•* *t fri ii-ri i i gf|W 11 i fifg S ) i l' T *1II^ ^ W r M ia a t* a tf The warm, dry kutum ______walking and a Joy to the aya, ha* brought ah pat an­ other water shortage. Every majot «rater w p^iir in North Jersey ha* warned that receñía air* low and lower than they were a year ago. Water laving should U m b s r he year-round. One el the moat enjoyable waya to »ave (Eommcrcial is to hee, a jug of water in the refrigerator. It , thoae quarta that ran away whoa a glaee of drh •nd SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW water ia drawn at the faucet. And taking hatha in of ahowera ia another aure way of saving water. S«con« cliM posta«« pûtë m Vol. 45 No.— 18 LYNDHURST, N.J., NOVEMBER 5, 1964 GKNIV JOHNSON, HELSTOSKI, DEM FREEHOLDERS IN SWEEP Restaurant Site LBJ Sweeps Like A Texas Gale; Spurs Argument Mayor Helstoski A Prairie Fire ' $ — i I J il and an assortment of pS- ticnai and state candidates ihflMf Voting District By District l-.sitdhuiNt to the roots Tuesday. The president soared a M2 to DISTRICT 3 5 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 14 3,336 triump over Sen. Among Officials 1487 1057 1269 Bany Gqkf TOTAL REGISTRATION 1325 1727 992 1245 1435 723 934 1275 905 1119 II'IIl "»ter in the big Tuesday «4Hd-fap VOTES CAST 1179 147« 814 1070 894 448 821 of three months of desperate oiM* Mayor Julia r. < tarde made a PRESIDENT wrong prediction pm-edlng Mm Goldwater-Miller 345 231 314 425 381 347 368 279 395 3.334, m&mi- •' i* * * ('losr b*iund the prnaidrni m s N UN «‘tlOK Ot th- BtMII-H of Garfield At . Johnson-Hamphréy 852 454 t85 7 r 1455 484 516 362 547 4,442 Conimi Mdntter» — not a pulitkml Uniteli States Senste Mayor Henry Hedstosld ct Mm |>n>dMiai, however, bat «Me ot Lyndhnrst Shanley 353 218 314 445 344 338 341 281 255 3,149 Rutherford, »eeking rt timing. * Williams, Jr. 784 578 713 882 944 644 447 335 448 6,992 Kn.-aiu.nai District. B.'foi »• leaving the cau< us room In Big One REPRESENTATIVES to «piti itti- navtutc. the ma/ur 9th ( one Dist. Just as it was in the rest ttmarki'd, "Bein^ Klertior. eve The big game Saturday is Gsr- Osmers, Jr. 376 394 348 328 3.514 lK*vely The two Passaic Valley Orsaer 314 338 269 3,954 began an early Um. and pruAaed some uiaiaual IW nv»b‘ *n' ««»r »«’°nd I*»« Vervaet 287 338 248 279 2.908 polla—and by 2 PM. i s ii f im n i *** °*e Isague. Lyndhurst I tax sec- J er li ask I 348 348 269 279 3,445 60 per cent at ti T W .kk were . bmuitted by ond ^ ~ “"* * ' WR"“ “• 424 445 328 436 5J74 voters had cast their I l.yTKlhuint ix.ntiacti i *, lor im u l ** Unn«* «»«1 no« Lyndhur*. 622 441 318 449 5,819 The voting was heavy latum ot wat.T m ain. in tw> h a » virtu* <* ll* victory Saturday 434 434 323 432 5,828 out the township. u^c dc\< Ì. jni.<*nis, I Hit ai; th rre ew1r ,*0,1 ttew ial, has tlwee Yes .1 And the politico« juat aat hack »ere rejected I.H-aw ot a tech- vk-tori«e and on.- Ion Uartietd haa 283 215 344 S47 ¿M 249 346 244 187 217 X.19* and counted. They didn't hai ideality in one Mancarlo Bro- thr»' vtctories «nd two losses and Ne 354 215 353 445 397 245 368 313 242 295 3*243 move a finger. The votera Institatieas thrra t«ut by themselves. Bfcjx hi Bruthei* hid W060.50. ait 11 Of course what Lyndhurst would INiblic Question #2 Yes -I When it waa over I was ac«'>*npanicd by a clicck like is to ham: onto its present HFNKY HKI.STtKKI - 34» 222 338 332 344 245 181 242 s No 332 213 331 37» 348 315 244 t as* 1 Had joined the fur 10 per cent of the bài, as re- ¡ramrd. enlacing it at the ex- 2»9 i to give qtun'd by law. pense of Garfield, while waiting mendous plurality. lite third bUfckT was Ke i <1 iot "omebody to trip up Passa* 2. Had helped el flumbutg and Heating, Cb.. with Passaa- has won all of its games The BImw Belongs To Joms 'a U t i Ru|ll#rf#n, B k ü o « One To Reaoabor toski to th the b.d of SfNKt.ftt. arc : fxiy i aaiuding ^ oonfewnue tilts. The Democrat to xrve tan tea John Retd handl'd 3700 in cash to Passak- team almost came a crop- The election is not long over. But it is not to early te assess the blame. For more reaaona than one Rant Anthony D'Aniore, drove around HHatoaki waa -p -r around- Hegeneration. hit To»*.r. Clerk Kied Taub us hi« pec Saturday when Paterson East- 3. Had helped elect<1 there B a a » bond. side almost scored, an upset. Rutherford'* Tueaday elertton will lleiatunki x car while Heiatolriu the pavement with hia head and It belongs squarely on the shoulders of Walter H. ^ to remember tried to maintain hia grip on Mur- back. The rear wfced of the car' irats to the Board at F M koltei. ln i-hkt-kitm tis* lmb*. TowÄ Ym- j It could happen Saturday when Jones whose unprincipaled tactics and general unaware»ess For one thin* Mayor Henry IW- r“y * »™ Murray tdd reporters miaaed him only by inchea."the . first time ^ SM rfim Mu'IwuH N«vlia rlisaovt red the charted up Paterson Central el the mood and desires of the voters reached a climax in candidate ta- trm- Hetatoaki said somethinK to t* n Pom chained thia moruing that J™ lhF errors in addition. sU di hnxi;:.it team takes on Passak-. As Lynd- in which the Republicans lost their congress« hard-runmm. hard, that he did net hear Uh- KqMMicana ted contrived the 11.Gn...... ______the total to 17618 * naan. three fruholdari, a variety of locai offloac and thaàr tratti« ranhdate Murray then aigned an awault » te r to ameer Heieto- Sut'-c the $700 was not raM o# this teul, .. ^ .. .7 .__. k And Jonae, who poaaea ae th è party leader, m anaged te pre-etedtan motcrcade tant^edI «ff they *tUI, the Umt«t. much dhx' . ___ . t-*** Ruttieriord, aUll tveting un j, n with thè Reetetican moton-iuV' — ptaint charging Mayor’s <*ar t^hed paHce permits lor their par-1 “ J** I wiv on , «1« «i *le 1 « crossing of the d al fault. I “ F ********* vetad* « » MiT He t ^ sa^ ‘jTpJELtf thè puipoae of ’ss1"* oèds p^hs? ^u‘^- Paterson Eastside team. U * * o r« r . c a se waraed ^rV'notuLt^Tof5^tbat thè nom ination of Darry js r jt t a ir t s traflk* 0*^^ Hetetasl^ was rspurted ia ____ Johnson ,0 mtee Mito. M ta . 1« , W-t «tue aaiKh G o h h « te r w o .U he a M f * thè p - t y . _ _ , ^ ^ — ^ Eaat Rumertord " .T ^ y and under the annamsb nraa. the and ^East Ruth- It is easy to remember those days when Senator Case , » _ . Mh .. n inai i on at his doctor's apparent at the püila s7:,.!rs^."s^r * ; s s r iii g—r* . - j » -‘--’.’•-'•’r s s x r s s r 3 ft r £ = 1 3 5 ;■— c ------hy movinB¿russss th-u ak twV. h.. i ^ a r t - ,~=“V . , !North * ? * Arlington,****"«“ "■ whichw**± *broke * * Senator Cum, although a aura winner with the . votcn, H p » “ ^ , ^ * A lutes rot s n.areh ~ o< H the skrajDe.no- ^ z that~ many at *the ‘ "* ed and the work read>*-rtjerd. AH WaiilI*|kal * vW iay tkem Satur . sur. ioeer with politician, like Jonea. gave conflk-ting aix-ourila ol juat (Ta,a parade. D Ai»»*e. he aaid. ^ [¿ugene Frieihnan D m um lr puliing the lever in one n t e a Lakes ciaainittaien cr l'“nd‘datee. Iwhu*- h.- vot.»l .«¡ ¿,*1 We o-ufi- ^ Vltan«» « • ' Everet Place. -H< UHiBkl went over to their car , |«it However, the m! ordinantv. Tuesday. Nov. 10 at ^ ,wun ^ “*** (*^en' i to prove that he could niranadii the T1» Repubtkan vendon is that and up to Murray »1» waa a prut ' lore-ordained. « 4 p.m. was set tu< subn cnoc. of **vp P0Wf'r **** I00*“ *® * **■' a , ,______. 1 r __„ 1 . I ____ Heletoaki'a car blocked the car In aengcr." Pom, told reportrra. lit c r , Lyndhurst has been a " • a a t ^ buk* ('easfui end the season K>oun‘uun < < inmunHy for years. PD&« m___ ^ te ^ l-S ^ X ^ S lS rp ^ , thinking Lt o l ~ - J f 2 ? 2 Z "Z Fa" C°"f#r*nC* The mains are to b* laid at ^a^teB prove tough. «*. Of Woman's Club but in the years ailar Keravriy Court, the .it. ot the «* »’» » • *1** “*** the November election hut of next year when ha ia going pivssion just as Dwight D. ttH * lo rn x r South B.1V.1I Kuei Cb. o i B o r a lor one the n a a a a r - to try ta get the atete aenatorial goat. _ lrm " f "At this point lleMoaid had hi*] The Jiaiior Womana di* ,,f hiwevei did for two WJh > B n.* Avenue, a >1 on Pag.- Pr4,~'" * * »> “ Jones wis thinking not of the people when he ordered ■Muriay said his runnimi mate. <-lbt» liesitk' the open window .uid Lftndhurat will be luat to t h e Bul M »’as ï s x z x «m ' Avenue, bttwien Riverside Aveaaie »-hen 1« take« on Eteex CMaatc the Bergen Cotaaty Board of Freeholders to increase their ------he waa talking to them. DAmore FaH Conlem a-e (4 the Club, ot •« Ole N many ant Ha* Paasitk- Ittvcr. •* hone . budget by 12 million to buy the support of ths county KJ *• I i , U I I then gunmd tla- car aa a result the Kighth District to be h had been denied an appMcation At H. N. Breakfast grounds in New Jersey in Lyndhurst-North Arlington, one Avenue. Rutherford. N.J. , . Iwe'en. Iwe’en. His gloved hand-- hekt a will be guest» (or Lyndhurst U r a btaidint'. perm it, and toid el the most congested areas in the whole North .Jersey Pritz Okteafcurg. President of the basket in which ware US m a ll Mrs Joseph Kehy is general campaign. by the building uiapector that he Rev. Hector C. LemtAtx. S.S5. asOTctation aaid today. -W e have hqga holding tlrilowe en Treats Chairman of arrangem ents Mis. Until late in the cangiafen there had ts«en ordered not to rive ‘ has accepted an invitation to ad And Senator Cate, who pleaded, cajoled, bagged for P«‘ « W << "m<- >» *•» Hallowe en message a Anthony Magrini, president, is in was no art ion in the Rosa an apptustion He shouted, dmas the men of the Holy Name - - - make this affair - tremendous pfarecard m Ifi! Kiris! Take charge of thp program: Mrs. Vk> Then in the final 10 dl the organization to back Scranton, to turn its backhack oron Republican interest was < “Who ordervd hnn not to - ivc m * S<*-s*ty xpkunod that Roaa had is a member of the Order known poses—without advising Lyndhurst United States Senate, they gave President John »on a mar mar- of its plans TV f submitted plans and spetifKWtkssi as the Blessed Sacrament Fathers gin of victory that no other Democrat has ever received. to the inspector at the time, hut This Order was fowled by Saint (considered high I The defeat left a broken bitter party.Murty. srnce Room is involved in lihcution Peter Julian Kymard moo* than a Lyndhurst YouthKilled W hen siasflit to get prase—ton of # 8 <■ inccrnini: the property, there are hundred years <«d and is now Who is to pack up the pieces? acres of Uvndhorat msedesdaad lerai Mtisons why he should not s p n a d aM over the wwid. Its pur Will the voters ever again trust an organisation domindomin- that is wt>rth more than SLm.8i be gnuited an application. pose is to give honor and piory to ated by a man like Jones? without giving lyndhurst a enny. Rosa asked "Why do I h a v e t o , Our Lord in the Blessed Sacra If the Republicans ever hope to re-establish themthem- Borrowed Shotgun Coes Off Ro to the (wurts to gut an appli- ment This It does by selves as the party te be watched in Bergen Countv tbeii theii And Lyndhurst voters were SOS* catiion?’’ Perpetual Exposition of the first task is to send Jonesism right after Goldwaterism Victor A. Huso. 17. of 700 Peon- 943 Main Street, tired and hungry, his faintfy bHtered by the fact that the ooot At t h i s point C'omnSastoner ed Sacrament In Its cfnattes. Down the drain. k in ia Avenue. Lyndhurst, was asked for help. He look Uwm to aaid he aiis ^oing to take a nap. - / <-ount> «m-emmsi Ralph A PDllto rose fnan liis'wherever it is eatablished. Its i.itadfcy injured Satuiday afternoon police headquarters, parents did n«»t know la* had year-the coot Is che.ii- to angrtly shout. "If Oom- in the meadows when he was Patrolman Matthew Bra.r)t a left again. i'iOO.OtK) a year ka ni'MskmerK Cuivio and Bogie don’t struck by the discharge of a bor* O wries tkiwney went to the sceni. A parishioner «jf Sacred Heart And the taxpayers do not I mind, this a in rawed shotgun The town ambulance was also R.C. CTiurch. he was active si the are getting anything Ilka M .8 then turning ta According to police he was walk- to the area and carried the dead fcYO. Bom in a Newark hospital, of value hack. ‘ You haven't ihi ing with several other boys near boy to Sieevers Funeral Ikane he lived all bis life In Lyndhurst So the Republicans had a taMfc to ie of U. tH«Un I oifered k the Viola Dump Ground when the where Dr. Ge«iige Greenfield, as* snd attended local ach x is. Aften you, your attorm L'Un went off. sh;tant fkn-xen County Medktil Kx- graduation in June he was plan­ On the other hand the D on» tiie nutyis’ a n d o u r attorney, to the Rtao, who was walking b 'hind lam'ner. termed it a«x*idental ning either to go to college or join crats. with the popular Jotsasoa at the head of the ticket snd Wttk try to solve the ether boys, spun around from death Air Force. His oldest brother. the fbrce of the impact of t a* 12* The death was inveatigated by Frank Jr.. als» was a senior in Rutherford's ^uage ahot gun. »1 ndias^t DeteoUve Captain Lyndhurst High School. ing support, had a far t The odaer boys were Ralph Al- James Checki and Detective Rob- In addition to his hrotiier. the if it. Ro '•irak 14, of 358 Seivod Avenue, -fit FreymuSfcr and Lieutenant buy is survived by his patents. Flunk Sr. and Katherine La So 1 The Civility Labor Society vnjitx to reni dichasl Details. 16. J61> Orisafl^Raymcnd Morrissey uf the B et^n diary will hold their M e and bar. The Wnr; Vince Perrotts. W, 387 Van C , ail ofdi Young 'Risso Vitina Frangipane Rizzo, ol ia cteirmaa. wM Mb . • “ ■« * kuéthw Friday 715 Pennsylvania Ave., Lyndhurst H ie youngsters ran to a 'truàtlM n òùt in the meadows aD Satur- The funeral service was held a n n tsta by James Granano 7 wtl Mr». Stanley Burski seaistiiv crlrz sc, vice. The R .v . DaVxi O. jSt. A nttrny S c k ty c-f Lyndaivjl. Masonic Club ««1 Oounty VkM . Cbmu»nd.T niwtuMe ai Lyndäuis» Sehe I Their guests were Maw». Liwto H U Jim rcfiX itaJK I IbnJ Roberts will have charge of the Survivors are her husband, 1 Anx-r-can Lcgirr. Good fciBor'ttin and a ISM graduate ci Fairie^'h Vricfce, Nicoia Ceataro, Max «ACRED HEART R C. Pastor *TV*re. Dr. Aiftoso RciriRUM, As- Frink De Serio: five sens, Frank Nows 4 E.M B.C. Harry Hoick, to to DUdnam University in Ruiho Oiriatni*. Carmine He Marco. +>"" CBKJRCB r>v7 Tontine Avenue nr elate Director of Departamento Jr. and Rooft, at home. MAdvu-l Greet the d ess VtoHofa. T h e n lord. Emanuel Gaud. Saway GingereUi, L ft New Jersey Ave.j (iEnevi 8-6928 • (^pan - Ainei can> ,i tiie Beani f Mabwah, Antitony «•£ SUBHf N The "'■■eaig o f OOcfcCT 2m of Everym an'» Orche*™ wdtt p t a y ------Benjamin HOI, Lnrwrence Soflckl 7:JO, 9:00, 10:011 | SUNDAY. NOV. H of National Mlssk*», Tnited Pres and Victor ot NVw Mi I lord: feu, * e Masoolo C3ub of Lyndhurst ^ American National Medley' ■■ ■ so ¡and IMmuth Werner. byterian ITiim41 USA, wil’ ■ *.ak tlwr^i.teiN, Miss Mary, ai tiome, w s opened at 9 p.m. by t„ ||0|y NaHI6 11:M, 18:00 in church 9:i\A.M. - Church Schiwl with , .. ... _ . Plans were completed tor their Mrs Antbooy (Annl i'.m n, Mrs President. Brother Harry Tiivn.th Ouejt Speaker James S. Glaw .Mlnscho«, I.W* f..r W card parly to lx' held (in Novem­ Jerry iM'.khvdi S.WvMtrr are! Mr« wilh the i.paiJm pniy«■ brlnx ct- ^ invited to give a talk on (Continued trom ftge 1) M ount cakm el chapei, I adult.1 ber 17th in the High School Ca/e- (HI AM — iMW.r Oifertng wfll be given to Dr. A n^i,. iJ.«.-pluni-i GinsterolU, all fclld th<* Chaplain, Brother l a Biwklyn. N Y . rmd 14 “* AUo*l*f * 11 ^ **■ E*cnv die beat known American Legion H*ctor o( a Seminary, editor ST. MICHAELS,R C. ' i/",*"''," TOO PM Yruth »-k^hk , imndrtl-drrn. hiw m«Ue d «I«-, ,* ^ , Awtratta’. only Burhartota- "J™ "* CHURCH 7 00 P M Yi.ith ™ hl -1-? I>q’ The tuneral wa» mi Tuesday ,n ,he Pwuy o( ' *ie N .i»n* Men»,,-W Home, " * * * Marino during J ^ ^ T a c r » » O M ^yr ^ d , tlTrtW m u,h ooow rt thm -. lu tte K..mes. B .-fr.»hni«d, Rev I.adi»laus J Wllcsewskl - Methc^lBt Qiagcb an- .m-teo to attrn., ^ 403 Ridge Road, to wluch tune dK-dub barmer w . m I V - <» • » * - * * P astor Hot».' THURSDAY. NOV. 5 Heart R. C. Church, when* at ifljdtaped In tnourtdn" by Iho n«|>- haa k konakxig bean bean an an active active atfQoar otttor IW Ltrivermt> . Mad sen ! MONDAY. NOV. 9 otterrd Interment wax in St. ,lo-' r, SKk, t Tiiyrath welcomed «reaker he will be kitroduced by Nocturnal Adoratlcn He has seen i ¡u" ^ Kir me'>Hkt Chariea Sndth who h»l Rverynran» Btbte Chw leadw many new Nocturnal Adoration wcnlI^ „ Korewv,.lt School ST. TOOMAS | :; :io P M - Youth (’ho r lehear ^ Tn«tees ------It,.» ill lor some tnv abo Bre. R«*«r WHMan»» McAdao. ,center, «tabtished all « it 1 h ',Michael Llario and Wayrn e p i s c o p a l e m r r c i t ;«W. ------r .r.« -..v S(1V ... I George Manfrado ti ■ k « « wictukn. . K>TO|x ‘« y y w-H ^ « « t o t e d country. | ixata wore ihe h.Ti

