• ess t e

Volume I Wednesday, Number 13 Offj cinl PubUcati on of we Unltecl States (bess Tedetati on March 5,. 1947 "Week Of. " Passes Test GARY NEWTON CHESS WEEK OF CHESS RESUMES CITY NUTS CELEBRATE DOES WON DERS AT CHAMPIONSHIP CHESS MONTH c;,ORPUS CHRISTI

After a la pse of two years the On "~ ebr ual"y 15 in cclebration of An Interesting alld successful ex· Gary Chess Club Is reestablishing Nallonal Chess Month Harlow ll. pe .-iment 1n chess publicity has jus t the Gar y C ity Chamilionshill Daly, tonuer Boston Chess Champ· been comple ted by the Corpus Tournament, last won In 1944 hy iOIl, Illayeil a twenty·one boa I'll Christl (Texas) Chess Cluh as a D. O. Brooks (of South Bend), an Simultaneous at tlle New tOil warm·up Cor the 1947 Open Tourna· out-ot·lowll m e mber of the club. (Mnss.) YMCA, He· won sixteen, ment to be held there this Augus \.. Preliminary l)lny began F e bruary drew olle !lnd lost foul'. Successful For one full calendar w eek, "'eb· 9 at the Gary (Ind.) YMCA with against Daly were Charles C, Craig, rU;lry 1 to 7 inclusive, George Kolt· .D. E. Rhead, Iltcsldent ot tho Ga l'y Lawrence Bonney, J udge Thomas Ilnowskl gave a series ot s imultan· Chess Club, serving as referee. 'Veston aJl(1 N. Cary Hayward , eous exhibitions, lectu res and talks The Gary Ches~ Club is s ponsor· while Dr. Cameron A. Rae held the In the club rooms and in high school lug "chess chu~ses·' [or grade and eX II Cl·t to a . chess c lubs In Corpus Christi and h igh school students, although Among the less s uccessful COli· in nearby small commulllties. H e adults wlli not be barred because testanls were Mrs. Selma Philipp, also appeared at various luncheon 01 age, The classes meet In the sevenlylsh, and John Horltz, just and services clubs ror talks, high, Indiana room of the Central Lib· past lell , S Pectato rs Included for· lighted by h.18 fa mous " 's l'al'y under the sponsorship of D. mer Mayor Edwin O. Childs, l\lid· Tour" exhibition. ..- E. Rhead aud Ed. Mitchell, dlrec· dles!!x County Commissioner. AI·· The results wore much mo!"e suc· tor or the Gary \VOI'ks' "Good· rallgements w ere s upervised by DI" cessful tbnn even the most opti· fellow Club: ' Acting as iustmctors Cameron A. nne IUlII Carl S. Crulll· mistic members of tho Corpus a.re 'Vallace Kosiba, team captain melt or tile Newton Chess Nuts. Christi Chess Clu b 11ad RllUclpatell. of the G3ry Chess Club, and George Though the American Theatre By 111 0 ond of the week the whole TUrkane, orgnl1lza~jOIl secre t(uy. \Vlng and the American Red Cross, J-/.r/ow; 8. Dilly, 80$1011 r-brn upal, pl.,s • slml/lI.lIro lls .t fb!'h~;~'/~~Utb~~ cily was ches s conscious. Interest ~ ,jjfHn_i~i~",+.Iii<~.... _a_~,""", __""" ____ "" ",,, rew with c n 1,111011 111'11" In.U. I .tt.. ndfOd lhan the COO I)C rllthllf IIPOIIIIO I' or tht'. UHJVt' 1III.lli ithlIJ: "('hI _nJIIII or . "'" 11M A. Itlr, I)r. D ~ "'tlff B. NI/II", LIon",J A. M(I"I,,.,: Rlm,.1t A, ;'1Ir;, }NJ" Tho ... ~ preceding Ollt!. AI " r Oll ult tho club ment In mnklng I·oom avnllnble In tlenls III the Muq)hy /{o" I)ltnl ror Wnlo". 51",,;,lrg, rlgbl In '~/I, .rr: CUIIIII)' Co",,,,llllo,,,.,. EJ ....i " C, Child•• ml uncovered u. grent number of chess th~ ~.t~ ry for l ~ese classes. Ve terans al \Valtham. 'rwo Chess C".~Ii. \j)'. H·"V' Mo:,,'. D;r:il:t.~cS"~""i-""·.c'Z"'~"Y~'!!~""""..-i~ ___~=- ____ _ Nl\t dieth l,en:l go' ~(] tnl! hOl:!pitai . _ _ ~ Inns "Who did -nct know or t ho:; c:ub'" existence a nd the Christi ,,,), w"k in thl, "Cb,,, fo, v,,- MERCA'NTILE CLUB KOE'LSCHE · BESTS Corpu~ REVIVAL OF OLD Chess Club iu consequence almost er~~s~et:·~~:~n~·4theNe wtonChess 'BACK OF "CHESS BARNES IN THEIR doubled its membership. Leaders of COLONY CHESS club n o w .enthusiastically Nut, def,atM the in vading ",m FOR ;VETERANS" CHALLENGE MEET th~ LEAGUE PLANNED of the Brookline H igh School Chess l'ecommend this same p rocedure to Club. William Loring acted as l108t other chess clubs through ou t the At the Valley ·Fol·ge General Hos· On February 1 at the rooms of On. December 22nd at the iuvita· to this even t. l<~inal §cores were: ·country, coufident t hat it w ill pro· pit.1Ji the "Chess for Veterans" pro· the Minneapolis Chess a n d Checker tlon of H y Fine of the Attlebor o Newt on Ch... Nuh Bro><>l< Un., Chen duce startling results wherever (Mass.) Chessl Club, delegates gath­ 1>to~e ~ .... ~ .... __ .l Bloom •• _...... ·. _~ .. O gram is in full swing. Cbairman CluJJ Dr. GUes A. KoeIsche, former tried. Rue ~~ .. .. _ .. _.•... ,_>.1 Mittie M ___ •••• _ •••••• _ •• O Leon Rosenfield ot the Merchantile Minnesota Ch ess Champion, re· ered from various New E ngland .Ordway _ ..... _...... _.. 