Notes on front pages:

A.N. ticket 89162

Read Jany

“Tribulations of a Princess” V. interesting “Memoirs & letters of Balzac” by his sister Madame Bourget “Cruelle Enigme” Bouget, french! “War notes” Col. de Villebois Mareuil(?) “Her Royal Highness Woman” Max O’Rell, sad. “The theatre, its Greek & Latin origins” by C. Hastings Joseph McCabe, Peter Abelard V. badly written but interesting “A woman of thirty” Balzac, v. clever “Some great Battles” abominably written “Memoirs of Napoleon” Constant “The Diamond Necklace” by Franz French Branferro(?) badly told “Tante Aurelie” “Walpole Letters” “The House with the Green Shutters” by G. Douglas, horrid book. “A Gateless Barrier” Lucas Malet. Weird. “Memoirs of the Baroness de Courtrol” by Mauritz von Kreisenberg “France since 1814” by de Courbetin

From April

“History of the Spanish People” by Hume “Tales of my Father” V interesting, well written “Memoirs of Chateaubriand” most interesting. Vain conceited man, lofty opinion of himself “Sa Magicien d’Amour” Max O’Rell “La Coeur de Louise” H. Greville “Memoirs of Fénélon” “The Problem of Asia” by Cap. Mahon


“Memoirs of Chateaubriand” autre tombe “Love letters of Victor Hugo” Schopenhauers Essays 7 volumes most interesting “Elize” Mrs. Pritchard re read Bacons Essays “ of Chiffon” stupid “Memoirs Madame de Mottebille” v. lengthy “Westminster Alice” Hector Munroe, excellent “Une Gazeuse” Cherbulerg(?) re read Charles XII & Peter the Great by Voltaire “On the Bee” Maeterlinck “Journet to Lhasa & Centre of Tibet” by Sarah Chandra Das “Paris in 1789 - 1794” Alger “Un peu beaucoup passioné (illeg)” par Mlle Lescon. Very pretty little story “Five Stuart Princesses” by Robert Rait “South Africa a century ago 1797 - 1801” by Lady Anne Barnard “The autobiography of Sir Harry Smith” interesting, vy “Wisdom of Destiny” Maeterlinck “The mystery of Marie Stuart” Andrew Lang

Wednesday 1 January Fine morg. To stores, to Mrs Graham & Mrs Mason about maids. To darling Maud’s, out in bath chair! Emma & Freda out afternoon & evening. Roy & Lennie at Nymans return tomorrow. Invitation to spend week at Renishaw. Roy returned Nymans.

Thursday 2 January Lovely day. Invitation to Mrs Tate’s shoot 16th to 20th. Lin already engaged. Walked to Maud morning, going out in bath chair. Met Eve C. who went with me. To Maud’s at 3, remained till 6. Maud P. & Winnie Lockyer there. Nonie very sweet. Saw maid too high wages.

Friday 3 January


To darling, suffering from neuralgia, on sofa drawing room. Nonie came over at 3 for Mr Herbert’s address. Out morg. fille chasse. Met Mad’elle at Notting Hill in omnibus. Much pleased with Almanack. Finished reading 1st vol Balzac’s love letters. Roy dined with Maud.

Saturday 4 January Out morg shop. Met Mr. Abbott. At 2.30 to Haymarket see “Frocks & Frills” . Very good & v. amusing. Met Mrs. Medley. Poured coming out. Lin & self straight home. Roy to first night “Pair of Spectacles”. Lin too tired to go. Roy on after to see Arthur Cusans. Nonie came morning, brought presents fr. darling Maud.

Sunday 5 January Lin & self out morg. Walked Hyde Pk. Corner. Home in “bus”. Roy to lunch Maud’s. Darling Maud taken ill again after tea! Feel most anxious. No one called but Sp, Douglas & Hylda. Sp. bilious.

Monday 6 January To darling M. after luncheon in her carriage, no, mine. Sat with her till 6 o’c. Lin came & saw her, we returned by tube! full, & omnibus. Dined 7 o’c. To see “The Twin Sister”. V. good but w’d not care to see it again. Gillie here to luncheon, drove her to M’s. Not able to see her, poor darling must remain in bed. Dr P. to see M. this morg.

Tuesday 7 January In all morg. Lin left at 2 o’c in dog cart for Col Lucas’ Easton Park until Saty. Saw maid from Coronet registry, £20, too much. To Maud’s 3 o’c in her carriage. Remained with her till 6.30. Mrs. Sington & Mrs. Messel called. Nonie to tea at Mrs. M’s. Darling better but vy weak. Roy to dine Midge’s, theatre after. Mrs. Armstrong & Miss Rose Innes called.

Wednesday 8 January


Nonie to luncheon. Was sick poor little fellow but so good. I went to Maud 3 o’c, stayed all afternoon. Mrs. Hohler called. Maudie seems v. weak, feel v. anxious.

Thursday 9 January To Queen’s Rd. To darling Maud’s after shop’g some time. Winnie L. & Maud P. there. I think the child sees too many. Nonie boy not v. well. Roy read a story of Poe’s & we had Patience.

Friday 10 January To Queen’s Rd. One letter fr. French lady rec. maid. Gillie to lunch. To see maid & lady. V. uncertain, french. Saw maid, English. To darling M. still fresh anxiety & the darling not doing well. Dr P. desires consultation whether advisable to bring it on. Feel most anxious. Roy dines Lennie’s. Roy’s arm v. bad. Baby not well!!!

Saturday 11 January Lin returnes fr. Col. Lucas. Out all morning sur la chasse. Lin looking much better, home for luncheon. To darling Maud’s by cab. Looking better but Dr. Pollock not satisfied. Lennie arrived looking depressed. Miss Cusans there. Nonie not looking well. Roy v. seedy & arm v. inflamed. Lin, Roy & self alone.

Sunday 12 January In all day. Alice Linley to luncheon & tea. Miss Macdougall & Miss Bateman called (Lin’s father’s partner’s sister) also Mr. Paxton who said sensible things about Roy. Lin to Calais. Roy in to luncheon.

Monday 13 January Chasse aux filles sans succès, & to darling Maud’s. Also to Miss Mason’s & saw perfectly horrible German housemaid. French one called here also impossible, must be exception when they are nice. Saw Mrs. Messel & Mr. Loring at M’s.


Tuesday 14 January Eve Coward’s wedding. Maud Paxton to lunch. Took her, & Lin came too. Darling Baby with the two nurses there just behind us, behaved sweetly, clapped after benediction, threw down rose leaves & gave bouquet of white heather! To reception & then to darling M’s. V. excited about it, took cake & Eve’s bouquet.

Wednesday 15 January Out morg. to Mrs. Beresford, gave me name of maid. To darling M. after, in dressing rm, hers being cleaned & all new curtains. Dora & Brenda Coward there, account of Eve’s wedding. Brought Brenda back.

Thursday 16 January In bed until night & slept better. Roy dined with Lin alone & to dance after at Levy’s, much bored.

Friday 17 January In bed all day. Gillie here most kind & useful. Wrote letters, mended china, stockings, & talked, quite cheered me up. Roy to C. Burnand’s dance & greatly enjoyed it. Gillie left at 6 o’c.

Saturday 18 January In bed until 3 o’c. Roy & Lin in to lunch. Envoyé quartorze sh. à la fille de Toula trop et probablement elle ne vaut rien. Fleurs et lettre de ma petite Maud. Finished reading “Tribulations of a Princess”.

Sunday 19 January In bed till luncheon, alone, Lin to Calais. Roy to Lennie. Walked & met H. & Dora. Roy spent entire afternoon there. Dora dined here. Fritz Jackson called about Roy & my affairs, advice work only!

Monday 20 January In all day, down to luncheon. Mended socks entire afternoon. Saw stopgap maid from Mrs. Masons, 10/- week. Letter fr. darling Maud, says

5 MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1902 she is better but had another fright yesterday & had to keep quiet. Dr Pollock went to see her. Not Toula’s maid so did not send money.

Tuesday 21 January Lin dined Mr. Burnand for Coronation cut. Out morg. 11.30. Carriage round Park to enquire for my darling. Nurse M. brutally told me she had had only 3 cases & in each the child & in one the mother also died. Feel more then ever anxious. Gillie to lunch, most kind & useful. Lady Goring, Maud P. & Miss Innes called. Roy dined Midge’s, met Fletchers. Bridge.

Wednesday 22 January Amy Bateman leaves in morg. To darling Maud 3 o’c. Had been v. upset last night, Glover worries, Nana & Conrad. Such a shame. Roy & self dined alone & he read “Gold Bug” after. Quiet evg, peaceful. Maud’s under nurse came, Nurse Susan, pretty girl.

Thursday 23 January In all morg. To stores about their muddle of 10/-. Met Hensman, & to darling, found her looking tired & thin, had had bad night. Miss Cusans there. Nonie boy v. sweet, gets prettier. Lin, Roy & self alone evg.

Friday 24 January Wet. In all morg. Roy dines Maud.

Saturday 25 January Edith Hames came. In all morg polishing & washed lace collars. At 2.30 to Gaiety with Lin “Toreador” v. good. Roy joined us later. To darling M. after. Roy made £10 tho’ Lennie & Mr. Fleishman.

Sunday 26 January Mr. Paxton to luncheon. Walked with Roy to Lancaster Gate, left letter for Midge, & to Maud, complained of little pain. Lin & Roy lunched at Lennie’s, self & Mr. P. alone here.


Monday 27 January Went darling M’s, looks pretty well only. Miss Cusans & Miss Rose Innes there, brought soldiers for Nonie. Roy to drill, home late. To see Mortimer Mempes strange house & people at 5.30. Met Lennie & Lin there.

Tuesday 28 January To darling M’s morg 12.30. Had had bad night, toothache. Nonie came early with flowers. Lin Roy & self dined with Midge & Ham, Mr. & Mrs. Neil, ping pong. Lady Bergne & Effie Weigal called.

Wednesday 29 January Lovely day. Roy dines with Miss Rose Innes, St James’ after. Asked me also but do not care to go out. To Maud. Maud P & Dora there. Maud had bad tooth ache seemed seedy poor darling but made best of it.

Thursday 30 January In all morg pottering. Vy cold. To Maud’s in her carriage, on sofa. Miss Cusans there. Tabbie called brought Maud flowers & saw her & Nonie boy. Roy dined at Coburg with Tabbie & Olive Shakespeare, to Chevalier after.

