Fireman May Fight Suspension

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Fireman May Fight Suspension 20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Ooi. a, 1989 ROOMS I APARTMENTS I APARTMENTS I FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT TAG I CARS CARS SALES FOR SALE FOR SALE Faith MANCHESTER - Quiet, MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Lose MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Escape non-smoker, seml- 1981 HORIZON -4 door, 4 room flat, 2nd floor, air room townhouse. /IAANCHESt ER - /Mov­ 1986 JEEP Wagoneer Li­ prlvote entronce/both, speed, air condition­ mited - Excellent con­ security, lease, refer­ conditioner. Fully ap- Scenic area, private ing! 26 Goslee Drl- ing, low mileage. 649- ( ^ 1 i C T V pllanced kitchen, cel­ ve(ott Hartford Road), d itio n , 43,000 m ile s, ences 643-8830. entrances, deck, 5694._________________ Jim Bakker says God w-;y S K S \ \ ~ lar storage, garage. No laundry facilities, am­ October 7th, 9am-3pm. automatic, air condl- Whalers play well Opposition leader pets. $690 per month ple parking. Close to I Rain or shine. Furni­ 1984 HONDA Accord - tlonlng, am/fm plus utilities plus dep- 384 and shopping. ture, clothes, jewelry, Immaculate, 4 door, 5 cassette, leather Inte­ will watch over him/7 oslt. 649-5678 after 7pm. Available October household Items._____ speed, am/fm cassette, rio r. $10,900. 643-2938. but lose to Montreal/11 is spirited away/9 I qori APARTMENTS low miles, 1 owner, sun 30 Locust Street. 4 room 16th. $600 plus utilities. SATURDAY, Sundoy, roof, cruise, must see. ' ^ ^ ! fo r r en t heated apartm ent 1st 721-9654 evenings. 9am -2p m . Antiques, 646-3165.______________ floor. Security. No MANCHESTER - Newer 6 tools, drafting, miscel­ MOTORCYCLES/ M a n s f i e l d - i and 2 CARPENTRY/ ELECTRICAL pets. $650 m onthly. 646- room duplex, 3 bed­ REMDDELIN6 la n e o u s. 258 H e n ry 1978 D A T S U N 810 - 240z L ^ m opeds bedroom, country set­ 2426. 9am-5pm room s, 1'/j baths, fu ll Street. engine, good condi­ ting. $450 per month weekdays.___________ basement, deck. All ap­ tion. $895,643-4971 after ond up. 487-1437. DUMAS ELECTRIC 7pm. 1981 YAMAHA Special II- 118 Main Street, 3 room pliances. $750 monthly Service changes, BACK Yard Tag Sale - $550/best otter, 4,000 MANCHESTER - 6 room, plus u tilities. 646-7693 CARreNTERS/^AND^ apartment Including Reasonably priced rasldsn- additional wiring and Harvest table, ping PLYMOUTH 1985 H o­ miles. Must sell. 647- 3 bedroom duplex. anytim e. rizon - 4 door, 5 speed, heat/hot water. $560 tlel Improvements. Cleaning, repairs on existing pong table, air hockey 7527 $700/month. Security per month. Security. hauling, building, rem od^ game, moped, picnic am-tm radio. $1200.647- homes. Quality work at and references. 646- No pets. 646-2426, 9am- Ing (la kHehena, baths, and table, dressers, desk, 9758 after 5pm._______ 0576. _______________ 5pm weekdays._______ rac rooma). All calls an­ affordable prices. headboards, other fur­ I qqi CONDOMINIUMS swered. References. BUICK 1979 Skyhaw k - 2 I q ^ cars MANCHESTER - Large 1 Entirely owner operated. niture and lots of great 447 Main Street, 5 room l^^lFOR RENT 047-1824 door hatch, good con- I ^ F O R SALE bedroom, appliances, apartment. $600 per 27 years exp. Call things cheap. 12 Over­ dltlon, standard. pool, laundry, olr con­ Joseph Dumas look Drive, Manches­ $700/best offer. 644- month plus utilities. MANCHESTER - Very ditioner. $650 Includes Security. No pets. 646- GCF HOME ter. Saturday, October 6343._________________ HanrliPBtpr HrralJ) clean 2 bedroom •46-52S3. heat and hot water. 2426, 9am-5pm 7th, 9om-2pm.