Game Expansion Slave Auction Tables
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A Game Expansion Slave Auction Tables Random Slave Generation Tables (RollRoll Per Individual SlaveSlave) Slave Type Determination (d8dd8)/d128d8 d12 Rolld12 RollSlave TypeSlave Type Base ValueBase Value (d8d8d8d8)/d12d12 Rolld12 RollSlave TypeSlave Type Base ValueBase Value (111) 1 Berserker* 100gp (5555) 1 Halfling** 50gp 2 Berserker* 100gp 2 Halfling** 50gp 3 Bugbear 150gp 3 Hillfolk* 100gp 4 Bugbear 150gp 4 Hillfolk* 100gp 5 Bugbear 150gp 5 Hill Giant 400gp 6 Bugbear 150gp 6 Hill Giant 400gp 7 Bugbear 150gp 7 Hobgoblin 100gp 8 Bugbear 150gp 8 Hobgoblin 100gp 9 Chaugra 250gp 9 Hobgoblin 100gp 10 Chaugra 250gp 10 Hobgoblin 100gp 11 Cyclops 650gp 11 Hobgoblin 100gp 12 Cyclops 650gp 12 Hobgoblin 100gp ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- (2222) 1 Dervish* 100gp (6666) 1 Kobold 25gp 2 Dervish* 100gp 2 Kobold 25gp 3 Dwarf** 100gp 3 Kobold 25gp 4 Dwarf** 100gp 4 Kobold 25gp 5 Elf** 200gp 5 Kobold 25gp 6 Elf** 200gp 6 Kobold 25gp 7 Elvarion** 200gp 7 Lizard Man 150gp 8 Elvarion** 200gp 8 Lizard Man 150gp 9 Frog Folk 100gp 9 Lizard Man 150gp 10 Frog Folk 100gp 10 Lizard Man 150gp 11 Frog Folk 100gp 11 Lizard Man 150gp 12 Frog Folk 100gp 12 Moghra 100gp ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- (3333) 1 Frog Folk 100gp (7777) 1 Moghra 100gp 2 Goblin 50gp 2 Moghra 100gp 3 Goblin 50gp 3 Nomad* 100gp 4 Goblin 50gp 4 Nomad* 100gp 5 Goblin 50gp 5 Norker 150gp 6 Goblin 50gp 6 Norker 150gp 7 Goblin 50gp 7 Norker 150gp 8 Gnoldra** 100gp 8 Norker 150gp 9 Gnoldra** 100gp 9 Norker 150gp 10 Gnoll 100gp 10 Norker 150gp 11 Gnoll 100gp 11 Ogre 250gp 12 Gnoll 100gp 12 Ogre 250gp ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- (4444) 1 Gnoll 100gp (8888) 1 Orc 50gp 2 Gnoll 100gp 2 Orc 50gp 3 Gnoll 100gp 3 Orc 50gp 4 Gnome* 50gp 4 Orc 50gp 5 Gnome* 50gp 5 Orc 50gp 6 Gnome* 50gp 6 Orc 50gp 7 Half-Giant 300gp 7 Stone Giant 450gp 8 Half-Giant 300gp 8 Stone Giant 450gp 9 Half-Ogre** 150gp 9 Vegepygmy 50gp 10 Half-Ogre** 150gp 10 Vegepygmy 50gp 11 Half-Orc** 100gp 11 Woodsman* 100gp 12 Half-Orc** 100gp 12 Woodsman* 100gp * Foreigners (OrOr NonNon----NativeNative DemiDemi----HumansHumansHumans) Are Treated As Outlanders, Often Captured And Sold As Dangerous Barbarians. They Are Treated As Indentured Servants (LastingLasting ForFor No Less Than Six YearsYears). Indentured Foreigners Are Protected From Abuse By The Law (i.e.i.e. Slavery Laws, SpecificallySpecifically With Penalty Codes B, C, And II). ** Captured Demi-Humans Are Treated As Criminals (TyTypicallypically Having Commited Major Theft, Murder, etc.), Often Sold Into Slavery As Punishment. They Are Treated As Indentured Servants (LastingLasting For No Less Than Twelve YearsYears)Years Indentured Demi-Humans Are Likewise Protected From From Abuse By The Law (i.e.i.e. See Foreigners AboveAbove). Purchasing Slaves (WeeklyWeekly AuctionAuction) 2-12 (2d62d62d6) Slaves Will Be Up For Bidding Each Week, Of The Type, Gender, And Condition As Determined By The Tables Found Above. Each Purchase Must Be Bid Upon, With The Result Of Any Raises Per Bid Determined On The Master Bidding Table. All Slaves Are Assumed To Be Base Hit Die (i.e.i.e. Possess No ClassClass). There Is However A 1 In 6 (dd6d6d6)6 Chance Of A Classed Individual Being Sold (DeterminedDetermined As Per HirelingHireling), Or A Captured Monster May Be Up For Purchase (AsAs Per Captured Monster TableTable). Slave Gender Determination Slave Condition DeterminationDetermination d6 Roll Slave Gender d12 Roll Slave Condition d12 Roll Slave Condition Odd Result Male 1-3 Poor (InjuredInjured Or OldOld) 7-9 Good (HealthyHealthy Or CapableCapable) Even Result Female 4-6 Average (MediocreMediocreMediocre) 10-12 Excellent (StrongStrong Or CleverClever) Slave