A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education (M. Pd) at IAIN Postgraduate Program



UFRAH NIM: 17.0213.004








Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, all praises be to Allah, the writer would like to express her best regard to Allah swt., the Lord of this world who has been given His blessings and mercies so the writer was able to finish this study. Also, shalawat and salam to prophet Muhammad saw, the great leader and good inspiration of world revolution who has brought us from educational person to be educational person.

From the deepest of heart, the writer would like to express great thanks and higher appreciation to her beloved parents, Salama and Hj. Mare who always give their best, supporting and praying to Allah for the successful of writer. Also, the writer sends her big love to her brother Irwan, who has motivated the writer.

The writer realized that the thesis would never have been completed without guidance, support, motivation, and encouragement. Therefore the writer‟s endless grateful to her consultant Dr. Abd Haris Sunubi M.Pd, as the first consultant who has shared everything about knowledge to the writer. Then, to the second consultant Dr.

Zulfah, M.Pd, a great teacher who has giving his uncounted knowledge and advice to guide the writer finish this thesis. May Allah bless them anytime.

Then, the writer would like to express a lot of thanks to:

1. The Rector of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Parepare, Dr. Ahmad S. Rustan,

M.Si., who has given the opportunity to study master's program at the postgraduate

IAIN Parepare.




UFRAH. Teachers‟ Creativity and Belief in Using Group Work as EFL Classroom Management Strategy. (Supervisor: Abdul Haris Sunubi and Zulfah)

The aim of the research were to know teachers‟ creativity in using group as EFL classroom management strategy at SMA Negeri 11 Bone and to know the teacher belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy at SMA Negeri 11 Bone. This research used descriptive qualitative. The methodology of research: research design, subject of the research, data collection technique and technique of analysis data. Data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation which are then processed based on data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusion. The informant of this study was three English teachers at SMA Negeri 11 Bone. The observation is used to know the teachers‟ creativity for teaching in using group work EFL classroom management strategy, and interview used to know the teachers‟ belief for teaching in using group work in EFL classroom. The results of this study indicate that the creativity of teachers in using group work is quite good and creative. Included in the high category are: innovative creativity, productive creativity and inventive creativity. Meanwhile, the teachers‟ belief in using group work revealed five points. First, teachers‟ belief groups work in establishing good relationship with the student. Second, Teachers‟ belief group work can be used to communicating clearly and confidently. Third, the teachers‟ belief group work can be used to students‟ motivation in learning process. Fourth, the teachers‟ belief group work can handle students‟ positive and Five, teachers‟ belief group work can handle students‟ negative attitude. It is prove by interviewed that has given to the teachers and observation that the researcher found in field.

Keyword: Teacher‟ Creativity, Teachers‟ Belief, Group Work, EFL Classroom


تجريد البحث

(ع فرة) Ufrah

ان ف صم إدارة ك ا س ترات يج ية ان مجموعة عمم ا س ت عمال ف ي واع ت قاده ان مدرس ارت كاب

أما الغرض من هذا البحث فهو ملعرفة ابتكار املدرس يف استعمال ةاجملموع كاسرتاتيجية إدارة الفصل يف املدرسة العالية احلكومية 11 بوين، وملعرفة اعتقاد املدرس يف استعمال عملية ةاجملموع كاسرتاتيجية إدارة الفصل يف املدرسة العالية احلكومية 11 بوين. يستعمل هذا البحث بالبحث الوصفي النوعي. وأما مناهج البحث فهي؛ ختطيط البحث، مدار البحث، طريقة مجع البيانات، وطريقة حتليل البيانات. بالنسبة اىل طريقة مجع املواد كمالحظة ومقابلة وتوثيق حيث أن كلها ترعي على أساس طريقة تنقيص البيانات وعرض البيانات واستنتاج. واملخرب مأخوذ من ثالثة أنفار من مدرسي اللغة االجنليزية يف املدرسة العالية احلكومية 11 بوين. واملالحظة مستعملة ملعرفة ابتكار املدرس يف التعليم باستعمال اسرتاتيجية إدارة البحث إ ف ل عمل اجملموعة، وأما املقابلة النفسية فهي مستعملة ملعرفة اعتقاد املدرس والتعليم يف استعمال عملية اجملموعة يف الفصل إ ف ل. وتدل هذه نتيجة البحث على أن ارتكاب املدرس كاف وحسن. وأما الذي يتضمن يف الدرجة العالية فهو ارتكاب خمرتع وارتكاب منتج وارتكاب حديث. يف خالل ذلك، أن اعتقاد املدرس يف استعمال عمل اجملموعة يعرب مخسة أحوال، أوال: تعمل جمموعة اعتقاد املدرس يف إقامة العالقة احلسنة بني التالميذ. ثانيا: يتمكن عمل جمموعة اعتقاد املدرس من االستعمال لالتصاالت صرحيا وثقة بالنفس. ثالثا: يتمكن عمل جمموعة اعتقاد املدرس من االستعمال لدافع التالميذ يف عملية التعليم والتعلم. رابعا: يتمكن عمل جمموعة اعتقاد املدرس من تنفيذ املوقف االجيايب من التالميذ. خامسا: يتمكن عمل جمموعة اعتقاد املدرس من تنفيذ املوقف السلبية من التالميذ. وهذا مؤكد بالبينة من املقابلة املعطية إىل املدرس واملالحظة اليت وجدها الباحث يف امليدان. مفتاح : ارتكاب املدرس، اعتقاد املدرس، عمل اجملموعة، إ ف ل




ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...... iv ASBTRACT ...... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………vii LIST APPENDICES ...... ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background ...... 1 B. Research Questions ...... 6 C. The Objective of the Research ...... 6 D. Significance of the Research ...... 7

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Related Findings ...... 8


A. The Research Design ...... 42 B. Subject of the Research………………………………………………………..43 C. Place and Time of the Research ……………………………………………….43 D. Focus of the Research………………………………………………………….44

E. Data Collecting Technique……………………………………………………..45


E. Techniques of Analysis Data……………………………………………………48 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS

A. Findings………………………………………………………………………..50 B. Discussions……………………………………………………………………...65 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………79

B.SUGGESTION…………………………………………………………………..80 C. IMPLICATION…………………………………………………………………81 BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………….82 APPENDICES......




No. Appendix Title of Appendix Page

1. Observation

2. Interview Transcript

3. Data Reduction

4. Correspondence

5. Documentation

6. Curriculum Vitae




This chapter describes some aspects of research dealing with background, research questions, objectives of the research, and significance of the research.

A. Background

Teachers play a major role for effective classroom management because the teachers conduct a teaching learning process and also they are responsible for creating a well-organized classroom. Harmer divided the role of the teachers in classroom into five major role namely; the controller, promoter, participant, resource and tutor.1 In addition Joyce McLeod et.al stated that teachers have a crucial role in classrooms is as a leader of instruction. To fulfill that role, teachers should pay attention to the social, intellectual and physical classes. So teachers can carry out their role appropriately.2 Besides that, teachers must be able to control and overcome if there are disruptions in the classroom. Thus, it can be concluded that the most important thing in teaching and learning process is classroom management.

As a teacher conducting classroom management is a necessity. Classroom management is one of the important factors in order to achieve successful learning process. It is the techniques teachers use to maintain classroom control. Wong and

Wong defined classroom management as all of the things that a teacher does to

1J, Harmer. The Practice of English Language Teaching. ( New York: Person Education Limited, 2011), p. 108-110 2Joyce McLeod, et. al, The Key Elements of Classroom Management: Managing Time and Space, Student Behavior, and Instructional Strategies (USA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2003), VI


organize students, space, time, and materials so that student learning can take place.3

While Sternberg and Williams stated that classroom management is a set of techniques and skills that allow a teacher to control students effectively in order to create a positive learning environment for all students.

Classroom management aims at establishing student self-control through a process of promoting positive student achievement and behavior. According to

Evertson and Weinstein stated that classroom management has two distinct purposes:

“It not only seeks to establish and sustain an orderly environment so students can engage in meaningful academic learning, it also aims to enhance student social and moral growth.4

Furthermore, classroom management is intended to create conducive learning environment for students so that the learning objectives are achieved effectively and efficiently. When the class is interrupted, the teacher must try to overcome them, so that the class condition can be conducive and teaching and learning process can run smoothly. According to Sudirman, the general objective of classroom management is the provision of facilities for a variety of learning activities of students in the social, emotional and intellectual in the class. However, Corrie stated that Classroom management is a necessary condition for the creation of a supportive, respectful learning environment. Effective teaching and learning can take place only if there is

3Wong & Wong. The Classroom Management Book. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc. 2014. 4.In C. M. Evertson & C. S. Weinstein (Eds.), Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice, and Contemporary Issues (2006), pp. 3-16


good order and positive learning climate in the classroom, the view that discipline is a crucial dimension of classroom management and is essentially a means to create the necessary condition for learning has been endorsed by various educationalists.5

Meanwhile,there are some problems related with English teaching and learning process concerning with classroom management. The problem consists of physical or psychological. Physical is a product of a classroom environment arrangement. Arogundade and Bolarinwa in their study revealed that poor teacher- student relationship, poor motivation, inadequate physical facilities, and teacher‟s work environment in terms of conducive environment are major constraints to effective classroom management. It constitutes management behavior problems due to inadequate number of furniture, lack of space between this furniture, inadequate chalkboard, poor ventilation and lighting, the size of the classroom and also the sitting arrangement. While Özden stated that psychological is well as social and cultural interaction among students which influence perceptions and evaluation of students. These problems include nervousness and anxiety, disciplinary issues of students, unsuccessful implementation of syllabus, ineptness in manipulating modern audio-visual aids and outdated teaching methods. Such as factor cast a negative impact on beginning teachers‟ professional socialization and their self-professional image.

5Hue Ming, Li Wai-Shing, Classroom Management :Creating a Positive Learning Environment (Hongkong : Hongkong University Press : 2008), p. 57


Related to statement above the problems of classroom management of the teachers in SMAN 11 Bone. The teachers usually use general classroom management applied in their class, as teachers usually tell the material in front of the class, the teachers use general chair arrangements; regular lines, teachers use textbooks to notify material and do exercises, teachers do not use English in their classes. Based on previous observations, the teacher said that aspects of classroom management are classroom mastery, teaching materials, teaching methods and communication.

Therefore, to solve problem in classroom the teacher use group work as classroom management strategy because group work is important for learners to be successful in the classroom. Vygotsky stated that working in groups allow students to be in an interactive environment.6 This interaction helps them to develop language and social skills. During group work, students are engaging with the task, increasing their confidence, and becoming responsible for their own learning. Further, Brown group work is a generic term covering a multiplicity of techniques in which two or more students are assigned a task that involves collaboration and self-initiated language.7 While Richards, at defines group work as a learning activity which involves a small group of learners working together.8 The group may work on a single task, or on different parts of a larger task.

6L.S.Vygotsky.Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological processes.(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1978). 7H. Douglas. Brown.Teaching by Principles. an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy.(New York: Longman. 2001) p. 177 8Richards, Platt,& Weber. Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics. Essex: Longman Group Limited. 1985 p.127


Group work activity helps students to obtain more information than work individually. It is able to increase their communication skill because they would always make contact with their group members and each other in the classroom. The above statement is supported by Tari, group work also helps the students to produce cooperation and communication with the group member. They would argue and change idea each other. Group work also would develop students‟ comprehension on how to work in team. They would recognize about how to share and show up the argument. In other words, group work learning has a lot of positive impact for the students.9 Moreover Mekki, the result of her research about group work in EFL classroom shows that group work learning is an effective teaching approach for both teacher and students since it gives positive learning atmosphere for students to practice their English.10

Being a manager is not easy, because there are many obstacles faced by the teacher in managing the class with use group work in classroom management such as behavior or disciplinary problems. Further, Brown mentions five weaknesses of the application of group work in the classroom. The problem consists of; controlling students, the use of mother tongue during the work, the reinforcement of students‟

9D.Tari, .Students‟ Perception on Group Work in English Classroom Activities at SMA Bunda Padang Academic Year 2014/2015,p. 1 10Mekki, Cooperative Learning in the EFL Classroom Special issue of the International Scientific Conference (2016).


errors in the classroom, the difficulty to monitor all groups, and the last problem is related to the students‟ cognitive styles: some learners may prefer to work alone. 11

Based on the observations find out by writers. The teachers should be able to create new things in managing the classroom, so that there are variations in teaching that will later make students more active and creative in discussions and enthusiast in teaching English. The problem that occurred in SMA Negeri 11 Bone was caused by the teacher's lack of creativity in managing the class, which was the teacher's tendency in the use of methods, strategy and media in learning.

This is a research, then which illustrates well writer‟ contributions and observation about the teachers creativity and belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy development which are possessed by the EFL teachers at SMA Negeri 11 Bone, it is important to conduct a research which observed the teachers‟ creativity in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy above all, by this phenomena the researcher conducted a research entitled;

“Teachers‟ creativity and belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy at SMA Negeri 11 Bone”

B. Research Questions

Based on the identification of the problem above, the writer formulates the problem as follows:

11Brown, H. Douglas. Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy..(New York: Longman. 200). p. 179.


1. What is teachers‟ creativity in using group work as classroom management

strategy in EFL classroom?

2. What is teachers‟ belief in using group work as classroom management strategy

in EFL classroom?

C. Objective of the Research

From the background of the research that has been explained above, the objective of the research is to find out the teachers‟ creativity and belief in using group work as classroom management strategy in EFL classroom.

D. Significant of the research

Theoretically, the result of the research was show the group work as management strategy teacher creativity in English learning process. It is expected that it would add to the education theory development. Especially for the students in

English education and English teacher for their references in managing the classroom while teaching English

For researcher, this research was been so valuable as the knowledge and sources in managing the classroom. Therefore, the researcher may apply this knowledge in the future when she becomes in English teachers‟.

For the teacher this study can be used as reference for the teachers in classroom management strategy especially teachers who teach in the classroom, so that teachers can improve their ability to manage the classroom.


For the students, this research would help them to increase their motivation in learning English and be more discipline the classroom. So that they can learn English effectively and would be more responsible in their role as the students.




To get the framework of the issue, in this literature review the writer discusses some important aspects related to the study. First, this chapter presents the review of related studies. Second, this chapter presents some definitions of the terminology used in this paper that are definition of classroom management, definition of group work a, definition teachers‟ creativity and belief and conceptual framework.

A. Some Previous Research Findings

There are some related studies about teachers‟ creativity and belief in in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy that have been conducted by many researchers. Those are presented briefly in the following:

Mirzaee conduct a research under the title “."An Investigation on Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers' Creativity and Classroom Management strategies and

Learners' Improvement." the present study was carried out in an attempt to investigate the relationship among EFL teachers' creativity, classroom management strategies, and learners' improvement. To obtain the required data, the following questionnaires were utilized: English Language Teaching Creativity Quotient (ELTCQ)

Questionnaire, classroom management questionnaire, and final exam. The results of correlation analyses revealed that there was no significant relationship between EFL teachers‟ creativity and classroom management strategies. Moreover, a positive medium relationship between EFL teacher's classroom management and their EFL


learners' improvement was observed. In addition, a positive significant correlation was revealed between classroom management strategies and EFL learners' improvement. This study also demonstrated that classroom management strategies were better predictors about EFL learners' improvement compared with creativity.12

Gurcay, Deniz conduct a research entitled” Preservice Physics Teachers‟ Beliefs

Regarding Their Teacher Efficacy and Classroom Management." In his research.The purpose of this study is to investigate the teacher self-efficacy and classroom management beliefs of pre-service physics teachers and to examine the relation between those beliefs. This study was carried out with 115 pre-service physics teachers. As instruments of this study, Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES),

Attitudes and Beliefs on Classroom Control-Revised (ABCCR) Inventory were used.

The results of this study showed that those pre-service physics teachers‟ teacher self- efficacy beliefs were high and their classroom management attitudes and beliefs are interventionist on the instructional management- and noninterventionist on the people management. The relation between pre-service physics teachers‟ self-efficacy and classroom management styles was discussed.13

Vasudevan conduct a research entitled” The Influence of Teachers' Creativity,

Attitude and Commitment on Students' Proficiency of The English Language. in his research.The intensity of teachers‟ creativity, attitude and commitment are considered

12Mirzaee, Abolghasem, and Mohammad Rahimi."An Investigation on Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers' Creativity and Classroom Management strategies and Learners' Improvement." Journal of Advances in English Language Teaching (2017): pp-31. 13Gurcay, Deniz. "Preservice Physics Teachers‟ Beliefs Regarding Their Teacher Efficacy and Classroom Management." Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences (2015). p. 1101-1106.


as key factors in the success of the current educational reform agenda, as it heavily influences the teachers‟ willingness to engage in cooperative, reflective and critical practice to develop students‟ proficiency or performance in English language. This study examined the effect of creative thinking, creative teaching, creative learning, teachers‟ attitude and teachers‟ commitment on students‟ proficiency in English language. Three hundred and ten teachers at private schools were surveyed for this purpose. The results of this study revealed that creative thinking, creative learning, creative teaching, teachers‟ attitude and teachers‟ commitment positively and significantly influence the students‟ proficiency in English language.14

Selcuk Topdemir conduct a research entitled” The Math Teachers‟ Self-Efficacy

Beliefs about Classroom Management. This study aims to evaluate elementary school math teachers' self-efficacy beliefs about classroom management. With the aim of investigating elementary school math teachers' self-efficacy beliefs about classroom management, a classroom management self-efficacy scale was developed. The 5 point liker scale is composed of 46 items. The scale was applied to 142 math teachers working at elementary schools in Diyarbakir central district. Data were analyzed in terms of gender, seniority, classroom population and weekly course load. To analyze the data, t-test, one way variance analysis (ANOVA), Scheffe and LSD tests were used. The results showed that the math teachers have a positive self-efficacy belief of classroom management and that male teachers are better at maintaining discipline in

14Vasudevan, Hemaloshinee. The Influence of Teachers' Creativity, Attitude and Commitment on Students' Proficiency of The English Language. Diss. Jabatan Dasardan Strategi Perniagaan, Fakulti Perniagaandan Perakaunan, Universiti Malaya, 2010.


class. In addition, the research shows that teachers with more experience are better at course design and classroom management and that classroom population has an effect on math teachers' self-efficacy beliefs about classroom management.15

Teacher‟s creativity and belief very important as teacher who has a high level of teaching creativity will find effective and efficient in general EFL classroom management strategy , it is probably because the teachers creativity is the ability possessed by educators to produce new ideas that can take the form of imaginative or synthetic activities by discovering new patterns gained from teaching experience by combining in situations now and the interaction with the students and other members of the school community. Those research findings above have some similarities with this research in general because focus on the teachers' creativity and belief in of EFL teachers in order to produce effective and creative and successful teaching not only can be concluded from teacher‟s perceptions but also can be further investigated from a real life observation based on the student‟s conceptions but the difference are from two of the five researches above have conducted outside from this country, of course culturally the results and the methodology are probably different because this is an ethnography study mostly in descriptive qualitative.