0 It<.enth.J ...~ ...... _.. l ----,---~ L ibrary Chess Club (Ph iladelphia, gained temporary possession of the clubs to discuss a revival ot the ~"f:n _ . :::-'::.:·.='-.I':: :::~ ~~ijld ... -=-..;:=~::: ::g Old COIOllY Chess League. Mr. Pa.) has the backing of the VA, RC title by winning the final and de· NEW BERWYN CLUB Worcester of the Quincy Y. (Muss.) Brookline ~ .. 1 and Army in his project and is clding game ot his challenge match INCLUDES "CHESS Cbess Clu b was. elected temporary al ready producing results. Mem· w ith George S. Barnes. 'I'be final chairman of the league and Mr. KOLTANOWSKI IN bers of the JVlerchan tile group visit score was four wins for Dr. Koel· FOR VETERANS" the hospital every T h ursday. Wil· H~mm of t h e Attleboro Club lern­ sche w ith th ree draws and two porary secretary an(1 treasurer. BLINDFOLD AT liam Ruth, well·known P hiladel· losses to Barnes. On February Plans of the newly organized Clubs repre>lented at this organ­ L.' A. ATHLETIC phian chess player, has g iven a 22nd, however, the title again be· Berwyn ( Ill.) Cbess Club in clude izing meeting were: Providence, simUltaneous as has Hany Morris comes an open one to be gained b y a regulat· session each week at Pawtucket, Attlebor o, Fall River , George Koltsnowski, blindfold wbo also talked op chess. the v ictor in t he Annual Minnesota Van ghan General Hospital as a Quincy and B rockton. 'Vorcester chess exper t, on F ebruary 11 gave State Championship Tournament, part ot the "Chess for Veterans·' held on that date. program. 'rhe club grew ou t of a was 110t represented but had a l­ an eight·board exhibition at t he AIRMAIL CHESS ready in timated a willingn ess to Los Angeles (Calif.) Athletic Club I ~~~~- group sponsored by the Berwyn join, while the newer organizations against members o f the Clu b Chess CANADA vs. G.REAT Recreation Commisison and was in N e w Bedford and "\\'oonsocket Section. Guests · a t the eXhibition BRITAIN MATCH "VARO" CHESS ol'ganized into a form al club by w e re also expected to enter when were Herman Steiner and Olaf UI· Paul F. Andersbn, at presen t chai r· CLUB IS FORMINc; man of the Publicity Com m i ttee. the league begins 10 fu nction. ves tad, members ot the U. S. team An ail"lnail c hess ma tch between P lans for a more extensive program in the match w ith the U~SR , who Canada and Great Britain with over IN LOS ANGELES were inaugurated wllh the visit of adjudged the unfinished games. t wo h undred boards in play Is SpOll· USC}l~ President Wagner who gave I. A. HOROWITZ Results showed t he blindfold wiz· sored by the EI'iUsh magazine Allril will see the formal, open· an eighteen board simultane ous in ard as mastel' of the situation with "Chess." F. n tries will be accepted ing of the "Yaro" Chess Clu b of IS UNDAUNTED December . The club is now deep in five wins, tw o d raws and olle loss. u n til March 15, 1947 b y D. M. Le· Los Angeles, Calit. Dr. H. H. Kuh ns its second toUl'nament to determine BY TRAIN WRECK Victory against him went to De· Dain, Canadian Match Cal?tain, 5970 will he president, Dr. D. L evine, the comparative abilities of its Baun, while Vance and Chapman Durocher Ave., Montreal, Quebec. vice·pl·esident, Dr. H.. Barondes, sec· members before sallying forth in When the Sonthern Pacific "San held the d raws. Charles Jarrell Canada has pm'ticipated in sev· retary·treasurer. "Varo" stands for inter·clu b matches. Joaquin Dayligh t Express" was acted as referee a nd Dl.. Ralph eral cOI'respondence m a tches with Veterans Administration Regional wrecked ne al" Kingsburg, Calif., on Kuhns was responsible ror all the the U.S.A. and was planning one Oflice, a nd m e mbers oC the "Varo" February 4, traveling chess·master a'·rangeme nts. with Australia when the wa,' in· Chess Club will be those associated H orowilz was among the un in jured tervened: but this is tile first multi· with the Veteran s AdminIstratio n The Chess Bug Se%' hy Roh.", passengers w ho were transferred to hoard correspondence match by air· regional work ill and about Los a u tos for comple tion ot their jour· HARRISBURG HAS mai l, Allgeles. neys. So little daun ted was H oro· ----- wltz t bat the same evening in h is DIRECTOR FOR exhibition at the Modesto Chess SCHOOL CHESS ROVING CANADIAN NEWELL BANKS Club h e won nineteen and d rew two AT FIRESTONE ga'mes. H erbert Paul of Modesto \VUh th e vim that only seven· CONTINUES TO and Mon ty Jackson of Rlverfork teen yearS can produce, John L. SCORE VICTORIES FOR EXHIBITION were the two