• ess t e Volume I Wednesday, Number 13 Offj cinl PubUcati on of we Unltecl States (bess Tedetati on March 5,. 1947 "Week Of. Chess" Passes Test GARY CHESS CLUB NEWTON CHESS WEEK OF CHESS RESUMES CITY NUTS CELEBRATE DOES WON DERS AT CHAMPIONSHIP CHESS MONTH c;,ORPUS CHRISTI After a la pse of two years the On "~ ebr ual"y 15 in cclebration of An Interesting alld successful ex· Gary Chess Club Is reestablishing Nallonal Chess Month Harlow ll. pe .-iment 1n chess publicity has jus t the Gar y C ity Chamilionshill Daly, tonuer Boston Chess Champ· been comple ted by the Corpus Tournament, last won In 1944 hy iOIl, Illayeil a twenty·one boa I'll Christl (Texas) Chess Cluh as a D. O. Brooks (of South Bend), an Simultaneous at tlle New tOil warm·up Cor the 1947 Open Tourna· out-ot·lowll m e mber of the club. (Mnss.) YMCA, He· won sixteen, ment to be held there this Augus \.. Preliminary l)lny began F e bruary drew olle !lnd lost foul'. Successful For one full calendar w eek, "'eb· 9 at the Gary (Ind.) YMCA with against Daly were Charles C, Craig, rU;lry 1 to 7 inclusive, George Kolt· .D. E. Rhead, Iltcsldent ot tho Ga l'y Lawrence Bonney, J udge Thomas Ilnowskl gave a series ot s imultan· Chess Club, serving as referee. 'Veston aJl(1 N. Cary Hayward , eous exhibitions, lectu res and talks The Gary Ches~ Club is s ponsor· while Dr. Cameron A. Rae held the In the club rooms and in high school lug "chess chu~ses·' [or grade and eX II Cl·t to a draw. chess c lubs In Corpus Christi and h igh school students, although Among the less s uccessful COli· in nearby small commulllties. H e adults wlli not be barred because testanls were Mrs. Selma Philipp, also appeared at various luncheon 01 age, The classes meet In the sevenlylsh, and John Horltz, just and services clubs ror talks, high, Indiana room of the Central Lib· past lell , S Pectato rs Included for· lighted by h.18 fa mous " Knight's l'al'y under the sponsorship of D. mer Mayor Edwin O. Childs, l\lid· Tour" exhibition. ..- E. Rhead aud Ed. Mitchell, dlrec· dles!!x County Commissioner. AI·· The results wore much mo!"e suc· tor or the Gary \VOI'ks' "Good· rallgements w ere s upervised by DI" cessful tbnn even the most opti· fellow Club: ' Acting as iustmctors Cameron A. nne IUlII Carl S. Crulll· mistic members of tho Corpus a.re 'Vallace Kosiba, team captain melt or tile Newton Chess Nuts. Christi Chess Clu b 11ad RllUclpatell. of the G3ry Chess Club, and George Though the American Theatre By 111 0 ond of the week the whole TUrkane, orgnl1lza~jOIl secre t(uy. \Vlng and the American Red Cross, J-/.r/ow; 8. Dilly, 80$1011 r-brn upal, pl.,s • slml/lI.lIro lls .t fb!'h~;~'/~~Utb~~ cily was ches s conscious. Interest ~ ,jjfHn_i~i~",+.Iii<~.... _a_~,""", __""" ____ "" ",,, rew with c n 1,111011 111'11" In.U. I .tt.. ndfOd lhan the COO I)C rllthllf IIPOIIIIO I' or tht'. UHJVt' 1III.lli ithlIJ: "('hI _nJIIII or . "'" 11M A. Itlr, I)r. D ~ "'tlff B. NI/II", LIon",J A. M(I"I,,.,: Rlm,.1t A, ;'1Ir;, }NJ" Tho ... ~ preceding Ollt!. AI " r Oll ult tho club ment In mnklng I·oom avnllnble In tlenls III the Muq)hy /{o" I)ltnl ror Wnlo". 51",,;,lrg, rlgbl In '~/I, .rr: CUIIIII)' Co",,,,llllo,,,.,. EJ ....i " C, Child•• ml uncovered u. grent number of chess th~ ~.t~ ry for l ~ese classes. Ve terans al \Valtham. 'rwo Chess C".~Ii. \j)'. H·"V' Mo:,,'. D;r:il:t.~cS"~""i-""·.c'Z"'~"Y~'!!~"""".. -i~ ___~=- Nl\t dieth l,en:l go' ~(] tnl! hOl:!pitai . _ _ ~ ____ _ Inns "Who did -nct know or t ho:; c:ub'" existence a nd the Christi ,,,), w"k in thl, "Cb,,, fo, v,,- MERCA'NTILE CLUB KOE'LSCHE · BESTS Corpu~ REVIVAL OF OLD Chess Club iu consequence almost er~~s~et:·~~:~n~·4theNe wtonChess 'BACK OF "CHESS BARNES IN THEIR doubled its membership. Leaders of COLONY CHESS club n o w .enthusiastically Nut, def,atM the in vading ",m FOR ;VETERANS" CHALLENGE MEET th~ LEAGUE PLANNED of the Brookline H igh School Chess l'ecommend this same p rocedure to Club. William Loring acted as l108t other chess clubs through ou t the At the Valley ·Fol·ge General Hos· On February 1 at the rooms of On. December 22nd at the iuvita· to this even t. l<~inal §cores were: ·country, coufident t hat it w ill pro· pit.1Ji the "Chess for Veterans" pro· the Minneapolis Chess a n d Checker tlon of H y Fine of the Attlebor o Newt on Ch... Nuh Bro><>l< Un., Chen duce startling results wherever (Mass.) Chessl Club, delegates gath­ 1>to~e ~ .... ~ .... __ .l Bloom •• _.......... ·. _~ .. O gram is in full swing. Cbairman CluJJ Dr. GUes A. KoeIsche, former tried. Rue ~~ .. .. _ .. _ .