5.2 Superstructure: Art and Expressive Culture Focus on Horticultural Societies 1 Superstructure: Art and Expressive Culture Overview: This section covers aspects from the Cultural Materialist theory that relate to Superstructure: the beliefs that support the system. Topics include: Religion, Art, Music, Sports, Medicinal practices, Architecture. 2 ART M0010862 Navajo sand-painting, negative made from postcard Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images
[email protected] http://wellcomeimages.org Navajo sand-painting, negative made from postcard, "All publication rights reserved. Apply to J.R. Willis, Gallup, N.M. Kodaks-Art Goods" (U.S.A.) Painting Published: - Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only license CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Key Terms & Concepts • Art • Visual arts • Anthropology of art • The problem of art • Purpose of art • Non-motivated purposes of art: basic human instinct, experience of the mysterious, expression of the imagination, ritualistic & symbolic • Motivated purposes of art: communication, entertainment, political, “free zone”, social inquiry, social causes, psychological/healing, propaganda/commercialism, fitness indicator • Paleolithic art: Blombos cave, figurative art, cave paintings, monumental open air art, petroglyphs • Tribal art: ethnographic art, “primitive art”, African art, Art of the Americas, Oceanic art • Folk art: Antique folk art, Contemporary folk art 3 • Indigenous Australian art: rock painting, Dot painting, Dreamtime, symbols • Sandpainting: Navajo, Tibetan Buddhist mandalas • Ethnomusicology • Dance • Native American Graves Protection And Repatriation Act (NAGPRA): cultural items Art Clockwise from upper left: a self-portrait by Vincent van Gogh; a female ancestor figure by a Chokwe artist; detail from The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli; and an Okinawan Shisa lion.