successful gainers o f Costello, J r., of Harrisburg (pa.) tbe draw. T he usual lecture was has distinguished h.imseJf by organ· Latest ne ws from the Continent January 17th saw the visit 'Or cancelled due to the late arrival. izing the various schOOls in his v i· chalks up a tie for second in the Newell W. Banks, checker and Tho exhibition was held in the cinity Into a work ing chess league d ouble-I'ound tournament at Copen· ches)l expert, to the Finestone Odd Fellows Hall and· drew thirty ror active competition. Tn recogni· hagen fOl· A. Yanofsky, the Canadi· (Ak ron) Chess and Checker Club. spectators. Arrangements we r e lion o f h is work USCF P resident an wanderer. Resnlts were: O. H e played ten cyhess and nine · handled by Herbert Paul, presiden t, W. M. Bylalld bas appointed Cos· Barda (Norway), 7l·2! ; A, Y.anof· er players simultaneously, losing H e rbel·t Betker, vice·presldent, Lee tello as Dil'ectol' of Intel·scholastic s ky a nd J. Ene voldsen (Den m ark), one chess game to \V. E. Heacock, Ke rroot, secretary·tre asure r, and Chess for the central r egion of the 6·4 each: J. Tornerup (Den ma.rk), drawing one chess game w ith Joe R ov. Donald G. \Veston, chairman Pennsylvania Sta t e Chess Federa· 5·5; Bjorn N ielsen 3i·6ik: A. Ras· Chirich a'Ild ono checker game with ot tho Slleclal events committee. tion. m ussen (Denmark), 2·8. Garret Deldrlck. found that distances, always a factor In the West. are an inconvenience but not a . We have found, too, that a recipe for a stimulating, although slightly bitter, chess·potlon is a mixture in the p l"Oportions or two willS to three losses. Unfortunate ly there Is no muglc paSsl)Or( into a ch ess players Utol)ia where tout'naments, matches, and competitions come abollt s ud· -A-merican Chetu d enly and without llffOl·t. There Is 110 miracle·maker who can say, "Here, and here, and here shaU be active chess programs," To play chess is Official Publication of jiie UntIed States (~ess 'federoti on the tiling. And the responsibility rests with the local club. M~l Schubert fj The views expressed In this Guest Editorial are not necessarily those A native ot Idaho, Mel Schubert Publi,hed twice ~ month on tht Hh and ZOth of CHESS LIFE. had to go to Los Angeles to learn D, about chess some tour years ngO. It brings the confsssion th<1t chess THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION THE SECOND ANNUAL JUNIOR demoliRtruted why the first twenty· TOURNAMENT eight y~ul"s of his life were so dull. At 845 Bluff Street. Dubuque. Iowa (!.nd tllo promise that Mel's me will (MOlltlt/lI Leiter No. SfJ) be much brighter ft·om 1I0W on. - En!e~d II te«)od daa' matter Sep~mber G. U'II .t ~ post 0/11"" at Dubuque, IOWl , By Elbert A . Wagner, Jr. A cartoonist by IJl"Ofe ssion, Mel undu the ael. of Match a. 1m. President, 'l'he United Slatcs Ohess Pcderation Schubert is once again living In Idabo with a ROM June 30 to July 12 the second annual tournament fOl" the Junior Sub".;pt;"n:-SZ.OO pcr yeu; Single copies Ilk each family nnd a Chess Championship lhe United Slates wlll be held at Cleveland. F ot collecHonOf Addrm .11 lub.criptionl to,- T he Cle veland Press, t he Cleveland Chesll Assoclal!ou and the Ohio horses, dog 6 Edwud t. Tr«nd. Surdn~ Chess Association are working cooperatively to Insul"e the success of and cats. To th e tournament in every possible respect. These- sponsors have gener· 141 Bluff Street 12161 Sttuhmoor Annoe the 1I0rses he Detroit 27, Michigan ously undertake n to supply housing fOI" s ixty boys for the entire period. O"buque, 10.' OR atlriblltes the When the 'Irst Junior ChnlllPionshlll Tournameat fact that he MIke ,II chccks payable to: TH)I. UNITED STATU e lllUS Fao ....TION was l)lanned at the 46 th Annual Cougress, held at h as been try· Peoria In 19,15, a Junior player eligible to enter WaR IAddress communications on editorial matters to:­ Ing unsuccess· defined as being a boy or girl who bad not yet fully to demon· EDITORIAL I B ' North Humphrey ATtOUe reached his 19tJI birthday. The Dh·octors are now OFPICI!: o.1r. Park, Jltinot. strate that a considering a resolution to ra ise the age limit to knight is s uo 21. and altbough the tlnal result will not be known EJlfar ...11 BU';IItu M.... irr perlor to II bls· MONTGOMERY MAJOR until all ballots have been received, early 1"et1ll·IIS hop under all . . Indicate that the cliallge will be made. It so, the ltfrl Scb,,/url circumstances. Volume 1, Number 13 Wednesday, March 5, 1947 I doors will be open to thousands of players between As a player Mel Schuhez't is mod· 19 and 21. est and depreciates