211 WASHINGTON AVIHWI . 4te PAGE WE. (Cor. Clm ) NUTLfiV, N. & IYHHURST, R. j. N 0 r * 7 4 0 * W E 9 - 2 9 3 » THURSDAY, NOVEMBER S, 1964 THE COMMERCIAL LEADER AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW PAGE THREE — Dinner Party For thr PtAUr Ubrttry, in m tm afy f t ' Mni. John firazlano, who \* a Homer R. Bogle, ( Elizabeth My« PkylHs Sabino Is Bride p. _ _ _ the ftighl fii-viTvntl Monmfcno* past pnwdcnt of the Suprf*ne Em- D e Mh—i. U n t m Da JMHML Drum & Bugle Corps Bernard P. Moore, the took. "H ie Mem d u b will inataU o tto e n at I terry m u * . Thoman H tc k a v .^ To Joseph Pegna On Saturday Of Christian Van Soost Unity oI C hrtatianr by AuguMin th e North Arlington EnH on (lab Prmiink Scaiern, « • The Drum and Bugle Corps of Cardinal Bea. on Saturday evening. November a«h buffet. Mr___ Minn Myers, daughh* The flower giri wore the Mian Phyllis Sabino, daughter of Barringer - WaMoer Post of th e At their third m eetly on De- ?t*>- A local delegation will a<- Vath. .■hairmm. Paul of Mr. and Mr*. John Nfc/ers. 2» kind of flour k-ngth drew with Mm. Philip Sabino, 60 EMiM Ter I VmerM-an Legion held its aimmil Kingsiand Avenue. Lyndl Hirst, be- c M e t oi FUJI mums and nwerace, Rutherford, formerly o f iwriber 3rd. they w(l have the ‘oropany her. Frank Donovan, Henry ______dinner party recently with the Marion Players in T h e Joyful H°atoaam lor Monday eveninq Harm., and O w/sen w Letov nime the bride of Joseph Pegnato, buds on her head. She earned a Lyndhurst, and the late Mr. Sa- tethers' r f the Ccrps s nv nsf. MyatrriwT. were Mmea. Frank BeUtta, Jomefh kuH. Adverti*r* J a m ! '11111 Jr .son of Mr and Mrs. Joseph basket at carnation« bino, exdiangcd m arriage tfows Awards were prewonted: trophies Pegnato. 20 Colvin Court, Old- Guraiwki. John Caputo. Thomn» K iw th Huzika. , hairman. Walter Prter Frtricctooie served as bent wWi Christian Van Soest, sun of to Major Linda Radcua and Cap Trock and Jok** Schweitzer and ljeyh phjjfcp Mu CMW>X Bridge, an Saturday. man, John Myers, brother at the Mr. and Mrs. William Van Socst. tain Helen Timpanaro: sergeant Reads Report Miai Patricia La Chappeile. ;R«art| Salar, Walter Strever, Ar- The (v rn ta n y w«n performed at i .de, iw.u c Patrick« Crogan; and pins '1 A hat social will be the feature thur Schreckenstesn and John St Michael'« H e ( hutHi by *hr faio, cousin of the groom. Joseph Saturday for the entire Corps; also quarter­ On Meeting at their next regular mertmg on |sioan; publicity, Mmea. Peter FaA- Kev Stank>y Uihanik The n « « ^ Avento and Vincent Numey. Ar-j The ceremony whs performed si master pins for Patrick Catapano tkn wan hrtd at tbe Copperhood. thur Pegnato. brother of the Sacred Heart R. C. Church, Ted Creo. Abraham Geene and The Lyndhurat fjnblem aub November l«h- oo. chairman, Anthony Lyndhurst. groom, was Ringbeuivr. Lyndhurst, at 4 p.m. The recep- John WaHenberg. met on Monday evening at the George Bowman, Frank Edward Stanmer. Joaeph Wi The bride wore a sheolh peuu The bride’s mother ware an tion wa« at the Royal Hawaiian Hiswr guests included Comman­ Elks Lodge with Mrs. Paul La Evening Dept. wk*z. Frank Stella de tale Kown with scoop nechhne. aqua ensemble and the groom * Palms. Lyndburst. der and Mrs. Fred-rick Wrote Chopelle. president, in charge She Plans To Work Pendleton. long sleeves and a train falling mother won* gold They w ore The bride wore an empire style Past Commander and Mrs. Arthur also read her report on the re­ fcom the shoulder*. Her bubble matching aoorosork* and corsw s gown with lace bodice, round neck* Pe tzinger. with Waiter Schtmber cent meeting of the Supreme Em­ For Student Fund wii fell from h cahbtu;v r<.K- at rases in white tor the bride's ■line and short sleeves. The lace instra-tor. and Edward Quiat. di- blem Club wtlkh she attended at Scout v s k headpiece. She carried a bouquet mother and yettow lor the groom's ! also extended down the hunt of rectar of the Coi-ps Chicago. U . In keeping with the New Jersey of n.»cbuds and ivy. mother. her silk A-Une skirt. She wore a Thi* Mothers Qub is holding tag Plans were made far the local State Federation of Women’s Clubs At Cooper Miss (’Anil Myer* was her sis The couple are spending their matching pill box which hold her A ys hxfcty. tumonrAv and Satu1 clUb to entertain the new Supreme emphasis on community wetfan ter’« maid of honor. Mwk Beverly honeymoon in Puerto Rico. Mrs. elbow length veil, and carried a day. to raise money tor their work »resident. Mis. Scott Swagt erty of for the year, the Eveting Mem­ The 29th annu^ S<■outers' ban­ IVgnato. Hint«'!' ot the groom. was Pegnato is a graduate of Lynd- missal with an orchid and stiplia with the Curps. Tomorrow t h e > Glendale. Calif., and her Supreme bership Department of the Lynd- quet of Tamarck Council, Boqt lii idesmakl with the Misses A nix* huist High Schoul and was with notis. will 9t*U tags at Tapp's Depart Vlarshali. Mrs. Betty Htnnphdl of his-st Woman s Q ub have voted to Scouts of America, will be Mfkd Frank, Barbara Ayres and Au- I.TJtT. Informatkm S^Trtetm DI- ns*nt Store in Totowa. Mrs. Jo San Fernando. Calif., at dinner on work for the Student Loan Fun Tuesday at the Copper Hood, f t f * viKkn, Parrtmus. Her IuM m m , ç i y l i p Mrs. Thomas Roberts, sister Crogan is \c v e rrb e r Ifkti. There will also be knov/ing the need to increase the Avenue. Lyndhurst. ter ct the bride, was flow«*- girt. also a graduate (d Lyndburst High 3nO W 0f r lO ld rOT the bride, was matron at ha dctegatkffls from the New Jersey fund Chairman for the dinner dB,s Bridal attentants wore gowns Schpol, is a graduate ai BscM ] Mr». R. Gelock Rosary Society > h em dubs. This revolving fund provides de­ James Minana of Lyndhurst. Tto- fashioned with em erald green bo­ Univ»TsWy. Uwisburg. Pa. w»#» a I Llnda Stankevitch. Karen Camfia On Novemger 14th the local dub serving students with funds to help kets are available through. dice* with scoop necklines an d Bachelor of Science degree fcij Mrs. Robert G<4ok of Roi-kiwway Hnd uu,an Chixatowski and Mrs. Plans Luncheon wiU present a variety show titled, them through their college years. Tamarck Council office, 176 Perk long sleeves, with ivory crepe Engineering. He wae a member at was feted at a surprise stock Mkhart Lemprecht. ■Club 72 Review '. Mrs. Jam es Mrs. Frank Poilara and Mrs. Avenue, Rutherford. phon»438-304S sheath skirts They wore rnaUiv the Sigma Alois* En»l,<,n F- **|shower h<*id OcHober 23 at t h e Attendants won* em pire s t y l e The Sacred Heart Rosary Soci Bader is chairman. Mrs. Charles Ben Link, co-chairmen, are ma­ or through the eommissioner staff. in* hats with short veils. They tentity. He will «»ter the U.S. home of a cousin. Mrs. Wiliam «owns of azalea pink crepe with ety wiU hold the “ Luncheon Is Gotl will be master of ceremonies. king plans for the department's Feature at the evening will be cairied baby orchids with ivy. w . Army as a Second Lieutenant Giknour of 92 Hedden Terrace, (-o- ching pill box which held het Served'' pregram in Sacnxl Heart Jam es Kerr will be piano accom­ Charity Snowball Dance to be held the presentation of the Sftver shell orchid» for the maid at Inv [February. Preoently he is seif-cr* hosting the affair wvth Mrs. Gil- rk'd chrysanthemums, School Cafeteria on T u e ad ^, Mo- panist. Others to appear in th e io n Saturday. December 5th, 8:30 Eaver, the highest award a kjppi or and green far thè biiontmaidN ptoyed ss un eiectrical contrai•< or. muur were the gue« < «he Kroom. ushenxl wllh able. CaH Mm. Di Camillo, chair litta, James Dovnetly. Joaeph Gur h in t TWs wifl take the place Members at the cnrrwmmitiea A Annette Cerone ìs Marrfed and Mr». OUo Krauas of William Stankevrt.h, Thomas Rob- man. at — 4:«-ÄVif» Robert Higgins. Charles the annual card party. ¡Bloomfield, Caristadt, East «*i1s a n d Robert F;«dil. During the week of Novemh(*i ckicn, Charles Uniante. George Their committees for the event erford, Lyndhurat, Te Pascolale tortane Prettily g^v«-n in a dec»»rated T^e couple are spending their 14th through 23rd the Rosary Soci- Me Mahon, and Jam es St. George. include, tickets, Mmes. Ralph North Arlington. Nutiey, ■ttiag of pink, blue, and yellow, honeymoon in Florida. Tt>ey will 'tV uill have m Sacred Heart Nine past presidents were SantuHi. Jam es Ennis and Walter ford and Wood-Ridge which Miss Annette Orane, dantfiter Cerone af Nutley ami thè rkr; party merriment was enjoyed by at 306^Garibaldi Ave., Lodi School yard the Book Mobile pres ent on Monday evening. Mmes. Friedrichs and Miss Mary Nataie; up Tammarack Council will «I Mrs Angritna Cerone and *ke bea per Frank Attamanti of Mont­ f r o m Dover, Rcs«4ar»d. * Mrs. Van Socsts is with the Wes-1 Unit" with some 1600 p ap ir hock John Graziano. Jacob Burk, James deconrtions Mmes. Chester Wozni- present. iate Joseph Cerone of 226 K'n* cWr. White Meadow Lake. Kertny. Ar- ,orn Electric Company, Inc., Soutti ibo,,ks. ranging in price from 33tNewboult. Joseph MehQo, Gerard ak. chairman, Chltord Keenan, An- Veterans of Tamarack will land Averne, waa married Oe». » A Itti a htneymoon in florida ttngton. North Arim^on, aisi Lynd- Keainy Her hush,«nd is with the,cents to $1.00, with a wide le Giordano. Frederick Blun. WiHiam throiy Kemps, Norman Thompson, recognized, as well as the m Pasquale Boitc«.-, a « Mi „ | | Uve at Page Ave- Standard Packaging Corporation;lection of topics. Freed, Jade Di Glasi and Charles Edward Wagner, Anthony Angelo ents of the Training Awards and Mrs. Antonio Bortone. Mrs. Gekik is the foimer Mari ‘S rwton. | The Rcoory Society to Hoeftsei. and Mario Spina; Raffle, Mmes. 1964. The wedding took place at lyn MUler, daughter of Mrs. John Socred Heart Church with t» e Scarlatellis Hold Miller of » Hedden Terrace. / Rev LoUla Menni* afficiating. ,rT Michael Orane, brother af thè Halloween Party Lembos Return SillW'WS bride, gave ber in m arriagc Tis* Mirhori ScaitateUi. Jr., son of Mr and Mrs. Stephen I^emho of ÏC*' bride le a graduate of Lyndhurst Mr and Mm Michael ScarlateiU, Forest Avenue and Mr and Mrs. iC High iichooi and is employed by 143 Park Ave.. had as guests at Amelia Christiana of Second Ave- Prudential Insurance Compcny of a Hallowe en party given on Fri-, nue. are back from a motor trip i r k u n America. Her hunband aiso is em- more than 2 6 , 0 0 0 day evening at Ms home, tor to Florida, where they spent a pioyed by Prudential school friends at Jefferson School, week at Miarrti each, ceic.»rat‘n- Ataid of honor was Fran Bene­ Thomas Me Fadden. Robert Mil- their Silver Wedding Anniversa detto of Lyndhurst. Anthony Poto lid, Donald Barone. Richard Do- rics. When they were marrk'd at of Montrlair was thè beat man. Ceooe, Gen Lo. Peter Jutfce. Sacred Heart Church in 1939 they NCB Christmas Club checks are being mailed this week.. Jeannette Benenati at Bloontfkid Henry Press, Ranakl Weston. Vkv J were maid of bonot and b«*st man waa bride » moki and Jaosph Oer- cent Kearney, who won* the best tor each other and they liave ape. brother af thè bride, vmo ah costume, and Michael’s brother, celebrated together through the usher. The flowec giri mm Susan Andrew Scorlalrili. years. EXPERIENCE... f) t> R.C.A. has ill I s Y ° u r S balwa — — . a e A m o n g Beek s has it! ;.?*1 f.

I . >l X h e m S f Wf<*

iüini 1r .

Otter T.brfaiM.J .Sk S lM k u 4 W U U More than 26,000 very special people will be receiving their • , 'IS Christmas Club checks within the next few days . . . we hope yours is among them. This windfall represents the smart Christmas Club savings by 26,305 N.C.B. members. And, it is arriving just in time when they need it most, at holiday, gift-giving time. $ 3 9 9 9 5 Why don’t you join our increasingly popular Christmas Club for 1965 right now! You can begin for as little as 50t, or rca Victor M w if s t a as much as $20.00 per week. Pick the plan that suits your C O L O R T V f budget best, but start today!

THIS JS YOUR GUARANTEE Use the easy membership form b«law, to Join N.C.D.’i IMS Christmas Club. FOR TOP PERFORMANCE J 1965 m JJ'• lK C *4 .11 C 7 L e c f up anJ aJjHitm ent tim m J c.Ur Mt, a « fL f^r ¡otJ ¡, ,f NATIONAL COMMUNITY BANK Ia €ulm i*m tum o f 1 0 jfrsr# \ I * ■■■ases ass bus m* mm mm S * ■■ em mm mm ^ m» m . . . sfn to # / im portance, ^¿ytcm» t development ana experience. n RUTHKRFORD □ OARF1ILD 1 M B CHRIUTMaU CLUa MUMUBROHIP I 3 f 3,* L9 W C *4 c.Ur, - ‘ J»>"9 Pat »aie St. and Midland Ave. Park and Amen Avet* National Community iank □ RIDOCFICLO n WALLINOTON - y»u lu if ill. I.. I. 'tV It f w tO y .a r t, Broad Ao*. m tTm ffk Ckr*Is Ma is and Haletead Ave». P.O. Box 250, Rutherford, N.J. I □ FAIR LAWN □ RAST R ÜT MIR FORD Gentlemen: I FREE HOME TRIAL .. * « PaìereoH Ave. osd High S t, F a ir L a te s Ave. and Mirer Road Enclosed is my check for $ ------to open a 1965 Christmas I O FAIR LAWN □ CARLSTADT eW . S.~ic. rW L, rW , S J i Club. The weekly amount I wish to deposit and the banking BrosWieay a s d 2 7 th St, S il Haekeneaek St, I □ FAHI LAWN □ LYNDHURST office most convenient to me are indicated below. Fair Lates Are. at Krie R.R, / St a y I étant Ave, □ »04 p f week H 1.00 per week LI S 00 per week FJ M 00 per week I □ FAIR LAWN O LYNDHURST D 1.00 per w—k L 3.00 per week U 10 00 per week (Pl*«»e ckeck ese) immdn River Rd. a »4 Ridge Rd. and BECK'S Valley Rrook Ave. Proepeet Aye. I,Pleat* print) IN FRANKLIN AVINUI, NUTLEY 647-2275 n IA ST PATKR|6n □ NORTH ARLINGTON Market St. l»d Riper Ave. SS Ridge Riniti Opm Daily t h i — M aaiay t FrMay 9 fa 9 A A: i)t(

•SAX PRIVATE LESSONS - - SPECIAL 154 Park Averne East Rathirford WAKE • TRÜMPET BEGINNER’S 10 WEEK MUSIC COURSE ; i ^ / / UP! • ACCORDION 10 WEEK ADULT ORGAN COURSE o n l y *1 9= Less then S2.00 per Lesson ' A new method, epeciScally eeetfssë toe tao admit¿ • CLAMRET beginner with tittle ee se previous siuelosl traíais#. PAGE FOUR THE COMMERCIAL LEADER AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, ,1964

