20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Ooi. a, 1989 ROOMS I APARTMENTS I APARTMENTS I FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT TAG I CARS CARS SALES FOR SALE FOR SALE Faith MANCHESTER - Quiet, MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Lose MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Escape non-smoker, seml- 1981 HORIZON -4 door, 4 room flat, 2nd floor, air room townhouse. /IAANCHESt ER - /Mov­ 1986 JEEP Wagoneer Li­ prlvote entronce/both, speed, air condition­ mited - Excellent con­ security, lease, refer­ conditioner. Fully ap- Scenic area, private ing! 26 Goslee Drl- ing, low mileage. 649- ( ^ 1 i C T V pllanced kitchen, cel­ ve(ott Hartford Road), d itio n , 43,000 m ile s, ences 643-8830. entrances, deck, 5694._________________ Jim Bakker says God w-;y S K S \ \ ~ lar storage, garage. No laundry facilities, am­ October 7th, 9am-3pm. automatic, air condl- Whalers play well Opposition leader pets. $690 per month ple parking. Close to I Rain or shine. Furni­ 1984 HONDA Accord - tlonlng, am/fm plus utilities plus dep- 384 and shopping. ture, clothes, jewelry, Immaculate, 4 door, 5 cassette, leather Inte­ will watch over him/7 oslt. 649-5678 after 7pm. Available October household Items._____ speed, am/fm cassette, rio r. $10,900. 643-2938. but lose to Montreal/11 is spirited away/9 I qori APARTMENTS low miles, 1 owner, sun 30 Locust Street. 4 room 16th. $600 plus utilities. SATURDAY, Sundoy, roof, cruise, must see. ' ^ ^ ! fo r r en t heated apartm ent 1st 721-9654 evenings. 9am -2p m . Antiques, 646-3165.______________ floor. Security. No MANCHESTER - Newer 6 tools, drafting, miscel­ MOTORCYCLES/ M a n s f i e l d - i and 2 CARPENTRY/ ELECTRICAL pets. $650 m onthly. 646- room duplex, 3 bed­ REMDDELIN6 la n e o u s. 258 H e n ry 1978 D A T S U N 810 - 240z L ^ m opeds bedroom, country set­ 2426. 9am-5pm room s, 1'/j baths, fu ll Street. engine, good condi­ ting. $450 per month weekdays.___________ basement, deck. All ap­ tion. $895,643-4971 after ond up. 487-1437. DUMAS ELECTRIC 7pm. 1981 YAMAHA Special II- 118 Main Street, 3 room pliances. $750 monthly Service changes, BACK Yard Tag Sale - $550/best otter, 4,000 MANCHESTER - 6 room, plus u tilities. 646-7693 CARreNTERS/^AND^ apartment Including Reasonably priced rasldsn- additional wiring and Harvest table, ping PLYMOUTH 1985 H o­ miles. Must sell. 647- 3 bedroom duplex. anytim e. rizon - 4 door, 5 speed, heat/hot water. $560 tlel Improvements. Cleaning, repairs on existing pong table, air hockey 7527 $700/month. Security per month. Security. hauling, building, rem od^ game, moped, picnic am-tm radio. $1200.647- homes. Quality work at and references. 646- No pets. 646-2426, 9am- Ing (la kHehena, baths, and table, dressers, desk, 9758 after 5pm._______ 0576. _______________ 5pm weekdays._______ rac rooma). All calls an­ affordable prices. headboards, other fur­ I qqi CONDOMINIUMS swered. References. BUICK 1979 Skyhaw k - 2 I q ^ cars MANCHESTER - Large 1 Entirely owner operated. niture and lots of great 447 Main Street, 5 room l^^lFOR RENT 047-1824 door hatch, good con- I ^ F O R SALE bedroom, appliances, apartment. $600 per 27 years exp. Call things cheap. 12 Over­ dltlon, standard. pool, laundry, olr con­ Joseph Dumas look Drive, Manches­ $700/best offer. 