~ei's Defeat . Paul Engle Gets 'All The News 'ioles Twice $10,000 Grant That Fits­ rR OJT !A'I - . The DetraiI See Page 3 e --. - o'i · Q·won We Printl' i rallied for three runs ... Serving the State University of Iowo and the People of Iowa City lis in the ninth Tuesday lIiRIt ereated the Baltimore 0ri0Iei Uablisbed in 1868 Herald Tribune News Service Features Thursday, August 17, 1961, Iowa City, lowa the nightcap of a bitter _ Ider . Frank Lary, su~ orm Cash's two· boIlIei the Orioles 2'{) on a ... in the first game. • Brandt Tells Kennedy- Tigers' sweep chopped ~ York Yankees' lead in lilt ca n League to two Prnea. ny Brown had the Tigers • !aten as he entered the Iai of the second game With. I Id. •• ,re ...... tot otG --•• I , ...... oteOOt!h_Z.\ d. (9), Wilhelm (I) ••e rtllo,j ,,4 Ro.r.... W - LIt, (\1... ,Ira,,' (9-7). .... , ,run -Detroit, Ca.k (.). cflon, o·r Second aame '/0 • • • • • ... IlOO DO! --tIt " ., ... . • •. 000 ooe -- I II I n. Hoe" (9), Stock It) ... BERLIN (AP) -AngryWestBer. and by placards at a protest rally by 200,- war, but that the real danger lay in SovIet wire, armor and machine guns that has I,,; Mo.,I. Staley (8) ••e ..... 000 West Berliners in front 01 the city Premier Khrushchev's threats to sign a stopped East Gennan refugees and East tal., (~ -4). L - 111'0"'" II.. ). liners voiced direct personal appeals Berlin commuters from crossin&: into to President Kennedy Wed.nesda to hall. separate peace treaty with the Commu­ The tone of the Berlin rally contrasted nist East German regime. West Berlin since Sunday. West Bc~llP take more forceful action against the Durin. th_ bat ... with a speech in Bonn by West German Meanwhile, Communists extended their motorists without special permits also' Are mer aHem""", ... Communists for throwing up barri­ In for 8 eool _ III Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. He urged travel bans to their citizens trying to cross sealed out of East Berlin. cades across the heart of this old the German people to be patient and not the West German border, 110 miles west cap­ While the West Berliners shQwed their ital. cause a break in West German unity wIth of this city, border guards reported. BEER , anger at the big rally, one Western pro­ P1nd out wby' 'nil its Western Allies. West Berliners are angered by failure Annex II known .. The appeals were voiced both by Adenauer said that he did not believe of the Western powers to do more than test against harassment 01 the East Ber­ the IriendUeIt DIaet IntoWL Mayor Willy Brandl in a leiter to Kennedy the present Berlin crisis would lead to Jlrotest against the barricade of barbed liners was brushed off by the Soviet com­ mandant, Col. Andrei I. Solovyev. "Doc" ConneH'. • • He told the Western military com· manders Iheir complaint of two $20-Billion weeks ago "cannot be Laken seri­ 'he Annex ously." He so for has ignored their 26 East Coli ... more recent complaint about the barricades. Latin Program Br.ndt, In an .rnotiOl'lal, lhout. Ing apeec:h at the r.lly _Iar.d, "If the Communi... a... not Is Approved , .topped .t the Br.ndenburg Gate Cuba Only H'olcl-Out; they will not 1M stoppad a. the Rhln•. " U.S. Will Provide lIe said he has sent a letter to Major Money Portian President Kennedy telling ,,1m 3'501 PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay I.fI frankly that, " Berlin expects more thon words, it expects political ac· CADMIUM ... -A hemispheric economic conf~r. ence committee Wednesday approv. tion." ed two master documents pro­ He said - without naming any­ SULFIDEI claiming a $2Q.biJIJon program to body - that he wanted "high West· DETECTORS narrow the gap between living standards of American nations and ern representatives" Lo come to bring about widespread economic B rlin to see the situation Cor them· reforms. O·IAMA selves. lie demanded that a com. Probes Radiation Belts A " Decl.ratlon of the Peoples plaint be made in the Uniled Na­ of Am.rlc." .pprovln. the ambi­ tions. Explor.r Sat.llit. instruments built at the SUI tious AIII.nee for Progr.ss pl.n to give furth.r and more .xplicit d.talls 01'1 the The m ....d crowd w.v.cI ban­ Dtpartment of Physics ar. indicated on the art­ nature of the Van Allen Radiation B.lts around of Prllld.nt K.nnedy was given ner. with luch slogan. ..: lit's sk.tch above. The SUI instruments, which t~e earth, which w.r. named for J.m.s A. Van the commIttN'. .pproval wltlt ' :-- 'A' Cub. ab.talnln•• tt c.lled for "a "Rather dead than Red," "K.n· BitIe largest lann weigh approxlmat.ly nine pounds, are designed AUen, head of the SUI Physics D.partment. v.1f effort to bring a bett.r life en out of the nedy to B.rlin," "Enough pro­ ;e BOO· foot tent. to all .... peoples of the contI: t ...., let's .ct," "Qui.t pl.... , n.nt," ~ufacturel8 and a 10. of peopl ••r. ,till asINp," o acres of the A companion document, the ery. Don't miI8 Army Extends Duty Terms "Charter of Punta del Este," out­ "a-trayal by the WII.," .nd, w. lined the needs of the Latin-Amer­ "Pa,.r prot... s won't stop :Sf.." ican nations and preacl'i1Mid meas­ t.a\!ct:"' )SITION ures to remedy the hen'lilPhere'. ealt90A Pr.otest· in Se,lin As he spoke, West German po­ For J 84,(r)()() fnlislecl Men sickness. lice closed off roads leading to the : SHOW. f The inter • American economic A I.r.. political earloOl'l I. held ov.r the head. of Walter Ulbricht with form.r Nazi dictator Adolf Brandenburg Gate at the barr i- AT SHOW. WASHINGTON (A P) - gram but not yet ordered to ac­ servists who are not now in units conference will end today with the W... B.rUn.,.. at a protest r.11y Wedn.sd.y in Hltl.r. The r.lly was h.ld to protll. Communist caded border in case any steamed- \{ GADGET tive duty for two years. About front of City Gov.rnm.nt headqu.rters. The c.r- clo.ln. of the bord.r IMtwHn East and Wilt B.r- up West Berllners should take it 'OULTRY & The Army said today it is 'freez­ will be recalled to active duty lor signing of the documents by del· ·AL HONEY 4,500 ~ew officers will be affected not more than 12 months. egates of the 21 nations attending. toon comp..... east Gorman Communist boss lin. -AP Wir.photo into their heads to rush there. The ing in service for not more than by thIS decision. ------______• . gate, main crossing point between l Llf.tim. .6. Overseas tours for Army per· Cuba was seen as the only hold­ four months 84,000 enlisted 4. Reserve officers on active out. East and West Berlin, has been sonnel will be extended, effective closed with barbed wire barricades men whose normal t e r m s duty -.vho complete their two-year EI'MIto Guevara, Cuban dele­ obligated tours during the prescnt Oct. 1. Tours will be extended six gate, demandecJ to know If the backed up by a grim wall of mili­ would run out1between Oct. 1 fiscal year will be encouraged to months in areas such as J apan United St.t.. _ukl Include Cub. Kerynedy Foreign Aid Plan_ tiamen and armored cars, 27; Sept. 1 " t :ES and next June 30. volunteer for extended duty. II the and Germany and thr~ months in in the program, His c1emand was Early this week, Adenauer was 26; Night: Sept. l , , number of these volunteers is not areas such as Korea. talking about a Western trade em­ Night As another of a dozen steps ignored. on: Au,. 31 su [fiient, officers or this category 7. The Army is asking selective Delegates also gave a cold bargo against the entire EasterQ D RACES to expand and get ready b e­ will be kept on for up to one year. service for a dralt call of 25,000 bloc. l1he West German CabInet 3 shoulder to a Guevara proposal Suffers Setback by House Vu,moona: Aur. 211. 80 cause of the world situation, the 5. If volunleers are not sufficient men in September, with an esti· to open the program to Commu· was repOrted ready to act on its \CES Night: Alii. li6 mated caU for October of at least own trade embargo against East Army also is alerting 113 reserve to meet speci'fie requirements in nist technicians - "experts from WASHINGTON (A P) - reverse the 197-185 informal telier But it was clear Kennedy's am­ units, with a total of 23,626 men, certain essenli al skills, selected 20,000. all over the world ." This proposed Germany. L REVUE The House g a v e President count. bitious overseas help program was tbat tlIey may be called to duty. individual enlisted and officer reo 8. Dctors, dentists and other amendment to the declaration died in deep trouble. The Senate slash­ T.I"fII- cornrnunlcatl_ .... 1 for lack of a second. The action was tentative and Secretary of the Army Elvis J. male medical specialists will be Kennedy a major rebuff Wed­ ed over $1 biJIion of Kennedy's twHII East Germany anct West :armonica Ganc He also proposed that a 'Prom· could be reversed today. More· Stahr Jr. spelled out the detail s inducted as required if there are over·all prOpOsals. without tarn· G.rmany .nd West Berlin, cut e. Songs, dances. ise to promote aU sectors of a nesday by wiping out the long­ over, if the Senate stands fast on travaganza. Two of the Army program in a news not E!'Iloug'h volunteers. Nurses will pering with the five-year length tfwH claV' ago by the Commun­ nation's economy be substituted range loan feature of his for­ Kennedy's plan for five-year au· ists, stili went down, Communi­ mnference today. be recQjjed [rom !.he ready reserve of the proposed loan power. Sticks Up? mt>bilization reinforcement pool for a pledge to stimulate "private eign aid bill. thority to make low·interest de­ c.tIons by IMMel printw circuit 'If all the plans are carried out, as needed. activity. " velopment loans for up to 50 years The House vote came after Ad- were restored withc!ut ",pl._ ATURES including the call-up of the re­ White House had no to nedg]ing nations, the program ministration forces moved to trim tion. Cedar Rapids Firm 9. The ready reserve obligations The am.ndment failed after the The liracle Mile Mid. aerve units - which Stahr said U.S. d.legat., T..... ury Sec.... still could be salvaged - at least .; Balon Twirllftl and enlistments 0( personnel in re­ comment but Kennedy charted the live-year lending authority to Solovyev, the Soviet command­ would depend on the world situa­ Discovers Liquorsicle Douglas Dillion, w.rned that in part - in a Senate-House con­ .r LiviD6 Show; serve units and the ready reserve t.ry three y~ars. This was apparently ant, has taken no notice so far of Children', Pro- J tion in t1Je months ahead - the it woukl 1M hard for the Ameri· a vigorous overnight effort to ference. done wtth the .assent of Speaker the ,protest of the three Westet'n Cont• • t; Checker CEDAR RAPIDS (of) - A mar· mobilization 'Pool which would AIImy would have a strcngllh of c.n ....lIc to unde,..tand • ID alon; School Ex. , tlni complete with olive could ~ otherwise end between 1 and Sam Ray.bum what proved to commandants that the Communist .., PitclriD6; Fi..,. 