San Francisco 9
300 ©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd See also separate subindexes for: 5 EATING P304 6 DRINKING & NIGHTLIFE P306 3 ENTERTAINMENT P307 7 SHOPPING P307 2 SPORTS & ACTIVITIES P308 Index 4 SLEEPING P309 16th Ave Steps 137 A iDS (Acquired immune Bay Area Rapid Transit, see California Historical Society 22nd St Hill 175 Deficiency Syndrome) BART Museum 86 49 Geary 83 264 Bay Bridge 13, 80, 284, 17 Calistoga 231 77 Geary 83 air travel 286-7 Bay Model Visitor Center car travel 286, 289-90 826 Valencia 151 Alamo Square Park 186, 190 (Sausalito) 224 Carnaval 21, 157 1906 Great Quake & Fire Alcatraz 9, 52-5, 8, 52 Bay to Breakers 21, 23 Cartoon Art Museum 85-6 283-4 alleyways 20 beaches 20, 61, 206 Casa Nuestra (St Helena) 1989 Loma Prieta Quake 284 ambulances 293 Beat movement 118, 119, 229 Amtrak 287 122, 131, 262 Castello di Amorosa Angel island 228 Beat Museum 118 (Calistoga) 229-30 A animals 19-20, 24 beer 30, 32, 270 Castro, the 49, 173-82, accommodations 336 Belden Place 93 239-52, see also AP Hotaling Warehouse 82 accommodations 241, 251 Sleeping subindex Aquarium of the Bay 58 Benziger (Glen Ellen) 236 drinking & nightlife 174, Avenues, the 252 Aquatic Park 57 Berkeley 217-20, 218 177, 180-1 Castro, the 251 architecture 19, 191, 279-82, Bernal Heights 171 entertainment 181 Chinatown 248-9 5, 190-1 bicycling 41, 74, 87, 113, 214, food 174, 176-7 Civic Center & the area codes 296 232, 238, 291 highlights 173-4 Tenderloin 243-7 arts 273-5 bike-share program 291 shopping 174, 181-2 Downtown 243-7 Asian Art Museum 81 bisexual travelers 36-7
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