FIRST ROUND ENDS L.A. Angels Face Half Slo-Pitch Delroit,

Won bv• Torrance The and play a three-game American Ix?ague schedule Monday, Tues­ Tappa of Torraiue won the first half cham­ day and Wednesday, followed by a weekend series be­ pionship in the West Coast Slo-Pitch League Friday tween the Angels and at Chavez while splitting a with San Pedro at Daniel Ravine. Field. The Yanks are in town Fri­ The Kegs won, 15-4. in the first game, but were day and Saturday night and Basketball blanked in Uie second, 4-0. Sunday afternoon. Rudy Brake pitched both In the second game San Pe- The Detroit Tigers games for San Pedro. He gave dro used three plays been bursting with power up 18 hits in the first match to whitewash Torrance It was the early going of the 1965j -, _ and five in the shutout Tappa's second shutout in 289 campaign. Outficldcr WilUc||4f||» ||]11P Torrance finished the first lifetime games, and the first jllorton has been leading the' in 119 round with a 9-3 league rec- time it happened in batting John Wooden, basketball ord. Tied for second place games land is among the leaders in of the national cham­ were San Pedro. Gardena. El The second half of the sea- both home runs and runs- pion UCLA Bruins, and John Segundo with 7-5 records son begins June 18 with batted-in. Veteran outficlder Bennington. "coach". Gardena and El Segundo Tappa Kegas playing the Old- ^ om, 'S , 5 homer iLouis University team which traded victories Friday. Gar- timers at Los Angeles. and RBI leader and among has hcon jn ,;, N1T five of dena won. 4-1. then lost. 5-3. ourjng the off-season two the top 10 batters. ,the last six vears. are sched-V to 'Gundo. 12-man all-star teams will be Detroit, battling for the luled , aj,pcar at tnc Pcpper.% Redondo dropped a pair t° selected to play Tappa Keg- first division, has one of thei dine Co,|ege basketball Los Angeles. 3-1. and 7-3. giv- gas in a July 4 doubleheader. top young in the; coacncs c|in ic June 21 and Ing both 5-7 league records. FIBST GAME game in Bill Fredhan. First 22 Tappa Keggas went on a -p,,.,.,,,,^ .7,ii»i> nns n— is n i baseman and in- 30 years 10- second splurge ^-J^«Vj^^:^r»V 'and i fielders Jerry Lumpe. Dick During Wooden's gainst Pedro. banging 11 a.r*»r ! McAuliffc and Don Wert give as a coach his teams have the game Chuck Tmmrf ticONoroO * rv-o » * won 600 carries while losing hits In the Tigers plenty of spark. only 1B3 His record at UCLA i The New York Yankees. with a American league champs in is equally impressive J1964. have been slowed by in- 343-127 mark. i juries this season. The Bruins have captured Doc Edwards was ten conference champion­ El Camino Coach recently obtained by the ships under Wooden's instruc­ i Yanks from Kansas City to tion. His teams have pro­ take over for the disabled duced three All-Americans In' TAKING ON TIGERS AND YANKEES . .. Is • highly-touted mound prospect. Shorklry led the . With first the last two years: Gall Good­ Baseball Author Bill Rigney of the Los Angeles Angels (center) hud­ Parifie Const League last year with 36 homers. De­ baseman Joe Pepitone moved rich. Keith Erickson and Walt dles with southpaw Rudy May (left) and slug­ troit is in town Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to the outfield. New York Hazzard. In the two year pe­ Author of a new book, "Basic Baseball Strategy," is ging first basrmin Costtn Shocklcy (right). Rudy, 20, while New York arrives Friday for the weekend. I bolstered their infield with riod, his Bruins won 58 S. H. "Chuck" Freeman, veteran baseball coach of Ingle­ I Buddy Barker and Horace games and lost two. This in­ jClarkc cluded a perfect 30-0 season. wood High School and E! Camino College. ' But the Yankees still havei Wooden will discuss all as- The publication, by Doubleday and Co., is now avail­ Arcadia the "star system" with the'pccts of the game but will able at book stores. 'likes of . Rog-jplace his emphasis on the "Basic Baseball Strategy" Wins CIF ,er Maris. Tom Tresh. Bobby pressure tactics of his mod­ is written for Little League Richardson, , ern game. players . their fathers, and and Jim Discussing the pattern of- In Baselmll Bouton. Al Downing. Whitcy fense and ball control will be their coaches. . ,._,., . Ford--.,. and»..« Mcl...... Stottlcmyre.v.v,..v....r ... John Bcnnington. His team The book, with a forward I Arcadia High School scored; wno has shul ou, ,he .\ngclslat St lx>uis U. compiled a by Stan Musial. is an intro­ I three runs in the first inning: twice so far in 1965 'highly respectable 19-6 sea- duction to baseball strategy' and two in the third to win Tickets for all Angel games; son record last year and wax for young players and ex­ the CIF "AAA" baseball play arc now available at the main i given a berth in the NIT plains how the game's plays loffs from Warren Friday, 5-0. ticket office. 1525 N. Western I tournament. Hi« 1960-81 team I at Blair Field in Long Beach. Ave.: Anaheim ticket office at captured the Kentucky Invl- should be executed. Supple­ Bill Seinsoth, winner of 2000 State College Blvd.; ad- tational Championship and menting the writing are dia­ five pitching victories in the vance window on Stadium went on to place second in v grams by book illustrator A-6 JUNE 6, 1965 tournament, hurled a 3-hitlWay near the Naval Armory the NIT. His teams hold a 4-2 > Leonard Kessler. shutout against Warren. He is |at Chavez Ravine; and 17 winning record over power­ Divided into three majori Scoreboard Johnson an All-GIF football player Scars Stores, ful Kentucky one of the few too. teams to claim such a sta­ parts, the text offers often lini-21 1« 0 — 01 ; In the championship game tistic. defensive Mnhiw and K»nn». | last year Seinsoth was beaten Wesl Coast ! Rennington and Pete New- strategy, and physical nO| BI°r*jr,d' nd Q*rnr*"- ** » Bd HR — Em*r»on (Dofpairh*. INDUSTRIAL &OFTBALL by Lynwood for the title. | ell have coauthored the book. IIR — Munton