________ condo, on bus line. SERVICES SUBARU 1982-G L, red, 5 413-566-5358. w eekdays. MANCHESTER - 54 CLYDE Close to everything. Remodeling, repair, decks, speed, air, sunroof. MANCHESTER - 1 bed- MANCHESTER - 4 room trim work, small Jobe. MISCEIIANEOUS Camptleld Road, Sat­ 140K m iles. $600/best CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. $690 monthly. Availa­ urday, 9am-4pm. room apartment. Mod­ apartment. Applian­ SERVICES offer. Must sell. 645- ROUTE 83, VERNON ble O ctober 1st. 643- Senior Citizen Discount Household Items, some Friday, Oct. 6,, 1989 ern, quiet, central, on ces, separate utilities, 1 9996. _______________ 0480._________________ 82Malitxj4Dr $4,695 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm bus line. Secure $575. car parkin g. 643-4827. 645^559 furniture.-apartment Newsstand Price: 35 Cents One bedroom condo, size stove. 1983 CHRYSLER Le- 84 Caprice Classic Cpe. $6,895 Call 649-1147, Bob MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Baron - 4 cylinder, 5 Klernon._____________ swimming pool, weight HAWNES TREE SERVICE 84 Buick CentU7 Wag $5,995 room, luxury town- room, pool tables, hot PAINTING/PAPERIN6 Bucket, truck 6 chipper. speed, standard. Nice 84 Olds Cutlass Cpe $5,895 4 room apartm ent, 1st Stump removal. Free buy, $1,995. 646-1313. house. All appliances, water Included. $550 85 Skylark 4 Or $8,895 floor. $550plus utilities. heat, cable, carpeting, aatimataa. Special Station monthly plus deposit. PETS AND Security and referen­ consideration for elderly 85 Buick Somerset 2 Dr $7^95 air conditioning. Call 646-7353.______________ INTERIOR/EXTERIOR and handicapped. CHEVROLET 1980 Ma­ ces. No pets. 9am-5pm, 647-1595. I SUPPLIES libu - 4 door, good 86 Delta 88 2 Dr $8,995 MANCHESTER Gardens PAimiNG 643-5372._____________ 647-7553 condition. $1,250. 643- 86 Bonneville 4 Dr $6,995 MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ - 2 bedroom town- Painting & light Carpentry, FREE Kittens and adult 5484._________________ Fireman 4 room flat, 2nd floor, 06 Century Wagon $7,495 proposal room townhouse. All house, $700. Security. Driveway Sealed, Porches & cats. Vet checked and stove and washer. $525 1984 HONDA Civic Wagon appliances, heat, hot Jack Lappen Realty, Hatchw^s rebuilt. TREE shots. Donations ac­ 86 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,495 plus utilities. Security water, carpeting, air 643-4263. cepted. Protectors of - 646-0767 or 649-4554, 86 Chevrolet Nova 4 Or $6,395 and references. No Galligan & Co. Jack. conditioning. Call 649- 649-1698/643-6386 REMOVAL A n im a ls. 742-9666 or 86 Chevrolef Spectrum $4,995 pets. 9am-5pm, 643- 5240. Trees trimmed and removed. is backed 633-8515. 5372. 1984 FORD Escort Wagon 86 Chevrolet (^txily $7,195 MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Cordwood sold. Seasoned and “ IF 'e can tell you unseasoned hardwood only. CHEVROLET 1978 Z28 - Auto, air, am/fm, 87 Buick Skylark 4 Dr $8,795 MANCHESTER - 3 bed­ room townhouse with I HOMES Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Comoro - $950, t-tops, power steerlng- may fight room, newer duplex, fireplace. All applian­ FOR RENT what to look for... Crane Sen/lce Available. 87 Buick Electra 4 Dr $12,495 By Alex Girelli I'/a baths, w all-to-w all 350, soglnaw, 4 speed, /brakes. Excellent 87 Chevrolet Celebrity $9,495 ces, heat, hot water, Call Carl 742-5986 10 bolt post, stock condition. $2,000. 646- Manchester Herald carpeting, appliances. carpeting, air condi­ MANCHESTER - 4 bed­ and what to look wheels, no clutch. 2079. 8 72 -9 111 $775 m onthly. C a ll 643- tioning. C a ll 649-5240. room Colonial, 1'/2 out fo r r 1823._________________ Runs. 875-4499. A businessman with property on MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ baths. Bower School GUTTER LIKE private home. 3'/j room townhouse with District. $1000 per H arBro SCHALLER Tolland Tbmpike said today he and rooms. Lease. Secur­ fireplace. All applian­ month. Available No- CLEANING BOB RILEY ACURA QUALITY CARDINAL others are backing a hotly contested suspension ity. Working single vem ber 1st. 647-7038. ces, heat, hot water, P a in tin g SERVICE PRE-OWNED AUTOS BUICK, INC. plan to build a town fire station at male preferred. 