Jack Bresiin I Realtor Of Year it*» «ili Wood-Ridge Boy the Kearny EMc's Club, 624 Kearny 3 a.ni. This affeets Harding Ave- ]Goldman, Nancy Qstoom, Ed Sfc^y- ¡000 in Mrs. Kaiser s tante in a raid Avt rue, Kt'amy, and all itocta will nuc 325 l u s t east abul. Linda ficikuM i. Loe KÉ! July 14, mi). Award To Barnet kunx-y tc Went Pclnt to see the In Juvenile Court To N Honored 1m < ffered at wholesale prtros. On Avenue. PuUk* hearing 4vas set lek, Susan Urtate. Qemld Stasi». Aftrr Moriarty vw-nt to Ofison linai parade of the year on Su- wilt- wilt be hardw are, ulothir^f, lor the November * mooting at tu.0 ay, November 14th. Tlv* dads A 15-year-old W'cod-Ridge boy, Parmer Proeerutor John J. jewelry, toys, novel ti**, gift item«, X |* TO Giordgno, MAffftt-Pt Bllcsrr Tom and lads will also tour th' uO&ieg Since Last Thursday. the s a & L t s r j m ^ lk*n in the trunk of an S Bresiin Jr., a nabvc of Lyndhurst. aryl bric-a-brac. For the gourmet, O t reuummendation of the J^on- Cc latsky, Clilf Ls^y, and 1 JüwiuxI grounds and excellent n.useum at day before he -was to appear In of a Jersey Oty garage. will hcrunerf Tuesda.' nYjtit tlu re will be a laid bar and home in-i Bwuxi < f Adjustment. a vari­ Lemke. the point. B exgen County Juverile Court in when the Bergen County Chapter. bilked goods. ance was granted Uld^e Natali The Kaiser appeal is tmm Fed­ Persons desiring further infoi - Hariwaaack, was turned over to The aiapsronos wiU hc Dr. eral Judge Rcynier J. Worten- Nsticnal Conference vt Ou'usiar. 1 he yiunger set has not been to sqyare elf a oammere'al stmc- mation about Indian t?uidts should Wc cd-R:dge deteetivis yesterday ind Mn. Beroard Pipck. Mis dyke's refusal to release them an and Jens, holds its annual awards i. i gotten. ‘Btago the Clown' wHI t u r e a t 50 P a r k Avenue, changing contact Prank Schwc^hardt.|*iter he was questioned about Tliecdore RJIouk. Mrs I'tiaasky, d'nner at the Tam m y Brook Coun­ be featured for their entertainment it f n i a n shaped bu kiing, and a habeas corpus writ on ground Scuth Bergen 47 1 Mr. and Mm. Omar DoWitl (Fa- try d u b executive cf th»* snatching a purse in the Queen oi and aintaemant. There also will be piwiding off-street parking T h e they were net properly nprom aul Branch at 45 Sylvan Street. Peace RC Chur eh in North Arl­ oultyt. Mr. S tuut Mayoi by a lawyer In Borgan W orten Bios!in. a brother of Lyndhurst d o o r prizes galore. vertanre is necessary because part 4833. ington. dyke however granted their attor Township Attorney James A Bn« Proceeds from the merchandise oi the building will extend beyond ney, John J. Corcoran a osrtilkmte lin, and son of tlie late Mr. an set aside the am Others to got tla* award: arc Pathrr bgan in m North Arhnglun Patrolman War- — i luilowrcn wu a mkrtui Iran, the Third U.S. Dtstrk-t Court cf ,enw s t™ »»»«1 “ Aprtl Jules Kdekncn. controller of th< fcim ic Bo.vstown, and erdaj "»«>«>(; when he »aw him ,«.atii»i Week, Mrs. Mary E Da- IrgiMe Schonl, Kent Cuurt. Pa* imposed on tiiem in Bcrgt*n County Galanti. Court I ------— t^fton and Donald C Bom H ,,Wtl n“‘aas cutung things to th, P ’ a a,'ou^ vKhon. ptinoipal ol North Art in«- K'Jc, on i>:day. October 30, laet, editor ukI publisher of C :i'.\ U ‘n |n * * m 1. T o , 'i. " T HW. School, h u b e « invMed at the n u m lw . » « W y , Mrs. Kaiser was sentence! to on Fords A re Back and the Record. M H M ''IflHr* doesn't mean cutting down on the thi Qtann of 1 i\ite R.C. Qiiirrli. ^ .sjx^k at tomorrow niaht'K I , ,w. 1 «, indeterminate term in Clinton Re- the This is the second award an- care-feed, shelter and education North Artintfton. He adm itted that lwUl fccvioe d CorRregahon B na. ail formatpry and her son. two to Mr and Mrs Ovules II. Fordv nounc-emcnt of the Bergen County Rir- Ja*^»h c Barnet of 130 which Boystown provides to its he stole a purse from n wrnan . i .7T._ . . •««* three years in State IMson on of Riverside Avenue and Mr. and a t th e 6-30 a m M a e s ' lKrM** 780 Kefcrny Avsnue. Koar- one, two and three participated In group, founded more than 2 yeai-s ,Ntain Avemw*- Wallington was citizens. In these asporta, the 100 • * 'nWln* ob“ ? ° V Mrs- Oonrad Blegcr of Islni*l ag o It is also the sooond dainer the "Realtor oi th o youngsters at Boystown get the North Arlington detectives. Thete Z Y^th'" '* '’r°*mn *”■ -" * " * * CT!hlblHan “ d They were reported to have been Heights are bock from a trip to w h ich is expect(*d lo beoo.ne ani Year' at a meeting of ttw* South best tltat Father Kgan can pro- tod been no money in the purse ,, — joot-.avg ui (xsiuuncs. working with Joseph V. Olive Bridge and KerhorAson. N itimuaJ «i/fair. fitaai to Fair- 1 Bw,* un C o u n t> o i Realtors vide IXsnity Police Chief Edmund , ! a^rvoipk*nt of a For the second y e a r in a i w , Morairty of Jersey City, the num Y.. where they were the r^uests oi loi*h S DKkm*.i Jr.. chairm.ui 1 ^ *w»*i«l> Th.' bo.vs a( Bo.vsiowi liav,- an Barlow and Detw-tiw Joseph Bas Wps( JJL2L? TOn> - (h » ' ****** p ek o d u p 7 . 1 " I, S f T "***!* prison on gambling convictions, through the death of Mi's FYjnfs tor from 1934 to 1^4-1 and foi lor the Board and in co- the»' days. A fire broke out in ,bo> and nuestloned h:m m th» h «nee 19*»7 Sho re- a ^ Bergen Courfy prosiN-irtor s dettx- sister-uvtaw, Mrs Conrad t .Selma) mer pit*sklent of the county Bar operation 'vith the New Jersey As- the kitchen of New Jersey's Boys- W <**1-Ridge police headquarters. a ,ivwj her B ^ dc*ret* from New "* Headleos Horso- tives and State Police found 52.- Christensen Asaxaation, was County chairman sociation of Real Estate Board town in Kearny on October 22 He said he had been aieepinp York Universitv jinrt hav. 4 ^ for fun»l rawing drives for Un this past y«u as Preakia.t ot tlie 19t»4 causing J25.000.00 damage m parked c?ars and porches in liar ,,,adua... w irk in ^ iT01/ * 1? j o a g r a . m e maculate CVim>eption Seminary. Bng fellow-Realtors. He was al- mcnt of the 100 year old woock'ti H»* a ls o told the detectives he had colleges In th«* oast and holds Letcher, F A C T O R Y Second Grade, Kyle Tin tie, IW rd Knight of St (iregory by Pot« dectad Proadont of tf. VVal- stiis'ture and spread throu-h the stolen a tad» from someone in „lembeishin m Kauoa De-lta P i r 80 Grad»* John XXIII in 1962 he is l and ha.l ;UKj |>j Theta honorary ' m an of Holy Name Hospital ad iniured; new dining ,,»,m and sold for K to a Harris bo> h"n"rH''1' , ’’T" „"T’?' ^ T O Y O U . . v’isory fxxird a n d a director of th<> P n m n a n u kitchen is now under oonstTu»*t»on. He also admitted to stealing a pair p ibbi Sidnev M FW tkm- wilt i ^,enr^< r ^ Hermes. (Jounty United Fund H e and his _ Company r^, trc¥d ,)r m t K M t h w „„ (1r nanLs from the hark v.rri T, r d n , y M **** „wUI «-«a Ferraro and AnBelo K r Rac»'. creed or iritionality n no of pants from the back yard of a conduct the Si*rvice and an Oncg raro. Nome Brand wife, th*? former Mabel Boyer. O T t i c e r S H e r e '“''V 'l “! NeW Jeraey s B"ySkWn ho,n,■ “ Shahbot. h»«ted by n.embers of I**™. R»s J«ne« Imve a daughter. Mrs. Frank Leo and the hoys rang, in age from snatching the purse. «sxim-hmwl of iv « a rm nHnn n w i —’ of Maywood. P e t e r A h rasso & •• ‘«■ad- 10 to IS years PmetuaUy ew.»y Th.- bey is b,-in« held in the wiU follow. 8 P r t r i ’-n D •»<* Q * t w » s o o Kdelman. a h i e nieirJber of distributor of stainless, alloy sesticn »;f New »*rs»*> is rrpre- Juvenile Horn«' in Paranms f — ------won prizes for wearing the ftat-»RESSES * The iKibla* is invited to attend, 'roest costumes Brandc is Univantity of Wal{>»>!. . aI¥l <«rban steels, and aluminum, sentad ;*nong the 100 citizens of hearing Mass.. is president of Teanerk fla*s movod its New York District Bo>-stown. 56 young men attend ------" /.w'ards for oiiginakty went to At Wholesale I»dge of B’nai B rith. a mcm- H*aif *° th1, V).000-square- high school in the area of Kearny ftn m m ia n in n n ri. iX-bhie Hric. Peter Castiglia. Mor- her of th e national board o f g o 1001 modern office imildin.» it r»- Th«* vo th e r 44 art* e d u c a te d in New Salesman U O m m iSSIO nerS Hn Cohen. Gary Balles, Ona Lacy. $4.75 to $19.75 \c m o r s o f Bonds for Israel ;wd «»»Uy <*onstructed on Brishin Ave- Boystown’s own grammiir school, (Continued from Page 1) Laryssji By<-h and Sharon Bctles The pi*ngram was conducted by g e n e ra l chairman of the I'rstcd *“ h<>ri‘ T h e s ta f f is ('»unprised of thre«* At DeMassi's Mnsas - Jjuiwoes a j u r m m 1X1 v im , town organizations, parents ninth and tenth grade men bers oi Jewish Appeal tliis year. He is a Frasse general Delict’s rt*main teachers and eight counsellors, all ;u.d children, for their efforts to Open Doily Salurdoi, to 3 In keeping with their »\sitinued the school s Student Council under S to 4 ■ 10 director of th»- Hackcnaaok Y M 17 (irand S tr e e t in New York laymen: Father Egan is d ie only " w lth *** « T T 1 Invent vamLiltam on Htalowcen "Z**! Student Oounol under rr lw io u s tfifh«*!- -.t tU rSnivn po!:oy of s*'rv»oe and growth, Ar- . .. “ V the direc tion of Mrs. Herm an H. A . th»- Hebrew Hem- ¡md,0 ^ r»4,g,ous teacher a t Bovstown I>HMa8al i>eMassi CadiUa» Mo ^ announced the apenuy erf faculty CotgirU H ospital oi Jersey City. ;m children. Andrew, Jams, ui I lhan ,hc a1*«» previously used. The Atlantic City Parley the company's sales staff. Mr. Ag Milbum Avenue. He thanked Dan­ senberg, Gerald SBert TH- 656 Valley Brook Ave., Lyndhurit Mitchell. new office building is joined to te De Pamphtlis tor use of B org is secretary of the Pali- *** existing 85,000 - sq u ai« foot Frank J. Schwdghardt. execu- ostino, a Pontiac with 'fot, Alyson Ray. Barry Bootdn and (1 Blk We»t of Ridge Rd ) tn-e secretary of the South B er-en over twx4ve years of expcrienc. ground sades Interstate Park Commission; P,ailf bu *11 b>- F r a s s e in 1951. Akx*rt Leaka Phone: WE 3-4456 president cf the board < f m ma- P1^ - shipping, and officx* oper- Brancfi Y M C A will attend the has served the* BeUeville Nutle\ ^*° sa" wa* aW3UUng “Autumn T w W Damxr Association of Secretary's Annual ait« ’ ont* t iy c r i' r r P o r t befoie g iv tn c «* Autumn Twirl" was tt>c them«* gens of Bergen Pines County Hos- a 11008 wiU now be carried out at »a. ^ ^ niJ approval to transfer of the Krrtay ^ at p „ ^ . _ r ? J L - JULB p itaJ; president o f the Co u n t v this location for customers in th e ^ Mr Agostmo swetis _ the aale ,— 4 pimary prem«» at Æ2 s ,^ Kmt Courl, Pm sI,, _____ (irand Jurors Association; vi ce^ metropolitan area and a p o rtU si oi anc^ ^ ° Vt*r 500 .staff of DeMasai Odillao3\»t^u rr e o 'd e n t oi the County United Connecticut. M ( ;A . s^ ‘rotarys frotr. t h e jCb, Inc. to seven. Ibat “* ^ »hool” student eouneU con c e n tr a l Atlantic area will attend 'Pontiac dealer. c.-*Mtafced In «81 Bar and Grill, to Daniel J. Bruder ^ Fund, former president of the and Theodore J. Girwi. both of Family Counseling Servie«- in the conference. M.ün speakc < w .H « located at 295 Park Avenue in Indian Guides Ke*;irn>. and trading as Dan and Hackensack, and chairman of th«* be Raymond F. Male. Commission- Lyndhurst. New Jersey, Council members reapcnsiMc flor _ e r o f Labor and Industrv o f the*| , Ted. The Board granted t!>e tnms- Crunty Hospital Cotmc*l. II-.* and For Dads, Sons planning the dance Indurla sute of New Jersey and Matthew A nn(Ja, Baz„ r fcr subject to this report. Ins wife, the form er Flora Austin _ (Pciito announced the fatal Polio h a v e tw o sons. Malcolm A of Thr S o u t h B«Tgen Branch G. Cart«*, assistant director of Program administered die previ- T o nafly, and Gregory G of Hac- Y M C A ,asl week orga^izi'd a Association Press. Delegates will By Hudson Hadauah Listing* w k d l II M iOus wvek and a succcssiul (lean k nsnck re m ltn b . ______trib e s in South Bergen. Thursday s discussion groups, of which BargainM r. hunters w-iil up Week. list your borne. Expon Indian guide c rganization lr.eetin-' Schwvighardt has hem named as the news that West Hodmx' ( An ordinano* was i*ead wl. dt your property to th« great S. B. Realtors in Rutherford produced three new 000 of the leaders. Mr. 5<*hweig- ter of Hadasaah has sett ■at Novata- Novèm- ''•"•H prohibit, if passed, perking on trib e s a xi Tuesday’s moiling in hardt has aLco been nr.med to the fcer 17 as the date for Its 13th¡both sides of Harduig Avenue, be- n t number of buyor*. A Wood Ridge produced three new Convention Critique Committee. annual bazaar. The place will be 'tveen tie hours of 10 p.m. and quick sale is th« inevitable Elect New result. Al a m e e tin g r e c e n tly E llw o o d tril>C!‘' h n " Kin*'' th p 10131 I' u m b cl' _ S. New cf Rutherford was elected °* Infhiln cuide mb<' “P lit pn-aident of the Soutli Bei-e .1 in Suuth Ber>Ten. Indian guid«« is | FO R SA LE ndhurst, Secretary-. Frank P Help in all problems BOILING SPRINGS floor. S car detached (ar. NiM of Rutherford, Treasurer, By appointment only ages - Situated oa oft and Josi^îh C. Barnet, outi^jin^ sized plot and right hi the (iiesidmt as State litre-tor to Nj' Open from 10 A M to 9 P.M. AREB heart of town. Owner la 49 HUMBOLDT ST., Savings anxious to deal. cor Orange St M rx. t^ai l Hanley t»ntert«iinAl a I CHARMING 3 a game party for twenty guests One flight up 1st floor and 3 room aat. for F rat entity Chapter Order of Newark. New Jersey Day! second floor • Excellent N f tlx* Eastern S ta r, last Tuesday Telephone 485-8643 ev ening. retired couple - Nice yard - Detached garage. $500,000 Swell corner location. RUTHERFORD Worth of CbristMS Beautiful I location. T hb 4 4 4 «OLYMPIC* family has Club Checks! system, extra Urge room*, enclosed rear yard - two car garage, and is worthy No Cash Down!! of your scriitlny. 1964 T. BIRD $379.» 196U C H EV R O L ET S895 NO. ARLINGTON Coupe, full power a con- * Or Sedan. 6 cyl. auto tran* . 6 Is Your 1964 Christ- ditioned a m a radio. R4H an immaculate Qreen A Relatively POW two fam i­ Choote from two. White Family Car. Economy and ly - Lovely comer location, Comfort. I mas Club in the mail? beautifully ihnihfced, 1962 CA DILLA C $2995 1962 CA D ILLA C $3195 inum siding, I car Btl Seda DeVilla. full opw*r and •• A solid Olaok Cun* w/full power Look Far It! «arage, featuring conditioned. A a >Hd turquoise 4& all red leathar intarior. Fire­ beauty, batter than new stone premium tirat. Ultra clean apt. 1st Usot, 3 room « i beauty 2nd floor - Many extra*. 19«? FORD $1295 Plaa Now! Inquire abort this aw l Galaxie Sport Coupe V S. Fordo 1962 ALFA ROMEO $1595 • 1965 . j - a .. HAM, VW” ...... W-W. tirea. bpider conv. Cylinder twin ovar- Flmthed lb lh poWderpowder blue_ wtth like he,id cam engine, radio A heater Save H ave ¡ Beautiful 3 Hndrsska newn A in matching l «r Inna hi... blue intarior. ■ ... Look ahead to Christ­ A flaahing red true aporta car i W e e k ly I n ’65 ranch, 2 - bath*, ÜA ed A 1 shape mas IMSl Have a pit- $ 100 basement, 2 car 1858 CH RV Sl.EK S785 CHRISTMAS CLUB paid holiday. Join ob $ 50.00l Windsor tudor H.T.. P.S., P.B 1961 C A D IL L A C $1995 $ 2 00 $ 100 00 £ 3 ? » ’ auto, trans. A aolid white eport- Six window hard top. Solid blue DIVIDEND EARN­ $ 5 00 $ 250 0 0 1 ET livine roon atar. ready for th« open road- with immaculate Franoh gray In- terlor Amorioa'a moat doaired NOW OPEN ING Christmas Ch* $1000 $ 500 00 iak about It praatige car Loaded with extrae. $20.00 $1,000 00 1964 PLY M O U TH $2395 Out of town, • Fury 2 door Hardtop V.* auto­ PLUS DIVIDENDS matic. P S . R iH , Vinyl Interior 1960 IM PA LA $1095 beautiful new 3 BUY THE Like new. 4 Dr HT. P.S. and P.B. S way power eeat. automatic trans. ranch, 2 car garaaa, 2 RAH, WW Tirea. Ultra clean, 1 , . ^ » ; \ baths, finished haMMM, CASE... 1960 FORD $695 low mi leage beauty. There’s A Group For You! IllM M . what a buy I V-S. P.s.. YOU'LL 1961 FALCON $1095 FOR RENT 1 A cuatom DeLuxe sedan auto 1961 CH RY 8 LER $1295 trana. RA H. 170 angina. I Choice 3-4-5 room apart SAVE! Auto trans, RAH A solid vTh!te 1959 CH EV ROLET $795 [ e>ant»i in nice resMenfM Sf*am puff with beautiful red Bel-Air 2 door. 6 cylinder auto­ •a, call us Uff saRf^Bt- vinyl intarior. Luxury and aeon- matic. radio and haatar. Ameri- u i No. 1 valúa car in Up

Xtfl CORVAIR SIm 1M3 DITO ATTI $225 aoUtf little cream puff sedar 125 CC economy Cycle I8f> m & »ty^ 3^ cîôAec£aâo» uto frana. W H Lika new par galten. Sharp. I In Rutherford In Lt PRIM Of TH€ OLYMPIC MOTORS -TBSTSBR ------CARDO STATI 11 PARK AVENUS m «19 RID 730 Ridge Road 251 Sid«« lead Lyndhurst. N.J. BROOKDALE BEVERAGES Lyndhurst, N. J. ehone 9M-67S7 “ftlars Yos Save Does Make a Otffersacel” ItpOMflELD - CUPTON . PkM| 472^900 S S U 1

4 I UUKbUAY, NOVUMUEK 5, 1964 IJtit CUMMhKUAL LbAUibK AJXU aoUiU bLKUtUV Ki.Vli.W t A O t t k \ t . ...— r m — r' ------T, •m t Troop 5 ■ W. M a r t t- j meeting with the Goo« Nighl OingerriH, Kimm Middleton,MidJetcn. Pam Pam-itant -It QLL iiK with the flag oeron as guests of honor wtHtef J . Ueyh, a n d 'Rm Qrcto. The patrol 1—ifari wan to I Limb Rogen, Elaàwi M«*. Mary Kent. Junior »Mt ^ RitMitir-GraCT cdorguarta were ta n Magrinjatayi.lutay anand hnve a Cburt of Honor Ru», R nm ay B IH ■ imos ary ScarÄna. Mods »apf#r tnon, and Leon Kent. Junior ^ * Karye Ruzika. and Connie Anti- meeting Is a tim M m E. Undaay Schmidt and Bertha Schwarz paAt patron. Heading the guest list tog 'on- 'ifond-fy^HPwHS^ -Trrop 1» - We w\rk<1 ^ iV nora. The .utter waa Kathie Hitch- and Mr*. L. Nolan. Reporter-Mary t v hclpii^ committee w ere Honor Matrons of past matrcrts and p**tr--*s • bi c*ight in items to make a Mews Htnp^nHly Imdxc Thon wt Mi ^ Cagrfano. Diane Copp^a the chapter will be Mrs. Caroline plate layette to be given to playpd n game cslltd "Acr~>.“ T V Past Matrons and Past Patrons TVoop 7 - We had a Hiliewnn “ 7 ¡TROOP 17 Brownies Mi*. Edward Frcntin anti Ek*th rw art part g -and m atron P"' Cenfra^ headquarters for UNICEF doMalnera werr given out wu. W° then went into curl Ni-tfit w I b? < iserved I by Vest Parly EvuyOM came In costume. Troop 17, Brcsvnies inducted Dempsey, eadette Scout. The meet fraternal "Mam” of the chapter, w UK Elrl* can rallert m orjy <-t adge Kr? n>» After we atarted to ,^iv7now ' girt', ai''»»nr 'n^tif^ Chanter 204 OE5 cn Nomrtbrr 11 J fK*edcd. resent were MMt tl t ie git« brcrjgu graV big held at Llnor.ln Scho \ eL>.;: I and Malcolm Taylor, past •’rand IlaUoween. Le*der*.Mr«. J. A. Sta- pick up «U i.l the paper« rn ,h: ¡Ina* Monday. lo rrain e C.iaimo. with tho singing of Brownie songs In the parish house of First Pres- Mints, ictor Maturo. president, »>ngs and wo stood in a circle art bjier.an Church, Ilford avenue. patron artel fraternal “DAd”. paa* ickl. Mrv r. Bulkowaki, a n d Scout H^piso grcrjnds. Wo thrr Donna Gross, Mary Ann Halup- and the ‘Gccd Night Turin Martin Moran, Otto erbarg, Clai% i\v*> gain«’« called "Sthr the Mush ’ Mm J. Ctiymd Reporter-Suaan played **Touch' an d "Banks, jka, Vicki l^nRenbach, M1che«c W )rT* are Mm. John nrmp«.í7thJ,IJL t^ ?<,!¡ÍS watolS^MrfW Mrs. Hçrtiort P red n an of Union andon Heuyel, n ^ rtai "WkdM on tho Broom.M Re Wallace Brooks, ap f Trees” . We closed the La Polla, Nina Ann Starred, Ellen ‘and Mrs. Charles Owing*. ap 10 • We had our Hallo­ ween Party. Prizes w ere given for Grand Union « rhs b<-st costumes. Diane» Vane was the prettiest, Elizabeth Stafta I urf Ik*th IX’mpsey were the fur- rnest, and Dcnna Bogle was the your No. 1 ntoof original. We had apple« on a strii,,?. Refreshm ents were ser- store vtd by tho "Chet' badge group *1 M IX OR MATCH YOUR MOST POPULAR FAVORITES I.-ad« rs^Mrs. B. Blohm. Mi% T. Comey, and Mrs. E Gmwley Re- ixjrtei-Kathy Hcpf. Troop 21 - Wo saiv: “ Pm llappy When Pm Hiking" and “Make i n Now Friends”. Wo then worked on our bodges Mrs. DcUaFave „ 77J> *> /v'ou g«and union fO« top 3 1 ° o i;uv* the girts tho UNICEF con- Y O U C A N E r a ; lalnera to eoiltct money on Hado- ^ U . OUAUTY (OOOS LAME Hk. I « ia> w-etn. Wo dosed tho mootJTi with ■ J l û î ih#. Girt Scout prayer, Lcnder- MOTT'S DMNKS 3 — *1 PBUNK JUICE MOTT'S APPLESAUCE 4*"$1 \lrs. M. DdlaKuve Reporter-IX*b- UANDURIOM-lsaitlsttb t)ie NaitBHlo. W TW-p 14 - We had a HuBoween i HSUNSWEET *sr 3 - *1 Party. All of the girl* and lead f*m*w 2 n r , t ~ TOMATO JUICE 4 - *1 1 i r* were in costumes. Prizes were 1 given for the best costumes. Anne SCOTT nlcnun 3 ä *1 Frank was the mc-.d original, Ka­ YOU ALWAYS GET 6KAHD UmOM LlOtJID CATSUP ssa s 4 ** *1 * 1 thy I'urviB was tho funniest, and TOTAL BZEr-HOXSlMlAT or lams ■ GooJYia Daub was the prtttiest. ryO U K /MOWEYS WORTH i m We pliytd "Pin the Nose on the DETERGENT A 3 S' *1 LADDIE BOY» 4 — *1 l\anp»iftfn W<* sang "Brownie Playm ates” . The gjiHs made pot 1 hr.'ck-.s and dc-xSe sot*. Ix' ider*- Mnr V' Mafuro and Mrs. F. But P O R K I O I H 5 5 1 ° ° K«*. lleprter-Patruu Srlvcmb-*r I M P O R T S D . Troop 13 - We worked on a sur- l>rs ■ We were given the UNICEF t - 30S 1 »on* van Rcpnrtcr-Carol Landclls D BEETS 5 ^ * 1 * 1 TVoop 9 - We had a Halloween f n ' v / c i H ipx' ihis WfCH ! Party and everyoex* wore eos- nm*a. We i/ay*-;1 two gam es call- ■ A 9' I ;;3 9 ' _____ BEETS 5 “--* l I rd ’Stir tho Mush" and 'Witch HINDS I WHOIT ind Cat. We had punch. cocYes, ornri! ¡porkloins md candy f(** refreshments. Lead- PICKLED BEETS 5 ~ sl M • •r-^Ii*« B Hcglund. Reporter -Pat - 4 9 < Mtffugh. T itrp 4 - Girl Scouts becan».- Khcwts, gcirfln«, flap* • *rs, gypsk'*, Ü 9 4 5 ' /ïro^en Foorf and odter thirn^s We had our »WJ ween Party. Kadi pntrd was Ov//jf >y S o k c d D a ily t»,SHORt SPINACH aam. 7 «1 * | B1EDS BTC APPLE PIES fKtSH f'WtSSt J U>OK SMOOTH! Naw l a ONION RINGS 3 I Caa H ava UNWANTU) Vv HOLE ÎU t q i c BIKDt ETC HAW RKMOVKD. sjd i b O r taaurttty . ..f.'y . 4 9 TINY TATERS ; i * i % b, Ih. a.n.atl.iMl EIEDS ETE BadiaaiaUe F.lectralfM by O ia a al A|>u Beaaty Sal— WHmjiEAB 2 35' CANDIED YAMS 4 ~ *1 * 1 C*m» in TcSay fse M i l CONSULTATION ChÂenBre«îi_ ^ Cina’t FlectrofyiU MÂXWÎLLHÔUSE 7 9 c BONELESiößiSH'f CU1 jp FIRST Wyman 1-1308 n u fflu tt suasD tat MI4l.ua Av.. AraitaM. * j T I T I I t l . RAISIN BREAD s ? 2 7 c C o r n e d B e e * BEEBLEB HONET Ä A GRAHAMS » 3 9 e P0DNDCAKE ruucmAmrf com oil NOW SHRIMP '“ w s r- 7 * . 79c MARGARINE YOU C M OWN I HALIBUT steaks ~ .6 9 ° BBCULAB « SUPBB CMC FLOUNDER -"»’ss»™ . 69c MODESS « H » S > 1 SLICED BACON 59c GROUND CHUCK ' . 65‘ * 4 9 ' i SAUSAGE LINKS ^ 8 9 ' ______* . « t FRANKS ss £ ,4 9 c a -59‘ KIELBASI "StSi1 -* ’MM Model C ’00! HANOI «VAN nciudtnQ S tlr«a, h«at«r and d* »«•otter«, auk. aaat, «Ida door*, heavy duty aonnta, hsavy duty ITALIAN SAUSAGE .89 to*ttary, •»onal lights and tWdr. v ffli BROtCull B«ney switch. PINWHEELSw2"^"89 1 'w f r , ; f «r w m j ■ • - -• «.<*» ■< _ ■«> • ■•• • • .• FRANK’S Prica* aSactiTe thru Sal., Nov. 1th. Wa rcaarva the right to limit quantitaa. Garag* r* t.*y, | H . . Factory Authorised Dealer V v , *• Grand Union 579 Ridge Road, North Arlington 2«9 Kidge Koad. Lyadbural I W E » 17M “Instant Redeaptioo Service” Bloomfield N. J. 22 Washington Street ìI W G * SEC THE COMMERCIAI LEADER ÄNT1 SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5 , 19H

Fin d t h e s t r e n g t h

f o r y o u r life ...