Friday 31 January In all morg pottering! Read. To Bank & Maud 3 o’c. Darling looks better & more cheerful. Mrs. Hohler’s little girl to tea. Nonie too sweet. Bitterly cold, dry cold. Great commotion over loss of Fritz. Found later. Roy dined Lennie’s.

Saturday 1 February Mrs. G. Armstrong 4 o’c. Unable to go. In morg. To see Forbes Robertson & wife in “Mice & Men” matinée. V. good. To see darling M. after, not so well. Roy in for first time during week.


Sunday 2 February Walked with Lin to Maud’s. Roy Lin & I lunched there. Lennie v. seedy with neuralgia. Darling Maud had hemorrhage again & must lie v. still. Home 5.30. Miss Rose Innes dined here left 11 o’c. No one called. Cab fr. M’s 1/-.

Monday 3 February Horrible day, snowing. Lin & self to Rules for luncheon, dirty place. To Pantomime after, not good. To Maud’s after, Lennie lying on bed, my darling with cold. Winnie been with her. Sent E. Dickens present, silver caddy. Roy dining with Lennie. First day with Mr. Child. X.

Tuesday 4 February Enid Dickens marriage to Mr. E.B.Hawksley. Mrs. Hannen at home. Lin & self dine at Midge’s, went last Tuesday instead. To Maud’s morg. Brought Mad’lle away, too much as Lennie also very seedy neuralgia, unable to go to City, quite ill.

Wednesday 5 February Mrs. Hannen at home. To darling Maud, still her cold bad. Lennie v. seedy neuralgia. Dr Pollock to see Maud evening, she was again seedy last evg, 5th time. Dr P. thinks it most odd too.

Thursday 6 February Out morg. La petite nouvelle très lente. At 3.30 to darling Maud’s. Found her & Lennie in bed, Lennie with his head done up in wool, in bed all day. Roy met me there & ret’nd with me. Saw Midge. Tabs promised to dine here, going to Midge with H. & Gwen instead. Edith let my fire smoke.

Friday 7 February In all morg. Carriage 3.30. X. Dr Sibley coming to see Roy 6 o’c.

Saturday 8 February


Mrs. Armstrong at home. Roy lunches with Tabs. My darling Maud’s little Baby girl born 5.20 PM. Lin & I there. Brought on on account of flooding last night & all over under 2 hours. Baby weighs 6½ lbs, miracle it lived. Saw my darling like a little marble Maud having lost so much. Remained on to dinner with Lennie full of neuralgia. Lin dined C. Watney, to Alhambra & Grafton home 3 o’c!!!

Sunday 9 February Walked with Lin & Roy to see my darling. Had bad night & looked still v. white. The Baby v. hungry but seems vigorous for so delicate an atom. Roy & I lunched with Lennie drawing room. Roy with ominous swelling on either side of face. Dr Sibley saw him at Lennie’s, thinks it is mumps.

Monday 10 February Dr Sibley called 9 o’cAM. It is mumps Roy has & a nurse comes today. Feel awfully bad self & Roy v. tiresome, in his room all day. Nurse came 3 o’c seems nice person quite nice looking. My darling’s head so bad. Baby Ann progressing. V. cold, feel feverish & ill.

Tuesday 11 February Mrs. Rawlinson’s dinner. Dinner here. All postponed. In bed self feel awfully bad, cold cough & aching all over, temp up. Dr Sibley saw me, thinks its influenza, am sure it is! Roy’s face swelling. Carbolic sheet outside his door.

Wednesday 12 February My darling v. ill pleurisy & the pains continue in her head fr. exhaustion. Little Ann going on well. Roy swelling! but v. good & patient. Find Nurse a comfort as I am still in bed, heavy influenza in head today. Freda out.

Thursday 13 February Darling Maud still very ill. Feel most anxious & unhapy. Roy going on well, in bed. In bed all day cough v. painful. Dr S. came, temp still up & down. Nurse rubs me (illeg illeg) camphor oil.


Friday 14 February Mrs. Alec Tweedie 3.30. In bed all day. Roy going on well, swelling rising slowly. Not v. good news of my darling, her head so bad still.

Saturday 15 February Mrs. Alec Tweedie 3.30. Mrs. G. Armstrong. Lin to Claud Watney’s Garton Manor Watford until Monday. In bed all day. V. cold, bright. Bad news of Baby Anne, v. ill with convulsions. Maudie too ill to be told.

Sunday 16 February Lovely day, v. cold. In bed all day. Freda out afternoon & evening. Edith went over morning to enquire after my darling & Baby. Not v. satisfactory news. No one called.

Monday 17 February Lin returned fr. C. Watney’s, better for change & enjoyed it. Sat with Lin whilst he had dinner but felt seedy, room cold, too small fire. Canot get F. to look after her fires.

Tuesday 18 February Better news of little Anne, only one convulsion today. More hopeful. Came down for a little while after lunch to morg. room. Darling Maud better. Dr Sibley called, saw Lin. Roy slow in progress. Lin dined Mr. Burnand & Seaman at Italian Restaurant. S. ill after Burgundy!

Wednesday 19 February Slightly better news of Baby Anne. My darling better. Lennie’s birthday. Roy out with Nurse for first time, went to see skaters round Pond, looked v. white & tired. Sat in morg. room as so cold, v. cozy there. Eddie Boehm & Midge came & had tea. Still v. seedy self. Emma only out as Edith went out Monday.

Thursday 20 February


Dull dark day, rain. Roy out with Nurse Aston after luncheon for little walk, looks still puffed out & white. Still keeps his room entirely. Feel v. seedy self. Down to luncheon & in morg. room after. Lin v. bothered with work, plates all wrong. Better news of my darling & sweet little Anne.

Friday 21 February Out for a walk at 12 o’c with Nurse & Roy, still feel as limp as possible. Roy looks better but v. white. Freda seedy with cold, little one better. My darling going on well. Baby Anne causing anxiety still. Dr Sibley came, says Roy will be infectious until next Saturday! cannot go to Pyt.

Saturday 22 February Fine & warmer. First letter fr. my own darling, still had trembling noise in her right ear thro’ weakness. Baby Anne little better, always bad nights. Roy, Lin Nurse & self walked to Row. Lin on, we returned. I drove at 3, Park & flowers. Lin in at 7.15 & dines at Lady Lawrence’s.

Sunday 23 February Lin to Calais. Roy self walked to Row morg. Horrid day. Better news of my darling & Baby. Roy looks v. washed out & weak. Lin enjoyed his day & seemed better for it. Dined with him again.

Monday 24 February Nurse Aston leaves, £7.0.0. Dull & damp. I down to breakfast for 1st time since today fortnight. Walked with Roy. Horrid day, dull, rain. No, Roy went alone. Good news of my darling & of Baby.

Tuesday 25 February Mrs. Hannen at home. Out morg. walking with Roy. Further good news of Maud & Baby, so happy. Mary Nichol & Sybil Grantham called. Hobart Farquehar in London. Roy out afternoon & seems better. Quiet evg. Otley changed books Mudies. Mrs. Phillips sent me lovely hyacinth & my darling some flowers.


Wednesday 26 February Mrs. Hannen at home. Lovely sunny morg. Colder. Went for walk with Roy, left Pass Book Bank. To stores 2.15 for Lin’s hank’s. Felt v. seedy, eyes ached so. Met Dr Messel & Mrs. Sington! Roy looks washed out, idles his time away, pity. Claud Watney brought Lin cigars. Conrad came & remained to dinner. Freda out. Little Edith managed quite nicely. X. Ami, accounts for seediness.

Thursday 27 February Lovely sunny day. In all day. Roy out twice, still looks v. seedy. Good news of my darling’s progress but they have told her of Baby’s illness, great pity. Miss Vaughan Morgan called. Dr Sibley called, says Roy pulled down.

Friday 28 February Roy to Con’s until Monday. Lennie sent Lin 2 new sticks for his collection. Read “A Woman of Thirty” Balzac & other tales v. clever. Read “Gobsack” to Lin. So tired had to go to bed v. early before Lin’s dinner at 10 o’c. Letter fr. darling M. had better night.

Saturday 1 March Dull yellow fog. Edith left our windows wide open all night! To matinée “Garrick”. Asked Mary Nichol.

Sunday 2 March Mr. Ryle & Dora dined here. No one called. Lin to Calais, met Bainbridges & Merryweather etc, enjoyed his day. Very cheery evg. Mr. Ryle most entertaining.

Monday 3 March Mary Nichol to luncheon 1.30. Lady Lawrence called. In bed till 12. Mary full of news as ever. Hobart Farquhar engaged to Miss Barry 2 days ago. Drove Mary back to 77 Portland Place & called on Mrs. McKenna, Mrs.


Hannen, Mrs. Richards & Dora. Sent snowdrops to my darling by Otley. Roy Lin & self to dinner alone.

Tuesday 4 March In bed till 11.30. Only Midge & Mrs. Joachim called. Dear Roy to Glovers again until Monday. Floss Kingscote going to be divorced at Easter. Lin & self quiet evg. alone.

Wednesday 5 March Emma & Freda to Pantomime, places 10/-. evg perfromance. Edith in house alone with me. Oublié tout pauvre petite. Out to take flowers 3.30 Mrs. Bouchier such a dreary house. To leave cards Mrs. N. Sondheim, twin girls! & to leave a flower at my darling’s, both going on well.

Thursday 6 March Mrs. Macquoid at home. To Worthing for a week. Saw Effie, Floss & Ethel E. at Vic, came by same train as far as Hove Sta. Florence Blair met me Worthing & drove with me here, 19 Eriswell Rd. V. clean rooms. Stayed till 7.30. Aunt Barbara opposite!

Friday 7 March Out morg. Called on Aunt B. Left books & darling Maud’s letter containing a cheque. Flossie lunched with me. Walked & shop’d with Aunt Anna, chose Lennie’s room at Hotel & took flowers. Aunt B. to tea. Met Lennie at Sta. with Florence. L. & self took fly at his motor did not turn up. I dined alone rooms. Lennie came & sat with me after.

Saturday 8 March Left at 11.30 with Lennie on his friend’s motor for Sta. his own failing. Trained to Haywards Heath, lunched at Inn. Took fly to Balcombe House. Charming house, not picturesque like Glovers but sunny airy & convenient. No pretty flower garden, Park land round, good kitchen garden. Had tea at agents, Mr. & Mrs. Baker & dear little child. Lennie’s motor met us here “Stone Hall” & drove us thro’ Brighton home, 8 o’c.


