The Ledger and Times, April 6, 1964
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Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-6-1964 The Ledger and Times, April 6, 1964 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 6, 1964" (1964). The Ledger & Times. 4476. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • ' •‘••••• r.alr• 4 0• le Vas,v t..•0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••o nerterdte a is e -• 4-,17•••- •• " •.* eeeeevivierpeooven J •.• ••• • Pr • • .-e-rwerene reenvenneenneriv e 'AIL 4, 1964 • Selected As A Beat All Bound Kentucky y have had to community Newspapet cy footwork in of those love- vho meet them 4mOM—c y to he them Largest The Afternoon Ted !nail for a luI women id if a tL a In only a Circulation Daily Newspaper clad IA scene have) it Both In City - s bit. You see, I = is _ For Murray and • 110 . OHIO And In County Calloway County lest For a per- In Our 55th Year Murray reply write to United Press International1 Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, April 6, 1964 Population 10,100 Vol. LXXXV No. 82 verb, Hills. Calif. self-addressed i, Church Women To Hearing On Meet On April 15 Funeral Of • Opening of Stars The next meeting of the current Body Of MacArthur series of being held Lies Lake "Area" discussion group 'arl Kingins [ISMS by the United Church Women will be in College Presbyterian Church Is Proposed parlor at 930 o'clock on Wednesday Is Held Today morning. April 15 Each member LENSES Crown Is In State; In My church women's group is asked to Death Comes WASHINGTON ret - Sen Vance send a representative. ING Funeral services for Carl B. King- Henke. D-Ind., Sunday caned for The Executive Board meeting of ins are being held today at 2 p m. public hearings on the proposed United Church Women is scheduled CASH at the J. H. Churchill Funeral "Land Between the Lakes" recrea- for Monday. 9:30 o'clock, April 13, at Home with Rev. Lloyd Ramer and ALL Set For June 25 tion area in weetern Kentucky and at the home of Mrs. A. H 'rite- Quietly To Old Warrior Rev, Breedlove officiating. Tennessee. The board is worth. 1316 Olive Blvd. The outstanding tesic business S!! Under the project. the Tennessee Women's Asso composed of the and pohtical leader of Murray died mete may Valley Authority TVA would set tion president, the wife of the pas- If you enjoy all the glamour of tickets In advance of the at the Baptist Meincenil Hospital member of aside the entire land area between tor, and one representatitie • opening night at the theatre and a do so by oontacting any other in Memphis. Tenn, early Saturday Barkley and Kentucky lakes for Death Conies 61 Dtreotors, or the from each member church All Years After at Kerslake the Board of a heart bitiouln, too, you'll be -demonstration in recreation re- eventing after he suffered June 26 , Murray Chamber of Conwnerce In churches of the community are in- suryery. He amphitheatre on Friday. source development." attack following lung Kermit Murruy Max Hurt and Holmes Ellis vited In participate in the work of was 67 age and executive for the gala presentation of Hartke said he has asked to be years of VG will take advance ticket reserva- United Church Women, who op- He Fires Career's Hunter's 'Stars In My Crown." M- vice-president of the Peoples Bank First Shot heard by the House Appropriations Lions. erate in cooperation with the Na- anuel a senak preview of the out- of Murray. Committee when it considers funds tional Council of Churches. door drama will be held on the Active pallbearers are William Persons holding serest tickets, at for the project_ The hearings are By H. 13, QUIGG p. m., eight and one-half hours night before, the formal opening M. Boyd. A. L. Burteen, William E inday 825.00 each, may buy additional scheduled to be held between April United Press International after his death in Walter Reed be on June 26 when Governor Dodivon, Harvey Ellis. Dewey Lamp' a411 tickets for opening night cerenapn- 7/ and May 6. he said He urged in- NEW YORK tot - A soldier of Army Medical Center, Breathitt, Lt.