his talonts, in, If the anticipated inct·euse In age limit Is etreet· s lsling that the fact he fin is hed CHESS FOR VETERANS ed, arrangements will be made to divide the play· seventh in the Mnjol· Reserve Tour· ers Into age groups so that t he younger boys will llament in New York ins tead ot last HERE is the danger always that- once the crisis is past we rOl'get Elbrrl A. W • .l:"n, Jr. n ot have to coml) ele against older and more experi. merely sllows the injustice inherent T that the victory was not gained without toil and suffering and In· enced opponents. A complete set of trophies will be awarded \a each In all competitive gnmes. £,'or Mel jury. During the war chess c lubs y.nd ch ess players responded nobly to age section and II boy of 13 who is champion of his group will receive Isisla that h e plays lin ovet··aggres· the can for chess entertainment and Instruction in the army nnd n avy a cup Identica l in size and quality as that which will be IIwarded to the slve game, featuring backward hospitals of the country. This was "Chess for the Wouuded"--one of the champion of the oldest group. pawns on open files, and missing most far.reachlng and Important projects ever sponsored by the USCF. Then a tournament of the champions o( all ages will be held, the the essential move at the ct·iUcal Today In the reaction thnt Is natm-al aftsr a long, ha.rd struggle there winner ot which will be proclaimed the Junior Chess Champion ot the mo ment. Is lhe temptation to forget that victory leaves In Its wake the Injured and United States, and while I share the general solicitude ot the other But Mol is not particularly bolll· the maimed. These are rum·e deserving ot our friendship and our en· officers and dlrecto·rs of t he F ederation to protec t the interests of the cd by tournalnent ran kings; h is COuragement than their predecessors upon whom countless organlza· younger playel·s, I am by no means persuaded that the boys in the l)rincipa1 aim and mission, he feels. tlons showered attention, for they are In""t.langer ot being forgotten. lowel· age gl·OUIIS are not amply·ahle to take care of themselves. No is to promote competitive chess in one should be greatly surprised if the next Junior Champion Is 14 years )'teaders ot these pages know thnt ch ess is II. live Issue in the various tile Inter·mountaln area ol Idaho. o ld . Veteran Hos pitals; they have secn nolice~ of the growing groups of As an orgnllizer, Mel Schubert can convalescent chess players at Lexington, at Sawtell, at Birmingham. Careful s tudy is now being mado ot such questions as 10 the numbe r point to the rapld·growlng Twin of places in the tournament to be allotted t o each Stll,te... the detennln· Chci}s h(\s mot with tho alHlrOval of the Recl·eaUon Service Department ,fi~.~~ !;,W>.f>1 ,.. ,\\~ l',Nt'.l'..."I" C,\nl' ntlon th~ plll.yers to roceJvtj the houalng \)onellt.ll 11l·ov,ld Od by tho of the Veterans Administration at Washington. But milch remains to ot (USC~' CIUlI)tcl· 142) with pZ'i.le. I-Ie Cloveland !Wonsors, and the like. Entries IlIU~ not as yot he accepted, be done. Many hosl)itais are eager to devolope a chess program tor

T is with considerable interest that t his recliner under the Chess-Nut I Tree discovered In t he admirable at'licle "In Quest of Originality" by fionor Rollo/ C. S. K. (C. S. Killping) ill the Dec.:,mber issue of CH ESS (the Britis h llUbllcatlon) 1111lt o ne , at leas t, or the Gremlin lll'oblems published herein Clut Cl.apler~ ( December 20th) was ant.icipated all the ,c omposers ter m it by a serious pull lished problem by I,'. Amel ulIg ill 1897. It repres ented the second Chartered Du ri ng Mon t h of (or Masked) Gre mlin the me in our tet'luinology. Mr. C. S. K. con tributes J anua'ry, 1947 iii the salll c article to Grem linia another cal'ly pu b· lished problem by T. B. Rowland In' 1896 which is Clutrttr No. 1J7 an ~xce l lent example of the Jifth (or T ransformed ) Greater Chicago Chesa League Crellllin them e w h ic h had escat)ed this columnlst·s Ch icugo, Ill. lliattetplve eyc. President ...... J ack Grah a m Properly sneaking. the Gremlin p roblem shou ld Vice-President ...... Roy Gilllart acknowledge no com poser b u t belon g to chess tra· STATE C HESS ASSOCIATION AT I.B_M. COU NTRY C LUB Sec. Treas...... P a u l C. Adam s dition- and in this sense the four original Cremlln S~.sI"J (lrlt 10 righl): P~nl G. Girrl, l'ie-t·prttiJen/; Frilz 8ritgrr, "ict-prtliJtnl; problem s Ine ltlle Gremll n (aHhough this tranSlllut­ Toor/lllJ E. M e-COllnOrl. i'r{fiJ.. ';t; 1-I •• rold,\1. plJillip., IrrA.""': H.rold 1·h.'YrI', .rur/,..."y: ChtJ,tn No. 1J8 er of thtl Ilncient tradition may have prompted his lind 8m SlIIitlJ, Ik.. _prttidn,l. Sialldin& (Irlilo right ) : I.eft },fnl/x!nJ, HONle CbAirm." S heboyga n Ches s and Cheekers memory wltlt an occasional touch of originality In of J. 8. M. Cou nlry Cillb: HArold E,'."" Commillr.. ",(",b .. r: Chrslrr lli"n'A1f, C lu b presen Ung the four orlginlll settings, as it was mau y I. B. lIf. Ch .. " Ch.IIIPioll: 1.;ynn B,)·."I, ,'ic,-pmiJcllf; Erich Mllrch.md, vicr-p'fliJ",I; Shehoygan. Will. , years ago wh on he was Hrst tricked by them.) Dr. Md.