Too untidy & tired to dine with L. at Hotel. He came round after dinner & smoked in my rooms. Lovely night.

Sunday 9 March Lovely warm sunny day. Lennie fetched me 11 o’c. Had a little walk on Parade & he left on his motor for home, lunching at Brighton. Florence to luncheon. Aunt Barbara to tea. Went to Aunt Anna after, found Miss Blair & F. there. F. & self for walk on Parade until 6.30, lovely. Then she went to Aunt Anna’s for supper & I came here. Quiet restful read.

Monday 10 March Dull morg. Aunt Barbara to luncheon, Florence to tea. Called together on Aunt Anna, lady with Auntie. Walked a good deal. Darling did not sleep well & head ached, her letter not so cheerful, feel anxious again.

Tuesday 11 March Went by 12.45 to Brighton, walked to Sta. Took om at Hove to Gwdyr Mans, found Floss & Mr. & Mrs. Kinnadine good looking young couple there. Con came & Effie who had missed me at sta. Had excellent lunch 6 of us. Pretty flat like a demi-monde’s. Floss subdued, no doubt on account of her divorce coming on so soon. Con saw me off. Walked fr. W. Sta. & saw Aunt Anna & Aunt B. on the way home. F. had brought me flowers.

Wednesday 12 March Florence here all day, lunch & tea. Aunt B. came over morg & to tea, quite cheerful. Saw Aunt Anna vy depressed about Divs!!! Walked morg. & afternoon, took Auntie flowers, seemed v. discontented. My darling’s letters not so cheerful, fear the long confinement telling on her. Lin thinks Roy looking better.

Thursday 13 March Mrs. Macquoid at home. Lin, Roy & self to Miss Rose Innes’ dinner & theatre party. Delightful evg. The Galbraiths, Rolley Jackson nice boy, 3


Chileans, Dora. 2 lovely big boxes. Thoroughtly enjoyed evg. Returned by 11.50 fr. Worthing, unpacked & dressed for 7 o’c dinner.

Friday 14 March Lovely day. Went to my darling lunched & had tea there. Looking better than I dared expect. Baby v. delicate looking. Nurse Millie going away until Monday so worn out. Lovely being with Maud again. Roy dined at Midge’s.

Saturday 15 March Busy all morg. Called on Mrs. Paxton for Maud, tiresome took up entire morg. Got flowers for my darling. Lin & self to Iolanthe. Dora joined us there & Major Welman looking much older. I went to Maud, darling looks tired. Baby so restless, sent for Dr P. Lennie dined here.

Sunday 16 March Lovely day. Lennie’s motor came 11 o’c. Lin Roy & self to Maud’s, saw Mr. Clemming & Evelyn Sankey. Lennie, Lin, Roy started for Glovers, motor broke down & they had to return afternoon. Darling M. seems tired & Dr P. called to see Baby, better. Lennie & Dora dined here, v. cozy evg. I spent whole day at Darling’s.

Monday 17 March Dull. Lovely later. Busy morg. Nonie & Nurse F. fetched me in Victoria at 2.30, went to Zoo. Nonie so sweet & good. To Maud, better. Nurse M. back better. Took Nurse Carter to Kens. where she took om. home. Roy looking still v. seedy. Quiet evg, v. tired.

Tuesday 18 March Dora to sit for Linley, fetched her in brougham & on to Maud. Saw Mrs. Messel & Ruth there, returned last night from Egypt. Darling M. & Baby looking much better, lying on Nurse M’s bed her room cleaned. Roy dines with Lennie, theatre after. Lin & self to Terry’s theatre alone. Midge, H. & D. for week to Frisby’s.


Wednesday 19 March Lady Lawrence at home 5 o’c. To lunch with Tabbie Grosvenor Hotel 1.30. Mrs. W.S.Gilbert at home. Found Tabs looking delicate (had miscarriage of 10 weeks) Gwen pretty. They leave at 4 for Dover. On to darling’s, looks tired. Baby out for first time, X. Saw Mrs. A. Henderson at Lady L’s, worldly! Roy with Lennie on his motor car to Balcombe, tired, arrived 8 o’c, thinks as I do about House & Car.

Thursday 20 March Mrs. Macquoid at home. Pouring & gale blowing. Nonie’s operation! 11 o’c. To darling M’s, met Mrs. Messel & Hilda there. Dined at 8.30.

Friday 21 March Roy dined Midge’s & on to Lennie after. To darling M’s, feel seedy & tired. Maudie better looking sweet. Dined at 10 o’c.

Saturday 22 March Wirgman at home 3 - 6. To darling M. after lunch. Busy shop’g all morg. Roy dined with Lennie, E. Boehm there too, & on to Hippodrome after. Lin & self quiet evg.

Sunday 23 March Wirgman at home 3 - 6. Jacomb Hood. In all day. Molesworth, Sp. Maud P. & Mrs. P. called. Eddie Boehm & Lennie to dinner. Roy with Lennie on Motor to Glovers.

Monday 24 March X. Last div of Barr estate. Miss White here. Pouring showers & snowfall. Lin busy drawing. Punch dinner tonight. Roy off for drill. Carriage 4 o’c.

Tuesday 25 March


To darling M’s morg. Much better & Baby thriving. Only Miss Macdougall & Miss Bateman called. Very late dinner, after 10 o’c. Roy here for dinner, v. tactful with Lin.

Wednesday 26 March Lovely morg. Nonie boy to Glovers. Drove & saw darling Maud surrounded by boxes. Nurse Carter there, who goes with Maud to Nymans. Nurse Millie & Baby Anne remain alone at Glouc. Ter. Mrs. Messel at Maud’s.

Thursday 27 March Lin & self to Renishaw until Wednesday. V. plasant journey in reserved first class car. to Eckington, train stop’d for us specially. Most kind reception. Roy coming tomorrow. Billiards after dinner. House beautifully warm with large fires. Darling Maud to Nymans today. Saw her om. & box as we passed Glouc. Ter. on way to Gt. Central.

Friday 28 March Finish day. Mr. & Mrs. Holden, Margery, Lin & self in two dog carts to Welbeck Abbey. House enveloped in scaffolding fr. the fire of last year! Had luncheon at one of the many charming little houses on estate, farriers, & home. Roy arrived just after our return looking white. Golf. Billiards evening.

Saturday 29 March Fairly fine. Lin & Mr. Holden morg. to Sheffield returned in time for 2 o’c lunch. Golf after. Billiards evening.

Sunday 30 March I & Mr. Holden, Margery & Roy to Church. Fine day. Dear little service & good sermon fr. Mr. Morgan. Tremendous mid day dinner. Golf after.

Monday 31 March


Lovely day. Mr. & Mrs. Holden, Lin, Roy & Margery drove in 2 dog carts to Hardwick Hall, 9½ miles. Fine Tudor pile of building 1589 built by Bess of Hardwick who married 3 times. Pictures, tapestries & furniture v. fine. Lunched at small Inn at foot of the hill leading up to Hall. Had tea on return & Roy left for London by 5.50 train. Looks better for change & air. Mr. & Mrs. Morgan (Rector) dined here.

Tuesday 1 April Wet morning. No letter fr. Maud. 2 letters fr. Maud later, better. In all morg. working reading & writing. Mr. Holden returned to luncheon & golf after. Lin busy photoing & seems to have cold, voice thick. Governes returned. Both Lin & Mr. Holden livery & tired evg. Packed.

Wednesday 2 April Return fr. Renishaw. Lovely day. Fairly comfortable journey up, train smelt of cats horribly. Had luncheon in train & brought little “Rags” the dog Mr. Holden gave Roy up with us, as good as gold.

Thursday 3 April Saw the Babies, both well. Good news of darling Maud. Roy dined at Bath Club with Nipper. We dined at 8.30.

Friday 4 April To see Babies. Gillie here, mended chair & photos, out of a place. Called on (blank). Roy dined Arts Club with Lennie. We dined 10.15. Read “A Gateless Barrier” by Lucas Mabet to Lin. Weird.

Saturday 5 April Lin & self to matinée , Mrs. Tree in “Caesar’s Wife” & “Heard at the Telephones” two v. original plays well acted & most interesting. Maud Paxton joined us there & returned here to tea & dinner. Saw the Babies after play, over-run with Nurses taking away pleasure of going, want chicks to myself!


Sunday 6 April R.A.Picture Sunday. Midge came morg & stayed 1½ hours. Dora to luncheon & to studios Melbury Rd with Lin & Roy , all closed except Hunter & Shannon. Common family except S. To Dicksee v. fine picture. Parsons lovely, saw Mrs. Millet, Fritz Davis, F. Robertsons etc. Goodalls & Rivieres. Lin Roy & self alone evg. E. English & Mrs. Paxton called.

Monday 7 April Cold east wind. Miss White morning about blouses. Mr. & Mrs. Holden dine with us 6.30 & we go to “Pilkerton’s Peerage”. Roy on after to supper at Savoy, empty!

Tuesday 8 April Lunch 1.30 Midge’s. Mr. Agnew called to see Lin 3 o’c. I lunched at Midge’s, Mrs. Frisby there. On to Maud’s arriving 4 o’c. Babies out. Bought bonnet £1.5.9, returned hat. Edie Boehm only called.

Wednesday 9 April Very cold. Maud to luncheon, came in motor with Nurse M. Looks v. delicate still. Miss Laurences called. M. left fetched 2 babies & 2 Nurses 4 o’c!!! Roy & I dined at Maud’s in drawing room, so prettily laid.

Thursday 10 April Lunch 2 o’c. Mr. Hartree. Hen party, Lady Lawrence there. Called on Midge & got umbrella. M. out. Roy bad cold. He dines at Westbourne Ter, takes Harold to Toreador & supper after. We dined 8.30.

Friday 11 April Maud P. to luncheon 1.30. To Maud’s at 3.30, & Marshalls & Goldsmiths company. Chose little silver brush for Roy as godfather to give “Anne”. I gave her mug dear father gave me at my Christening.

Saturday 12 April


Little “Anne” Christened St Mary Abbots 3.30. Large number there. Mrs. M. Sington, Ruth, de Cussans, Dr Messel, Violet P. Cowards, Eve, Midge & D. Maud P. with me & Lin & Roy. To Maud’s after. Lady G. & Baby Hohler. Lin, Roy & self dined at Maud’s. Roy, Eve, Ruth, Fanny B. & Mrs. Hohler sponsers.

