Reguleringsmyndigheten for energi RME RME EKSTERN RAPPORT Nr. 7/2021 Evaluating Hedging Possibilities on NordLink, NorNed and North Sea Link Thema Consulting Group RME Ekstern rapport nr. 7/2021 Evaluating Hedging Possibilities on NordLink, NorNed and North Sea Link Published by: The Norwegian Energy Regulatory Authority (RME) Author: Thema Consulting Group Cover photo: Ekeberg, Oslo. Foto: Simon Oldani ISBN: 978-82-410-2135-0 ISSN: 2535-8243 Case number: 201902812 Abstract: This study is commissioned by NVE-RME to examine the implications of issuing long- term transmission rights on the NordLink, NorNed and North Sea Link cables. The report is intended to support NVE-RMEs consideration of whether long-term transmission rights should be issued for the three interconnectors. Key words: FCA, Forward Capacity Allocation, LTTR, transmission rights, financial energy trading The Norwegian Energy Regulatory Authority (RME) Middelthuns gate 29 P.O. Box 5091 Majorstuen 0301 Oslo Telephone: 22 95 95 95 E-mail:
[email protected] Internet: June, 2021 Preface The Norwegian Energy Regulatory Authority (NVE-RME) has hired Thema Consulting Group to investigate the implications of issuing long-term transmission rights on the NordLink, NorNed and North Sea Link cables. As the Forward Capacity Allocation Guideline (FCA GL) will be implemented in Norway, the Norwegian Energy Regulatory Authority (NVE-RME) is preparing its investigations of the efficiency of the hedging opportunities for market participants in the energy market. The FCA GL aims at ensuring effective long-term cross-zonal trade with long-term cross-zonal hedging opportunities for market participants. If the cross-zonal hedging opportunities are not sufficient, it requires implementation of measures.