184.000 by next June 30 . Oct. change which .Umlnated a stlm· frozen on a stick for the world's" next June 30 will be extended by be a !rultless effort to head o{( barricades in Berlin have turned ulatlon of private .....rpri ... The Navy and the Air Force al. first "Martinisicl.," rese.rch .n· one year. oncomUlg defeat. the city into an armed camp in ready had announced plans to ex­ gineers said Wednesday. The declaration notes that the Return Hiiacked Plane Under a tentatively adopted flagrant violation df Soviet agree­ pand their manpower. 10. EnHstments for six months United State. agrees to provide Researchers for the Cherry· of training under the Reserve amendment, loan authority for the meDts on the former capital's ·four­ stahr said these are the actions the major part of a $2O-billJon MIAMI, Fla. III - A hiJacked 52.5 mllllOl'l airliner was ...turned Administration would be shaved to pOwer status. :RFORMANCES MON· Burrell Corp., makers of food Forces Act will be restricted, reo from .Iong 'R FRIDAY. SEPT. 1 the Army is taking: lund over the next 10 years. At Hav_ Weclnetdav with the bullet with which Its c ...w a .s.ingle yell!' with a $1,2-billion Gen, Bruce C. Clarke, U.S. Anny ved Beat. only '1.50, processing equipment, said that ginning Sept. 1 and extending least $1 billion wiD be lorthcom­ was th... atened. ceIling. That 15 alx?ut what ~enne . .commander in Europe, lIITived in [orm...... 011 Sotu(ds,. 1. Enlisted men's terms of serv­ while running tests on freezing through December, to young men ing from the United States with­ dy wanted for a first-year lDStall· Berlin to look over the situation. r_rved _t., 12,00. ice that would normally expire on aparatus, th.y submerged v.r· under 20 years of age. No Reserve in the next year. Capt. William Buchanan, 41, of MI ..... I, who flew the Eastem • for Greyhound ~ or after Oct. 1 but before June 30 ious liquors in liquid nitrog.n. Air Lines proplet the... July 24 et lunpolnt piloted It back from ment. Communist forces at the Branden.. 1.00 for ..tulia, ~ far Forces Act personnel will be ac· It specifically mentions extend­ will be extended for periods not to The result was a vari.ty of cepted for /'lctive duty for training ed housing programs. land and H.v.n •• H. saki he did not know whether a $50,. Cuban p.trol Kennedy wants congresional .t>u~g Gate aimed the nozzle of a '.y oro .. flvI., day u4 exceed four months. during this period. . sanction to grant $4.3 billion in powerful water jet at the gener.ai State Fou 1IOud, Dol bourbonsicles, beersicles .nd vod­ taxation reform, campaigns agalnst boat, In .xchan.. for which Fidel C.stro had ... 1...... the .Irliner, 2, Officers now on six-months kasleles on sticks, similar to the 11. The active duty of Reserve illiteracy, stable fiscal policies, hal .rrlved In Cub•• The boat left TuelClay from Key W.. t. aid this year-plus power to lend when he looked over the bristling active duly for training will be popsieles dear to the hearts of $8.8 billion over the next five years, front. But the general deliberate­ Forces Act personnel now in train· )Jea]th and sanitation aims, stim· Copilot John N. Yanclell, displayed a , mm. Luger bullet with kept on lor not more thlln one year small fry. ing will not be individualIy ex­ ulation of private enterprise, and at little or no interest, to help just· ly turned his back as the so]diet's - which Wllfredo Au.ert. Oquendo, • Cub.n-born n.tur.llzed Amer­ emerging nations. cranked up the water weapon with additional duty beyond their six Although frozen martinisleles tended but they will be sent back moves to "strengthen democratic Ican, had titre...... the crew. H. I.id, "J..... Var. Vllehes, assi... months' tour. prob.bly never will be on the inLo the ready reserve units unless institutions through the applica­ The Senate, upon learning of enough force to knock a man down. 3. Officers who have been com· mark.t, it's possibl. to produce they choose to enlist in the regular tion of the principle of self - deter­ ant to the chief of security at Hav.na Airport, .ave It to him a •• the House vote, put oU lurther The Red soldiers did not press tbe missioned under the R.O.T.C. pro- them, the researchers said. Army. mination by the people." souvenir. action until today. trigger. - =" Van Allen Named Medal Recipient by Franklin Insfitufe

SUI physicist James A. Van how,v,r, it will also be valuabl. with the counting, rather than tbe which a high altitude balloon is annuaUy by tbe Institute, a 137- Applied PhySics Laboratory at Allen has been named an Eltiott in the protection of spaCe trav.l. reverse situation of no radiation at used as the launching platform for year-old seientific and educational Johns Hopkins University as head Cress6n Medl\list of The Franklin .rs of the futu .... high altitudes. a rocket. organization, to one or more per· of high altitude research. Five sons lor discovery or original reo years later he returned to SUI as 1astitute, Philadelphia, for his The radiation belts were identi­ H. prov~ hi. theory In the ~t was during the course of the leadership in discovery in 1958 of fied by Van Allen from data or lhe labor.tory bV sublecti", a dupli­ "rockoon" research that Dr. Van search adding to the sum of hu­ head of the physics department. lite radiation belts around the earth lack of it received from SUI-built cate paeht. to a ~rfVl bum Allen and otbers came up with the man knowledge, In 1949 Van AUen was awarded 1Ibich now bear his name. instruments aboard Explorer I, the of X·rays which cau.... the ceun­ idea of an international scientific James Allred Van Allen was the Hickman medal of the Ameri­ Van ADen, head of the SUI De­ first U.S. Satellit$!, and succeeding ter to 10 tomporarlly dead ..heft effort in geophysiCS. Tbis was the born Sept. 7, 1914, in Mount Pleas­ can Rocket SOciety for his devel· Plrtment of Physics and Astrono­ Explorers and Pioneer deep space overloacled. Later satellite ex­ lIenesis of the rec41nt International ant. He received his B.S. de&ree in opment of the Aerobee rocket, and iIlJ and a top· level advisor of the probes .. perlmen" utad GoI.. r IIOUntors Geophysical Year. physics at Iowa Wesleyan College. tbe Physics Award of the Washing­ Matioaal Aeronautics and Space In low altitude areas SUI instru­ of .....tor dyn.mlc r..... veri­ The medal cltatlen to Dr. Van Mount Pleasant, and bis M.S. and ton Academy of Science. Administration, will receive his ments aboard Explorer I indicated fied the presence of the Ven Ail.. reads: "In consideration Ph. D. degrees at SUI. radiation counts of an intensity He is a Fellow of the American llledal at the Institute's annual Allen R.dl.tlon B~I. of his many contributions and "Medal Day" ceremonies October which agreed fairly well wilh the· pioneering achievements In the For the next two v.a,.., Dr. Physical Society. Institute of Radio lI, according to Wynn Laurence oretical extensions of earlier rock­ Dr. Van Allen is credited with fIekI ef space science; In particu­ Van Ailen WII ...... rch fellow Engineers and American Rocket Lepage, Institute president. et experiments. However, at high furthering space research since lar, fw hi' ._ery of NlleM at C.rMgle Institution In W." Society, and a member of the 1119I0I'l. During World W.r II the The dlscov.ry of the tr.pped altitude, the instruments very un­ 1945 through ' the development of of radlatleft In space, American Geophysical Union, Na­ tr""" physlcllt ..rved with the U.S. ~ .rea. In .paca II a expectedly sent back no repOrts. instrumentation and measurement now tormacI the ''Van Allen Radi. tional Academy of Sciences, Inter­ .... iw addition to m.n'. knowl­ Dr. Van Allen and his associates techniques. He supervised both the atIon Belt,." N.vy, prlmarllv st.tIoned .t the national Academy of AstronautiCS, .... of .... earth's .nvlronm.nt reasoned that it was more' likely development of the Aerobee rocket The Elliott Cresson Medal was Bureau of Ordnanc. to wortc 1ft American Astronautical Society. .... hence of primary sci.ntiflc that the counter ran into radiation (or upper atmospheric probing and founded in 1148 by a Philadelphia dewa...... of proximity fvHI. Sigma Xi, and '.,tiler Bcientilic ,...... t ...... ,Ilnel SO inteDic that it c:ould Dot c:ope tile "rockooD" c:ombiDaUOII Ia maD of &hat IIIIDIL It II awarded III 1946, be Joined the staff 0( the &roup&. .- I ~~rking' Conditions .I· .....,;,....;..;..;.,.;:...-.t."e"'- Not Everyone Egraged Student Irritate East Germans To Immigrate t~ ;li~ israel Criticizes t:.~: ;;;: : ClQsing the gates leading to West Berlin isn't the By JOHN G. ROGERS granted ~; ~ (ree get·acquaa. only major irritant in East Germany these days. A revival Har.1d Tribune New. Servic. ted periolrs Under what is called the_"work-norm system." each J have read interest the settle permanently in Israel, the Israel. Thil{::fs a fast·groQc two long "ads" published in the beginning of the trail is the immi· worker must meet a fixed production quota to receive the categor),' an!f;Jsrael appreciala August 11th and August 15th is· gration office of the American the old folks ' lls a doUar SOIIftI. ~~nimum wage. Exceeding the norm, he is entitled to a sues of The Daily Iowan entitled section of the Jewish agency for Most of them hove regular IOCiJI l?OilUS - but when the norm is exceeded by any large num­ "American Immigrants Active in Israel. security or pension income .pIa All Phases of New Israel" and This is where the Israeli facts ber, a new and higher quota is imposed. savings averaging $4 ,500. "Short Term Immigrants often of life are explained to prospec· After the profeSSional and IkIII­ It was the East German Government decree of May adopt Israel as Homeland." tive immigrants and where they ed workers. totaling more IlIII I hope that by now the Ameri· are encouraged and assisted. or 28, 1953, upping the work norm by 10 per cent that set 142. came those who wanled II can people realized that Pale· discouraged and gently turned settle on the land in a kibbutz,. off the rebellion. The effect was a wage cut for most stine was not an uninhabited away. communal farm, and devote 8111e workers at a time when they were barely able to live on land as tbe Zionist propagandists In general. Israel (orcefuLly en­ to agriculture. There were I'lIIft have for a long time maintained. couraged immigration, but for exiSting income. than 138 oC those. The other * but on the contrary. Palestine some it is not advisable. Is the gory that ran well over a hUDdnd Employes in the Stalin Allee construction project in immigrant. say. an engineer. so· was simply miScellaneous. Reader. are laylt.ed t. ex,re.. opm­ 'cial worker, nurse or English East Berlm (a ioyar hand-picked force for showpiece of loa. III I.U... t. the Edit... All let· Yitzhak Woolfson, director" ten ••at lalll.de ".nllwrUtea ,1._. teacher? He probably can be immigration for professionallDll the Soviet sector) suddenly and without unified leader­ ture. an' addre..