Does it seem to you sometimes that the world ha* gotten so crowded and complex that you just don't count at all in the grand scheme of things? It's not uncommon, that feeling. We feel helpless . .. unable to alter or even really to understand our« selves and the world we live in. Faith is missing—and because of that, spiritual strength is. But faith and spiritual strength can be found, nourished. Then they grow within you through regular worship. This week go to your church or synagogue. Start to build a fuller, more mean* ingful life. Cherish your faith and keep it strong so that it may strengthen you.

^Thi« educational m d fim ia made possible by the cooperation of the following public-spirited rilirrnu who a re ^ always ia the fore utriving to nmkc our community a lin er and better place in which to liv e.

PRIETH F. BENEDICT, PruuUii B K « R AWFORD, Preside* H. V (;ROTE, Prr.idrnl ROBERT J KEENAN, Presiden! ALFRED A. PORRO, Jr. RALPH W. SHAW, Jr- Pteaidea I Benedict-Miller, In«. Sandard Tool ft Mfg. Ce. Tbe Trubek Chemical Compaay Equity Sating* ft Loan Association Altomev at Law A. R. Purdy U « lac. JOSEPH C. BARNET. President VINCENT P CANDIO, M.D. I RANK ft MICHAEL GALLO JOHN S. LESLIE, President JOSEPH R. POLITO, Pretidenl CLYDE S. SARGENT, P retest Stull* H i fit'ii Board of |{rill*i< Callo Wholesale Meat#, lac. Ledi«- < Company Joseph R. Polito Agenry, In«. Serganl Motor«, Inc. HO* ARO G. CLAIBERC, P re-ideal WILLIAM L. BATES VICTOR M CARDELLA, President JOSEPH R. LETCHER JOSEPH RLICCIO, M.D. WALTER R. STEEVER Mi Ir» Mrrrury < orp. The Oag Agrnry, Inr. tJndershrriff, Bergen County Steever Funeral Ha me WARREN F. BOGLE. Pre-ident TIIEODORE RICHMOND, Prcddenl ALEX MAISLIN, Vice.-Preaident AKSEL S. SORENSEN The Bogle Agi-ncy, lot. VINCENT COSTA BILE, M.D. k. G. HALL, President Maidin Bro«. Transport Lid. Inlcr-City Transportation Co., Inc. Pipe Protrrtion Service, Inr. Realtor ft lanarer LEdlER E. BKION. JR . President I S. 01« KINSON JR.. Pre«ideili HUOOLPH MELONE, Proaidrnl JAMES P Tl'OHY. Pre*ident WILLIAM C. HILLHOUSE S. J. SISSELMAN Prler A. It »*»p ft (io.. In«. Rrr|»n, Dickin»oo ft < ompany The San Curio* Restaurant, Inr. American Truck Lcasing Coap. Eaal Rutherford Industrial Park THUSTON COOPER Cooper Lumlier Company JOSEPH, EDWARD ft MURRY Sll BERMAN, Preddent JAMES A. BRESLIN ARNOLD A. OEM ASSI. JR.. V Pre*. NI . I’. V(HiT, Jr., Preddent Alterar y vi Law FRANK MASCHIO Window Motar Hotel Or Ma»>i t adillar-Poatiar Co., Io«. W. K. HOUPT, President The Ma»«Tiin ft Buniire Restaurant* BoilinR Springa S. li L. Aa*n. JOEL URDANG, CPA JOHN L. BL'HK Major Cleaner* A Laundeter» HERBERT NEWTON ANTHONY SCARDINO. PreaMeat SII DIAMOND, Preddent *•1 StnyvM iit Atmum > Burk I1 unpr^l Home* HERB JORDAN, Prnddent Star Coal Manufa«’turing Co. Oiam«»n«l Houin* Corp. The Form Dairy Co. Lyntirant, Ntv Jm iy * General Tire af New Jeraey, Corp. JOSEPH A. CACCIANO. Manager HAROLD A. PARETI, Mavor CHARLES A. SCAGLIONE, Presidenl JOSEPH LACCITIELLO Borough of < arUtadl, N. J. RAYMOND G. * * i* N»«arp Memorial Home, Inr. CARL EISEN, Preaideat » Top Notrfc Metal Finiahing Ce. RICHARD L. WILSON Famons Brandi», lat. # * Royal Hawaiian Palms FRANK PffZaOII A William J. Wllaaa 6 Sana i CRjORCE T CANTREI.LO. Pre»idrai • c a v >,c X i u ~ A HAROLD S. MANNING, Ph. C. Cenerai Motora Trurk 0. P. SA MMARCO. l're.ident George T. < ani tel in, Inr. Í VINI ENT C. F i r m , UXI. -a mi The Pritrilia Pharmacy Seie» ft Service South Bergen S. ft L. Asaoeialioa B. F. WADOLIkOWSU, UJk J \ > THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1964 THE COMMERCIAL LEADER AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW Thanks From The Chief TO: 'Th« Board of Education - Supervisory and Teaching Personnel . Parent-Teecher Association Unit* • Civic - Fraternal - Butine» Group« - Parent* and the Robert EVam. Michael children of our Townabip: Jcatph Walultkinrt. JrtYy ; I, a» Chief, and the Member, of the Lyndhurst Police and Prank Yenlavirh. Department, thank you for your wonderful cooperation on Mr, and Mrs. Charles Olhm and MImMat Night, October ttth, and Hallowe’en, October 2 U t x\. Jam es, 80 Riverside Ave., We are happy that an of the children had fun and are lent the weekend at the C jM h ” °*t P**“ *^ *o report that there were only a few inatancea i* the Holy Cross, Worvtefaw, jf vandalism throughout the whole Towiuhip—the finest Mass at the College Parents’ r#eo2 l W* *r" r ^ ■" Lyndhur.t on Hallowe'en. Weekend Their son. Jamas ki g We may aH be very proud of the team work of each and senior there and is a ntembes aI sveryone of you toward helping to make this Hallowe’en a R O T C They fume, attended a Thank yon. and attended Mass and nunicn breakfast. Howard C Liddb, Chief LEGAL NOTICE Lyndhurst Police Department TOWNSHIP OF LYNDHUSIT NOTICK TO WATER MAIN CONTRACTORS Mr. Carmina Savmo, Jr. Scaled bid» will be e«c«iv«a Sy tli« Board •« Cpmmniiontrt if the (Mrs*) Dora L. U M ifiu , a new member of National Community Executive Manager Town eh ¿o of Lyntfhurst. New Jersey, in th* Council Roam, Taws Banks 20 Year Club, receives fold watch from William L. Commercial Leader Company Nh». vainy Srook / ftaehlc, President of the Bank. Onlookers are (extreme left) 251 Ridge Road prtvnHini 1 I. Mondav, N«v«m- W illiam L. Bates. Director, and (extreme right C assius H. Daly, Lyndhurst, New Jersey ber 1S. 1M4 foe tl Jr.. President of the Club. Dear Mr. Savmo: water main, watt tiona and appurta______At a dinner meeting hrtd at the in Pag* Avenue, between Bank were also feted and awarded My power of expression is not sufficient to Ik . occa- Avenue and the Raasaio Riv Pennington Club In Passaic on «old em blem s by Mr Staehle and ,i°in’ ^S1. 1 “ " " '“ I to try to thank you for a most valu- in Kennedy Caeirt »rem Mi nday. October 19, five err> tajwii* H. Daly. Jr.. President of able edition of your paper. 1 bava learned more about both .iettare« akove are the winners of the various categories, »lost Originai - Marilyn Aimes. . 3 , " “ '"’' plcy.es oi National Community the Chd). Fem ale members re­ ..my “>» Mother having boon a Kingsland, Hank w.-re in hided as r?w mem­ ceived «old (’harms. The men were Olaoe ft Lorraine Coppola. Meet Grotesque Anthony DeMan». Prettiest Geraldine DeMarco " r y yOK? Tercentenary isaue, than 1 have evei rusnlasc - Robert Crane. Standiac rear 1 to r Fun Day Chairman Tofty Caputo, President ■ ?idd*r ,nd ni,ur* •’ ^ «•«< bers to the hinks 'JO Year Club. rvcipients of guld tie clasps. They therein, and accompanied by *__ w ho They an*: W iliam E. Kuifxna, included G ardner C. Klein, Lam learned before. Mother was not much of a historian •• I Lyrdhnrst Kiwanls, Morris Settembrino Gordon DeSavino “The Great Dondlnr pro- tilled Check, drawn te the-ord*r a* never knew what the Nwiily was doing before Ambeaer vided Magic acts far the chil.'tren. Al Lo mbs II Stanley Pennacchi». Jerry Lsnzerottl. the Township of Ly Etem*r E. Bush. Jr., David E. bcrt A Hoar. Hrnry Quinn, Arthur percent of the bid aI & r t m" Graham. Gco.ge F. Gaet . and became Mayor of New York. Her sister is still living so I Specifications r* ebtainablo at K Smith. Douglas Smith. William the office♦See of the TswTjwraoa.pi neni p. k( « . Lx.ru l> u se La Magna Mm. l^a- |L. Bates. C-irtis Zimmcrmann, Ed- am going to tale the edition up to read to her as I am sure , 8 Boy, Sineer.. IT’^Mich*el ----H *4 ‘s ^ a ^ Mic^na was pres'nted with a gold w'ard CakJerio, William L. Staehle, she would be Interested, as would my two brother,. NKWS IN LYNDHURST R€C ^ o 6 p 1 Avenue,ue. Rutherford, New Jen durin« o t hottM on or boiere wutdi by Bank ITealdeni. Wiliam ¡Esther Vignieri, A. Theodne You have naftde a unique contribution not only to me The Lyndhurst Municipal AduU they defiled the Wildcats in two Hiking S a tu rd a y 5:00 > . » Friday, Nov am ber 1f. L. Stai Jde. while others npedved jiklmcs, Cassius H. Daly, Jr., and Recreation Program plans lor the games 13 lo 0 and 15 lo 6. (M e I 1 1M4. but to all of thoae interested in how your section of New The Board of gokl emblems. ¡Edwin Sargent. Jersey was settled. wkxir siaeon haw t>e<-n iwnplel- Pignalorr. Phil Pennde and Mike A "J1'- South reserves the rifht to reject' any Other memh:*rs of the c ub wl»o L sm fcrt A Rose, Vico President d . The tndrxjr progiTun. whkli K uan nk s' oulstandin' (4ay prn-ed Mo'*>tain BWKTvalion Is sHm'cIiiI I and all bide for eauae or reason. Very Sincerely yours, By order of the atltnded the meeting and com- ct National Community Bank, is vHI irnslsl of a volleybBil league, ihe ii^es. TV Wiid-als with i-' ^ S''ou, Tr00p *'• ^ *• BOARD OF COM MISSION 8RS H* I- <1 at lenst 20 years vi ser- the Sectary-Treasurer of the 2“ New bold Morris, Commissioner oodminlon tournament, taHe ten- Charlie Main*. Prank PesM.. and "“ *»<*’* Pariah, for SaluiTl.iv. Fred O. Teub nls tournament and a bnskettmll Vic Ta/naro sihnvin^ the way took Novrfnber 7lh. This WiH give the Townehip Clerk * viee with Nat.onal Community Year Hub. ______City of Sow York Department of Parka DATBD: November ». 1SS4 tall mooting contest, wiM been the fir* came 13 lo 13. The Jest- bcry* “ * cppoilunity to qualify (or Derem ber 6lh fri n 10 »j e.m. to ers moved In within two games of IwdKes. Tli e Ihis Mayors Defend Action tieir president Mrs J. Mortan-rr entfap Airing high school yean, ot Jersey aty: all who attended 1:00 p.m. at the High School gym- the leadets us they einshed San leave from St. Mk’haei s Hall, Junior Guest Mayor Knowlan said the Has- was prevented at an assembly last 1 he meeting were Mmn. W. Cii- naeium Residents wishing lo en Carlo s in three Kames 15 to 1, A,vrTllK' nl 7 " m txuck Heights nwrnuy; b sl\ Thursday al the college one. R. J. Bonadoraia. J. Distaudo; ter a team or any mdividuoi wish 15 tc 7 and 15 lo 3. Bud Thom. “oy, wen' inyndhurst. B Somers; A. F ig ­ the Dept, of Parks. 438-000 or stop ¡.ast's line team play were lo b,'r ■*lh' Ri<+>,rd Bceidin, Mark onsidcr it.” possibly at its meet- ..■here he was vice president of Lie schtdultd tor November 1» by the lia of North ArHn^tcn. at Ihe Louie Playground on Sun , much for San Carlo's. N o« «.-etks n ' , ^ '-T t Sawiez. and ng t c n ’g h t. Kncwlan s a id , hrw Student Council and member at North Arlington Woman's (Tub ' mornings (rom 10:30 a.m . to schedule: 10:30 a.m. Jeelers vs Rxjb,'rl CrT** Richard Snpinski ever, th a t he did not think the Gisst tor the evening v/as Mrs. ■he Varsity Club and Chess dob M«ir.!»ers and their guests wtil 11:00 p.m. to nvieter. The H gh Wildcats. San Carlo's vs Palum t.i J '’ ‘ (l 1 1 n»Ylt protest ‘will cause this pennant A. Silva of Jersey aty. He played on the school's Junior r.Hd in the dub room of Kearny Schoolgymnasium will be avail-¡Kleclr«- 11:30 a m . Bandils vs An- “f “*0 ,or a " 2'nship in I h e to be ta k e n from our flagstaffs." The women were all mssfeed tor varsity basketball tesm and vaK Federaf Savings l^wn Aaax\ etoie for ttie program from Dec. tRels, Pranks Inn vs Tigers. im,ii t I fed we are absolutely right Halloween Mrs. J. Dunnnio won » * ty football team. Ridge road, for the csrefully plan Ml lo Marrta 3tat thanks to Hlr.BoctT- St. Christoplin mi'dals were pn- in o u r position." he said. ‘‘I car. prize (or the moat ort^naL an d The recipient previously of a ik'd ewning. cooperation o( the Boart of Edu ^ (WnpUln^ p ^ ^ - J - ^Sc^itmaste, •h .n k of no m ore appropriate pen M rs w. Oreone for the funniest. partial scholarship to Wlikes Col­ A skit will be presented by the cation. The rrsuks of due weeks ^ ma ^ l«.cu<. j 0,c Ph f i SI* cr I rr> h nont to fly under the Americar The (w et Mrs. A. SUIva showed lege. McKcown plans to major in action in the outdoor program I*»' jvior and conduct at the recent Junioia' drama ilepaiimcnt, a re- Fla,r t.ia n on.-* which q u o te s a pari the wraien how to make a^entcd social and political science. p * c d untM n :00 a.nv fcl. week Jm borM , a( c TMnara<-k, to cipknt ui many awards last year. ■poneored by Commissioner Peter of the pledge of allegiance to that e. Curcio*. Dept, of Parks were: Sam Palumbo ^ ™'* P :''« 0-«tCr Moaksl. Robe,I KanarAi Noted on its list of credits is first N:-” Por a token of will meet Joe PeriUo and Vince awjud for all around work in Mayor Harold Pa ret i of Cari- eeived a beautiM tea apron frnen | Horn® Department _ VOLLEYBALL: Rizzo for the tide. The hoed and d-innh. m New Jersey end Orst rtadt' likewise said hr did ml Mrs. Montanero. ! A t M rt. Q u i R U T t The battle for the champion*ip horseshoe courts were in use place tor beet play in the Hth Dis- think his borough will dlacootmje A lale supper was served on s I ' n the Northern Division shapes up throughout the morning and wik • riot IWnnui Tournament I in which u*. practice, begun last week or MaBoween settta«. The American Home Department ts a three team race with only remain open the three remaining Mrs Jus.fti Clolmo, chaiman, re- r«x.p, a the pemants from the Mrs A SUeva surprised h ew » ^ ^ Won»a's Cti* of Lyndhur. hree weeks to go The tigers led weeks of the outdoor season. I PREMIUM n ived heners lur "bi'SI » ■ tm s ’l. n- mufucturer, be<*uiso of the pro- men by imking a beautiful Unr » Minday at the y Chuck Cnrio and Floyd Van TIiankK^iving songs wiU be sung test, cake: wMch when ill i is eSnl r . PtiMlp Quinoer In Jay Ave Nortwick remained tied Jtor the by the musk- a« envent i e|. "I dcn't fed this is a bread* ead with the Angels, as they Mary Dijmayo Wed Fresh Mined Coal til'.».on I*f Mrs. Josfph Kadens. of the wall between church and (rata flowers and autumn leaves. P ream t were Mmes Oiaf Alm- downed Kaaten Trucking in two To Jos. Fallarano AH membra wr!l paritcipat- »r •Istnte," Pareti said. •'This penant The new meeting wiH be in No- quka, chairman. Fred Taub, Ar­ samcs 15 to 9 and 15 to 10. Jim NONE BETTER AT ANY PRIC* itrpensive reading erf the Club increases the reaped for the Cag ■mber at the home of Mrs. W. thur Wesmann, WJlmm Flock Kelly and Anthony Dl Brito paceu The wedding of Miee Mary De Teo . Tub (> lit «■'. unrten by Mrs. Dcxter dacHf fnd the pledge oi allegiance Girone hart, Julhis Nelson, Alfred Curtia, Hasten to a 15 to 5 middle r*ame tayo of jDevon street. North Ar- Nut Coal $23.00 Pea Coal *21.001 CkLs A me. Id. a past president of the It fees ba< k !o oidr forefathers. Ixois Tamke, Wlilard James. WM. Utoory. The Bandits oKwed to fJhmnl Pert*ration of wonnrs-^w-fmmHI n-r*-m*rv >+■ liam Mayer, J t a p h Zaies. William wkhin ttwiO games or the leaders vvuLn piaca. Ü^ngteü^sT^a^ t Stov»Coai-' - 23jOO - S+oiror Coal— -^4S%0Q Scholarship To - Bi jthcaton;~f>aul WstLng and WUi- they blasted Franks Ian in (Jubs. the bdief in God. not an atheistic Ooiobe, 2* in AH«ny.Albany. New York.V«k.|T . Buckwheat C o al $ 18.00 ' ’ * Chaii man of lw«teiwcs for the' 1lRticn arv bringing this to the Lawrence Keown am J. Vavrik, president of the three gam es 15 to 7. 15 to 6 and Serving as honor attendants wen nifrht will b«* Mrs. Mk'ha«kl D'Ella. k>reiront. dub. 15 to 7. Ed Pogoda. Charlie Wier- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Allen D't.'lia-. ' ' Lawrence McKeown Jr. Of 4 The group made candies, and re- cinski and Jim Hurley's fine play if Albany. GUARANTEED SATISFACTION Eckhardt terrace, a fi af eeived patterns to make attractive sparked the winners. The Ameri- The bride is employed by Home« 'March will signal "Theatre Par-i B u tterflies A t Wilkes College. Wilkes Pa.. Hiank^vmg table centerpieces can Division looms as a two team 'ite Division of Textron Inc., North ty Monih" t.„- memi-or, of the! ^ | r , M o n t a n e r o '* has received the Dickson fciemor.aJ with velvet and a pineapple. race for the title as the Jesters ■Ariington. Her husband is service f t MORRIS DEMEL M «•raft di'i>artm«*nt. Plans for tMf Scholarship Award. The schoiar- At their next meeting at the'and Eagle« wilt fight k out for the .r»nag.r with the same company. Krt und-r»ny ul h st minth'« a n».vlim- »™ hrid (or the sh»p. awaixicd on the basis of high home of Mrs. Mayer the groupli'hampionship. The league leading The couple are making t he 1 r 615 ESSEX ST. meeting of lh<- (V-pui tn.enl held Butterfly sBlers, al (tie home of achtevesnent, aptitude, and will make Christmas stockings Eagles remained in fits! place as home in Ariington. at the hum** o/ Mrs. Clerm*nt M. Brierley. Joining the department £ at this nvet ¡mi was new member Mrs. Jack Henderson .;rrrrn?r:~ Mi's. Henry ( ’.«-orgs of 11 Ruther­ ford place will be hostess at the Ni/Vtsnhcr 1'! meeting of the craft j I dfpurtment. Pareti Says Pennant To Be Continued Mayor Harold Partti of Carfctadt stiid today in spite of |m>teiMs of ttie ('ivil I.iberities Union the beroitRh w^ll <*ontinue to fly a pen nnnt that bears the inscription. "On«* Nation Under God." Ilashrouck Heights plans to con­ tinue the practice also. Gi'onie Budmlter. chairman of the ('hurch-State Committee of the AO A1, asked Mdyor John F. Kn

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For Slip Cover* Draperie« See MARY LEMPERT II RMge Rea« North Arltagtea WT 1-9111 ' • t v *

