
The Official Newsletter Of The American Auto Racing Writers and Broadcasters Association

Feb. 2006 Vol. 39 No. 2

AARWBA Announces Ombudsman Program; Process Will Help Members With Work Concerns Valvoline Is Founding Underwriter

Inside this issue:

- About the new Ombudsman program

- FORD Contest winners announced

- News & Notes from members

SAVE THE DATE: The next All-America Team dinner will be held on Saturday, January 13, 2007, in the main ballroom of the Hyatt in Indianapolis. Details to follow.

American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association, Inc. ( ”Dedicated To Increasing Media Coverage of Motor Sports” AARWBA Announces Ombudsman Program; Process Will Help Members With Work Concerns Valvoline Is Founding Underwriter Building on the member-friendly initiatives created during the 50th Anniversary Celebration, AARWBA's Board of Directors is pleased to announce the new Ombudsman program, designed to assist media and the motorsports industry with an intermediary and a common-sense process to resolve legitimate concerns regarding work issues.

This important service places AARWBA in a similar position with respected and effective organizations such as the Baseball Writers Association of America, Pro Football Writers Association and the 842-7005 Professional Hockey Writers Association in terms of providing members with a process to work out legitimate concerns. Please Jim Rocco, Valvoline Designated Team Owner for refer to the information below for the formal Mission Statement and Valvoline Evernham Racing (left), displays specific details on how the Ombudsman process will work. The Valvoline’s founding underwriter check for the Ombudsman is operational effective immediately. AARWBA Ombudsman Fund with VPs Mike Harris and Lewis Franck and Valvoline Dodge team owner Ray Evernham. AARWBA thanks Valvoline, which has stepped forward as the founding underwriter of the Ombudsman program. Jim Rocco, Valvoline Designated Team Owner for Valvoline Evernham Racing, issued the following statement during the NASCAR Media Tour: "Valvoline has been involved in racing since the first race in North America -- in Chicago in 1895. J. Frank Duryea was the winning driver and he won with Valvoline. We've been at the races with the nation's motorsports media for almost as long. Instead of giving each of you a jacket or diecast -- which I'm sure you have plenty of -- we want to do something a bit more meaningful. Valvoline will donate to AARWBA for the establishment of its Ombudsman Fund. The fund will be administered by AARWBA for media with a legitimate 'working' problem with a driver, owner, team, track or sanctioning group who need advocacy. It is not a legal fund, but more an arbitration or mediation mechanism which they feel is needed to resolve issues quietly and profes- sionally. Valvoline is proud to be Founding Underwriter of this fund for racing journalists."

The AARWBA Ombudsman Mission Statement: "To provide AARWBA members who have legitimate concerns (regarding issues such as credentials, access, and treatment by drivers, owners, officials, track and sanctioning organization personnel and other media sources), which affect their ability to perform their work assignments, an intermediary through which to address and attempt to resolve those concerns."

Process: An AARWBA member who believes he/she has a legitimate concern to bring to the AARWBA Ombuds- man will follow this process:

...continued on next page

Shav Glick Retirement Event Planned California Speedway plans to host a reception in honor of Shav Glick’s retirement. Here is the information we have received from AARWBA friend Dennis Bickmeier: Date: Thursday, February 23 (start of NASCAR weekend) Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: Party Zone Tent, inside the tunnel in suite parking lot. (Enter through the tunnel, turn right and it’s the first and only tent in the suite lots to the right). Guests are asked to enter through Gate 6 off of San Bernardino Ave., turn left toward the tunnel by the Credential Building.

For more information: PLEASE NOTE: This information is for media/PR reps use only and not for public distribution. The party is private and not open to the general public. All Contents © The American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association 922 North Pass Avenue Burbank, CA 91505-2703 (818) 2 AARWBA Ombudsman Program 1. The member will contact his/her appropriate regional Vice President, or a Vice President in attendance at the event.