-. They ,bODld be booked for employment in ad­ trained ViDfke~". reports that Ilk ship or central direction began gathering in small groups in typewritten and dOllbJe-lllpaeed, aDd Ih •• ld no .. exaeed • maximUM .f 31~ vance and be self·sufficient in work orten oems to amount to the streets. w.NlI, We reserve tile rll'b' to Ill'n­ Israel almost the moment he steps vocation~ . guidance or ;au en leUen. off the ship or plane. . Shouting to others in adjoining buildings. they formed scoutinj(. , was Inhabi ted !by tlwo million But. in other categories - the "Recently a young metallurgiat columns and began a march on the East German Gov~rn­ educated. cultured and progreso law and general \Iledical prac· just out of college came arotIIId 'T?~nt h~adquarters. Rioting ensued and it spread to other sive people. Therefore. to accom· tice, for example - a newly ar­ and wanted a job in Israel. I gat E!tst Gerrrlan cities. modate these so called "imnri­ rived American probably couldn't in touch with a steel mill in Israel grants" 1.5 million people bave make a living in Israel. Those to see what they had. They lflii J):~c~pt for intercession by the Red Army with tanks been displaced from their homes professions already are saturated. me back a job c1assificatiOil be and nj~chine guns. the Russian.sponsored regime would and made refugees. And, then. there are always the asked that this young America have :full~1!I' There were 48 hours of bfoodshed. This story I shall not ask why The Daily off·beat cases rejected for a var· get a year's experience in IItil iety of reasons - husband trying job in an American mill, and lheD was I'epea\ed three years later in Hungary. Iowan has become again a pulpit for Zionist propaganda. but I to escape a nagging wife, un­ come to 'Israel. So that's what . Now the hated norms are being reintroduced in East would like to remind the Ameri· stable person motivated only by the young fellow's doing now. Germany. Output rated "Quality grade No.1" is rewarded can people that at the time this adventurous whim. and so on . "Or, sometimes Israel asks me Professional and skilled work· for a certain kind of skilled work· with 100 per (.'Cnt of the lIsual wage, grade 2 earns only great democracy is engaged in a deadly fight against Communism. erSt often with jobs arranged in er and I go out searching for him. per cellt, grade 70 per cent. Communist inspectors do , advance, account for only one of or ad vertising or using olher COD­ 90 3, it is going to be very difficult for the five largest categories of tacts, until I find him." the gradfug. 60 million people living in the American immigration to Israel There :;Ire so many things to ex· The 'system is openly described as "cheapening" the strategic Middle East to believe through " the Jewish Agency. plain to prospective immigrants. in .the principle Cor wbich this cost of production. Communists explain that they have to which, in addition to a New York says WooUson : country stands. as long as the so office. has branches in Los An· "You~'lI'tJg : st andard will drop lower the cost of production to prepare for a possible West­ called immi.grants who have geles. Chicago. Toronto and Mon· some, ~1 <~ol as much as you ern boycott. West Berlin, of course, bas been the best· never seen Palestine continue to treal. might think. You will be relieved occupy bhe homes and property customer. Of 1,066 immigrants handled of certain ~penses becau9C n0- of people who have been living Communism prospers only where its subjects have 'Where Do You Think The Enemy Is, Anyhow?' last year. more than 160 were body will expect you to have a in Palestine for thousands of young people in a program which flashy car or house." , never seen a better way of life. Rank:and-file Russians years. cotnpare.it with czarism, But East Germans - and this is II believe the reason why the true in lesser degree of the other satellite peoples - have Matter of Fact- Alierican Government has taken thiS stand in the past is because been exposed to freedom and free enterprise. 'Help-Khrushchev' Strolling along lik •• couple of the American people have been Clok" 100 ynrs old, w.lk5 from a misinformed by the Zionist propa· -Mason City Globe·Gazette Ohio, church with his n'w bride, the gandists of conditions in Pale· Balanced Defense Theory stine. Clubs Not W~~ning Polly Jackson, 69, foHowing their Unfortunately The Daily Iowan is contributing further to this in· By MARGUERITE HIGGINS "'ORS"IMPORTANT, the world ..Hay Fever Talk justice by publishing these Zion· WASHINGTON - Was the anti- should rE'J1)~mber that the Krem· Has Rep/aced 'New Look' ist ads. Communist revolt of the East lin was sO i,shaken by Clients ill EarIY ··,~ f.ed If you haven't already doticed id, this year's bollen In closing jt is appropriate Lo Germans in 1953 completely in East Germany that it was live coudt· is runnidg somewhat ahead of last year's Fragly, if By JOSEPH ALSOP f' ht thO btl 'd quote Howard K. Smith the vain? years beftu'e Khrushchev felt 5e- Ig any 109 u a nuc ear war. pal to these weapons by the Mc· !known American commentator on Should a .pationalist rev 0 I t cure enoueh .to stir up his first id gels buch higher we'Te hedig for the bountains. American defense spending will But a nat jon with globe·encircling, Namara team. More money is CBS radio early in 1956. "Our against Communist imperialism Berlin c ist:> :"::·that of November -New York World-Telegram and Sun almost certainly remain. here· interests and commltments can· being put into the weapons them· cOQ,SCiencll was awakened by Hit­ in such areas illS East Germany 1958. So th~ 1953 uprising helped To Help I after. at the level of about $46 not afford this posture. A small. selves. More money is also being ler's treatment of the Jews. We warrant the same moral support to buy a" respite from crisis. J I' , AMES IA'l - The 'Federal Gov· wholly self-contained nation might put into control systems. hard· felt certainly .the nM " to see the from America as a national re- In 1953, t,tte United Stales' billion to $47 billion a year. This ened sl'te and othe de' t CCU' reo ernment's early relcasll of high­ • perhaps say. "If anyone puts a s. r vices 0 creation of a home that the per. volt against Western imperialism. action to the' east German revolt way funds should give Iowa's In· level has been reached. this year. foot across our borders. we'll inCrease the range of possible re- secuted Jews may go to. in for instance. Portuguese An· was not .~er,ely to look the other Fall-Out Shelters In Iowa because of the emergency approp· drop a thermonuclear bomb on spopses. For even if ultimate "The fact we overlooked is _ terstate and primary road con· gola? way. btl! ,publiCly to proclaim its struction program a shot in the riation requests caused by the him." But you cannot say. "We'll weapons hav~ to be used. t~ere we chose some one else's home Or should the United States turn aloofness from the struggle. It Tlle fall·out shelter business' has been rather slow in · . . d " al b drop thermonuclear bombs if are other things to do beSIdes to gl've arm, L. M. Clause~ chie( engl· B erI m CflSIS ; an It IS so e· . II [th t' . i~ ~a~kJl'o,\\ , ~~sLG,erroiUl¥ be· .wa~ thi;t , ~Iiner s .say. tha. twas neer for tbe Iowa 'Hig'hway Com­ Iowa"but if-'is -picking·up rapidly. .... - II I -00: r ~ 1 60ro.m\llliBt J ~QI!rillliS are;8tOb 'n- lusmg a 0 .em a once. 10 a "The torturers of the Jews ca~ th,e fighqor freed,Qm,..tPpre,.'1 the cruel~Lo~t.. ,Si\ld . ~ esg~~ mission , said ' Wednesday. 11 1 ~~~m~!£b l ttJl SOU.thl\Yiln~~~"JJ J';I:,):."" .0 I Slpg'~ I ~esJ.rlw;t1 )1 \l bqr~~ . w~re" MlElSL.e.rneJ;8 1 the Germans. TlaMi\Jgn~~~MlUse the r~dru:al Govern"ment,l,Ji6 ,. entail~ certaJn. dsks ';!in .,-$ome,. I E»tl G ~.w \l Po ~ tj),~ tmlJl : (... Yf,F 1O(ya {~tll J get $9 .8~S':6blT' of J tl1~ U6J' ='P'" THIS ENORMOUS FLAW in • "'Blrttdf'tmul's'e1t 1t!ostsrmOMY tl) '~ IAnti-Semitism existed i~ Am­ allows 20-year repayment loans under the new program. opinion) vis·a.vis the Russians ?iCi not tI~c~ s sa rJ!y expect Amer· $818 million ordered released six In itself. this is a fact of much the "new look" theory was proven a~andon the .idea ~at .any. war erica and Britain. as in many whereas in Angola high principles lea to S(!l)tI, us_bayonets. But you weeks early by President Kenne· . ~OI'merly the home improvement loans had to be paid back importance. Another five to six in the last Eisenhower years. thiS country fIghts will consist of Western countllies but ,never in of seJI. . the. outcome Will be bill." have an answer In Washmgtol\ fear of l;e8ctlon from the West?" sta tes for the second quarter o[ expectation of permanently in· very seriously considered by known W1thm elgn~ or 10 hours. Adnan H. Halasa, G because the situation in East Ger· T d . lh"ii' th 'lhi the 1962 [iscal year July I, 1961- :the tightening up of the Bellin situation. many and East Berlin can ex. 0 ay ere are ose WI n creased defense spending, is real· Eisenhower. It is probably goinlr The ?ther approach ~e.",!ands ex· .Doctors' C..,,/ftOM . Thirty or 40 inquiries about shelters were made to the the State Department who would ly very mucn more important. lo prove tragically thtrortunate ~ pendllure .on m?re diVISions, and ~ I 0 d eat any go ~uc!l . further to discourage folk c!,u~ty civil defense office after the .President's speech More defense spending is need­ that this Eisenhower plan was not ' more tachcal aircraft to sup~rt tIme unless the both publ~aIld ' actively any de- !'m Berlin and the interest has been higher ever since then ea. in plain truth. because Sec­ carried out by Kennedy. them, and m~re transp.ort air· U.S. Has Gainecl Communists can gree of r ~at:\'ion of the East Ger· Ben-Gurion~s craft to prOVide mobility and • • I, 'than it was before he spoke. The Federal Housing office retary of Defense McNamara has But neither Eisenhower. nor many other costly things. be persuaded to mans to the new repressions. This been quickly his Secretary of Defense. nor any· c han g e their school oX lhou~t has been label" tohere also has had more inquiries since the international Propaganda Tool junking the dom· one else in his Administration. All the same, five to six billion tragic. a 1m 0 s t ed the ~'(e!p-~rushchev Club" :sjtuation became tense. inant strategic ever gave the remotest consider­ dollars per annum. or about one hysterical r ace by its opponents. The thinking of Party LO'~'$- , There are indications that. because of the nearness concepts of the ation to defending Southeast Asia per cent of the national product. From East Berlin t. i n v 0 k e the Help·Khrushchev Club was Eisenhower era. is not a large additional sum to new repressions refiect eQ...