Sunday 13 April Lin, Roy & Lennie on motor to Balcombe House, lunched at Nymans on way. Nonie boy came morg. walked back with him & returned here with Maud in Victoria. All dined here evg. No callers. Darling M. v. tired. Lovely day. Roy v. bad cold.

Monday 14 April Lovely day. New plants dining room side boxes. Cats decorated them at once! Lin dined with Mr. Galbraith. Ethel English dined here, Roy & self sang & played. Saw darling Maud afternoon. Mrs. Hankey, Gilly there, too much for her. Called Galbraith.

Tuesday 15 April Out morg. Roy dined Midge’s. Sp. & Ada, Ethel E. etc dined there. Mrs. Gill, Nembhards & Spielmans called. Lin & self alone evg. Bed early. Slept afternoon & felt better for it. Mr. Clowes called morg. & saw me doing birds!!!

Wednesday 16 April Roy & self dined at Maud’s. To M’s morg. in carriage, back in motor & on by bus to Sloane st. Rested afternoon. Maudie still v. weak. Lady Hickman called. F. said I was out, paresseuse.

Thursday 17 April Lennie & Maud dine here. Happy quiet evg. Roy dined with Eddie Boehm, Sp. & Ada also, & to theatre after. At 3.30 to call Cameron Corbett, J. Fergusons, Grantham, Lady D. Hartland & Shannon. Ordered 2 lampshades Gorringes 7/7. Maud P. to luncheon & stood to Linley.


Friday 18 April Lovely day. Letter fr. Dr Pollock about Maud. Made calls & stayed some time with Maud, busy packing. Roy & self dined first, Lin later. Roy better frame of mind. Walked with Mad’lle morg. to Maud’s, out. Nonie on omnibus.

Saturday 19 April Dora Webster married Mr. H. Mellor St Mary Abbotts 2.30. Private view Fine Arts Society 4 o’c. Lin & self to St James’ matinée of “Paolo & Francesca”. Mrs. Douglas just behind us, promised to tea with her Monday, Alexandra Hotel. To Maud’s after & missed the wedding. Piece well mounted but dreary. Roy with Lennie on motor, Maud midst of boxes. Baby cold.

Sunday 20 April In all morg. Lovely day. Maud & Lennie to lunch here. Lennie Roy & Lin off in motor at 3 to Windsor & back to tea 4.50! M. & self returned Glouc. Ter. in cab after luncheon. Walked home with Lin & Roy. I called on Mrs. K. Graham morg.

Monday 21 April Darling Maud & Lennie go abroad for 6 weeks. Tea Lady Weston’s & Mrs. Douglas Alexandra Hotel. Dullish teas! Saw Judy & Dora at Lady W’s. Lin to Levée morg. I drove with him & saw King & escort. To Hippodrome evg. Roy V. tiresome & discontented.

Tuesday 22 April Out morg. Mrs. Morley, Wallace, Midge, Braunstein etc called, & Mrs. Douglas. Dora to dinner, we 4 only. Roy seems v. livery & grumpy. Wire fr. darling Maud.

Wednesday 23 April


Roy dined with Galbraith Ball party for Mrs. C. Corbetts. Dora & Mr. Blair there. I lunched at Nembhards, cab’d there delicious luncheon. Met Miss Stirling & Mr. Baker, cousins of Nembhards. Called & saw Babies both well. Letter fr. Maud.

Thursday 24 April Miss Arthur Jones wedding, St George’s Hanover Sqre. Forgot it!!! Busy morg. tidying hard (illeg) Roy’s room. To Davis left foulard to be cleaned & left Lin’s handkerchiefs 12 to be marked cripples’ home Marylebone. Called Farquharsons, Holland, Lindo, Pollock, Tweedie & Mackenzie Davidson, 2 last in, & Babies. Roy v. trying at dinner.

Friday 25 April Lovely day. Take Nonie to Zoo at 2.30. Was very good, rather alarmed at roaring lion. Monkey fight over brazil nut v. amusing. Dined 9 o’c. Roy with us.

Saturday 26 April Lin & Roy to first night Irving revival “Faust”, Cissy Lofthouse as Marguerite, & supper Garrick after. To see Babies, v. bored with the 3 Nurses! Love to have the chicks alone. Called Miss Neaves, away, & Mrs. Palgrave Simpson. Shop’g morg. Took Coupé dividend to Bank. Met Nellie K. who walked home with me.

Sunday 27 April Mr. & Mrs. Braunstein to dinner 8 o’c & Mr. Blair. Soup, salmon, fillet & veg’t. asparagus. Apricot tart & cream, savory. Lin & self to Park morg. V. windy & sunny. Om back. Roy, Lin & self to luncheon. Percy O. called. Pleasant evg, girls v. noisy waiting. Left 11.30.

Monday 28 April White here all day. Paid her for day & bill 14/11. To see babies 4.30 & found Baby v. pale & crying & full of cold. Most anxious. Lin, Roy self alone to dinner.


Tuesday 29 April Masseuse called, engaged her for Wed morg. 11 30 & Friday evg. 6.30. To Babies 12 o’c. Met Mrs. Messel. Baby much better, good night. Saw Midge & D. Mrs. Welby, Maud P. & Miss Jones called. Quiet evg. Cold east wind.

Wednesday 30 April Mrs. Galbraith to tea. Masseuse 11.30, did not come. Edgar came to tea & Mrs. G. Edgar to New Gallery after with me. Met Midge, D & Fennaby(?) & Mabel Wallace & Mrs. Mocatta etc. Lin joined me, went on to B.S. Gal. where Punch drawings are hung, don’t like it, nor dear Lin either. Amilie Jofferand came to see me, does not look so respectable as when with me. Postcard & letter fr. darling Maud. Baby came morning.

Thursday 1 May X. £50 P.O. steam ship. Mrs. Armstrong’s at home taking Dora who returns to dinner here. Paid £50 first application for £500 deb 3% stock P. & O. St. Nav. Comp. Roy at home all day, holiday Stock Ex. 4 to dinner.

Friday 2 May Masseuse. Feeble affair do not believe enough energy to do me any good, 5/-. To Private V. Academy with Mr. & Mrs. Galbraith. Met endless friends. Mr. Pirrie says Tabs & H. will get 12½ times their money over American Ship Combine !!! Roy dined Midge’s. Lin & self alone.

Saturday 3 May Busy morg. Curtains drawing room. To matinee P. of W’s, Hawtry’s “The President”. To Punch Ex. Bond St after, & Babies, well. Quiet evg. Roy & self. Lin to Academy Banquet.

Sunday 4 May


Edgar & Sophy dine here. Wet early fine later. Went with Lin to Pk, walked back. Met Roy & dogs. Mr. Stone, Gwen, Eve & governess, Sp. & Hilda, Midge, Toula, & Mr. Paxton called, 9! V. pleasant evg, but not enough for dinner. Sent Edith to Glouc. Ter. Babies out.

Monday 5 May Mr. Bret Harte died almost suddenly at Camberley 5th May at 6 o’c. Showery & fine. 2 letters fr. my darling fr. Florence, seems better. Gillie to luncheon. Maud P. home early with collar. To see Babies both well, & Mrs. Steinkopff, & Mrs. K. Graham. Lin Roy & self alone evg.

Tuesday 6 May Out morg. Kens. Mrs. Armstrong, Levy & dau. Dora, Maud P. & Winnie Lockyer to tea. X. Heard fr. Roy of Mr. Bret Harte’s death. Am very sad especially not having been to see him as he begged me to do. Mrs. Kenneth Graham to dinner. Roy out to dine & theatre after.

Wednesday 7 May At home Welcome Club Earls Court Ex. Mrs. Hartley. Take Maud P. Bitterly cold day, dark & dull. Took M.P. & called at Mrs. F.C.B’s, Tates & Miss May all out. To Ex. V. good waxwork tableaux, find my French history defective!!! & everyone elses too. Feel v. depressed about Bret Harte. Roy & self alone evg. Wish Roy w’d read more. Saw Emilie for Maud.

Thursday 8 May Cold & dull. Letter fr. Mrs. Fagen saying Maud looking well, had lunched with F’s on Sunday. Made calls, took D.

Friday 9 May Sir Henry Thomson’s dinner 7.50. Private View J. Baillie & Bonner, 1 Prince’s Ter. Bays. Mrs. Douglas’s tea 4.30. Forgot all about it!!! Made calls saw & saw Babies both well & v. happy. Stayed an hour. Dull wet day.


Saturday 10 May Mrs. Palgrave Simpson 4.30 at home. Mrs. Dan Tupper 4 o’c. Mrs. Lucas 4.30. Out morg. shop’g. D. fetched me 4 o’c with her carriage. Deadly at Mrs. Lucas! Mrs. Fildes, Kitty, Mrs. & Miss Sterne there but heaviness prevailed. Awful. Mrs. Tupper’s most lively & v. pretty step dau. many men here. Pleasant party Mrs. P.S. Flowers 2/6. Lin & self alone, Roy to 1st night Edna May.

Sunday 11 May Mr. Peter Reed & Dora dine here. Lady de la Rue at home 4 - 7. For walk morning with Lin. Roy with dogs. Ethel English, Mrs. Blackburn & Mr. Eland called. Lin, Roy & self in brougham to Lady de la Rue’s. Saw heaps of friends & came away with huge bunch lovely roses. V. pleasant evg, Mr. R. evidently admired D. greatly.

Monday 12 May Pouring wet, dark. Long letter fr. darling Maud. Called saw Evy Fletcher. Made other calls forgotten.

Tuesday 13 May Lin’s man’s dinner at Club. Went off well, home v. cold. Roy, Lin, Mr. Schomberg MacDonnel, Mr. Lawrence, Wolff, Lucy, Stone. Dinner, Caviare, Turtle soup, whitebait, trout, vegts, quail, asparagus. Cost £(blank) Numbness v. bad.

Wednesday 14 May Mrs. McKenna’s evg. party 10 o’c. Mrs. Phillips dinner ref’d. Take Nonie to have hair cut after luncheon. 1/-. Darling boy v. restless. Poured with rain after he left. Numbness worse. Cold & damp.

Thursday 15 May X. Lady Hickman’s dinner 8 o’c. 22 or 24. Rivieres, Munroes, Lady Kitson, Trenches, Mr. Christie, J. Hickman etc. Riviere took me in. Mr. &


Mrs. John Aird there. Had sleep after luncheon. Roy elected Member of Garrick Club!!! Ld Rathbone wrote to tell Lin he was unanimously elected. Cold & damp.