2. The Vice President will review the situation and will have full discretion to determine if the matter falls under the Ombudsman Mission Statement. If so, the VP will attempt to quickly resolve the issue or achieve a reasonable settlement.

3. The VP will report back to the AARWBA Board. If necessary, the VP may request the President to activate the full Ombudsman Committee. The Committee will consist of three persons: a) The VP who first reviewed the matter, who will lead the Committee;

b) A person, appointed by the President, who may have special knowledge of, or expertise in, the area of concern; 842-7005 c) Michael Knight, who has experience on both the media and PR side of the motorsports industry, will serve as a permanent member of the Committee.

d) If, for any reason, it is deemed inappropriate for any Committee member to serve, the President will appoint a replacement.

4. The Committee will have complete authority from AARWBA to attempt to bring the member's concern to the best obtainable resolution.

5. The appropriate regional VP will keep the member informed of developments throughout the process. The Committee's on-going work activities will be considered "confidential" and not for the knowledge of anyone beyond the immediate parties and the AARWBA Board.

6. The Committee, upon completion of its work, will report back to the AARWBA Board. The Committee will then communicate its final report to all involved parties. The Committee will recommend to the Board what, if anything, to report to the full membership via the AARWBA newsletter. The Board will have the final decision on what information, if any, to make public.

AARWBA Ombudsman Contacts: President: Dusty Brandel, [email protected] National Vice President: Mike Hollander, [email protected] Eastern Vice President: Lewis Franck, [email protected] Southern Vice President: Mike Harris, [email protected] Midwest Vice President: Ron Lemasters, [email protected] Western Vice President: Susan Wade, [email protected] Secretary-Treasurer: Dr. George Peters, [email protected] Ombudsman Committee Member: Michael Knight, [email protected]

David Poole of the Charlotte Observer wrote the following on January 24: “Instead of giving ‘gifts’ to media tour members, Valvoline contributed $2,500 to a writers’ group fund to hire an ombudsman to help members mediate issues that arise in their jobs. Every sponsor should use that as an example. Instead of hand- ing out hats, computer bags or other freebies, donate the amount that would have been spent to an appropriate charity. Any tour participant who complains should not be invited back next year, because if you’re here to pick up trinkets you’re not here for the right reasons.” All Contents © The American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association 922 North Pass Avenue Burbank, 91505-2703 CA (818) 3 FORD Motorsports Journalism Award Of Excellence Winners Announced! 1st Place: Article Title: The Biff (Greg BIffle) by Dick Berggren, Speedway Illustrated.

2nd Place: Article Title: Dear Old Dad (John Force) by Susan Wade, National Speed Sport News.

3rd Place: 842-7005 Article Title: Quarter Mile Thunder (Eric Medlen) by Norm Froscher, Racing Milestones.

Berggren receives a cash prize of $1,000 along with a framed artwork of Henry Ford’s “Sweepstakes” race car. Wade and Froscher receive a gift package from Ford Racing.

AARWBA thanks Ford for sponsoring this contest in support of the 50th Anniversary Celebra- tion. AARWBA friend Kevin Kennedy says Ford will offer this contest again. Watch for details in the newsletter later this year.

AARWBA 50th Event VIDEO!

Did you miss the Awards Banquet for the AARWBA 2005 Auto Racing All America Team? Well we have great news! You can watch a video of the event on the internet! Click the headline above or the 50th logo to watch the video!

Many thanks to Mike Hollander for recording the event!

IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL AARWBA MEMBERS! By now everyone should be able to open the newsletter when it comes via email. If you can not open it, the reason is most likely that you still don’t have the Acrobat reader software on your computer. This is easily remedied! Simply click on this word “ACROBAT!” and download the file. It will not harm your computer! It is free! It is easy to install! Help your AARWBA to contain costs by using email to distribute our newsletter! All Contents © The American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association 922 North Pass Avenue Burbank, 91505-2703 CA (818) 4 There Is Something You Can (And Should) Do For The AARWBA! From Mike Hollander, AARWBA Vice-President

Newsletter Editor Andy Hartwell recently had a great idea. He’s a member who didn’t “know what needs to be done” to support the AARWBA and keep us growing. Well, here’s a list of things for which the AARWBA needs the help of its members. If you are reading this, you are a member.