~ ·· a national publica- '.si£ the' Offutt Air Base at Omaha, the business in shelters in the manner called for by the By J.M. ROBERTS The "new look" "new look" theory - with therm­ , pay. in order to purchase a work· Au.elated Pres. New. A.a.,.&. against Lhe popu. tion whit) Jepbrted that "eonces- Still Controls ,may have been a little better in western Iowa than in other theory. adopted onuclear bol11bs. Meanwhile. the able national defense. Communist repressive meas· lation. It is al- sions to Khrushchev may be (c) 1961: New York Herald Tribune lne. 'parts of the state, A shelter salesman is aid to have cloed 13 in 1953 to justify shortage of available ground ures against the unhappy PiOple most as if Wal. necessa." . . . to head off a re- TEL AVN. IsraellA'l- The dom· a reduced troops. resulting from the "new of East Germany bave handed ·1'-' . inant Mapai party o[ Prime Min· l: contracts the day after a demonstration of shelters in Har· ter Ulbricht. the Kremlin's pup. volt by the desperate East fense bud get, look" theory. was a prime reason the United States a propaganda pet German leader, were plan. German people against the i r isler David Ben·Gurion. blamed t ian recently. has been tossed for Kennedy's failure to send maul witb ,which she intends to ning a revolt against himself. for crumblil)g , Communist regime." for may of Israel's growlrfg pains, t • ~ What is happening in Iowa, where the attitude to­ into the discard American forces into Laos. pound the fingers o'f the Soviets he is repeating all the mistakes HOW tD:ID THE Soviet leader. lost strength in Parliament Wed· in favor of a ncw ALSOP every time they reach for poli. that brought on the explosion of for all his .skill, manage to get • nesday but will retain a controlling .:ward shelters has always bordered on indifference, is hap­ But the newly adopted theory grip on the next Government. theory of balanced defense. of a 'balanced defense is not just ticaJ support among the world's 1953. Further. he is doing it even the "H e lp · ~hrushchcv" clubbers })Cning in far eastern and western states to a much greater The "new look" theory was car­ intended to cover this sort of situ· still-uncommitted nations. more clumsily, giving credence in a {r'Hlle ,qf mind that would Nearly complete returns from ~xtent. National publications report many mOle inquiries ried to its logical limit when lhe ation. It is more ambitious than At til IDIoqcIII The new demonstration of S0- to the Berlin saying that Ulbricht even co n te~plate concessions to Tuesday's election for 'a fifth viet lack of concern for the Knsset - Parliament - ~ave the ~an in the past. Demand for the civilian defense pamphlet l'at~ John Fosler Dulles proclaim­ that. It is intended to provide the is the only proof extant that at help him hold , off the crumbling working people. whom they once least on 'one occasion Joseph of his Communist East German Mapa! party 42 deputies in the 'Qn shelters which can be obtained by writing to Box Home ed his doctrine of "massive (nu­ means for a rational. measured clear) retaliaLion." It downgraded response to any kind of chal1e!1ge. Thr.... '. A".U .11. IMI pretended to represent as the Stalin had good judgment; for empire ~nd save him from hi.! l2().member House, a loss of five 8:00 New. Sheltet. OCDM, Battlc Creek, Mich., has grown sharply. tjJe conventional weapons. It all the way from a local guelTilIa entrepreneuers of class war. fits Stalin sentenced Ulbricht to Si. own excesses). This psychological seats. 8:05 Mornln, Chapel right into an already·operating herian exile during World War II. tour de fQr~e .is based on Khru· Ben·Gurlon'. position as "ader : . There may be 100 shelters in Des Moines. civil defense made the nuclear weapons. not probe to a Soviet thermonuclear 8:15 Music just the weapons of last resort. strike. U.S. propaganda program. shchev·s;.PWlJ capacity to" create of the m~iority faction auromati· 'Officials think. They do not know for sure, because they 10:30 lmaKe America U1bricht is of course courting cally allures that Pre.ldent I.· but the orthodox weapons of 12:00 Rhythm Ramble. The Voice of !merica and other contradi~tpfY leal'S. For instance. 40n't keep a record. They don't want to keel> a record 00- THE BEST PROOF that the propaganda media. are hitting bhe violence by invoking his long laid the UniWd :l)\ates has based all hak Ben.Zvi will charge him with modern warfare. As formulated balanced defense theory does not 12:30 News East Gellman refu,gee story, hard plans to build a veritable Chinese its aclio~ jl):.Qermany on the as­ fonnlng the new Governm.nt. .cause shelter ow.ners don't want them to, Civil defense • in a series of National Security downgrade or neglect the ulti· 12:46 Editorial Pale Wall of barbed wire and gUlls Council directives of the Eisen· j:OO Moatly Mliaic around the world. Interviews with sumption;. thllt. Khrushchev does Ben·Gurion is expected ' to seek :Of(icials. ~ay shelter owners are afraid their neighbors might mate weapons is to be found in through mid·Berlin on the border another coalition of the Mapai hower era. the theory called for %:00 New. refugees are being distributed not want war. But in East Ger· the immense amount of attention %:15 SIGN OFF separating the Communist East and the new Liberal party. a un· i regard them as odd or easily frightened. or. in some cases, use of nuclear weapons in any every,where. Full-length informa· many. i! : ,i§, Khrushchev ' himself from the West. For one thing ion of Progressives and' ~lightly conflict more serious than a lo­ tion is 'being offered for maga· who is pUljljing.the internal situa· they are afraid of being mobbed if the, bombs start fallingl this injects the element of panic lIIore conservative ' Zion· cal police action. zine use. tion to .. t!J,a explosion point. If Ge!i~ral J -Des MoineB Register The machinery for the cam· and could complicate U1bricht's KhrUShchev isn;t afraid that aD ists. The latter two campaigned THIS THEORY has not Men present refugee troubles in ex· the Liberal party and drew & paign was already at work when explosion;jn lU~st Germany might as junW by McNamara because he University Bulletin Board the refugee story reached its . pl08ive ways. Indeed. a prime broaden 11 jnto" nuclear warfare. the backing of an American. Dr. concern of the W est Berlin is an eager spender of public peak Sunday. having been de· why should w~ be afraid of it? Nahum Goldmann of New York, funds. He is the very opposite. " ...... t, lIad.... _.. •...... ""I.~ .. ft. IhIIF ...... authorities is that would-be ref· emH..... 111. 0_...... c..r, ~ .-...... , ..,...... veloped as a .part of a specific Said a, West Berlin official re­ 'Nho criticized Ben·Gurion's for· probably to a degree that is dan· ugees, driven by panic. may at· m-t:~1)Qily 10wan .." ••• TIlo, •••• II, ""p,, ... II,.•• 11, .. "oller .r ettt... ., ... U.S. Information Agency pro­ cently : ' ~If :Iou. are so frightened eign policy. The Mapai 'dontended .....I ... U.. 1111.1_. ..etaI an· aft ...... •• tempt to storm the border cross· gerous in a Secretary of Defense. ',Iq •• ..,.1, r.._.,. gram desfgned to stress five key oC the possibility that the people thai Goldmann bad_ no right to *-_... .. ing points which would mean the he "new look" theory has. In fact themes: will caulle , trouble [or the Rus­ tampaign, as he was not an Is· heen abandoned ror the more • I!CT&UK LlBUBI BOll.. , BeIIa­ laturl3aYI and Sundays. shooting would inevitably start. nina Au,. 10 the Vnlverslt:J' Library The cafeteria and Gold Feather l-Soviet abrogation of its .In· sians in East Germany. how CIt raeli citizen. costly balanced derense theory. wUl lie open 8 a.",. to 5 p.m. on Mon­ Jtoom wGl be clo.... durll\lf the In­ of te~~tiOllal. agreements "'larding Wliat then would tbe United Khrushch6V.·believe you lire read1 More than 78.6 ",,' cent I.· solely because it was considered d.y IbroUCh J'rkIa". Salurda;y hours "1'IIn periocL. The Qald ....u.r Room will be 8 a.m. to noon. The library will reopen SePt. n. The cafeteria wID Berlin as a revelation of its in­ States do about it? to fight WI' lBerlin under cirCUlII' rill', IV4 miNion el1l11ibl. voter. to be hopelessly unworkable. wUl be on Sundaya: ' reopen on Sept. 17. turned cloeed tentions and a threat to all free­ SUCH DECISIONS as to the stances wheEe·the Soviet coun~' out. Most lIaHoted for tho Wtsftm.leanlng p.rtie. that INn It had left he United states . VNIVIB6ITY ,COO P I & A T I V • dom and aU world order. [utw'e hang in part on a value measure;' ,,*ould be cIii'ecfBI IHTIUlII IOWA MEMORIAL UN· IlAIIYSrrTlNG LlAOtJE fa In tae controlled the country. _inc. it 1__ City, I.. with quite inadequate means to ION' HOUaS: Starlin, A .... 10 Uw ~viet insincerity OIl a nu· judgment of similar events in the against Americans?" P... 2 THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1961 cbar", of Mn. Max Flore) fro,!, A .... IIIItrgtd Union wUl be open from 8 a.m. to e to 15. Cau 8·3825 for a sitter. For clear test ban. having refused past. Concerning lhe East. Gel" in 1948. noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday. Fortuna tely the "Help-KJmt membership . Inlonnoiloll ..u M.n. concrete Westelln offers after try. man revolt of 1953, a popular Ben Gurion's present caretaker throurh Fridays. It wUl be clote4 on Stile)" Profitt .t 8-3801. shchev" ' elub has by no means Government will remain on sev­ DAILY IOWAJf .....OaIAL .'IAW ing to gain propaganda profits theory has grown up that it was won the daY"fn Washington. PnI­ Eclltor ...... PbU CUITIa Eral weeks while the new Cabinet from her original proposals. a bad thing because it did not ident Kennedy last week aent I ~ EdItor ..•••••••••. . llm Seda ~eup is ironed out between par· If.". UlI4n...... DorMla)' CoWn S-o'Ilhe Soviet threat to an ef. succeed. It would be fine if all wave of" I'e'Jief" throughout free ...... rudy JtlemeRlld OfPlCIAL DAILY BULLETIN ties. A likely holdover will be tile fective United Nations and her quests for freedom were success· Germany" 'by saying that die CIty Editor ...... Carol7n len.... "IIBI•• r 'IR. AIMIIOOlA"ID pal8. , . A1nerican - bOTn foreiin, minister. IIporta EdUor ...... 