koatrees To cabletvdcca.hawaii.gov, \‘ <koatreesgmaiI.com> 07/03/2014 09:20 AM bcc Please respond to koatreesgmail.com Subject Time Warner - Comcast Merger Please do not allow the merger. Time Warner alone is deficient enough in services, even affordable services. Comcast by itself is a terrible service provider. Ask anyone in the Denver, CO area and they would nix Comcast. Comcast rates first in the highest subscriber costs for services rendered, poor customer service, poor network connection speeds, poor network connectivity and downtime, throttling of bandwidth to customers at their discretion, etc, etc. If these companies are touting benefits to the subscribers, then do away with their ability to put into their contracts “up to xxMb/second” for xx$$. Make them specifically say what the minimum “xxMb/second” they will provide at what tier $$ cost. Example, if the subscriber is charged “$50/month for UP TO lOMb/sec”, then if they only provide 2Mb/second they are still within their contract rights. Make them contracturally specify what the minimum connectivity speed is. Example, if the subscriber is charged “$50/month for MINIMUM of 10Mb/sec’ then they must provide at least 1 0Mb/sec or they are out of contract. The UP TO game is a sham on the subscriber. Nix the Time Warner - Comcast merger. Please. I have actual experience as a subscriber of both companies for network connectivity. Aaron Stene To cabletvdcca.hawaii.gov, <
[email protected]> 07/14/2014 05:22 PM Please respond to bcc
[email protected] Subject DCCA-CATV Testimony Regarding Comcast/Time Warner Cable Merger Dear Ms.