6 X 10.5 Long Title.P65
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-64680-2 - The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry Edited by Joseph Bristow Index More information INDEX Abdy, Maria 189 ``Isolation: To Marguerite'' 209 Adams, James Eli Merope 118, 120, 218 Dandies and Desert Saints 203 ``Preface'' 118±19, 218 Aeschylus 120 ``Resignation: To Fausta'' 19±20 aesthetics, Romantic 51±4 ``The Scholar-Gipsy'' 53±6, 65, 224 aestheticism 228±52, 290, 292±3, 300 ``Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse'' 128 Aguilar, Grace 166±70, 177, 191 ``The Study of Poetry'' 52±3, 164, 228, ``Song of the Spanish Jews'' 166, 167±70 229 Alaya, Flavia 262 ``Switzerland'' 209, 223 Albert, Prince 131, 285 ``To Marguerite ± Continued'' 209±10 Alden, Raymond Macdonald ``Tristram and Iseult'' 210±12, 223±4 Alfred Tennyson 29 astronomy 140, 149, 153 Altick, Richard D. 165 Athenaeum 5 Anaximenes 151 Attridge, Derek 100 Anderson, Benedict 256 Austin, Alfred 214, 283, 286, 287±8 Anglican Church 132, 160±2, 163±4, 165, England's Darling 298 170, 173 authority, cultural 203 annuals 190±2 Apostles Society, Cambridge University 8, 33, Bacon, Francis 137 36, 139 Bakhtin, Mikhail 59, 66 Arata, Stephen D. 272 Baudelaire, Charles Aristotle 141, 142, 218 Les ¯eurs du mal 21 Ethics 244 Notes nouvelles sur Edgar Poe 21 Armstrong, Isobel 199 Beardsley, Aubrey 287, 295 Victorian Poetry 32±3, 56±7, 86, 130, Beddoes, Thomas Lovell xix 180 Beer, Gillian 133, 153 Armstrong, Nancy 39, 203 Bentham, Jeremy 5±6 Arnold, Sir Edwin 288 Bhagavad-Gita 20 The Light of Asia 287±8 Bible 150±1, 160, 170 Arnold, Matthewxviii, xx,
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