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California200raceprogram-1967.Pdf obLs tupr6o.r6 lo)IJJO /96I'ZZ I3O AYC}iNS Lompeedg &", rolow *J? c r:cgl & ProtupH t3v OINV roJ s!lodpuolPul dHsuo!duoLl) louo!foN o0w TNffi@fffrTV9, lonuuv tsrlJ wd@71 HANF(lRD NEW CAR DEALERS ASSN. Salutes the "California 200" --Tu,rn Right--Tohe thot short driue to Honford, Save and Trader-SEE: FORD *Bob Greene Ford MERCU RY 455 N. 1lth Sr. Phone 584-5531 CONTI N E NTAL *Don Peterson Buick-0lds Bth & Harris St. Phone 582-038 I G"M.C.-OPEL *Bertram Motor Sales 121, East 7In St. Phone 584-44i5 PLYMOUTH.CHRYSLER *Geo. Dimbat Chevrolet 203 E. 7th St. Phone 582-A467 CARS & TRUCKS *Tom Spear Dodge 218 Lacey Blvd. Phone 582-0437 DODGE & RAMBLER *Banducci Pontiac-Cadillac 6th & Harris Phone 582-027 4 H&NF(IRD NEW CAR DEALERS ASSN. a$ t' a upro}e^ p 'oN 'u3sNn Aggog l"r';t.%ii'.'^bT-Tfl r{tt roruoc^ou sol}}eq uorlrloduoc 'c'v's'n to 9 tolCtorololtrlDlDIL]lololDlDrtrlnlolororol.lDlolDlDtDltrlDlDlDrDlDIDIolDlDlSlolDlDlDIDlDrnlntolClolDlD I1VM'lNlHC tlll sraqde;oo1orld-Xol )CVt'SVgt3 AOU] I'S3UuOI SINNfC'fNOIONOUI 8O8'ANOHVtll tue:6old- sluHc 0ursrlrenpy otpeu € - -vlc3t 'ull se1e3 - - - -NVlNVnVev AI- - sre6euBN ec!]lo- ssorppv cllqnd- -c3=u ACNVS 'n - - 'c'E'v NoslloHr NVo puv 'Hr 'NVlNVnvev 'c err'Uorssocuoc- - -sNotss=cNoo AUUIr 'O 'C Alrcrlqnd- - - -oNoli\|vlo -]V pre^ols ,{rerouo11- - -A3NN|) A11c11qn3- - -N3yNVUJ rosrnredng }cerl- -yNVSHCUVr! =INNCE rolcerlO Atrcllqnd- - - -NA-l-1V SINNOH suotleledg ocueuolulep tolqC- -ZNpUIS AUU=f AXOH soles C-IOHVH locunouuv- - - -OOOMyCOU suolleredg 3 lalcll- -l-13UU3y! -lvc uer6o.t4- Noc rouMo lcerl- - -Nollls rolcorrc - -Sllsvs NVINVIVoV '3''r A8 o3rNAs3ud ANNfy ro^jasqo tetqc- -NOSNHOI^ lnvd rarocs 3 rorurl 'tssv- - - lHcnS)vl 'Ll30I 's rorurl Al-SlUH3 oall!uuroc ueurreqc- - -NVy!Uf slls'v raross t lalqc- - -vuISevvMZ YCIC prB^ als NOC rolcoro [1e1eg- -gNlY ]ld- - - -3l8nul-s NVIS -3NO]V[/! I/IIHS rerlsroagE preMols- - --^3-]HoM rauels- - - IIVHSUVI/\ 'ufl.uoc 'qcal uPtxrleqc acln- OUlf o yNVUJ oarolau- -UU3Y - - AUHVH oollluluroc 'r.,|caI ueur!eqc ecln- -u3NUV5 NOC premots totLlC- -NNlnOcN uorltleduo3 lo rolcel!O 'SyNVg AUNSH cvsn luaplsord 'cuolNlS 'M SVyIOHI 'll-lvc'cuolNVH L96l'AZ U=80r30 0z-H3-29 .AVONNS 'oN NOI]CNVS AVMO]SdS HOIOI/{ CUOJNVH ooovt ornw dgtlsuord'II, louotloM? c)vsn olrw'ooz slvltlllo Aulolile-equipped cars IosI I USAC and TUISCAR roces in 1965. The Indy 500 wasn'I one ol them-neither wGte. NASCAR JAN. l7 BIVERSIDE INTERNATI0NAL RACEWAY-DAN GURNEY-Ist AUG.l3 MARYVIItE, TENN.