Bidding Procedure Bidding For Each Slave Rolled Begins At The Base ValueValue Of The Slave In Question (AsAs Per Slave TypeType).Type The DMDMDM Rolls Once For Each NPC Bidders (SeeSee The Master Bidding Table BelowBelow),Below Of Which There Will Always Be Three Of Such. Then The Player Bidder May Choose To Either Place An Initial Bid (IfIf SuchSuch Is Not Already MadeMade), Or Raise Any Bid Made By An NPC. This Process Is Repeated (i.e.i.e. Continues With Raises To The BidBid) Until Either The Player Bidder Or All Three NPC Bidders Abstain From Making A Purchase (i.e.i.e. The PlayerPlayer Quits, Or The NPC's Fail Their ReacReactiontion RollRoll). NPC Bidder Creation Tables (MasterMaster Bidding Table ModifiersModifiers) NPC Status NPC Charisma Bidding Table Raises Guide d6 Roll Status d6 Roll Charisma Base Value Raise Increments 1 9-12 (+0+0+0+0) 1 9-12 (+0+0+0+0) 50gp (OrOr LessLess) +25gp 2-3 13-15 (+1+1+1+1) 2-3 13-15 (+1+1+1+1) 100gp +50gp 4-5 16-17 (+2+2+2+2) 4-5 16-17 (+2+2+2+2) 200gp +100gp 6 18 (+3+3+3+3) 6 18 (+3+3+3+3) 400gp (OrOr MoreMore) +200gp Master Bidding Table 2d6 Roll NPC Bidding Reaction NPC Reaction Footnotes 2 (OrOr LessLess) Undesired (NPCNPC Opts Out Of Bidding AltogetherAltogether)*Altogether * NPC Is No Longer Interested In Purchasing 3-5 Unintrested (NoNo Raise Is Made, Otherwise No Bid Is MadeMade) Any Slave At The Present Time. 6-8 Uncertain (ReReReRe----RollRoll If No Raise Is MadeMade) 9-11 Interested (NPCNPC Raises Bid One IncrementIncrement) ** NPC Will Continue Raising Two Increments 12 (OrOr MoreMore) Desired (NPCNPC Raises Bid By Two IncrementsIncrements)** Unless A 5 (OrOr LessLess)Less Is Rolled. Captured Monster Table Captured Monster Type Determination (d6d6d6d6)/d6d6 Roll Monster Type Base Value (d6d6d6d6)/d6d6 Roll Monster Type Base Value (1111) 1 Centaur (X29X29X29)* 400gp (4444) 1 Mongbat (MoAMoAMoA)** 300gp 2 Centaur (X29X29X29)* 400gp 2 Mongbat (MoAMoAMoA)** 300gp 3 Centaur (X29X29X29)* 400gp 3 Mongbat (MoAMoAMoA)** 300gp 4 Centaur (X29X29X29)* 400gp 4 Neanderthal (B39B39B39)* 200gp 5 Ettercap (MoEMoEMoE)** 600gp 5 Neanderthal (B39B39B39)* 200gp 6 Ettercap (MoEMoEMoE)** 600gp 6 Neanderthal (B39B39B39)* 200gp ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- (2222) 1 Gargoyle (B35B35B35)* 400gp (5555) 1 Neanderthal (B39B39B39)* 200gp 2 Gargoyle (B35B35B35)* 400gp 2 Pseudo-Dragon (BoWBoWBoW)* 400gp 3 Gremlin (MoAMoAMoA)** 50gp 3 Pseudo-Dragon (BoWBoWBoW)* 400gp 4 Gremlin (MoAMoAMoA)** 50gp 4 Thoul (B43B43B43)* 300gp 5 Gremlin (MoAMoAMoA)** 50gp 5 Thoul (B43B43B43)* 300gp 6 Gremlin (MoAMoAMoA)** 50gp 6 Thoul (B43B43B43)* 300gp ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- (3333) 1 Harpy (B36B36B36)** 300gp (6666) 1 Troll (X41X41X41)* 700gp 2 Harpy (B36B36B36)** 300gp 2 Troll (X41X41X41)* 700gp 3 Minotaur (B39B39B39)* 600gp 3 Troll (X41X41X41)* 700gp 4 Minotaur (B39B39B39)* 600gp 4 Yeti (C46C46C46)** 500gp 5 Minotaur (B39B39B39)* 600gp 5 Yeti (C46C46C46)** 500gp 6 Mongbat (MoAMoAMoA)** 300gp 6 Yeti (C46C46C46)** 500gp * Monster Is Intelligent (i.e.i.e. Speaking Their Own Language,Language, And Possibly CommCommononon). Both Gender And Condition Should Be Determined As Usual. Exceptional Specimens (i.e.i.e. ExcellentExcellent) May Possess Unusual Talents (e.g.e.g. Languages,Languages, etc.etc.). ** Monster Is Semi-Intelligent (ThoughThough May Be Able To Speak A Few Words In CommonCommon). Such Creatures Are Notoriously Difficult To Train (11 In 6 Chance They Have Already Been, Otherwise ReqRequiresuires Triple Cost, Plus 1 In 6 RollRoll To TrainTrain). Training Requires A Sage Or Oracle With Zoology (AndAnd OneOne MonthMonth), Or Anyone With The Hunter Skill (AndAnd Three MonthsMonths). A Successful Skill Check (WithWith A ---2-2 Penalty If Not A Sage Or OracleOracle) Is Required To Train Any Such Beast..