
Welcome to the Erie Scenic Byway! I o are lannin a ti or aot to drive the Coastal rail o are in or a tl nie eerience that ill shocase this reion in a ne liht olloin the Lae rie Coast the drive alone is a eat eerience ae tie to eno or coast and savor the sihts and area s o lan or or ti tae this ide alon and reeer that the a is aot tie landscaes that have een chanin since the laciers han evidence throhot the aes and cltral eeriences that ierse o in the reion and it’s ast ach ton alon Facts and Figures about the Trail the a has character nto itsel so rela and tae he cenic a is a ile rote that ill e a tie to ore alon or teasred coast roiatel one da drive to eerience the ore ravel throh seven conties alon the sother he Lae rie Coastal rail sans a rote o iles shore o the Lae rie Coast hich ollos the coast o Lae rie tavelin o ver Inventor ites hihlihtin the varios oledo east to the Pennslvania order he tail is slit activities and eeriences alon the shore into three sections the norhest he tail’s Intinsic alities ocs on the istoric incldin Lcas aa rie and atral alities o the area and Lorain conties and the Lae Places to visit alon the tail inclde istoric ites rie Islands he norhcental atral and Protected reas eaches and Pars encoasses Cahoa and Lorain rs and Cltral ites ses ecreational Conties and the norheast reion ishin arinas istoric aritie ites ineries encoassin shtala and seent Pars dcational Centers eliios Lae Conties lon the rote ites and rorets o ill notice that or histor cltre and natral areas lend Lake Erie Coastal Trail toether ain the Coastal rail a Scenic Byway distinctive ore eein to irove toris and ae ravels Thank you Lake Erie alit o lie tellin the stor o Shores and Islands Lae rie hile advocation or the reseration and enhanceent o the Lae’s natral historical and cltral resorces What is the Lake Erie Coastal Ohio Trail? Inside This Brochure :here to Ànd inIormation he Lae rie Coastal hio is a ational cenic a o ill nd drivin directions that ill ide o alon Visit Lorain County CVB and ths is a nationall distinctive a tor his tail the Lae rie Coastal cenic a he rote is ared Leavi oad herst ollos that Lae rie Coast and is a road a to ide Coastal a is to ide o alon the rote Phone the develoent o heritae toris alon the coast or inoration on iscover ites the visitors reas esite visitloraincontco lon this rote o ill nd sis that sa Lae rie alon the rote can rovide o ith inoration or Cuyahoga County CVB Circle or and he Coastal rail hese are to dierent their area or ore inoration o can also visit the 334 Euclid Avenue, hio 4 rotes o sta on the a o ill need to ollo the rails’ eae on ’s esite dotstateohs Phone 8756600 esite thisisclevelandco Coastal rail sis hen the to tails dear each other hioasPaesLaerieCoastalhioas Northeast Region he aorit o the tail ollos local roads instead o Northwest Region airort aror hihas lie the Circle or oledo ands shtala Port Clinton ron Conneat lon the rote o ill nd an iscover ites arlehead erilion :here to Ànd inIormation locations alon the tail or tavelers to visit that :here to Ànd inIormation Lake County CVB ossess historic natral recreational scenic cltral Destination Toledo CVB ictoria Place ite Painesville or archeoloical alities ach reion has it’s on list Jeerson vene oledo Phone esite laevisitco Phone esite dotoledoor o iscover ites and the are the sested locations Ashtabula County CVB Lake Erie Shores & Islands Visitor Center to visit to have the te eerience o the Coastal rail stinr oad esite visitashtala hese lists are eansive and have neros dierent County Erie County otheast Cataa oad stinr contco activit choices alloin everone on or a ti to 216 E. Water Street Phone eno soethin secial to the Por Clinton ands Phone Phone Conneaut esite shoresandislandsco North Central Region Ashtabula Lorain Toledo Cleveland entor aror Cleveland Port Clinton Huron Lorain Sandusky Vermilion

allen iers Glacial Grooves Johnson’s IslandCedar Point erilionGoodtie III est ide aret etoars each radine alls Driving Directions Cuyahoga County œ¦¤Žၺန¦¡›¡“‘’¤န ŽŠ“šၻŒœ—¦˜š£¤œ¤œ‹œŴœ˜ ျ ¤Š¡¥“š¦¤’Ž¡“š‘Š¡–ªŠ­ထœ——œª¤’Ž£“‘›£œ¡ ျ œ——œªœ¦¤Žၺœ¡ၺၻနၾ˜“—Ž£¤œန¦¡¥“ŒŽှœ¦¤Ž Ashtabula County (PA Border) š¤Ž¡£¤Š¤ŽႁၸŠšœ¦¤ŽၺထŠšŽš¤Ž¡œš¤œœ¦¤Žၺဳ ၺၸၺဿŠš¤§¡›¡“‘’¤နŠ–Žန¦¡¥“ŒŽၺနၽ˜“—Ž£¤œ ŽŠ¡œ“š¤ှœ¦¤ŽၹၿႁဿŠš¤§¡›—ŽŤန ျ ¡œ˜¤’ŽŽšš£­—¨Šš“Š‹œ¡Ž¡ထ¤Š–Žœ¦¤Žၺၸထၹနႀၿ š¤Ž¡£¤Š¤Žႁၸ’ŽŠ“š‘ªŽ£¤န ˜“—Ž£¤œ“š¤Ž¡£ŽŒ¤“œšœŠ“šŠš Š¡‹œ¡¤£န ျ œ——œª ဖႁၸ¤œနၽၽ¤’¤န¦¡›šœ¡¥’Ššœ——œª Lucas County (Westernmost County) ျ œ——œª Š¡‹œ¡¤ႀၹ­Š¡£Šš¤§¡›—ŽŤœš¤Š¤Ž¤န œ¡¥’Š¡‘“šŠ—“š¤œœªš¤œªš—Ž¨Ž—Ššန œ——œª ျ œ——œªŽŠ¡œ“š¤ၻ˜“—Ž£Šš¤§¡›¡“‘’¤œšန ျ Š–Ž¤Š¤Ž¤ၺၸၸ­Š¡£¤œ¡œŠ¤ှœ¦¤ŽၿဿŠš œ¡¥’Š¡‘“šŠ—¤œန“š¤’¤နှœ¡¥’Š¡‘“šŠ— ­›šန ¤§¡›¡“‘’¤န Œ’Šš‘Ž£¤œ¡“Ž£“Ž¨Žဿန ျ Š–Žန­›šœšŽ˜“—Ž¤œŠ­£’œ¡ŽŠš¤§¡› ျ Š–Ž¡œŠ¤ၹနၺၹ˜“—Ž£¤œŠ–Žှœ¦¤Žၽၻၹဿန¦¡› ျ œ——œª¡“Ž£“Ž¨ŽŠ£¤œ¡¥’œŠ£¤ Š¡‹œ¡ထ¤’Ž —ŽŤနŠ­£’œ¡Ž‹ŽŒœ˜Ž£ŴŽ¡¡ŽŽ–န œ——œª —ŽŤœšŠ–Žန ¤ŽŠ˜£’“   န Ššœ¡¥œ 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