News John Harriman July 2015 CONNECT The NETRA News is a monthly publicaon of the New England Trail Rider Associaon. This publicaon is emailed to more than 3000 acve trail riders and rac- ers: your customers. It’s also posted to Facebook, Twier and Instagram increasing the readership be- yond NETRA members. Ad rates are based on adverser provided digital art- work. Ads in Adobe PDF format are preferred but other image types may be accepted. Annual Rate in- cludes 11 issues, February-December. John Harriman—Ride in Peace, Herm. Deadline for ads is the 20th of the month prior to Photo Credit: Off‐road Paparazzi publicaon. Adversement Annual Rate FOLLOW US! Full Page $500 Facebook 1/2 Page $300 Twitter 1/4 Page $200 Instagram Aenon NETRA members! Got a road trip you want to share? Do you have a legislave commentary you‘d like to post? Is there a picture you just have to show off? The content quality of this newsleer is up to you! THIS IS YOUR NETRA NEWS! Drop us a line via email
[email protected] President’s Message In this month's message, I'd like to discuss a troubling phenomenon from some of our recent NETRA events. In one case at a hare scramble earlier this year, we had several riders blatantly disregard yellow flags and the instrucons of track workers at the scoring barrels. On another occasion, a non-parcipang NETRA member chose to harass the Trail Boss at an event, cricizing how he had orga- nized the event. At last year's Classic Trail Ride, a few parcipants decided they had the right to ride their bikes wherever they wanted on the New Hampshire Speedway property, and when confronted by track personnel unleashed a tor- rent of foul language and obscene gestures.