-DICK HUTCHERSON-lst tE8. 12 DAYTONA INTERNATI0NAL SPEEI)WAY-DAREL DIIRINGER-lst AUG. l4 P|E0M0NT, S.C., INTERNATIONAL-NED JARRETT-Ist FEB. l2 DAYT0NA INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY-JUNl0B J0HNS0N-lst AUG. 15 AUGUSTA. GA.. INTERNATI0NAL-DICK HUTCHERSOII-Irt Ft8. l4 DAYTONA INTERNATI0NAL SPEEDWAY-FRED L0RENZEN-Ist AUG. 19 COLUMBIA, S.C., SPEEOWAY-IIAVE PEARSOII- FEB. 27 PIEDM0NT INTERSTATE FAIRGR0UNDS-NED JARRETT-Ist 3rd-(wait till nert y:er!) FEB. 28 ASHEVILLE-WEAVERVILLE SPEEDWAY-NED JARBETT-lst AUG. 24 M0Y0CK. tl.C-. RACEVYAY-D|CX HUTCIIERSOil-1sI MAR. 7 VIRGINIA STATE FAIRGB()UNDS-JUNl()R J0HNSON-lst AUG. 25 BALTIM0RE-IYASH|IiGT0| SPtEIrtAY-ttO JAFBETT-I it MAR.14 HILLSB0H0. N.C.. 0RANGE SPEE0WAY-NED JARBETT-lst AUG. 28 BOITHAI{.GRAY STAItrUH. WrcMT.SAI.Ifl . il,C._ JUill0R APR. 1l ATLANTA INTERNATIONAL-MARVIN PANCH-Ist J0HlS0t{-lst APR. 17 GBEENVILLE, S.C.-PICKENS SPEEDWAY- SEPT. 6 OAfiUilGT0t. S.C-. lmRiAn0xAt-llE0 JARRETT-Ist DICK HUTCHTRS(]N-lst SEPT. Ill HICXIIBY. TI.C. SPEEOTIAY_RICHARO PETTY_ APR. 18 NoRTH WILKESB0R0. N.C.-JU|{|0R J0Hl{S0t{-1st 3rd {c.r't lir 'er rll !} APR. 25 MARTINSVILLE. VA.. SPEEDWAY-FREO L0Rtt{ZfI{-lst SEP[- 14 tEW BXF080. PA-O|CK HUTCHERS0N-Ist APR. 28 C0LUMBIA. S.C.. SPEEDIVAY-TII{Y LUilO-lst SEPT- 17 OtO DO'IIT{I0il, MAilASSAS. VA,-RICHARO PETTY_ 2nd (closc!) MAY 2 BR|STOL, TEf{l{.. ll{ITRilAn0HAL-JUl{l0B J0Ht{S0il-tst S[PT. I 8 VIRGINIA STATE FAIBGROUNDS-0AVE PEARSON-2nd ! MAY I DARtll{GT0t{ ltlTEBilAn0ilAt-Juill0R JOHNSOil-lst {nurs } SEPT. 26 MARTINSVILLE, VA.. SPEEDWAY-JUNI0R J0HNS0N-Ist MAY l4 LAf{GLEY FIELD. VA.-i{ED JARRETT-Ist oCT. 3 N0RTH WltKES80R0. N.C.-JUNloR J0HNSON-lst i:i;r=F.:r MAY I5 BOTYMAI{ GRAY STAOIUM, WNSTON.SALEM, N.C._ JUt{lOR J0HltlS0N-lst 0CT. l7 CHARI0TTE, II.C.-FREI) LORENZEN-Ist MAYT6 HICKORY, I'I.C., SPEEOWAY-JUNI()R JOHNSON_ISt 0CT. 24 HlLLSBOR0. N.C.-DICK HUTCHTRS0N-lst MAY23 CHARL0TTI. I{.C.. M0T0R SPEEDWAY-FRED LORENZEN-IsI 0CT. 31 ROCKINGHAM, N.C.-CURTIS TUR]{ER-Ist MAY 27 SHEIBY, tl.C-. SPEEOWAY-|'IED JARBETT-I st li0V. 7 friOYOCK. i\t.C.-i\iEC JARRETT-Ist MAY 29 l{ElY ASHEYIILE SPEEDWAY-JUI,II0R J0HNSON-|st usAc I'AY 3t HASRIS, TI.C.. SPEEOWAY_I{EO JABRETT_ISt MAB. 28 FIRST USAC CHAIilPIOTISHIP RACE_PHOEI{IX- JUf{E 3 IIASHVILIE FAIRGR0UIaDS-0|C|( HUICHERS0 1{- 1 st 00ll ERAtS0l{-lst JUNE 6 B|RM|i{GHAM. AtA, I1{IERllAII0tlAt-t{ED JARRETT-Ist APR. 25 TREI{TO]{ IIITERilAIIOTIAL SPTEDWAY- MARI0 A|l0ruTn-2nd (drrt! JUI{E 1 3 ATLANTA INTERNATI0tAt-t/lffYlll Ptrll0H-l st l MAY tNOlAf{AmUS "s00"-JiltMY JUNE 19 GRIENVILLE, S.C._PICKEIIS SPTEITWAY_ 3t CT.ABK-Isr DICK HUTCHERS0N-lst JUNE 6 RtX MAYS ilEHORIAL CtASSIC-PARttltLLl J0]{ES-1st JUNE 24 MYRTLE BEACH, S.C., BAMBI BACEWAY_ JUNI 20 LAI{GHOR]{E SPEEDWAY-MARI0 Al'lORETTl-2nd (not asain!