From some of the literature above is considered to have a relationship with this research and can be used as a reference in research. Therefore, this research can provide a positive contribution for educators, especially for English teachers because

15Bulut, Ilhami, and Selcuk Topdemir. "The Math Teachers‟ Self-Efficacy Beliefs about Classroom Management (A Case Study of Elementary Schools in Diyarbakir)." European Journal of Educational Research (2018),p. 639-652.


what the researchers poured in it can be scientifically justified. In addition, the research results presented are accurate data that have a validity level so that the research results can be accounted for both scientifically and morally. Thus, the position of this study can add to the literature, especially those related to the creativity of teachers, so that students in the process of learning English can learn as well as when participating in other learning. For more details about the problem of teachers‟ creativity and belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy and its implications for learning English in SMA Negeri 11 Bone, the authors describe in the form of a mindset chart as follows:


Grand Theory

Classroom Management Strategy (Wong & Wong and Sternberg & Williams)

Teachers‟ Teachers‟ Creativity Belief

1. Creative thinking 1. Self-efficacy 2. Creative teaching 2. Classroom 3. Creative learning management 4. Attitude style 5. Commitment

Group work

Language and social skills  Doing task  Being Confidence  Being Responsible

1. Classroom Management Strategy

A teacher does different things to organize students, space, time, and materials so that student learning can happen. Wong & Wong stated that classroom management is a teacher's method of operating the classroom to help students succeed. This involves keeping them on task, focused, organized, and able to make good choices. A set of strategies and skills that let a teacher to manage students


effectively in order to create a positive learning environment for all students

(Sternberg & Williams. Here, classroom management will be explained more precisely. According to Evertson and Weinstein classroom management is defined as actions which teachers apply to create a supportive environment for the academic and social-emotional learning of students.

2. Teachers‟ Creativity

According to Robinson, Creativity is obviously to do with producing something original.16 But there are different views of what is involved in this process and about how common the capacity for creativity. Therefore Boulden stated that creativity is the process of challenging ideas and ways of doing things that have been accepted to find solutions or new concepts. Being creative means seeing ideas or objects in different contexts, with the inherent potential for them to be used in a different way or to express ideas that previously did not relate to each other, which together create something completely new. a. Creative Thinking

Creative thinking for Howard is a complex cognitive process that involves the ability to move appropriately and easily between an array of thinking modes mainly analytical and generative. “These two terms emphasize the difference between the thought processes we use for critical evaluation or interpretation of an outcome and those we use to generate it in the first place.

16 Robinson. National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education. (1999).p. 29


b. Creative Teaching

According Horng Creative teaching is the process leading to creative learning through the implementation of new methods, tools and content which stimulate learners‟ creative potential. Creative teaching is defined in two ways: firstly, teaching creatively and secondly, teaching for creativity. Teaching creatively can be described as teachers using the imaginative approaches to make the learning process to be more interesting, motivating, attracting, thrilling and effective. c. Teachers Attitude

According to researchers, the teachers‟ creativity is not generally successful in a variety of fields that are related to creativity because of the lack of proper understanding towards it. Teachers are unaware of creativity, and they are unable to classify the creative students (Torrance). They pay lesser attention; give lesser encouragement and approval to creative students (Gatzeles & Jackson). All these discourage creativity and go against creative teaching method These points make it essential for conducting the educational programs for teachers to be clear and creative. Teachers‟ commitment would work in creating the proper awareness, skill, and attitude for teachers to teach and learn something beneficially. d. Teachers Commitment

Commitment is defined as a degree of positivity, affective bond between the teacher and the school. Teachers‟ commitment reflects the degree of internal motivation, enthusiasm, job satisfaction; efficacy and effectiveness. The improvements in the commitment of teachers are one of the outcomes that is likely to


be positively affected by the new teacher reform efforts. Researchers argued that increasing the commitment of teachers is an important step in the process of school reform

3. Teachers‟ Belief

Borg defines a belief as an evaluative scheme or plan which is accepted as true and held by the individual. Belief can be conscious and unconscious and is made as guide to thought and behavior.17.18 Moreover, Pajares in his work says that belief is actually observable even though belief is closely related to personal conceptions and internal mental processes.19 Therefore, it can be concluded that teachers‟ belief is teachers‟ knowledge, perspective, and attitude that influence teachers in making decision such as planning lessons, creating activities or classroom practices, and designing students‟ assessment.

Bandura states that self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in his ability to succeed in doing something. Self-efficacy according to Santrock is one's belief in his ability to master the situation and produce something profitable. Self-efficacy also help determine how much effort people will expend on an activity, how long they will persevere when confronting obstacle, and how resilient they will be in the face of adverse situation.

17 Borg, M. Teachers‟ Beliefs. ELT Journal, (2001) p. 186-188 18 Puchta, H. Beyond materials, Techniques and Linguistic Analysis: The Role of Motivation, Beliefs, and Identity. Plenary Session at the 33rd International IATEFL Annual Conference, Edinburg (1999)., p. 64-72 19 Pajares M.f. Teachers‟ Beliefs and Educationl Research Cleaning Up a Messy Construct. Review of Educational Research (1992), p. 307-332.


4. Group Work

According to Vygotsky stated that working in groups allows students to be in an interactive environment.20 This interaction helps them to develop language and social skills. During group work, students are engaging with the task, increasing their confidence, and becoming responsible for their own learning. Then, according to

Douglas group work can develop the students to interact with other students. It means that group work can develop quite warm, friendly atmospheres in which members feel comfortable and accepted in their membership.

Blatchford & Kutnick said that to understand and use groups effectively in your classroom, the following will need attention:

a) Class seating arrangements and group organization can have a profound effect on

peer support, communication and work in groups. b) Group size; the size of groups should be appropriate to the age and experience of

pupils and the purpose of the group task c) The number of groups, smaller groups means more groups to be monitored.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Classroom Management

Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting. It is important to create effective teaching and learning process. The successful of teaching and learning process is depending on the ability of teachers to organize

20L.S.Vygotsky.Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological processes.(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1978).


classrooms and manage the behavior of their students. Wilford A. Weber stated that classroom management is a complex set of behaviors the teacher uses to establish and maintain classroom condition that would enable students to achieve their instructional objective efficiently that will enable them to learn21.

James. M.Cooper states that classroom management refers to the action teachers take to create an environment that is respectful, earning, orderly, and productive. Classroom management supports and facilitates both academic and social emotional learning.22It is supported that classroom management is an effort to empower the potential of class as optimal as possible to support the teaching and learning process in order to achieve the learning objectives.23.

2. Procedures of Classroom Management

Managing a class can be hard when overlooking the planning process, the implementation of rules and procedures, and the physical environment and resources.

Firstly, planning conveys the teacher with the opportunity to foresee, in some degree, what might come out of a group of lessons. Secondly, rules and procedures offer the chance for students to follow a guideline which can make the everyday life in the classroom easier to cope. Thirdly, the physical environment and resources are concrete elements which most of the time help to carry out lessons effectively. In the end, these teaching procedures can be analyzed individually, but when it comes to the

21 M. Cooper, James.Classroom Teaching Skill, Ninth Edition. (USA : Cengage Learning, 2011), p. 230 22 M. Cooper James. Classroom Teaching Skill, Ninth Edition. (USA : Cengage Learning, 2011), p.217 23 Drs. Syaiful Bahri Djamarah. Guru dan Anak Didik dalam Interaksi Edukatif (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2000), p.173


teaching practice, it is ideal to keep these elements organized and well prepared.

3. Objectives of Classroom Management

The general objective of classroom management activities is to create classroom conditions that are conducive to the productivity of learning activities. The intended class conditions include aspects of: (1) student discipline, (2) class social climate, (3) social-emotional climate, and (4) class physical environment. The effectiveness and productivity of classroom conditions can be measured based on the following criteria: (1) fluency, ease and excitement of children's learning processes,

(2) optimal learning outcomes achieved by children. Furthermore, the specific objectives of class management are: (1) to create the growth of student disciplinary behavior, (2) to create a conducive and dynamic social class climate, (3) to create a cohesive class socio-emotional climate, and (4) to create an environment conducive physical condition24

4. Group work as Classroom Management Strategy

Group work is often recommended for developing social and language skills.

It is also a means by which students can support, challenge and extend their learning together, for example by searching for information or through problem solving or working on creative tasks. Group work is a student-centered way of teaching that emphasizes collaboration, cooperation, and teamwork. Rance-Roney describes group work as a classroom practice where “students work in teams to construct knowledge

24Egen & Kauchak. .Educatio Psychology Classroom Connections Second Edition.NewYork: Macmillan College Publishing Company Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon A Division of Simon and Shcuster, Inc. 1994


and accomplish tasks through collaborative interaction.” Sometimes teachers use groups to work on short activities in an informal way. However, a more formal structure to group work can provide many benefits for the students as well.25

According to Douglas stated that group work can develop the students to interact with other students. It means that group work can develop quite warm, friendly atmospheres in which members feel comfortable and accepted in their membership.26 The appropriate use of group work in language classroom brings several benefits for the students. First, group work demonstrates the ability of students to communicate, discuss, and cooperate with other students. Second, group work is an effective means of dividing the workload. Third, this allows for small sections or units to be completed providing a sense of completion for everyone and allows better management of the project as a whole. As the result, group work can promote students‟ practice, the quality of their talk, their motivation, and positive classroom atmosphere in teaching and learning speaking.

Blatchford & Kutnick stated that, there are four principles to be made successful of group work: first, the students and classroom need good organized and strategically managed its means that make the group work more effective in composition classroom seating arrangements and the characteristics of groups such as their size. Second, Group-work skills have to be developed. Third, Group-work activities should encourage the activist of group, and the last, the students should

25 Rance-Roney, J.A. Reconceptualizing interactional groups: Grouping schemes for maximizing language learning. English Teaching Forum. (2010).,p. 20-26. 26 Douglas, Tom.Basic. Group Work. Francis. British Library. 2000. p. 11


adopt a range of roles that are supportive of group work and that encourage the independence of students directly,27

Group work is a teaching strategy that promotes academic achievement and socialization. According, Baines, Blatchford & Chowne stated that by interacting with others students learn to inquire, share ideas, clarify differences and construct new understandings. They thereby learn to use language to explain issues, which in turn helps them construct new ways of thinking.28

Group work can be especially beneficial for large classes. Wright and Lawson found that group work helped students feel that the class was smaller and encouraged them to come to class more often. The felt more invested in the course and in the class material, which promoted active learning in a large class environment. 29

A group work requires students to complete work as a group with shared marks. The marks for each individual are determined by the performance of the group. Campbell and Li say that the aim of group work is to increase students‟ understanding of teamwork, and to enable them develop skills in coordination, collaboration, contribution, sharing, and dedication30. It also benefits students in

27Blatchford & Kutnick .Promoting Effective Group Work in the Primary Classroom Handbook for Teachers and Practitioners.USA and Canada. Rutledge Taylor & Francis Group. 2009.p.3 28Baines, E., Blatchford, P. & Chowed, A. Improving The Effectiveness of Collaborative Group Work in Primary Schools: Effects on Science Attainment. British Educational Research Journal, 33 (2007),p. 663–680 29Wright, E. R., & Lawson, A., H .Computer Mediated Communication and Student Learning In Large Introductory Sociology Classes. Teaching Sociology, (2005, p. 122-135. 30 Campbell J, Li M. Asian Students‟ Perceptions of Group Work and Group Assignments in a New Zealand Tertiary Institution. Edith Cowan University Research Online: Massy University, Wellington, New Zealan .2006.


promoting retention rates, transferring knowledge, providing counseling with cognitive, physical, social, and emotional problems, and enhancing their intercommunication skills.31

Brown mentions these advantages of group work. These are as the following: a. Group work generates interactive language. b. Group work offers an embracing affective climate. c. Group work promotes learner responsibility and autonomy. d. Group work is a step toward individualizing instruction

5. Classroom Management Strategy

According to Amatembun in Maulana, management strategy is the science of drafting, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable a teacher to achieve its goals.32 Definition strategy management focuses on the process of learning goal setting, policy development and planning to achieve objectives, and allocating resources to implement the policy and plan achievement of learning objectives from the several definitions above are the most responsible for the strategy management of learning to enable a more proactive rather than reactive in a lesson, it allows the learning to initiate and influence the activity so that it could control the purpose of learning itself.

31 Porter JY. Using Teaching Communities To Enhance Counseling Curriculum„, (Vistas Online Available from: http://counselingoutfitters.com/Porter.htm.2006) 32Maulana,Anas, “The concept of problem posing Education in the Classroom Management in English Learning (the descriptive study in the alternative school of Qoryah Thayyibah Salatiga” 2011 under Graduate Paper Tadris Bahasa Inggris STAIN Salatiga.p. 10


According to Colin and Robert, effective classroom management is considered trough four aspects: a. Management in the classroom: it is related on analysis classroom organization

and reducing sources of friction in the class. b. Mediation with individuals: it is refers to knowledge of how provide the

counseling and guidance which some students require, understanding their

problems and avoiding damaging confrontations in the classroom. c. Modification of behavior: it involves applying learning theory to shaping and

changing behavior in ways which are practical and realistic within the routine of

the normal classroom. d. Monitoring school discipline: it considers how schools evaluate the effectiveness

of policies on discipline.33

6. Teachers’ Creativity

Creativity is the ability to create results that are new, innovative, have not been there before, interesting, and useful to society. According to Robinson,

Creativity is obviously to do with producing something original.34 But there are different views of what is involved in this process and about how common the capacity for creativity. Therefore Boulden stated that creativity is the process of challenging ideas and ways of doing things that have been accepted to find solutions or new concepts. Being creative means seeing ideas or objects in different contexts,

33Smith, Colin J. And Robert Laslet. Effective Classroom Management, Second Edition( London: Taylor And Francis E- Library, 2002).p.1 34 Robinson. National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education. (1999).p. 29


with the inherent potential for them to be used in a different way or to express ideas that previously did not relate to each other, which together create something completely new.

According Gerlovina considered much of the creative process to be outside of the immediate control of the individual. He believed that creative thinking was the process of forming associative elements into new combinations which are in some way useful, the more mutually remote these associative elements were, the more creative the process or solution. 35 Teachers‟ creativity is ccreative teaching is about the teacher‟s personality, personal creativity and its manifestations in everyday practice. According to Cremin, creative teaching “involves teachers in making learning more interesting and effective and using imaginative approaches in the classroom”.36

Based on meaning above, Creative activity involves playing with ideas and trying out possibilities. In any creative process there are likely to be dead-ends: ideas and designs that do not work. There may be many failures and modifications and much refashioning of imaginative activity before the best outcomes. A similar process may then take place in terms. The application of a creative outcome.

Evaluating which ideas do work and which do not requires judgment and criticism. In this way creative thinking always involves some critical thinking. Understanding this is an important foundation for creative education.

35Gerlovina, Eureka! Unraveling the Mystery Behind Creativity. (2011),p. 7 36 T. Cremin. Creative Teachers and Creative Teaching. In Anthony Wilson (ed), (Creativity in Primary Education, 2nd ed. 2009) (pp. 36-46)


a. The Characteristic of Creativity

Creativity is obviously to do with producing something original. According

Robinson there are four characteristics of creative processes. First, they always involve thinking or behaving imaginatively. Second, overall this imaginative activity is purposeful: that is, it is directed to achieving an objective. Third, these processes must generate something original. Fourth, the outcome must be of value in relation to the objective.

1) Using imagination

Imaginative activity is the process of generating something original: providing an alternative to the expected, the conventional, or the routine. This activity involves processes of thinking or behaving. The behavior may include activities where thought is embodied in the movement: such as in performance and other forms where there is not necessarily a pre figurative thinking. Imaginative activity is a form of mental play serious play directed towards some creative purpose. It is a mode of thought which is essentially generative: in which we attempt to expand the possibilities of a given situation; to look at it afresh or from a new perspective, envisaging alternatives to the routine or expected in any given task.

2) Pursuing Purposes

Creativity carries with it the idea of action and purpose. It is a sense, applied imagination. The imaginative activity is fashioned, and often refashioned, in pursuit of an objective. It occurs on the way to something: to meeting the overall objective, or to solving the central problem. Sometimes the objective changes as new ideas and


possibilities come into view: sometimes, as with inventions and discoveries, new purposes are found when an initial product or idea has emerged.

3) Being Original

There can also be degrees of originality within these categories: of greater or less originality in relation to individual or group output. Originality in creative work will often be judged to be of the first two categories. For reasons we come to, this can be of considerable importance in the general education of each individual.