0eJ7 0ers.cl1 The AHoclaled Prell la entltled ex­ in'difference toward the interests ful on their first try. But even United S!ales would neither "ell> Chief Pboto,...pber...... 1 ... Karplaek clw:lveJy 10 the we 10z republlcatlo,. failure has its consequences. And Mrs. Golda Meir. • Bocleb' IIldllor...... • Bollc:hIa. of IIlJ th. local ne"tn prlJlted In thla to small nations in the only or· courage nor discourage" tbe ref· " 1...,,- AN" .... n ...... Lan7 Ilatflel4 _Wi\N'VG' .. w.u u .u '" ganlzation through which they there is evidence to show that ugees seeking freedom. Nobody 41111e1cl&ee. DeW' can make themselves h~ard and much suffering, even many lives. is pl'oP9si'lg that the United DAILY roWAN ADna1UDfG 1t'An' - Macilride .Auditorlum. were saved by the men and worn· Iowa lIIaaID.- ...... DAIL!' IOWAN IIUPE&VlIOlU no. Meede" Sept. 17 their policies effective. States sll~1tl incite peoples to • Advertlalq DlNctor ••.••• Bob ow..b SCROOL or lOUJl.NAUtlM rAClUl.l'!' 4-Soviet opposition 'to free en of 1953 who (ought Red tanks intcl'Dlltlonal riot to which it hal Zditorlai ...... ArUu1r 1\(. Sandenoll 7: 30 p.m. Orientation fol' an. Total employment in the Iowa City AdvertiltDa cholee among natiolls. and' the with stones. no inten ion' I'of sending ,ID offi· 1faDapr.•.••• 0-. .. WIIIIulI .r•• Mvertlainl ...... lohn Jtottman W.... d.y, Sept.' DeW Wldergracluates - FIeld a-tlIecI ifIuIqW.... Pat AUI\dUDe QreulaUon . .• .•.••.•• )VUbur h~ demonstration of her Jnterest in For after 1953. the worried cial resoue . squad. But wherell area suffered a t\Vo per .cent de· Close 0( Independent StucI7 House. , neutrality solely as a way sta· Communist East Germans among cline from June. according' to are· ....,.ftlS. MAltD or IIT17DIPI'I' Unit. . T....-" Sept. II we cann9~ , publicly encoar ... PUBLICATIONS, lNo. Sept. 7.' . Beainnin, of reeistratioD for tion on the road to Communist. other things relaxed their dracon· others to ,., revol~. how can ~ (IOrt issued by the Iowa State Em· takeover. ian labor laws. decreed ammes· country actively discourage pee­ Karen 1I«..... on. A4; Prof. DIlle !lentz. Kappa EpsUoo Con(ereDOe. fall semellel'. PIoYment Service. " Ullivenity Llbr.ry; .John BenI7, MI; . • "I nun41" Sept. 21 s-The ,pot.Itive emphasis of the tiel that let thousands out of jail. ples from acting on their oWl PIOf. Le.U. O. Hoeller. 8cbool of slowed the pace of agricultural behalf without scuttling the priD­ This is the first decline In six I ...... u.n; MJebae,' MaduU. AI: Frlde" Sept. " 7:30 •. Ill. - Openlq of fall 'United Stat~ on eeonamle and so. Dr. ~. Iluton .cou.. of DtIR­ 1 p.m. ~ . Reportin( ~.~e JD!< .• JHMIIIIIIIIWr ~.B.Sj. ~ _ . eial ~vel~ .tor .AllP6r,ing oolJlcti.v1zatloa, and withheld ciplls for t,wruab it.hu'" IDIJ months. Reasotls for tho faU 9rr -'l-ll nd A. ·MII'Ier: M; Dr. L. ~ . nl!W Undergraduates who nave 9:25 a.m. - Univerllty Indue· nations. WIthout payment in kind threatened travel restrictions be· stood. but, not infrequently. bill Include the release Ill' temporary Vln DYke, CoII.. '-oI Educatloll; Paul ...... not completed placement teats lion Ceremony, tbrouah subserviency. 'ween East and West Berlin . to fight? Pfoduction workers and the failure

/ I THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, I•. -Thursday, Aut. 17. lMJ-Pa.. t E.r~ged \ Engle Gets t *~ff~~ tsrael Author. of '3rd Rei ch', Vincent Price· l~i:::::~ ted ~:a: Cree get·a~ $10,000 . period ' !~:l~rael before-.. Highlight SUI '61-..'62 Lecture Series' on a- . W~~ there. More ilia were ?1Q:,!otk$ who wished It Travel Grant Wiliam Shirer. author of the best· United States. according to Orville inary. Dr. Robert 1cAfee Brown, lives in the Netherlands will appear ld t~eli" ~!*s of retirement it seller "Rise and Fall of the Third HitchCOCk. professor or speech and will present a vespers program at the Union 'Feb. 21 as part of .et. Thi!£::ls a fast·growq Paul Engle. director oC the SUI Reich." is among the seven out· chairman of ~ University Com­ ·gor anl{ :;rsrael appreciala Dec. 7 in Macbride Auditorium. a world tour. She is Miss Cilli Writers Workshop. has received standing lecturers and artists who mittee 00 lectures and vespers. He wiU speak on "The Relation· Wang. old folks 'as a doUar SOUI'Cl a $10.000 granL from the Rockefel· wiD appear at SUI during the com­ ship of Theology to Contemporary ,t of them beve regular sodi Sir Leslie Munro. president of the Actor Vincent Price. in a return ler Foundation to study "develop­ ing year. 12th General Assembly 01 the Literature... visit to SUI. wiU discuss the artist lrity or pension income ,,. ments in contemporary Asian lit· "Russia and Germany. Keys to Gauguin Feb. 28 in the Union. ngs averaging $4,500. The 1961 lecture ana vespers aer· United Natims and for six years erature." the Future." will be the topic for Title of his speech will be "Gau­ :tel' the professional and skiB­ ies at SU1 will also include actor (1953·58 ) Ambassador to the United Engle said the grant provides Vincent Price. Ambassador Sir States [rom New Zealand. will the Jan. 10 lecture to be given by guin-Paradise Lost and Found." workers, totaling more ilia Leslie Munro. a seminary profes. Shirer. His lecture is also set for At least one other vespers pro­ came those who wanted " funds Cor a trip which will take speak Nov. 1 in the Main Lounge of him to the Philip- sor and two other visitors to the Iowa Memorial Union on "The the Union. gram will be announced in the tall, .e on the land in a kibbutz,. pine Islands • .1". __ A Viennese pantomimist who now according Lo Hitchcock. munal farm, ahd devote World We Face." a life pan. India. Paki­ griculture. There were IIIIIh 'stan. and many On Nov. 'r1 Ravi Shanker and I 136 of those. 'The other CJIe. other Asian coon· . two supporting artists will present Vote Early Return To Standard Tim~ , that ran well over a hundred ~ UeS. Lunar tries in search a concert at the Union. Shanker simply miScellaneous. young writers is one of lndia's leading silar play. BURLINGTO IA'I - Burlington delmann. who introduetld the reso­ tzhak WooUsofi. director II poets. ers. corpposer. conductor and mu· apparently will be the first Mississ­ lution for the change, said he felt ,igration for professional aad During this Rocket Fails sicologist. The tour will be spon· ippi River community in Iowa to that continuing fast time beyond led \~orkerl\, reports that biI lentatively sche· sored by the Asia Society. The visit return to central standard time. Labor Day would work a hardship ( often· seems to amount to duled Lo begin in EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, ti SUI will also include a lecture· The City Council Monday ni ght on school children. ltion)i): '"guidance or JaleU the fall of Calif. ~ - A roiehty rocket en· demonstration on the a.ftemoon of voted to get of( daylight savings "I've had lots of people teD .me ling:: • Engle will attempt gin. the United States hopo. will the 27th. time Sept. 3, instead of Ocl. 29 it's hard to get the youngsters to tecenUy a young metallurgist to find out what means are avail· win the r_ to put ..... en the A proCessor of systematic theol­ as originally planned. bed in time to get up for school." out of college came arOUDd able in Asia for discovering young IlION W .. test fired W..... y ogy from Union Theological Sem· SaIety Commissioner W. G. Mid - he said. wanted a job in Israel. I _ talent and how they compare to - but the fuel system failed after uch with a steel mill in Israel the methods used in the United 1112 second •• ~ what they had. They &eli States. A lpoleosma" said vlltraHon back a job classificatiOll bat Much of Engle's time wiD be shuHcI off bolts .. an et.ctrIc d that ihis young America spent talking to young wrilers and micro Iwltch centro/ling the a year's experience in t~ poets in each o[ the Asian coun· lIalves. n an American mill, and thell tries visited. It is hoped that The liquid fueled F-l, bellolled l to 'Israel. So that's wbal through the e contacts a mutual potentially .. powerful a. the S0- /Oung fellow's doing now. cxcange of ideas wiU occur which viet rocket that hurled Gherma" CLASSIF'IEDS r. sometimes Israel asks me will be beneficial in both pointing Titoll into orbit, built up _ mil· certain kind of skilled work· out to young talent new means lion pounds of tfJrvst In the brief Id I go out searching for him, of gaining Jicognilion and also test. Typing 4 Rooml For Rent ' 16 Ivertising or using other COlI­ discovering means available in It was t ... lftlt - and flnt pub­ > Advertising Rates JERRY NY ALL Elecl:rle ~ Servo THREE double roona for men ItU' , until I find him." other countries which are not used lic - firing of an ongine that haa Ice. Phone 8-1330. 9-8 dents ,SUI approved). Showero. oll­ lre are so many things to ex· here. Engle said. g_n,rated 1,640,000 pound. of Three Days ...... IS; a Word Ir I parkl.,., 810 E. Church SI. 9-15 to prospective immigrants, thrult In bursts up to 20 seconds Six Days ...... 19; a Word TYPING. mM IYP"wrller. ~-~J8 . 8-18R ROOM for ,raduate s tudent or work. Engle may be on leave from Ten Days ...... 2M a Word Woolfson: duration. In, clrt. Private bllb. \io ~l""k from ~ the University for a year. One Month ...... W a Word Milc. For Sale 11 bus ltop. Sld.1 '-1034. 8-1' ou::~\tl1m . sta nd a rd will drop Wednesday'. test was sched­ (Minimum Ad. 8 Words) :. QUl · not.. as much as you uled to last about 20 secondl. PRrvATE home. TWo room. tor boy •• It llilnk: You will be relieved Loveless: Deadline 12:30 p.m. R~~.~r~~·li...~~~e~~~ .• nd ohair. 'i.~4 Call 7-5431. 9-' lrtaiu expenscs because no- POWl!:R I.wn mower. Iln.le bed wJth will expect you to have a Library Displays malh-es.. utllily cabInet. G.E. Re­ Help Wanted 19 y car 01' house." frlaerator. 601! ~Ih Streel. Coralville. I Make Plans aCler 1 P.m. 8-18 S2 Book Jackets MEN' - WOM!:N. PI aall,y. Sell lumln- Mobile Homes For Sale 13 OUI nameplate.. Write Reeves Co.. 'Oh, You KidI' Fifty-two award-winning entries Altieboro. Ma". 11-19 $\n>\\iI'l9 a\~"9 lik. • C.OIl,,!. of ,,,,,ago,,, Honr.., dil"', C.IDke hilts Dutlilled two prellious willes and Known Later in lhe 6th Annual Book Jacket ------30 x 8 11154 Sal1!way Mobile Home. EXPERIENCI'J> PLUMBER w anted. ;hchev' Competition are now on display Good condItion. Reuonably prloeel. Apply In penon. Larew Company. Cloke, 100 years old, walks from a Middletown, his bride has been married onc:e previousl". Th.y Air-condItioned. 