
St Nic’s introduction to the structure of the – enjoy!

General General Synod is the governing body of the Church of England. It discusses current issues facing the church and passes legislation which then become law (known as Church Representation Rules). Membership comprises 3 ‘Houses’ – The House of , The and the House of . All Bishops are members but clergy and laity are elected at local level. Anyone who is over 18 and on an electoral roll can stand for election to the house of laity.

Diocesan Synod The country is divided into several regions called , each led by a . Each has a Synod which governs what happens within that region. Members of Synod (see below!) elect people to Diocesan Synod every three years from the clergy and laity. The next election is in 2021 and anyone on the Electoral Roll* can stand for election.

Deanery Synod The Diocese is further divided into nine areas called . St Nic’s is in Nottingham South Deanery along with 21 other parishes. All the clergy in the area take part in the deanery discussions along with elected lay members from each church. The number of lay members from each church is proportional to the church’s size so St Nic’s has 4 elected places and these are filled at the church Annual Meeting. Elections are held every three years with the next one being in 2020 and anyone on the Electoral Roll can stand for election. Discussions at meetings vary enormously from mission opportunities to finance! Sometimes discussion may focus on items from General Synod which have been passed down to local level, other times it may be a deanery issue upon which agreement is needed before this goes to Diocesan Synod. In all cases though, the emphasis is on working together across the area to resource and support each other. As a large church, St Nic’s has an important part to play!

PCC The PCC is the body within St Nic’s that has legal responsibility for the finances, buildings and safeguarding and acts as the employer of our non-ordained staff. Discussions at PCC are wide ranging but focus on promoting our mission to make Jesus known. As well as clergy and General/Diocesan/Deanery representatives** there are 10 other elected members from the congregation who are usually elected to serve for a 3 year term at the Annual Meeting held in March/April. Anyone aged 16 or over who is a communicant member of the church and on the Electoral Roll can stand for election. PCC members can only serve two consecutive 3 year terms before taking at least 1 year’s break.

Standing Committee The only other compulsory committee is Standing Committee which comprises the Rector, the Church Wardens and at least two others elected by the PCC. The Standing Committee oversees the PCC agenda and also has the power to transact the business of the PCC between meetings.

* The Electoral Roll is the legal list of church members. You have to ‘apply’ to be on it and have to either live in the parish or attend services regularly.

**Anyone who sits on one of the is automatically on any Synods and PCC below it (So a Diocesan Synod member is also on Deanery Synod and the PCC)