4) Judging Value

The outcome of imaginative activity can only be called creative if it is of value in relation to the task at hand. „Value‟ here is a judgment of some property of the outcome related to the purpose. There are many possible judgments according to the area of activity: effective, useful, enjoyable, satisfying, valid, and tenable. The criteria of value vary according to the field of activity in question. b. The Importance of Teachers‟ Creativity

Teachers act as a key holder in the generation and development of the child's creativity. A teacher who wants to inspire creativity in young protégé, should first attempt so that he himself creatively. In general, a creative teacher who was never taught by people who are creative in an environment that supports it. Creativity must change the old concept, which says that education is a system, which factors had earlier collected, and maintained.


According to Quintin teachers‟ understanding of and belief in creativity is a promising starting point for any future educational policy targeted at developing teaching practices and education in support of students‟ creative and active learning. c. Teachers‟ Creativity in Classroom Management

According to Tajalan, teachers‟ creativity can be directed in two components in classroom learning that

1) Creativity in Classroom Management

Classroom management is activity teachers for manage classroom to dynamic, organizing, existing, resources, and planning activities which done in the classroom.

In the case the teachers‟ creativity in the classroom management to directed: a. To help of learners in order class learn related collaborative and cooperative. b. Creating and conducive academic environment in the learning process.

2) Creativity in Utilization Learning Media

Learning media is a tool that can be support in the learning process. The function media is help to learners in understand taught to abstract concept increase, motivation to learner in the learning process, reduce misunderstanding, and increase motivation to teachers for skill developing.

The creative learning is a learning model that develops students so that students' learning outcomes have creative thinking and behavior.37 In this paper, teachers' creativity refers to several criteria. First, teachers use techniques, tools,

37Dobbins, K. Teacher creativity within the current education system: a case study of the perceptions of primary teachers. Education,(2009).p. 95-104


creative materials, learning methods that develop student creativity. Second, teachers use ways that make students think actively and creatively. Third, teachers assign tasks to students that enable them to skillfully select multiple strategies to solve problems, such as brainstorming, reflection, analysis, and causality. Fourth, teachers always provide activities that train students to think creatively and imaginatively. Fifth, teachers always give students a situation where they can innovatively explore resources and ideas. Sixth, teachers provide assignments that require students to offer some alternatives, using new styles, materials, and props to provoke students to want to know more about entrepreneurial and imaginative education.38

3) Indicator of Teachers‟ Creativity

Richards described several different dimensions of how teachers conduct creative English teaching in the classroom: a. Using eclectic choice of methods

The method used by the teacher is not merely chosen randomly but according to students‟ need. He employs many kinds of techniques and activities to support students‟ learning. Combination of styles and methods are also importantly affected. b. Using activities which have creative dimensions

Teaching creatively must be supported by dimension of creative task, including “open-ended problem solving, to be adapted to the abilities of the participants, and to be carried out under constraints.

38Lin, Y.S. Fostering Creativity through education: A conceptual framework of creative pedagogy. Creative Education,(2011).p. 149-155


c. Teaching in a flexible way and often adjusting and modifying the teaching during


According to Richard “Flexibility in teaching means being able to switch between different styles and modes of teaching during the lesson, for example if necessary changing the step of the lesson and, giving more space and time to learners”. Creative teacher always has another feature to make the lesson more effective. d. Customizing their lessons

Creative teacher does not only teach without recognizing of whom they face with. He has sense of pattern in teaching and is willing to identify what the learners look like and what they need most. Teacher then adapts or customizes the lesson based on the learners‟ level, need and interest. e. Using technology

Technology is one of the teaching media to update the latest information, to seek the resources, to deliver the material easily and still many others. Besides, it purposefully would develop imagination, problem-solving skill, risk-taking behavior and variant creative thinking of both teacher and students. f. Seeking creative ways to motivate students

Teacher provides activities that encourage classroom atmosphere to increase students‟ motivation. It unconsciously brings students curiosity in such situation in which they will take in part in the deep of learning that is more challenging. In this case, learners will be stimulated positively without feeling of fear.


7. Teachers’ Belief a. Definition of Belief

Belief is about what people think about themselves, about something, and about the world. Borg defines a belief as an evaluative scheme or plan which is accepted as true and held by the individual. Belief can be conscious and unconscious and is made as guide to thought and behavior.39 Furthermore, Puchta also gives definition about belief by stating that belief functions as a guiding principle owned by each person and it can manipulate their understanding of and reaction toward new information. He also adds that belief is the main thing that control what people do and what people act. It means that beliefs help people in determining how they think and what they want to do the words, beliefs help someone in making judgment, in understanding and evaluating about some things.40 Moreover, Pajares in his work says that belief is actually observable even though belief is closely related to personal conceptions and internal mental processes. He also adds that to identify and observe someone belief, people can see it through their attitudes, values, expectation, theories and assumption they make.41 From the explanation above, it can be concluded that beliefs can influence someone‟s behaviors and decisions.

39 Borg, M. Teachers‟ Beliefs. ELT Journal, (2001) p. 186-188 40 Puchta, H. Beyond materials, Techniques and Linguistic Analysis: The Role of Motivation, Beliefs, and Identity. Plenary Session at the 33rd International IATEFL Annual Conference, Edinburg (1999)., p. 64-72 41 Pajares M.f. Teachers‟ Beliefs and Educationl Research Cleaning Up a Messy Construct. Review of Educational Research (1992), p. 307-332.


Belief is the judgment made by the person about what they can do with the skills that they possess. Belief is confidence in the ability to overcome difficulties in teaching. Based on Richardson that belief is an important thing in the teaching- learning process. Belief is a set of perception that human hold improving the way human behave in their life. Belief can be defined as psychologically held understandings, premises, or propositions about the world that are felt to be true.

Belief can make the teachers can handle every situation in classroom practice.

It also gives the confidence to the teachers to hold the classroom activity. Like activity is useful for the classroom, materials and method will implement in the classroom. According to Michaela Borg beliefs play an important role in any aspect of teaching. For the teachers who have the belief that learners will understand the lesson when they exercise lesson consistent with memorization, they will ask the learners to memorize the subject during teaching and learning process.42 In other ways, teachers who have the belief that learner will be able to understand the lesson easily. The teacher will improve the material to engage the students actively in the teaching and learning process

Teachers‟ beliefs are central to determine their actual behavior towards students. Borg defines teachers‟ beliefs as a term usually used to refer to teachers‟ pedagogic beliefs or that belief of relevance to an individual‟s teaching. In addition,

Richards and Lockhart argue belief as “the goals and values that serve as the background to much of the teachers‟ decision-making and action”. Thus, how the

42 Borg, M. Teachers‟ Beliefs. ELT Journal, (2001)


teachers teach the students is depending on their beliefs. It is also called that beliefs comes from teachers‟ professional development. Furthermore, it can be said that beliefs are prior ideas about particular things which can influence someone in thinking and making sense of the things.

Borg suggests that “teacher beliefs are concerned with what teachers know, believe, and think and teachers may have many competing beliefs in play at any one time”. Awareness of teachers‟ beliefs therefore is important in taking decisions about teaching approaches, materials, and activities in the class. In the same vein, Pajares also argues about the influence of teachers‟ beliefs.

Teachers‟ beliefs have a greater influence than the teachers‟ knowledge on the way they plan their lessons, on the kinds of decisions they make, and on their general classroom practice. If teachers can identify the level of students‟ capabilities, they will try to select and adjust their behavior and instructional choice accordingly. As mentioned earlier, teachers‟ beliefs also strongly influence teaching behavior, practices, and finally learner development. The ways teachers act and interact with students are affected by teachers‟ beliefs. As a result, they guide teachers in making decision such as creating activities in the classroom and designing appropriate assessments for the students. It can be said that the planning of teaching and curricular decisions are shaped by teachers‟ beliefs. Then, teacher may know to determine what should be taught and what path instruction should follow.

Therefore, it can be concluded that teachers‟ belief is teachers‟ knowledge, perspective, and attitude that influence teachers in making decision such as planning


lessons, creating activities or classroom practices, and designing students‟ assessment. b. The functions of Teachers‟ Beliefs

Buehl and Fives describe three functions of teachers‟ beliefs, namely: as a filter for interpretation, a frame for defining problems and a guide for action. First, beliefs filter information and experience. For humans, beliefs influence perception and interpretation of information and experience. This function of belief serves as an implicit filter of information, particularly when individuals perceive the belief as a device since individual understands of reality is always seen through a lens of existing beliefs. This role of beliefs is particularly relevant in the educational context.

That is, if beliefs influence how individuals interpret new information and experiences, practicing teachers‟ beliefs shape what and how they learn about teaching. The filtering role of belief also helps recognize the information worth discussing with students.

The second function of beliefs is to frame situations and problems. In this case, beliefs are used to define a problem or task. In the classroom context, when teachers extract information from their environment, beliefs continue to play a role in how they conceptualize the problem at hand

Finally, beliefs guide intention and action. When teachers are able to identify the problem, their beliefs help guide action. Researchers view beliefs as motivational constructs that guide teachers in setting teaching goals, achieving goals, and persisting challenges


c. Types of Teachers‟ Belief

Calderhead explore and classifies types of teacher belief as teachers‟ about teaching learning and learners, subject matter (i.e. EFL or language), self as teachers‟, or the role of the teacher. It can be elaborated that belief about teaching refers to teachers‟ belief about purpose of teaching. It makes the teachers think weather the teaching is a process of transmitting knowledge or about facilitating and guiding students learning. Next, belief about learning to teach refer to teachers‟ belief about professional development. The experience of the being an educator help the teachers in choosing what appropriate materials, techniques, activities and media to teach students. After that, beliefs about subject deal with how teachers view the subject. In this case deepens on the students‟ needs. Then, the teachers decide the subject which need and want to learn. After that, the materials are integrated with other skills. The last is belief about self and the teaching role deal with teachers‟ belief aboutt their teaching role and how these beliefs shape their classroom practice; the teacher can be knowledge transmitter, a facilitator, a guide, or decision maker.43 d. Areas of Teachers‟ Belief

Calderhead proposes five areas of teachers‟ beliefs. They are described below: a. Beliefs about learners and learning. The way teachers interact with their students

and proceed towards learning tasks are influenced by the assumptions teachers

43J. Chalderhead. Teacher: Belief and Knowledge. In Berliner D, C& R.Calfee (Eds) Handbook and Psychology,( New York : Simon & Schuster , Macmillan 1996).


make. Teachers‟ judgments of students and students‟ behavior toward them are

influenced by various features students have. b. Beliefs about teaching. It is related to beliefs teachers hold about teaching

purposes. Teachers‟ beliefs about teaching are usually formed early when they

were students teachers and may change when they have more teaching

experiences. c. Beliefs about subjects. Each teacher has their own belief towards subject area they

teach so they can perform tasks effectively. d. Beliefs about learning to teach. Student teachers usually have beliefs about their

professional development and how they learn to teach. On the other hand,

experienced teachers have restricted and simple explanation. Hence, the beliefs

about learning to teach that student teachers hold affect the way they approach

professional learning and aspect of their pre-service program. e. Beliefs about self and the teaching role. High level of personal involvement is

required in teaching. Teachers‟ value and personality plays important role in

establishing relationship with students I order to maintain students‟ interests and

develop productive working environment.44 e. Sources of Teachers‟ Beliefs

According to Kindsvatter, Willen, and Ishler the sources of teachers‟ beliefs are as follows:

44 J.Calderhead, Teachers: Beliefs and Knowledge. In D.C. Berliner, & R.C. Calfee, (Eds.) Handbook of Education Psychology.(New York: Simon & Schuster, Macmillan. (1996).


1) Teachers‟ experience as language learners. A lot of teachers know that they were

previously learners and how they were taught and these helped them form their

beliefs about teaching.

2) Experience from teaching. Teaching experience is the main source of teachers‟

beliefs in that how a specific method is used for a specific group of learners may

result in the beliefs about that method.

3) Teachers‟ personality. Some teachers prefer a particular method because it

corresponds to their character.

4) Education-based or research-based principles. Teachers can get their beliefs from

learning principles of second language acquisition research, education, or schools

of thoughts like psychology. 45

In relation to the sources of teacher‟s beliefs, according Richards and

Lockhart summarize a number of the sources of teachers‟ beliefs. First, it derives from their own experience as language learners. Their learning experience may influence their beliefs about teaching and learning if they see what their teachers do is accepted, they may imitate their former teacher‟s teaching. Second, it is the experience of what works best. Some teachers may experience that certain teaching strategies may or may not work in their classes. Third is established practice. A certain teaching style may be preferred in an institution. Fourth is personality factor.

Some teachers may prefer a particular teaching pattern or activity because it matches

45 M, Isher & W.R Kindsvatter, & Willen . Dynamics of Effective Teaching. New York: Longman 1998)


with their personality. Fifth is educational-based or research-based principle.

Teachers may want to apply a particular teaching style that they may have learnt from a conference or research article. Six is principles derived from an approach or method.

Teachers may believe in the effectiveness of a particular approach and apply it consistently in their classrooms.46

Thus, it can be concluded that there are three influential sources or factors affecting teachers‟ beliefs. First, it is teacher‟s prior experience as students or learners. The experience as students/learners informs the teachers the most appropriate teaching and learning process the students may prefer. Second, it is teachers‟ professional development. This development may come from their teaching experience within the class, their experience joining a course or seminar, or their experience by reading journals/books related to teaching approach or teaching method. Third, it is contextual factors. This factor usually comes from the institution where teachers work or teach.

Zhou Guotao and Liu Xiaoming, expressed that teachers' beliefs are shaped during their teaching processes and indicate the teachers' subjective knowledge of the educational phenomenon, particularly towards their own teaching abilities and their learners. According to Xin Tao and Shen Juliang the sources of teachers' beliefs are the result of social history and culture. Li emphasized that beliefs originate from teachers' experiences. The teacher has various processes of self-construction. Social

46Richards, J.C. & Lockhart, C. Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (2007).p. 30


psychologists stated that social cultural has a great effect on teachers' beliefs. They state that these beliefs are shaped during accepting culture.47

According to Richardson three main sources of teacher beliefs are a personal experience, experience with instruction, and experience with formal knowledge.48

Kukari demonstrated that there is a relation between cultural and religious practices of teaching and learning. These practices define the understanding of teaching and learning that teachers hold before becoming learners of teaching.

Knowles said that teachers' beliefs are formed throughout their life and are impacted by different factors such as happenings, experiences, and other people in their lives .McGillicuddy-De Lisi and Subramanian declared that some beliefs are taken from culture. Some are formed by experiences adjusted by culture. Persons have almost identical experiences as a child, as a member of a family, and as a parent or teacher. These experiences form their beliefs about learners and curriculum development.

According to Shulman teachers‟ beliefs originate from four sources. They are content knowledge, educational materials, formal teacher education, and experience.

Nasser expressed that teachers' teaching beliefs concerning their roles, learners' roles, the goals of science and their teaching methods were formed by personal religious beliefs obtained from the principles existing in religion. The researcher continued that

47 Li, X.. The Role of Teachers„ Beliefs in the Language Teaching-learning Process. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, (2012),p. 1397-1402 48 Richard, J. C., & Lockhari, C. Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classroom. New York: Cambridge University Press. (1994).


teachers' religious beliefs worked as a „schema' which affected their perception.49

According to Richards and Lockhart past experience in learning or teaching is not the sole source of beliefs. Some other sources are involved in forming beliefs. They have established a practice, teachers' personality factors, educational principles, research- based evidence, and principles originated from a method.

According to Mansour there are two kinds of experiences; formal and informal. A formal experience is indicated in the formal education through which teachers have passed, either at school or at a university level. The informal experience is indicated in teachers' 18every-day life contacts that may adjust, support, challenge, or change their beliefs and knowledge. In this regard, Gilakjani & Sabouri, represented that both informal and formal experiences are „socialization influences,' saying that teachers' teaching at schools had more power in impacting teachers' beliefs than their formal university experiences.50

From the opinion of experts can be concluded that the source of teachers‟ belief is the knowledge and experience of teachers. Whether it is from formal or informal experience. f. Teachers‟ Belief and Their Classroom Practice

What teachers do in the classroom is said to be governed by what they believe and these beliefs often serve as a filter through which instructional judgments and

49 Nasser, M. Science Teachers‟ Beliefs and Practices: Issues, implications and research agenda. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, (2009). P. 25-48. 50 Gilakjani, A. P., & Sabouri, N. B. Teachers‟ Beliefs in English Language Teaching and Learning:a Review of Literature. English Language Teaching. (2017).


decision are made. A belief about language learning and teaching that they apply when they plan their instruction; choose the teaching strategy, the media, the material and the type of resources; interact and communicate with their students in the class; manage classroom; and react to whatever possible conditions in the classroom. Being aware or not by certain belief in their mind, the teachers are influenced by this belief when they think, react and respond during their professional routine tasks and performance.51 Most of the time, teachers are not aware of the existence of the belief inside their mind, and that belief shape the way they do their profession for example how they view the students and the materials, how they use teacher talk and code switching, how they develop their supplementary materials, which approach they employ most of the time, and how they interact with their colleagues and students.

Furthermore, teachers‟ pedagogical belief decisive role in their teaching practice where the beliefs are reflected in the teaching method, selected activities, decision-making, and evaluation in the classroom has been known and studied.

Beliefs give a remarkable influence on how teachers actually teach.52 An example would be that if the teacher believes that mother tongue (or a foreign language) can be better learned by students by investing more time in teaching grammar, the teacher will provide a greater unit of time to grammar. g. The Important Teachers‟ Belief

51Xu, L.“ The Role of Teachers „Beliefs in the Language Teaching-learning Process.” Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 2, No. 7 (2012) p. 1397-1402. 52Nespor,J .“The Role of Beliefs in the Practice of Teaching.”Journal of Curriculum Studies (1987) p.317-328.