} 0lCK HUTCHERS0N-lst JULY 18 TREI{TO]{ lt{TERf{ATl0ilAL SPEEOWAY-A. J. FOYT-tst JUI{E 27 VALDOSTA, GA., 75 SPEEOWAY_CAU YAflEOROUGH-ISt JULY 25 ll{OlAI{APOLlS BACEWAY PARK-MARI0 ANDRETTI-Ist JULY 4 DAYTONA INTERNATI0NAL-A. J. FOYT-l3t AUG. I ATLA'{TA 250 MILE NATIONAT CHAMPIONSHIP RACE_ JULY I 010 00MlNl0N, MANASSAS. VA.-JUlll0R J0Hf,S0l{-lst J0Hl{NY BUTHEBF0R0-1st JULY 9 OLD BRIDGE, N.J., SPEIDWAY_JUNIOR JO}IilSOil_ISt AUG. I LANGH0RI,IE SPEEOWAY-A. J. F0YT-2nd (good grial!) JULY l{ ISLIP SPEEDWAY, N.Y.-MARVll'l PAt{CH-lsr AUG.14 MILWAUKEE STATE FAIR PARK-J0E Lt0t{ARD-lst JULY l8 WATKII{S GLEN. N.Y.-MARVIN PAt{CH-lsr AUG.2l lltll'lols STATE FAIRGR0UN0S-A. J- F0YT-Isr JULY 25 BRIST0L, TENN.. INTEBNATI0NAL-I{E0 JAffRETT-lst AUG.22 MITWAUKEE STATE FAIH PARK_GORDOI{ JOHTCT}CX-III JULY 31 NASHVILTE, TENI'I., FAIRGRI)UNOS_ SEPT. 6 DU 0U0lN STATE FAIRGR0UHOS-00| BRAIS0t-lst RICHAHB PETTY-2nd (oops !) S[PT. 18 lNDlAltlA STATE FAIRGR0Uil0S-A J- F0YT-!st AUG. 5 SHELBY. il.C.. SPEIOTVAY-NEO JARRETT_1i SEPT.26 TRINT0N lt{TERttAIlOMl- SPEIilAY-A. J. FOYT-lst AUG. I ASHEVIILE-WEAVEHVILLE, t{.C.-RICHARD PETTY-2nd {ouch !) 0cT. 24 CALIF0RI{IA STATE FAlffEftXrll0s-D0l{ BRANS0N-1sI (flobody's pertecq #AurourE -/t:-\ PRoDUcrs orl@) .sfsluduflNl 'Jrle]'Euapret "96 xog'0'd ".fNl NvlNvrvgv ol uodnoJ Iel4 u3-ltN-002 'Jsanbar rnol ol alqrssod sD llasolr sD pa[Irl aq Ul//. rcp]o rnoA s1e4s" "" " "" " "'xou" " "'..., "'....'."..uoI]a3as vtNu0Jt'tvf, 'MNNV '(xog) uor leco-.1 parralard ONof,fS 3Hl uoJ " " " ""dt2""........a1p1s.'.. .'..'.^ll3 srv:ts 03^u3s3u uno^ u:touo oI roN ssarppv taarls Nodnof, stHr lsn auPN llnl ,,,rcIlN-002 s N vl Scvu 'I!Dw puD t o[eq w]ol aql ul asoeld Dlsroq![D)r sroer( lxau rol suorlDerlddo ]a{cr1 pauayafi a^rara, ol a{II plnon noj/. y NOIINIIIV 'rEaI slql lsoM oql ut outcpJ ]solsel eql oulrlclell 'dn1ge1q acnrg pue 'i(o1;en urlf .uosnequelgeg fueg aq lll^ suB, se ualloolol aq aslo r(ean .sarrloog .^pldslplll/\ llp ;epun opnlcu! ll!,+r 'qc!