644- month plus utilities. MANCHESTER - Very ditioner. $650 Includes Security. No pets. 646- GCF HOME ter. Saturday, October 6343._________________ HanrliPBtpr HrralJ) clean 2 bedroom •46-52S3. heat and hot water. 2426, 9am-5pm 7th, 9om-2pm.________ condo, on bus line. SERVICES SUBARU 1982-G L, red, 5 413-566-5358. w eekdays. MANCHESTER - 54 CLYDE Close to everything. Remodeling, repair, decks, speed, air, sunroof. MANCHESTER - 1 bed- MANCHESTER - 4 room trim work, small Jobe. MISCEIIANEOUS Camptleld Road, Sat­ 140K m iles. $600/best CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. $690 monthly. Availa­ urday, 9am-4pm. room apartment. Mod­ apartment. Applian­ SERVICES offer. Must sell. 645- ROUTE 83, VERNON ble O ctober 1st. 643- Senior Citizen Discount Household Items, some Friday, Oct. 6,, 1989 ern, quiet, central, on ces, separate utilities, 1 9996. _______________ 0480._________________ 82Malitxj4Dr $4,695 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm bus line. Secure $575. car parkin g. 643-4827. 645^559 furniture.-apartment Newsstand Price: 35 Cents One bedroom condo, size stove. 1983 CHRYSLER Le- 84 Caprice Classic Cpe. $6,895 Call 649-1147, Bob MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Baron - 4 cylinder, 5 Klernon._____________ swimming pool, weight HAWNES TREE SERVICE 84 Buick CentU7 Wag $5,995 room, luxury town- room, pool tables, hot PAINTING/PAPERIN6 Bucket, truck 6 chipper. speed, standard. Nice 84 Olds Cutlass Cpe $5,895 4 room apartm ent, 1st Stump removal. Free buy, $1,995. 646-1313. house. All appliances, water Included. $550 85 Skylark 4 Or $8,895 floor. $550plus utilities. heat, cable, carpeting, aatimataa. Special Station monthly plus deposit. PETS AND Security and referen­ consideration for elderly 85 Buick Somerset 2 Dr $7^95 air conditioning. Call 646-7353.______________ INTERIOR/EXTERIOR and handicapped. CHEVROLET 1980 Ma­ ces. No pets. 9am-5pm, 647-1595. I SUPPLIES libu - 4 door, good 86 Delta 88 2 Dr $8,995 MANCHESTER Gardens PAimiNG 643-5372._____________ 647-7553 condition. $1,250. 643- 86 Bonneville 4 Dr $6,995 MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ - 2 bedroom town- Painting & light Carpentry, FREE Kittens and adult 5484._________________ Fireman 4 room flat, 2nd floor, 06 Century Wagon $7,495 proposal room townhouse. All house, $700. Security. Driveway Sealed, Porches & cats. Vet checked and stove and washer. $525 1984 HONDA Civic Wagon appliances, heat, hot Jack Lappen Realty, Hatchw^s rebuilt. TREE shots. Donations ac­ 86 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,495 plus utilities. Security water, carpeting, air 643-4263. cepted. Protectors of - 646-0767 or 649-4554, 86 Chevrolet Nova 4 Or $6,395 and references. No Galligan & Co. Jack. conditioning. Call 649- 649-1698/643-6386 REMOVAL A n im a ls. 742-9666 or 86 Chevrolef Spectrum $4,995 pets. 9am-5pm, 643- 5240. Trees trimmed and removed. is backed 633-8515. 5372. 1984 FORD Escort Wagon 86 Chevrolet (^txily $7,195 MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Cordwood sold. Seasoned and “ IF 'e can tell you unseasoned hardwood only. CHEVROLET 1978 Z28 - Auto, air, am/fm, 87 Buick Skylark 4 Dr $8,795 MANCHESTER - 3 bed­ room townhouse with I HOMES Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Comoro - $950, t-tops, power steerlng- may fight room, newer duplex, fireplace. All applian­ FOR RENT what to look for... Crane Sen/lce Available. 