Please pick one or more items from the list that you can do to help us grow into an organization with the same kind of clout as other professional media organi- zations, such as the Baseball Writer’s Association. If you drop us a note, together we can get the ball rolling. Write to our President, Dusty Brandel, or to me, Mike Hollander. And remember, if we all take just one item on the list,

that will mean we have close to 500 people doing a little something each to 842-7005 build our organization’s stature and membership.

Three things all of us can (and should) do:

1. Get information about AARWBA to others at each and every race you attend. If there’s another reporter or photographer or P.R. rep at the race who’s not yet a member, be sure they have an applica- tion. You already know why you’re a member. Let the other folks know. You can print applications from the AARWBA Web Site at

2. We need on-site help for our annual breakfast and annual Auto Racing All America Dinner. Dusty and I are both in California and we need some people to take the initiative and let each and every media outlet in Indianapolis know about our events. The number of TV stations and newspapers with AARWBA members on staff that didn’t show up at the All America Banquet is embarrassing - especially when we had Mike Helton speaking at the banquet.

3. Producing and distributing flyers about the organization to all the sports reporters you know who cover any sort of racing would be great.

I know there are many more things to do, but let’s see these three get done and watch the organization grow. Thanks for your support!

Member Dirato Offers Assistance With NHRA Coverage AARWBA member Chris Dirato shares this information: “As you’re quite aware, the 2006 NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series season is fast approaching. To that end, should you need any assistance as connected to U.S. Army drivers, Tony “The Sarge” Schumacher, Angelle Sampey and Antron Brown, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

“Heading into the ’06 campaign, Schumacher will be looking to become only the second Top Fuel driver in NHRA history to win three consecutive world championships. In Pro Stock Motorcycles, Sampey will be seeking her fourth world title, while Brown will be searching for his first crown after posting eight straight top-10 finishes in the points.

“I look forward to working with each of you as the season progresses. Chris Dirato, U.S. Army NHRA Racing PR (201) 750-3533 - office (917) 921-9070 - cell “ All Contents © The American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association 922 North Pass Avenue Burbank, 91505-2703 CA (818) 5 NeNewsws && NotesNotes Belated Shav Comments And Special Thanks “Due to travel, I missed submitting my thoughts on Shav Glick and his incredible career for the January newsletter. Regarding Shav, he has set a remarkable standard for all motorsports journalists to follow, and I wish him the best in his retirement, with lots of golf, good food, and an incredible life ahead”.....

“I also want to compliment Mike Hollander in his new position as our National Vice-President, and Susan Wade as our Western Vice-President. Mike and Susan are both fully dedicated to the continued promo- tion of motorsports, and will do their usual excellent jobs.

“Kudos to Dusty, and Mike Knight on putting on the wonderful AARWBA banquet at Indianapolis. I know

their staff worked equally as hard, but Dusty and Mike did a superb job of spearheading the project, and 842-7005 utilizing all their wonderful contacts in the motorsports and automotive industries.

“Also, kudos to Rocky Entriken, for making it much easier for us to submit our votes for the AARWBA All- America team, and giving us a concise summary of the votes every year. “

Warmest regards, Kay Presto, past Western Vice President, AARWBA

Barbara Parks A highlight of the AARWBA 50th Anniversary Celebration came when Wally and Barbara Parks attended the January 2005 All-America Team dinner in Pomona. Wally was announced that evening as one of 12 nominees for our Newsmaker of the Half-Century award. Barbara, Wally’s wife, died of cancer Jan. 25 at age 82. She was an important force in NHRA’s early years and remained active to the end with the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum. AARWBA extends its sympathy to Wally and every- one at NHRA. Wally and Barbara Parks (Photo provided by the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum)