•... ,_>.1 Mittie M ___ •••• _ •••••• _ •• O Leon Rosenfield ot the Merchantile Minnesota Ch ess Champion, re· ered from various New E ngland .Ordway _ ..... _..... .. _.. 0 It<.enth.J ...~ ....... _.. l ----,---~ L ibrary Chess Club (Ph iladelphia, gained temporary possession of the clubs to discuss a revival ot the ~"f:n _ . :::-'::.:·.='-.I':: :::~ ~~ijld ... -=-..;:=~::: ::g Old COIOllY Chess League. Mr. Pa.) has the backing of the VA, RC title by winning the final and de· NEW BERWYN CLUB Worcester of the Quincy Y. (Muss.) Brookline ~ .. 1 and Army in his project and is clding game ot his challenge match INCLUDES "CHESS Cbess Clu b was. elected temporary al ready producing results. Mem· w ith George S. Barnes. 'I'be final chairman of the league and Mr. KOLTANOWSKI IN bers of the JVlerchan tile group visit score was four wins for Dr. Koel· FOR VETERANS" the hospital every T h ursday. Wil· H~mm of t h e Attleboro Club lern­ sche w ith th ree draws and two porary secretary an(1 treasurer. BLINDFOLD AT liam Ruth, well·known P hiladel· losses to Barnes. On February Plans of the newly organized Clubs repre>lented at this organ­ L.' A. ATHLETIC phian chess player, has g iven a 22nd, however, the title again be· Berwyn ( Ill.) Cbess Club in clude izing meeting were: Providence, simUltaneous as has Hany Morris comes an open one to be gained b y a regulat· session each week at Pawtucket, Attlebor o, Fall River , George Koltsnowski, blindfold wbo also talked op chess. the v ictor in t he Annual Minnesota Van ghan General Hospital as a Quincy and B rockton. 'Vorcester chess exper t, on F ebruary 11 gave State Championship Tournament, part ot the "Chess for Veterans·' held on that date. program. 'rhe club grew ou t of a was 110t represented but had a l­ an eight·board exhibition at t he AIRMAIL CHESS ready in timated a willingn ess to Los Angeles (Calif.) Athletic Club I ~~~~- group sponsored by the Berwyn join, while the newer organizations against members o f the Clu b Chess CANADA vs. G.REAT Recreation Commisison and was in N e w Bedford and "\\'oonsocket Section. Guests · a t the eXhibition BRITAIN MATCH "VARO" CHESS ol'ganized into a form al club by w e re also expected to enter when were Herman Steiner and Olaf UI· Paul F. Andersbn, at presen t chai r· CLUB IS FORMINc; man of the Publicity Com m i ttee. the league begins 10 fu nction. ves tad, members ot the U. S. team An ail"lnail c hess ma tch between P lans for a more extensive program in the match w ith the U~SR , who Canada and Great Britain with over IN LOS ANGELES were inaugurated wllh the visit of adjudged the unfinished games. t wo h undred boards in play Is SpOll· USC}l~ President Wagner who gave I. A. HOROWITZ Results showed t he blindfold wiz· sored by the EI'iUsh magazine Allril will see the formal, open· an eighteen board simultane ous in ard as mastel' of the situation with "Chess." F. n tries will be accepted ing of the "Yaro" Chess Clu b of IS UNDAUNTED December . The club is now deep in five wins, tw o d raws and olle loss. u n til March 15, 1947 b y D. M. Le· Los Angeles, Calit. Dr. H. H. Kuh ns its second toUl'nament to determine BY TRAIN WRECK Victory against him went to De· Dain, Canadian Match Cal?tain, 5970 will he president, Dr. D. L evine, the comparative abilities of its Baun, while Vance and Chapman Durocher Ave., Montreal, Quebec. vice·pl·esident, Dr. H.. Barondes, sec· members before sallying forth in When the Sonthern Pacific "San held the d raws. Charles Jarrell Canada has pm'ticipated in sev· retary·treasurer. "Varo" stands for inter·clu b matches. Joaquin Dayligh t Express" was acted as referee a nd Dl.. Ralph eral cOI'respondence m a tches with Veterans Administration Regional wrecked ne al" Kingsburg, Calif., on Kuhns was responsible ror all the the U.S.A. and was planning one Oflice, a nd m e mbers oC the "Varo" February 4, traveling chess·master a'·rangeme nts. with Australia when the wa,' in· Chess Club will be those associated H orowilz was among the un in jured tervened: but this is tile first multi· with the Veteran s AdminIstratio n The Chess Bug Se%' hy Roh.", passengers w ho were transferred to hoard correspondence match by air· regional work ill and about Los a u tos for comple tion ot their jour· HARRISBURG HAS mai l, Allgeles.
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