- Calloway Boys Are W Barnett. One • k7 Needs and Mrs Edward T les at regular prices, teracted persons to prepare state- kin& Jr.. 011ie the long gray line. Douglas Mac- Water- D, Cook, Jr. The general of the Army, winner Cov, and Mrs. Harry Lee ments to be presented to the com- M Coleman. and L. Arthur of Samar. St. Mihiel. Ba- play- '"The steam Ucket sale is being Active In Service Glenn of his country's highest military field, Dr. Kermit Hunter, the mittee then. Honorary pallbearers are taan, Corregidor. Inchon-and a State of- conducted to assure a financially Houston. Dr. Con- award. the Medal of Honor, and a Wright. and naticeel and Hartke mid a number of his con- Of The Country Doran. Dr Hugh thousand campfires on a hundred for the sotud season." Mr. Hurt said. -But Lynnwood Morris, brUnant fighting-front commander Now ficials will be in attendance stituents are protesting the pro- rad H Jones, battlefields was home today, in It does something else," he added. Walrop. in three wars died at 2:30 p. in, second simmer season of the en- Several Calloway County service George E. Overbey, H. T. death. In the city he "When you reeks* that you can once called Oder) of kidney and liver failure tertaining drama that depicts the men have been active in their unite Judge Iterl Osborn, T. Rafe Jones, the greatest in the une the ticket yourself on the nights He conceded the Land Between world. following three minor operations history of Wee Kentucky recently Abe Thompson. G. le Scott, Sr The it to sone elee the Lakes area otters splendid op- withered laxly of the old during his last month. specified. or give Army Joseph L. Curd, whose Ryan Hughes. Judge Robert 0, bargain, it's • real one! portunities for recreation, and that PFC Nat fighter area statesman lay in cus- As for the If you are using it, it means that Exact Moment Unknown tide Crystal, lives at New Con- Miller. Waylon Rayburn, Bernard tody of the Army he At a meeting of the Board of di- chotce seen are available all during TVA undoubted most acquire the loved, weigh- cord, has been assigned to the 7th Harvey. Witham B. Milner& Ran- ed over by menmers Murphey said 4sie -difficult to rectors of the seamintion sponsor- the nine-week sea, at lees than held. of the armed FER t Infantry Division in Korea as of dall Patterson. and Bobby latU- services of which he tell when MacArthur toot his last ing the desert& it was agreed to offer seat." "I ant not, however, convinced was the senior 75 cents a March 23. mer. breath. Among the nett who thigh a limited number of season nano, that it Is a necessity for TVA to ranking officer. Ibis year "Stars In My Crown," Curd is a turret mechanic in The Peoples Bank of Murray. the watched him die were his U at entitle the purchaser to attend require this entire 170,090-acre It was received by Lt. Gen, Gar- wife. will show Ax tunes r week and on Company B, lit Battalion of the Peoples Branch bank, and the Dees Jean Paircloth MacArthur and his cheeing night ceremonies. ads well pentnaula of land for development," rison M Davidson, commander of Sunday evenings There will be no diviseonO /3rd Armor and entered Rank of Hazel closed at 11 a. rn. Gea Magma MacArthur son. Arthur. 21. Murphrey said they as to use. or have others use the he mid. "And their methods of ac- the Fine U. 8, Army, and was to )USERS performance on Monday night's. the Army in March 1963 He coin- for the funeral, took it ticket during the entire nine-week quiring land have left some resi- today tenant for the day at a funeral -The curtain goes up at 6:15 p. m.." pined has basic training at Port is survived by his wife: sea.scin dents upset. I believe there ibould Kingings chapel only two blocks from the Death came to the -old soldier" $1.00 Mr Hurt and. "in order no to inter- of Cold- be full public hearings. in ttda area POS. Louisiana The 24 year oid mother, Mrs Efhe Kingins starting point of General MacAr- 61 years after he fired hue first • Service "This semen ticket offer is what fere with regular Sunday night John to enable raidents to extras their soldier Is • 1360 gnu:lune of New water: one daughter. Mrs. Almo 4-H Wins thur's triumphal homecoming pa- shots in battle for nis country, as le celled pre-selling in the theatre." church services' Concord High. Giffin of Downers Grove, Ill.; one rade here a raw 2nd lieutenant of. engineers Max Hurt president of the drama detail." 13 Years ago The amphitheater near Murray, He a the son of Mr. and Mrs. iron. Hal K. Kingins at Murray: It was on city hall steps in on Samar Island in the amociation mid "Based on last that Philippines.