With Papal Encyclicals As Background, Sessions Discuss Industrial
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The Pittsburg Catholic " XpsfdöP «¿^O — oí the Diocese of Pittsburgh—Founded in 1844— tWO DOLLARS PKB YKAi PITTSBURGH, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1942 'a 33 SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS 98th YEAR—No. 51 Committee Named Report Says All Catholic Monasteries in Germany In Citizens' Clean Now Closed By Nazis With Papal Encyclicals as Background, Reading Campaign Lisbon, Feb. 16, (NC)—-Reports reaching here from Germany say that all Catholic monasteries have Sessions Discuss Industrial Problems Will List Offensive Magazines For Information of Mayor ; now been closed by the Nazi gov- ernment. It was known that many Other Moves Planned previously had been invaded and Catholic Refugee Progress Toward Social Justice, seized, but the present report in- Following the suggestion made dicates that the remainder have Adjustments for War Conditions by Mayor Cornelius D. Scully at a now suffered the same fate. From Nazis Will meeting held in the Chamber of At the famous Benedictine mon- And Afterward Are Studied Here Commerce rooms last w.eek by a astery of Beuron, Abbot Benedict Speak Here Mar. 2 citizens' committee supporting the Bauer, O.S.B., was seized and put Clean Literature Campaign origin- in a home ostensibly for aged men. Discussion, against the background of the Papal Engelicals, ated by the Federation of Catholic The Abbot is actually in thorough Dr. Solzbacher, Victim of War, Persecution, Former Youth of the progress toward social justice achieved in recent years High School Students, Rev. Cyril vigor, as will be known to many in the conduct of industry, of the adjustments that must be J. Vogel, director of the federa- in the United States, in which | Leader, To Tell tion, has appointed a committee country he visited some years ago. made to meet the emergency created by the war now raging, of five to procure and recommend Of Experiences and of the situation to be faced after the war, marked the a list of magazines to be used by Last November documentary two-day deliberations of the regional meeting of the Catholic the mayor in the work of ridding evidence had reached the United j Presented by the University Conference on Industrial Problems, in session at the Hotel the city of the sale of^ indecent States showing that at least 70 Catholic Club of Pittsburgh in a Roosevelt, here, Monday and Tuesday. literature. abbeys, seminaries, convents and specially arranged lecture, free to Speakers from the fields of Members of the committee who other establishments already had the public, Dr. Wilhelm Solzbacher, Session for Priests labor, management, govern- have signified their willingness to been wrenched from the possession Catholic refugee from Nazi war ment and religion presented serve and to assist in whatever of Catholic Religious by the Nazis and persecution, who arrived inj papers at the conference, held way possible in achieving success in Germany and former Austria. this country from Spain a short Supplementing the program pre- under the patronage of Most for the drive are: Hon. Gustav It was revealed that more than 25 time ago on the "hell ship" sented at the regional meeting of Navemar, will give an address next Rev. Hugh C. Boyle, Bishop Schramm, of the Juvenile Court; religious orders of men and women the Catholic Conference on Indus- of Pittsburgh, and arranged (Continued on Page 13, Col. 3) had been affected by the Nazi Monday evening, Mar. 2, at 8:30 trial Problems, held here Monday seizures, and that many famous o'clock, in Central Catholic High and Tuesday, two special sessions by the Social Action Depart- establishments had been appropri- School, 4720 Fifth Ave., on the for priests, at which the social ment of the National Catholic ated. In many cases, the Nazis did subject "What I Saw in the Euro- teaching of the Church was re- Welfare Conference, Wash- Bishop Hettinger not bother to give any reason for pean War—Luxembourg, Belgium, viewed and discussed, were con- ington, D. C. the confiscation of these properties. France, Spain." ducted yesterday at the Hotel Speaking on "International Now Auxiliary of Where pretexts were given they A former leader in the German Roosevelt. Bishop Hugh C. Boyle Post-War Reconstruction," Rt. were varied and flimsy. youth movement and an executive attended the sessions arid took part Rev. Msgr. John A. Ryan, director ' Ttflumfcus Diocese in the World League of Catholic in the discussion. of the Social Action Department, Youth and in other organizations Speakers were Rev. Raymond A. N.C.W.C., said at the closing din- which gave him many internation- McGowan and Rev. John M. Hayes, ner of the conference Tuesday Consecration Ceremony Takes District Officers al contacts. Dr. Solzbacher served of the Social Action Department, evening that "some form of inter- Place in Cathedral There; as a guide