PAGE EIGHT ■9 THt- COMMERCIAL LEADEH AND SOUTH llh.K<,K,\ REVIEW THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1964 Draw in contention, but the paai alt mpt for tlx* conversion fail«!. Midget Football Party For Donald Rush Lyndhurst Downs Paterson Central I Tile South Bergen Bnutr-h Y M 1 Mr. and Mrs W arrra Ftuah oocf by DAVID SAV1NO ( V I h a ri^ jg ifc k .H k u a lr 1 c n- .V» and returned * to the ZS. The Olga Gaito Leads [C.A.’s midget touch footh; U pr >- daigMcr, Linda, crtcrt lin'd at LyndhuiKt racked up another pJetod another p.iss to Gukkilki -T no ended w'.fh the ball on the In Mothers' Bowling V un saw the* Jets rip the Gianta dinner cn Sunday |n cd( ». ;U < :i ({ S tO u ^ y by d o ^r r : l i Jfcr 4 yards cr 1 UR ium t ' t * ' ‘ ntrat it y sn t One.— touchdown ruas tlm hirtlwlriy u li h c u sen. Dcgvriri iral erf Paterson 12 to 7 in a Line for 5 yards to end the haif. Olga Gaito eonhnuea to l««d the,by ® ^ r Whitney wit’i R ic k e y Gucsto wore kis grandparents, Mr hard lought g im e played hi Pater­ f’jtmir. uo kck^ff lor lendini Mi Mis B-wting League of Ihe Iane throwing some outstandiiv: ; nd Mrs Benjamin So/cpaiwki and S t . Mary's Loses son H ere la «be play by play nd Central put it hack in play Nmih Arlington Little Leajnw* pocicc» to set up the acoiC. f in, Paul, of Lyndhurst. Mar.on It was parents' day at Boston University a rainy m ocunt of the game cn their *n 30. Ccntial gained r To Morris Catholic with a high gecne last week of TTie Redskins topped the Beara Mazurkicwicz and Miss May Mul Saturday ago and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wittorff of Lynd LyndNmrf w n the toss-up niund in three* plays but the 181 and high average of 163 tier by a score cf 194» with fine plays 1er, of Ki-arny. Mr. and Mrs. JX. the hoc* was taken by PuiVin on .«■k cn tow* fourth was tom . rf' by Bill Curley fired a 6-yard tourti- in hy Ed Frenche. Rickey Diaz and Gremley and children. Jam es hurst watched their Jimmy, now a cool 207 pounds sloshing lecm. The Seniors, continues the 28 and be returned it to tte a Lyndhurst man and Central .vn bom tc epr| Hob W.Li first place. Gksi Hoffman. The Jets new top Bobby and Judy, of Pequannook. away at fullback. Ihev also »aw him make contact sever at :» KuctnsM backed ttx> «-outer of vi ifd en l ie Lyntamit 48 Cep * e fourth quarter Sunday to give tie league with 3 wins and no times with a study end on the University of Massachusetts .'he hne for no gain and Gacctone traJ drove to the Mcrrls.. *_ Catholic « 3^12 victory frO m flg behind Olga fei Irene and Mr and Mrs Pasquale La CorfieW with a 143 a v e rtre with vas then pulled down for a 8 yard hut Ictf the hall t'irfv. 'ci St. M ary's Resa and children. Kathy, Ruth football team. Flo Ippokto a rtoee third with a .•and kws Rucinski trio«! Uu Rucinski ran around left end for Ci tra d e r quarter* Al P,» ami and Patrick, of West Paler When the water polo game was over and Jimmy had 139 average. Adoration Of Cross i. ddle ogam for only 3 yards and 4 yanN ai I Vcpd 'a m id e a f cot the winners to a 7-0 lend with combed two pounds of Boston soil out of his hair, his Mr». G rural ey Is Donalds then kicked to CentraIs 40 T h e 1 50-yaid T.D. pass tc AVx Wa* Trams and standings for the dom j right thro ugh the middle. A Saturday At St. Mary's godmother and Mr. La Rosa, god father said: ’ateisomans in three plays Icet S 'up trc .n ostKcr lest 4 yak#' a n i • se and an extra-point pass to week of Oetrtoer 19 are: Seniors - “What did you have to say to Alan?” 7jxls and kicked to the Lyndhurst then Lyndhurst fumbled and re A’i ’ielm. Jc? Wcist. the G-* I . l•’> wins, S90 avcra"»’, Band No. 2. composed of men lather Alan v/ho?” asked Jlmmv. r7 where l-aRjajeo carried it back etvciod. Ru inski quck-ka&xl U end sweep in the first quarter and '.Tisfits - 12 wins, 6 losses. 359 from Sacred Heart Church, Lynd- “Alan Becker of Eart Rutherford,” said Pop Bill yards to gje 40. the Central 40 1 a 4-yard carry In the thir iverage: Guttersnipe - 12 vins, 6 hurat, N.J., of the St. Mary s Noc­ losses, 356 average; Pinsters - 10 turnal Adoration Society. w it “Didn’t you recognize him? You played against him tbrer iRm inski Hit the centcr cf the c -ntral gained 7 yank ui thro qrjuter. line of 4 yards and then connect­ St. M ary's is now- 1-4. M onv wins, 8 losses. 342 average; Oam- have their monthly hour of Ador­ or four tim**r- when l.yndhurst and East Rutherford met. I plays and then kicked to f aFi—i 'd wi4h a pass to Guidctti for la cp the 25 yard apd he i*an Catholic has a 3-2 record. 'ts - 7 wins, 11 losses. 349 aver ation between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m . t . l l t l t s saw you talking. I thought you recognized him.” ViU’ds. Gaccione tried left end for buck to the 31. Bucinaki hit tfv Grinding cut nearly 301 yard * 5o; Strike Outs . - 6 _ * wins. IV On Saturday. November 7.- 1954 o' 1 O K -THAN 1.1. “No,” said Jimmy W e d id n ’t recognize _ each other. I__■0__ fain.______HucumU's pass to Gui enter lor ii yards. TaruHo did th ushing. Queen of Peace of North losses, 326 average; Alley Kots - St. Mary's diurch. Rutherford.' congratulated him oner on making a good tackle. Anotbar detti was incomplete and the some for 4 yards and Rucinsk \rlington dumped P n Be- wins. 11*4 lose«*, 297 average; After the completion of the N ASSAU ■ time we raid the field was miserable. It sure was.” ^ext play Central poured I h tough hit the middle again for the firs’ •0-12. Sunday in a Tri-County Con- )ptomists - 5 wins, 13 losses. 481 of Adoration, the group will have 7 Days frum $1U H University o f Mass. won 13 to 0. Jimmv has cinched the line to foock Gaccione down down to end the third quarter. rerenpe oontcst. average. breakfast in a grrop a» B "k 1 The win was the second in five Restaurant at Station Square I the fullback berth ard Becker an end rpot. They’ll plav ®Dr *** R^ckinski Vuonn circled left end lor 10 : A meeting of the prize eonunit- yards. Rucinski repealed tie ricr games this season for the Irish Ruthwlircl against each o!her three more times when their var.itie. move ^ | tee will be heki November * at 1 CniUe the I ball plaiy for 5 and then made 4 mo<< who are 1-1 in the circuit m e e t. even with a 15 p.m. at the home of League pres; Any male member of Siw*rod IGibbs “Honierle” Travel Bureau H r ,, yart^ penalty aitei. attempting a pnss b«ut ocuj Heart Owirch. Lyndhurst. w.Viir 1 Kid^c ltd. 1 M u lin il i AND IN STATEN ISLAND aramst LjiKihunrt and kicked to.rind ^ ^ v e rs free. Central wa* W A M W w*U tor T e r r y to Join this group should <-ont act When the WittorfFs got home t'.ere was a telephone I^dhtn^t 40. On the f Irst 15 yaixls lor cüp;/r WE 9-2100 S i »W™ F rrd t'osta or Paul G lrtux ii O f1 F N MCJN fl> lk | fiu y Pe,*od w*«» 11* 3 !2 borte^ and ^ F»y Rrtmm call from son William, a renior at Drexel of Philadelphia ai^headed^to^ the^goal^ x c 00 CSentral s scuing thrust, and Jce R.ihHn^fa, « * ™ n .______Ljudhurst. and the line-backer, noted as one of the best in “Little ^ xvaK down on the 10 25. Three pass attempts by Lvrri hurst failed and Rueinaki k.ekol passed to Rich McKeever for the Football” compelition. |yard line. With gtel to go Ven Fhe ki<-k was blodzed and Central •onversion. Drexel hnd gone to Staten Island t<> meet the high Hvlng dote hit the middle lor 2 yards, dropped cn the rrllmj ball i.t Don Bosco bounced back to with­ W agner t r a m . B.»tli had h e r n undefeated. Wagner won by three Gaccione repeated for 3 yards and 1 yndhurst 30. A par ing ar-1 in a point cf the Irish by halft'me touchdowns. ¡RwHnski made another yard On running attack carried the ball with a 7-play. 58-yattl drive. Tom Introducing... “Guess who the toughest player o nWagner was?" asked ¡th e last down GaCcionc hurled over tJ>e goal line for the fir McEnroe passed 30 yards to liotwie Hilly. "It was- Chuck DiStaulo, the boy from Lyndhurst.” j himself over the sprawling hne- Central score. The point after was Hfatherly, who in hum tossed 20 t'h u rk und llilly had played together, but Wittorff was a men and reached pay dirt for the nade and the score was Central to Devine for the touchdown in the senior when C h u c k was a sophomore. DiStaulo scored two first TD of the game. Niebo tried 7. Lyndhurst 6. highlights of the drive. D IA L - A - C A R touchdowns againstt Drexel. ja pass tor the point but faUod to “He w a s tough, mighty tough," said Wittorff, but a won- e n d the first quarter, Sparta tock the kick-oif cn the John Doyle blocked a Don liosro ' derful guy. We had a few minutes w i t h each other before and i>hminaro Weed eff for Lynd 22 and ran it back to the 36. punt at the 19-yard lint* and then' after the game. Chink sure is a credit to Lyndhurst High hurst amJ if vv^nt ^ of Rucinski hit the middle fci* a pounced cn the free hall in the end I School and he's m. king a Hne name for the school.” ^ ^ 0 « , ^ 40. Central gained yard and then missed a 9 yard zone for the second Q P. touch- only 5 yanis in three plays and to Guidetti RuoinsM then dewn. Joe Scott flipped a par« tc PRO BASEBALL ON WAY OUT kicked to the Lyndhrust 27 where tried left end for 8 yards and Jee Samarro for the extra point, By this time even the grammar school kids realize there is ii went out of bounds hen hit the center for 3. A pass ° n the following kickoff Paul something fisb> about professional baseball. The efforts of the from Rucinski to Vuona vm gocxl Nezi raced 70 yards to keep the 1 Milwaukee Itra\es t * vicak out of their < »ntrart in Milwaukee, Gaccione tried around right end fcr 15 y a r d s to bring the ball to ------the constant yammering of the Kansas City people about con­ o r 3 yards but the play was the 28. A pass to Guidettt was ditions there and the way in which the Yankees are being sold canccHJed by a 15 yard penalty for incomplete and then Ruc nski rar off the Colembia Broadcasting System are not likely to endear Lyndhurst holding He th.-n tried around left end tor 4 yards and the game to the youngsters who are supposed to be its biggest loft end for 4 yards but a^ain on the next play completed a per­ boosters. the ball was called ta ck fc r a fect pass to Guidetti who was REWARD There was something so brutal ami cruel in the handling of Central penalty LaRi^so hit the downed cn the Central 8. Rueins . I will pny $250.00 (or Yogi Berm that the whole business has suddenly acquired line fo r 3 yards and again the plunged through center for 5 yards shabbiness that will take years to erase. ball was returned for a penalty and then lost a yard. Rucjiski any information trading The fact that professional baseball is shrinking to the point Rucinski completed a pass to Gui- then carded right end for 2 yanis to the arrest and convic­ where its existence can really be questioned cannot be argued. detti for 8 yards and on the final and the next play he plow I The time when the major leagues were only part of a d a m Rucinski kiced to the Cen- j through the line tor the TY>. Nie- tion of the person reapon- system which enjoyed ccuntry-wide support through a whole tral30. 1 r ^ 'bo missed the Idck fcr the extra -ililc for the window network of minor leagues is fast disappearing. Now there are point to make the score 12 to 7 the big league teams What goes on in the minors is a story so On the secxmd Central play _ lircakagr at Mimic Time, grim that most newspapers («»day pay n63. only one yard rushing^ REFORMS NEEDED Th^t Is terrific defensive football. And you don’t get Kmt John Franfipane One of the big reiorias that Congress should insist upon is game with stars plucked oat of high school or prep srhooli' t fr r r/o M CSlr TIMK, INC. TO RENT A CAR ownership. The idea that anv inugg with a few million dollars Play comes from coaching and coaching alone. That’s —or worse, with access C* hums who have a few million—can farseghian as brought to ND football. (Above Addres«) own a baseball team should be wiped out. Baseball teams ought to he publicly owned They should he owned by the public through stock sales. Management would HL.-A-CAR--*-*- then be responsible not to some shadowy figure who sits in the For business or pleasure—the easiest and most inexpensive way box behir I the dugout but to the general public. to ren t a car Just pick up your phone and a Brand New, Fully Financial reports shout I be made public so that the public Insured. Fully Equipped DODGK DART or CHRYSLER knows exactly wh-> gclt'ng monev f«»r what We are a big VALIANT will be reserved for you. SAVE MONEY—GO country today. This is not fifty years ago when baseball teams DIAL-A-CAR were hobbies. They arc big business and they should be treated as big business.

Tin: STADIUM One reason baseball i losing out today Is the lack of good playing fields. Yankee Stadium is a disgrace.Thc big concrete pile lac« I w ith pillar.-« th a t block off thousands of seats, nev er was designed well. FOR FOR But there Is no reason to lay why there should he Yankee 4 HOURS 24 HOURS Stadium . Out in Queens the City of New York spent about $24 + 9r a m ile •f 0* a m ile m illion 011 a new stadium. It :> a gocd stadium. It is only used half of the time. When the Mets travel the tftadium is unused. And when the Jets travel the field remains untenanted. Includas: FREE GAS & OIL, Maintenance, Full Insurance, The Queens acreage is valuable. Why shouldn't it be used Automatic Transmission, Radio & Heater & Safety every day—instead of only on those days when the Mets and JeLs play their home games'* ^ Balts. Why should the Bronx acreage be use I by an obsolete and outmoded hail field? II could be a magnifieient park nr housing FOR RESERVATION or INFORMATION-DIAL: development. Tfie idea that there should be one stadium for one team is obsolete as the dodo bird and ought to join the d«>do in that great beyond! Mr. James J. Cavalcante But these improvements are never going to take place so long as the present system of ownership continues. A baseball team is a public venture. Without the tremendous free publicity of the newspapers and magazines anil without the stimulation Start 290 Ridge Road Lyndhurst, N. J. of radio and television the game would be dead. Why should Del Webb and Dan Topping be the sole bene­ Phone 933-6767 ficiaries ot this public feeling" Or Walter O'Malley. Or any of those who have taken j headlock on what once was a great your 1 9 6 5 LONG TERM LEASING AVAILABLE sport. HUGHIE’S BOYS The radio annount er for the Notre Dame Stanford game Christmas Clulf P a made much «if the fact that four of the men up front in the ND defensive line were sophomores. Then he gave credit to llughie Devore for recruiting the boys. [j i t -mÛ f ' FREE ESTIMATE! It may be one of the ironies of fate that llughie. always a EARLY...have a big favorite in these parts, will go down in football history not as the AH American end who was developed at St. Benedicts, not as a great «oach. as he showed himself to he when the oppor­ worry free ehew yea hew Rttle It costs te m odernize your tunity presented itself, but as a great recruiter. hoth ro ei ar beating system with th* finest— There is liitie a rgument over the fart Notre Dame has had magnificent material. Its coaches have been spotty. When Asa Purseghian moved into ND it was believed he Christmas NEXT YEAR! would need four years to develop a winner It takes time to ERiCAN-^tandard bring in the kind of players who fit a coach’s system—and it takes time to find those players. CLASSES But Parseghian has taken the players who were around last Weekly year before there was any thought he would be the new coach SUM> - and has turned out an all-conquering eleven. Payment* Í 2.0 0 $.1.00 *:>.qo * 10.00 $20.00 One of the big stars in the line-up is Tom Longo, the Lynd Amount liuru lad, who is playiug defensive ball. Longo makes the key »50.00 $ 100.00 S1.70.00 $2 '>9 ,0 0 t5W.H0 $ , tackles and key interceptions, lie is playing inspired hall this Of Club ■ 1 000.00 year. But Longo was discovered for defensive work a couple ol years ago. He was great on defensive last, year. HEATING But under Parseghian the players who were fair last year PLUS DIVIDENDS are good and the players who were good are great. PLUM BING . . What ND has needed f«ir three years was apasser. The new The Oldeii Financial Inttifattoi Town W r IU 4 « oach didn’t bring in a passer with him. He found ape already on the team. But the passing game is perfected not by the thrower but in the front line where the men who give the passer the necessary protet lion play. John Haerte always was a good G eorge W oertz, Jr. passer. But fast year he didn’t have the protection. This year the line is giving him plenty of time to throw. It makes the M H T Y O f F B I PARKING AT BOTH ^ f F I C I t difference. 61 K6ARNY STREET —LYNDHURST, N. J. Notre Dame is winning games on Hurrie s passing. But more ______Phon«: WE 3-1523—Ter free Estimate! -, * . (

r iucnau.il, ttu» u u ttu j , iv v é Ali£* LVfliJiLliU A L L tA iJU Ì A iM J d u u iii 1>l1LOLì> iULW Ltt i'AOfc MiN*

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35 BSOKIOAD ■■■ jB i f m w . —

u ì R u ,. « « B M W » i kuKMy AÉIlkiMAài A

U I W I M M M E l l 9


eat open art competition in th e thor and projects, eadi boy state, is an event which each was given a "genius kit” w ith year attracts a large number ‘n whkh to make aomstMng v*th the enthusiastic visitors. Attendance hH p e l Ms lather B itrn tim n ite figures last year totaled 6,000 fe of cider and donuts, served by the Ix G hin Parade month-4ong exhibition, and in addition to the regular visitors, mother*». rounded out the evening «•any school and *' • \ * v._, oa me by special sppolrtment. G raft Give Thanks

The H a llo w e en Party was a huge eligibilty requirements for the 1965 A r ' r m b ^ r * n ’h*'ngs and print* The family of Mr Philip R. success. A capacity crowd camelstnior drum corps competition This is an artist's rendering of New Jersey wi re purchased. tultUing one of Graf. 616 Fourth Street, wrieh to earjy an^stftyod latp. Thus on- which establishes a minimum of Company's new Northern Area Headquarters which will he jth nurposes cf the exh biticr extend their sincerest •coujug«*«, the entertainment com- 30 per cent cf each unit wh* constructed on the north side of Mslspsrdls which is to provide the publac an appreciation nutlfe is considering plans for an must be members of the Legion Township. Construction is scheduled to b efi* in esrly Jsmury.lopp itunity to purchase at to the Voluntary Police of Lynd- oM.ri pi c r to the nexl n u n ¡in gc.d standing A nvucmum o About 200 persons w ill be employed at the headquarters, accord- tenable price the best in thlr hurst Mr. Graf la very ■ j w i S t larty- sc^iHlulcd event, the annual must be members of the Legion in* to the telephone company. Architect far the project I* rraak ‘state's current art The paintirrj H ie Ladies Auxiliary of t»a- Weot Oct. 15th. Theyto the are ambulance haivtn« theirsquad for Che t K..ist in F. Ijruaiy. | n gicd standirg. A maximum o! Grad and Sons. Newark. and sculpture will be exhort jid Indepm dent Club had their • » ' anm«U dinner and darx e .1 expert services rendered in safety k ...... 70 per cent may be non-members the Vorlh and South Galleries and ^ I c «tor s, Sings ino and Antiicny »Trezza. J o h n I s u c h ;is Vrca general m s ’ g e r si-ium is dosed on Mondays Ferrie and Donald Van Dorn re- j v'a> ‘llngton. D.C. and the 1967 con­ rdinste the company s oonstnaS Kelsey said rived their Werf had* cs and j luck ety Proceeds of this activity vention will be in New York City. estimated cost pfjtion and service Improvement pro- \s V in •( ic brini nui . he structure is $800 000 ^ Gjnstn* ^ ‘ rt-u^u as they affect the notiherii Make Award« At leger Clapp reevived his Boar fichi fhr Fast Orange V.A. Hos­ tion is scheduled to begin in early >iart cf the state. " nnk with a gold arrow point sig­ pital* l*g_I.vrdhtiT-si f i a Chrs» Polish Auxiliary January and will take rbout a K risty sakd the new head­ We*min*ter 87 nifying special achievement above i « ! r x c o m b e r on year to complete. He said about ae min mum requirements. 23rd. Come Nominates Officer* quarters will be located appraod- C ub Pack 87 sponsored b y the dt’wn and biing friends. 200 employes will be Ic L-ated in mately 15 miles west of the com- w _ W.*stmimter Presbyterian Qiuix-h Later the Cubs displayed their T h e Indies Auxiliary of the Po­ the headquailers building. p*«* Pr« CT“ ^ bradquarten held its Octcber Pack Met,no 1«. V e t. . ’is I>ay services w II I n t AH Allttmwl D /t / *1 ih« a, ..a . . . ick-o-lantems and pup;nis ntack- 11 lish The new b u Jd r^ will be located c t 47 Allwood R4 . Clifton. When hf Id at the Post Saturday. Novem American Citizens Club of Friday evening during which sev- it the weekly Den m eeting dur 'Jo rth Arlington met Octcber 27 in on Malapaixts Rd It w*l be one the nesfc. bulking is occupied in One Am erican In four i n i r ttfh.'8:d0 p.in. Past (ran:; ra l awards and pns vere pre ng the nkinth. Halloween gam -s. the c lu b room of Kearny Federal A th<‘ first structures in, ^ • early m . KeK< > said the build- Commander Jerry Strine will be scn ied . Cubmaster Irving H. Clapp including the traditional d u ck in g avings & Loan Assoc., Ridge Rd over Park for Industry. Keisey tn CWton wiH be used has this disease g itesi .7*» il;-r. i*i -I Eve . lastir•» ^aid. The industiial park is n^ar]records and iales office tor New Morikcrial ritual and a group initi­ A nominating committee was ap­ pointed to present a slate of of­ the proposed interchange of Route Jersey Bell. ation . f new members arc s«-v-.i- 10 and Route 287. The new building will be 167-®y. led with refreshments to follow. ficers for the 1964-65 year. Mrs Shop At Your Friendly 11 Jean Byk is committee chairman. Kelsey said the site of the new 95-feat, facing Malapardis Rd. It Thewe b> no ciisrge for admisson hcadquart crs is approximately in | w U have two floors and a partial Prospective members were in a art*-fra ads of the Legion are wel- the center of the telephone corn- basement and will be completely vited to attend the meeting and Neighborhood Liquor Store to a tte n d . pany's Northern Area, which c v- aw (onciiticned Architect for the jo in in for th e Hallowe'en p a r ty We have a full inventory of the Finest Just a . m i i i n lrr. have y c i t-»krn »• •-> fr'I o w in g the business esasion. ers parts o f Bergen, Passaic, War- project is Frank Grad and Sons, Physidsn* call ft obsa- en. Hunierdon, Morr^, Somerset, Newark. c a « r f 4 >°w in6r> duci;- C h ris tm a s Mrs. Mae Skolski, chairm an of standard brand beer and liquor» ity, but it’s just ss un­ r.:£^' Ix.oks a n d <1. ¡1 u tnniit h c s te s e s . was assisted b y M m es. healthy if we call H ( l u - p j m a s cards? No time like the Mary Lysek. Steffie Kaiicki, and nings fnem 7 to 9:30 p.m. p i‘ Sent. I>ea Kczuck. Miss Sandra Van E y k Museum Talk vember 8. continuing through De- Our Specials pound* —too many poundt. In some places a chief ccmber 14. The works were select­ J „ . M .M rm nvn has s-nl out ent.Tt.inm «.! chairman, causc of early death is malnutrition but in this Is Scheduled ed and awards placed by a five- Carrolls Scotch 5fh 86.8 pf $4.29 th e annual-; Chrismiaff- letter up- Mre Hrl,'n Van Eyk. pceatden», man Jury of noted artists: Leon country the Grim Reaper’s number one helper is ix-alin-,- li.r donations In II*' or ha* arn.nm.-ed that plans are un- An illustrate*! talk on New Je r­ Goldin, Robert Philipp and F a ir­ Carrolls Gin Qf. 90 pf 3.99 ONcrcating. Overweight people subject their heart p h a n s ¿ W T s h n n s parlies. Three ^enray ter a card p a r ty to be held sey Homes, T h e ir Furniture and field Porter for oil paintings, ( » i* .« ui ,iul.- u in v and a iim I. January 29 at the Polish National Furnishings by Mrs. Frederick and blood vessels to undue strevses and strains. wateivoiors; Federico CasteMon Dor Carrolls Gin 5fh 90 pf 3.29 liW-S«Bla Claus «ho «ill distri- »ome. Hamscn. Miss Vivian Tok Frcimghuysen is scheduled f • tac prints and drawings: Ham Geoer Every ounce of exccss flesh is a menace to health. liillK and an abundance of a?h has been named chairman and Newark Museum's " N e w Jersey for sculpture. The art, ranging hi Carrolls Rye Qt. 86 pf 4.39 rcitaniiimenls in the true. M »iay ^Ir»- Valeri.- R o b « !, iix-hairman. H e rita g e Lecture" se rie s on Sun­ Which is why so many of us diet today. And tho» style from traditional to abstract, day. November , at 3:30 p.m. Carrolls Rye 5th 86 pf 3.49 of us who are wise sec a physician first. We, m ,s .«inlin« on you. aid ^ cn |he (.|ub.t , 8 was selected from more than 73u IMr Frclinghuysen. a re s id e -* of a s s is ,uK ti. I>its 'I p to b e h e ld in th e s p r a t: cr.tires It is the work of artiste professional pharmacists, know how cflectivc a Hoimdei, is a member of the Prompt Free Delivery (lull WE *>-8121 from 106 New Jersey aomnnuniftiefi Jfhn Hartman points out that M «' Stcifie Kalioki is chairman of Executive Committee cf 'V '1 i r doctor's advice can be. l\?crfi--M-v(Hi p-aduatcs of Ameri- arrangem ents, t«* of the New"jcr»cy H istori^ a n d . , , v m N ew Y o r k and Penn,t^ ran L.yion Bas.»ball accounted fur . . . Sccie'y Slic has partx-ipoted in vama' M 'f.^c-nt /r'thc rrstcis of tne Thomas Gibbons o< 65 Union Carrolls Liquors the Williamsburg Seminars at. a A preview will be held for the New York Yankees and St. Louis Avenue wiH be nrnduated I/-" , ^ x t ialist in early Am. r.con dt-eo- artists and thrir euests cn Satw- L e v y ' s PHARMACY, INC. cafiiirals ns they nn-t in the tl'om Gre*' Lak«‘ Tmimne rative arts In addition, she hns ,ta>' November 7. The presentation W o rld Series. C e n te r O n Monday, he w ill arrive 214 Stiiyvesam Aw mie, LyndhurM, N.J. , ... ih, mo on 14-dav _ leave _ _ fnttowmg______,loV" " ’ 1 mut'h ,,ud5' "*< ,nH‘r “ Io f a w a rd s w * take ptece a t nn 299 STUYVESANT A VE. G E 8 -I0 2 Í ;.Th, next b.-st thing to having ^ - 1, he wiUill in undergo r l m T i « submarine h Z i lfct, funature and decorate Awank OeremoBy. to which tbe I j- n-MI llie National Convention in „ainina at New London, C u m . ants of New Jersey iptfjISc is invited, at 4:00 p m cn i t Pas u> to read the splendid T^v Newark Muse«»m is kvated .apenmg day. Nw W bff 8. Sixteen the son of Mrs. Mary at 49 Washington Street. It is ca4i aiwalKs, ‘tcqpdftfc I t t f i . aatt X Re*ad ajl; about it. Gifcbcns. joined the Navy m Sep- cpen on Monday through Saturday 8 hoocrable »iqtjrm s wiU be pre- t tember of this year. He is a June from 12 to 5:30 p.m.. Sundays and sented for woefc in three cate 1'TXaiibnil Exetaitivc Commit- graduate of North Arlington H.gh he days from 2 to 6 p.m. and on gories. trad^ pntf. Cguqstive an d Before Christmas! t


