakov Perlow Shlit”a: A Fusion Of The Jew And Torah Rabbi Michel Silber Shlit”a: Fiery Enthusiasm, Uninterrupted Dedication Rabbi Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld (Mattesdorfer Rav) Shlit”a: From Many Stones, A United Platform For Divine Service Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Horowitz (Botoner Rebbe) Shlit”a: A Golden Frame For Diverse Gems Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg Shlit”a: Underscoring The Purpose Of Our Peoplehood Rabbi Yosef Harari Raful Shlit”a: Gilding Oneself With Strength And Glory Rabbi Elya Svei Shlit”a: As Reb Meir Simcha Would Have Appreciated This Gathering Rabbi Avrohom Pam Shlit”a: The Radiance Of Resolution To Learn Rabbi Shmuel Halberstam (Klausenberger Rebbe) Shlit”a: A Torah Scroll of Dedicated Jews Rabbi Yissochar Frand: The Legacy of Rabbi Meir Shapiro Zt”l Rabbi Mattisyahu Solomon Shlit”a: Wiping Away Hashem’s Tear REPORTS FROM OTHER PLACES: Boston, Dr. Yitzchok Perle / Chicago, Rabbi Berish Cardash / Pittsburgh, Yisroel Pfeffer / Montreal, Rabbi Nosson Guggenheim / Los Angeles, Rabbi Chaim Fasman / Portland, Rabbi Leonard Oppenheimer / Melbourne, Rabbi Moshe Yudkowsky / Baltimore, Dr. Bartha Nelkin / Cleveland: A View from the Other Side, Sarah Spero / Columbus: At the Garden, Dr. Charles Libicki THOUGHTS THE DAY AFTER: Yours Truly, A Maggid Shiur Same Night, Another Venue, Anonymous Report From a Man of Enhanced Vision, Dr. Leslie Bennett The Other DafYomi…Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer BOOKS IN REVIEW: Shaarei Orah: A Definitive Rendition of HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman’s Classic Commentary On The Weekly Sidrah, reviewed by Rabbi Nesanel Kasnett READERS’ FORUM: More on “Jewish” Music Download (PDF, 4.48MB).
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