Glessner To Reveal The Mysterious Power Of Airflow Aerodynamicist and automotive enthusiast, Paul T. Glessner, will conduct his well regarded eight hour seminar to explain and expound on the mysterious powers of airflow over vehicles at the infamous HMS Motorsport of Peabody, Mass. It will take place March 4th, 2006, Saturday. Anyone registering before February 4th will receive a $50 discount. Paul would be most appreciative to spread the word to friends and colleagues in that neck of the country. 24 clients attending PRI enjoyed their seminar November 30th. Call 562 714 6686

Note to all AARWBA Members: This is YOUR newsletter. Your editor, Andy Hartwell, would love to hear from you. Write in and let him know what you are up to in the world of motorsports. We need good news content from professionals like you that we can share with all the other professionals in the AARWBA. And this newsletter is a great vehicle for announcing your recent successes with your peers! And you can even have your company or organization sponsor an issue!

Send your words and photos to [email protected].

For issue sponsorship information, contact Michael Knight at [email protected] or our President, Dusty Brandel at [email protected] All Contents © The American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association 922 North Pass Avenue Burbank, 91505-2703 CA (818) 6 Auto Imagery to Provide Photo Coverage to in 2006; Selected ‘Photographer of Year’ by Competition Readers

CARLSBAD, Calif., Jan. 4, 2006 - It’s already been a good year for AARWBA member Richard Shute, founder of Auto Imagery’s professional drag racing photographic services. Shute said that will partner with Auto Imagery to provide photographic coverage of the 2006 POWERade Drag Racing Series for the official website of NHRA. He also was informed that Auto Imagery was voted ‘Photographer of the Year’ by the readers of Competition

“We are very excited to be in partnership with,” said Shute. “We are looking forward to working with ( senior editor) Rob Geiger and having the opportunity to put together a comprehensive photo package for each NHRA race. We’ll be shooting the events with a goal of providing photos that catch the eyes of the readers. We have had a good relationship with NHRA for more than 20 years and currently provide with Sportsman racing photo coverage during each national event.”

Shute and Dave Kommel were the only photographers when Shute started the company in 1979. Auto Imagery’s veteran drag racing staff now includes Bob Hesser, Ron Lewis, and Gary Nastase. These five individuals have a combined total of over 150 years of drag racing photography experience. “We are thrilled to further align ourselves 842-7005 with the talented team from Auto Imagery,” said National Dragster editor Phil Burgess. “We’ve had a great working relationship for more than two decades that I’m pleased to see expanded.”

The Competition award caught Shute “totally by surprise,” he said. “It’s a very nice honor because it comes from the drag racing fans. It is exciting to have people recognize your efforts, especially when we weren’t competing for anything, just trying to provide the best photos possible. “I think I’ve surrounded myself with absolutely the best photographers you can find. Their talent speaks for itself,” continued Shute. “Aligning with Rick Green, Larry Sullivan and Drag Race Central was an integral part of our success, too. Working with Rick and Larry helped us get name recognition.”

Presto Published To #6 Best Seller Kay Presto, past AARWBA Western Vice-President and an award-winning book author, is published in the new “Wake Up...Live the Life You Love — Giving Gratitude” book which skyrocketed to No. 6 on the Barnes & Noble Best Seller list on January 10, 2006. Notables also published in this latest book in the successful “Wake Up” Series are Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Gregory Scott Reid and many more.

For members who would like to order a copy of this “Giving Gratitude” book from Kay, please contact Presto Productions at 909-985-3041 or e-mail: [email protected].