7-4.041. 8-19 227 E. Wa. blnlllon. 8-11 OTTUMWA iii'! - Former Iowa in the main 10bby of the Universi­ Ohio, church with his n'w bride, t ... former Mrs. plan no honeymoon. Gov. Herschel· Lovele s said here ty Library. These represent the MUST SELL 11161 Champion Mobile EARN AS YOU LEARN - Men 18-35, Polly Jac:.kson, 69, fo"o~in9 'heir wedding Tues· -AP Wirephoto ho·:tIe. 10x50. Phone 8-7700. 8-18 hIgh ""hool ,raduQle.. Express- Wedne day he plan to make no best designs for both fiction and rr"llIht.leletype·trwln ordera·\Ve lern announcement ou his political non·fiction works published during Phone 7-4191 Apartmentl For Rent 15 }:,nJ~=a~~~':,'i~u:~It:..ao':." .g!:1'1~ 'R9'IMPORTANT, the world plans until sometime this fall or 1960 as selected by a panel of ------d('ntlal Interview write Mr. 'Davll, Box "F ' d I R d F d 30, % The Dall), Iowan. glvln, name. d fl?J.!)l:mber that the Krem· TWO and THREE-ROOM lurnl heel a"e. addr... , phone number. If R.F.D. 'as so.:shaken by events in Ear y ...." .. ,'e era oa un s ne~v:::~:r. was llere visiting jU~~~~ifica t es are awarded for the ~~r:ri:n:~ ' :'d 4:r.:':·..:!ii apartmenls: prlvale bath. marrl d give dlrecUoJll. 8-19 I couple. only. DI.I 1-58112 or ~-53S3 Germany that it was rive friends. and making preparations best designs each year to bono Ho p You With Your Ad. 11-18 ; before Khrushchev relt se­ • for hl's d ~ughter's weddl'ng next _rUsts and designers and to en· THE DAILY IOWAN RESERVES 20 enoJih to stir up his lirst ' ..,. Ie·t t month. .. courage th em t0 raise. th'ear art THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY TWO,nl.hed THREE apartment., and FOUR-ROO:\{private balh, ,ar-lur. ______Work Wanted _ n c i1A;; -"::-that of November He is currently on lhe five memo Lo the hIghest level possible. At- ADVERTISING COPY. a,e. clo... In. 01.18-8564, 8-L9 CHILD CARE In my home week days. So tM 1933 uprising helped TO He / owa ons rue Ion ber Federal Renegotiation Board tenlion Is also focused on the in- FURN]SHED apartment.. adult.. close Dial 8-0123. 8.18 y a'"res pite from crisis. P in Wa ~ hing lo n. fluence of the jackel as on impor- to campu•. Phone 8-8l01. 9-10 A'IES ,... - The ":'ederal Gov- June SO, 1962. the Highway Commission to in · t f' i . WANTED w ..hln, and IronJn,•. R~U· " .. un r I L Lan means 0 gam ng an mcreas- APARTMENT anlt Toom •. Graduate or able. Call 8.0008. 8-18 1953,'" t~e , United States' re- ernment's early releaSe of high· The amounts are unused bDl · dude a numb('r of additional pl'oj- Lo vl'll'· lo~d llc Ottumwa ions ed market for the book. Who Doel It 2 workln, men. 8-5631 ane. 6. 8.19 ~ tqJh~ :!tast German revolt way funds should give Iowa's In· ances from prior or scheduled ap· ects in its Ocl. 3 letting. Clltb CI,t "I don't anticipate any The exhibit has been scheduled M 0 N E Y LOA NED aot .wer,el>, to look the olher terstate and primary road con· portioninents for the Interstate Clauson said it also will permit shootin;: 01'1.1' Bt rl in." But he pre· [or extensive display and will there. FLAKY CRUST pie. and decorated Rooms For Rent 16 Diamonds, Cameras, IlUb(icly to its bu~ pr~c l aim struction program a shot in the and other highway progr:lms reo contractors to get .:I head 8lm·t dictl'd things would get worse in fore remain at the University only cakel to order. Phone 1-3117. 8-1BR Typewritors, Watc .... , Lugeago, ~ess '. (rom the struggle. It L ~~ CI ' hi C • • • (d I . d f Perlin before !lny improvement in h h h 'dd l f Se be DIAPlia tal N PI'OC GIRI.,s f I hed CI I Co • arm. . . ausen c e engl· celVlng e era al . on bridge anct asphatt resul' aCing th ho tTt' . t roug t e ml e 0 ptem r. La d renDial ·r;;:· .w 9 1~~ Ph' ~I . oe 0 m~;;i p¥n"Ml'J!Jia. '-r'tr~nt$ lh jS~'I~liners say. that was neer for the Iowa 'HIg'h'wtly Com- The Feder'al Governrnpn"1/ays 9() ",,,,.1.0 "hi' ~ { ~I \ ' 111-' e s I I Ie IS seen, acOll .... 'M" ., to u,rtiS> StlKlk' u heod un r),,, -. • one . fCfL I':r" IT · ' ruele~f0'1t.. ,S;tid Il:'I e~~e;! missIon; sald ' Wednesday. I per cent 'O(t~\l . t!dSt:·df'tfre l-ntt!t! »h~~e~.i;:'::=.httllft'll II said ~'lcl Mm'lI"''' ''l/hfo'fflh,~lof sPeda'i collectioturlll Uni\Jersi llAoan!'Y. 0IaaruI ' ~da 2 FU~t~JIA~~~~1! - clJ ""UlHI)U:~JY't'-Q~ .. IJi~,w\lPo M tn.«/. tllll!1: ,."lX, ~6Wa ' ~II J g'el t!J,8~~:Ob!r of! trl~ sLiltel)'sysWm"~¥/a ~ "'fi&'P c~H~fa, lease' of lunds also will perthi( chev Ms-'~O~I\I\~Ob,:fot"I8t1" Libraries. A~8.1~"" ~~ ' ~ elV'e:;"':;e at 9:lS East Colic,.. In8-lii Dial 7·4535 ot H~c~~s'arily expect Amer· ) Mnli, us bayonets. But you $818 million ordered released six the cost of other programs. contractors to get an earlier star too much m Berlin ..Lovele .ss said ~_~ ••" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••-. -.-.-.-.~~ weeks early by Presidell,f Kenne· The early release, Clauson told on grading and pavemcnt con- recent developm.ents In Berlm have _ at re~st have kept quiet and the Comm unists guessing. ~~dtob!1;e~h~h~!~i~~~:a;~::;~~ The Associated Press, will ...pe _r_ffil_·t_st_l'_u_cli_·o_n_w_ol'k nexl wcek. r~~~~~t ~~~/I;~~rs~loser together it 'feally necessary to tell I- IT'S EASY TO MAIL YOUR DAI LY IOWAN WANT AD ••- publicIy that they could do The funds ordered rele~ed Tues- He added that he thought Latin ling)' they wanted without of J!ellcHon from the West?" ~~e~o:ri~~eth:e:olln~~a~i~!::r t~~ ~i::!~a p~~~e~e l1~n~~~d p~~st:~; . ' Use This Handy Want Ad Blank Today, the 1962 fis cal year July 1, 1961- limc, largely because of the amount lay tl;~re are those within late Department who would of illiteracy in the Latin American FILL IN AND MAIL TO countries. IUclJ further to discourage ----- TO , pubIYfiC'aod 'actively any de- Ben·Gurioi1~ s DETERMINE I,' 9f r&athon of the East Ger· , , 'Stand-ins' To Be CQST OF AD ro the new repressions. This Start- ,Ad On 1 o( ~hQ\lght has been l abe~\ Next Integration se. rate box, Ie ~~p-~ rushchev ClUb" Party L6~ '~~- first column of ; oPpOnlmts. The thinking of Want Ad Section. Day Checked flelp-Khrushchev Club was Tactic Says King ,teq..,b,y ·· a nationai publica­ You may remit YOUR NAME ...... ( ) Tuesday , ( ) Thursday MIAMI BEACH, Fla. iii'! - vhi!;:A ~epOl'ted that "conces- Still Controls "Stand-ins" at voter registration COlt of ad with STREET ...... ( ) Wednesday ( ) Friday to Khrushchev may be this blank. Other- sary . . . to head off a re­ TEL AVIV. Israel iii'! - The dom· places were announced today by TOWN ...... STATE ...... ( ) Saturday >Yl, " . the desperate East inant Mapai party of Prime Min­ the Rev. Martin Luther King as the wise, memo bill Total Number Days ne:'(t tactic in the organized fight ,an people against the i r ister David Ben-Gurion, blamed will be lent. Write complete Ad below Including name, address or phone. illil]g .,Communist regime ." [or may of Israel's growlng pains, against racial discrimination. ( ) Remittance N iIlI D TH E Soviet leader, lost strength in Parliament Wed· "We are working on a massive II his .skill. manage to get nesday bul will retain a controlling drive to gct Negrocs registered Enclosed and voting in the South," lhe Negro Help-M hrushchev" clubbers grip on Lhe next Government. ( ) Send frWlle ,Qf mind that would Nearly complete returns from integration lelMer told a news con­ conte\Tlplate concessions to Tuesday 's election fot 'a fifth fercnce. Memo Bill "In thc not too di slant future him hold. off the crumbling Knsset - Parliament ~ gave the Cancel al loon ~ there will be thousands of Negroes ; Commllnist East German Mapai party 42 deputies in the standing at places where they have as you get re­ e !,and iiave him [rom his 120-member House. a lollS or five xce·sses). This psychological seats. been denied the righl to register." lultl. You pay Btn·Guriort'. position as leador the Atlanta Baptist clergyman sald. only for num!>er Ie forc;e. i~ based 09 Khru· The goal will be to double the v·s, ·PWI) capacity to creale of tile mlljority f.ction automati· of daYI ad ap· cilly assure. th.t Prosldent II· present Negro voler registration Idi{:tp[y:fears. For instance, of 1.300.000 in the South. said King. pearl. ini tRd ll>tates has based all hak Ben,ZlIi will charge him with forming the new Goyernment. I Sit·ins, wade· ins and kneel-ins ti oQ, iQ. ',Qermany on the as­ will continue, he added. King said ion ), that , Khrushchev does Ben·Gurton is expected' to seek ~ ...... I ...... ~ another coalition of the' Mapai the problems of segregation at - ant Volar. But in East Ger· lunch counters, swimming places and the new Liberal party. a un· , i ~:~, Ilhrushchev himself ~:Hl ch;;rches have not been solved. ion of Progressives and' slightly By Johnny Hart ; p~~ing . the internal situa· 1( ' '1'' a ~sc r~cd that while Presi­ :0 J,:tM explosion point. U more conservative ' Gelleral Zion· dent Kennedy has done much in ists. The latter two d\mpaigned h\:!I~Y is/l:t afraid that aD the civil rights field. "he has ll1IS\SMY lion ,in :Jill!st Germany might as the Liberal party and drew HOL.D IT! I ..JuST I HA.Ve: n-Ie= failed to come through with pre· CHANCE'. 10 an 1oi ntp., nuclear warfare, the backing of an American. Dr. election promises (or civil rights BUt\1PED INTO sa.lfTtlIN: PoWE~ TO hOul,d w~ be afraid of it? Nahum Goldmann of New York, legislation." CLOUD Me=NS MA.,::z IT" a, West Berlin official re­ Who criticized Ben·Gurion·s for­ MINDS SO THAT WITi-I·MAIlGl>. : "If :iou. are so frightened eign policy. The Mapej 'don tended THEy-CANNOT that Goldmann had , no right to possibillty that the people Truman Will Talk SEE MS •. aUlle . trouble [or the Rus­ campaign. as he was not an Is· ....--", in East Germany, how CII raeli citizen. At Drake Banquet hchf*.believe you are read1 Mor. than 78.6 per ' cent of Is· It wI: ,1lerLin under circUlII' rhl'. 1V4 million oli~lblo voters DES MOINES IA'l-Former Pres· turned out. Most balt.tacl'for the s ~ . the Soviet counlel" Trapped Months ident Harry S. Truman will ad· IVut.rn.leaning partie. that 3 ret would b e dJredi!I "'YO t dress 8 Drake University Law ,t Americans?" COntrolled the o.unrry, iinc. it ..... rdocl Robert Guijotte, 51, of San Rafael, Calif., is shown in an Alumni dinne~ here Oct, 14, Jake tlner,ocI in 1948. . More, Harlan, chairman of the unately the "Help-KhI'U­ ambul.nce at Marine Hospital in San Franc:isco after being flown Ben Gurion's present caretaker by Coast Guard helic;opter from nearby Point Reyo. whoro ... has dinner committee, said Wednes· ," ' elub has by no means Government will remain on sev· been trapped for three months in the c:abin of his little boat. Guijet. day. Ie day-Tn Washington. Pret­ eral weeks while t~e new Cabinet The dinner is patterned after BEETLE BAILEY By MORT WALKER to, who is said to bo suHering from dropsy, now weighs 350 pounds, Kennedy last week sent • makeup is ironed out between par· the fund raising dinners of the of Ii relief" throughout free Ues. A likely holdover will be tile .net becauso of his Iwollon body was unable to get through tho Republican and Democratic par­ \O~ ,. 