87 Buick Electra 4 Dr $12,495 By Alex Girelli I'/a baths, w all-to-w all 350, soglnaw, 4 speed, /brakes. Excellent 87 Chevrolet Celebrity $9,495 ces, heat, hot water, Call Carl 742-5986 10 bolt post, stock condition. $2,000. 646- Manchester Herald carpeting, appliances. carpeting, air condi­ MANCHESTER - 4 bed­ and what to look wheels, no clutch. 2079. 8 72 -9 111 $775 m onthly. C a ll 643- tioning. C a ll 649-5240. room Colonial, 1'/2 out fo r r 1823._________________ Runs. 875-4499. A businessman with property on MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ baths. Bower School GUTTER LIKE private home. 3'/j room townhouse with District. $1000 per H arBro SCHALLER Tolland Tbmpike said today he and rooms. Lease. Secur­ fireplace. All applian­ month. Available No- CLEANING BOB RILEY ACURA QUALITY CARDINAL others are backing a hotly contested suspension ity. Working single vem ber 1st. 647-7038. ces, heat, hot water, P a in tin g SERVICE PRE-OWNED AUTOS BUICK, INC. plan to build a town fire station at male preferred. 643- carpeting, air condi­ MANCHESTER - Located OLDSMOBILE 83 Ford Escort $1,995 Doming Street and Tolland TUmpike 2880. tioning. C a ll 649-5240. In quiet fam ily nelgbor- of Manchester for estimate call 4c|flAulD,LowMlM 1988 BuickLeSabre Sedan $11,980 259 Adams St., SSOhkCulaHSaveiw |4jM 1988 Buick Skylark Sedan $8,990 in the North End. By Nancy Concelman CCLU will represent a person free hood, 6 room, 3 bed­ 875-0634 or 875-9142. V«.Xr.AC,LwU« room home. Imme­ Quality Painting Manchester S7 Toyota Twee StsSS 1988 Chev S-10 PAJ Truck $7,495 Roy Conyers, who also owns a Manchester Herald of charge if CCLU believes a con­ LEGAL NOTICES diate occupancy. To 649-1749 4cyl.Xr.AC.Lml«M 1988 CtwvS-10 Ext Cab P/U $12,995 home in the Bryan Farms area, said stitutional right has been violated. rent "as Is" for $750per Services as Honda Accoid U( f 10MS 1988 R>ntiac Grand Am Coupe $8,690 •Free Estimates l^w n care SS|)d..Ak,UkaNa» everyone he has talked to wants the CGVENTRY—A volunteer She said she believes Carilli’s case NOTICE TO CREDITORS month plus security 1969 Toronado $17,900 8] Nliaan Slaraa fiass 1967 Buick Park Are Sedan $11^50 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1987 Chev S-10 P/U $6,280 town to go forward with plans to firefighter suspended for talking to a has been transferred to CCLU’s ESTATE OF and utilities. No pets. •Senior Citizen Discounts 1986Toronado $8,995 5Spd..AC,Starao ESTATE OF 643-2129.______________ STCaleaQTS tlMSS 1987Chev Conversion Van $13,999 build the station. Two Republican newspaper reporter about a recent northeast office. Gfficials at that of­ ELEANOR H. BLISH JEANNE R. ADAMS •Aluminum & Vinyl 1986 Olds Cutlass $8,495 5S(id,Loadtd.lM BOLTON Lake - 4 room Powerwashing 1987 Cadillac Brougham $14,995 candidates for the Board of Direc­ The Honorable William E. YARD MASTERS 1964 Olds Cutlass $6,495 SaFontacSOOOLE riMX incident said today he’ll take the fice could not be reached for com­ The Honorable William E.
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