-■ Æ '/'••■À.

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Ttmrn PICK THE CLASS THAT SUITS YOU WEEKLY 50c $2 $3 $5 $10 PAYMENTS S1 Hotpoint’s new 1 5 1 b., 2 -speed washer is just.., AMOUNT (EASILY WORTH $20 MORE THAN LITTLE OLD 10 POUNDERS!) OF CLUB $25 $50 $100 $150 $250 $500 So be a smart washer buyer! Watch the weight the washer Check Hotpoint's other exclusives, too: Fountain-Filter Wash­ can do, and not just the price alone! ing Action, Double Lint-Filter System. All-Porcelain inside That’s why this deluxe 15 lb. Hotpoint 2-speed washer makes and out. See this big weight-watcti«r special today! so much sense, saves you so many dollars! You get one-and- MODEL »LWS7Q WASHER S20100 f 1,4 d-hatf times the washload capacity with this big Hotpoint at a START YOUR 1965 CHRISTMAS CLUB piice only about $20 more than you'd spend for a 10 lb. washer! Hotpoint's 2-speed washing action is gentler on clothes, I ' ' particularly your wash-and-wear, synthetics, treated fabrics, .skaters. Its new larger tub gives them ample room for wash- “Hnrfcpuoiiit TODAY! '' frtg. And, this big Vi horsepower motored Hotpoint has power f.Cftt wit» IniIma'uMV w o rn * VMM! MOM to spare - so the machine strains less, lasts longer. m s j i r * MatchMi [Itctric ttryr m- f : “Always The Best For Less With M.Kel >11570 SIMM , ’ Sarrice" Malcllif til lt |H ! ■ n a n i t i u i V T)\i> Z ‘- G & L STEWART COMPAHT AND LOAN ASSOCIATION sei Kearny Areaaa (Cantar MMIaa4 Ava.) Kaamy, New Jam* 292 Belleville Pike WY 8 - 7070 Arihgtwi M W iM tl.lallTM qtatW THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1964 THE COMMERCIAL LEADER AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW PAGE Than See One^This Weekends, j