Friday 16 May X. Pay £200 allotment P.O. Steamship Comy. Paid this in yesterday X. Apt. 11.30 Mr. Stone doctor. Postponed. Drove & saw little Anne looks v. well & so fair. Leaden day, warmer. In all afternoon rested. Roy dines out. Lin bothered over work Coronation drawing.

Saturday 17 May Roy to stay until Tuesday with Conrad at Brighton. Tilda came to us, remains until Thurs. Dora dines here. Lin & self to matinée “Caste”, Haymarket. Abusive man about Tilda’s box, had to send for Otley. Shop’g morg.

Sunday 18 May Showery windy alternate sun. Lin, Tilda & self for walk, caught in awful shower but walked home. No one called. Ham & D. dined here 8 o’c left 10 to 11. Lin busy with work all afternoon.

Monday 19 May Lovely sunny morning. Tilda & self busy drawing room. Two letters fr. darling Maud, well, left yesterday Florence for Hotel Brun, Bologna. Horid day wind rain little sun. Went to see Babies, Anne cried violently. Called on Edgar, out.

Tuesday 20 May Mrs. D. Tupper 4 o’c. Showery cold windy. To Woollands morg. ordered corsets. To Im. Institute see presents. Mrs. Tweedie called mended all socks. Roy returned fr. Con’s Brighton looking much better. Quiet evg. Lin busy all day.

Wednesday 21 May


Fine. Dora to stand to Lin 11 o’c. Horrid day cold & dull. Roy, Tilda & self to dinner. Hot water tap burst great commotion. Edith & Emma in. Called on Edgar, out, & Dora, in, & Babies. Mrs. Messel there.

Thursday 22 May Mrs. Phillips dinner 8 o’c, acpt. Apt 10 o’c Dr Stone. Tilda & self to Doctor, both arms galvanised. Walked nearly all way home. Poured after luncheon. Headache. Delightful dinner charming people & well served. 12, 4 to wait. Mr. & Mrs. Angus, Sir Albert & wife, Mr. & Mrs. Ashburn etc.

Friday 23 May Dark as November. Warmer, rain. Tilda left 10 o’c. Roy to theatre with Con & Kenderdynes. Lin very late & tired. Great Peace prospects, don’t believe in them.

Saturday 24 May Mortimer Mempes at home Fine Arts Gal. 4 o’c or morning. Ballie’s private view faces & drawings, 1 Princes Ter. Hereford Rd, Bayswater. Grosvenor Studio, Vauxhall Bridge at home, Miss Rowley. Box at Criterion matinée, Tilda meeting us there. V. amusing. Took Eve Fletcher. Lin busy on Peace drawing. Lin, Roy & self dinner. X. Ami.

Sunday 25 May Mrs. A. Tweedie’s at home 4.30. Unable to go. X. Little F. Lin finishing “Peace” drawing, but no peace certain yet. Heavenly summer’s day. Drawing done 2.30. Freda out afternoon. Tap drop’g drawing room.

Monday 26 May Edith out to theatre. Apt 11.30, unable to keep it, with Mr. Stone. Lovely day. Window cleaning broke cord. Drove at 4 to Midge’s & to enquire for Babies. Saw Nurse F, unable to mount stairs see chicks. Park & home. Roy most trying at dinner wories Lin so after his tiring work.

Tuesday 27 May


Luncheon 2 o’c Miss Laurence. Most delightful luncheon talk & company. Mr. Peter Reed, a lady & 2 gentlemen names c’d not hear. House perfectly lovely. No one called. Quiet evg. Lin Roy self except Roy’s tiresome arguing, takes away all rest. 2 baskets for dog.

Wednesday 28 May Mrs. Spagnioletti, 7 Park Place St James’s Street 3 - 7. Mrs. Lewis 4 - 7. Midge called morg. Went in her carriage with her to Ranelagh. Dull day but lovely Hungarian band. Saw Mrs. J. Carlisle & Mr. Hastings. Midge dined here. Emma out. Edith out afternoon & evg.

Thursday 29 May Mrs. Spagnioletti 3 - 7. In bed till 12.30. Called Mrs. S, Mona, saw Mrs. Kemp, Janet Lewis etc. Dull affair. Mona shocking manners. To see darling Babies both well. Anne growing enormously. Roy tiresome but don’t think he can help it. Miss Rose Innes & Canon Harford called.

Friday 30 May Mrs. J. Ferguson’s dinner, ref. Mrs. Dan Tupper 4 o’c. Apt Mr. Stone 10.45, postponed by wire! 3rd. Carriage 2.30. To Mappin & Webbs, awful things. Saw Babies both well, little Anne flourishing. Midge in bed again same as before O. says! Roy dined at Hamilton Langley’s. We dined Lin & self 9.30.

Saturday 31 May Mrs. H. Levy’s dinner, ref. Large box Her Majestys. Gwen, Eve & Frauline & self only. Roy to Brighton, Con’s. Delightful performance Her Majestys, “Ulysses”. Met Mrs. Hudson & took her into our box. Lin unable to go, working. Girls & F. enjoyed it. Lin & self dinner 8.30.

Sunday 1 June Mrs. Leech 4 - 7, 125 Sloane St. Lady Hickman’s tennis for Lin & we dine there after, 7.30 dinner. Roy away Brighton. Emma & Edith out. Gave


Otley & Edith 3 Zoo tickets for today. Peace news real this time, heard at Sir Alfred’s.

Monday 2 June Mrs. Cyril Maude 4 - 6. Haymarket Theatre. Mrs. Pennyfather 4 - 6.30. Mrs. Leech, 125 Sloane Street. Streets & every place gone mad with Peace news. Gt. Crowd getting to Cyril Maude’s & great crowd there, to Mrs. Leech’s after.

Tuesday 3 June Miss Thomson’s dinner 8.15. In brougham morg. about dress, saw F. Robertson! Can’t get gown done. Saw Midge looks v. well in bed with Nurse in attendance another miscarriage!!! So Orton says! Only Anna Dietz & Miss Rowley called. Lovely house the T’s, exquisitely furnished & most perfect dinner & service. Cap. & Mrs. Hankey, Sir & Lady Erskine & 2 others.

Wednesday 4 June Mrs. Lewis 4 - 7. Wet. Derby. Lin drawn “Friar Tuck” Duke of Portland’s horse, came in 3rd. Mass of Jewesses at Mrs. L’s. Cards on Mrs. J. Whitehead. Ruth’s present. Lady dressmaker. Zimmerman.

Thursday 5 June Miss Rose Innes to dinner, & Edgar. Out 4 o’c called Mrs. Levy, Spielman, Wills, saw Sir W.H. Saw Baby Anne. Lin dined out Mr. Evans Portman Sqre. Four to dinner pleasant evg. Cannot understand Roy. Had Mrs. Sells here ½ day.

Friday 6 June Lady Hardman at home. Wet morg. Wet afternoon. Went to leave presents 4 o’c Mrs. Messel. Saw dear Babies, Midge & Dora. Maison Nouvelle. Roy dined at Midge’s.

Saturday 7 June


Mrs. Hartley luncheon party at Welcome Club. My darling returns from Paris after 6 weeks absence, arrives 8 o’c tonight. I go with Midge 11.30. Bitterly cold. Shop’g in Bond St & luncheon with Midge. Carriage fetched me fr. Maud’s 4 o’c where I arranged flowers. Roy met Lennie & Maud at Victoria.

Sunday 8 June Lin & self dine with Mrs. Burnand, 8 15. Maud & Lennie lunch here. Lin & Roy to Sir A. Hickman’s for tennis afternoon. Freda out afternoon & evening.

Monday 9 June Miss Rubens wedding. Lady Bergne’s dinner at Ranelagh, 7.30. Mrs. Rawlinson’s at home 4.30. Bitterly cold day. To Doctor 11.30. Walked some way. Delightful dinner Ranelagh. Coupé, Mrs. Harding, Sir H. & Lady Bergne, Mr. Bergne & strange lady. Sat in winter garden after, no band.

Tuesday 10 June Mrs. J. Carlisle, 48 Park Street W, 4.30. Invitation to dine Belisha Stivens, can’t go. Lin won’t go! Met Maud in brougham at Mrs. Young’s, went on in her motor to Maison Nouvelle, hat. Pd £2.10.0!!! Mrs. Mackasy, Miss Innes, Pollock, Maud P. & friend, Mrs. Gill, called. Con & Roy, Lin & self dined here, C. & R to Ex. after. Ada Sp. called.

Wednesday 11 June Lady Armstrong at home 4 - 6.30. Ap’t 2.30 Doctor. He postponed me again! Was fitted instead for blk. voile bodice. Con, Lin & self to luncheon. At 4 o’c fetched darling Maud & called on Mrs. D’Arcy, Lady A, everyone delighted to see Maud. Mrs. Ainsworth, Miss Thomson, Mrs. Welby & Mrs. English. Left darling M, saw Babies, home to dinner with Con & Roy who left after for Coronation concert Albert Hall & Court Theatre.


Thursday 12 June Ruth Messel marriage. Mrs. C. Corbett at home 4 - 6. Mrs. Hankey 4 - 6.30. Wet. Maudie came morg. brought some lovely flowers & white aigrette. Nonie too sweet at church threw down rose leaves for Ruth to walk on down the aisle. V. pretty wedding, 5 bridesmaids charming dresses & hats, pink & white. Ruth looked v. nice. V.pretty wedding but wet! Con, Lin Roy & self to dinner here.

Friday 13 June Mrs. Mrs. Mackredy at home. Mr. Douglas called. V. wet. Walked to Maud’s, home in motor. Nonie well again, Maud looks tired. Effie came to luncheon, went with me at 4 to dressmaker & Mrs. Mackasy’s. Left her at Whiteleys. Home. Lin finished “Coronation” drawing coach. Roy to Maud for dinner. Lin, Roy & self dined here.

Saturday 14 June Lady Hardman at home, 25 Victoria St, entrance Orchard St Westminster. 4 - 7. Pouring wet morg. Cold. Midge fetched me at 4 in Vic. We went to above, awful & shockingly arranged. To call on Edgar & Anna Dietz, both out. Con, Lin & self to dinner 8.30. Roy to Maud’s. They all went to Balcombe in motor, poured.