Teachers are viewed as important agents of change in the reform effort currently under way in education and thus are expected to play a key role in changing schools and classroom. The importance of teacher beliefs within teacher education rests with the constructivist is conception of learning. Some researchers define the importance of teachers‟ beliefs on their ways. Smylie in his path analysis study of 56 teachers undergoing a staff development process concluded that teachers‟ perceptions and beliefs are the most significant predictors of individual change53. Pajares stated that the earlier a belief is incorporated into the belief structure, the more difficult it is to alter.54 In addition, Thompson suggests that teachers' beliefs and values about teaching and learning affect their teaching practices.55 According to Horwitz addressing the beliefs of prospective foreign language teachers should be the first step in their development as foreign language teachers.56 In other words, teachers‟ beliefs are the fundamental concepts to develop foreign language teaching. Williams and

Burden propose that teacher beliefs affect everything that they do in the classroom, influencing classroom strategies much more strongly than planned curriculum and pedagogic.

53M. Smylie. The Enhancement Function of Staff Development: Organizational and Psychological Antecedents to Individual Teacher Change.(American Educational Research Journal 1988) p. , 23 54M. F. Pajares, M. F. Teachers Beliefs and Pedagogical Research: Cleaning up a Messy Construct. (Review of Pedagogical Research 1992) p.307-332. 55 A. G. Thompson. Teachers' Beliefs and Conceptions: A Synthesis of The Research. In D. A. Grouws (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning.( New York: Macmillan 1992. pp.127-146 56E. K. Horwitz, Becoming a Language Teacher: A Practical Guide to Second Language Learning and Teaching. Boston: Pearson Education (2008) p.333


C. Conceptual framework

English Teachers‟ in Classroom Management

Learning Process In EFL

Classroom Managemnt Strategy Using Group Work

Teachers’ Teachers’ Creativity Belief

Figure.2.1. Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework of this study is the researcher was observed the activities of English teachers‟ in about classroom management teachers‟ creativity and belief in the English learning process, which is related to the management strategies applied in class. After that the researcher was interview four English teachers at SMAN 11 Bone about group work used by teachers‟ in the classroom in teaching English and to find out how the teachers‟ creativity and belief in managing classroom. So that it is expected that the English teachers‟ can manage the class effectively and efficiently




In this chapter the writer present some point related to this research include research design, subject of the research, place and time of the research, focus of the research, data collection technique and technique of analysis data. 1. Research Design

In this research, the research design which the writer takes is qualitative- descriptive by applying phenomenological study approach. The researcher design used in this research was the descriptive method. In this research, the researcher has two purposes. First, the researcher want to know how teachers‟ creativity in using group work and the second, the researcher wanted to know how the teachers' belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy in SAMAN 11 Bone academic Year 2019/2020.

Snape and Spencer stated that qualitative research is a naturalistic / interpretative approach concerned with understanding the meaning people give to the phenomena within their social setting. The researcher builds a complex, holistic picture, analyzes words, report detailed views of information, and conducts the study in a natural setting.

The writer chose qualitative data research to conduct the final project of this paper. In this qualitative research, the researcher wanted to find out teachers' creativity and belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy.

The researcher chose the English teachers at SMAN in Bone region academic Year


2019/2020 as the object of study because the researcher wanted to know the teachers' creativity and belief using group work as EFL Classroom management strategy for student in teaching in EFL classroom.

2. Subject of The Research

The subject of this research was the English teachers at SMAN 11 in Bone region in academic year 2019-2020. The primary purpose of this study was to find out teachers' creativity and belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy, particularly issues related to be creative teachers, creative teaching practices and the factors that influence about creativity. Teacher‟s creativity could also be determined depending on teaching experience and educational background. For more information the researcher described about it in the column.

No Name Name of school Education level Teaching experience

1. AMR SMAN 11 Bone S2 10 years

2. AKB SMAN 11 Bone S1 5 years

3. NAN SMAN 11 Bone S1 27 years

3. Place and Time of The Research

This research was conducted at SMAN 11 Bone. One of senior high schools in Bone South . SMAN 11 Bone is located on a strategic place.This school is


located in Jl. Andi firdaus. And then the researcher was spent one month or more to conduct this research.

4. Focus of the Research

This research was focused on the teachers‟ creativity and belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy. This research limited of the research on the discussion about teachers‟ creativity and belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy.

1. Teachers‟ Creativity

Creativity in this study is focused on educational term of language teaching as

Richards stated that: Creativity is usually described as having a number of different dimensions: (a) the ability to solve problems in original and valuable ways that are relevant to goals; (b) seeing new meanings and relationships in things and making connections; (c) having original and imaginative thoughts and ideas about something;

(d) using the imagination and past experience to create new learning possibilities.

Creative teacher means the one who employs creativity in language teaching, and is able to stimuli language learner in creative ways and to lead to creative activities, methods and approaches.

2. Teachers‟ Belief

Richards et al found that teachers‟ beliefs about their classroom role were that they should: (1) provide useful learning experiences, (2) provide a model of correct language use, (3) answer learners‟ questions, and (4) correct learners‟ errors. They also believed that their main role as English teachers was to (1) help students discover


effective approaches to learning, (2) pass on knowledge and skills to their pupils, and

(3) adapt teaching approaches to match their students‟ needs.

5. Data Collection Technique

Sugiyono stated that research method is the scientific way to get the data for the purpose and the utility of something.57 To get the data, the writer used two technique of collecting data, they are observation and interview. a. Observation.

In this research the writer used participant observation, the subject of the observation was teacher's activities in class when the teachers‟ teaching in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy. It focused on the teachers' creativity in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy. The observation was done by the researcher at SMAN 11 bone. The researcher did the observation by going to school directly. Here, researcher observed the teaching and learning process when the teachers in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy for students'. Researcher observed the teachers how the teachers' creativity when the teacher used group work as EFL classroom management strategy. The observation had purpose to find out how the teachers‟ creativity in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy. Thus, researcher was found out the teachers' creativity in the setting. The researcher collected the data on teachers' creativity when the teacher using groups work as EFL classroom management

57Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D. (Bandung: Alfabeta; 2013), p. 2


strategy by using notes. The notes were used to write important information and events in class. b. Interview

The writer used structured interview, by conducting interview with the

English teachers‟. The teachers‟ were recorded by using audio recording. The researcher asked the teachers about condition of the class and how the learning process occurred. On the other hand, the researcher asked the teachers about the process of teaching and made a list of questions which have correlation with this research to get the data. The interview of this research focused on teachers' belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy such as: the material, the media and the technique used by the teachers and also the problem faced by teachers and students. In this case, the researcher asked some information about the strategy that used group work as EFL classroom management strategy. The researcher asked some questions related the teaching strategy and some other questions that might help in completing the data. c. Document Examination

Document examination is also one of data sources which can be in form of written or visual that can contribute to the understanding of what is happening in the classroom or in the research site where the research is conducted. d. Triangulation

Triangulation is a data collection technique that is characteristic combining various data collection techniques and existing data sources. When a researcher


collects data by triangulation, the researcher actually collects data which at the same time tests the credibility of the data, which is checking the credibility of the data with various data collection techniques.58

Triangulation also uses data validation confirmation techniques. This technique is expected to be able to minimize the interpretation or subjectivity of research results and produce objective and accurate research data. This was done considering the characteristics of qualitative research which positioned researchers as key instruments in interpreting research data.

Sugiyono mentions three kinds of triangulation methods for qualitative research namely, source triangulation, technique triangulation and time triangulation.59 On the other hand, (as cited in Asriati) emphasizes four kinds of triangulation methods that may be used in qualitative research namely, source triangulation, methods triangulation, researcher triangulation, and theory triangulation.60 Based on the triangulation methods that have been mentioned above in this process the researcher only does two kinds of triangulation methods. The first method is the triangulation of data sources. The results of the data compare from one respondent to another, especially the result of interviews. The researcher evaluates the results by checking out the perception or statement that is come from the respondent,

58 Suahrasimi Arikunto, Prosudur penelitian, ob.cit., h. 231 59 Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta. (2012: 369) 60 Asriati, A Study of Effective English Language Teachers in . Unpublished Thesis. School of post Graduate Studies. State university of Makassar. (2014: 45)


if there are some unclear statements or opinion the researcher asks the respondent feedback again in order to obtain a valid data.

The second triangulation method is the triangulation of techniques. In this process the researcher compares the results obtained from each kind of procedure of collecting data such as interview, observation, , and documentation. The comparing is needed in order to obtain a valid data as the findings of the research.

6. Techniques of Analysis Data

In analyzing the data the researcher was used the descriptive method. To describe the teachers‟ creativity and belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy. According Miles and Huberman there three kind activity of data analysis, they are reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion/verification.61

The researcher analyzes the data by steps as follows: a. Data Reduction

Data reduction was done by summarizing field notes by separating main things relating to research problems, and then it was arranged systematically to describe and to make easy the data searching. Not all the obtained data of the research was important. It meant that the important information had to be taken and unimportant information had to be ignored. In process of data reduction, the researcher selected focuses and abstracted the data in the field note. The data reduction was done during research activities. In this case, the researcher reduced

61 A. M. Huberman & M. B, Miles. Data Management and Analysis Method In Prof, Dr.Emzir, M.Pd. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Analisis Data. (Jakarta: PT Raja grafindo Persada; 1984), P. 21-23


information during the research activities if data was unimportant or did not support the data needed by the reseacher. b. Data Display

Data display was used to know the entire description of the result either in the form of matrix or coding. After conducting this stage, the researcher was able to draw conclusion and verify it to be meaningful data. It means describing data in the form of descriptive or narration. As the second component in analyzing data, this technique was used arranging the information, description, or narration to draw conclusion. By presenting data, the researcher considered what the researcher should do. The researcher analyzed the other action based on her understanding. c. Conclusion and Verification

To draw reasonable conclusion, it was conducted verification along with the research using member check, triangulation and audit trail, to guarantee result significance. In this study, conclusions were drawn continuously throughout the course of study. The researcher tended to accumulate and formulated her interpretation as the researcher went along. The researcher wanted to write up not only she saw each day but also her interpretation of those conclusions..




This chapter consist of teachers‟ creativity and belief in using group work as

EFL classroom management strategy. The writer examines and method and discusses the data that have been resumed before and explained the data based on the theory in chapter II. The data sources were taken from the conclusion of teachers' way in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy in the classroom. To find out the result of the research, the researcher interview three teachers and also it can be seen from the observation that the writers have done from the first until end the meeting.

In the finding the right data, the writer used two kinds of collecting data. They are interview and observation

A. Findings

1. Teachers’ Creativity in Using Group Work as EFL Classroom

Teachers‟ creativity is creative teaching about the teacher‟s personality, personal creativity and its manifestations in everyday practice. According to Cremin, creative teaching “involves teachers in making learning more interesting and effective and using imaginative approaches in the classroom”.62 Teaching for creativity is seen to involve teachers in identifying children‟s creative strengths and fostering their creativity.

62 T. Cremin. Creative Teachers and Creative Teaching. In Anthony Wilson (ed), (Creativity in Primary Education, 2nd ed. 2009) p. 36-46


Creative teachers require a combination of both personal and performance creative abilities. Their personality, values and attitudes become very important as teachers present themselves as models in the classroom. Personal qualities, such as confidence, warmth, empathy, enthusiasm and openness can create an encouraging classroom atmosphere so that students feel free to express their creativity.63

Performance abilities are teachers‟ abilities to perform their role effectively. Jesson states that creative teachers are able to ask questions, make connections, look at things in new ways, explore ideas and reflect on what they have learnt. They should also be able to promote these abilities in the students.64

In order to answer the first question of the study, the researcher explores the way teachers teach the students using group work in EFL classroom. The purpose of observation is to know the teachers‟ creativity in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy.The observation will be discussed on the table below:

No Activity Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3 1. Media In the first In the first In the first meeting,

meeting, the meeting, the the teacher was

teacher used teacher used also used “book”

“book” as the “book” as the as the media in

media in teaching, media in teaching, teaching, in the

in the second in the second second meeting,

63 Charlile,,&Jordan,A.Approaches to Creativity: Aguide For Teacher.Maidenhead:open university press (2012). 64 Jesson, J..Developing creativity in the primary school. New York: McGraw Hill. (2012).


meeting, the meeting, the the teacher used

teacher used teacher applied “laptop” in

“picture” as the “game” in teaching the

tools in teaching, teaching the students, and in the

and in the last students, and in the last meeting the

meeting the last meeting the teacher used any

teacher used teacher applied “pictures” as the

“PowerPoint” as “think, pair, and media in teaching

the media in share method” in English in the

teaching English in teaching English in classroom.

the classroom. the classroom.

2. Classroom The data from The teacher can The teachers management observation show manage the improve her

that the teacher classroom and creativity using

was able to build make the students their own way, and

good ideas in order comfort to join the build her own

to create a good learning process. It confidence in

atmosphere in the is because the teaching EFL

class using group teacher‟s having students. The

work as classroom ideas on how to teacher provided

management explain the same good material or a


strategy in EFL concept/topic with basis in order to classroom. different methods create something

Teacher‟s or strategies new toward the responses show a include group students. She was good knowledge work method for able to teach about creative motivating because she thinking skills students in already had which can help learning. He is something in her effective easy to improve mind. This is integration of the knowledge of meant that this creativity activities students and his teacher has a prior into the language teaching skill knowledge about classroom. It using group work something and she makes students can in EFL classroom. able to teach it in feel calm and He also creates the EFL classroom comfort to join the enjoyable activities using group work learning process, in the class. He strategy. because they did gave students the assignment in a some motivation group work. and confidence in

learning process,


and what the

teacher did had

made students love

learning English in

EFL class

3. Learning Starting from the This teacher was The teacher Activity first until the last also having a good grouped the

meetings, the way in teaching students in order to

researcher sees English. The improve their

that this teacher is student feels easy vocabulary.The

creative enough in in understanding teacher explain

teaching English to the materials, about the definition

the students in the because the of recount text, the

classroom, because teachers have kinds of recount

the teacher always many ways in text, and structure

follows the rules of teaching them. It of recount text.

a good way in makes the students While explained

teaching. They are not boring in the about the structure

say salaam for the classroom. Also, in of recount text,

very first place, the last of lesson most of students

then, checked the activity, the pay attention to


attendance list, teachers never him very well. It is

asked the students forget to close the prove by the

about the materials lesson with saying students answer

given, explain the hamdalah and when the teacher

materials,and salaam to the asked them, also

asked the students students. the teacher can

about what they improve the

have not known or students‟

understand about motivation in the

the materials in the classroom. It

last meeting. makes the learning

process running


Based on observation the researcher was concluded that the teachers already have a creative way in teaching in using group work as EFL classroom. It is proven by the observation that the researchers see when the teacher groups the students; the teachers can make students more active in the classroom. Some of the learning processes that researchers observed can be concluded that the learning process carried out in class using various methods and utilizing objects as a medium in learning

English specifically, can provide inspiration to students to direct their attention to the


material being taught. Thus the English teacher is able to utilize the objects that are around him as a learning medium or drawings or design themselves so that the material taught to students can attract attention. So that in the process of assessment or evaluation the teacher is able to provide an objective assessment of the student.

Based on the observation, the data showed that tearchers‟ creativity in using group work strategy includes: a. Using Media

The teacher is a generator and develops of students' creative power. A teacher who wants to arouse student creativity must first try to make her creative. One of them is by using a variety of media in order to create fun learning and make students active. It is said to be creative if the teacher uses more than one learning medium. At the time of the research in grade 3, the teacher had used more than one learning medium. In English learning the teacher uses PowerPoint media then the second meeting of the teacher uses pictures to refer students' knowledge about the material.

At the next meeting the teacher uses book media.

Using media in teaching English using group work as EFL classroom management strategy is really useful toward the students. There were only 1 teachers used media (LCD) in giving the materials. Moreover, they also follow the rules of group work as EFL classroom management strategy that make the students active, and make the classroom confortable in learning process. The roles of using group work as EFL classroom management strategy teacher is as the mediator and facilitator. The teacher used the media to teach the students in using group work as


EFL classroom management. In using media, the teacher used PowerPoint, book, picture and game. Beside that the teacher use of media like interesting PowerPoint could make the students interested and focused on their study.

Based on observation, the researcher found only one teacher showed the interesting slide to the students based on the book that the students have. The teacher made the PowerPoint to attract the students‟ interest b. Classroom Management

At the beginning of learning process in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy the teachers always arranged the students‟ seat position the teachers divide students into some group in small discussion. The teachers stated as follows because the students‟ seats here have been arranged and locked or connected with the others seats in a row. Teachers arranged the students‟ position in order that they will feel comfortable with their position.

Based on observation, the reseaarcher found three teachers arranging students‟ seat position with some good way and divide students into some group in small discussion every meeting such as changing the students‟ position from the backside moved to the front, the front to the backside, the left to the right, and the right to the left. Sometimes, the teacher changed students peer. This strategy is to make the students not feel bored with their seat position different atmosphere as they move their seat position. c. Learning Activity


Starting from the first until the last meetings, the researcher sees that this teacher is creative enough in teaching English to the students in the classroom, because the teacher always follows the rules of a good way in teaching. They are say salaam for the very first place, then, checked the attendance list, asked the students about the materials given, explain the materials, and asked the students about what they have not known or understand about the materials in the last meeting.

This teacher was also having a good way in teaching English. The student feels easy in understanding the materials, because the teachers have many ways in teaching them. It makes the students not boring in the classroom. Also, in the last of lesson activity, the teachers never forget to close the lesson with saying hamdalah and salaam to the students. The teacher grouped the students in order to improve their vocabulary.The teacher explain about the definition of recount text, the kinds of recount text, and structure of recount text. While explained about the structure of recount text, most of students pay attention to him very well. It is prove by the students answer when the teacher asked them, also the teacher can improve the students‟ motivation in the classroom. It makes the learning process running well.

