~ei's Defeat . Paul Engle Gets 'All The News 'ioles Twice $10,000 Grant That Fits­ rR OJT !A'I - . The DetraiI See Page 3 e --. - o'i · Q·won We Printl' i rallied for three runs ... Serving the State University of Iowo and the People of Iowa City lis in the ninth Tuesday lIiRIt ereated the Baltimore 0ri0Iei Uablisbed in 1868 Herald Tribune News Service Features Thursday, August 17, 1961, Iowa City, lowa the nightcap of a bitter _ Ider . Frank Lary, su~ orm Cash's two·run boIlIei the Orioles 2'{) on a ... in the first game. • Brandt Tells Kennedy- Tigers' sweep chopped ~ York Yankees' lead in lilt ca n League to two Prnea. ny Brown had the Tigers • !aten as he entered the Iai of the second game With. I Id. •• ,re ........ tot otG --•• I , .. .. ...... oteOOt!h_Z.\ d. (9), Wilhelm (I) ••e rtllo,j ,,4 Ro.r.... W - LIt, (\1... ,Ira,,' (9-7). .... , ,run -Detroit, Ca.k (.). cflon, o·r Second aame '/0 • • • • • ... IlOO DO! --tIt " ., ... • •. 000 ooe -- I II I n. Hoe" (9), Stock It) ... BERLIN (AP) -AngryWestBer. and by placards at a protest rally by 200,- war, but that the real danger lay in SovIet wire, armor and machine guns that has I,,; Mo.,I. Staley (8) ••e ..... 000 West Berliners in front 01 the city Premier Khrushchev's threats to sign a stopped East Gennan refugees and East tal., (~ -4). L - 111'0"'" II.. ). liners voiced direct personal appeals Berlin commuters from crossin&: into to President Kennedy Wed.nesda to hall. separate peace treaty with the Commu­ The tone of the Berlin rally contrasted nist East German regime. West Berlin since Sunday. West Bc~llP take more forceful action against the Durin. th_ bat ... with a speech in Bonn by West German Meanwhile, Communists extended their motorists without special permits also' Are mer aHem""", ... Communists for throwing up barri­ In for 8 eool _ III Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. He urged travel bans to their citizens trying to cross sealed out of East Berlin. cades across the heart of this old the German people to be patient and not the West German border, 110 miles west cap­ While the West Berliners shQwed their ital. cause a break in West German unity wIth of this city, border guards reported. BEER , anger at the big rally, one Western pro­ P1nd out wby' 'nil its Western Allies. West Berliners are angered by failure Annex II known .. The appeals were voiced both by Adenauer said that he did not believe of the Western powers to do more than test against harassment 01 the East Ber­ the IriendUeIt DIaet IntoWL Mayor Willy Brandl in a leiter to Kennedy the present Berlin crisis would lead to Jlrotest against the barricade of barbed liners was brushed off by the Soviet com­ mandant, Col. Andrei I. Solovyev. "Doc" ConneH'. • • He told the Western military com· manders Iheir complaint of two $20-Billion weeks ago "cannot be Laken seri­ 'he Annex ously." He so for has ignored their 26 East Coli ... more recent complaint about the barricades. Latin Program Br.ndt, In an .rnotiOl'lal, lhout. Ing apeec:h at the r.lly _Iar.d, "If the Communi... a... not Is Approved , .topped .t the Br.ndenburg Gate Cuba Only H'olcl-Out; they will not 1M stoppad a. the Rhln •." U.S. Will Provide lIe said he has sent a letter to Major Money Portian President Kennedy telling ,,1m 3'501 PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay I.fI frankly that, " Berlin expects more thon words, it expects political ac· CADMIUM ... -A hemispheric economic conf~r. ence committee Wednesday approv. tion." ed two master documents pro­ He said - without naming any­ SULFIDEI claiming a $2Q.biJIJon program to body - that he wanted "high West· DETECTORS narrow the gap between living standards of American nations and ern representatives" Lo come to bring about widespread economic B rlin to see the situation Cor them· reforms. O·IAMA selves. lie demanded that a com. Probes Radiation Belts A " Decl.ratlon of the Peoples plaint be made in the Uniled Na­ of Am.rlc." .pprovln. the ambi­ tions. Explor.r Sat.llit. instruments built at the SUI tious AIII.nee for Progr.ss pl.n to give furth.r and more .xplicit d.talls 01'1 the The m ....d crowd w.v.cI ban­ Dtpartment of Physics ar. indicated on the art­ nature of the Van Allen Radiation B.lts around of Prllld.nt K.nnedy was given ner. with luch slogan. ..: lit's sk.tch above. The SUI instruments, which t~e earth, which w.r. named for J.m.s A. Van the commIttN'. .pproval wltlt ' :-- 'A' Cub. ab.talnln•• tt