NEWSLETTERNOW WEEKLY! With art by Vera ! from the Center of America /

May 19, 2009 ARCHIVE Email [email protected]

E C O N O M Y NEW BOOKS Nick TT MM AA Two by Clare Martin andand HE June/July Mountain Astrologer James has arrived. Featured this month, LARE MARTIN is the current President TRaymond Merriman’s 2009 Jupi- of the Faculty of Astrological Stud- I ter–Uranus–Neptune Cies, in London, and a lecturer at J Within the 2008-2015 Cardinal Climax. the Centre for . N Merriman, a respected financial astrolo- Mapping the Psyche, vols. 1 & 2, are tran- ger, says the current Cardinal Climax (his scripts of two of her three Astro 101 courses, term) will result in “Camelot” or “Eco- which she has taught for some years. nomic Armageddon.” Cheerful! MAPPING THE PSYCHE, An Intro- TMA’s book reviews: Demetra duction to Psychological Astrology, vol. George’s Astrology & the Authentic Self 1: The & the signs, is a D U E L I N G D I C T I O N A R I E S has been in stock since last November. nice introduction to the subject. Martin has Anthony Louis’s Art of Forecasting Us- a good grasp & handles her students well. T R A N S I T S ing Solar Returns, a fabulous book, has MAPPING THE PSYCHE, An Introduc- James Wilson, 1819: I much suspect been in stock since June of last year. tion to Psychological Astrology, vol. 2: The there is great power in transits, and I Laurence Hillman’s Planets in Play, and planetary aspects & the houses of the would recommend them particularly to Chrissie Blaze’s Mercury Retrograde: , is, regrettably, not quite as the consideration of the artist, though Your Survival Guide to Astrology’s Most good. As she gets deeper into her subject, not as they respect the houses or their Precarious Time of the Year, are new to ideology takes hold. All charts are in Equal lords, but as they respect the places of me. I should have them both by Wednes- (there’s just something, I don’t know, equal the lights or angles. day, on-line by the weekend. about them), all Suns are Fathers, all Moons Nicholas deVore, 1947: Kuno Foelsch, are Mothers, all Venuses are Daughters, etc. Ph.D., in his work on Transits.... concurs in ALMANACK The author is said to be working on the suggestion that during the Middle Ages it for the week (all times GMT) the third volume in the series. I wish her became necessary to devise some system of Notes much success. approximating future conditions, for the 19 15:56 ¡ Â ¨ reason that Ephemerides calculated for years 21:44 ¡ Æ ¢ Void This Week in History: in advance were not then obtainable. 23:31 ¡ ‘ May 20–21, 1927: Speaking of transits, he expresses the 20 09:22 £ Å © Lindberg crosses the Atlantic. confident belief that “other [forecasting] 21:51 ¢ “ methods will eventually disappear...” 21 02:16 £ Ð ª I 03:23 ¡ Â ¤ OOO 03:45 £ Å ¦ S T A R O F T H E W E E K 06:47 £ Æ ¨ OOO OOO 15:23 ¡ Â ¥ OOO 0 22:37 ¡ Æ © Void ALCYONE. eta Tauri. 0 “ 07 [in “ since 2000 – Dave] 22 04:41 ¡ ’ Legend: Alcyone represents the Pleiad, daughter of Atlas & 08:11 ¥ Ï § Pleione, who became the mother of Hyrieus by Neptune. 23 03:12 ¡ Ï ¢ Notes: A greenish yellow star & brightest of the Pleiades, situated on the shoulder of the Bull. From early times it has been thought to be the central Sun around which the 21:47 ¡ Â £ universe revolves, and was Al Wasat, the Central One, of the Arabs, and Temennu, the 24 12:11 : 03“28 New Moon Foundation Stone, of the Babylonians, but this idea has now been abandoned by Extracted & adapted from AstroAmerica’s astronomers. Alcyone marked the beginning of the 4th ecliptic constellation of the Daily Ephemeris, 2000-2020. Get yours! Babylonians, and as Amba, the Mother, formed the junction star between the Hindu H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y nakshatras Krittika & Rohini. It is frequently called the Hen. Influence: Of the nature of Mars & the Moon. It causes love, eminence, blindness née Sarkisian May 20: Cherilyn Bono, from fevers, small-pox & accidents to the face. — from Fixed Stars, by V. Robson Astrology Home Newsletter Archive New Astrology Books New Vedic Books New Tarot Decks Top Ten Books Copyright © 2009 by David R. Roell. All rights reserved. Buy the book! Meet the author! Headlines, graphics, book titles & authors are all clickable. So click already! Go places!