Teachers‟ creativity is categorized into three, they are :

1. Innovative creativity

Innovative creativity is creative individual builds on their knowledge of whatever field they are in, climbing on the shoulders of their predecessors, so to speak, to reach even higher levels of new understanding and ideas. Based on observation done the researcher sees from the three teachers, she was able to build


good ideas in order to create an atmosphere in the class using group work as classroom management strategy in EFL classroom. Teacher‟s response show a knowledge about creative thinking skills which can help effective integration of creativity activities into the language classroom, but the teacher felt difficult when delivering the material using English language, because most of students are still lack of vocabulary and did not costumed to use English in their daily life. So, the teacher mixed English and Indonesian language. The teacher in this study saw the ability to create something new or different or make an improvement on this working group method. This EFL teacher in this study is aware of the importance of lifelong learning to upgrade their knowledge and skills. The teachers‟ creativity is not only essential for engaging learners in classroom activities but also for creating the condition which allow the learners‟ own creativity to flourish using group work in the classroom.

2. Productive creativity

Productive creativity is the description given when someone develops objects or ideas that are new to him or her, but not necessarily to other people. Teacher participating in this study had a range of teaching experience. His teaching experience as having a positive effect on the way they taught. His experiences were useful not only to guide students on how to create suitable activities but also on how improve his way in teaching. It is prove by the teacher‟s having ideas on how to explain the same concept/topic with different strategies include group work method for motivating students in learning. He improved the knowledge and his teaching skill using group work in EFL classroom. He also creates enjoyable activities in the class.


He gave students some motivation and confidence in learning process, and what the teacher did had made students love learning English in EFL class.

3. Inventive creativity

Inventive creativity where ingenuity is displayed with materials, methods, and technique. Teachers in this study build a foundation to create something new and thus to be creative in teaching. The teachers also improve her creativity use different kinds of methods and techniques in every meeting their own way, and build her own confidence in teaching EFL students. The teacher provided good material or a basis in order to create something new toward the students. She was able to teach because she already had something in her mind. This is meant that this teacher has a prior knowledge about something and she able to teach it in the EFL classroom using group work strategy.

Based on the observation that the researcher has done, the researcher conclude that the teachers already have a good way in teaching EFL classroom. It is prove by the observation that the researchers see when teacher grouping the students, the teachers can make students more active and make comfortable in the classroom. It is prove by the teachers can improve the quality of learning, and students‟ ability, helping students understand or learn, motivating students in learning, building students‟ confidence, encouraging students‟ creativity, and creating an enjoyable and a fun class for EFL learners. The teachers can arrange the students seating position, grouping the students, using media, controlling the students, managing the time, and giving prohibition as well.


2. Teachers’ belief In Using Group Work as EFL Classroom

The purpose of interview is to know teachers‟ belief in using group work as

EFL classroom management strategy. The interview session was described below: a. Establishing good relationship with the students

Based on the interview data, it is show that group work strategy is establishing good relationship with the student. The data form interview as follow:

Teacher 1 (AMR)

“……One of the activities that the teachers do in order to create a better atmosphere in the classroom” “To make students more active in the classroom”

Teacher 2 (AKB)

“…..Group work can create the effectiveness of students, interest, and the students‟ comprehension”

Teacher 3 (NAN)

“…..The atmosphere of the classroom that more fun, creative, and discipline”

Based on the result of teachers‟ interviewed, it can be conclude that group work does not have relation with the establishing a good relationship of the students itself.

The teachers never use group work to create the method of group work in order to create an emotional relationship with the students, but the teacher used it as the assignment in order to make students calm and they won‟t make a commotion in the classroom.


b. Communicating Clearly and Confidently

Based on the result of teachers‟ interview, group work was effective to be used as the tools of communication to manage the classroom. The data form as follow:

Teacher 1 (AMR)

“……Create the interaction and communication and relationship two sides between teachers and students but still keep the restriction between teacher and students.”

Teacher 2 (AKB)

“…….It can motivate students to tell their ideas directly with their friends.”

Support by the teacher 3

“…..Group work is used as a communication tool in designing teaching objectives Based on the result of the interviewed given to the teachers, the researcher conclude that group work is effective to apply in the classroom, and it make teachers can still keep their restriction between their students and it can help teacher to manage the class, and also it can make students to explain their ideas as well. c. Motivation

Based on the result of interview, group work can be used to motivated students in the classroom. The data form interview as follow:

Teacher 1 (AMR)

“…..Enthusiast, it can create a conducive classroom and it can create many variations of teaching” Teacher 2 (AKB)


“…..It can improve the activity of learning, it can make students know more about the task given, and work together with their friends, making ideas, and it can improve the interest and it can improve the students‟ achievement”

Support by the teacher 3

“…..Create a conducive classroom atmosphere and support the learning process with the expected layout and create varied learning methods so that students do not feel bored. The goal is that students are always motivated to follow the lesson

Based on the result of the teachers‟ interview, the researchers conclude that group work can improve the students‟ motivation. It is prove by what the teachers said. It is also based on what the teachers feel the classroom when they were tough in the classroom. d. Negative Attitude

Based on the result of teachers „interview, the researcher found that by using group work, it can handle the negativity of the students. The data form interview as follow:

Teacher 1 (AMR)

“…..By that process, the teacher can make students have a competition in the classroom”. “…..Utilize the resources and evaluate the ideas and observe the assignment of their friends”

Teacher 2(AKB)

“….The teacher lead the students to solve the problems”

Support by the teacher 3


“...... Group work learning model, students are not accustomed to working together, directed or guided so that they can join solve the problems given by the teacher.

Based on the result of what teachers said, the researchers conclude that group work can handle the negativity of the students. It is prove by what the teachers have said that the teacher can evaluate the students‟ idea and observe the students‟ assignments. e. Positive Attitude

Based on the result of interview, group work can also manage the students‟ positive attitude. The data form interview as follow:

Teacher 1 (AMR)

“…..Group work support the positive and effective environment” “….Group work can create an active interaction that involve effort of intellectual and change the relation of students”

Teacher 2(AKB)

“….It can make students easy to monitor every activities as a group work” “….It can improve the positive ideas and improve the result of students‟ way in learning”

Teacher 3 (NAN)

“…..It can stimulate students by give them punishment or reward”

Based on the result of what the teachers‟ answers, the researcher concludes that group work can handle the positive attitude of students. It is prove by the teachers‟ explanation that by apply group work, it can make teachers easy to monitoring the


students, and it can improve the positive ideas and students way in learning in the classroom.

Based on the result of interview above, the researcher can conclude that these three teachers belief that the group work strategy is effective and efficient for students as EFL classroom management strategy. It is prove by what they have told the researcher when the researcher interviewed them. By applying group work, it can encourage students‟ motivation and participation. As teachers‟ answers, they realised that creativity could attract students‟ interest, motivation and enthusiasm for learning.

Therefore, for this reason improvement on previous. Teaching helps handle the class, make class comfortable and can encourage learners‟ enthusiasm, and interest in EFL classroom.

A. Discussions

1. Teachers’ Creativity in Using Group Work as EFL Classroom

Based on the observation that the researcher has done, the researcher was concluded that the teachers already have creative way in teaching using group work as EFL classroom. It is prove by the observation that the researchers see when teacher grouping the students, the teachers can make students more active in the classroom.

The teachers also feel easy to manage the classroom because the student feels comfort to join the learning process. It is prove by the teachers can improve the quality of learning, and students‟ ability, helping students understand or learn, motivating students in learning, building students‟ confidence, encouraging students‟ creativity, and creating an enjoyable and a fun class for EFL learners.


Jeffrey and Craft identified three ways in which teaching creatively and teaching for creativity occurred in the classroom. First, teachers who worked creatively employed both teaching creatively and teaching for creativity according to what they considered appropriate in the circumstances. Second, teaching for creativity arose spontaneously from teaching situations in which it was not specifically intended. Third, teaching for creativity was likely to emerge from creative teaching contexts.65 The teachers can arrange the students seating position, grouping the students, using media, controlling the students, managing the time, and giving evaluation. It is mean that the teachers were creative enough in teaching

English as EFL classroom using different kind of strategies or methods.

According to Douglas group work can develop the students to interact with other students. It means that group work can develop quite warm, friendly atmospheres in which members feel comfortable and accepted in their membership.66

The appropriate use of group work in language classroom brings several benefits for the students. First, group work demonstrates the ability of students to communicate, discuss, and cooperate with other students. Second, group work is an effective means of dividing the workload. Third, this allows for small sections or units to be completed providing a sense of completion for everyone and allows better management of the project as a whole. As the result, group work can promote

65 Jeffrey, B., & Craft, A. Teaching Creatively and Teaching for Creativity: Distinctions and relationships. Educational Studies, (2004)., p. 77-87

66 Douglas, Tom.. Basic Group work. Francis. British Library.( 2000) p.11


students‟ practice, the quality of their talk, their motivation, and positive classroom atmosphere in teaching and learning process.

Therefore, for this reason, improvement on previous teaching helps encourage learners‟ enthusiasm and interest in EFL classroom. Finally, these English teachers were categorised as creative enough in teaching EFL classroom because the teacher can applied group work method as well, and also the teacher use different kinds of method in every meetings that prove these English teacher was creative in teaching

English to EFL classroom.

As a creative teacher, you should be in the process learning uses a variety of media uses learning so that students do not feel bored and lessons are delivered can be directly accepted or understood by students, so that it will make the learning process comfortable and a lot of fun. As for some principles that must be considered in media selection, including:67

The selection of media must be in accordance with the intended purpose achieved. Are these goals cognitive, affective or psychomotor. Every media has certain characteristics, which must be taken into consideration in its use. The choice of media must be based on a clear concept. The choice of media must be adjusted to the characteristics of students. The choice of media must be in accordance with student learning styles and the style and ability of the teacher. Media selection must be in accordance with environmental conditions, facilities, and time available for learning needs.

67 Wina Sanjaya, Perencanaan dan Desain..., hal. 224


Using media in teaching English using group work as EFL classroom management strategy. Learning media are tools or objects that can support the learning process in class. The function of learning media (1) helps students understand abstract concepts taught, (2) increases student motivation in learning, (3)

Reduces misunderstanding, (4) Motivates teachers to develop knowledge. In the case of learning media, teacher creativity in learning media is directed to reducing things that are too abstract in learning material and helping students integrate learning material into real situations

Rayanda Asyar stated that "learning media can be understood as anything that can convey or channel messages from a planned source, so that a conducive learning environment occurs where the recipient can carry out the learning process efficiently and effectively.68 Next Oemar Hamalik Suggests that what is meant by educational media is the tools, methods, and techniques used in order to more effectively communicate and interact between teachers and students in the process of education and learning schools. Munadi defines learning media as "everything that can convey and channel messages from a planned source so as to create a conducive learning environment where the recipient can carry out the learning process efficiently and effectively".

Hamalik Arsyad believes use teaching and learning can be generating motivation and stimulation of learning activities”. Utilization learning media of the

68 Rayandra Asyar. (2012). Kreatif Mengembangkan Media Pembelajran. Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press.


introduction process teaching and learning delivery of massage and interest for students. Learning media also to help students increase understand and facilitate interpretation which can ultimately to improve students achievement.69

Using media are the tools that the teacher used in teaching in the class. The selection of the media is adjusted to the methods and activities used in the class.

Based on the data, the three teacher agreed that media was used to facilitate students in understanding the course concept easily. They assumed that students sometimes faced difficulties in understanding teachers‟ explanation verbally. They believed that through teaching media, students‟ difficulties could be minimized. It is in line with

Cameron who state that students need concrete things to understand the concept.70

Managing a class is a challenging job for teachers. Every day teachers are dealing with students throughout the learning process. Variations in the dynamics of the class requires teachers not to rely on what has been done so far, but needed the ability of teachers to develop classroom conditions for learning effective and efficient running smoothly as well as fun.

Teachers have skill to manage the classroom in order to leverage the potential of the class.” Classroom management is a skill teacher to create a climate conducive to learning and control in the event of an interruption in learning“.71According to

Terry understanding management is a process or framework, which involves the

69 Azhar azhari ., Media Pembelejaran.( Jakarta; P. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2007).p.15-16 70 Cameron, L.Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (2001). 71 Djamarah, S. B. (2002). Strategi belajar mengajar. Jakarta.: Rineka Cipta.


guidance or direction of a group of people toward organizational goals or intentions are real. Management also is a science and an art. Art is a skill knowledge gained from experience, observation and learning and the ability to use knowledge management.72

Jason and Barry in Sutikno outlines that classroom management is a skill that must be held by teachers in deciding, understand, diagnose and repair capability to act towards a classroom atmosphere of aspects to consider in the management class are: the nature of the class, the driving power of the class, Classroom situation, action selection and creativity.73

From the above it can be concluded the opinion that classroom management is an attempt to leverage the potential of classroom teachers to organize learning activities and motivate the students to the learning effective and enjoyable. Purpose of classroom management as follow: realizing the situation and condition of the positive class, removes obstacles that could hamper the teaching learning interactions, providing and arranging facilities and furnishings learning, fostering and guiding students. The purpose of classroom management is the provision of facilities for a variety of student learning activities in a social environment, emotional, and intellectual in the classroom, so that every child in the class can work in an orderly manner so as soon achieved the goal of teaching effectiveness and efficient.

2. Teachers’ belief In Using Group Work as EFL Classroom

72 Sardiman. (2004). Strategi belajar mengajar . Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada. 73 Sutikno, S. Pembelajaran Efektif, Apa dan Bagaimana Mengupayakannya. Mataram: NTP Press. (2005).


Based on the result of interview, the researcher can conclude that these three teachers belief that the group work strategy is effective and efficient for students as

EFL classroom management strategy. It is prove by what they have told the researcher when the researcher interviewed them. By applying group work, The researcher found that the teachers‟ beliefs in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy, namely; Teacher belief in establishing good relationship with the student, teachers‟ belief group work can be used in communicating clearly and confidently, teachers‟ belief group work can be used to students motivation, and teachers‟ belief can handle students positive and negative attitude. a. Teachers‟ Belief Group work establishing good relationship with the students.

Group work does not have relation with the establishing a good relationship of the students itself. The teachers never use group work to create the method of group work in order to create an emotional relationship with the students, but the teacher used it as the assignment in order to make students calm and they won‟t make a commotion in the classroom.

By applying group work as EFL Classroom management strategy is establishing good relationship with the student. According Nichols the teachers in the controlling cluster thought that it was particularly important to create a warm classroom climate and to develop a good relationship with their students.74 As

Gandzhina and Cotton said it is important to establish a good relationship among

74 Nichols, J. D. Empowerment and relationships: A classroom model to enhance student motivation. Learning Environments Research (2006). p. 149–161.


students to ensure students‟ performance and it sometimes worked for me. But I believe that both students and teachers need to work together in order to get good results.75

Gandzhina and Cotton stated that teachers had to win students‟ hearts while they get to students‟ heads, research have proved that good relationships between teachers and students show a good level of performance coming from students.

Asking questions to students is the third aspect which is very important because it has to do with preparation, a well-thought-out class invites students to participate in debates and activities that make them express their opinions. b. Teachers‟ Belief Group Work Can be Used to Communicating Clearly and


Group work was effective to be used as the tools of communication to manage the classroom. That group work is effective to apply in the classroom and it make teachers can still keep their restriction between their students and it can help teacher to manage the class, and also it can make students to explain their ideas as well.

Tanveer state that students in groups communicate enthusiastically with each other.

They learn how to communicate and share ideas. Moreover, group works give confidence to students to become skilled through discussions. Students weigh the good and bad sides of a given condition together and then attempt to discover a

75 Dustova, G. and Samuel Cotton, S. Classroom Management Strategies. The CTE Journal ISSN 2327-0160 (Online) Volume 3. Number 2. Ball State University. (2015)


rational clarification to the problem.76 Schmidt states that a group has a leader that encourages the members of the group to focus on growth.

Creating a communicative language classroom has been an obligation for most language teachers nowadays. To do so, they need to ensure that the techniques they use in the classroom promote dynamic interaction with their students and interactions among students in the target language. Lee and Ng‟s study underlines three types of interaction strategies namely teacher fronted strategy, facilitator-oriented strategy and learner-oriented strategy.

According to Ryoo students‟ collaborative interactions in the sociocultural framework enable them to mediate their understanding and actively seek solutions together to reach second language development. During students‟ group work, the teacher only intervenes during the interaction if necessary, for example, to help their students when they face problems in doing their tasks Every interaction strategy is embedded by particular teachers‟ roles; for example, teachers may perform as controllers of discourses in teacher-fronted strategy application or facilitators during facilitator-oriented or learner-oriented strategy. c. Teachers‟ Belief Group Work Can be Used to students Motivation

Teachers believe that teachers‟ motivation gives impact to students‟ motivation in learning process. Teacher with high motivation will enhance students‟ motivation than teachers with lower one. The spirit performed by teacher gives

76 Tanveer, A.Group Work VS. Whole Class Activity. BNU. Beacon house National University (2008)


positive impact to students‟ learning motivation. Students follow the positive or negative energy provided by teacher. This belief is supported by Bernaus, Wilson and

Gardner who investigate the relationships among motivational characteristics of the class, the use of teaching strategies as viewed by both the teacher and the students, and the level of the teacher‟s motivation.77 The result shows that teacher motivation is influential in the use of strategies as perceived by the students and can influence their attitudes toward the learning situation and motivation. If teachers are motivated, students are more actively involved in class activities and feel more motivated.

Wudthayagorn was quoted in Ushida says that teacher can be influential in affecting students‟ motivation and attitudes and in creating a learning community in which students can study a language with less anxiety.78 In another word, teacher has important role in shaping students‟ motivation to learn and creating the joyful learning community for students. Vibulphol found that most students have a high level of motivation since the teachers employed various strategies such as autonomy support and controlling. This finding is in line with Lai and Ting who state the teachers should use various strategies to enhance students‟ motivation.