\" Henbr.gr.. , ,·ict.f1r.. . ident; Rob... 1 Sfu/Jj"s. prniJ~nl 1. 8. M. Co u"tr')' Club % Freeman Le Moine, 260l N. 801ml; Dr. EJu".,J L •• krr; Willi4n. Ie Windm, I'ub/idly Dirrctor; li nd DonAIJ 1'0' 9th St .. Sheboygan, W is. No self-respecting I)roblemlst today would WJllJAm R..oi_ 8rook., I. /J. M . Cbt .. GrOllp Commillu. s ort to the low deceit or these Gl'emlln pl·ol.llems, so the tact that some of them were once accepted sel'lously In the problem world merely Ch",tc. No. IJ9 dllmonstrales tho -g reat advance that bas lIeen mud e in pl'oblem compo­ GEORGE BARNES I. B. M. HOST TO Philidor Chess Club s ition since 1890. . IS TOO GOOD FOR NEW YORK CHESS Paterson , N. J. Sec-Treas...... Ca r llsle Saxton (Solution on page 4. ) MINN. CHESS CLUB ASS'N OFFICERS elut"n No. 140 On Jauuut·y 22 Minnesota State A meeting ot thc New York Stllte Vetera ns Chess Club Champion I George Bat'nos gave Chcss AssociatIon wo.s he ld Febr u­ LeXington, Ky. proof thut he WIlS a little too good ary 8 at lIle I.B.M. Country Club to % F rank T J'outman. Y. S. Ve ter. for the in a s imultan­ make 1)lans fot· the forthcoming ans Hos pital. e ous e xhibitioa at the Mi n ne apolis New York State Cn'ess COIlS"l"ess to Chess and Checker Club. "e h eld at the 1.8.i\f. Coun try Club elut,fn No. I'll Playing twenty boards, Barues late this summer. Among the com­ Berwyn Chesa Club won sixteen. lost two and d rew m ittees chosen to work o u t the de· Berwyn, Tll. t wo. \Vinners against the cham p­ tails or the various cotltests by Presiden t ...... Waiter N . .b:lliott . ion wer.:, Euge.ne Frey and Carl T ho mas McConllon, president, was Secretary...... ,...... J osep h C. Gross Diellen, while lbo draws wenl to that composed of Paul G. Glel·S. Meets !\londay evenings. Petet· Lowen and Vincent J . Owens. Uarold i\1. P hilli ps and El'lch W. T he exhlbitlotl by IJu rnes will Marchand for tile draUlng o ( new Ch"'f~ r No. 142 he tollowed in the neal' (ulure with by·laws and planning of a closer T w in Falla Chess a nd Checke r Club one hy tormer State Champion Dr. relationsh ill between the State Twill Fulls, idaho .... 0. A. i(oelsc ite. . Ass'n and tbe USCF. President ...... Donaltl M. !'t1urllh y In addition to the annual Genesee Vice-President .. ,...... A. L. P a u l 1". AMELU NO CU ]) T eam Matches. there. will be Dunt. Zig. 1897 TWO NEW CLUBS Sec.-Treas...... Me l Sch ubert anothe r Team Trophy to be called Meets F ridtU' eVjlniIW JI, Dear Hlr: lIATOI-I R.OUGE (tA.) 1/1" ulqUI'hlltm!!' "U,,)' ('UI)," HO,ur 1)11 lI ot_.!. There hi n.t lelL s t onc more "Ol'emlln" lIH:mu, I.e. Ihe " ~llCtt·a·te nl · IN FIRST MATCH dono.ted Jointly hy 0 1(1 I.ll.M . Chl'lI' poral-Ilerceplion" Gremlin tYI)O, which IlllllCared in September HI3S Gume Group a nd lho HlnglulIlIlltoll Chess Ch.s"c. No. 14J .l{i¥e~!, ..V9k g,.l'i't!."_ber 1.. The (u·oble!n. GUmes Wgest !'{o. 5s., Originul C,u h. Details on thi" event will lJe Co lumbia Chess Club The two t·t!belltly o tlganl'ze'"d Baton by 'V. O. P e ters, whose "' position is legal," is white to mate In one! llI111 0unced later. Colu mbia University Rouge ( La.) chess clubs sent their T he solution is given on Page 27. Novem\Jer Games Digest. Dnring lileir stay in the triple New York. N. Y. teums itlto aClion fo r the first time GEORGE G. GA LLAGER, cities of Binghumpton, J ohnson P)·esident...... Louis Kurrelmeyer l~ebruary 18. The match was won Glendale 6, California. City anr! End icott the vis iting of­ Vice-Pres ident...... Donald Vives by the YI\ICA club with a score of ficials wel"e g uests at the I.B.M. Secretary. . Stephell GeUer 3·2. Following lhe matc h W. Frank Homeste ad. NAME MARTIN Gladney. lIean of Baton Rouge CH ESS CLUB OF ChtJt/c, No. 144 chess players. gave a silC·hoal·d s im· Greater ProvidenCe Y C hess Clu b ORANGES WINS SOUTHERN AS ultalleous agains t ol)po)ieuts drawn TELEVISIO N TO Providence. R . I. from both teams and W01l all s ix FROM KEARNEY USCF DIRECTOR FEATURE LI VING Treasurer.. gallles. Theodore P eisach In the Sul.