^oln^ ol uotltppe ut sla6 ourcBr aUl acuo lng uo aq lll^ 009 srlodeuetpul s,Jeo^ stql uo^ lsoutlE souol tllouJed .f,qnu pAol-l pue .lalllyl .laplus qclq.M .IcBrl lV ut dls orll aql uo lno lanp a6loeg 'prolraqpg luuqop .ueun6 otuuou ,uofuey poads aql ^lneoquo aq lll/,A r(epol uorluolle aql lo llB loN lan'rrcs1c16 {rre-l,pe1se;6ur1 png .sue!ll!M lreg 'es;n;1 lcnqC 'q1eel;3cy1 uJtf ,pJeuoa-l aol .Ia1sn1gcy1 ,>lcocuqop ,-lno lq)l os, 'rasu6 lV pue qog te6og uopJoe 'gglalpuy o!Jefr1 sB suelo}oA eueu-snotuel qcns sopnlcul lsll oql plpllod pue 1{o3 seprseg qrrn 6upq ol atqp aq nlir :li 'J:r":'J,ig,":$ '{Bpot puBrl uo saueu do1 lo {1ue1d oJE elaql aql sp lsel se lnoqp ole suJnl"rj:l oql prolueH lE aJaH,, .6ulleuloc u! pue spoods alp!pauJolu! o^oqp ,"os ooz orq oqr u! s;*ostt"i:"::jlirii,h aql.le Jolloq olp sp.loJ Jno 1q6get1s orll uo sn r!^ lnq Oultsel oltl uloll IemB euec qce= .Icell plorupH llnd upc sqoI paJan od-oq;n1 asoql slcpJl uO,, lsou.t oql punoJe Oultuooz ur del B spuocas gg lopun gJai Igguelsrsuoc pue pJoJ tlct^olnn lllg slalspeeds o^ l oqI {u "'8n _ue-ql rolsel aq lll,l I11g pe.reanod-oq.rn1 oql laol ;,, 'sfes gAoS ,.'lno p!El sl IoBJI s1q1 ,(er,l eq1" prno/v\ reql se s',Ec ,oqr ffi;,filTtrlT jjll';"li 1e1q;enord aql a*r rc'rl ororu"J?if;t""""r"j, i:i3 puB oullsol oJll ut--gg'tgl pJocal e ol dn--lnoq ue .V aql otlM osoql arE oroql 1nq 6u1cej Xpul'u; ero-g 09! ro^o speeds llr.l prpllod UV pue 1{o3 .f oql ^Bsol polcsnut seq Joloul proJ aql .slasnequa$o pe6req3-tedns oql pup sg.n pro3 atll uao^ laq lanp 'spjocoJ Jol aql aq ll!^ aoer 6lq aqt 1o s1q6rlq6!q aql to oug pllnq s! 1r Ies loelt ploJuBH aql polsol o^pr.l oq^ sJaAlJp osoql sE {Bpol alou{el aql aq ll!/,^ peedg .[euou lo lunqc olqB 's.lea{ plurolllEC -oz!s p--oslnd eqy gZ qll/,^ O0 ul lo tuac rcd llo d1z 11;an ul ploq eq ol adft sll ecer t,oOZ rouurm ece;d-1str; aql .BluJolllpC to lseouol oql u! eCel 1o ad{g p!urol!lpC,, or.ll u! 1cel1 Aempaedg p.rolueg al!ul s!r{l rol porol;o seslnd tseqOrq oql .ege6 to slupJ otl} llBq-e-pue-ouo ltnqoJ oqt Jo^o zlqM slo^!.rp dol o1 dn 1; 6u;gsooq aql lo luoc rcd gy'tsuleOB oql sp Appol asrnd pealuerenO euill lsrll eql lo; elulolllBC ut pJ€eq ooo.oa$ B roj scpl iirrw x'aqr oq ll!/n suourop peeds eu16ua-leel oql lo lEoJ eql ,("llpn ulnbpof ups eyl oI seuoJ pturotlfp),OulroX onv stlodpuptpul I ,,00c h-i 'soltru 000'0t pue /sou suolduEq] MAU^lo^e llElsul q sselroJ eples,{tlAA 'Alluelsut JaMod Mau loal ol ireJrnof 'suorduruq3 WI,t t peddlnbe-,{roJcuJ etuoc NOtdlrYllf, slJuJJeC llu'lcuJ u1'stn1d ryuds uolduruqJ,{q pa>puds -lulueulluo3 uuoilug Jnoq -V1sul,u IilEil ila r suotduleq3 pele1d-fuea|rs q}1m peddlnbo uelrol 0uruurM eq+ o^up-oc strtlS pue !ulpupg ozueJol I L rq67 USAC cPoint $tandSngs (Point Standings As Of Oct.
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