Other studies have also shown that higher levels of control appear to go alongside higher levels of relatedness .it can encourage students‟ motivation and participation. As teachers‟ answers, they realised that creativity could attract students‟

77 Bernaus, M., Wilson. A. & Gardner. R.A. Teachers‟ Motivation, Classroom Strategy Use Students‟ motivation and Second Language Assessment. Porta Linguarum, (2009),p. 25-36 78 Ushida, E. The Role of Students‟ Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning in Online Language Courses. CALICO Journal, . ( 2005). p 69.


interest, motivation and enthusiasm for learning. Teachers usually hold very stable long-term beliefs about the nature of student motivation and the particular motivational strategies that are effective in motivating their students. According

Pajares Teacher beliefs are developed through teachers‟ own experiences as learners as well as their professional.79

According to Amabile motivation is a key aspect to creative production, and marks the dividing line between what creative individuals are capable of doing and what they actually will do in a given situation. In second language acquisition, motivation is considered as the primary energy provider, and can initiate learning and sustain an individual‟s efforts to learn. Dörnyei and Ryan explain that individuals will not be able to accomplish long term goals without having sufficient motivation even though they may experience good curricula and effective teaching practices. This also applies to highly talented individuals: without adequate motivation, they cannot achieve their long-term goals. By comparison, individuals who are highly motivated can cope with their weaknesses in both language aptitude and learning conditions.80 d. Teachers‟ Belief group work can handle Students Positive and Negative Attitude

Group work can handle the positive attitude and negative attitude of students. It is prove by the teachers‟ explanation that by apply group work, it can make teachers easy to monitoring the students, and it can improve the positive ideas and students

79 Pajares, J. Teachers‟ beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a messy construct. Review of Educational Research (1992) p. 307–332 80 Dörnyei, Z., & Ryan, S. The psychology of the language learner revisited. New York: Routledge. (2015).


way in learning in the classroom. According Greenop state that Students‟ attitudes towards learning English was found to be positive and negative attitude when teachers employ group work in their classrooms. Students‟ critical thinking skills are enhanced in group work.81 Then, Arumugam state to argue their position, question other students‟ ideas and convince others of their own. Finally, students‟ learning is improved and deepened. Group work was seen to generate a lot of discussion , lead to the construction of new knowledge, help students understand concepts better and perform better Students in groups support and influence each other‟s learning clever students help weak students.

Hattie found that excellence in teaching is the single most powerful influence on achievement and found that teachers account for 30% of the variance in the students' learning outcomes. Ulug et al concluded that teachers' positive and negative attitudes have positive effects on students' performance and personality developments and are the second-highest determining factor in the development of individuals, after parents. Finland is often cited to have the best educational system in the world and the key factor for its success seems to be the training of teachers: Finland's teachers are required to have Master's degrees, and teaching careers are the most competitive in the country.

To make teachers aware of their beliefs about language learning is the most important step to make positive change in EFL classroom visible. As mentioned

81 Greenop, K. Students‟ perceptions of efficacy and preference for two lecture formats. South African Journal of Psychology, (2007).p. 361-367.


previously that beliefs are not resistant to change, it is very possible to change the negative beliefs the teachers possess to the positive ones through various activities and agendas planned by both the teachers and the school administrator.

Yavuzer also state that the basic principle in teaching is to support students and expect positive to the students with the aim to motivate them. High motivation will give a good learning outcome. Motivation will show the persistence, desire, effort of the students to achieve the learning outcomes. The positive and negative influenced students‟ personality as well as their live performance.

To produce valid data, writer conducted observations by directly participating in watching learning activities in the classroom and paying attention to various social and psychological symptoms that emerged after the teachers‟ did some creativity in the process of learning English in SMA Negeri 11 Bone

In line with the importance of innovative and enjoyable English learning processes, the teachers‟ must have new ideas and be applied. The form of application is determined by the teachers which forms a study group, discussion group or combines them with one another in English learning activities with new patterns by utilizing supporting factors in an optimal manner, so as to create an interesting learning atmosphere and please students quickly. It is only natural that in association between individuals in the class there will be a form of mutual understanding and mutual knowledge between one another. Creativity in learning English, by emphasizing the pattern of interaction, is intended so as not to cause boredom, boredom, and to enliven the classroom atmosphere for the success of students.


In a matter of creativity must be supported by the way of applying classroom layout or seating arrangements of students as well as learning media prior to the implementation of learning, this is very easy for teachers to better activate a good learning atmosphere as has been done in SMA Negeri 1 Bone.

The results of the interview as supporting research that the teachers did very clearly illustrates how the success and belief of English teachers concocting learning methods and strategy by using group work make the students more active and creatively in the classroom. The level of saturation of students is reduced, on the contrary the students feel comfortable in accepting the lessons given by the teacher, especially the English teacher as the object of the author's research. Creativity in learning English teachers do not only focus solely on the arrangement of learning spaces merely as a convenient means of learning, but also English teachers always used different media for every meetings that relate directly to the material to be conveyed. A part from that the most important factor is the way of delivering the material to students





This chapter consists of three section, they are conclusions, suggestions and implications. Those three sections are presented below:

A. Conclusions

Based on the findings and discussions in the preceding chapter, the writer would like to draw the following conclusions:

1. Teachers‟ creativity in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy

in SMA Negeri 11 Bone are:

a. The level of creativity of teachers in using group work as EFL classroom

management strategy in SMA Negeri 11 Bone is creative enough. That it is in

the high category namely: innovative creativity, productive creativity and

inventive creative

b. Teachers‟ creativity using media every meeting

c. Teachers‟ creativity in classroom management of the implementation of

teaching properly, which includes; delivery of subject matter, use of teaching

methods / techniques, the use of media and learning tools, the creation of

learning interactions teach in class well.

d. Teachers‟ creativity can make student more active in learning process

e. Teachers‟ creativity can arranged the students seating position, grouping the

students every meeting


2. Teachers‟ belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy in

SMA Negeri 11 Bone are:

a. Teacher belief group work can be used in establishing good relationship with

the students.

b. Teachers‟ belief group work can be used in communicating clearly and


c. Teachers‟ belief group work can be used to students motivation, and

d. Teachers‟ belief can handle students‟ positive and negative attitude.

B. Suggestions

1. The English Teachers‟

It is suggestion the English teachers‟ should be more aware of all their roles in using group work strategy. Besides that the teacher should use English as a foreign language more than he usually used in teaching English. It is to make the students accustomed with English. So that, the students will more understand and speak

English in learning process. Besides, the English teachers need to use more media, method or strategy, and group work is one a good strategy the teacher can be used in the classroom. Group work helps students develop teamwork skills and social interactions as well as learning about various backgrounds, culture, beliefs, and attitudes. To teachers be able always look for new things that are creative and create active, innovative, creative and fun learning.

2. The further researcher


The English teachers should be more aware of all their roles in using group work. The students should practice using English to communicate in their environment. The students should have motivations, so they know the different rules used to express something. The researcher recommends other future researchers who would conduct the same studies to enrich the data sources by collecting information from the students‟ points of view. It is employed to verify and confirm whether the beliefs that the teachers hold are well implemented or not implemented during the teaching and learning process within the class. It also used to capture different opinions of the teachers‟ creativity and beliefs. By doing so, it is hoped that the validity and reliability of the result become more increased.

C. Implications

1. Implication for future research. As a result of this study, teachers and school

administrators are likely to have a better understanding in knowing the

importance of teachers‟ creativity, attitude and commitment on students‟

proficiency of the English language. Future research should further explore the

same independent variables and its effect on students‟ performance in English

and other subjects taught in school. Another future research could look at the

effects of creativity of teachers and students in the school.

2. Principals as top managers in schools can mediate efforts in increasing teacher

competence, so they can develop their creativity and belief in using group work

as EFL Classroom management strategy in the learning process.



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Appendix 1 Observation

Date / Time : Place : Observation : Observer : Activity : Field Notes (Detailed, chronological notes about what the observer sees, hears; what occur; the physical setting)

...... Reflective Notes ( Concurrent notes about the observer‟s personal reaction, experiences) ......



NO. Teachers‟ Classroom Question for interview Belief Management  Establishing good 1. Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu relationship with tenntang group work yang students digunakan sebagai metode/ tekhnik untuk menjalin kedekatan/ hubungab siswa denagan siswa dan guru dengan siswa sebagai manajemen kelas?  Communicating 1. Bagaimana meurut bapak/ibu clearly and apakah group work dugunakan confidently sebagai alat komunikasi dalam mengelola kelas.?

 Motivation 1. Menurut bapak/ibu apakah group work dapat memotivasi siswa dalam mengelola kelas?  Negative 2. Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu attitude apakah group work mampu (negative attitude) menangani sikap siswa yang negative dalam mengelola kelas? 3. Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu  Positive attitude apakah group work mampu ( sikap positif) menangani sikap siswa yang positif dalam mengelola kelas?

1. Apakah bapak/ibu yakin bahwa  Establishing good group work efektif digunakan relationship with sebagi metode/tekhnik dalam students menjakin hubungan kedekatan siswa dengan siswa dan guru dengan siswa? 2. Belief 2. Mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagi metode/tekhnik dalam menjakin hubungan kedekatan siswa dengan siswa dan guru


dengan siswa?

 Communicating 1. Apakah bapak/ibu yakin bahwa clearly and group work efektif dugunakan confidently sebagai alat kiminikasi dalam mengelola kelas? 2. Mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work efektif dugunakan sebagai alat kiminikasi dalam mengelola kelas?

Motivation 1. Apakah yakin bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work dapat memotivasi siswa dalam mengelola kelas? 2. Mengapa yakin bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work dapat memotivasi siswa dalam mengelola kelas?  Negative attitude 1. Apakah bapak/ibu yakin bahwa ( sikap negative) group work dapat menangani sikap negatif siswa dalam mengelola kelas? 2. Mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work dapat menangani sikap negative siswa dalam mengelola kelas?

 Positive attitude 1. Apakah bapak/ibu yakin bahwa ( sikap positif) group work dapat menangani sikap positif siswa dalam mengelola kelas? 2. mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work dapat menangani sikap positif siswa dalam mengelola kelas?


FN 001

Date / Time : Place : SMAN 11 Bone Observation : Observation of the first research subject Observer : Ufrah Activity : Teaching English in the classroom

Teaching English in the Classroom

This is observation of the first research subject. She entered the class and great the students. After that the students great the teacher. The students sat while waiting for their teacher command. Then the teacher explains the material about the caption , after that the teacher divides students into several groups .She did it to inform several notes to her student that actually chose to become leaders or peer tutoring for their friends. The teacher gave the students some themes about caption and wrote moral message in the picture to each group for them to discuss and leading by the group peer tutor. After gathering the students the teacher then walked to the center of the classroom to announce and to inform about activity that the student will have with their friends that have been chosen by her to become leader just about 20 minute.

She asked the student weather they were ready to start the group discussion. The students say yes for it. Then she explained again what kind of activity that they will do on their group discussion. They were asked to understand the function files the existed in the paper. She walked around the classroom to check her students understanding on activity they had to do with


Reflective Notes

1. The teacher used two languages in the classroom. She used English and

Indonesia. She directly switched the language if the show the students seemed

difficult to understand her explanation.

2. The teacher tried to get closer her student‟s by walking around the class to know

her students problem in doing the activity in the classroom.

3. The teacher re-explain her instruction to make sure the student‟s understand

4. The teacher limited the discussion and implementation by stopping students‟


5. When the discussion started to be very noise, the teacher can the noise second of

the students and explain the material communicatively.

FN 002

Date / Time : Place : SMAN 11 Bone Observation : Observation of the second research subject Observer : Ufrah Activity : Teaching English in the classroom

Teaching English in the classroom This is an observation of the second subject. Before started the learning process, the teacher rearrange the classroom. After the chairmen prepare the class,


the teacher called the group leader to check their task or homework that have given last week meeting. While the teachers negotiate with the group leader the students started to become noisy. Being aware of this situation, the teacher warned them to stop the noise from the class. He warned that he will leave the classroom if the students did not stop talking. After gave the students shock therapy, the students started to be quite. The teacher called five students to negotiate about the activity that they will have at that day. The five students that have been chosen were included as the best students of English class. The teacher negotiated about the grouping system for their class. The teacher chose the five students to be the leader of each group. After negotiating about the grouping system, they agreed that the group will be divided by the teacher herself. Then the teacher asked the students to find out the function file in their handbook. This function files will be focus of material at that they. The issue that the students would like to study at that day was reading comprehension with issue sub tittle recount text, the teacher give instruction about what they have to do next is giving 20 minute discussed session for each group about things that they have gotten outside the classroom by making some notes into recount text. He walked around the classroom to check whether the students did well on their Task or not. He checked every group within the classroom. he came to every group asked about their problem in doing activities. He went back to her chair and invited the students to her desk if there was any problem that they did not understand. Every leader of the group who found difficulties on their group came to the teacher asking about the problem. The teacher checked the group progress by asking each group how far they have finished the discussion about the function files on their handbook. Then she praised the group that worked better that before. The class was over and the


students greeted their teacher before left the classroom

Reflective Notes

1. The teacher moved around the classroom to get close to check the trouble

spots and to again the students.

2. The teacher creates a learner-cratered by giving the students time to work

in group.

3. The teacher offered the students time to ask something which unclear by

letting them asking closely.

4. The teacher gave positive reward such as praise to the student who work

harder than other.

FN 003


Date / Time : Place : SMAN 11 Bone Observation : Observation of the third tresearch subject Observer : Ufrah Activity : Teaching English in the classroom

Teaching English in the Classroom

It is an observation of the third research subject and her student. She entered the class and great the students As usual, she entered the classroom.

First, the teacher say salaam to students, and she asked about students‟ condition, and after that, the teacher divide the students into five groups directly. After divided them, the teacher asked them to sit based on their group mate. After that, the teacher told the students about the theme that they want to learn about. And the theme is about “expressing intention”.

The teachers asked the students what the students already know about

“expressing intention”, but there is only one student know about it. Then, the teacher explained it in deep explanation in order to make all students can understand it. After explained the material, the teacher asked the students to open their book. Then the teacher writes down the example of “expressing intention and told the students to find another expressing of intention. She asked the students one by one to write in in the white board.

She started to check the students; discussion progress from the back to the front. In every group he stop end answered the students‟ question. He moved from the ride side of the class to the left side of the class.


After that, the teacher told the students to find as many as they know

about intention expression, and then, she told the students to practice it in front

of the other students.

Reflective Notes

1. The teacher used two languages in the classroom, she used English and

Indonesia. She directly switched the language if the show the students seemed

difficult to understand her explanation.

2. The teacher limited the discussion and interrupted by supporting students noise 3. The teacher grouped the students randomly so the students‟ ability level on each

group was varied.

4. When the discussion started to be very noise, the teacher out the noise sound of

the students and explain the material communicatively.

Date / Time : Place : SMAN 11 Bone Observation : Observation of the first research subject Teacher : Mrs.Amrah Activity : Teaching English in the classroom Field Notes

Meeting 1

A. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “caption”


B. Material The material is about “caption” C. Media The media that used by the teacher is a book D. Learning Activity The teacher started the learning process with explain about the them first.

The theme is about “caption”. She explained the meaning of caption. Then, she

showed the picture/example of caption itself. After that, she explained about the

function of caption. Then, explained about the structure of caption, and the last one

is explained the messages of the caption itself. She told the students that every

caption must be have a message on it.

After that, the teacher told the students to open the book page 34, and read the

book, the she asked the students about what is the definition of the caption. After

answered the question, the teacher told the students to collect their homework.

After that, the teacher explained again a little bit about caption itself.

After that, the teacher divided students into some groups and gives them a

paper written about caption, the teacher told them to find the meaning of that

caption, find the function of that caption, and the messages on that caption. Then,

the students directly do it in a group. In the end of the learning process, the teacher

asked them about what the students‟ problem in finding the right answer. After

that, the teacher checked the students‟ assignment.

Meeting 2


A. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “procedure text B. Material The material is about “procedure text” C. Media The media that used by the teacher is a laptop D. Learning Activity When the teacher turn in the class, the first time the teacher give salam to

all students, and the students‟ answer the teacher‟s salam. After that, the teacher

checked the attendance of students one by one. Finished checked the attendance,

the teacher give instruction to the students to see the picture of “how to make a

popcorn” on the screen. Then, the teacher explained it. After that, the teacher gives

a command to the students to read the text as individual then the students should

answer the question that related to the text.

After finished that, the students asked to exchange their works to others

friends. Next, the teacher. started checks the answer together with the students. In

checked the answers, the teacher choose one of the students to read the text, then

the students should translated into Bahasa. The teacher also repairs the

pronunciation of the students if they wrong in their pronunciation or have a

difficulty when read the vocabulary. So, the students will know the right

pronunciation also the meaning of the text in Bahasa.

Meeting 3


A. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “narrative text” B. Material The material is about “narrative text” C. Media The media that used by the teacher is a paper D. Learning Avtivity The teacher turns in the class and gives salam to all students. After that,

the teacher checks the students‟ attendance list of students. Then, the teacher

delivers the material to the students that will be teaching today. The material is the

reading text that had still on entitles “Narrative text”. The teacher explains the

rules in this section begin from pre-reading until the task of the text reading.

When the teacher finish explain the material for the students, the teacher

gave students a paper written of “The legend of Malin Kundang”. The teacher

explain again about that story. And then the teacher told the students to read the

text carefully and told them to answer the question based on the story in the paper

given. The teacher gives allocation time for the students to start their works until

the process of evaluation for the reading text and the question of the reading text.

When all of the activity was done, the teacher inputs the score of the students‟

results in the reading comprehension text and gives evaluation to the students

about this lesson.

In the last lesson, the teacher gives explanation to the students about the


next meeting in the new materials. Finally, the teacher closed the lesson with

saying hamdalah and salam to all students.

FN 002

Date / Time : Place : SMAN 11 Bone Observation : Observation of the second research subject Teacher : Mr. Andi Akbar Activity : Teaching English in the classroom Field Notes

Meeting 1 A. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “recount text” B. Material The material is about “recount text” C. Media The media that used by the teacher is a book D. Learning Activity The first thing that teacher did is he asked the students about what the

students already know about “recount text”. He told the students to re-tell their

experienced in the past. He pointed one girl and one boy to stand up in front of

their classroom and they explain about their experienced. A girl re-tell about her

experienced when she want to Makassar.

