+ Province I Nf+Ested • by Ultimate Porn
! T.)~a~r,~,.,.~r ~o,~/'v~" S ,~ • I " • I I II +~ f ! i ~,.'"'.°""°'"" ........ i r-",-'"-I . • i ~II...-1 • • J • :. r--------I / 'N°wSh°w!ngat' ''+" / .,._ the:_.___ , [ ~-~TE~ / Thornhiligrads, p.2 I F rrni ure&Appliances'l Terracethe mess, pi6 Jownsman ' - " " . | A division of-Totem TV Centre Ltd. |. =~ " -- -- ~ok.~,, r.,,o., o.c. uoonesDury, p.u % VOLUME 71 NO. 46 Price: 20 ¢Wlb THURSDAY, JULY 7, ! ~'~ ^v... v=~~vs~ 1977 i ,,,,, (~38'1158 J . + + ' +Province i nf+ested • by ultimate porn Vigilante crews +! may. clean up :! • ," VANCOUVER CP. Pollce .herehaveemflseat~ ~ "kiddie-pernS' films, there's a "snuff" flhn-aWomi actually killed on seree~ during a sex perforn~ee circulating somewhere On theu@er levels of Weal Vancouver, and theres talk ~of anti-pore ~v/gilant~ squads in th e province',central Interior. : • /: { "P ornog rap hy/i :ib d0ne~i&~dly but we heven't~i becoming a serioasproblem nabbed them yet." i il in Vancouver,"_ says InMay, the Suprem~ Inspector ~en ~rowh', Court of .Canada ailed ~/ Vancouver vice squad. : municil~Icounoilthecity~ "With profits anywhere Prince George, B.C. is naY* from 300 to 600percent to be emI~wered to withhold a made, it's right up_ there, business llcenee on grounds withdrugs, prostitution,. ~o of protecting community gambling. The fear at me mo~ai welfare. vice squad is that the Harold Moffat, mayor of .sitnat/onis ~pe for ~,ksover Prince Geo~e, sald"the oyorgamzea drone, matter is right at the boiling~ t;orporal Darrell wint." ~ Wakel.am of .the R CMP. " "My fear is that vlggante.
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