18-24 Dec, 2002; NOW! 1 eeman(Meals) IT’S A JA PURE VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT MELA Sirf Khana OUT No Bar Specialised North Indian cuisine THERE and special fast food items All items TROLLEY served. JEEMAN (MEALS), KUNDEH-KHANG BUILDING, NEAR SADA CHAMLING BRINGS THANA, TIBET ROAD, GANGTOK. Phone: 225098. HOME THE GANGTOK WEDNESDAY, 18-24 Dec, 2002 Vol 1 No 27 Rs. 5 E-MAIL:
[email protected] BENEFITS OF NEC STATUS TAKENAlmostAlmost TURN TO pgs 4 & 10 FOR DETAILS rajdhaniIN FOR A ROYAL BONDS REINFORCED AT GIRLS SCHOOL RIDE It does not qualify to be a scam yet, but perhaps only because it was detected way in advance. It had all the makings of a master fraud, but bank officials derailed it in time. The UTI bank is now warning all prospective clients against approach- ing free-wheelers when planning to open accounts with them... TURN TO pg 3 FOR DETAILS simultaneoussimultaneous releaserelease fromfridayfriday 2020thth Dec,Dec, 0202 DENZONG AL SURROUND EX kaantekaantekaanteDOLBY DIGIT amitabh bachchan sanjay dutt, sunil shetty kumar gaurav, lucky ali SHOW TIMINGS: 11 AM, 2:15 PM, 5:30 PM & sanjay manjrekar SCREENING OF “KAANTE” ON CABLE TV AND VCD IS ILLEGAL 1 2; NOW! 18-24 Dec, 2002 RECAPRECAP SIKKIMSIKKIM PERMITLESS IN INNER LINE GOLDEN GLOW FOR MANGAN SCHOOL CHUNGTHANG: It is surprising how people can slip through to pro- tected areas where even Sikkimese by SARIKAH ATREYA from elsewhere require permits to MANGAN: Mangan Senior Sec- CHAMLING LAYS STRESS proceed. Some months back, a sus- ondary School marked its Golden pected Bangladeshi national was Jubilee here on December 11 in the picked for travelling without permits presence of the Chief Minister, Pa- up at Chungthang and now again, wan Chamling as the Chief Guest.