>url.>an League o n Feb­ In r ecognition ot the growing VMC .... Chen Recreation Cenle<" CHESS IN MATCH E . L"Roy W.y __ ..1 G. D. "'ann"". Jr. 0 Cha,ter No. 145 ruary 13 the Clless Club of the USCF m(!mhel'sh lp In Tennessee. H. W. Willi3m .... _.. l K 0. ( urrie .. __ ..0 Omaha Ches s Club Oranger, (Orange, N. J.) j ourneyed Presiden t ' Vagne t· has UllPO in ted !truce ))" "00 .. ._.0 J . V. Robbin•...... _ . .1 Plans are maturing fo r the prom­ 8. l •. Uu"" ...... _1 C. ~.. Mllulliet _ .... 0 Omaha , Neb)'. to l"earny to meet the Kearney­ Mar tin Southern, lJrominen t re si­ M. D. W"lch .. _._0 K R. R,",mncr _ .. 1 ised televis ion mate h between Saw­ telle and Birmington Voteran Hos­ PI·esident.. Alfred C. Ludwig Progressive Chess Clull a n d won by dent ot Knoxville, to act a s USC}<~ Vice-Pl'esident.. E . L. Holland lhe score of 4'h-Pf.,. Di l·ector in Tenness~. Sou thern is pitals (Los Angeles. Calif.) set for this summer ; a nd the revised pro· Sec.-Treas ...... Jack Spence, c. c. ~f O,.nll"" K e ll.t n ~Y'P ' OIl,e ..i ve a well-known la wyer a nd has been .Mdkmllick _ .1 Carp"ntet" _ ..... __ ..•. 0 PROVIDENCE Y g ra m calls for the match t o be Meets every aftel·noon a n d T ues­ Sm ith. __.. __ .. 1 tor mally years very active in chess ·Wootoll ... ~ _. ~ _ ..... II Illayed on a giant outdoor board d ay e venings at Room No. 317, Y: t'.n.1>am ...... _ •... 1 lial(enbuch. _...... __.. _0 work. H e has been prominen t both W INS MATCHWITH 1"" 11"," _ .... _ ...... __ .1 T . Gichuer ...... _ ... _0 wiUI living chess pieces i n eos· M. C. A. Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. T o~k... __ .... __ .... __ .. 1 · Gich.ner ..... _ •...._ ..... ~ in t he I{nolCville Chess Club and C,,"IIi~h _.... _ ... _ ... 11 Schulman __ .... __ ...... 1 the Southern Chess ASSOCiation, FALL RIVER CLUB tume. David M. Crandell of the L os Angeles Atllietic Club is the expert 80m t Americ:1J1l Chess! f'. C. of O""" KeS H KC2nley.l'rog.. _.H and has recently been e leeted P resi· On January 21 the Prov idence in television most l'esponslble ro r As a result of . this ,v ictory the dent of the Soutlle l'u Chess Associ­ By J oi n ing t he USCF ( R. 1.) Y Chess Club won a five· these ambitious plans. Chess Cl uj) of the Oranges con­ atioll . A Ulan o f man y interests, A re You A Me mbe r ? board m ateh fl'om the v iSiting team tillUes to lead the S urbu rban SouthC!'Il has also been ve ry a etive of the Fall Rive r (Mass.) Chess S a y You Sa w It In CHES S LIFE. Is Your Frie nd A Member? League with foul· matches Wall a n d in B oy Scout work in Knoxville. Cluh. none lost: Irvington Polish is sec­ Provld""ce Y F ait RI~r ond with 3-1 and E lizabeth third RED ROSES CHESS H~ielL .... __ .... __ .... __ 1 """"".. _ ...... _ ...... __ 0 ANNO UNCING with 2-1. Among the individnal play­ l'eiAAch _ .... _.. _. . __ 1 Kaplan __ ...._._ .. __ 0 I. Win.." .. _.. _._ .. _.. 11 W" mi~k _... . ___ .... __ 1 ers Neldick ot Elizabeth leads, IP. GIVE DEFEAT TO J\ultc",o'Orth ._ ...... _ • PorQUEEN'S Gl)ess Dept. of Mathem.tl" tif. 6>1 1946 Intercollegiate Team CoN"'" Univeraityof Rocheater, Tournament Wednesd(lY, March 5, 194-1- Erich W. MQrchanJ Rocheater a, New York f Notes by Albert O. Maruol i8 White . Black MI. R-D! proyentfllk Kt·B5 w... perhapo pre­ ..,lid and In the oequII White r .. h •• hiinliell Playohle and t".ppy, but not befit. .Alter G. H. BERNSTEIN A. BISGUIER FRENCH DEFENSE f ..... ble. by ·· attlffing." H~' V-KS White'. B(Ilt) win prove to be (ijutll"n) (C.C.N.Y.) 1946 u. S. Championship )0. __ Kt-6S)2. P-KKtl 22. P-OR4 Kt_K' 23. P·RS _ ... mioplaced. Experience sh ow" tlIII.t K 2 1& the 1. P-04 P-04 }. KI.QB) n. K·Bl R-KRl " Lit huty. 23. P-QKt3 to keep the Black proper place lor thi. piece agairut t he Si· 2. P-QB4 PxP Tournament "' ot Kt 01'1' B-1. would ol'l'er belte. chan""" of ""c· en.... n. O~ e """"'" I. 10 protect KRW; .... _ .. : other i. to play p·KB~ "Dd B.KeS. ~'. ~~DS ;. u'~~la played he... . Note, by EriCh W . MorchallCt 2~bk~!i:~: :'ct ~~fi~,:.b"" "_. ~. Kt-B) 1'1-84 31. Q"P Q-KI2 eh. 23. H .... H KI-BS 24. P"P\ ~ .. 6. __ P.KKU 8. P·KS Kt.KU White Black Not t oo much d"" ~ . ~ . since the Black 1. KlxKt PxKt Thi. I. ouppooocd to equalized for Dlack. )S: ch . K· . ide can never jam the defon..,; even dler W. ADAMS a. KRAMER ~:~a ~t~~~ ~: ~1 ~:~~ g:~t! th;~ PO::; ~~,xph ~~~V';,.~ ~he8.Quoon; 4. P-QS KI.KB) 1. B~P PoOKI4 L P-K4 P-KJ 4. P_KS P·QB4 J6. KbOlI(:nt'. 