Welland Canal
£ FIRST REPORT. WELLAND CANAL. MAY, 1830. FIRST GENERAL REPORT FROM ltobttt lltllu~al, iE ~quft t, THE CO~DIISSIO"'ER APPOINTED "UNDER AND flY VIRTUE OF" AN ACT PA$SED IN THE ELEVENTH YEAR OF HIS MAJESTY';:; RE.IGN, ENTITLED, "An Act to grant a furthrr lNlll to the Hi [land ermn! C :nrpai/!/ and to regulate tlteir furtlter opf1'ations." FEBRUAiH' Sib, 1831. - ORDERED BY THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY TO nE PRINTBD. YOnK: .JAlIiES BAXTER, PRINTEIII l1:i3I. FIRST REPORT, &c. '0 His Excellency SirJolm Colborne, ](lIight, An opinion is very generally entertained, by Comlnandcr of tile most Honorable Military persons residing near the Canal, tllat the mar order of tIle Bath, Lieutenant Governor of gin will give way in other places along the line tile Prol1ince of Upper Canada, JJlajor Ge of deep cutting; and it is indeed ptobable that neral commanding IIis lilajesty's Fones tllcre such will be the rase; for the banks that remain in, ~c. ~c. ~·c. unbroken, are apparently in the same unstable condition as were those places which have al t at ~n early period after the passing of the act ready fallen ill; the quality of the soil is the Ithorising and appointing me to examine the same and they are equally steep-Rut I do not reHand Canal, and to report to your Excellen- apprehend any very serious consequences from "T "all such f,lcts and information" as I might this state of the banks, for there are now eight, deem useful, in aiel of forming a correct opinion" ten, and in some places, twelvo feet of water .
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