C H A R L E S C A R T E R Chapter VIII IVY’S § 1. HEALTH AND DEATH % Concerning the First P R I N C I P L E S O F A S T R O L O G Y GEM & the Planets HYSICAL well-being depends upon the two Luminaries, the asc., Therein P and the 6th and 8th houses, as well OF as, to some extent, the 4th and the 12th. (The first house of the national chart, that is.) All configurations that involve any of these are liable to affect the health. THE HE New Moon falling in the as- Tradition teaches that one of the cendant shows many changes in Lights or the asc. is in every map, this Tthe country, much activity, and being an Arabian term indicating the giver if well aspected many benefits to the of life or the special arbitrator of life and Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson 1893-1990 WEEK community at large, according to the po- death. According to some views the hyleg sition of the planets making such good is not concerned with health as such, but from Simplified aspects. If afflicted it denotes much un- with longevity, so that, for example, if the rest & discontent, ill-health among the 6th were badly afflicted and the hyleg people, and affairs generally will be un- strong, the health would be bad, but the satisfactory. The position & aspects of native would live long, whereas, if the re- Learning to read the chart. the afflicting planets should be noted. verse were the case, the health would be HIS is much easier than one might The Sun in the first house, well as- good, but life would be short, perhaps ow- suppose. We have a groundwork of pected, denotes a prosperous time for ing to an accident. tried-and-true rules to depend on and T the country, many benefits to the Furthermore, opinions differ as to the we know the nature of the planets, the ef- people, improvement in affairs & suc- correct method of selecting the hyleg. Some fects of aspects, the matters ruled by the dif- cess generally. If afflicted, it creates claim that the Sun is always hyleg ; others ferent houses & where to look for the final, disturbances between master & man, and take the Sun for males and Moon for fe- clinching argument. We even have keywords afflicts the health of the community. males. with which the beginner forms his sentences The Moon in the first house, well The common rule, adapted and sim- & expresses himself clearly from the very aspected, denotes activity & changes plified from that given by Claudius beginning. among the people, some improvements Ptolemy, the father of , is For example, Saturn rules lead & every- to women & children, and slight benefits as follows :– thing that has WEIGHT. If we see his sym- of a public nature. If much afflicted will The following areas are denominated bol in the 1st House we know that the in- cause illness, unrest & discontent. “ hylegiacal ”, namely, the 1st, 7th, 9th, and quirer is HEAVY-hearted & PROFOUNDLY Mercury.—This when well as- 10th houses, and the half of the 11th near- concerned about the matter; he is leaden- pected produces much activity, increase est the M.C. If the Sun is therein, it is hyleg GRAY in coloring or his attire, CONSER- of trade & work, new enterprises among ; if it is not, but the Moon is, she is hyleg ; if VATIVE in style. Saturn rules TIME, so the the people, and generally inclines to neither is, the asc. is taken. Some take ¿ if person looks OLDER than his years & moves study & intellectual gain to the commu- the Lights are not in hylegiacal places, the SLOWLY; he is having dental trouble, be- nity. If afflicted, it shows much recrimi- asc. only being used if all three are not so cause Saturn is ruler of the skeletal frame- nation in the popular press. situated. work, and the BONES that we are most likely Venus well aspected denotes a peace- HE examination of a few dozen to see are the TEETH. We say all this in ful time, content & success in the coun- cases of early death or, on the other describing the inquirer because he is the per- try, improvement of work connected with hand, of examples of marked lon- son of the 1st House & any planet therein T the female sex. If badly aspected it shows gevity, will probably cause the student to describes him. As you advance in your read- want, vice & misery, trouble to the femi- entertain grave doubts on the whole ques- ing you will say several times as much as nine part of the community, and indi- tion of the hyleg, for it is not hard to find this about the person with Saturn there be- cates crimes against women & children. cases where death seems certainly due to a cause Astrology is rich indeed in such infor- Mars.