10. PxOP QxP n. 0-0 p.QR) rule It io generally pennioliible to ofl.,.. big for m ack. mack, ho... "".... , dOsacrifice. in material to force the enemy hi..... 11 of thi. opPQr(unit;y. Whit.. a"""pttd. Howeyer, White Can win by (to I',..,..ent Kt·I16 altn _'-. p.K.Kt3) and fI -K t2 I. met hy 12. lit·Kt5 with practically to the middle of the boIIrd wbere he t.. "". S. '""_ B·R. &. P-OKt4 _ .... 4L.Q-Kt7 ch. K-K t3 : (2. QxRP, lor \I 42. Black', K·.ide will Onilly get into the figllt. • forced win. pooed to far more ",riou.o dangen than when Euwe 1'(;"'" thl. ,.. the refutation of HI...,k'. __, II . R(; (3. Q·K61 n·m "h: H. K·B8. and 2S...... • R·Ktl~. KIxB R"PI 12. R-QI • Q-64 1). KI-K4! __ a"""iled in hi . own back y.rd. For the b,t m<>>,c. For 1I now 6 ...... , P:dilP; 7. II H. _ .•.. , Q·II( ch; 45. Q·Ktt ehl or if (4. 26. P_B' B"Kl II now IS. __• QID; H. Kt-BG ch .• KtxKt King to venture "" lar into enemy terrltoty Kt·Kt5! Kramer, howel'"r, Imp'.,.... on H_~ Q-Ill ell.: ta. Q-K5 chi In either ca ..., All attempt to hold Ib~ piece ...... Id reoult lif H .._ ... , K·K2: 15. KtxKt, IUKt; 16. B.Kt5 (ns in thi. gam~) is ...u.o lly 1_,",1. Never. Black'. deieM<'> by capturing toward the Whit" ""ou ld ..-in. in diAASter. • ch.); 15. QI Kt .. io. at leaot the exch. ng~. U.e\c"" ti,;" chase looka too ambitiouo In .. 2S. P·BS RKKIP n. R(RH)xB R.R center. A/Jer 1], KI-K41 milch as Black I. .. nablc to ga; .. nl.. aLle 29. R-RS eh. K_B2 :no RxR ~evdopiD)I: tempi. ~: KC'Kt5 p:_~~: ~:~~4. K~~~ )0. R·Bl eh. K.KU Si l ler 10. KxB KbP eh. 14. KxKP KI-OZ eh. SICILIAN DEFENSE n. K·IO Q-KR S 15. K-Q6 Q·KKlIi eh. ~~it;"e~Ud:};i':..,~~ ~~ "..::'o~: U~i~~ , Dallas. AlIa 32. RxR 12. Kt·KB) tire o ~ n iDg i. that if White', K-o:ide at. Q_KBl ell.. ~~: ~~~ ch. \~~~ tack bit.. Black'. better I'awn druct"", 1947 13. IUKt P-KB' eh. j\"iv('!O hi", .. .uperler ending. Only game lost by Horowitz Qu t o f 17. X .QI loob better but doeo not ..,."" to ,. ..._ 0-0 n. KI_B3 Kt-~3 thirty-four boards it·Q.QKtS Q-KKt5 }}. B_KKU R·BS l~ ~;.o.;l1 ""t m~t;~4pre~I.?gR~he follo;;;g 19. QxP ch. K-KU J4. 0·R3 R.KKt -thru.L Notn fry Rid;tJ,'; HtJrrell 20. KR·Kl KI·KU tho 15. PxR Q-Q5 ell.. 12. _._ P-KKU 15. PxP KlxRP While Blad:; D. P·Kt( Kt-Kt2 U .. R·KKIl Kt-K2 I. A. HOROW ITZ R. HARRELL ~~: ~:~~S ~:~~ ~~: ~: ~:~~l ~:~ ~~: 14. Kt .. KlS P·KR4 1. P·K4 P-OB' 2. P-QB1 __ 23. K-04 P-R) 3S. KI-QI Kt_B4 24. S-Kl K_R2 1'. B_B2 Q-KI7 ~~~'i~~K\'2....atllowcd by fu1'. Unorthode::.:, but eminently logical. The plan 25. KB-B2 KR-KBI 40. BoP ell.. K_KI2 P ",pyring the r<> ll<>wlng (!Qmh in ation .. hich i. to """ure Qt and aYoi~;r .rk'::'t=r.ti~ fte~hcw~:; s"ia;;-k P;:;:' trade QUL"D11 with nothing .....,noe .bout b l. ..-arne than an wlated QP : 3. __• P-Q-l; 4. KING'S INDIAN DEFENSE Q1'~I' (if ~. 1'-1\5. p.K3 and Black has • u. S. Championship Preliminaries lavu".ble variatl"" of the French Defe"",,); Are a 3 Tournament, 1946 BIP; ~ . 1',,1'. QxP;~ . QxQ, PxQ. The ted R-RO ddiberatcly allo",. White to advance h ;' R-Q> NoteJ; bU Albert O. Margolis pawn. in the belief thot they wHl be weak. Hor_ltz K-Kt2 White Black 4. p·QS _ KI_K4 6. P_Q(;: TIl'" Wh ile hal reg:o ined hi. piece, but he DR. B. SCHM IDT A. DICAMILLO 5. P_KB4 Kl-Ktl 1. P-04 Kt-KS}}. KI.QB} 1'-04 'rhe only 1"'i:","1 Jll"<><'edn",; White I. bent ~f: 1~1 (>C't'Jlic;~~ru,l;OG~n.':'it.::, . ~"';,i ~: 2. P_QB4 P·KKtJ I. B_B4 H ... _ ,-n ~~k ing i 'Ktl) n el~ 'P.Kt"'"th. _ Kt_Q4 hume "'ith inexora hle logic. '· hl. move h.. lallen o.. t of fayo. . Kt·I>"S al i. )2. H . ... H R'OB7 3<1. R-BI R.aS ell.. R_QBI once loll",,'ed by Q.Kt3 n ow coRiidered Til." """rse el the game i . already decided; 3}. P-R1 R-BS )5. K·R2 P_R4_1 be,t. tbe ou[""me ... iII depend not <>n tadlcal Kt·Q4 4... • _ B-Kt2 6. P_IO II 3iJ. _, Kt·Q6 Immediately. tbe check KI·BS P-B. ! enun<, hut "pon tbe basi. of which player'. on KU would be aggnovating.to .a.r t he lea.t. S. KI·B} O-Q 1. Q-KU idea i. co"""t. Wbile ha. cbanco. lor a lIi. R_B2 .. __ I1i'xP look. better. dlrt'et attack. wheT"l'u il lllack III ever able 36.' Jt-IJ.iI to protect the ","wn by n.Q88 (or " ... 7. __ QPxP R·Ql d ue-~ ,- to lIbc".te hi""",lf, he will ...... e tbe better at/ack Black'. by U-QS) i" futile fa. 36. _ ._. 8. BxP PxP end I:'lmc beca ..... 0' t he I".,.., Wbite pawn•. It. B5 forces the It righl back to lH; then P-B3 PxP i ~ bettcr. I . Kt_KR~ P-8S! ...... , Kt-Qll. 9. ..• _ Q-R4 10. KIxP? .. _•.. P-Q.IJ.( mnst be pr·.,.... ntcd ; Black cannot af· :16. ~__ Kt-Q6 38. R_Kt3 eh. ..R>R-'" Thi. leads to I""" of a piece. White'. ,t".tegy lord a further ""n<:eOtjon of pooiU<>n. n. R_B} KtllP)g. KI-KtS i . a t fault And Ih~ ..hole ide" d""",,'t 1",,1< ,. BxP Q-RS ell. 10. KI-BZ He ~atu",lly avoId. uchan~. Inviting. White .h""ld not have given it KI(KO)IBP 39..... _ R-BS 44. K·KI3 much thou ..:ht. Simply PxP and White Can " Bad olip--thc capture witb the other Kt 19. QxKI! ...... • 40. poRt R_B5 4S. R~R put up qutte a fi~ht. i . far ~tron~.' I ll. _ .....