The Montana Kaimin, October 27, 1931
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University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM) 10-27-1931 The onM tana Kaimin, October 27, 1931 Associated Students of the State University of Montana Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Associated Students of the State University of Montana, "The onM tana Kaimin, October 27, 1931" (1931). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 1253. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STATE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA. MISSOULA, MONTANA TUESDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1931 VOLUME XXXI. No. 10 Montana Alumnus I O N T A N A Co-ed Prom Forestry Club Loan Fund Masquers Adopt Election of U 8 I N Q 8 Dance Will Writes Numerous j Point System at J Research Articles Started Five Years Ago Meeting Tuesday! New Officer Be Dropped Is Aid to Many Students Is Tomorrow j Raymond Garver, ’i i In Aathor of Bill Broun Is Chosen Vice-President Articles Appearing In Issne And Jeanette McGrade Skits Will Be High Spot of Occasion Of Mathematics Magazine In 1930-31, Thirty Students Borrowed $1,645, Leading State Uni Secretary Don Marrs, Billy Burke Compete Which Will Take Place on the versity Loan Funds; Representative Committee Passes on AppE- In Finals for A. S. U. M. Campus November 7 Raymond Ganrer, who was graduated I Masquers held a meeting last Tues cants; Druids, Honorary Society, Organize Funds Business Manager ----- - -- |In 1922 with a degree in mathematics. day In the Little Theater at 7:15 The annual Co-ed Prom will be held u now an ‘nstnictbr at the University o'clock (or the purpose of electing two Don Marrs. Harlowtou, and Billy November 7, It was__ decidedI ^ _________ at a meet- ot Cal,tornla at An**le« and the Five years ago a group of students and alumni of the School of For new officers and adopting a constitu tion. Burke, Lewlstown. survivors in the int of the A. w. 8. executive board jaul^or ot * large nnmb*r of article* | estry established the Forestry club loan fund. The fund was started to preliminary election for A. S. U. M.» Monday afternoon. The members of deall"S wUh hls researches in mathe- Bill Brown, Helena, was elected aid junior and senior foresters who found it difficult to get help from buiness manager, which was held Oc the board discussed in their various vice-president to replace Rita Walker, the comparatively meager State University fund. Last year the club tober 14, will meet In a final contest sorority houses the advisability of In October issue of the “Bul- who did not return to school this loaned $1,645, a larger sum than that ‘ tomorrow for this office. quarter. Jeanette McGrade, Butte, was I retaining the Prom and the reports Iletln of the American Mathematical loaned by any other fund, and aided I information relative to the need returned indicated most of the houses Society” there appear abstracts from elected secretary. In the preliminary elections Marrs 30 people. p or a *oan* polled 176 votes while Burke was two , .In favor of giving It this year. Hazel two articles of Mr. Carver’s that soon New amendments to the constitution The Druids, forestry honorary, took Students may borrow to the amount votes less. Lowell Dailey, Scobey, and sentenc^ to U m r s ln^ prison^ and J ^ r j ^ ^ Boiteman wa(! etected pr0m |wl11 he published. These articles are were read, discussed and accepted, j State University of Montana over the organization of the fund and of $50 only. Exceptions are some Johnny Lewis, Billings, were elimin j manager. * entitled "Two Notes on the Mathe- times made, however, in cases where The main changes were In the pro showed some pep at a football game two means were established for its ated at this time. In view of the fact*that there has matics of Finance" and "On Rational visions for eligibility and membership. Maybe both Incidents are signs of a | upkeep; alumni contributions would the needs of the student and the size | been such poor attendance the past Transformations." It is probable that of the reserve fund make such excep A point system was agreed upon and The office of business manager is new attitude of wakefulness on the be sought if necessary, and the prof few years, several changes are to be the two subjects will be given at the In the future a student must earn 30 usually filled in the spring of the pre part of those who are concerned. Per* its from the Foresters' ball would be tions advisable. Repayments are usu made in the program. The stunts in convention of the American Mathe points to be eligible for election to ceding year but because James Mc haps the persistent battering has at the main fund. ally made before the first of the school j the Little Theater are to be featured matical society to be held soon. year in order that new loans may be Masquers and 15 points for University Nally, Butte, who was elected to the last penetrated to those nerves which as formerly, but the dance in the men’s After his graduation here. Garver The fund is administered to deserv- Issued. Extensions are made if ill Players. office last year, was not able to return control the difference between action ing applicants by a board which is at to school, another election must he gymnasium will be dispensed with as went to the University of Chicago, ness or some other adversity prevents These points may be earned by doing and quiescent agreement with agita present composed of Professor Dorr held. so few have attended the last few where he received his Ph.D. degree. | the student’s repaying by the specified creditable work in any phase of dra tors. Skeels, faculty member, Evans Hawes I tjme years. The pledges of each sorority, Mr. Garver then became an instructor Interest on the loans is eight matics, such as playwriting, directing, Bob Hendon, president of A. S. U. M., and Joe Woolfolk, junior and senior the barbs and a representative from at the University of Rochester and is per cent. No money has ever been acting, backstage work and business asks that all students make it a point UCH has been said against thosAl^ .. „ . „ representatives. This board lays down | ,03t from ,hlg fund ° North and Corbin halls are to give now connected with the University of management. However, work on make to vote tomorrow at this election. such rules and regulations as they M California at Los Angeles. Easy to Create up, ushering, refreshments and during people who remain in ruts all j stunts lasting not longer than three may desire concerning the governing "It is easier for a school or depart the Little Theater tournament will of the issuance of loans, and their de their lives. But those who remain in minutes. These will be judged on the ment to create a loan fund than It is not earn points. ruts have some value in that they oc- basis of originality, presentation, and cision in regard to applications is Band Starts Sale for the State University," said Dean T. Committee Will Jndge caslonally obstruct the path so that interest, and prizes given the first National Education always final. It is felt that by hav C. Spaulding. "Any school or depart For major productions the maximum Of Tickets Monday those following them must get out of three places. A. W. S. will furnish ing student representatives on the ment has the potential resources for number of points that may be awarded the ruts in order to move. There free Ice cream cones right after the Group Plans Talks board, there will be a closer knowl creating a loan fund like that of the is 10 and for one-act plays the maxi Fnnchftji-.Murco Revue Will Appear In are people who accomplish even less program. edge of the students’ qualifications for Forestry club. Students on the board Many Lecturers Speak Over Network mum is five. Points will be awarded Missoula November 2 than this, the people who stand by the Admission will be free to all State receiving the benefit of the loan. will be glad to confer with students j Of Broadcasting System to various workers by a committee side of the road and never make any University women who have paid their Loan to Upper Classmen from other departments who are in- composed of the director and three effort to join the procession. As others A. W. S. dues, but a charge of IS cents Loans may be made to juniors and terested in starting such a fund.’’ State University band mombers active members of Masquers, who have brush by them, they perhaps look long- will be levied on all those who failed The National Advisory Council on seniors in the School of Forestry, who Alumni may .be called upon for con- started the sale of tickets for the the highest number of points. No one toIngly follow. after, Such but peoplethey make may beno happy,move beto chargedpay them. 15 centsTownspeople for admittance. will also Radio Education, under the direction are in good standing, who have been I tributions, but In the past such calls Fanchon-Marco revue last night.