643- carpeting, air condi­ MANCHESTER - Located OLDSMOBILE 83 Ford Escort $1,995 Doming Street and Tolland TUmpike 2880. tioning. C a ll 649-5240. In quiet fam ily nelgbor- of Manchester for estimate call 4c|flAulD,LowMlM 1988 BuickLeSabre Sedan $11,980 259 Adams St., SSOhkCulaHSaveiw |4jM 1988 Buick Skylark Sedan $8,990 in the North End. By Nancy Concelman CCLU will represent a person free hood, 6 room, 3 bed­ 875-0634 or 875-9142. V«.Xr.AC,LwU« room home. Imme­ Quality Painting Manchester S7 Toyota Twee StsSS 1988 Chev S-10 PAJ Truck $7,495 Roy Conyers, who also owns a Manchester Herald of charge if CCLU believes a con­ LEGAL NOTICES diate occupancy. To 649-1749 4cyl.Xr.AC.Lml«M 1988 CtwvS-10 Ext Cab P/U $12,995 home in the Bryan Farms area, said stitutional right has been violated. rent "as Is" for $750per Services as Honda Accoid U( f 10MS 1988 R>ntiac Grand Am Coupe $8,690 •Free Estimates l^w n care SS|)d..Ak,UkaNa» everyone he has talked to wants the CGVENTRY—A volunteer She said she believes Carilli’s case NOTICE TO CREDITORS month plus security 1969 Toronado $17,900 8] Nliaan Slaraa fiass 1967 Buick Park Are Sedan $11^50 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1987 Chev S-10 P/U $6,280 town to go forward with plans to firefighter suspended for talking to a has been transferred to CCLU’s ESTATE OF and utilities. No pets. •Senior Citizen Discounts 1986Toronado $8,995 5Spd..AC,Starao ESTATE OF 643-2129.______________ STCaleaQTS tlMSS 1987Chev Conversion Van $13,999 build the station. Two Republican newspaper reporter about a recent northeast office. Gfficials at that of­ ELEANOR H. BLISH JEANNE R. ADAMS •Aluminum & Vinyl 1986 Olds Cutlass $8,495 5S(id,Loadtd.lM BOLTON Lake - 4 room Powerwashing 1987 Cadillac Brougham $14,995 candidates for the Board of Direc­ The Honorable William E. YARD MASTERS 1964 Olds Cutlass $6,495 SaFontacSOOOLE riMX incident said today he’ll take the fice could not be reached for com­ The Honorable William E.
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    August 2017 to October 2017 SASKATOON Newsletter 2020SPORTS College Drive Saskatoon, Sask. HALL S7N 2W4 (306) 664-6744 OF FAME Photos of all inductees on touch screen at Field House Saskatoon Sports Hall of Fame on Facebook n behalf of the Board of Directors of the Saska- ings are a special event for the inductees, their family Otoon Sports Hall of Fame I hope everyone had a members and friends. Please join us in making this an great summer. evening for them to remember as we honour their Keith McLean This edition of our newsletter serves as a reminder accomplishments and contributions to the Saskatoon Hall of Fame president to all our readers that the annual Saskatoon Sports sporting community. Hall of Fame induction ceremonies and dinner are just Please remember that your support of our induction Builder inductee, 2006 around the corner. This year’s event is on Saturday, dinner also ensures that we will be able to continue to Nov. 4 at TCU Place. honour our athletes, builders and teams. I hope to see This is our 32nd annual Induction proceedings and we you all there. extend an invitation to all past inductees and board members to attend and honour the inductees for 2017. Tickets for the induction ceremonies can be obtained at: These inductees have made significant contributions to Al Anderson’s Source for Sports their sports at local, provincial, regional, national, inter- or by contacting Mary Green at national and Olympic levels. The induction proceed- [email protected] ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ Grid ___10 expectations ___ Saskatoon’s minor football program ___ ___ started in 1957.
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