'by saying that .. American - bo,rn fore@ I\linister, Imall cabin door. Coast Guardsmen chopped. larger opening to ties. Its purpose is to raise money S!ates would neither "en­ Mrs. Golda Meir. I, remove the sick man. -AP Wirephoto for the law school fund . :0 nor discourage" the ref· },lore said each contributor of seeking freedom. Nobod1 25 to the Drake Law Alumni )~siqg that the united lowo City Employment Declines Fund will Ife given a ticket to sli~1d incite peoples to .. the d inncl·. Five dollar tick.ets will Itional riot to which ;t hat Total employment in the Iowa City to replace loss('s 'in sa l c~pcrsons. casc unlcss a significant numbel' be aVl'\llable lor students and [or entlon I'of sending .aD ofJi· Both manufacturing and relail wives of dinner guests. laoue·. squad. But wherel'l area suffered a two per .cent de· of new applicants register durin; dine from June. according to are· trade expect to make back their the next 30 days. lhe report con­ The law school fund is used for Inn9t publicly encour~ losses in the ne..-,;t Cour month , the Drake Law Review. scholar· to •.• revol~, how can tbiI JIOrt issued by thc Iowa State Em· the report said. tinued. ships and general Jaw school ex· " actively discourage pet' ployment Service. • The report further said there is , Perhaps a large number of 1hesc pense not provided for in the regu­ ~om acting on their 0'" This is the first decline in six still a labor shortage for female vaneancies will be filled by work­ lar school budget. without scuttling the prill' Il1onths. Rellsotls tor the taU 11£1 work.ers and a' surplus of moll' in g "student wivl's" when the SUI More said all Iowa lawyers. .for hw.mob it .haa ... l1li include the release 01' temporary workers. A critieal shortage o( fe· (aU semester begins in September, th~ir ~ ...... ,...., ...ii.lliH but\ not infrequenUy. bld Pnlduclion workers and the failure male clerical workcrs will be the it concludes. to attend the dinner, It?

/ ~~:~~!~S:r:~W Coach Burns '.Avites .60 Hawkeyes ~;:::-i: 19 Loti The first call for candidates is· season. Now the situation is re· . END (I3):-(LeIt) 'Felton Rogers, !lert. Chicago. til.; James FornwalJ. W F Delroil. Mi~h.; Cloyd Webb. East St. Crystal Lake. Itt.; James Ro ... SOllth sued at SUI by Jerry Burn has versed. with eight u.ual starter. Louis. nJ.; 'Jim Winston. Morristown. River N J. es terlt oes For Haw keyes gone out to 60 Hawkeye football back to play again. The roster ~r~: i:'c":ve~~';,"iIS~ap:~mlr~~~) ~~Ii B~.!;~.Tr!!i~~);;:-;'C;b;;fo~I~e~~. ':r~~ players. includes 19 lettermen. Whisier. Yankton. B.D.; 'BUI Perkins. East BI. Louis. III.; Jerry Roemer. Bet­ As the University of Iowa pre· Jersey Clly. N.J.; John McBwaney, tendorf: Gary Fletcher. De. Moines; Intersectional opponents (rom lilt The new head coach has invitcd On the rosler are 30 sophomores, Park. RJdge. ill. ; Harland Heward. Wln- James RobShDw. council BiuCU, west will play SUI in tootbaD it pares to start its 1961 football nemucca. Nev.; Roger Wehrle. Mt. Plea- QUARTERBACI( (ti)-'Co-Caplain season under a new head coach but the athletes to assemble Thursday, 18 juniors and ]2 s~niors. By posi· sanl: Jim Helgens. Scotch Grove; Bill Wilburn Hoill.. Boys, Town. Neb.; the first two games of each 01 lilt with numerous veteran players, Cervenak. Rahway. N.J.: Lynn Lyon. -MattheW Szykowny, Pltt..sbureh. Pa.; next six seasons. Aug. 31 (or the annual pre s·radio­ lions there arc ]3 ends, 11 tackles, Clinton. 'John Calhoun. Mason CiIY; Ronald This unusu.IIl situation IIIarU the record shows that the last five TACKLES (II):-(Le!\) Gus Kasapis. Brocavich. Salamanca. N.Y.; Robert TV day activities. The twice·daily 11 guards, 5 centcrs, 6 quarter· Detroit. Mich.; John Sunseri. Dubuque; Sherman. Durand" Mich.; Arthur Maa. Sept. 30 in Iowa stadium wbeD Ibt seasons were the greatest in Hawk· drills open Sept. 1 with the season's back, 5 lcft halfback, 5 right Hu,h Fisher. Cedar Rapids: 'Emery .utti, Jr .. Highland Park, Mich. University of California makes its Pudder, En,lJRhtown. N .J.j Tom Bu- eye history. Cirst game Sept. 30 willi California first visit to Iowa City. A .. h Ifb d f lIb k A d raker. Wilton Junction ; Kenneth SUver· HALFBACK 1I0):-ILeftl 'Larry Jerry Burns, the recommcndee here. a ac Its an 4 u ac s. ozen .teln. Webster City: Gary McGill, Big Ferlluson. Madison. 111.; 'Sammie Har- after the seasOn's opener, 10'fl o( retired coach Forest Evashevski of the lettermen are linemen. FERGUSON I-iOLLIS BURNS THO~SON Bend. Wis. : (right) 'AUrcd Hinton. rls. East SI. Loul •. 111. ; Bob Kraemer. Numerically, the squad is six be· Sallinaw. Mich.; George Latta. Pltts- De~ Moln.,.; Paul Krause. Flin(. Mtch.: appears against Southern CaJi. for the head coaching job, 1I0W low the Len·year average o( 66 but I h· I It t d·d 1 C h sity of our workouts. Much has can determine how badly you want burgh, pa.; "Bob Vauck, Saginaw, Dick Dougherty. MI. Pleasanl; (right) fornia in the Los Angeles Coli.seuq, hopes to continue Iowa lootbaU on n is e er 0 can I a es,. oac Mich.; David Christensen. Allantie. 'Bernard Wyati. Amityville. N.Y.; Lon- six larger than the 1960 group. The Burns stresses the importance of been said about desire and deLer· to play foolball by the physical G A8DS (JI):-(LefU 'Sherwyn nie Rogers. North Enallsh; Robert Le- In three other years, the Hawk. the same high plane which brought ·t· ·th I . t· d th . t ·bl d·t·· hi b t th Thorson. Fl. Dadae: Wally Hilgenberg, Zotte. Royai Oak. Mich.; Mike Mc- high point of 75 was reached in d h I I dI 0 iD 10 C Donald. eyes play their first two games II victory in 81 per cent of tbe games goo p ys ca con lon, Wi p ay- mlDa Ion an er angl es con I iOn w you re urn, e Wilton JuncUon; Tom Walker. Van- Port Huron. Mich.: R. C. John- 1957. ers to be ready for contact work which are hard to measure. The coach declares. couver, B.C., Canada; Allan Fischer. son. Ottawa. Ill. home vs. western intersedicml (rom 1956 through 1960. he first day. Freebold. N.J.; (riaht) 'BiU DICindio. FULLBACKS (4).-'Joe WIlUams. foes. It is Oregon State aDd Soutb­ A year ago only lhree returnees t coaching staff will go over you with This is tl1e Jist of invitees (-for Dunmore. Pa.; 'Earl McQuiston. K.eo- Rahway. N.J.; Dick Turicl. Pltlsburgh. In this period, Iowa gain.d 37 ·ous "May I reml·nd you of the I' len I t· d f I that JlUIJ·or letterman) .. kuk; Mike Reilly. Dubuque; Jerry Pa.; Robert Grier. Delrolt. Mich.; ern California in 1962, Idaho lid were regulars from the prevI n • c ose scru my an we ee we WillialTjs. Tacoma . Wash .; Kenneth Neu· James Maughan. Hubbard. O. wins, 8 defeats and 2 ties' and the • 1 ....._ .. ___ • ____ ...... ______.. ______.. Washington in 1964 and Arimaa 5·year mark in the Big Ten con· , , and Oregon State in 1966. ference is the topS'!: 22·7·1 for , , The 1963 card shows WlIIIbingtDa ,150. The 1956 and 1958 teams Sets At Record-' State at Iowa City in the opeDef, won the clear championship and followed by Washington at Seattle; the 1960 shared with Minn85ote. , and in 1965 Washington State agalt Ohio State, 21-8.3, is second for ,~ The Dail Iowan ,~ comes to Iowa City and the foUow, thil period. , , ing Saturday Iowa meets OregGI , , State on a neutral field in Port· A Signature Iowa has an edge in the five sea­ Maris Two Homers , , land, Ore. SOI'Ul Ra~s on every Big Ten team played , , The twelve early season inter· C. Douglu Dillon, U.S. treasury wlUi ' the exception of Michigan , , sectional games are followed ill chlrfer that launched President which is 1-1·1. The record: Indiana, , , 1965 by North Carolina Stale II pI'OIresl as the Inter·American 3-0 ; Michigan State, 2-0; Minnesota , , '. __ ... , ...... , ...... , ...... , .... __ ...... -_...... 1 Iowa City to end the seaSOD IIId and Wisconsin, each 4-1; Purdue in 1966 by Miami at Miami, Fla. and Northwestern, each 2·1; and To ,Increase Total to 48 Page 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, la.-Thursclay, Aug. 17, 1961 in the finale. Ohio State, 3·2. Illinois has not been played since 1952. Yanks Clip ChiSox , TRADITION Hawkeyes led the league in WASHINGTON iA'I - PresideJi $20 .Bi/1I team offense in 1958, 1959 and 5-4; NY's Mantle Kennedy, Wednesday autograpbtd Cincy Blanks LA a displayed in baseball'. 1960 and the 1958 team set a conference record for average Still Stalled' at 45 Hall of Fame. yards per game, 416.7. In 1957, THE RACE FOR 60 Designed Iowa was Ihird. On defense, Homers Games Date 6-0 to Tie for 1st I_a was twice second and twice fourth. Marls 48 119 Aug. 16 LOS ANGELES iA'I - Bob Purkey scored his first shutout of the Aug. 13 Mantle 45 119 season with a four·hitter and Frank Robinson hit his 34th home run In 1958, Iowa was voted by Foot· Ruth % 134 Sept. 7 ball Writers Association No. 1 in • Wednesday night as Cincinnati pulled into a virtual first·place tie with Communi the nation as the team was the NEW YORK- IA'I - Roger- Maris the Los Angeles Dodgers by belting them 6-0 in the opener of a dou.ble· U.S. leader in total orrense. The hit his 47th and 48th home runs headel·. • , , alway. tal'" colder .. PUNTA DEL ESTE, 1957 and 1959 Rose Bowl games Wednesday, each with a man on The crowd had swelled to about 65,000 when left·hander Johnny I. more ,efreshlng In • Thursday rejected any willing were won by Iowa. base, as the New York Yankees ,Podres 15·3 took the mound for the friendly Itmosphtr. of , , • National press service polls were edged the Chicago White Sox 5·4 Dodgers in the second game. He Treasury S cretary Douglas kind to the Hawkeyes: a second round tripper of the year. "Doc" Connell', when pinch-hitter Bob Cerv was was opposed by southpaw Jim O'­ Clnolnnatl ...... 4o-~ O()O 000- 6 7 0 from t11C huge hemi,spherie and a third in 1960, two seconds in hit on the , right hand by relief Toole (11·9). L~. Anlel...... 