George Bignotti Celebrates His 90th Birthday Mary Mendez is the daughter of George Bignotti, a man who spent a lifetime in auto racing as a mechanic and team owner. Mary let us in on a secret recently; her dad turned 90 years old on January 12th. A surprise birthday party was held in Las Vegas and AARWBA members are invited to send George a note or a card at this address (No gifts please.):

George Bignotti, 9413 Steeplehill Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89117

George earned 87 victories during a distinguished career behind the wrenches. A. J. Foyt won 27 races in cars prepared by Bignotti while other drivers who scored wins for him included Standing: Rafael Perez (Maria’s father), Kay Bignotti , , , Joe Leonard, Wally (Louie Meyer’syoungest daughter, George’s second ex- Dallenbach, , Graham Hill and Jud Larson. He wife), Bob Fouts (previous owner of Earl’s Performance started as a race car owner in the San Francisco area and in Products, Wilma Catania (Frank’s second ex-wife), 1954 made his debut as a crew member at Indianapolis. In Maria Perez (Mary’s friend, partially visible), Maureen 1956, teaming with co-car owner Bob Bowes, he scored his first Fouts (Bob’s wife), Jim Dilamarter (mechanic on Vel’s Indy Car win in the 100-miler at the Arizona State Fairgrounds Parnelli Jones racing team), Carol and Miles Catania (son of Frank) Sitting: Mary Mendez (daughter), George in Phoenix. George also holds the record for most victories for Bignotti, and Frank Catania(long time friend and was a chief mechanic in the Indianapolis 500-Mile Race - seven!His part of the team for George’s first Indy 500victory in cars won in 1961, 1964, 1966, 1970, 1971, 1973, and 1983 1961 with AJ Foyt as the driver. driven by Foyt, Hill, Unser, Johncock and Sneva. All Contents © The American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association 922 North Pass Avenue Burbank, 91505-2703 CA (818) 7 Riggs Offers 2006 Classic Racing Calendar

Long time AARWBA member L. Spenser Riggs has a new Classic racing calendar out for 2006. It contains over 30 pictures, many which have never been seen in print. It sells for $14.95 at retail but Riggs is offering it to his fellow AARWBA members for just $10.00 each, which includes postage.

The title is: Bud Williams’ Runnin’ on the Edge 2006

The calendar is printed on glossy paper, featuring over 30 spectacular black and white photos. Drivers featured are: Vuky Sr., Hinnershitz, Horn, Mays, Foyt, McCluskey, O’Connor, Crockett, White, Daywalt, Bufkin, Warriner and many others.

If you would like a copy for yourself, or to give to friends, you can order them a the special member-only price by sending a check or money order to: 842-7005 Belmont Publishing 1224 S. Belmont Indianapolis, IN 46221-1532

Hacker New NHRA Media Relations Manager Brian Hacker has been named media relations manager for the National Hot Rod Association, NHRA Director of Media Relations Anthony Vestal announced. Hacker, 37, comes to the NHRA with 10 years experience as an elementary school teacher. Prior to that, he worked for Brener Zwikel & Associates, a premier Los Angeles-based sports PR firm, for two years, and also worked in the publicity department for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

In his new position, Hacker will primarily provide national event media relations for the NHRA Xplod Sport Compact Racing Series and support the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series as well as other NHRA racing programs. In addition, he will maintain relationships with national media outlets and contribute to NHRA media guides and other NHRA Communications Department publications.