W here To Go — W h a t T o D o — W hat To See In South Bergen

it in quite likely that you wiM be I r a Pitying at Un “ Ml I n ” l i n i National Community Mdls 'asked to take any or all of the Coi- vemb^r 9th. at 1:30 p.m. h» Saerf^l SH Satin» Tart Th |le${e Entrance Admission Tests. Heart School, with Mia Mary E. $3,213,548 Christmas Checks Dotes and Hours Rodgers. grand regent, presiding. Classes be^in Saturday. Oeto*ier Within the next few days, more Banker last year, the bank ranks Furhter plans will be 1 tor 31 and meet twice weekly ac- than 16,MO National Community 38th in the United States among their 'Harvest s^e to be I at cording to the following schedule: the home ot Bank Chrirtmas Ghah member* apprcx matdy 14.000 hanks: « 1 in m Spotlight on Your Stars win wrtccme the fruitful results of New Jersey. November 7, 11, 14, 18. 21, 25, 28. ¡Fern Avenue, 19th. Saturday sessions run from 9:00.fpom 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. lS6ts savings, as they rec.ve| As is the annual custom. Na- * over $3.213,001 In Chriaknaa dub tional Conanunity Bank Christinas to 12:00 P.M ------‘I* Wednesday sessions inn from A .,-.,. A i m ProPrlF*ir certainly chargee checks. ; |Club checks are mailed in the ear- 3:30 to 6:00 P.M I O f P e a C e 1 • Tha a h a a l son r«re»<>ntt-ihe ly part oi November to give am- are to be held aT have bon ne tonffcii'lNu. Th» he pay toe walterT Why murt the M w-ck. « T n S U <** "™’ Christmas wh-Je t o n ,, diner pay—and pay and payT cf Peace High School, G irls Divi­ B eig« Chnty resident, who lav* ^ ¡ " 8 At the same thne the sion. The Mothers' Society oí «Jasan V pain rather than a pleasure. MS FAULT bank's r+vt-ks Peaiv will planned ahead lor their extra hoi- b“ k ■ ■*rP >>™« Tuition is $45 per student and ______■ a toa I» iWfcO«/* » ui llie Ium . » w But lot's face It. The diner Is ai Way expenses. Their checks de­ cut. new clubs are being offered are en Vie give. huit. — _____ lor members!) p next year. New covers ail coau including pended on t o amount of their— m anuals given to student Iha put..-I ia to blame. Then- How many times have you seen weekly »vines, rsngh« tnxn as Christmas CliA accounts are now Wgh School and their mothers an waa a thne when a man aouM Mr. Sap walk into a bw roo..i hours of instruction. HttV as ¡0 cents to as much as a « “ «*1«1 I® regular and new de Registration may be mode by Safurday in the high school gyro. walk Into a bar, order a rii-.n* and demand in a load voice, "one *80.00 a week, avererf* better •" »tert their, W® The sophomore «Ma aad M t have it served courteously a n d iky martini very dry", simply’ phoning: 991-3233. Man »U 3.ii per Christmas Club O'™ 1"»* Club, at all 14 office* About one-third cl the ttuee mothers will be hoetassea. k ifflciently lie could then walk o.u , Thia ia a hint, ot course, lor die mini °* the bank. They are located in chettt per ms million college students in t h e Honored guests lor the otrmtkm after having paid a moderatewaiter to apply the lanvnou* Rutherford. Ridgefieid. 4 in Fair vi11 be Msgr. LeRoy MdWlttanMk '•> The National Ommmviv Rmk Lawn. Garfield. East Paterson, United States an- |{o.ni: to school ...... PJ ** touch. He aski with a simper. on borrowed money, according to M0®~* ™J,e Joae^sne, enjoys one of the largest Christmas Carlstadt. East Rutherford. North Now Mr Sap goes into the bar. "Extra * y ï" Then ha adds an­ TRENDS, newsletter of the Na- ,erB ™ Queen ™ PeBC*’ onimi a drink lor which he ia uther quarter to the coat, Club memberships to) the country. Arlington. Wattington and two in ttonal Community Bank cers of the Mothen’ Society. «wr-charged and under-serviced. Is there anything except an As reported by the American Lyndhui-st Mrs. Marie Swaibrick, p W j j f P di inks his dunk and k ve* a lai extra dry martial? If you have to Student loans of ail types, it Pamela Tiffin, James Darren (center) and Doug McClure are notes, jumped from aroend $75 will introduce the i 'rigv—to a bartender who Is on a ask for an extia diy walk outenjoying it a night club act in this scene from Universal1* “The arc considered an excellent means who will head the higher pay scale than he is. the jah*. ■ Aid tf he Mea to mlfion in 196T> to an estimated Lively Set,” romantic drama with a racing car background. They Student Loans of heVîinpf minrssiens officers make $725 million today. for the afternoon. .* w' What goes'* Charge you extra puniti turn ui star in the color film with ioanie Sommers and Marilyn a better selection. The average yearly cost for pub­ Mrs Doris Shinn, general chair­ Rathei, »liai givi»? the aye. Are Increasing man of arrangements, la being ao- MaxweU. Coll''v adm r c^ cffk'ers and lic coleages is about $1,500 and 8«ne folks fall lor the maitre ^ b u f f e r has I he sisted by Mmea. Marie This course is designed ti pro scholarship sponsors look upon some $2.300 for private institutions. d bit and drop a Up into hi» uxtckern f«m l ig>. TRENDS notes that these costs kinds tor the simple Job at es- vide high school students prcpar- yrur teet scoies as important rvi- Elizabeth Burns. Pouline Y< Like, the one who walk» io and lng for December cdle^r hon ri dcrce of your ability to do ool- are expected to reach about $1.800 How Showing At The Lincoln and Ann Bosquett. ImTí"»» hü J r w î rÜlhiW'-* ^ Arr myn' ^ **** an extra dry mar- examinations with an intense i t 1 ^ w nk. Your school itcord;and $2,800, respectively, in 1970. view ui basic math and veivxd gives them additional evidence, The newsletter quotes the recent %‘l-< able? Why aT ST ^ the water s 1 J * * “ * “ P ¡skills. It will acquaint students |WN«n Kvy co m d cr both your statem ent of Joseph P. MacMur- Castle Point Trip boss. And, for that matter, why a ♦, tv--s of questions T vcn'schcol work and your test scores, ray, chairman of the Fedeial For Legion Women big 15 per cent tip to the waiter? Then he says, “Pol It on the I and the study techniques necessary. they grt a be tter idea cf youi- Home Loan Bank Board, that buy­ to obtain maximum readiness. jaoadem'c ahiptv fwn cf^^d be rb ing a home is no longer the The Ladles' Auxiliary Of t h « ^ Present Servie* So the l i M M t orders a mar­ (lasses are limited in size to ^ '«»d en r« one atone. largest single investment m ost Barringer - Walker P o st of ls going to cost more Inure maxmum student putKM»- W,y Coilege Beards Giva»? people make in a lifetir-.e. \nvrean Legion mat on WM^- i he has a * -; A father who sends two children Pin» At Hospital tien, pet sonai attention and pnvate More than 600 cc" *qea require rtesday evening at th* U gU » 'ad for an extra dry. He is go.iv I through college spends r^ p r vl- Home with Mrs. Louis . Service pins were presented last lo be soaked even more because . inrîruction io vital to aujccs.'ul applicants tor a*mssion to take. ______prr' nation. more phas« of the Cd- S» «» Prooe** ^ new president, in month (October! to two metnben he laia asked for an knoorted tin ' MOW rMPORTANT ARE Icje Entrance Examination as part national average cost of a home Pians were made to bam a M a- of West Hudson Hospital's pcrsun- ¡And then the sap iMa It is around $17,000. a trip COIJjBGE BOARD RESULTS? cf tfic admission prcc'ss. Many gation go on a mp to caCtaia nel by Porter Dt«tett. hoapital ad- over ior ao that the "axlrs dry" srh-darship prcgrams also require idler M . rniniatrmtor Honored w en Mrs. for which hr la aayii« la diluted Each year an increaVn* n im­ ber of cdleges require apphcants applicants to submit scores frcm C D A Meeting Set The women diacusssdKacuaaad IMr Mary Mahoney at U i Harriaon WHAT THE MAGABNK FOUND > or more of the tests. Thus, cent bazaar which was a toe«fP : Aviwr. Harrison, of the in»utu- As for gin-we'H always rnnm to take Ccdeqe Beard Examtn«- bf ns Competition______to____ enter collage ■i _ you are plamlnu to cnr#n»»e _ Court L y n d h a r a t, Catholic linn s Purchasing Office, and Mrs bar the répart of Consumer Union has bccc.ae ao keen that "hoa-.ds" your education beyond high school, DButfilars of America, will hold a Helen WHaon of 39 MorgMi Ptoce, The m acM m .p« WWWdi on a Kearny, a general duty nurse. The bail daaen alleged m«itUI experts w m m m « < »‘canon m,irked five years of sar- and then M them taste a variety vice hr Mrs WUaon and ten for ¡tf gir^, raiding Iran die very in- IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO BUILD, 8UY OR Mrs. Mstioney expensive to the vsry eopaaaive REMODEL. CALL ANY ONE OF THE CON. DoKKHt said he waa (Waited TSe espaiJew- hoatin« bathroom»? I mixed in a aortas H or with AND NOW ITS couple of decades.” A. Mott complet« hem« ark, N.J. on Saturday. Novcaber doe or lu any af I hoe ting ayetem« util WY 7th. The proceeds reolked from “CUSTOM HEATING” 4. Electrics! houses have ése th« radiant coitine fancy mixtures, they are ail the "status.” If the electricsl cesie or e wall-Se Sa­ the danoe will go toward further­ Electricity ftDvides ture In bethreeme . . . ing the work with the youth of Precision Choosing industry's recommenda­ but there’» ne necee- The booze prqbtwn in eating out “Elec*i*a1 heating has a tions have been followed etty fer a “eeeeiei *■- die West Hudson area. s one of the most trying. Sapa go R O U T E 3 thing or two in common with to a *T*, an electrically . In »ule tien le c a p e n - Mrs. Richard Ransom and Mr. to an ciyeisUve eating house and DR ! V f -IN R t . 3 a t R t-17 ELECTRIC SERVICE George KvtdaM are o»«haLnne» custom tailoring: it really fits heated house is an all- • IV« Why ee you X o M d n a ia a state ao that LINCOLN year house, as comfor- »t «e ci the dance with the toltowk« # the situation, and it outlasts atrenely h»Ith electri­ they 't taate the toad. They've Arlington — WT * 4644 Now Thru Monday able when the heat is Industriel wiring people serving aa committee chair­ ' lesser substitutes. cal heating r electric Meeting » $10 bar Ml before SUSAN HAYWARD off in summer, as it is A. aver hear of “penny men. Mr. George Jones. Ad-Book, Now Thru Tueaday “But one difference . all wiee ans pound feel- thry Ve bad a bite to eat By the when the heat is on in Mr David MacDonakl Tickets, Bette Dsvis things considered, electrics! Ich?” Of couree you t4 Mr. eervlec L k, SISS time the toad strives they can't Kim Novak Michael Connors heating isn’t a luxury matter winter. The secret here havel ■ lectrice I heat­ Mrs. Arthur Lacnbertson. Decora­ K. And by the time the h tt Laurence Harvey ing le i S iI m t . PL MMt tions a n d Mrs. K. Sugihara, "WHERE LOVE when it comes to cost. Com­ is insulation. Exact stan­ and the InSuetry arrives they cant read tt-wtiich -OF HUMAN BONDAGE” dards are prescribed didn't went a aeod Publicity. HAS GONE** plete electrical home heating product petting a bad may be good for their biood 2nd H it right up to the last attic Dimer - Dance tickets may be In Cinema9eope & these dsys is competitive ’ neme by * * " * WUUtm Holden That’s how the utility ex­ vent with inf« secured at the West Hudson Y Susannah York Technicolor Ia a caae Hka that toe Miter ecutive decided to character­ office. 120 Midland Ave . Kearny -7lh DAWN” 5. Electrical heating, being mmendatlone arc MYLES ELECTRIC usually adds s few extra bucks to —A Is o - ize the newest form of heat­ instant, *ls instantly on spelled cut a) de in ­ toe whole bill sinoe it also bulds sulate thoroughly end Special Kiddie Matinee Frank Sinatra ing in his speech to the audi­ the job to combat freak b) how to insulate Drive Rais*« Ito Ma tip of IS par cent. ence of over 400 at the cold spells after a thoroughly. Saturday “COME BLOW As s m atter of feet, Hungry, sucker- Women’s Club luncheon. stretch of balmy wea­ $1,823,365 “SWORD OF YOUR HORN** of ceurss. sny eatra Tailoring, clothing, he felt ther. •peat on insulstlen at Peter S. Bamo, general chair­ THE DRAGON” the cutset ie made up WY MOT AND was something the gals could 6. When paired with good 1ST * a few yeere man of the 1365 United Appeal* Starting Tuesday. Nov 10th understand. through the reduced campaign, announced today that "MAGIC SWORD" insulation electricity is epersting costa. First Run Showing! -Comfort, Considered Prime- 100 percent usable fuel. la the meantime cf the drive rafced a to ta l ft. k R ivai I Starts Wed Nov, 11 Comfort. he asserted, is the ceurss, there's the $1,823.365 to date, or I percent at ELVIS PRESLEY In all other systems, a not-ss-little m atter of Special Matinees at prime reason for the growing oercentage is wasted comfort. In a well EARLE ELECTRIC its goal. Goal lor tha cktve ia liW P.M. Barbara Stanwyck usage of electricity to heat built houes you can (2,190,000. Thne weeks remain in Now Thru Tunday between the furance and bssk ia that seed Wed. (Veterans Day) “ROUSTABOUT** home . .. and comments in the the radiator Electricity else trieel host and net the annual campaign, which has All Technicolor Show quest ion-and-answer period Thurs-Fri In CinemaSoope & Color! is beamed into the room bs Sghting of drefts. Scheduled its fhai report luncheon Gina Lollofariglda (Teachers Convention) conflmed the contention Q. Is H practical to In- fcr November 19 with no waste. atsll electrical heat­ Sean Connery All Walt Disney Show ! —Also— However, he stated, electri­ 7. Electrically heated ing ea a reom -by- United Appeals raises funds tor cal heating excels in many roam basis until ths Na. Arünftoa n privately financed health, wel­ -WOMAN o r STRAW" "THE MOONSFINER8” Barry Sullivan houses, when properly entire Job ie com ­ With Hayley Mills other attributes too: insulated are "easier to pleted? __ fare and group work agencies In Also— •STAGE TO 1. Electrical heating sys­ a l James Darren And keep clean ” The heating A. Thst’s ths eapeneive Newark. BeUeviHe. lrvtngton and THUNDER ROCK’* tems provide flexibility way. Furtherm ore, it West Hudson Pamela Tiffin “A TIGER WALKS" dirt, and the good in­ is not recommended of choice not otherwise sulation deters outside Doing the whole houae Chairman Ban» said to making “TH* UVttX iET- avails hie. Thermostats St sncs. sn electrical bis report. "Our campaign la run­ d-ust from entering. contractor will tell Saturday Matinee can be set on a room-by. 8 Electrical heating is you, seea that you got ning about wen with last yaar's .« room basis which “gives the unified efhciency drive. If every solicitor follows up DONDI time-and-space savins. and comfort that are Plus— you the exact degree No time wasted re-ord­ characteristics of lis. « a s ta on aH bxxmpiate proapacto. we that spells comfort for stand a good chance of reaching HUOD THI GUAT CHAIN LINK FENCES ering waning fuel, no Moreover, s reputable you for the room you’re space wasted on bulky centrsctor converting our goal by November 19. " in” and also "permits you to heavy houee equipment. wiringring alene. He obndnued. "The thousands of Something New Has Been Added To thf lowering of temp­ will tell you th et you ptvple in our cmununtty who are eratures in rooms which have nothing to pain, served by Unlted Appeal sganciea ^nd a lot to looe in are not in use.” both money sad tin»* throughout the year look to os to In Our Sale of these fences. 2. Actual installation costs by trying to have it dona piecemeal BELLO ELECTRIC succeed in thia united effort, For Furniture, qf electrical home heat- If ready money ie mur nil volunteers to Living, Dining Ihg systems are reason­ the preblem, ace yeur bank about a lean. A SERVICE Bnst phase of th bedroom * kitchens able. flret-rate *eb on con­ mediately." PICK YOUR COLOR FROM 3. Maintenance costs sre version to electrical hosting is the hind of either very low or up-grading thet at- The FrUky 441 CJub lui “nothing at all“ . . . this tracts mortgage N aday Hallowe'en party on Friday eve- Green means not just a couple rung in toe Senior Cltliens Room of years, but at least a in the Bogie Bulkimp, Vslley Brook Avenue. Utere were X girts . W hite and their leader. Mrs, Lao Stan- JONES ELECTRIC DEVON ELECTRIC DON W ILG U S ATOM ELECTRIC kawicg. Turquoise INC. electrical Contractor g u strtsa i Osatesela» COMPANY (teetrical engineers Lk. «tosa " i Let us give you our cost estimate Li*. #SSS Lie. #10« W * h « « mil Ik» known brmmdt »f U tfw m . Wktm H1-S551 - MS-4SS7 for your home or factory fence. E. Rutherford CE 8-4421 7S9-MM No. Arlingtoa HU Z-47M E. Ratkarfurd m%d b m n . F a mnm tm Umckm , U Sm fmrfiarf Stop in at 358 Velleybrook Ave., Double Barrel's Tavern 1 n , . A. CHASAR * SON S. J. PALUMBO H. S. GUNN i SO N S Lyndhurst and see Mr. Vanner ■at ta» Ml «■ B * W M O * *■»**!>* ■ t a d k M s «I teeaM fua, Oalfaa a a i Caha. ■Metrical Contracter or Phone 438-2022 F A G t i W E L V í. in t, ooiUM bKt.lAL UhAiJbÜ A lili JO U iU UhUtrKi'l AU.VAbW iütliS i/A l, iW vhi»li>tli jyoi !■'■■., —...... ■» 1,1 — 0 I KnHfhts of Columbus meets t h e OptomistK 6 wins, 15 . S. B. Perock team. average. With the league coroiir* to a x:xlus:on, I would like to take A u x ilia ry C a r d P arty _ What's Bothering Yoiy1? I s ( ? ; : «'Uatity tc a m i. r, c_ . . Fun’s in the rmi^K tor b !e cl rhe 7*b Annual Son Bowl r ’.r.c. planning t<> attend the eigh i ,l < o d party or i at m« nt * nxiT wffit • j- »ual affair, will be p la t'd • at of the Women's AaprBtm cf tho The rules of Rummage Sale are simple. You pay Civic Ou> ci iH Park Ovul in N utky o»i Sim- ?lean-Aim. ienn if you sell. We depend on your honor. Write out your North Arlington tonight at BraiHfc lay, November 22, 1964. The game C U r t r M i n l i d ic .x M an o r. 13 Washington ave­ Rummage Sale advertisement (limit 2 items) and mail v.il rj.irt at 2 p.m. ciecT rotysis T. V. Service nue. DcttnHe. it to 2S1 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst. We will run the Tickets lor this game can bo o!v advertisement twice — without cost if you don’t sell. Specianst uirH th. 1 A. TUIUELLO & SON Pbone WYman 1.5627 If you do seR, send us 91.50. Thank you — on your .oral coirunittee. "Guys And Dolts" Com ptai« A-l STATEWIDE honor! Sccialiy prt 41-9 nm ed lor IX ¿cm Elertrolyii» Spwi*li*t Weltz Fuel Oil Additions NO AUTOMOTIVE ACCEPTED Bowling Mother ber 5 is The Collegians’ production HAIR REMOVAL (OIL BURNERS FUEL OIL Radio-TV Service oi "Guys and Dolls’ being given Finished B sm ists by appointment only CMiptet* Automatic Oil 2 SNOW TIRES, 2 rv«^Har, sjeeijcored cne toucixkjv.'n each. Hits ''200" Score under the auspices of the Rosary mti Attici WY 0-28*5 7&0-14: good condition; ab tour for At this point, this reporter! Jcoicty ol Quix-n J Peace. T.cltet* Hours: ( - , l 0 0 7 DAYS A WEEK 516. Call We S-W79. I wishes to ccn^ratu'ate the new: Kilcvn Fogarly became the first now available vhmimaB Sk Roof in« Monday thru Tliundty through IM Kanray A n , Kanrnr .. _ __Jl-5 champions '200 ' bowler ci the Mc:h*rs bcrs u the Society. Mrs. Irene vhimiami Omt* * Window, u,. fcy um State *f Itaw Jarscj SSI Isa ss* A ss. Nn. ArUaatnr ------1 In tV »»■e nd gome i f th;* Bowling Team of (ho Woman's Eriksen has been named general M f t n d Am . 546 Valley Brook Avanue KITCHEN SET with 4 chairs, $25; |dujbl* header, the Polk*e Dept. de- (Auxlliaiy of th:* North Arlington iSuUrmun a r n i i w c m p . G E a e ri S-S663 20” Emerson window fan, *15. Call fcattd the S. B. Penck hum 1 ;Baseball LesjUcs, at last week’s (3rd Floor Front) Painting Television 4" JOINTER PLAN FIR, very good9 a score of 41-0. ;■ .v\.ing session. OUiu Gaito con- Lyndhurst, N. J. rv Tuition, 510. Call 939-3765 a ft« ' 3j FVatUivd by (be ptay of RlciUirJ funied as bowlee with a 1 3 Poccbea, Bee. R o o dm , ¡Järvi; and Ralph Roaamilia, the average 1< -Jcw'od by Iren«* Corf.dd Telephone Aras Code KM ItKFKIG., reasonable, good runn­ ¡Pc!kv had an osy tme cf it. with a 142 average and Flo Ipp^- RENTACAR J O H N S ing condition. Call DJ8-8S30. . ___ D o rm n , Addition«. I'.ie mc3i rxrlttng m r^.K.it. r* Mo utid Terri l.ake who shap'd a W t »-SM» ___ 11-5 r «ilo \ ! .\ . S . . e tiie day were provided l y yoiuu average. x Fully Insured Home Repairs KMENEE ORGAN and bench. $20; KosamUka wbo intercepted 2 ‘ Tiain standings arc: Scnicia • Floor Coverings 438-9120 S5.9^ per day All Work (Iniranlml Bo^s ice skat« and roller skates. -asst ; and ran the tiiat cne back 15 wins, (» losses,. 1590 average; Carpentry Cc.lot & B. A W. 56 yards lor a touchdown. In th«* , (5. S 3 and $2. Call F rw F.ttimnln C.»..->e Awe, L> i in h u n t m -4 0 S 2 ...... 11-5 itrXJ st'iirg lS dc.m s, 1m* u^sui liol average; Misfits - 13 win”, 8 c A t r a r esitata H* «»tee • m * in tempted a paMs, and tlus time liases. X>7 average; Pinst rs - 12 G E . 8 - 6 6 6 b catkinst«*. Na Jak Taa Baal MAPLE CRIB and m attress, good ivtuim d the bail 71 yaixt: for a v.ins, 9 losses, .til average; Com- Call. 371-1621 condition. Call 933-482. ______LINOLEUM Pitone: WY 8-5211 touohdown. t t.> - U wins, 12 losses, 3j0 aver* «A L L COVBBING TELEVISION SERVICE 11-5 The final week uf the schedule age; Strike Outs - 7'* wins, 13*2 24 hours per day ^i^MVW ^^^AAAAA^ will see the Refined Products ttani luss-.s, 328 average; Alley Kats - Aluminum C O L O R & 3 PC BKOItOUM SUml^ood T8es while the \virs. 1-1* lessee. 29 e.vr.a.T«': Painters & BLACK & WHITE FYigklaine and glider, tall 998-0436 uppt Products I TNDmWST fLOOR : :.u -5 j COVERING Decorators SALES (ilRLS WINTER GOAT, black, size ALUMINUM STORM o ftrrooL COLOR - PORTABLES 8. princees style, white mink c ; p (Y>A* S. * S. PAINTERS cellar, excellent condi tior. Call WINDOWS & DOORS 998-3623. .. - ______.._ U -5 JALOUSIES end DECORATORS WHITE WOODEN storm winoows. We Carry A Full Line Of Floor Woxtng Generel Repairs ten 32x63; nine 28x62; eifftt Work Guaranteed DOOR GRILLS D 4 L MAINTENANCE T V RENTALS 2x51; two 28x474, $1.0 each. Call CHECKS * LOCKS Oajr - W ees - Men«a 991-0083. -11-6 I Rue Shampooing Free f stims/es Oall mytla>e ALL TYPE OF Floor Waxing •RISTIK & DEGERDON 9x12 FT GRAY AND maroon ruK GLASS RF.PA1RS WY 8-2355 ■at. ISSS ajRi pad. good txmdition, $25; also Free Estimate* North Arlington, N. J es nia«, ne.. Saw a«aasss* v^lnut dresser and mirror, jood SCREEN REWIRED W Y M 3 6 0 condition. Call 438^666 —- ____ REGLAZING DICK LUBERTO 4S2 Rirarsida Astata — a . r ------Dwi-t Misa That Lata. Lata IKON KADIATOR, revenUy am D AN ALU M E Inc. N. A riasTsnnq Shnr—Can fa—We Walenasa vertfld to natural (M , H i. (W l 12« BELLEVILLE PIKE WE 9-0157 after C p.m. Pbona: H M Iff M O S T C A U A KEARNY DICK CIO VIA l i l t Daily I to ( - Saturday t to 1 VELTRE T-V REPAIRS (ilRLH BICT( Lf:, 26’’ Colunibte in M l-ilS l . Take* Taatad Pita HOMI Ptastor Pmckini e ipteM ty IS B A Q tN A VEND* < vccllent n nditkm. < all »M-Umt NORTH ARUNOTON after 6 p.m. ii-lt I modkrniziii 203 Court Ars., Lyn«Uiur*< Asphalt Paving WYman 8-4267 Ml’SKRAT CAPE JACKET. f»U 939-7032 size« 14 1«. beautiful and new, fits. GEO. T. CANTStLLO. to» Call MtMXHO after 6: HO p.m. e*^jjrwwyww»»<«»> Television 11U WE a - I tn a ws MOM Driveways, Parking Areas. Antenna Sendee BRAND NEW SOIJI) rock maple Playgrounds, efte. OUI ^ »^AAA^^AAAAAAA^ ^AAAAA^AAAAA^S^A^W table, 32x40, extension, NO 7.17M 1 M *• Ml V o n r a s H ” SUMMER SPECIAL t< p; reuMjnable. <^all OE #- Joesph L. Astraila K Completa li tw«*en » and 11: SO a.m . Nut Is y Csstrastar fataias iSSS) AB s*wta l i l t j Calar S I Alónima Sldhg S Ssafhc lu tta i MODERN KITCHEN KET with ! Carpenter taf hutch, excellent condition; aim*' T R E C CaClO m U H M O DietrlMl fofpHeii modem Ze nith walnut table radio I JAY CONSTRUCTION CO. Wo m a RCA S OR 1 s t « with Niwaken.. ( all WE 3 2SS7 be Ml Vallar Break A ntan Saks, Sa« lab*. Toiles* i tween a and 5 p.m. Carpaatry, Faintlnf, Alnniinam i n . jr. Bado*. Gas Sa aft». A Eire-1 11 It I Daorm. Windows, Bldtaf. Baaltac 'risai Supplies. Bathroom: Raasonsble Kates SIX-N-TWO-LABS AIR CONDITIONER, perfect eon., Custom KHckans Vanilisa mad* lo asti-e. j 23« \Xilt 11ne, Feddera, $30. Call Mmmm SSS-7M1 Hps* tal * I t wartd j üeSer.'ne. N. I 43H-I290 after 5 p.m. C*n T S » S f l i l t Contractors ROYAL Kost Ruthorforò 2 PC SECTIONAL LIVING ROOM KITCHENS, IN C Wie S ontröcW set and comer table, $10. Gall GE James J. Crup! vuppty company X Wit* after Z p.m. Custom Mad* U -lt imo Aro. JOHN t. FOSTE Get set for a Frosty Winter... Phooa: WY 8-1 »54 Kitchen CafcéaeAa v a s-iaa-id n * Cantra atar t EVGlJNIf RACERS, ose year MASON * CONCRETE Ossaassc . Mso CsaaaUa old. 3-speed, 120 eaeh. C'ali 438 1435 Formica Tops IMS CONTRACTOR ASnaMaa* ta R**aRs Adriaarj Serri«* Cai AajrSm* 74” WHITE LEATHERETTE sofa, keparute bolster; mahogany tea CONSTRUCTION D e a ifn in g Frocon NOrtfc 7-A3U wagon, removable glnsa tmy; beat offer, call WMt-mto. D I C U f ) 11-lt •39-aiTT CONSTRUCTION CO. SM Paterson Pista Rond HOT WATER HEATER tanklewK. Enjoy complete, trouble-free heating comfort this winter. ROOM ADDITIONS JA M TNe Co. Para co II. $45. Call 433-0196 after Go gas heat! Dependeble. Clean. Quiet. Economical. For RECREATION ROOMS Eaat Ratherford. N. J. Iran Works 1:30 p.m. 1112 41 Albert Street a free heating survey, call your plumbing contractor, ges A D D . A- LEV ELS North Arlington. N. J. KITCHEN SET wttk 4 ehaira. $24; heating insta/Jer or your Public Service office. No oblige- GARAGES DORMERS " m ï s SSS? North ArlingHn, N. J. full Klze bed with spring and mat tion, of course KITCHENS Fr— Eitim ttos tress. $24. Call IM-MM 24 llOCR^F.RVICF. 998-8288 11*12 PatCboffo PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC ANO GAS COMPANY FREE ESTIMATES W Y 1-3327 • W Y 8-6032 » a ant AT «'Alt Mason and EMENEE ORGAN and be«eh $M; Don’t Move • Improve! y a y ^ AAAAAAAAA< R«peration - Ceramic. boys he skate« and roller skates, General Corr+rae+or •lie*» 5 and «. $$ aad $2. €Nall G E 8 -0 6 3 4 R ot rid ira i or Asohait. Lioolmun, Plastic. IH MM 7 ! 11-12 Edward Bishop 380 Thom«« Avenue Service V inyl RuUmt. MAPLE CHIB AKO H A T T tlB , Lyndhurst, N . J . Bathrooma. oar ingioilo K« od condition. Call MS-MR. Electricians 11 12 WE 94641 ON A ll MAKES rm x w d ia t.... Tiie fifth week ot c-ompeOkion in Steps, Wads, Patio*. tho Lyndhurst Midget Football ^AL C. COLOMBO Outside Rea places. T. J. Naulty League saw a new c h am pi 0 n lae WEDGE CABINET A tadwtatai w w i a owned. MASON CONTRACTOR 19 A*o* Areno* MILLWORK COMPANY The Refined Produotfi twuii I S Arlington Blvd. ccached by Jim Guida, clinched fflREtPCO S^PtUH Broll M arth Arlington. N. J. Free Estimate* Rutherford. If. J. 171 Mdt* Rd-. Lyadhorta the title, with a convincing 53-0 WTasaa l-MW Guaranteed Work SAYS victory over the Knights of Coium 9 4 9 2 1 bus. m t o s Big <* a n a li Once again, it was the all We Do Any M> A i AU a ic u n d piay oi Dennis ‘ilethie’ C O G A S HEAT Electric Service ■Bxxffifrr Spirta. who is rewriSmr the FRANK PRIMERANO r o p ó n » ru/urd books for the league. The / Ì ^ \ CHANGE OVER NOW TO AN 3S1 Copeland Arams* P rt ductmen had a very easy time LynAprat, N. J. T o e v a s t o "FWtaS OsM a Cai tal«!« o f it, scoring in «very period. Industrial W Us( Dennis Spsrfn si'ored fl\r times, ÀjàT.ntcxN~$tanA*ri GAS BOILER Pbone: ÏÏXt MJ» Sird Wbxktal Roofing Anthcny Cefalo and Charles Fiano Our Specialty Alside Aluminum Siding »» ç a n ; Baked white enamel F v MRS. DANGREN FOT as Kftk» as $IJ0 « week you ilectrlc m u s i c im vracTion « l x u a i a t m con bave « completely new heat- Home Heating ^ aaaaaaaaaaaaa A a a a a Overhead garage door* Call aajttasa Ita AUs* Whit* C o ttar The ing uwt. Our team of Hcensed me- Piano-Organ m i Laadar 9y*t*m VX 1 " » K Mambsf W ilt Mu*Mn Chsmhor chaute» is tralned to complete NO 7-0919 * Accordion Formod M q t a SS Ms. M & ìn s A aalqae sMthad o ta M m _ Triai Bast yuur Installation in one day. We Ita y oar a o ls y sa t kp WY 1-0273 guantate* unlnterrupted heating MIMS•WJAAAAAAAA Or. Howord S. I h m \t‘--1,»> lift servite tfce day of Installation. VICTOR Cltqnlfiq Results! W oHar •111 I 'H O'- \ I 220 * ■ • i • FRAN9IPA all te ▼all Carnet e a y — a Pttan# us today. Composer sad Arranger w ™ r ß p r a c T o r fo r ultore cleaning. Rt>| Cliff - Century . and SehabrntH Uatae C*. «I The « 8 » Kaafsy At*. GE 8 4505 New York City. S * A r » y , f i. J, A . ChnbtiT & à o n ADULTS I H m n C rib Mai* ' I I ( I KM 1 \ Ns occasional Issssni at a y Stadls LEADER miado • aovuM oo. MHV or year Mm*. S40ffiOMM,UNOMI»T*Si498-7MO Id i Franklin a » , NMtap. R. » w r . t - M U CALLI1S-SS44 NOrth 74M I Classifieds RSDAY, NOVEMBER S, 1964 THE COMMERCIAL LEADER AMD SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW v.wjuatmenwui

iwvj n im ritr, e qr icoan, automatic, two to choou from I2M 1962 Studebaker 4 dr 99b 1961 Cbevolet. 4 dr. »«dan, • cyl.. • u t. ’ J u t 1961 Comet, 2 dr. Sedan, auto. t l t t t •««l Ford 4 dr. »«dan lOSft 1960 Amba**ador 4 dr. atotlon wagon full power 109ft 1969 Rambler, 4 dr. eedan, clean m 1959 Pontiac. 4 Dr. Hardtop P .».. H.B. «96 Many More to choope from Prom W90 Alao. wo balance front wheel*. • uto and body *ork. Complete motor Job*. Caro made ready for Inspection w « apecialne In Hydram atic unite. tave taco on ««ccut.vr driven *ta tion wagon* STRUCTURAL Mocha exp. fcLM A U TO s a l e s PUNCH Prepe Opor pap. IS SlM Rf Aso., Kaariy, ft. j 9 ‘J rrr-iscfF «r*t* °i TRUCK Mechanic exp W Y m aa * 7311 M/IIKT IM7 FORD. Country Hquln* HUM on Uni;oit. |f< iid running condition. o » p o y T ^ y or II 76. Can M ini at Stan* Fargo Station, Rkljc»- Bond, l yndhund II ft THE f f m t * G W -» 2X2 BaUerllla rika m j [MIIM.K riuM d riv e, gaud run - M u j n . j . - nbtg r .ndlti .n. good tlrm. radio A w n m i -m m heater. SIS. Call *8 MU Amcr»i these present jrill be If# Mrs. K’rancis Stapleton, 8th Da- was ix*iectcd by popular vU e. trlct adviser, and Miaa Dorothy Others elected with kir N«n* 63 f-HKV., g.od running <«>nditkM. Krwanók. chairman of the Junior 1 were: William A. Stack cf Ruther Mcmtoershp Department. ford. 1st Vice-PtfeBldent. WUliain S. ALtotî d Lyndhnrst. s e c cod Vice-PrcMdmt. jota Sanino at Industrial League Lyndhunt. Secretary, FtcMfc P. NM at Rufcrrfurd. Treasurer Ruthrilcrd Movers remained in md Joaesb C. Bam«. o tj »«, burst. first place by winning 2 from WJ- rrrddei* m Sta» D im so r te MJ- cus Electric. Gail’s moved tato 2nd ARTS

from Joe’s Deii, Richard’s News Service took 2 from Jannarone Towing, Horvath Broa. took 2 from he Never Sweats. The Mete drcpp- ed three games to T. Lalie’s Team ttftd Alpha Bustoeas (title 2 frrm SAWS — TOOLS K a n m V R. Golone was high'with a 227 game and a 515 series. LAWN MOWERS Home Improvements THE TOWNBMIP 0 W LYND- HURST. BERQEN c o u n t v . AN NEW JERSEY. ON NOVEMBBR §on For M illers OKL SkïüitOHE AN 20. 1961. Carpentry-Painting 907 Ridge Road Lyn< ■ E Th- Bo«m of Commleeloner* of Aii-nin 1C James R. Mu»l>r 'HE thè Tcwnehip of Lyndhurst in thè •41P rntHity of Bof|«n. »tote Of NSW ad U n . Mueller announce I h r d p Jereey, do orda In aa fpHowp: irtb af a m Jason Ibdd. 8 11» W all Paper Hanging gW That Artici* M, Boettdn 1. >4e be and tho aam a i* her*by a- ) o n , on November 1 at Altus P F manded to Includo tbe fofl&wing! ir Foret* Baie, Oklahoma, where TIME LIMIT HOUF'3 LDCATIOfll Ashphalt Tiling etfc.J <;K 8-9715 9:00 P.M. ' Expert Mechanic*