Sunday 15 June Dull & cold. Walked morg alone heard band & to Mr. Hartrees. Back to luncheon, Roy here. Con lunching with Edgar. Lennie & Maud dined here, darling M. her own dear funny self again.

Monday 16 June Mrs. Medley’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Welby’s tea at House of Com, central Hall 4.30. with Maudie. Mrs. Antoinette Stirling’ concert, sent these to May Nembhard. Out morg. Lovely dinner at Mrs. Medley’s. Fagans, & Lyne Stivens, 12, etc. Rain & cold.

Tuesday 17 June


Mrs. Rawlinson 4.30, last. Mrs. Sutton 10PM. Sir W.H.Wills dinner 8 o’c. Delightful evg. Lovely Mrs. Adams who started a club for typewriters, 300. Mrs. Ackers, Sinclair, Thorneycroft, Corbett, Wheen, Hudson, darling Maud & Cussans. Toula to lunch & tea. Roy & Con here to dinner.

Wednesday 18 June X. Lennie sold all my Cent. Argt. & Rosario shares for Sunshales pref. X. £310.13.6, 20 shares. Mrs. Lewis at home 4 - 7. Mrs. G. Armstrong dinner, unable to accept. Dine Roy & self with Miss Rose Innes at Berkeley Hotel 7.30, theatre after. Maud lunches here. Unable to come, went to Ascot with H. & Dora. Met Baby & Nurse, walked with them to Midge’s. 15 to dinner Miss R.I. & Gaiety after, 3 boxes! Welbys, Gilmer, Winnie L. etc. All out, Con with K’s.

Thursday 19 June Lovely day. Out morg. walking. Made 10 calls, M. & Mrs. Agnew, Aunt Linda, Lady Flower, in, met Lady Stanley. Roy dined Mrs. Corbett. Effie, Con, Lin & self dined here. Saw Evelyn Fletcher.

Friday 20 June Mrs. Dan Tupper 4 o’c. Mrs. J. Carlisle, 48 Pk. St. We dine at Carlton 8 o’c with Mr. & Mrs. Galbraith. Sir Seymour & Lady King’s at home Town Hall 10 o’c. Mrs. Coward 4 - 7. Delightful evg. great crowd smart world Carlton. Sir H. & Lady Oldham, Rose Innes, Mr. & Mrs. Hornsey, Mr. & Mrs. Wilkins etc, G. party. Maud & Toula called. In all day v. tired. Poured morg. Lin hard at work.

Saturday 21 June Emily Cook’s at home 10 o’c, 61 Russell Sqre. Messrs Broadwood at home 10 o’c, 33 Great Pulteney St. Eve Fletcher, Con, Lin, Roy, self dinner. Maud & Lennie to Nymans, return tomorrow. Saw Babies & made calls, Mrs. Campbell Praed, Eve Sankey etc.


Sunday 22 June Miss Rose Innes, Lennie, Maud, Con here to dinner. Lin & self walked in Pk. Fearful crowd never saw anything like it. Fanny & Alice Linley called & Miss Rose Innes, & Lennie & Maud in motor on return fr. Nymans, left flowers. V. jolly evg. Lin & Con round London before breakfast. Lin to Sir A. Hickman’s tennis.

Monday 23 June Mrs. Pollen, 69 Elm Pk Gds 4 - 7. Box Vaudeville evg. Conrad leaves for Kenderdine’s, been here a fortnight. Awful crowd going to theatre, Royal carriages flying everywhere. Lennie & Maud met us theatre. M. looks v. delicate. Saw K. Rumford in box opposite.

Tuesday 24 June X. See to papers respecting Cent. Arg. & Rosario amalgamation. Sent & sold. Mrs. Wheen 4 - 7, 6 Cumberland Ter. Asked Mrs. & Miss Mackasy tea! Miss Holland 4 - 6. Fanny & Alice 3.30 to see babies here. Babies came, F. & Alice here. Several callers. M. fetched me 5.30 & to Mrs. Wh. General alarm & anxiety about the King. Operation. X.

Wednesday 25 June Lovely day. Coronation postponed, all gloom & anxiety for the King. In morg. Maud called for me at 4, she lunched at the Thorneycrofts & Nicols. We went in Vic to Ranelagh saw Maggie Schreiber & Mathew, Bergne, Bram Stoker, Nicol, Galbraiths, Geiger etc etc. C’d not find Lin until leaving set with us. They dine at Messels. Roy & self alone, Lin Punch dinner.

Thursday 26 June Coronation postponed. Glorious day. Gloom everywhere in anxiety for the King. List of honours, Burnand, C. Doyle, Wyndham actor Knights, Henderson etc Barts! Lin hard at work, holiday stop’d. All decorations coming down. King progressing 10 PM. Called at 4 on Burnands, Bergnes, Sutton, English, Henderson, Milman, Lawrence. To enquire


Mrs. Welby her little Helen died of appendicitis Monday. Only ill one day, feel full of compassion for them. Roy dined Midge’s.

Friday 27 June V. hot. Made calls at 4, Toula with me, on Mrs. Keith, in, Sylvia Davies, Babies, both well. Lin, Roy & self dined at ¼ to 10 o’c.

Saturday 28 June Mrs. Watney “Palatine” for Naval Review. Caled at 4 o’c Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. Hankey, Miss Wiliams, all in. Strawberries 3/6, Chilterns. V. hot. Out morg. fetched Certs X. fr. Bank of Cent. Arg. & Rosario Rly. sold by Lennie for Sunshales 7% Pref. X. Lin & Roy supped with Sir F. Maclean at Garrick.

Sunday 29 June Maud & Lennie dine here & Mr. Douglas. V. hot but lovely breeze. Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred for tennis. King not so well, pain in wound. Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred Hickman’s, I went later. Roy remained to dinner there. Miss Rose Innes called. Pleasant evg. Mr. D, Maud & Lennie.

Monday 30 June X. Pay 2nd call of £35 0n 14 allotted 4% Ex shrs B.A. Gt. S. Rly. Paid. X. Mrs. J. Carlisle, 28 Pk. Stret. X. Sent 10 Certs of B.A. Rosario & Cent Argt Rly to Messels. Miss Rose Innes 4 - 7. Went at 4.30 with Maud to Mrs. C’s, met Mrs. Ionides, Mrs. Donaldson etc. Great crowd in Park. Lennie & Maud to dinner.

Tuesday 1 July Eve Coward to luncheon. Out shops. Eve left at 3 o’c . Mrs. Pitt, Elsie Mills, Mrs. Richards, Maud Gurney, Miss May called. Pouring wet afternoon. Stores, bought 2 coms 2 bodices, E’s umbrella.

Wednesday 2 July


In morg. No, out stores. Alice L. & Fanny Barker to luncheon. Called after on Mrs. Nicol, Welby, Wallace, met Maud in Pk in her motor. To see Babies, M. joined me at Glouc. Ter. Everyone delighted with dear Lin’s drawing “The Vigil”. Roy in v. late to dinner. Sir John Tenniel at P. dinner.

Thursday 3 July Mrs. Huish, Lords 4 - 7. Sir Henry Irving’s supper after 1st night, ¼ to 12. Mrs. Heilbut 4.30. Fanny & Alice to dinner. Dine Cameron Corbett House of Commons 8 o’c, meet Cent. Hall.

Friday 4 July Mrs. Huish 4 - 7 at Lords. Lady Burnand 5 o’c. Mrs. Thorneycroft 10.30. Mrs. Taylor Whitehead. Darling M. fetched me in motor 4.45, to Lady Burnand’s. To Lords. Motor left me Mrs. Whiteheads, too late, she had gone out.

Saturday 5 July Go to Bowden Green, Pangbourne, Berks for week end, 5 o’c train fr. Paddington to Pangbourne. Mrs. Weedon Grossmith 4 - 7. Lovely day. Saw John Airds going down also to Sir B’s. Mona met us. House charming, garden too. Dined, sat out, played bridge & talked. House party John Airds, Spagnioletti, Mr Fitzmaurice & ourselves.

Sunday 6 July Mrs. Weedon Grossmith 5 - 7. Breakfast on lawn, lovely. Walked with Mrs. Aird to see Donaldson’s house thro’ wood. Sat out. After lunch ditto. At 4 drove to Mrs. Berton’s had tea under gorgeous old tree on lawn. Large party there, Mr. O’B. Terrell amongst them. Then on launch, electric. Lovely drive home. Dined. Sir Benjamin left for Scotland by night mail. Miss Campbell dined there. Played bridge & game. Sat out & to bed, lovely day, v. hot. Roy at Sir A.H. for dinner & tennis.

Monday 7 July


Mrs. Mills 4.30 - 7, 29 Elvaston Place. X. Forwarded cheque £200 to Messrs Milne & Co secretary Burmah Oil Co, 45 Renfield St, Glasgow. Mr. Galbraith’s recommendation. X. Had lunch on lawn, lovely. Mr. Hoares doctor there too. Drove in cart with Lin to Pangbourne to photo. Rerturned after delightful visit by 4.30 train, Mrs. Aird with Lin & self . all gentlemen left morg. Maud dinner here & to see Sappho fetched Roy after fr. Lennie, been drilling.

Tuesday 8 July Mrs. Enthoven 1.30. Aunt Linda 9.30. X. Morg to Bank. Borrowed £100 more for £200 I am investing in Burmah Oil Compy. X. Sat in Gardens morg. Roy to Henley with Mr. Messel’s party, Maud going also. Lin & self to Earls Court Exhibition after dinner.

Wednesday 9 July Out morg by omnibus to see (illeg) gowns. Met Mrs Aird, Dickens & Jones. Lunched with Maud & Miss Cussans, home by om. Roy dining with Maud & L. at Carlton, also Fanny B. & Alice L. Poured with rain afternoon, & very close. Lin off to Punch dinner.

Thursday 10 July With Maud to Bazaar. Queen to be there 2 o’c. Perfectly awful storm of rain & wind when we got to Botanical Gds where Bazaar was held. The Venetian poles decorated with garlands & flags swayed to & fro & finally 2 broke drawing down the canvas awning. Promptly done by carpenters before Queen’s ar. Looked charming in mauve. Princess V. & Prince & Princess of Denmark, latter in pink, also Victoria, D & Ds of Fife etc. Stalls lovely & exquisite vases. Heard Mrs. Belle Cole, Jakes etc, café chantant. Met Mr. Allasy, Ethel Lindo, Thorneycroft, Pitt, Romer, etc.

