Patron Saints and Saintly Patronage in Early Modern Central Europe
Ediční řada Trivium, řídí Josef Vojvodík PATRON SAINTS AND SAINTLY PATRONAGE IN EARLY MODERN CENTRAL EUROPE Marie Škarpová et al. filozofická fakulta univerzity karlovy, 2019 KATALOGIZACE V KNIZE – NÁRODNÍ KNIHOVNA ČR The book “Patron Saints and Saintly Patronage in Central Early Modern Europe” was prepared with the support of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, project 17-06507S, “Bohemical Hagiography of Czech Saints from Tridentine to Enlightenment Reforms”. Lecturers: prof. Jan Malura, Ph.D. PhDr. Markéta Holubová, Ph.D. © Jan Andrle, Ivana Čornejová, Alena A. Fidlerová, Krisztina Frauhammer, Adriana Grešová, Orsolya Gyöngyössy, Jakub Ivánek, Jana Kolářová, Alena Kotšmídová, Tomáš Krejčík, Ilona Matejko-Peterka, Jiří Mikulec, László Mód, Ladislav Nekvapil, Eleonora Rava, Jan Stejskal, Marie Škarpová, Sarah Tiboni, 2019 © Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, 2019 Všechna práva vyhrazena ISBN 978-80-7308-xxx-x (print) ISBN 978-80-7308-xxx-x (online : pdf) Contents Introduction Patron Saints and Saintly Patronage as the Subject of Early Modern Studies (Marie Škarpová) 9 I Dynamics of Saintly Patronage (genesis and decline – interruption and renewal – transformations) The Second Life of Missionaries from the Island of Pereo, Saint Five Brothers († 1003) in the Czech, Polish and Italian Tradition (Jan Stejskal) 27 Rose of Viterbo: Birth and Development of a Patronage (Eleonora Rava − Sarah Tiboni) 40 Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles in the French, German and Czech Versions of the Novel Peter of Provence and Fair Maguelonne (Alena
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