After that, the teacher explain about the definition of recount text, the kinds


of recount text, and structure of recount text. While explained about the structure

of recount text, most of students pay attention to him very well. It is prove by the

students answer when the teacher asked them, also the teacher can improve the

students‟ motivation in the classroom. It makes the learning process running well.

Meeting 2

A. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “procedure text” B. Material The material is about “procedure text” C. Method The method that applied by the teacher is a game D. Learning Activity The teacher turns in the class and gives salam to all students. After that,

the teacher checks the students‟ attendance list of students. Then, the teacher

delivers the material to the students that will be teaching today. The material is the

reading text that had still on entitles “Narrative text”. The teacher explains the

rules in this section begin from pre-reading until the task of the text reading.

Students are put into several groups. Each group is given a set of

procedure text. Each student in groups is given one card containing one of the

steps of doing something. The students are then required to seek their partners

based on the sequence of steps in procedure text. The students do this by reading

loudly the words written on their cards. Then the students are asked to go to the


front to present what they have done in the game. The teacher tests the students‟

comprehension about the procedure text and guides them in drawing conclusion

on what they have learned from the material. After that, further exercise is given to

strengthen their comprehension on procedure texts. Using game in the classroom

encourages students to use the target language spontaneously in real life situation.

Game makes more fun in the classroom and therefore the students enjoy learning.

When this occurs learning can takes place better

Meeting 3

A. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “making request” B. Material The material is about “making request” C. Method The method that applied by the teacher is a Think, Pair and Share method D. Learning Activity The teacher started the learning process with explain about the them first.

The theme is about “making request”. She explained about how to make a good

request. After that, she explained about the function of making a request, and

some examples of making request.

Students are given some instructions about what to do with this activity.

The teacher distributes parts of the text to the students. In every meeting there is a

text that can be discussed. A text is divided into two parts. The students accept


different part of the text. Then, the teacher asks the students to do the thinking step individually and try to understand it. The teacher monitors and controls the process of Thinking that is done individually by the students. After that, the students do the pairing step in pairs. They move closer to their pairs who have the same text, then think and share the text. The teacher monitors and controls the Pairing process that is done in pairs. The teacher may help the students if needed, especially with vocabulary problems.

Next, the students do sharing step in pair, but with different pair. They should move to the other pairs who have different text in order to share the information from their texts. In addition, they should also pay attention to their new pairs‟ explanation. They also may ask other students, if the explanation is not clear enough, especially the ideas of the complete/full text. They also should find the answers of some exercises during the explanation. It means the students need to discuss what they have read before. The teacher monitors and controls the process of Sharing that is done in pair and in group and give necessary helps, especially on the comprehension. Then, they must back to their own pairs and discuss what they have got from Sharing step. The representative of each pair reports the result of discussion, other students may give comments/opinion. The teacher should give more explanation about the characteristics of the text, and the ideas as well to empower the material comprehension


FN 003

Date / Time : Place : SMAN 11 Bone Observation : Observation of the third tresearch subject Teacher : Mrs. Nani Activity : Teaching English in the classroom Field Notes

Meeting 1

A. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “expressing intention” B. Material The material is about “expressing intention” C. Media The media that used by the teacher is a book D. Learning Activity

First, the teacher say salaam to students, and she asked about students‟ condition,

and after that, the teacher divide the students into five groups directly. After

divided them, the teacher asked them to sit based on their group mate. After that,

the teacher told the students about the theme that they want to learn about. And the

theme is about “expressing intention”.

The teachers asked the students what the students already know about

“expressing intention”, but there is only one student know about it. Then, the

teacher explained it in deep explanation in order to make all students can

understand it. After explained the material, the teacher asked the students to open


their book. Then the teacher write down the example of “expressing intention and

told the students to find another expressing of intention. She asked the students one

by one to write in in the white board.

After that, the teacher told the students to find as many as they know about

intention expression, and then, she told the students to practice it in front of the

other students.

Meeting 2

A. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “giving instruction” B. Material The material is about “giving instruction” C. Media The media that used by the teacher is a laptop D. Learning Activity When the teacher turn in the class, the teacher give salaam to all students,

and the students answer the teacher‟s salaam. After that, the teacher checked the

attendance of students one by one. Then, the teacher give instruction to the

students to see the conversation between two people on the screen in making an

instruction.. Then, the teacher explained it. After that, the teacher gives a command

to the students to read the text as individual.

After that, the teacher told the students to open the book about “making an

instruction” and read it. Then the asked the students about what are the idea from


the conversation in the text. The teacher asked the students to write down the

answer in their book. After answered the question, the teacher told the students to

collect their it and practice it in front of the class. After that, the teacher explained

again a little bit about how to make a good instruction itself.

Meeting 3 A. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “recount text” B. Material The material is about “recount text” C. Media The media that used by the teacher is a picture D. Learning Activity The first thing that teacher did is he asked the students about what the

students already know about “recount text”. He told the students to see the picture

of “Bj. Habibie”. After showed the picture of Bj. Habibie, the teacher explain a

little bit about Bj. Habibie‟s life, and then the teacher pointed one student to stand

up in front of their classroom and they explain about what the student already

know about the picture given.

After that, the teacher explain about the definition of recount text, the kinds

of recount text, and structure of recount text. While explained about the structure

of recount text, most of students pay attention to him very well. It is prove by the

students answer when the teacher asked them, also the teacher can improve the


students‟ motivation in the classroom. In the last section, the teacher asked the

students to find an example of recount text and the teacher told them to read it in

front of their friends.

Date / Time : Place : SMAN 11 Bone Observation : Observation of the second research subject Teacher : Mr. Andi Akbar Activity : Teaching English in the classroom Field Notes

Meeting 1 E. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “recount text” F. Material The material is about “recount text” G. Media The media that used by the teacher is a book H. Learning Activity The first thing that teacher did is he asked the students about what the

students already know about “recount text”. He told the students to re-tell their

experienced in the past. He pointed one girl and one boy to stand up in front of

their classroom and they explain about their experienced. A girl re-tell about her

experienced when she want to Makassar.

After that, the teacher explain about the definition of recount text, the kinds


of recount text, and structure of recount text. While explained about the structure

of recount text, most of students pay attention to him very well. It is prove by the

students answer when the teacher asked them, also the teacher can improve the

students‟ motivation in the classroom. It makes the learning process running well.

Meeting 2

E. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “procedure text” F. Material The material is about “procedure text” G. Method The method that applied by the teacher is a game H. Learning Activity The teacher turns in the class and gives salam to all students. After that,

the teacher checks the students‟ attendance list of students. Then, the teacher

delivers the material to the students that will be teaching today. The material is the

reading text that had still on entitles “Narrative text”. The teacher explains the

rules in this section begin from pre-reading until the task of the text reading.

Students are put into several groups. Each group is given a set of

procedure text. Each student in groups is given one card containing one of the

steps of doing something. The students are then required to seek their partners

based on the sequence of steps in procedure text. The students do this by reading

loudly the words written on their cards. Then the students are asked to go to the


front to present what they have done in the game. The teacher tests the students‟

comprehension about the procedure text and guides them in drawing conclusion

on what they have learned from the material. After that, further exercise is given to

strengthen their comprehension on procedure texts. Using game in the classroom

encourages students to use the target language spontaneously in real life situation.

Game makes more fun in the classroom and therefore the students enjoy learning.

When this occurs learning can takes place better

Meeting 3

E. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “making request” F. Material The material is about “making request” G. Method The method that applied by the teacher is a Think, Pair and Share method H. Learning Activity The teacher started the learning process with explain about the them first.

The theme is about “making request”. She explained about how to make a good

request. After that, she explained about the function of making a request, and

some examples of making request.

Students are given some instructions about what to do with this activity.

The teacher distributes parts of the text to the students. In every meeting there is a

text that can be discussed. A text is divided into two parts. The students accept


different part of the text. Then, the teacher asks the students to do the thinking step

individually and try to understand it. The teacher monitors and controls the process

of Thinking that is done individually by the students. After that, the students do the

pairing step in pairs. They move closer to their pairs who have the same text, then

think and share the text. The teacher monitors and controls the Pairing process that

is done in pairs. The teacher may help the students if needed, especially with

vocabulary problems.

Next, the students do sharing step in pair, but with different pair. They

should move to the other pairs who have different text in order to share the

information from their texts. In addition, they should also pay attention to their

new pairs‟ explanation. They also may ask other students, if the explanation is not

clear enough, especially the ideas of the complete/full text. They also should find

the answers of some exercises during the explanation. It means the students need

to discuss what they have read before. The teacher monitors and controls the

process of Sharing that is done in pair and in group and give necessary helps,

especially on the comprehension. Then, they must back to their own pairs and

discuss what they have got from Sharing step. The representative of each pair

reports the result of discussion, other students may give comments/opinion. The

teacher should give more explanation about the characteristics of the text, and the

ideas as well to empower the material comprehension

FN 003


Date / Time : Place : SMAN 11 Bone Observation : Observation of the third tresearch subject Teacher : Mrs. Nani Activity : Teaching English in the classroom Field Notes

Meeting 1

E. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “expressing intention” F. Material The material is about “expressing intention” G. Media The media that used by the teacher is a book H. Learning Activity

First, the teacher say salaam to students, and she asked about students‟ condition,

and after that, the teacher divide the students into five groups directly. After

divided them, the teacher asked them to sit based on their group mate. After that,

the teacher told the students about the theme that they want to learn about. And the

theme is about “expressing intention”.

The teachers asked the students what the students already know about

“expressing intention”, but there is only one student know about it. Then, the

teacher explained it in deep explanation in order to make all students can

understand it. After explained the material, the teacher asked the students to open


their book. Then the teacher write down the example of “expressing intention and

told the students to find another expressing of intention. She asked the students one

by one to write in in the white board.

After that, the teacher told the students to find as many as they know about

intention expression, and then, she told the students to practice it in front of the

other students.

Meeting 2

E. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “giving instruction” F. Material The material is about “giving instruction” G. Media The media that used by the teacher is a laptop H. Learning Activity When the teacher turn in the class, the teacher give salaam to all students,

and the students answer the teacher‟s salaam. After that, the teacher checked the

attendance of students one by one. Then, the teacher give instruction to the

students to see the conversation between two people on the screen in making an

instruction.. Then, the teacher explained it. After that, the teacher gives a command

to the students to read the text as individual.

After that, the teacher told the students to open the book about “making an

instruction” and read it. Then the asked the students about what are the idea from


the conversation in the text. The teacher asked the students to write down the

answer in their book. After answered the question, the teacher told the students to

collect their it and practice it in front of the class. After that, the teacher explained

again a little bit about how to make a good instruction itself.

Meeting 3 A. Learning Objective The objective of learning in this meeting is to know the students understanding about “recount text” E. Material The material is about “recount text” F. Media The media that used by the teacher is a picture G. Learning Activity The first thing that teacher did is he asked the students about what the

students already know about “recount text”. He told the students to see the picture

of “Bj. Habibie”. After showed the picture of Bj. Habibie, the teacher explain a

little bit about Bj. Habibie‟s life, and then the teacher pointed one student to stand

up in front of their classroom and they explain about what the student already

know about the picture given.

After that, the teacher explain about the definition of recount text, the kinds

of recount text,and structure of recount text. While explained about the structure of

recount text, most of students pay attention to him very well. It is prove by the

students answer when the teacher asked them, also the teacher can improve the


students‟ motivation in the classroom. In the last section, the teacher asked the

students to find an example of recount text and the teacher told them to read it in

front of their friends.

FN 001

Day/Date Jumat, 15 November 2019, 2019-11-15 Time 09:39 To 12:15 Location SMAN 11 Bone Topic Focused interview transcription about teachers‟ belief in using group work as EFL Classroom Management Strategy Research (R) First research subject (AMR)

1. Establishing Good Relationship with The Students R Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu tentang group work yang digunakan sebagai metode/tekhnik untuk menjalin kedekatan/hubungan siswa dengan siswa,guru dengan siswa sebagai strategi menejemen kelas?

AMR Menurut saya menggunakan group wok sebagai metode/tekhnik, tentu merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang diupayakan guru untuk menciptakan situas kelas yang kundusif dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran yang maksimali, hal ini terkait pula manajemen kelas deengan tujuan mengatur kegiatan proses belajar mengajar lebih terarah R Apakan bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagai metode/tekhnik untuk menjalin kedakatan siswa dengan siswa,guru dengan siswa sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? AMR Yakin , secara keseluruhan,grip work tentu kita yakin efektif, meskipun ada beberapa hal menjadi kendala,biasanya kita sulit mengukur keefektifan dalam group work, karena beberapa peserta didik hanya ikut dalam keaktifan peserta didik lainya R Mengapa bapak/bu yakin bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagai metode/tekhnik untuk menjalin kedakatan siswa dengan siswa,guru dengan siswa sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? AMR Metode group work dapat diyakini, karena kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan metode itu tentu dimaksudkan secara langsung untuk menggiatkan siswa untuk mencapai tujuan,seperti menelaah kebutuhan siswa, dan dalam tujuan mengelola kelas sehingga diharapkan agar menciptakan suasana


pembelajaran suasana pembelajaran menjadi efektif dan efesien. 2. Communicating Clearly and Confidently

R Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu apakah group work efektif digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi dalam mengelola kelas? AMR Group work terbilang sangat efektif dalam mengelola kelas, Sebab dengan group work seorang guru dapat lebih mudah dalam melaksanakan dan mengetahui hal-hal yang bersifat teknis, terutama interksi dan komunikasi pada saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. R Apakah bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi dalam mengelola kelas? SangatAMR yakin Seorang guru dapat memperoleh jawaban dari kegiatan siswa yang dilakukan di dalam kelas. Komunikasi jenis ini akan memeperlihatkan hubungan dua arah antara guru dan siswa dengan tetap menjaga batasan guru dan siswa R Mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi salam mengelola kelas? Yakin,AMR Karena sudah dilaksanakan dan hasilnya sejauh ini cukup efektif, proses pembelajaran yang menggunakan pola semacam ini akan membuat kegiatan siswavdakam kelas menjadi berkembang. Mereka dapat melakukan interaksi dengan sesama teman selain hanya dengan. Kegiatan siswa akan lebih optimal dengan guru interaksi dengan interaksi semaam ini,tentu dengan peran seorang guru sebagai pengawas dalam kelas sekaligus sebagai penggerak.

3. Motivations R Menurut bapak/ibu apakah goup work dapat memotivasi siswa dalam mengelola kelas? AMR Tentu bisa memotivasi siswa dengan group work dapat merangkul semua siswa dan tidak menbeda-bedakan. Sanagat antusias, dan disini muncul empati merupakan sebuah kemampuan menempatkan diri terhadap situasi yang sedang dirasakan oleh orang lain. Seorang guru mampu menjadi pendengar dan mengerti apa yang sedang dirasakan oleh anak didiknya. R Apakan bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work dapat memotivasi siswa dalam mengelola kelas?


AMR Yakin, karena terjalin kekompakan di , selain itu kelas yang kondisif dalam kelas yang kondusif, kelas yan aman, nyaman dan selalu mendukung siswa untuk belajar dengan efektif. R Mengapa bapak yakin bahwa group work dapat memotivasi siswa dalam mengelola kelas? AMR Karena dengan menciptakan suasana yang kondusif. Kelas yang kondusif di sini kelas yang aman, nyaman dan selalu mendukung siswa untuk bisa belajar dengan suasana yang tenang dan mendukung proses pembelajaran dengan tata ruang yang sesuai dengan standar yang diharapkan. Metode pembelajaran yang bervariasi. Dengan begitu terciptanya metode pembelajaran yang bervariasi ini agar siswa tidak bosan dan jenuh dalam suatu pembelajaran maka diciptakan pembelajaran bervariasi ,tujuanya agar siswa selalu termotivasi dalam kegiatan proses pembelajaran. Karena dengan group guru dapat menganalisis psikologi setiap siswa, memahami dan berusaha untuk mencarikan solusi untuk siswa yang bersangkutan. Dengan begitu seorang guru yang baik seharusnya mampu untuk tidak membedakan mana yang pintar , yang rajin, yang bandel atau bahkan yang selalu menuruti permintaan gurunya. Semua haruslah diberikan porsi yang sama. 4. Negative Attitude (Sikap Negative ) R Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu apakah group work mampu menangani sikap siswa yang negative sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? AMR Group work dapat menangani sikap yang negative di kelas, dengan group work anak dapat merasakan ikatan yang positif, sikap negative akan hilang secara perlahan, proses tersebut akan menjadikan kelas sebagai ruang kompetisi yang baik antar siswa merupakan suatu hal yang produktif R Apakah bapak/ibu yakin bahwa apakah group work mampu menangani sikap siswa yang negative sebagai strategi menejemen kelas?


AMR Yakin , dengan menggunakan group work, proses pembelajaran yang

lebih dinamis, interaksi guru dan siswa lebih terbuka. Group work

memanfaatkan sumber daya dan satu sama lain, mengevaluasi ide-ide satu

sama lain, memantau pekerjaan satu sama lain.

R Mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work mampu menangani sikap siswa yang negative sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? AMR Karena, melalui proses tersebut akan menjadikan kelas sebagai ruang kompetisi yang baik antar siswa dan merupakan suatu hal yang produktif, karena manusia pasa dasarnya suka bekerja sama. Model ini akan memberikan dampak positif terhadap sesame sehingga menghilangkan pengasingan dan penyendirian. 5. Positif Attitude (Sikap Positif) R Menurut bapak apakah/ibu group work mampu menangani sikap siswa

yang positif dalam mengelola kelas?

AMR Group work mampu menangani sikap siswa yang positif, karena group

work mendukung lingkungan yang positif dalam proses pembalajarannya

yaitu mengelola kelas secara efektif, mengelola aktivitas kelas secara

efektif dan manajemen.

