RECORDREVIEWS ERICHOFBAUER MOSTTYOTHER PEOPLE DO THE OREGON AmericanGrace KIttING FamilyTree SlipperyRock! EricHofbauet guitar PaulMc€andless, soprano saxophone, oboe, bass CreativeNation CNM 022 (CD).2012.Creative PeterEvans, piccolo trumpet, trumpet, slide trumpet; clarinet,flutes; Ralph Towner, classical guitar, Nation,prod.; Daniel Cantor, mix, mastering. Jonlrabagon, sopranino, soprano, alto, piano,synthesizer; Glen Moore, bass; Mark DDD?TT:58:27 tenor saxophones,flute; Moppa Elliott,bass; Walker,drums, hand percussion, drum synthesizer CAM JazzCAM 5046 (CD).2012. PERFORMANCE**'***{ KevinShea, drums, percussron ErmannoBasso, (CD). prod.; Oregon,prods.; Johannes Wohlleben, eng. DDD. soNtcs ***** Hot Cup123 2012.Moppa Elliott, RyanStrebet eng. DDD? TT:52:38 TT:60:58 PERFoRMANcE**'**-€ Guitarist Eric Hofbauer, cofounder of PERFoRMANcE***'* +.: sonrcs* *** + soNlcs*r*(*** the Creative Nation label, has become a significant force in Boston's improvised- Oregon still plays with fire and still music scene.Withjust a Guild arch- I saw this bizarre band, known to rts sounds like only one band in the top and an earthy, unadorned sound, fans asMOPDTI! at the BelgradeJazz worid. That sisnature blend of sonori- Hofbauer has blasted away at everything Festival last year. Their midnight concert ties comes from Raloh Towner's lush - &om Charlie Parker,Xric Dolphy, and was an outrageous Dadaist happening, a nylon-string guitar, Paul McCandless's Andrew Hill to Tears for Feari. a-ha- musical debauch of manic virtuosity and keening reeds,and Glen Moore's fluid and Van Halen. His aestheticevokes old deadoan merriment. bass.The runes,mostly wrimen by blues, Americana Tin Pan Alley, bebop, SEppery Ro ck I works because Towner, are bracing little hooks traced and funher fronciers.There's a rule- MOPDIKs more orsanized studio in tight unisons.lmprovisations are breaking spirit but also an impeccable versionof mayhem ii srill mayhem.
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