Universal HealtH Coverage: annotated BiBliograpHy 2.0 March 2015 Universal HealtH Coverage: annotated BiBLIOGRAPHy 2.0 © Global HealtH ProGramme, Rabin Martin and JoHns HoPkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global HealtH, and tHe Study of Business enterPrise | 2015 Address requests for hardcopies or for insertion into the next version to: Global Health Programme The Graduate Institute PO Box 136 1211 Geneva 21
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Version to download at graduateinstitute.ch/globalhealth/publications rabinmartin.com/our-insights/reports Layout: Rüdiger Puntke 2 | 7. MetriCs Contents Acknowledgment . 4 Introduction: the expanding global focus on universal health coverage . 5 1. Universal Health Coverage: Concepts and Considerations . 9 2. Governance. 24 3. Equity and Social Protection . 28 4. Health Systems Financing . 36 5. Health Systems Delivery . 39 6. Health Workforce . 41 7. Metrics . 46 8. Country Case Studies . 53 | 3 Universal HealtH Coverage: annotated BiBLIOGRAPHy 2.0 acknowledgment The following persons have contributed to this version of the bibliography: Ilona Kickbusch, Jeffrey Sturchio, Louis Galambos, Tanya Mounier, Michaela Told, Martina Szabo, and Lyndsey Canham. We would like to thank the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA), Merck Serono, Novartis, and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) for their unrestricted educational grants to the project. 4 | 1. Universal HealtH Coverage: ConCepts and Considerations introduction: the expanding global focus on universal health coverage As all countries contemplate how to extend health care services to all of their citizens in a way that guards against the risk of catastrophic out-of-pocket expenditures, improves health outcomes equitably and uses available resources efficiently, universal health coverage (UHC) has emerged as an aspirational goal of governments and civil society worldwide.