• Kt(Ql)dWI'; n. U. K_R' KI·KS 16. K_B4 P"P! The winning .troke. II 19. .... _..• P:rQ; ~. 1'·Kt3 (there I! nothIng bclter~ White u. KtxKP db)" eh. and 21. nll:Q, remalni"8 ,.. 42. KIxKI RxKt 41. K·K5 l~: ~:Kt5 po~J U: ~~1 ~ktII; .?.. ~inN; the- t.~rY.:llt of ...... • , lUrKW 4,. R·O' R_K4 12. Kt(()j(Q Pitll /o]low",1 ~Y __• Q ~ n). Kt·Kt1 ch; 12. )~: ,,:~hn d. R.Rt 22. Q.B2 QR.RI A n,(h.. preUy clincher; lhl. h.d 10 be I'd' II no better. K·DI. QxD eb; IS . KxKt. Ktd' wIth a '1ul~k ""I~u lnted belore the Rooko were traded. 14. _ Kt.KtS I 11. R"Kt B·B4 ~: g~~p ~:Ws 2). P.BS! Ibnchelto of Ihe Qn and mAck m,,1l /lU rely 48. K"P K.B4 SO. KQ4 __ IS. P.B) Kt·B7 11. P-KKt4 SmftoblnR , 11 retlruow-e in .... damr' belt ,lyle l1~J~~ t QP wi~._~n do.. b~ly Ian 1180. ,a. P-OB4 16. K_K2 KIxKR 23 • • _ RxP 26. P-K6Ieh. P.B) !~tc~-?l. p.Kt /B~~~ an cilh~ r gobb l ~ Ihe 1~Ji:t - n7. e' :~~1 dC;t.I~'_Q) .11 . p·l\t8 n . Kt-Kt7 ct. and wi ... a pIece R"I' and Ktp or manueYC' White out 01 the ~ l. Q"OP lk 24. Q-B} Kb.P 21. PxB QxQP 10' If K·81, KI(Kt71-KII ch. Crown. 25. B"KI KP"e 28. O..()·O RetJgn1 a. .,. 19_ KI-OS B·K4 U. __ KlxB 12. 0-0 P-S3 K-Bt m.ck deoe ....-ee gmat credit lor he. dUlicult R·Qt look. betl.... SO. _...... K_K3 5.1. K· KIS del~, ..", In th l. game. Black c:o"Unu" r"""lntc1y wltb h" Itllck 51. K.K4 KxP 54. P·Kl4 20. _ B·QB) 26. Kt-Kt!I K"Kl on the adVlln«d pawn.. It ..as Nhn'W>itch 52. K·B4 K-K2 21. Ktm-B1 - R-Ql 21. Kt·BSch. K.Sl wbo ftrst ~nulOCi.o~ the principle that pa"'" 54. 1'·K13 t.. relativelY briter, but Ibcn Black Boost American Chm! 2S. KlxP ch. K-K2 u. S . Championship Preliminaries chain. ahoilid be al tacked from t he rtaT Ind tt"'I""'" with _ .~. p .QS. H: ~i~~l ch. Pi2:t 2.9. P.KR4 Kt·S) fO It I:"OI!OI h«e: tI'e KBp. the XI', Ind thc 54 •.._.... P:rP 51. K·R' 24. KI(Bl)-OS 8-Kl Resigns Ar-ea 6 T ournament or I,ll In order. 55. K~P K·B) 59. K. Ktl JOIN THE USCF 2S. R-Ql B·Q) U. Q-K2 PlrP 15. Q.KH Q.tK3 • 5&. P_RS p"p ch. R~,I IIn1_ No/ts by R. J. Crilltntftn . U. QoP Q-B1 51. KlcP K·B4

White m~ ck ~J~tB~" enaQlOU~ of trading- Quee.... w. H. WATTS L. J. ISAA CS 16. QEQ "'ould lIot appreciably hurt mack; l. P· K4 P-K4 10. B-B2 P·B4 While prefer. to develop. SICILIAN DEFENSE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ,. KI.KBl KI-gB} 11. p·04 1946 U. S. Women's Championship ,. B·KtS p. R} lZ. OKb-Q2 KY::~ ~f: 8.0 KIS

A VAl LABLE TO Buy Your Chess Books USCF MEMBERS From The USCF At Special Membership Prices , Practical End·Game Play-By Fred ReWeld ...... $2.0 0 Gits Authentic "Staunton Pattern ~' Plastic Chessmen Common Sense in Chess-By Dr. Emanuel Lasker .. 1.50 Price to The Art of Sacrifice in Chess-By RudoJph Spielmann.. 3.00 R, tall USCF OV('rl<">(lklng the eombinltlon by which Wblte Mlmb,,, obtai... In l Imon won pocItlon. No. 5l0--2Vs" King-Mottled Ivory and Mottled " ... Thc Enjoyment of Chess Problems-By Kenneth S. Howard .. 3.00 18. BxP eh. KxB ]I IS. _. R·m. then 19. KI·R(. 1'. K1-8 (20. Black, weighted and felted ...... $2. 50 $2.25 & Q·lt5 WI. the threflt); 20. Klrl' cb., P:zKt Modern Chcss Opcni'!.gs-By Griffi ths White ... 2.50 (not KIB; 21. Q.R5 clI, K.KI!; :1:2. Q·RII ch, No. 610-3" King-Mottled Ivory and Mottled K-DS; 28. D.KW cb; K_llt; 2.1.. P.KU m,te); Chess Marches On!-By Reuben Fine.. 3.00 21. Dxp, Ind t h ~ thrett 01 22. Q.R5 ch. with Black, weighted and felted.. 5000 ·4.50 a probable mate tho.. ld decide. n. Q_B2 ch. K.KU 21. B.KIS B·B} No. 612-3" King Dc Luxe Ebony-Black and Magic-By Irving Chernev ... 2.50 20. p"e P.P . Of eou_ not 21. __.• D"U 1; 22. KtxB' with Ivory, weighted and felted ...... ,. 7.50 6.75 an NQ" win. The Game of Chess-By Dr. S. Tarrasch.. 3.50 No. 620-3" King-The finest Gits Plastic chessH g: a;~4 ':.~OJ:t ~~A: th. K~~ Winning chess Traps-By Irving Cherney 3.00 'rhe ltooit WII thl"eltcnod via 26. Q·KUI ch. men packed in a smart ornamental box. De Luxe K.K2; !"T. Q·Kl1 ch. R·D2 (Ion:t!d): 28. Kt·KII lO.OO eb, K·K1 or Ql; 29. Q.KIS ch .• followed b, Ebony, Black and Ivory, weighted and felted .... My System-By Aaron Nirnzoviteh ...... 3.00 80. Q;rR ch. 2S. Q-RS ch. K-KI2 21. R·IO P-K5 Attractive quantity d iSCounts to USCF Club Chapters on sets The onl.r movc. It "Ow 28. II·KtS cht. QER for Club use. Write for quotations. Special Jis c01mt M tbm: boolu to USCF Clttb CbDPfers Oil win. I pieee. 2!. Q-1