to parties of Americans j Nationai Catholic Welfare Confer national organization to provide Named By USO in Europe and made a lecture tour j ence, Washington; Rev. Carl P. and guarantee better conditions Archabbot Attends of the United States in 1933 Hensler, of Seton Hill College; for all peoples is absolutely neces- Returning just after Hitler's ad- j Rey Victor Green, O. F. M. sary." One of the most important, The Pittsburgh district council Columbus, O., Feb. 25, <NC)~ vent to power, ,h e was placei da in oa ^ of gt pidelis' Seminary, Her- and difficult, tasks to be handled Most Rev. Edward G. Hettinger of the United Service Organiza- concentration camp but escaped to man; Rev. M. J. Faidel, pastor of by such an international authority, WE« elevated to the episcopate tions, holding its first meeting on Luxembourg, and lived there and St. Joachim's Church. Hazelwood; he added, would be that of adjust- yesterday morning, becoming Titu- Monday, elected as officers: in Belgium until after the invasion Rev Vincent Leonard, chaplain at | ing the distribution of raw ma- Carl L. Pierce, Jr., chairman; lar Bishop of Teos and the first ! of the Low Countries. Again escap- the Allegheny County Home, {terials and the products of indus- Eleanor Gillespie, vice chairman; Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of ing through France and Spain he Woodville; Rev. Cyril J. Vogel, di try. Leo G. Griffith, secretary, and Oblumbus. finally made his way to America. ocesan director of adult education; "In international trade," Msgr. Elmer A. Hamburg, treasurer. Bishop Hettinger was conse- During the intervening seven Rev. Charles Owen Rice, chaplain Ryan pointed out. "goods are, for Mr Griffith is chairman of the. crated by most Rev. James J. years he traveled and lectured in of the Association of Catholic the most part, not exchanged for Pittsburgh unit of the National | gold nor for national currencies. Hartley, Bishop of Columbus, in (Continued on Last Page, Col. 4) Trade Unionists, and Rev. Eugene Catholic Community Service, one, Few, if any, countries possess suf- ceremonies at St. Joseph's Cathe- Carlen, S.M., chaplain of the North of the six groups which comprise | ficient surplus gold to export year dral. Co-consecrators were Most Side Branch of the Catholic Work- the USO. Mr. Pierce is identified, after year in return for any con- Rev. Francis W. Howard, Bishop ers' School. with the Boy Scout movement, Bishop Urges siderable amount of raw materials. of Covington, and Most Rev Father McGowan presided. Miss Gillespie with the Travelers, Except in temporary and particu- George J. Rehring, Auxiliary Aid Society and Mr. Hamburg with Enrollment at lar situations, a country must pay Bishop of Cincinnati. the Y. M. and W. H. A. for foreign goods in the form of Among the prelates who at- Workers School Time Limit Near services or other goods. This is as tended was Rt. Rev. Archabbot Al true of raw materials as of arti- fred Koch, O.S.B., of St. Vincent's On Alien Registry ficial products. Latrobe, Pa. The new Bishop made To Dedicate Hall In a message issued this week Most Rev. Hugh C. Boyle, Bishop "Mere freedom of access to raw his philosophy and theology studies The Department of Justice, At Toner Institute I of Pittsburgh, urges that men and materials, markets and tradd at St. Vincent's Seminary. Washington, has again asked women, "particularly members of routes would not bring about 'full Preaching the sermon in the that any persons who have rela- Mem- labor unions," enroll in the sessions employment of capital and labor course of the ceremonies, Most The new Father Sigmund tives or friends who are citizens orial Hall at Toner Institute, of the Diocesan Catholic Workers' everywhere in the world.' Desir- Rev. John T. McNicholas, O.P., ( of Germany, Italy or Japan, ur^e able as these conditions are, they Brookline, under construction for, School, which will be resumed next Archbishop of Cincinnati, declared them to report at once to the do not touch the difficulty that the past several months will "ek- the certainty that "God's plan at the North Side divi- nearest post office to l>e reg- confronts several mass-production dedicated by Most Rev. Hugh C.J Classes postulates divine wisdom" is a con- sion, to be held at North Side istered for their Certificate of countries competing with one an- Boyle, Bishop of Pittsburgh, on sideration "supremely important Catholic Boys High School, Troy Identification. Saturday, Feb. 28, other for inadequate foreign Sunday, Mar. 8, at 3:00 P. M. is the last day for registering, today when not only proud rulers j Hill Road, will open Monday eve- markets. Apparently there is only and self-centered individuals but Speakers will be Rev. A. J. Pauley, and any "enemy alien" who fails ning, Mar. 2; those at Central one solution, difficult as it may be also many sincere Christian men assistant chancellor of the diocese, to secure a Certificate of Identi- Catholic High School.