PARAPHILIA IV 1 2 CONTENTS Cover art by John Coulthart Edited and Designed Artwork by Arnaud Loumeau p2, 43, 81, 155, 191, 249 By Paraphilia Editorial p4 ―A Hopscotch Ballad‖ Text & Photos by Jim Lopez Editors p5 ―Eleven Letters‖ p9 Díre McCain ―Menacing Daze‖ by Michael Roth, Images by D M Mitchell Chris Brandrick p12 ―Green Eyed Monster‖ by Claire Godden- Rowland, Photos by Malcolm Alcala p34 Kate MacDonald – Musical Editor ―The Good Cock‖ by Salena Godden, Photos by Jim Lopez – Columnist & Pistolero Thomas Evans p40 ―Market Street Greyhound Station‖ by Gene Gregorits p45 Contact Paraphilia Artwork by Dolorosa p70, 205
[email protected] ―Cult Of Exhultation‖ by A D Hitchin p71 Three Anamorphic Images by Jim Lopez p72, 120, Website 131 ―Fragments Of Humanity‖ by Christopher Nosnibor, Photos by Max Reeves p73 ―The Broken Novel‖ Text & Artwork by Ian Miller p77 Many thanks to; Johnny Coolart, Max ―Weight‖ by Rich Follett p79 ―The Serpent and the Starlight‖ by Nick Tosches Infeld, Pablo Vision, Jim Lopez, p83 Michael K, Nick Tosches, Sue Fox, ―Kastellorizon‖ by Charles Christian, Artwork by Robert Agasucci p86 Darius James, Tom Garretson, Stewart ―Necro-Dead Animal‖ by Ele-Beth Little, Drawing Home, Chris Morris, E. Elias Merhige, by Alfred Muro p96 and everyone who‘s extended ―The Persistence Of Memory‖ by David Conway, Photo by Max Reeves p98 kindness and encouragement. ―Gumbo‖ by Darius James, Artwork by Destiny McKeever p121 Submissions ―Genetically Modified Metzger Manifesto‖ by Stewart Home p132 This a free magazine distributed in the ―The Sleepbringer‖ by Patrick Wright p133 interests of giving culture back to the ―Death Wish Chameleon‖ by Cricket Corleone, people instead of the industry.