•* *t fri ii-ri i i gf|W 11 i fifg S ) i l' T *1II^ ^ W r M ia a t* a tf The warm, dry kutum _____ _____________ walking and a Joy to the aya, ha* brought ah pat an­ other water shortage. Every majot «rater w p^iir in North Jersey ha* warned that receñía air* low and lower than they were a year ago. Water laving should U m b s r he year-round. One el the moat enjoyable waya to »ave (Eommcrcial is to hee, a jug of water in the refrigerator. It , thoae quarta that ran away whoa a glaee of drh •nd SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW water ia drawn at the faucet. And taking hatha in of ahowera ia another aure way of saving water. S«con« cliM posta«« pûtë m Vol. 45 No.— 18 LYNDHURST, N.J., NOVEMBER 5, 1964 GKNIV JOHNSON, HELSTOSKI, DEM FREEHOLDERS IN SWEEP Restaurant Site LBJ Sweeps Like A Texas Gale; Spurs Argument Mayor Helstoski A Prairie Fire ' $ — i I J il and an assortment of pS- ticnai and state candidates ihflMf Voting District By District l-.sitdhuiNt to the roots Tuesday. The president soared a M2 to DISTRICT 3 5 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 14 3,336 triump over Sen. Among Officials 1487 1057 1269 Bany Gqkf TOTAL REGISTRATION 1325 1727 992 1245 1435 723 934 1275 905 1119 II'IIl "»ter in the big Tuesday «4Hd-fap VOTES CAST 1179 147« 814 1070 894 448 821 of three months of desperate oiM* Mayor Julia r. < tarde made a PRESIDENT wrong prediction pm-edlng Mm Goldwater-Miller 345 231 314 425 381 347 368 279 395 3.334, m&mi- •' i* * * ('losr b*iund the prnaidrni m s <ta> N UN «‘tlOK Ot th- BtMII-H of Garfield At . Johnson-Hamphréy 852 454 t85 7 r 1455 484 516 362 547 4,442 Conimi Mdntter» — not a pulitkml Uniteli States Senste Mayor Henry Hedstosld ct Mm |>n>dMiai, however, bat «Me ot Lyndhnrst Shanley 353 218 314 445 344 338 341 281 255 3,149 Rutherford, »eeking rt timing. * Williams, Jr. 784 578 713 882 944 644 447 335 448 6,992 Kn.-aiu.nai District. B.'foi »• leaving the cau< us room In Big One REPRESENTATIVES to «piti itti- navtutc. the ma/ur 9th ( one Dist. Just as it was in the rest ttmarki'd, "Bein^ Klertior. eve The big game Saturday is Gsr- Osmers, Jr. 376 394 348 328 3.514 <x un(,'y the tum-out la ] tliis shtaid ix- a very shmt navi- field .trainsi Lyndhurst -c- at Lynd- Helstoski 418 447 317 448 4,918 burst was tremendous. ing * hurst. FREEHOLDERS ! Under perfect skies, 11 tunx'd <Mit to be .i>lK*vely The two Passaic Valley Orsaer 314 338 269 3,954 began an early Um. and pruAaed some uiaiaual IW nv»b‘ *n' ««»r »«’°nd I*»« Vervaet 287 338 248 279 2.908 polla—and by 2 PM. i s ii f im n i *** °*e Isague. Lyndhurst I tax sec- J er li ask I 348 348 269 279 3,445 60 per cent at ti T W .kk were . bmuitted by ond ^ ~ “"* * ' WR"“ “• 424 445 328 436 5J74 voters had cast their I l.yTKlhuint ix.ntiacti i *, lor im u l ** Unn«* «»«1 no« Lyndhur*. 622 441 318 449 5,819 The voting was heavy latum ot wat.T m ain. in tw> h a » virtu* <* ll* victory Saturday 434 434 323 432 5,828 out the township. u^c dc\< Ì. jni.<*nis, I Hit ai; th rre ew1r ,*0,1 ttew ial, has tlwee Yes .1 And the politico« juat aat hack »ere rejected I.H-aw ot a tech- vk-tori«e and on.- Ion Uartietd haa 283 215 344 S47 ¿M 249 346 244 187 217 X.19* and counted. They didn't hai ideality in one Mancarlo Bro- thr»' vtctories «nd two losses and Ne 354 215 353 445 397 245 368 313 242 295 3*243 move a finger. The votera Institatieas thrra t«<l totalled. JH192 75 and “ <>ut by themselves. Bfcjx hi Bruthei* hid W060.50. ait 11 Of course what Lyndhurst would INiblic Question #2 Yes -I When it waa over I was ac«'>*npanicd by a clicck like is to ham: onto its present HFNKY HKI.STtKKI - 34» 222 338 332 344 245 181 242 s No 332 213 331 37» 348 315 244 t as* 1 Had joined the fur 10 per cent of the bài, as re- ¡ramrd. enlacing it at the ex- 2»9 i to give qtun'd by law. pense of Garfield, while waiting mendous plurality. lite third bUfckT was Ke i <1 iot "omebody to trip up Passa* 2. Had helped el flumbutg and Heating, Cb.. with Passaa- has won all of its games The BImw Belongs