AARWBA Member Updates - January 2006 646 Affil. 2006 658 Affil. 2006 ARNOLD, Susan BRONSON, Barry Director Public Relations Director of Communications Budweiser King Racing Valvoline 26231 Dimension P.O. Box 14000 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Lexington, KY 40512 (949) 830-2070 Fax: (949) 830-3170 (859) 357-7393 Fax: (859) 357-2686 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] H: 31690 Pio Pico Road (mail) Temecula, CA 92592 639 Prof. 2006 (951) 303-2008 Fax: (951) 303-2018 CLAREN, Bill Racing Writer 638 Prof. 2006 Gannett Times Beacon Newspapers BLOUNT, Terry (Tammy) Ocean County Observer Motorsports Columnist 345 E. Bay Ave., Manahawkin, N. J. 08050 Dallas Morning News, 508 Young Street (609) 8978-4533 Fax: (609) 597-8169 Dallas, TX 75202 E-mail: biggy@app (214) 977-7661 E-mail: [email protected] H: 3716 Crabapple Drive (mail) H: 4632 Hearthstone Lane (mail) Port St. Lucie, FL 34978 Fort Worth, TX 76135 (772) 621-9803 Fax: (772) 621-9878 E-Mail: [email protected] 651 Prof. 2006 BOWMAN, James P. 643 Prof. 2006 Photographer/P.R. COZZO, Gregory A. Autoshots Producer/On-air Host 215 Encantado Canyon Race Radio Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 1000 Pine Ave. #128, Redlands, CA 92373 (949) 589-5460 E-Mail: [email protected] (909) 319-1535 E-mail: [email protected] All Contents © The American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association 922 North Pass Avenue Burbank, 91505-2703 CA (818) 8 AARWBA Member Updates - January 2006 644 Prof. 2006 653 Prof. 2006 647 Prof. 2006 DURRBECK, Mike MC KEE, Randy TOMAS, Erik Freelance Writer Owner/Photograper Anchor, Raceline Radio Network 7518 Parkline Drive, Randy’s Photos 3970 Mainway, Suite 6 Richmond, VA 23229 16 Perry Street Burington, Ontario L7M 3X1 (804) 399-1198 Lakeville, CT 06039 Canada E-mail: [email protected] 860) 945-5412 Fax: (860) 945-5408 (905) 332-7223 Fax: (905) 332-1232 Or mikedurrbeck! E-mail: carpix_race@yahoo,com E-mail: [email protected] H: P.O. Box 257 H: 25 Hurricane Road 649 Prof. 2006 Salisbury, CT 06068 Fonthill, Ontario Canada Los 1G3 EDELSTEIN, Robert E-mail: [email protected] Motorsports Editor, TV Guide 641 Prof. 2006 1211 6th Ave. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036 411 Prof. 2006 VENEZIANO, Tony (212) 852-7456 MEYER, Tim (Chyrrel) Host, Racing Talk WJOB E-mail: [email protected] Publisher Sports Ed, The Calumet Press H: 30 Bowers Road (mail) Racing News West 6405 Olcott, Hammond, IN 46320