R Apakan bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group mampu menangani sikap siswa

yang posif dalam mengelola kelas?

AMR Yakin , group work dapat menangani sikap siswa secara positif R Mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work mampu menangani sikap

siswa yang positif dalam mengelola kelas?

AMR Karena group work dapat menciptakan interaksi secara aktif, melibatkan upaya intelektual bersama siswa atau siswa dengan siswa dan siswa dengan guru. Dengan demikian, pemebelajaran ini mengubah hubungan tradisional siswa, guru di kelas ini. FN 002


Day / Date Selasa, 12 November 2019 , 2019 -12-11 Time 09. 00 To 10.00 Location SMAN 11 Bone Topic Focused interview transcription about teachers‟ belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy Research (R)

The Second research subject (AKB)

6. Establishing Good Relationship with The Students R Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu tentang group work yang digunakan sebagai metode/tekhnik untuk menjalin kedekatan/hubungan siswa dengan siswa,guru dengan siswa sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? AKB Menurut saya sangat cocok ditepkan dikelas sebagai salah satu strategi pengelolaan kelas R Apakan bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagai metode/tekhnik untuk menjalin kedakatan siswa dengan siswa,guru dengan siswa sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? AKB Saya yakin sangat efektif sebagai metode atau tekhnik untuk menjalin kedekatan dengan siswa denga siswa , guru dengan siwa R Mengapa bapak/bu yakin bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagai metode/tekhnik untuk menjalin kedakatan siswa dengan siswa,guru dengan siswa sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? AKB Karena metode pembelajaran group work dapat meningkatkan keefektifan, minat, dan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi pembelajaran dalam suatu proses belajar mengajar. 7. Communicating Clearly and Confidently

R Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu apakah group work efektif digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi salam mengelola kelas? AKB Sangat efektif , sebagai alat komunikasi dalam mengelola kelas. R Apakah bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi salam mengelola kelas? AKB Yakin R Mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi salam mengelola kelas? AKB Karena dapat mendorong siswa mengungkapkan ide-ide secara langsung bersama timnya atau kelompoknya,, sehingga dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang menjadi topic pembahasan. 8. Motivation

R Menurut bapak/ibu apakah goup wor dapat memotivasi siswa dalam mengelola kelas?


AKB Dapat memotivasi siswa R Apakan bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work dapat memotivasi siswa dalam mengelola kelas? AKB Sangat yakin R Mengapa bapak yakin bahwa group work dapat memotivasi siswa dalam mengelola kelas? AKB Karena dengan model pembelajaran group work, siswa dalam setiap kelompok bekerjasama memecahkan masalah, menunagkan ide-ide, meningkatkan minat belajar dan memotivasi siswa dalam belajar sehingga mampu meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Karena dengan model pembelajaran group work meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dalam kelompok maupun antar kelompok sehingga siswa termotivasi untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dalam kelompok maupun antar kelompok sehingga siswa termotivasi untuk menguasai dan memahami secara lebih bermakna

9. Sikap Negative

R Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu apakah group work mampu menangani sikap siswa yang negative sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? AKB ee dapat menangani sikap negative siswa R Apakah bapak/ibu yakin bahwa apakah group work mampu menangani sikap siswa yang negative sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? AKB Sangat yakin R Mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa apakah group work mampu menangani sikap siswa yang negatif sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? AKB Karena dengan model pemebelajaran group work, siswa yang tidak terbiasa bekerjasama diarahkan atau bimbingan agar bisa secara bersama- sama memcahkan masalah-masalahan yang diberikan oleh guru 10. Sikap Positif R Menurut bapak apakah/ibu group work mampu menangani sikap siswa yang positif dalam mengelola kelas? AKB Mampu R Apakan bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group mampu menangani sikap siswa yang posif dalam mengelola kelas? AKB sangat yakin. R Mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work mampu menengani sikap siswa yang positif dalam mengelola kelas? AKB karena medel pembelajaran group work memudahkan bagi guru untuk memonitoring setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh tim atau kelompok serta


dapat memberikan kesempatan kepada seluruh siswa untuk mengembangkan ide-ide positivnya dan menuntaskan materi dalam suasana lingkungan yang aman dan nyaman, sehingga mampu secara positive meningkatkan prestasi dan hasil belajar peserta didik.

FN 003

Day / Date Selasa, 17 Desember 2019 - 12 -29 Time 10. 00 To 10.20 Location SMAN 11 Bone Topic Focused interview transcription about teachers‟ belief in using group work as EFL classroom management strategy Researcher (R) The Third Research Subjects (NAN) 1. Establishing Good Relationship with The Students R Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu tentang group work yang digunakan sebagai metode/tekhnik untuk menjalin kedekatan/hubungan siswa dengan siswa,guru dengan siswa sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? NAN Metode group work yang digunakan sebagai metode pendekatan siswa dengan siswa guru dan siswa agar tecipta suasana pembelajaran kondusif dan meyenangkan, agar dapat menumbuhkan kreativitas dan kedisiplin R Apakan bapak/ibu yak.in bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagai metode/tekhnik untuk menjalin kedakatan siswa dengan siswa,guru dengan siswa sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? NAN Yakin, dapat mengimplementasikan manajemen kelas yang efektif dan efesien dan guru harus memiliki pengetahuan dan pandangan yang luas. R Mengapa bapak/bu yakin bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagai metode/tekhnik untuk menjalin kedakatan siswa dengan siswa,guru dengan siswa sebagai strategi menejemen kelas? NAN Karena seorang guru harus mengimplementasikan strategi manajemen kelas dengan baik dalam proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan efesien.

2. Communicating Clearly and Confidently

R Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu apakah group work efektif digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi salam mengelola kelas? NAN Menurut saya group work digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi merupakan segala sesuatu yang dapat digunakan dalam mencapai tujuan pengajaran R Apakah bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagai alat


komunikasi salam mengelola kelas? NAN Yakin, karena alat ini dibagi dua yaotu verbal dan nonverbal. Verbal adalah seruhan, papan tukhan, perintah, larangan dan sebagainya , sedangkan nonverbal adalah globe, papan tulis,buku, perpustakaan dan sebagainya. R Mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work efektif digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi salam mengelola kelas? NAN Karena yang bisa di dapat berupa: manusia, buku, perpustakaan, media, masa, lingkungan alam, alat pelajaran. 3. Motivation R Menurut bapak/ibu apakah goup work dapat memotivasi siswa dalam mengelola kelas? NAN Tentu bisa memotivasi sisswa, dengan group work dapat merangkul semua siswa dan tidak menbeda-bedakan. Memberikan arahan pembelajaran yang efektif pengelolaan dan pengajaran . R Apakan bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work dapat memotivasi siswa dalam

mengelola kelas?

NAN Yakin, karena terjalin kekompakan di dalam kelas, selain itu kelas yang kondusif, kelas yang aman,nyaman dan selalu mendukung siswa untuk bisa belajar dengan efektif R Mengapa bapak yakin bahwa group work dapat memotivasi siswa dalam mengelola kelas? NAN Karena dengan menciptakan suasana yang kondusif. Kelas yang kondusif di sini kelas yang aman, nyaman dan selalu mendukung siswa untuk bisa belajar dengan suasana yang tenang dan mendukung proses pembelajaran dengan tata ruang yang sesuai dengan standar yang diharapkan.Metode pembelajaran yang bervariasi. Dengan begitu tercipta metode pembelajaran yang bervariasi ini agar siswa tidak bosan dan jenuh dalam suatu pembelajaran maka diciptakan pembelajaran yang bervariasi. Tujuanya agar siswa selalu termotivasi dalam kegiatan proses pembelajaran. 4. Sikap Negative R Bagaimana menurut bapak/ibu apakah group work mampu menangani


sikap siswa yang negative sebagai strategi manajemen kelas?

NAN ee dapat R Apakah bapak/ibu yakin bahwa apakah group work mampu menangani

sikap siswa yang negative sebagai strategi menejemen kelas?

NAN ya yakin R Mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa apakah group work mampu menangani

sikap siswa yang negative sebagai strategi menejemen kelas?

NAN Karena dengan model pemebelajaran group work, siswa yang tidak terbiasa bekerjasama diarahkan atau di bimbing agar bisa secara bersama-sama memecahkan masalah-masalah yang diberikan oleh guru. 5. Sikap Positif

R Menurut bapak apakah/ibu group work mampu menangani sikap siswa yang positif dalam mengelola kelas? NAN Mampu R Apakan bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group mampu menangani sikap siswa yang posif dalam mengelola kelas? NAN Yakin R Mengapa bapak/ibu yakin bahwa group work mampu menengani sikap siswa yang positif dalam mengelola kelas? NAN Karena group work memudahkan bagi guru untuk setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok serta dapat memberikan kesempatan kepada seluruh siswa untuk mengembangkan ide-ide positifnya serta memberikan stimulus positif berupa ganjaran atau pujian terhadap prilaku atau hasil yang memang diharapkan.



Nama Informan & Transkrip Wawancara Kesimpu Variabel / Indikator Reduksi AMR (1) AKB (2) NAN (3) lan Teachers’ Belief 1. Bagaimana Salah satu kegiaran Salah satu strategi Metode Metode group Berdasa menurut yang diupayakan guru pengelolaan kelas penedekatan siswa work adalah salah rkan bapak/ibu tentang untuk menciptakan denga siswa guru satu stratgi hasil group work yang situasi kelas yang dan siswa pengelolaan kelas intevie digunakan kondusif untuk w guru, sebagai mendekatkan dapat metode/tekhnik guru dan siswa disimpu untuk menjalin lkan kedekatan/hubung bahwa an siswa dengan group siswa,guru work dengan siswa adalah sebagai strategi suatu menejemen kelas? Group work tentu kita Saya yakin sangat Yakin, dapat Group work metode/ 2. Apakan bapak/ibu yakin efektif efektif mengimplementasi sangat efektif di strategy yakin bahwa kan manajemen implementasikan yang group work kelas yang efektif untuk baik efektif digunakan dan efesien memenajemen digunak sebagai kelas yang efisien an/diapl metode/tekhnik ikasika untuk menjalin n dalam kedakatan siswa pproses dengan pembel siswa,guru ajaran dengan siswa sebagai strategi Karena kegiatan Karena metode Karena seorang Tujuan dari group menejemen kelas? belajar mengajar pembeljaran group guru harus work method dengan metode itu work dapat mengimplementasi adalah untuk 3. Mengapa tentu dimaksudkan meningkatkan kan strategi meningkatkan Berdasa bapak/ibu secara langsung untuk keefektifan ,minat, manajemen kelas minat siswa, rkan yakinbahwa menggiatkan siswa dan pemahaman dengan baik dalam keefektifan dalam hasil group work untuk mencapai tujuan siswa proses pembeljaran belajar, dan untuk intervie efektif digunakan yang efektif dan memanajemen w, sebagai efesien kelas yang baik dapat


Nama Informan & Transkrip Wawancara Kesimpu Variabel / Indikator Reduksi AMR (1) AKB (2) NAN (3) lan metode/tekhnik disimpu untuk menjalin lkan kedakatan siswa bahwa dengan ketiga siswa,guru guru dengan siswa tersebut sebagai strategi sangat menejemen kelas? yakin tentang keefekti fan pengapl ikasian group work di dalam kelas

Berdasa rkan hasil intervie w, peneliti menyi mpulka n bahwa group work dapat mening katkan keefekti fan proses belajar mengaj ar


Nama Informan & Transkrip Wawancara Kesimpu Variabel / Indikator Reduksi AMR (1) AKB (2) NAN (3) lan


Nama Informan & Transkrip Wawancara Kesimpu Variabel / Indikator Reduksi AMR (1) AKB (2) NAN (3) lan 4. Menurut Tentu bisa Dapat memotivasi Tentu bisa Group work dapat Berdasa bapak/ibu apakah siswa memotivasi siswa rkan goup wor dapat dalam mengelola hasil memotivasi siswa kelas mereka intervie dalam mengelola sendiri w, kelas? peneliti yakin bahwa Yakin Sangat yakin Yakin Para guru yakin group 5. Apakan bapak/ibu bahwa group work yakin bahwa work dapat dapat group work dapat memotivasi siswa memoti memotivasi siswa dalam vasi dalam mengelola pembelajaran di siswa kelas? kelas dalam mengel ola kelas mereka Karena dengan Karena dengan Karena dengan Karena group sendiri 6. Mengapa bapak menciptakan suasana model pembelajaran menciptakan work method Berdasa yakin bahwa yang kondusif. Kelas group work, siswa suasana yang dapat rkan group work dapat yang kondusif di sini dalam setiap kondusif menciptakan hasil memotivasi siswa kelas yang aman, kelompok susasana kelas intervie dalam mengelola nyaman dan selalu bekerjasama yan kondusif, w guru, kelas? mendukung siswa memecahkan sehingga mereka untuk bisa belajar masalah membuat siswa yakin dengan suasana yang merasa tenang bahwa tenang dan dalam belajar group mendukung work dapat memoti vasi siswa dalam mengel ola kelas mereka sendiri


Nama Informan & Transkrip Wawancara Kesimpu Variabel / Indikator Reduksi AMR (1) AKB (2) NAN (3) lan

Para guru sangat yakin bahwa group work dpaat memoti vasi siswa dala mengel ola kelas karena hasil yang sudah mereka dapatka n setelah mengap likasika n group work di dalam kelas


Nama Informan & Transkrip Wawancara Kesimpu Variabel / Indikator Reduksi AMR (1) AKB (2) NAN (3) lan 7. Bagaimana Group work dapat ee dapat ee dapat Group work Menuru menurut menangani sikap yang method dapat t hasil bapak/ibu negative di kelas menangani sikap intervie apakah group negative siswa w, work mampu semua menangani guru sikap siswa dapat yang menang negative ani sebagai sikap strategi negatif menejemen siswa kelas? Guru yakin dalam 8. Apakah Yakin Sangat yakin Ya yakin bahwa group kelas bapak/ibu wrok method dengan yakin bahwa dapat menangan pengapl apakah group sikap negative ikasian work mampu siswa dalam group menangani belajar work sikap siswa yang negative sebagai strategi menejemen Group work Dari kelas? Karena, melalui Karena dengan Karena dengan diyakini dapat hasil 9. Mengapa proses tersebut akan model model menangani sikap intervie bapak/ibu menjadikan kelas pemebelajaran group pemebelajaran negative siswa w, yakin bahwa sebagai ruang work, siswa yang group work, siswa karena di dalam disimpu apakah group kompetisi yang baik tidak terbiasa yang tidak terbiasa kelas terjadi lkan work mampu antar siswa bekerjasama bekerjasama kompetisi yang bahwa menangani diarahkan diarahkan baik dan siswa group sikap siswa dapat dengan work yang mudah diarahkan mampu negative menang sebagai ani strategi sikap menejemen negativ kelas? e siswa sebagai strategy


Nama Informan & Transkrip Wawancara Kesimpu Variabel / Indikator Reduksi AMR (1) AKB (2) NAN (3) lan manaje men kelas

Para guru yakin bahwa group work mampu menang ani sikap siswa yang negaitf karena siswa merasa bahwa di dalam kelas bereka berkom petisi dalam masala h pembel ajaran 10. Menurut Group work mampu Mampu Mampu Group work Menuru bapak menangani sikap diyakini dapat t para apakah/ibu siswa yang positif menangani sikap guru,


Nama Informan & Transkrip Wawancara Kesimpu Variabel / Indikator Reduksi AMR (1) AKB (2) NAN (3) lan group work siswa yang positif group mampu work

menangani mampu sikap siswa menang

yang positif ani dalam sikap mengelola positif kelas? siswa 11. Apakan Yakin, group work Group work

bapak/ibu dapat menangani Sangat yakin method dapat yakin bahwa sikap siswa secara Ya yakin menangani sikap group positif siswa secara mampu positif menangani sikap siswa yang posif Para

dalam guru mengelola yakin kelas? bahwa 12. Mengapa Group work dapat Group work mereka bapak/ibu menciptakan interaksi Karena medel mampi mampu Karena group yakin bahwa secara aktif pembelajaran group menangani sikap menang group work work memudahkan work memudahkan positif siswa ani mampu bagi guru untuk bagi guru untuk karena sikap menengani memonitoring setiap setiap kegiatan memudahkan positif sikap siswa kegiatan yang dilakukan guru untuk siswa yang positif oleh kelompok memonitor siswa dalam dalam kelas mengelola

Para guru yakin bahwa pengapl ikasian group


Nama Informan & Transkrip Wawancara Kesimpu Variabel / Indikator Reduksi AMR (1) AKB (2) NAN (3) lan work dapat menang ani sikap positif siswa dikaren akan group work memud ahkan guru untuk memant au sikap siswa.





1. Interview with the first teacher

2. Interview with the second teacher

3. Interview With The Third Teacher


Teaching in the Classroom

Explaining the material


2. Teaching in the Classroom

The teacher shows the material on the screen

Students working out with the task


3. Teaching in the Classroom

Students working with the task



Ufrah was born in Hulo Bone Regency

on 04 December 1987. She was getting her

Elementary School at SD Inpres 6/75 Palakka

Kahu Bone Regency South Sulawasi Selatan in

1992-1998. Junior High School of SMPN 2

Salomekko Patimpeng Bone Regency in 1999-

2001 and the same regency she continue her study in Senior High School Libureng in 2001-2004. After that she got her Diploma two (DII) at Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar in 2004-2006. In 2006-

2009 she continue her study Strata One (S1) or under graduate student in English education department students at Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.

Beside that she was activist of Kesatuan Pelajar Mahasiswa Bone (KEPMI) Bone

Komisariat La Tenri Ruwa UIN Alauddin Maksasar from 2004 -2009. Then, in 2017 she continued her study in Magister Program and finally she has done her study at

State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare entitled “Teachers‟ Creativity and Belief in

Using Group Work as EFL Classroom Management Strategy”