To Joms 'a U t i Ru|ll#rf#n, B k ü o « One To Reaoabor toski to th the b.d of SfNKt.ftt. arc : fxiy i aaiuding ^ oonfewnue tilts. The Democrat to xrve tan tea John Retd handl'd 3700 in cash to Passak- team almost came a crop- The election is not long over. But it is not to early te assess the blame. For more reaaona than one Rant Anthony D'Aniore, drove around HHatoaki waa -p -r around- Hegeneration. hit To»*.r. Clerk Kied Taub us hi« pec Saturday when Paterson East- 3. Had helped elect<1 there B a a » bond. side almost scored, an upset. Rutherford'* Tueaday elertton will lleiatunki x car while Heiatolriu the pavement with hia head and It belongs squarely on the shoulders of Walter H. ^ to remember tried to maintain hia grip on Mur- back. The rear wfced of the car' irats to the Board at F M koltei. ln i-hkt-kitm tis* lmb*. TowÄ Ym- j It could happen Saturday when Jones whose unprincipaled tactics and general unaware»ess For one thin* Mayor Henry IW- r“y * »™ Murray tdd reporters miaaed him only by inchea."the . first time ^ SM rfim Mu'IwuH N«vlia rlisaovt red the charted up Paterson Central el the mood and desires of the voters reached a climax in candidate ta- trm- Hetatoaki said somethinK to t* n Pom chained thia moruing that J™ lhF errors in addition. sU di hnxi;:.it team takes on Passak-. As Lynd- in which the Republicans lost their congress« hard-runmm. hard, that he did net hear Uh- KqMMicana ted contrived the 11.Gn.. ..________ the total to 17618 * naan. three fruholdari, a variety of locai offloac and thaàr tratti« ranhdate Murray then aigned an awault » te r to ameer Heieto- Sut'-c the $700 was not raM o# this teul, .. ^ .. .7 .__. k And Jonae, who poaaea ae th è party leader, m anaged te pre-etedtan motcrcade tant^edI «ff they *tUI, the Umt«t. much dhx'. ___ . t-*** Ruttieriord, aUll tveting un j, n with thè Reetetican moton-iuV' — ptaint charging Mayor’s <*ar t^hed paHce permits lor their par-1 “ J** I wiv on , «1« «i *le 1 « crossing of the d al fault. I “ F ********* vetad* « » MiT He t ^sa^ ‘jTpJELtfthè puipoae of ’ss1"*oèds p^hs? ^u‘^- Paterson Eastside team. U * * o r« r . c a se waraed ^rV'notuLt^Tof5^tbat thè nom ination of Darry js r jt t a ir t s traflk* 0*^^ Hetetasl^ was rspurted ia ____ Johnson ,0 mtee Mito. M ta . 1« , W-t «tue aaiKh G o h h « te r w o .U he a M f * thè p - t y . _ _ , ^ ^ — ^ Eaat Rumertord " .T ^ y and under the annamsb nraa. the and ^East Ruth- It is easy to remember those days when Senator Case , » _ . Mh .. n inai i on at his doctor's apparent at the püila s7:,.!rs^."s^r * ; s s r iii g—r* . - j » -‘--’.’•-'•’r s s x r s s r 3 ft r £ = 1 3 5 ;■— c ---------------- hy movinB¿russss th-u ak twV. h.. i ^ a r t - ,~=“V . , !North * ? * Arlington,****"«“ "■ whichw**± *broke * * Senator Cum, although a aura winner with the. votcn,H p » “ ^ , ^ * A lutes rot s n.areh ~ o< H the skrajDe.no- ^ z that~ many at *the ‘ "* ed and the work read>*-rtjerd. AH WaiilI*|kal * vW iay tkem Satur . sur. ioeer with politician, like Jonea. gave conflk-ting aix-ourila ol juat (Ta,a parade. D Ai»»*e. he aaid. ^ [¿ugene Frieihnan D m um lr puliing the lever in one n t e a Lakes ciaainittaien <t«ientir* but to, Jonae it waa who aaid: “Let ua go to San F nnaaco what task glace last night at the 'andidaie in the Fifth' D iatrkt. in- |°r P ™ * nl ” ottl" “ * • # F. Ourcio. iibKtau.ed, teBa^tay kr a 1 30 P.M. Hit. itted. It u good polltica to go neutraL Dan t mteraeotion ot tiraw Sirert ami p«ia<k. curred a broken law ia ;ui auto- oU>cr l'“nd‘datee. Iwhu*- h.- vot.»l .«¡ ¿,*1 We o-ufi- ^ Vltan«» « • ' Everet Place. -H< UHiBkl went over to their car , |«it However, the m! ordinantv. Tuesday. Nov. 10 at ^ ,wun ^ “*** (*^en' i to prove that he could niranadii the T1» Repubtkan vendon is that and up to Murray »1» waa a prut ' lore-ordained. « 4 p.m. was set tu< subn cnoc. of **vp P0Wf'r **** I00*“ *® * **■' a , ,_______ . 1 r __„ 1 . I ____ Heletoaki'a car blocked the car In aengcr." Pom, told reportrra.
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