—This planet is generally evil, violent affliction to a luminary well removed mation for use in horary as well as natal bringing discontent among the people, from hylegiacal positions, and instances are charts. (See page 58.) — Simplified strikes, riots, fires & incendiarism, crime also found where the native has attained great Horary Astrology, 1960 & ill-health. If well aspected it shows age with the hyleg violently afflicted. military activity, a warlike tone among Transits were unknown to the an- Moreover, the question arises as to the people, and a general forceful & ag- +cients because they had no ephemeri- whether the hyleg remains the same gressive tendency. — from Raphael’s des. The most obvious things!!! That’s through life, or changes as the horoscope Mundane Astrology. Part of Mundane what I learned this week peeking at Wil- progresses (see Chapter Ten). — from Astrology, The Astrology of Nations & son & DeVore. Primaries, secondar- C.E.O. Carter’s Principles of Astrology, to States, by H.S. Green, Raphael & C.E.O. ies, solar arcs, were all make-dos. be published in June, 2009 Carter. Copyright © 2009 by David R. Roell. All rights reserved. Don’t fall from the sky! Get your Astrology books from AstroAmerica! All the books, all the time, fast service, fair prices. Order on-line at Order toll-free: 1-800-475-2272


. Now I shall briefly set forth what you want to know about the WHYWHERE WHO 1duodecatemoria. Some people think WHATWHENWHEN that from these the whole essence of the chart Lcan be found & they claim that whatever is hidden in the chart can be revealed by the 4ELECTIONAL duodecatemoria. E were born when the Sun was ASTROLOGY 2. What these are will be shown by ex- occupying a particular astro- ample. Of whatever planet you wish to com- Wlogical sign because that con- pute the duodecatemorion, multiply its de- stellation is actually our soul’s most previ- Part 10: The Moon’s Aspects S gree by twelve, and however much that ous level of spiritual growth, and because N choosing the Moon’s aspect it is most comes to, divide it among the thirty degrees of that, it reflects our own current level of important to avoid a lunar application of the individual signs, beginning from the earthly expertise. This constellation, our IIto the conjunction or aspect of any ret- sign in which the planet is whose Sun sign, not only reveals the cosmic rograde planet, for anything begun at such duodecatemorion is being sought. In what- course we satisfactorily completed under a time will quickly fail, and if other evil ever sign the final number falls, that shows the universe’s watchful eye in our last life- aspects are in force at the same time, will you the degree of the duodecatemorion. But time, but it also identifies how we are now end in considerable difficulty & trouble. in order that you may understand more karmically qualified to be a shining ex- The next consideration is that of the clearly, we shall give this example. ample of authority, power, and creativity Moon’s sign position. This should be as 3. Say the Sun is in at five degrees just because we did complete the course. appropriate to the business of the election and five minutes. Twelve times five makes No wonder we can’t help but project the as possible, and full details will be found sixty, and twelve times five minutes makes qualities of this without among the special rules contained in later sixty minutes. Sixty minutes makes one de- thinking. No wonder its energies are sec- chapters. In a general way the Moon is gree, and therefore one arrives at sixty-one ond nature to us. On some deep level, weakened by being in and Capri- degrees. You give Aries, in which we said we’ve already worked, learned, and mas- corn, its signs of fall & detriment, but spe- the Sun is, thirty degrees, and thirty to Tau- tered everything it cial considerations may over-rule this, as rus; the duodecatemorion is found in the first represents. This will be evident from the later rules. The degree of Gemini. means that on some worst zodiacal position for the Moon is said 4. Consider therefore whether the full even deeper level, to be the Via Combusta, which extends moon happens to send a duodecatemorion our Sun sign is our from 15 to 15 Scorpio. This is unfa- by day towards the terms of Mars or whether, universal educa- vorable for everything but especially for when waning, she sends one into those of tion—our soul’s buying & selling, travelling, and marrying Saturn, or whether Mars on the descendant spiritual credentials & all matters connected with women. sends one towards Venus, or Venus into those and our karmic de- Unless any special signs are stated, it will of Mars. — from Ancient Astrology Theory gree. Like the knowledge & skills that be favourable to place the Moon in Can- & Practice, Matheseos Libri VIII, by Fir- come with any degree that’s been earned, cer, , , or . micus Maternus, translated by Jean Rhys the energies of this sign have been in- Next week: Ten ways the Moon can Bram. Get the book, read more. grained into our soul so they’re ours to be weakened. At the rate of 1 degree every 72 years, stars keep, but mostly to use. — , by Vivian change signs every 2160 years: Alcyone — from Cosmic Karma, by Marguerite Robson changed from Taurus to Gemini in 2000. Manning. Used by permission.