Friday 11 July Mrs Forbes Robertson at home, Kiosk, Gardens, 4.30. Out morg. shops. Toula came just as I was starting. Took her to enquire for Paul Fildes, v. ill again, Maud, to leave white boa, Midge, out. Met Ethel Edwin & to


Kiosk. Met Casellas, Horseley, Walter Cranes, J.Rowe & Severn, Twiss, etc. On after to see Mary Carter, 51 Welbeck St, ex. clean & polished. She looks fairly well only, rather blotchy. Maud & Lennie to Nymans taking “Foundling” with them. Parlage avec fille Allemande espère q’elle restera comme je l’aime. Roy to drill. Mr. Douglas called.

Saturday 12 July Heard about Mrs. Cameron Corbet’s sudden death. V. depressed about it. Ethel Edwin dines here. Out shops morg. To see “Ben Hur” with Lin. Enjoyed it v. much, matinée. Roy to Lords, Eton & Harrow match. Left Lin at Club & called alone to enquire C. Hartree, better, & to Mrs. Spofforth. Ethel here. Roy to Earls Court after din.

Sunday 13 July Lovely day. Lin, Roy & self to dine Lady Burnand’s. Toula to luncheon. Roy & Lin play tennis Sir Alfred Hickman’s. Spencer & Miss Rose Innes called. Dead tired. V. pleasant evg. at Lady B’s. Mrs. Hare, Molly, Maurice O’Connell. 10 to dinner! Race game after.

Monday 14 July Lin & self dine Mrs. P. Agnew’s at Carlton Hotel to meet Sir F. & Lady Burnand! Invitation to Lady Armstrong for dinner, cannot go. V. hot. Lin better, seemed v. done up last night. 26 to dinner! Lovely roses & bunch was handed to each of us after dinner. Dull dinner. Mr G. Agnew took me in, was much absorbed in himself & family. Mr. Raven Hill on my other side. Saw Violet & Mr. Clements & Mrs. Phillips.

Tuesday 15 July Academy Soirée 9 o’c. Out morg. to darling Maud’s. Stayed till 1 o’c. Found her in bed, little F. Baby Anne & Nonie very sweet & good. Home cab to lunch. Fanny Nembhard & May, Mrs. Wallace & Mabel, Lady Henderson & Mrs. Platt called. Enjoyed Academy Soirée very much with dear Lin & Roy. Saw Sir B. Baker, lovely Mrs. Adams & husband, Coles,


Tweedie, Judge Bacon etc etc. V. happy evening. My darling called afternoon looking sweet in white.

Wednesday 16 July Mrs. Hartley 3 - 6. Welcome Club. Tea Mrs. Welby. At home Mrs. Causton 3 - 6. To Bank morg. about Securities. Left securities B.A.Gt Southern, P. & O. letter & Burmah Oil, III. To Désirée, found her better than I had dared hope. Stayed an hour. Dear little Ammis(?) down & a cousin of D’s. Ada Sp. & Percy baby called. Roy to dine with Maud, theatre after. Asked me but too tired. Sent little birds by Freda to Mrs. Kemp.

Thursday 17 July To tea with Mrs. Adams at Enterprise Club, City. Went in brougham, most entertaining. Alone with Mrs. A, just as pretty by day as at night. Reminds me of Désirée Welby. Maud & Lennie to Nymans.

Friday 18 July To Zoo with Ada Sp. & Percy’s little girl & I hope my Nonie boy. Unable to go. Called at 4 o’c on Sir J. Tenniel, Mrs. Nembhard, & Babies. Out morg. Called at Midge’s & M’s. L. & M. to Nymans.

Saturday 19 July Ld. Salisbury’s garden party. Lin & self went. In same compartment going as Mr. & Mrs. Dashwood & a lovely Miss Fox. Heard this after fr. Lady & Mrs Armstrong. Lady A’s 2nd son married Miss F’s sister. Tademas, Liveslys, Lucas, Richmond etc. Chinese, Indians etc in great form & most interesting. Returned in same carriage with Mrs. & Lady A. All most comfortable. Bought fruit & flowers with Lin. Went in brougham, ret. Metropolitan.

Sunday 20 July Dull & wet morg. Expected Nonie to lunch & dinner did not come. V. disappointed. Nonie came to tea with Nurse Marion. Was v. sweet & so

38 MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1902 good. Mr. Marriott called prevented my walking home with Nonie. Roy & Lin at Sir A’s, I fetched them. Miss Innes to dinner.

Monday 21 July Out shop’g morg. met Mrs. Spofforth. Saw her range, v. nice one. Called round about on foot, mare laid up. Quiet evg. Freda goes Friday for fortnight’s holiday.

Tuesday 22 July Asked Mrs. Adams to tea, unable to come. Lady Bergne, Midge, D, Miss Innes called. Lin, Roy & self to “Toreador”. Dora joined us there. In all morg, v. cold. Goupil.

Wednesday 23 July Maud & self to lunch with Mrs. Welby. M. not going. Roy & I dine at Maud’s, & went with L. & M. to Garrick Theatre to see “Les Deux Ecoles” most delightful play so well acted all round. Saw Casellas & Courthauld Thomson there. Charming dinner at Maud’s, everything perfect as usual.

Thursday 24 July Tea Miss Rose Innes 4 - 7. Lennie asked us all to dine & go to see “Merry Wives”. Unable as late night tonight, Lin dines out tomorrow. Went with Maud & Lennie & Roy after most exquisite little dinner at Maud’s to Her Majesty’s. McKennas sat just in front of us. Stupid piece & acting after the French play! Lin alone, worked late.

Friday 25 July Freda left for holiday. Lunch Mrs. Wallace to meet Lady Maitland & Lady Millais & dau. 1.30. Lin dines at Athenaeum to meet order of merit! Most distinguished assemblage, Ld Kitchener etc. V. pleasant luncheon at Mrs. W’s. Salmon mayonnaise, volaille, chicken salad, vegts, raspberries & cream & savoury. To Maud’s after. Violet P. & Nurse Millie there. M. packing with Miss Cusans. V. tired. Roy at drill. Freda went for 2 weeks holiday.


Saturday 26 July Roy to Mrs. Bosanquet at Cowley, Uxbridge, until Monday. To Stehr’s by om morg. Late for luncheon. Very tired sat with Roy whilst he packed. After tea Lin for cycle ride. To Exhibition evg.

Sunday 27 July (blank)

Monday 28 July Punch dinner. Out morg. & afternoon.

Tuesday 29 July Out morg. shop’g. V. tired. Out again evg. forgot fish & rice! Lin’s working day.

Wednesday 30 July Mr. Hugh Fletcher Moulton’s marriage 2.30. Unable to go. To Mrs. Williams to be fitted cheap muslin gown. Bought P. Robinson’s pass books. Out morg. & afternoon put away china, drawing room. Slept v. badly came down late. Lin’s late nights. Felt v. bad after dinner had to go to bed. Edith v. kind & attentive.

Thursday 31 July To Edgar’s for week. Postponed.

Friday 1 August Left by 12.30 Kings X for Edgar’s, North Thoresby. Arrived 6.30. Mistaken train so was not met. Got cart & drove out 5 miles fr. Sta. Ravendale Hall. Found E. & S. v. well. Pretty place & roomy house. Astonished how straight they have got in time & what good servants, table service & silver perfect. They only got in a week ago! Amusing old man drove me in cart, quite a character. Roy to Balcombe.


Saturday 2 August Dull day & cold. Rained hard afternoon, tried to get walk 3 times, rained each time. Edgar v. seedy unable to come in to meals & to bed early. Letter fr. dear Lin, sent him wire. Clergman & his wife to tea Mr & Mrs. Fagan. Roy & Lennie to camp out Arundel, volunteering.

Sunday 3 August So. & self to church morg, found it closed & walked on to Mrs. Vear’s & sat in her cottage listening to imperfections of absent incumbent! Edgar, S. & self to 3 o’c service & heard interesting sermon on Samaritans. Did little gardening. Family talk after dinner.

Monday 4 August Lovely morg. Cold but warm in sun. Drove at 2.30 to Waltham about dog Edgar has bought. Bright & sunny tho’ cold for time of year. Gardened. Letters fr. Lin.

Tuesday 5 August Drove to Waltham about a dog Edgar has bought. No, drove to North Thoresby about gardening tools. Fine but cold & alternately cloudy.

Wednesday 6 August Pouring wet v. cold, fire in Hall. In all day until 6. Short walk before dinner. Letters fr. Lin, Maud. M. still at Nymans, Babies at Balcombe.

Thursday 7 August Pouring, very cold, fire in Hall. Edgar & Sophy to Grimsby in dog cart. Letters fr. Lin, Maud & Midge. Walked alone 4 o’c. Rained all day.

Friday 8 August Go to Tabbie. Postponed. At Edgar’s. Pouring cold & fires. Letter fr. Lin worried with double page, so sorry.

Saturday 9 August


Coronation! Dull morg. Cleared later. E. & S. & self drove in dog cart to Caistor. V. pretty drive thro’ Beesly.

Sunday 10 August Went for walk with Edgar to fish ponds on way to Wold Newton. E. & So. to church at 3. Mr. Fagan came after service but w’d not remain to tea. E & So. & self gardened. To bed early.

Monday 11 August Return home by 9.15 fr Grimsby. Arrive Kings X 12.50. Lin to Mr. Wolff for week’s grouse shooting. See H. Furrell. Repacked box. Freda & E. only, Edith for holiday. E. drove me to Grimsby 8 o’c, break at 7! Horrid journey up. Otley met me, home 2.50, found Roy lunching.

Tuesday 12 August To Pyt by 3 train with Roy, passed! first. Gwen in dog cart & carriage met us. Yolande & Mr. Pemberton in same train fr. Salisbury, v. crowded. House party Olive S. & Dorothy, Yolande & Mr. Pemberton & Geoff Conrad. Tabs looks v. well.

Wednesday 13 August Wet. Croquet tournament Mrs. Bennett Stanford. Walked in pouring rain to ground, players at it all day! Very nice having more people here.

Thursday 14 August Wretched day. Walked in grounds. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Toothache again. Liver discomfort & great pain, cannot understand why!

Friday 15 August Fine & warm for wonder. Morg. Tabs, Olive & self walked to Hatch. Saw Mrs. Bennett & her aunt & cousin Mrs. & Miss Douglas Murray. Roy & Nellie Grosvenor to practice tennis morg. Mrs. Wyndham, Miss Carlton, Mr. & Mrs. Gilner-Milne (she Dutch) & Mr. & Mrs. Thynne (Miss Seymour


Hayden) to tea. Practising in club grounds. Feel v. seedy with liver discomfort.