c.lled for "a "Rather dead than Red," "K.n· BitIe largest lann weigh approxlmat.ly nine pounds, are designed AUen, head of the SUI Physics D.partment. v.1f effort to bring a bett.r life en out of the nedy to B.rlin," "Enough pro­ ;e BOO· foot tent. to all .... peoples of the contI: t ...., let's .ct," "Qui.t pl.... , n.nt," ~ufacturel8 and a 10. of peopl ••r. ,till asINp," o acres of the A companion document, the ery. Don't miI8 Army Extends Duty Terms "Charter of Punta del Este," out­ "a-trayal by the WII.," .nd, w. lined the needs of the Latin-Amer­ "Pa,.r prot... s won't stop :Sf.." ican nations and preacl'i1Mid meas­ t.a\!ct:"' )SITION ures to remedy the hen'lilPhere'. ealt90A Pr.otest· in Se,lin As he spoke, West German po­ For J 84,(r)()() fnlislecl Men sickness. lice closed off roads leading to the : SHOW. f The inter • American economic A I.r.. political earloOl'l I. held ov.r the head. of Walter Ulbricht with form.r Nazi dictator Adolf Brandenburg Gate at the barr i- AT SHOW. WASHINGTON (A P) - gram but not yet ordered to ac­ servists who are not now in units conference will end today with the W... B.rUn.,.. at a protest r.11y Wedn.sd.y in Hltl.r. The r.lly was h.ld to protll. Communist caded border in case any steamed- \{ GADGET tive duty for two years. About front of City Gov.rnm.nt headqu.rters. The c.r- clo.ln. of the bord.r IMtwHn East and Wilt B.r- up West Berllners should take it 'OULTRY & The Army said today it is 'freez­ will be recalled to active duty lor signing of the documents by del· ·AL HONEY 4,500 ~ew officers will be affected not more than 12 months. egates of the 21 nations attending. toon comp..... east Gorman Communist boss lin. -AP Wir.photo into their heads to rush there. The ing in service for not more than by thIS decision. ------------------___________________• . gate, main crossing point between l Llf.tim. .6. Overseas tours for Army per· Cuba was seen as the only hold­ four months 84,000 enlisted 4. Reserve officers on active out. East and West Berlin, has been sonnel will be extended, effective closed with barbed wire barricades men whose normal t e r m s duty -.vho complete their two-year EI'MIto Guevara, Cuban dele­ obligated tours during the prescnt Oct. 1. Tours will be extended six gate, demandecJ to know If the backed up by a grim wall of mili­ would run out1between Oct. 1 fiscal year will be encouraged to months in areas such as J apan United St.t.. _ukl Include Cub. Kerynedy Foreign Aid Plan_ tiamen and armored cars, 27; Sept. 1 " t :ES and next June 30. volunteer for extended duty. II the and Germany and thr~ months in in the program, His c1emand was Early this week, Adenauer was 26; Night: Sept. l , , number of these volunteers is not areas such as Korea. talking about a Western trade em­ Night As another of a dozen steps ignored. on: Au,. 31 su [fiient, officers or this category 7. The Army is asking selective Delegates also gave a cold bargo against the entire EasterQ D RACES to expand and get ready b e­ will be kept on for up to one year. service for a dralt call of 25,000 bloc. l1he West German CabInet 3 shoulder to a Guevara proposal Suffers Setback by House Vu,moona: Aur. 211. 80 cause of the world situation, the 5. If volunleers are not sufficient men in September, with an esti· to open the program to Commu· was repOrted ready to act on its \CES Night: Alii. li6 mated caU for October of at least own trade embargo against East Army also is alerting 113 reserve to meet speci'fie requirements in nist technicians - "experts from WASHINGTON (A P) - reverse the 197-185 informal telier But it was clear Kennedy's am­ units, with a total of 23,626 men, certain essenli al skills, selected 20,000. all over the world ." This proposed Germany. L REVUE The House g a v e President count. bitious overseas help program was tbat tlIey may be called to duty. individual enlisted and officer reo 8. Dctors, dentists and other amendment to the declaration died in deep trouble. The Senate slash­ T.I"fII- cornrnunlcatl_ .... 1 for lack of a second. The action was tentative and Secretary of the Army Elvis J. male medical specialists will be Kennedy a major rebuff Wed­ ed over $1 biJIion of Kennedy's twHII East Germany anct West :armonica Ganc He also proposed that a 'Prom· could be reversed today. More· Stahr Jr. spelled out the detail s inducted as required if there are over·all prOpOsals.
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