Caldwell, NJ 07006 31 North 700 East, Suite 151 (219) 844-1230 Fax: (219) 844-6190 842-7005 (973) 364-1171 St. George, UT 84770 E-mail: [email protected] (435) 635-2257 Fax: (435) 635-2298 H: 8403 Cottage Grove Ave (mail) E-mail: [email protected] Highland, IN 46322 640 Prof. 2006 (219) 838-1056 FROSCHER, W. Teague 658 Affil. 2006 E-mail: [email protected] Freelance Writer MOONEY, Michael 1672 NW 19th Circle, Gainesville, FL 32605 Dir. Corporate Communications (352) 378-4475 Sprint/Nextel Corp. 642 Prof. 2006 E-mail: [email protected] 10115 Kincey Ave. # 210 WAGER, Nancy Huntersville, NC 28078 Public Relations, GM Racing Chevrolet 636 Prof. 2006 (704) 361-9499 Concepts East, Inc. GAMBLE, Donald G. Fax: (704) 632-7901 1893 Spur Lane Owner [email protected] Palm Harbor, FL 34685 Speedway Productions (727) 784-8465 Fax: (727) 787-8990 712 Cherry Blossom Court 648 Affil. 2006 E-mail: [email protected] Delmont, PA 15626 MOORE, Thomas ‘Tom’ Cell: (727) 415-3109 (412) 999-6625 President / CEO E-mail: [email protected] Darkhorse Autosport Inc. 9504 Eastgate Court, 466 Prof 2006 657 Prof. 2006 Franklin, TN 37067 WINTERS, Brad ( Diane) HENG, Sandy (615) 778-1614 Racing Editor/Commentator Pit Reporter E-mail: [email protected] Spectrum Radio Sandy Heng Productions 4342 River Road 1248 Westview Way 652 Prof. 2006 Columbus, IN 47203 Ann Arbor, MI 48103 NOETH, Louise Ann (Mick Lanigan) (812) 372-3364 Cell: (248) 207-6620 Fax: (928) 447-3709 Author, Columnist, Historian E-Mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] LandSpeed Productions 1761 Dwight Ave., Camarillo, CA 93010 650 Prof. 2006 (805) 445-8414 WOLLF, Alex 655 Prof. 2006 cell: (805) 312-0893 Freelance Writer HOVSEPIAN, Dawn Mazi E-mail: [email protected] 1306 Fairgreen ave, Photographer Lima, OH 45805 Goodguys Rod & Custom Assoc. 654 Prof. 2006 (419) 272-6367 1071 Serpentine RAMIREZ, Steve E-mail: [email protected] Pleasanton, CA 94566 Motorsports Writer/NHRA (925) 218-9134 Fax: (925) 831-8564 San Gabriel Valley Tribune Change of address: E-mail: [email protected] 1210 N. Azusa Canyon Road Lewis Franck H: 16 William Gannon Road West Covina, CA 91790 340 East 74th Street - Apt 4F Manchester, NH 03104 (626) 962-8811 Fax: (626) 856-2758 New York, NY 10021-3739 (603) 622-0803 E-mail: [email protected] Home phone: 212 -988-0499 H: 16325 Bellbrook St.,Covina, CA 91722 656 Prof. 2006 (626) 338-8179 HOVSEPIAN, Mark E-mail: [email protected] Photographer Goodguys Rod & Custom Assoc. 644 Prof. 2006 1071 Serpentine Lane RIDER, Phil Pleasanton, CA 94566 Photographer (925) 218-9134 Fax: (925) 831-8564 Rider’s Racing Photos E-Mail: [email protected] 443 W. Hillcrest Drive. H: 16 William Gannon Road Dekalb, IL 60115 Manchester, NH 03104 (815) 758-2181 (603) 622-0803 All Contents © The American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association 922 North Pass Avenue Burbank, 91505-2703 CA (818) 9 Budweiser, Bernstein Sponsorship to Be Racing’s Longest Budweiser, the leader in the U.S. premium beer category, has extended its contract with Kenny and Brandon Bernstein of the Budweiser King Racing team through 2009. This 30-year partnership eclipses Richard Petty’s 29-year STP sponsorship to become the longest consecutive major team sponsorship in motorsports history.

The relationship began in 1980 with the sponsorship of Kenny’s Funny Car, which became known as the Budweiser King Funny Car. Anheuser-Busch then further capitalized on the growing popularity of NHRA drag racing by establishing the Budweiser Shootout in 1982, a special race-within-a-race bonus event that has grown into an

annual affair with a purse of more than $147,000. The 842-7005 Budweiser Shootout awards the eight quickest Top Fuel drivers in the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series and offers $5,000 to the No. 1 qualifier in the Top Fuel racing series, in each of the 23 races.

“Kenny and Brandon have been outstanding ambassadors for Budweiser and professional drag racing for more than 25 years,” said Tony Ponturo, vice president, global media and sports marketing, Anheuser-Busch, Inc. “Our longstanding and successful history with the team, as well as our status as the ‘Official Beer of the NHRA’ for more Image from than 20 years, has allowed us to reach a diverse range of adult racing fans, and has been instrumental in establish- ing Budweiser as a leader in all forms of motorsports.”

“We are thrilled with this four-year extension, and are proud of our unprecedented water mark for the longest consecutive partnership in all of motorsports,” said Kenny Bernstein. “Our 30-year tenure with Budweiser says a lot for the sport of drag racing, and we are grateful for the contributions they have made to our sport.”

This month’s issue of ImPRESSions is presented by

America’s Beer...America’s Fastime! All Contents © The American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association 922 North Pass Avenue Burbank, 91505-2703 CA (818) 10