000 ()OI) 000- 0 4 2 government of Cuba remains 1958 and two thirds in 1956. Of 35 pitcher Warren Hacker with the Purkey Ind Edwlrds; L. Sherr)" Per­ Iowa records, all I'xcept seven In the opener, Purkey (14-7) r.no.ki (3), WlIIllm. (7). Golden (9) power - namely, the Soviet U bases loaded in the ninth. fanned seven and didn 't walk a and Ito •• b.ro. W - Purkey (14'7). L - The Annex were broken or equalled and in L. Sberry (4·3). , man. The Dodgers got ' only one 26 East Coli ... Dillon, chief U.S. delegate 1959 Iowans broke four Rose Bowl Tied 4-4 going into the ninth, the lIorne rUD - CJnelnnaU, Robinson records and ticd another. Yanks loaded the bases on singles runner as far as third base. (~t). and social conference, fired by Bill Skowron and pinch.hitter Larry Sherry, a relief pitchcr after lhe United States and 19 Yogi Berra, plus a damaging error making his first start since April by Andy Carey, and an intentional of last year, gave up four runs the charter launching President Burns Says walk to pinCh-hitter Johnny Blan· in the first inning and two more program. chard. in the third before he was replaced Tt provides a lO-year, The error came when Skowron by Ron Perra no ki. Simplicity Is ried to go from first to third on Berra's single. Carey dropped Thus the Redlegs continued to Floyd Robinson's throw after the surprise the Dodgers as they have lowals Key umpire first had signalled Skow­ now won two of three games in the series. The News SPIRIT LAKE IA'I - Keep the ron out. Sherry ,had Robinson, the umpire offense in high school football Maris' homers in the first and I, simple - the way it is done at the '" third were his sixth and seventh and catcher Johnny Roseboro SUI - state prep coaches were ad· . in the last six garnes, tying a rna· ducking "bean balJs" almost every In Brief vised Wednesday at opening ses· time at bat. But that didn't stop jor league record set by George By Tlte Associated Press sions of the 21st annual clinic. "Mighty Maris at the Bat Kelly in 1924 and tied by Walker Robinson as he blasted his 34th The advice came from Iowa foot· Coopec in 1947 IIq\l WiUie Mays NORFOLK, Va. - Govrrnment ball coach Jerry B~rns , who told Muscles stlnd out on t~ arms of Yenkee slugger the form that has connec;fed for 48 home runs, two iu 1955 All plaYed with the NC»{ - agents braved rough seas Thurs· the nearly 400 high school and col· Rogel' Maris as he follows through after a slngl. of them Wednesday. Maris now Is 15 games ahead York Giants. The seven by Maris day night to board a small Cuban lege coaches: in the eighth inning of a game with Chicago at of Ihe pace set by former Yankee star Babe Ruth set an American League record. ship, part of whose crew apparent· Maris' big day put him 15 games "Much of our success at Iowa Yankee Stadium Wednesday. This close· up shows in 1927, when he hit 60 homers. -AP Wire~to Iy is seeking political asylum in has been due to the simplicity of ahead of Babe Ruth's pace in 1927 the United States. our teaching. It will amaze many when he set the aU·time record A successful The ship, the Bahia de Nipe, had of you, "m sure, when you learn l of 60 homEll's. Ruth hit his 48th in been brought to anchor about 5 134th how simple we really keep our the game. Maris his his p.m. just inside Chesapeake Bay Phillies IBack into Record Book 48th in the Yanks 119th game, in· oftense. Certainly, if il is a good , "'. at Lynnhavon Roads near Cape i~a on the university level then cluding one tie. plan for Chi .., ...... 000 121 ~ 4 9 t Henry . we ought strongly to urge lhe New York ...... 202 000 OOJ- n 9 0 high school coaches to limit Ihem· Pierce, Kemmerer (8). LOWD (5) .. .As They Lose 19th Straight, 9-5 Uaeker ~O) and Carreoo; Sheldon. Te.rry .elves to basic football and leave MASON CITY - 'I'he Rev. John (6) and Il.ward. W - Terry (9·1). L - forgetful savers * * * • (6·~I. T. Reed, Roman Catholic priesL the fancy stuff to other areas of CHlCAGO (All - The Philadelphia \ Lown Jlo",. runs - Ohlcoro. Landi. ~ (18). Clear Lake, pleaded guilty in tootba II." PhilJies Wednesday backed into the New York, Mari. 2 (d,. at More tha~ 8 mlllion Americans have beoome habitual Bob Flora, No. 1 assistant at SpC!lhn Wins 30lst baseball record book, matching the Milt Pappas Stops District Court Thu~sday to a drunk­ modern National League losing aavers via the Payroll Savings Plan for U.S. Savings Bond. en driving charge and was fined Iowa , expanded on Burns' call for NEW YORK iA'I - Roger Maris simplicity in coaching and devoted streak of 19 games by bowing to * * * $300. As Braves Dip Tigers 8-2; Yanks insisted Wednesday as he has for ings Bonds are guaranteed Father Reed's driver'S license his two·hour talk to line play in the Chicago Cubs 9-5. . the past two weeks, that he is not The real test of a success­ Here's how it works: by the U.S. Govenunent was suspended for 60 days. He the Hawkeyes' Wing·T offense. Not in the last 47 years, since thinking of Babe Ruth's major ful saver is his talent for Your payroll department Pittsburgh 2- J Fatten Lead to 3 to grow in value. You can was arrested June 13 after his car Much the same applies to bas­ the 1914 Cincinnati Reds, has a league record of 60 home runs. If "sticking with it." sets aside whatever amount ketball, said another speaker, Stan IA'I ~ Warren senior circuit club been defeated DETROIT iA'I - Milt Pappas get your money with inter­ went off the hiognway into a ditch. that is true, then he must be think· Millions of Americans are you wish from each pay­ Watts, who built championship Spahn stopped the Pittsburgh Pi­ 19 times in a row. Boston first had stopped the Detroit Tigers on two ing of Joe Hauser's minor league est anytime you want it. making a real success of check, buys your Bonds cage teams at Brigham Young rales 2-1 Wednesday to become the dubious distinction in 190f;' hits Wednesday and the Balti)nore record of 69 home runs in a season. And if you 10lMl a Bond, LONDON - Most women agree University. Orioles got home run power from saving by buying U.S. Sav­ and delivers them to you. that a double* bed* helps* make a The all·time National League At the rate the New York Yan· it's replaCed free. Watts also touched on the recent baseball's v;inningest living pitcher Jackie Brandt, Brooks Robinson ings Bonds on the Payroll You don't see the money, happy marriage, a group of 15 record is 24, set in 1899 by Cleve· kee outfielder is pumping that Every Savings outbreak of basketball scandals in as the Milwaukee Braves swept and Jim Gentile in a 8-2 victory. Savings Plan. can't spend it, and soon u.s. Bond British bed manufacturers said land, thel} in the senior cir.cuit. ball over the fence, he may top is a share in a stronger which some players on nationally a three·game series from the de· The defeat dropped the Tigers that, too, along with Ruth's :J4. don't even miss it. Thursday. Sip up aad you've sot America. Why not jom known teams were contacted by lending world champions and The modern major league record three games behind the ·first·place year-old mark. Th.e manufacturers asked 3,680 gamblers and agreed to shave is 20 straight by the old Philadel· New York Yankees, who beat Chi· the habit I All you do is Why Bonda are a sood the Payroll Savinll8 Plao racked up their sixth straight vic· Roger rifled two more homers women their views of an ideal bed. points on games. phia A's in 1916 and 1943 and the cago 5-4. Wednesday for a season total of sign your name once, _7 to MV•• U.S. Sav- today? They camo up with one that is tory. "The young man who thinks of Boston Red Sox in 1906. The game was played under pro­ 48 95 the Yankees defeated the fo~r feet, six inches wide by six the 'fast 'buck' does not realize Plttsbur,h ...... 000 000 ot~ 1 10 Z Six of tbe Cubs runs came off a test by Detroit Manager Bob Chicago White Sox 5·4. feet, three inches long. It should how much of his lifetime he has IIU1wluktt ...... 011 000 ()Ox- 2 • 1 Scheffing and Baltimore's Paul Friend. Face (7) and Lepperl: Spahn variety of misfit hits. Jerry Kin· Mickey Mantle, his running mate have a 2O-inch clearance for easy thrown away until it is too late," and Torre. W - Spahn ([S·U). L - dalJ drove in three with a bases­ Richards was ejected 'Cor the sev· and friendly rival, again failed to cleaning, an innerspring mattress Watts said. "It is our responsibility Friend (12·14). filled double in the second and a enth time this season. hit one and his homer total reo and casters. to teacb this lesson even abead of Jlome rgn - Milwaukee, Thomas Baltimore ...... II:'? J()O 112-- 8 13 Z (22). mound·hopper single in the sixth. Debolt...... , ...... 000 &00200- 2 2 I mained at 45. our coaching lesson." George Altman's single in the sec· Pa.ppa., and TrJando,: Bllnnln,. WASHINGTON - An American Bruce .HI> and R08-rke . W - Pappas * * * He said athletics must prove ond, again with the pases filled, (0·8). L - Bunninr (14-9). CLEVELAND iA'I - Outspoken Negro's complaint has caused the Itself a part of the educational also pr-oduced two ru.ns. nome run. - uailimdro. Bralldl (i2), * * * State Department to a k again that B. Robinson (4), aentlle (38), Jimmy Piersall said Tuesday there process or lose its place on the Ernie Banks brought another are 20 pitchers in the American the Howard Johnson restaurant collegiate level. Scoreboa;dJ across with a double in the sixth League who would be in the minors chain clarify its policy concern· An education and a degree NATIONAL LEAOUE and Al Heist scored in the same Indians Win 6-4 if the league hadn't expanded. ing Negro customers. must be the aim of all alhletes W. L. Pel. O.B. inning on a wild pitch. CLEVELAND (All - Catcher John "The pitching is easier than Lincoln White, State Department x-Los Angeles ...... 69 43 .616 unl'" they want to wasle both x-CIncinnati ...... 72 46 .610 PhiladelphIa ...... inl 000 21f)- ~ 13 0 Romano's solo homer provided the when I broke in with the Boslon press oWcer, said the department the menIal and physical talents 5:ln Froncisco ...... 62 50 .554 7 Chic.,o ...... 016 003 Ux- 9 IS 0 clinchirw run as the Cleveland In· Red Sox," he said. "There are 20 acted on the domestic complaint they possess, he added. Milwaukee ...... 00 51 .5-11 81'> Sbort, P. Sullivan (!!', Green (3), St. Louis ...... 57 57 .1500 13 Bald •• han (SI and Jlalry",p t.: e.rd· dians defeated the Boston Red Sox, pitchers in the league who would only because, he said, AC rican Others who appeared on the open· Pittsburgh ...... 54 56 .491 14 well and Bert.n, S. "aylor (3). W - 6-4, Wednesday night. be in the minors if we hadn't ex· diplomats are sometimes take.n for Chlca,o ...... 47 65 .420 22 Cardwell (10-10). L - Short (4·9). B •• 10.' 000 100- 4 30 .265 to" ...... II 2 panded to two more teams. ing program of the four-day clinic PhllDdelphia ...... 83 39\1. lIome runs - Philadelphia. Da.... Oieveland ...... 000 1»1 Olx- 6 G 1 American Negroes in matters in· included Dr. Harold Marogao, x-Pla.vlnll 2nd of ". doubleheader r),mple (fl. Ohi