Pope Francis Multi Academy Trust

Liverpool Archdiocesan Office, Croxteth Drive

Sefton Park, Liverpool L17 1AA Interim CEO: Mr Paul Halliwell

Dear Staff, Parents, Carers,

You will all be aware that Savio Salesian College is due to convert into an academy and become part of the Pope Francis Multi Academy Trust. It is our aim to secure the very best for your school, the adults that work within it, the students that attend and the families that have chosen Savio as a school for their children. We are fully committed to safeguarding the future of Catholic education in .

The Trust has applied to the for a range of different funding streams to allow us to make the necessary improvements to the school, one of our requests has been for significant funding for necessary improvements to the buildings. I am sure that you will agree that this is much needed.

In order to allow the necessary representation to be made to the Department for Education and then to allow time for the decision-making and any subsequent liaison between the Department and the Trust, we will unfortunately need to delay the conversion of Savio Salesian College.

The date for the conversion was 1st June 2021 and now we will be working towards a new date of 1st September 2021. This delay will be beneficial for all involved.

Please be sure that from now until then, all in the Trust will be working hard for your school and we look forward to welcoming Savio Salesian College into the Pope Francis Multi Academy Trust in the new school year.

God bless you all.

Yours Sincerely

Paul Halliwell Interim CEO Pope Francis Multi Academy Trust

The Archdiocese of Liverpool Academy Trust (also known as The Pope Francis Academy Trust) is a company limited by guarantee, Registered at the Archdiocesan Office, Croxteth Drive, Sefton Park, Liverpool L17 1AA Company Number 12425650