lulldlng. Lyndhurat. gorgon SKftJN I D o m : Fall, -<|ulpi» H and read) ^ y e tw la ^ M l M n |ho evening. prevailing timC, >r ae aoon Thereafter at aaid tn (a. Great opportmlt) tor jom § ««y I»« ■» flfcn m y s x w n r " wy namr son bo rolflM . at which roupk* who was! to anc work ao ) pi ay pfSB, ( s m s | ACCOUNTINO Clerk* ^ thrlr tnvoatmcat. Phone OC M «J ( OB t p.«. MWV I il»en an orptrtonrty fo b heard « all «ss i t t t ii-t tfB I p m . V M M BOOKKEEPER H.2< or cor ni no |ho eame. Sm payroll. A/R, caah receipts BOARO o r COMMISSIONERS s regular ATTEST:*TTB»T: i.iilCÎN WAREHOUSE Mano«or •»« of Commla- Fred O. Taub Mvy mfp. conaumor exp. the Com- Townahip Oer Municipal D^tetf! Novcmb TECH W riter HJM 1-2 year* apsro parta. manual* ADVERTISING Sale* »7.21 2 yosra, Industrial experience '«ALI PROORAMMERE to St2^M ’.000 Ole « Jrs. and Era. t4#1 ENGINEERS . FEE PAID roR RKNT — om ot n w '_r 2 * — S T S L 3 OBOMgBE. TOP N.J. co. a S rS . analyst, B/M S hydromech Hftl ■M r la Mnl loeatlaa la Mart i " • MB. otruc fasten, Ind. to tit,« irtlnrl-i Very naaauMa. Oal-1 <■ *• " » » 1 ______■ IB time otudr T-* yra. asp. to M.B MB, recant grade (no oap) to t7^f O T l a * . ______*1 u jrp SPEEDBOAT with Marcury CHEMISTS FEE p a i * FI RNISIIED ROOMS WITH cn*11" ***H' 080 OBORBBt. TOP N. 4. CO/S Organic, anal, or aynthooia to tl|i kltrben privile*,, buxine« aee a,u WE -rr- ! Proc dovtl. roaaarch. 0-2 yra M Mon. woman or husba*d a ------: — ------;; U ~M if. CBoMISt , V I 17 S;uyvesant Air», Lrafharrt.jp^yj. ¡upriver, J U p it EXCHANGE CORNER OFFERS 11n J jrv .^ s," * FT,Mi.N,£ _____ ja .r Roamer, 5-band. SM. CW WE Bioctro>Moch Bsrvoa to M : B*ect. SButat. layout t | a ONE FAMILY BUNGALOW on 131 Arlmgtoft l/I NDjnW r, ted noar, 2 rooma M * 0 1141 Moch. O otN . ahoot motel t i l l boulevard. No. Ag)|ngton. It has 4 spacious rooms w W “ Tjr “- r r ' l *7*' 11 '-UB!C SERVEL 2-do* K » MECH/BLECTRO t e c h expansion attic, lot $7f t x 100. I<)eal for a handyman^ "PPÏÏ' °°^ reft iterator - t n e n r . «ocd coni. Moch. vtfvga. regulator to tl- Pri^c $l7.9b0. Drive by and call ui for an inspection. ™ i). t n Wf, . r t s « ” r .^ c m b lc ew i 93M 1Î 1. Elec ROA V-7 or equiv. to t t Eng. Asst t yrt. call. I ONE FAMILY CAPE COD - BERGEN AVE.. North • FIIRNUHED ROOMS lor — ^ CHEMICAL TBCHMiCIANt .‘\flmgton — Here is a charming home in tip-top con • Ujtiop - ideal fqr a growing family. It has a living sss?I) . Call 0)E s 8-MIS. r s “—■ tt ;rooml ï set.j? * ïL Ç a ’ïra Bag, g e P e | wjat bbh room, large dining room, spacious modern kitchen. 1 bedroom \vit|i tile bath on the first floor. There are two bedrooms with large walk-in closets on the second MAIiO p A y UÇftrç flpor Li>ted at $24.‘XJO pea., ^U'dlleat 6BM. ONE FAMILY - ROOSEVELT SCHOOL AREA — An atlractite 4 bedr«>om home with a finished rerrra Biro man; Punch Pr tlon room, attached garage, and spaftous grounds. Listed at $24,900. Inspect and submit your offer. BOBTH ABUNOTON I rooms, supply owa heat. Iti. Call ttl l« t TRAI)E YOUR PRESENT HOME for ppjr of thc^c SJD Shoot Metal Hoipar Trace new J family homes with J and 3 bedroom apartment». t+ Sheet Metal Layout Features include science kitchens with separate dining Comm. to Bandwich Msn t AM -t PM tpray Paintr areas, living rooms overlooking the park, tiled bath­ St Supervisor; Trucking rooms, two car garages. Call for details. . .. bioolng A reco. Clerk 110 Trailer: Ovcr-tne-road 6 6 1 W atchm an-Porter M id-t A.M. APARTMENTS FOR REtfT — See our Ad under j i t Woodworker A act. F» Wtldor; Arc Unfurnished Apartments for Rent. »t Inepector, Mica, B /P liai FEMALE These are just a few of the many fine homes we have A m a l i to offer. Call us and let us be of service to vuu. fc Oal rnaayi Lit. at.«. « [ M X M» K lÌtST'ÌS” rw»»«1"« n t / r VX>j a-i ciwuii J O'fioMor-LaffeyACa. ?■ RMttsn ifu n ti ' r

- \K Q tiaia rtp e r b |M Pt^V|ppAG£NCy. M W f J14,

m x i H, y y jtfR t r i m BS. - i . i - '


Organ Fund LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS Commercial Zeai>cr Leader Woman B e n e fitte d AND THE SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW The oigan fund of F ir* Presby­ ” Estal)llshrd 1921 terian Church of North Artington Of The Week w i l l l**m*fit through fH xrm ks ft« Commercial Leader Is the official newspaper By AMY I>1 VINK raised from a piano conceit to be given by a kicnl resident. Mllli«-«-nl (iibson. Chairman of LYRDHIIRST HOME OF CHAMPIONS The prrgram of classical music the Lyndhursl Branch of the Wi»- fcatur.ng Lyle Lesson of .19 d a sl- man's Auxilian of the Hackenaack f*tal»fifche •9 2f>1 Ride«* Roail, Lyndlm rxl, N. J. Telephone (ÍK n - v * 8-87(10-8701 hoapllnl lor many .veara. Klainc Thrmas of Union, will be presented in the church on Sun­ . ~ ' Sh«* W M ir* a w h it • s t n r with day, Ncviovber 1.». at 3 m. >\ . I tliro** ban* on her rhm y-rolor- missicn will be a on«» dollar do­ F /« lilo r JOHN SA VINO •■«I uniform , nward«*(i for MOM iNmrs nate n. of »ervire at the Hospital Corner U-ssan, a 1963 graduate of North Shop. The cherry-eulorod unork Se«*«»n«t ( ’ la «■tag«* puiJ al Rutherford. N. J. Aiiirzten Hath School, w**. k -* | or apron In the badge of I h~e organist at the church during the IhilMrription $2.30 Per Year T e n C e n i* P er Cop» r ',urk, r h" I*-*“ ' sumrrwr months. He is p tseotiy ' ______tliH.ughout the state. att« nding Manhattan School of The Auxiliary Comer Shoo wav I \ 11« 11111 r -1. Mura* wvsere he is workir» u .cnrl I opened after th«* Bergen Count> ra v a B.A. degree in music, majoring W oman's Auxiliary gave a_g*»ne- in piano. A piano instructor at i o u * d o n a I in n In th** R U ild ln g F u n d North Arlington Studio of NJukjc. o f th«* lW-Mi's a n d n a n a n l in n ie d i lie is also orgarst and <-lw r d; a t e *u<-«-«-ss, d u e m a i n l y t o th«' rcxtor at St. Johns L u t h or a n dedicated vulunt««*rs frontfW f \ Racing With Death ('hureh. T f i f S n T | branch Auxiliary who give unatlnt Miss Thomas l*olds a master s Ingly uf th ir time to tie shop ckyree m music from Manful tan Robert J. Schwartz and Ronald Fer- an hour, ihe autom obiles of the boys and 1,1 addition hi r«>od acoammo M 1LLKXNT <;iBSON ScImjoI of Music where she major­ retti of Bogota are dead at the age» of 18, the policmen were only engines o f death, dation*. serving doctors, nun>«t \ York City, and Is an aecmaatsnt 'd >n piano. fatally injured after an automobile chase Neither the policemen nor the boy. could h""PU*' "T “ S’ with a d«*gree in BiMlnesn Admini­ On th«* Sunday program will be from Orangetown, N. Y. control the vehicle». The car of the boy» 'T*"""’' ctmpc.-aliens firm Bach. ( kij n . . . . . 7 also nin by volunteers. Mm. Cllb stration. KH with ' Shortly after II P.M. Friday night the Liszt, Brahms, ami missed a turn—and they were killed. vrn on th«* flirt Mo,. Mrs. (.ihson in a nn*mb«*r of the Schumann, eoN&WiK&xW we *eT Jam es Johnson of St. Anthony’s R. C. In m odern police w o rk high speed Committee, which plannr*l t h c 1 >nth«-r \<»liinte«*es *** a,so Sorr,*,ar> 1 ° r American ORT nduftrd Memorial serv.tv* in The Orangetown policemen opened the the h ig h w a y s policem en can be alerted . Lyadhurat serving at the hospital. Ihe New Jersey area, and prom- Set By Boosters dhaae after the bovs at 10:50 P M on Route T h e re is no need fo r high speed ch ascs ,,,u1 a of w..men have srwn j si*rv««| ah resident of I Faahion will be the party news; is*« to b«» a foi enmm*r to future 303 in Blauvelt, N Y. K hundreds <»f Items for uae in th. ' “ ,ul H r' Ml " " president of! at a paid-up memh«*rship rmxMini’ annu.il gnnip t'ouncil service« November 14 is th»> big night a fte r panic strick e n boys. h«Mp|t.l. and several group, hav. » " <1u*> Barringer .or the North Ariingt<*i Booaters ‘I was chasing them at more than 90 rf ihe North ArlingUai Chapter >f I h ere is no w ay o f rep lacin g the boys. fo,d«-d thousands of drew *«» for U:!,krr ,>rMf" ° ^ and . f th«* WcMnens Ameriinn OKT next (lub. The date is circled on the 9 hour,” said one of the policemen. They are dead. j, Moth«*r* (lub of Bergen (liaptrr Boystown Sale Tuisday at Conjirvgation B niu Is -alendar of <*vents as the llomt^- * As the bodies were being taken away There was before them a lifetime of Mrs. Cihson was horn la Allan '** v*<,tav- (timing Day dance for th«« North Her hobbies are h**r volimU'ee rad The occasion, marking the a favorite over the years for one of the policemen noted printed on the production, of heading families, of contri- ,,r il,v' “m* w,^*nded Its achoolv Arlington High School foo.ottU rUee* n-adlan and travrt » V n " “ h • mMVWW>' ^ ,hl' «W*n*a- .tancaln hunter* i* the annual U anv A spci-ial featurt» wül he a boy's car a little legend. It said: “Guardian buting to the welfare of the world. In.tead ^ ■T S S U Æ Î J S iimnt------i-u>iim. She h a N lion, . brought . . . forth invitations.... to irammnge i ' sale h«*ld at New Jer- A n gel.*' they are dead. ccmbo contest with an indivnfcinl Inn careers. Sh«- waa an finali- v ie d « h W v e 4 v In Ihe I «ite* ^ « » B-femvT trophy fir eu<-h nanubtT of thi- The guardian angel of the youngsters T h e policem en risked th eir lives— o v e r teaeher in th** l*l«*asantvtlle, M „ ,„ vMtrd the Wrat Indie* ‘ ,,end wiU the .Uive, Kearny The sale wiH - - '■«••I ohapler'» paM pmMdenls. be opt« I m n w t a n 10 a m to a inning combo was apparently absent Friday night. w h a t? Jersey, High s . . I _ h . . and tht* KprtaR had * i.Naith’» Irip ," V _ Z _ T ' and fn m 7 to 9 p.m. plus, The Boosters are still a«xx lv» " > cotning I. <:n Saturday from «‘xperientxxl cambiai to a|>- Mrs. tilh «* « y , : «|y p lS L o . , ^ a* ''™ í í ^ Pr,rPd' U* ^ ^ear in the eoaipetiiion. Aithur that threaten the lives of the errant bovs, must cease. Orderly and systematic police ,r . " T ' *’ , .... of the policemen and of the innocent , 4 , *, . * Married to Thomas 4. <.ibson, n! ||'.> ..r III.. ha- beea lo Uve aa mrmb.-rs Ju.lv K o tii Wdma k £ ' ^ wi of items RcAchard. WY 8-4riT7, and Al Hem work must preya.l. The death of the Bogota ,^ „ .r lvmi\>Kanla. ^ aHk.i public. altruistieally a . I could. All my r¡n R aK f4)nv vhu « lu d e toy*. <4!«-> le load dKttrihut . m> R ,„ Heller. U-bble l-ia hn.-, ! S V U a l» « ' * *** Travelling at speeds of 90 to 100 miles ing. in» business until he retired in an<* honM‘* * have tried to dl f ian Wemn-k. ’ Elaine Werth.-,! s,” >lv " f ty'u's<'t“ ,kl Kt »chard and Heinzinger wiM IMI. "" l,'“ * rd ,h‘- heltermenl „I my ^ ' ,ind all typ.-* ,J furniture ... .iiinmnll > .nJ Tkl. U M 111 luw l’UHI» I • present the trophásn lull«»wing ¡u> Their home is at .US l*ake Ave .immunity and feHowmt*n. This In __ . . . . , oouncement of the wnnreTs In a nue. «*y I ha,.- » hrtrrtoted In ^ «* » * ,Unf r“ “ "K Is Trophy Winner preVk-w low ing, they will he (>n Their s«»n ('harl«*s !>., is ;i th,- work ol Ihe HoapiUI Auxlltor, . ™ "Bk' display b»>ginning Motslay in a rythln* *h** AuxiliaryK wom«*n do h«*id by ORT at Jefferson School Kra«luate of Pace (Allege, N e w A delightful addition — and pop The Blu«* Devil, a cutomized shcwi’Bse at North Ariingion High :ulds something of jçreat value to notowyele t wned by Joseph Bu­ School. Screwy Laws tin- hospital, which is such an «*• ular, too — were the jetty apple folo of 164 Stover avenue, took Miitlal part of all «Mir live««. on sale along with the usual home This Saturday evening, the Bous­ Beck’s Column baked goodies. Mrs. Toby (irren first Hace trophy in the srnvi iers will »pot»stir a football dame stein was chairman for this «late bike division at the Autornma at the high school Music will be- In Jersey City a former mavor, addressed to newly registered voters were Dump Fires nW hrtd (ktober 30 through Nov- .uinishcd by a live combo Thomas Gangemi, is being denied the right returned because delivery could not be Participate In ■mbir 1 at T«*aneck Armory Some to run for mayor because he has not been m ade. "Discovered" 5 bikes were entered in the show. a registered voter in the city for two years. Experts in tta* field acted as Council To Meet In other words, the election rolls were Rutherford Rites * The dump fires that everybody | judges. After serving a spell as mayor, Gan­ packed with the names of thousands of V Mr*. Patrick Fwxie. Tnunim! gemi discovered he was not a citizen, in New Jersey hut fix* aw*nts of ^ 8 rr’renf jne**ting of Lynd Kufolo smd that the Blue Devil Chau man will «xsidiMt an all .lay voters to whom mail could not be delivered. th«- Slate Health I> parimeot have ^u,"st Coumil K. of C., Catholic according to the book. He resigned. He has s si-hi-dulixl to eisnpete in sev«*ral woritshop for Leaders and assis­ The reason is clear. si-on were forcibly callcd to the A«*ivities chairman Charles Inf shows during the coming months now become a citizen. Now seeking re- tant leaders Junior liiri Smut The voters do not live at the addresses attention of th* dcputment last PtJlizeri announced the acceptance .ndudmg the Autonuna bein* held troops. The workshop will be held election he is being barred because he has w«<« k. <*f an invitation tentht-isl by Qu**en g iven . in F«bruary in Hartford. Oonn. at Girl Sujut Heedquartcts. Kear­ not been a citizen for two years—thus, he K ' A Newark newspaper did the job. Peart‘ Counrtl, lo take part in Here is an important and dangerous This is one «if Ihe largest car shows ny Avenue, on Saturdny. Novem­ has not been a registered voter in Jersey For years dump fires have 1^,‘ reoitatiMi of the lt-jsary fia n the east. situation: it means that somebody could I ber 7th at 10-00 a.m. City, where he has voted a quarter of a pj;igumplit«xl al th«* cemetary. thi* number of legal residents on his petitions, ballot boxes with many thousands of illegal \V«4fnre P'ederatRn, will be guest Chspt«*r cd Cancer Care. you'd 1« t me km a «.out it."- members will then proctxxl ha<-k why should he then not be allowed to con­ votes. The group; will m«*rt at 8:15 front the voters? The reporter did - ju,t .hr^e >» Queen ,A IN « ,. Chun-I, ami llK •» " Hl«h- The Republicans were remiss in 1960 By MAX BECK hours lat« r. While the coordinator take part in Bene«lstam '¿Tht* of th<> Anti-Poverty Pro P.M. at 30B State Street. Hacken The voters have the right of decision: when they did not carry through an investi­ relaxing som**\vbere Ihe re- he lh<* first time that gram." sat-k. Ilefi-eshm« nts will Is* aerveil. lj*st week we received a ahouldn’t they be permitted to make gation of the defeat of Richard Nixon. If phone r trek a rick* into th«* in«*ad-1 . • f , eall at home, from KuriMM-, to a t any m an w a . counted out o f an election mlnd ,linr in today. Komeh »d> « ¡ill« took him to other sit«* where fires and Novice Alike. COtnplained because thousands of letters the newspaper columns. you th«aisandK of mil«*»* distant to had bi^en obscrv«xl turn on th«* TV In order t«i I >ofc Zcmlansky pointid out that regn at a picture of an event, t h a t tions rcxjuire dump operaton to ICE SKATES takes pia««- at th«* same instant, have adequate water and fire­ only ttNMisands of mil«*s away. All fighting (xsvtroi equipment readily Mena, Women’s & Child* available. of this made |a»ssihle l>> ili. ime ren’a Figure & Hockey « A the mighty R1JCCTRON. by the Why was he telling this lo a re use of cabh*s, a satellite, all kiiaki potter instead ni the dump opi»ra- A ll S ic e s Wave Of The Future tors or a couit was not mad«* of wires, wireless, transmitters ft all s«>rts «if equipment. Th«- In-ad dear Zcmlansky th«‘n made the start­ On a five-acre site in Saddle Brook stream of the metropolitan area. lN*glnN to spin if on*- starts to ground has been broken for a new 12-story think about it. Trul> we live in a ling suggestion that the fin*s are In South Bergen the bi( Saddle Brook , l n n f r . nd w„rld- taitcd hv th* «per a tors at n>" it hotel. It is to be a giant of 234 EVERYTHING hotel ha. a «pecial »igmficance. Land i. wh|rh oh«,,.,,, ir.naml.,,,Jy to get rid of big, bulky, cami-usti- ropma, a swimming pool, a wading pool, a ( o r H t* b eing gobbled up e v e ry d ay. W e a re n ow «luring the last in or 15 years, blc- materials. convention center and four restaurants and in a period w hen it is becom ing cu stom ary Scientists tell us that the Secondly, I*» said, th«» dtsnp op­ lo u n g es. to see one-unit fam ily dwellings torn down ehang«*s we will experi«>n«-<* dum* erators conserve land ::puce by f T h is , mind you, is taking place in HUNTER to m ake w av fo r m ultiple unit buildings. Ihe "«“'t 10 years will he burning off the garbage. : Brook and duplicates a like venture So far the sizes have been moderate, greater y«*t. What with «{»aee tra- Meanwhile, the New Jersey fiUNS - SH0T6UNS Turnpike, which runs through the M Fort Lee. B u t as tim e goes on and as p ro p erty be- '***’ ,r‘u*s*H*or*- diodes, rn«k«ts dump site area, is dosed <*own by A 12-story hotel in the rural atmos- a a i RIFLES • AMMO come, more and more T.rce .he only room M“* h * “nd, ''*■h 1 fog and «moke from time to time XYLOX of Saddle Brook is a s'artling de­ for growth wm be upward. In South Ber- ..it and a' least one fatal accident on BOOTS • CLOTHING nt. It should awaken all of Bergen gen multiple-noor building, are not far in W(^ . r tta, ,A B ,. , the big pike has be**n caused by County to the fact we are part of the main­ the future. Umt ^ lhllt ^ p*v<.hlalrist are the smoke and fog P s f/s r e r s busier than ever and th«- iiw-ntal The New Jersey Department of institutions overflowing. Health is charged with the task of BOWLING EQUIPMENT from Still, progress is Inevitable. Man keeping open dump yards under wants to exptore the unknown. Ihe control. The fires and smoke are ehildren of t«sla> grow up with tangible proof of Its* depnrtrrkfit s s* BALLS* BAGS all them* Inventions and tor tin m abject failure. Whence Lyndhurst this Is nothing spts-taeular. they On Monday November 9th at * 3 . 9 3 take the Sft h«Mir a we«-k for grant- 8:15 p.m. th«* West Hudson Girl \ • SHO ES ie4. Th«dr fathers wiaild think tbr 3cout Council will hold their monthly meeting at Girl S c o u t . . ■ . . . world w«aild mine to an «*nd If W * h a n d l e - Th. name Lyndhurst is borne by one e sta te it w as covered by Linden treea. A l ,,nlv ... . Headquarters. • S H IR T S tira r , . • j . i» j .1 i ■ . • 1**^ WIMIW work only ,u hiairs a ^ the largest communities of Bergen hrst, it is said, he called the place Linden- ^ day inst«-ad of tj and by the estate of the robber h u rst and late r shortened it to L yn d h u rst. h«»urs «»r uniré, as they did Th* F U L L U N E W» Carry a Complete Line of Jay Gould in Tarrvtown. T h is m ay o r m ay not be so. reduced working biairs, t» a large s< The name came into the news recently W e p re fe r to think th at G ould, who extent, sre possible oni> b> the M l t l t S • Football EpipM Rt «Basketballs e the National Trust for Preserva- flitted around nobility once he had stolen “*** °f man> 1,1 *h«* above ni<*nti.>n- I OK TR W I I "JOHNSON" t(on o l: HistoricI Sites has taken possession his fo rtu n e, w as im pressed b y L o rd L yn d - ’*** l"v«*nil«ins, w’m h freí* man ot • Shoos »lot Skates 9f p art of the Gould estate. It sets on a hurst, the aged and well known chancellor «k“"1 Puerto Rico Outboard Motor« ■ ner e < tract. Some 400 acres of surround- o f E n glan d . G ould nam ed his estate , w e where will It end? The answer b • Days flS3 ) will be sold to raise the money for S T IN G R A Y are sure after the British lord, just as the “ Vbody's gu«*ss and perhai»s it |*> Includes let fare, of the memorial. 1 hotel and Sightseeing B IK E S E A T S ^ H OR BY unci Question has been raised to the origin Lyndhurst railroad station of Erie-Lacka- JT sííí. 7 , taT'a!“’!- I « PAULS 'If. the name of Lyn