Saturday 16 August Lovely day. Tennis Tournament at Club in Park. Lovely presents for Monday’s tournament here. All off at 1.15 & home 7 o’c. Roy nearly won only lost by a point.

Sunday 17 August Dull & fine alternately. In all morg. With Olive after writing letters. Tabs to Church after lunch with 2 boys. Read all afternoon. Horrible discomfort & pain, unable to rest. Music evening. Tabs found no service at Church when she got there.

Monday 18 August Tournement. 20 presents. Pouring wet day, party postponed. Mr. Pemberton’s tooth so bad, went to Salisbury to have it out 4 o’c. Wire fr. Lin, returns Wednesday.

Tuesday 19 August Tabs to London by first train. Mr. Pemberton, Yolande, Olive, Dorothy, Geoff, Roy & self by 11 train. Travelled separately. Fine leaving, poured in torrents all way up. Got into one storm after another. Roy dined at Coburg with Tabs. Les filles ne menagent pas bien de tout. F. reste en bas & la petite oublié tout.

Wednesday 20 August Lin returns fr. Mr. Wolff’s. Tabbie to Scotland. Lin arived punctually 9o’c AM. Enjoyed his holiday & looks better for it. Dare not leave him here alone, E. forgets everything, he w’d be most uncomfortable. Domage qu’elles s’arrangent si mal. Out morg. shops. Poured & sun later.

Thursday 21 August


Out morg. shops. Needlework afternoon. To “Country Girl” with Lin & Roy evg. V. good. Huge box. Saw Mr. Rooth. Met Ada Saunders (Aicheson?) at Pontings! Mr. O.Seaman to luncheon, usual bad luck, slow & not so well arranged as usual!

Friday 22 August To stores morg. Left umbrella to be covered, bought toys. Eye glass handle etc 16/-, umbrella 12/5, toys 4/5, Mr. Herbert 10/6. Paid Tilda 10d for blouses with 4d carriage!

Saturday 23 August To Maud, Balcombe. Alone, Lin met me Balcombe Sta by 5.5 train. Darling Maud on platform, so happy to see them again. Maudie looking stronger. Roy & Lennie came fr. City by Motor. Nonie boy v. sweet & little Anne much grown, altered, see no likeness to anyone in her at present. Balcombe House charming, furniture shows up much better & all being white (the walls, ceilings) is so fresh & clean & great sense of space & room. Nana departed! Amelie Jotterand with Maud as Nursemaid.

Sunday 24 August Lovely morg. Breakfasted in bed. Maud & Lennie to Church alone. Rain on & off. At 3 o’c to Nymans in Motor. Mr. & Mrs. M, Muriel, Hilda & Miss Brigstock only there. Rained whilst there. Mrs. Sington also. Mr. & Mrs. Oxley & Mr. Murray called on our return. Lin, Lennie & Roy walked with the O’s to their house. Nonie v. excited evg, awake till 11 o’c PM.

Monday 25 August X. Ami. Lovely morg. Walked to lake with Lin. Mr & Mrs. Hohler, Miss Fitzgerald, Miss Hughes v. nice girl to luncheon, Lennie also, ret’d unwell fr. City, stable empty, carriage to Mr. L’s funeral. Hohler party & Miss F. remained on to tea. Lady Fk. Fitzroy & Mr. & Mrs. Pennythorn called. Darling M. v. tired. Lin, Lennie & Maud dined at Nymans, unable to go, little F. Roy to London by 1st train.


Tuesday 26 August Lovely morg. Violet Phillips & Mr. Clement arrive, comes tomorrow instead, 3 telegrams! Lennie Maud & Lin in motor after luncheon to Guildford. Sat out on veranda all afternoon. Tents being put up in Park for flower show tomorrow. Rather much for darling Maud. Lennie v. seedy with neuralgia. Pianola after dinner. Babies for drive. Roy dined with Mr. Sterne.

Wednesday 27 August Flower Show in Park. Lin returned London by 12.30 fr. Balcombe. About 80 to tea here. Messels, Fitzroys, Tates, Pennythornes, F. Walkers etc. Excellent band & lovely day but for one heavy shower. Daisie Wignall looking a little too near event to be out. Rested till 12.30.

Thursday 28 August Rested till 12 o’c. Lennie, Maud, Mr. Clements & Violet to Reigate in motor, & they all dined at Nymans. Lovely day, no rain.

Friday 29 August Lovely day. In bed till 12.o’c. Gatwick Race. Lennie, Maud, Violet & Mr. C. went, lunched there. Mr. & Mrs. Messel, Mrs. Sington, Hohlers etc there. Had v. happy afternoon with Nonie boy. Mrs. Steincopff called. Letter fr. Midge asking us for fortnight fr. 17th Sep. Mr. Hickman died 27th. X. Wrote Lady H.

Saturday 30 August Lovely morning. Lin & Roy come 6 o’c. Dinner & dance. Lennie gave a dinner in Camberley to non-com officers of his Sussex Volunteers. Maud gave dance here. Hohlers, Messels, Meades, Tates, Mr. E. Patterson, Lin, Roy, who got a fly into his ear at dinner, v. painful feel worried about it. Most successful little dance. Ruth & Mr. Parker, Dr Messel, Mrs. Sington etc etc etc. Darling v. tired.


Sunday 31 August Nonie’s 3rd birthday. Pouring wet day. Were all to have lunched at Nymans, too wet to go. Nonie & Nurse F. to afternoon service. Dear Roy to village doctor with Mr. Clements, most kind to go with him, about his ear. I feel unhappy about it. Dr. took a fly () this size out of ear . Roy seems himself again altho’ languid.

Monday 1 September Pay £125 P.O. Steamship Compy, 3rd payment. Lin shoots with Mr. Tate & his son in law Mr. Wignall. Mrs. Tate asked me to luncheon at 1 o’c & the rest to tea. Lin & self to luncheon at Mrs. Tate’s, went in brougham. Only Marie V. Morgan & Daisie & Mr. Wignell. Lovely house & grounds, everything perfect. Lin shot after lunch with Mr. Tate & Mr. W. Saw poultry, dairy & bake house all perfect.

Tuesday 2 September Very wet. Lennie to City. X. Maudie seedy little F. Broach found under rug my room. Maud & self called at 3 on Mrs. Gilliat, Lady F. Fitzroy & Mrs. Huth. Mr. & Mrs. H. the most charming people I have met here with exception of the Tates. Adventure with coal cart, had to unharness our horses to turn. Lin shot at Nymans.

Wednesday 3 September Fine & windy & clouds alternately. Lennie to City. Violet & Mr. Clement to town for day. Lin returns London 4 o’c for Punch dinner. Roy went to stay until Monday at Mr. Stern’s at Reading.

Thursday 4 September Lovely day. Sat out & worked with Grace Fraser. V. sorry Emilie not a success, & going. Maud, Grace & self to call in Vic. at 4 o’c on Mrs. Pennythorn & to Canon Meade’s garden party. Met Pennythorns there, etc etc. Music evg.

Friday 5 September


Thunderstorm. Maud & self to leave cards at Mrs. Oxley, condolences. Had to return on account of storm.

Saturday 6 September Lennie & Maud, Lin & self dine 7.45 at Mrs. Tate’s. Maud, Grace & self, laughed immoderately. Lovely day. Delightful evg. at Mrs. Tate’s. Mr. Tate played organ. Lennie & Lin shot at Mr. Tate’s.

Sunday 7 September Lovely day. To Church with Lennie, Grace, Maud, saw Tates. Met Mr. Wignall & Daisie coming out. Maud & Lennie remained. Tea on lawn, walk after to lake. Mr. Clement left for Brighton. Missed his train but went by later one! Lovers depressed.

Monday 8 September Violet to London, tooth. Drank at Chalybeate Spring. Expected Mrs. Kenderdine, never came! New pair horses, chestnuts. Roy returns fr. Mr. Stern at Reading. Grace, Maud, & self walked to Mrs. Faure Walker’s. Music evg.

Tuesday 9 September Lovely day. With Violet to iron spring morg. Sat out on Balcony. Nonie to Nymans with Linley in dog cart, Lin day’s shooting there. Mrs. & Miss Huth to tea. V. delightful people, clever. Music evg. Lennie better, less tired evg.

Wednesday 10 September Dull morg. Balcombe Carnival. Drove Lin in Victoria to Station, Maud & self. Called after on Mrs. Turner & Mrs. Horn, rude little children. Violent indigestion evg. Mr. Clement arrived for one night, brought another diamond & opal ring! Seems hopeful.

Thursday 11 September


Fine alternate. In fearful pain with fissure. Started at 2 o’c in motor for Tunbridge Wells to tea with the Nembhards, Maud, Grace & self. Broke down with great report 1½ miles away!!! Walked home!!! Mr. Clement & Violet later to Red Hill to see Mr. C. off to Ireland! Lay down & rested, better for it. Maud & Grace fetched Lennie fr. Three Bridges in carriage.

Friday 12 September Dull Oct sort of day. Violet & Maud to lunch at Mrs. Hohler’s. Ruth & Mr. Parker come until Monday. Grace & I took long walk together. Sat on gate & rested & watched pheasants.

Saturday 13 September Mrs. Messel’s garden party. V. fine but cold. Roy & Lennie by motor, Roy’s hands both dead! Saw Tates, Mr. Wignall, Kenderdines, Huths, Geilguds, about 250 there. Ruth & Mr. Parker to Nymans early in motor fr. Nymans. V. pleasant but so cold. Maud, V, G & self in Victoria. Great alterations in grounds at Nymans. Ruth, Mr. Parker, Lennie & Roy home in motor.

Sunday 14 September Lovely day. Lennie, Maud, Violet, Grace & self to Church. Roy, Mr. Parker & Ruth at home. Met Mr. Sterne with Mrs. Tate’s party, etc etc. Had few words with Mr. Sterne. Mr. & Mrs. Geilgud & Muriel to lunch & tea. Walked to Chalybeate spring!

Monday 15 September Went alone to London for the night by 9.50 train, fare 6/8, cab 2/-, porters 1/-, luncheon 1/8. To Gompels, got wrong pattern & must be fitted tomorrow, tiresome. Lin returned fr. trial trip “Orontes” at 4.30. Roy home by 7 o’c looking v. tired. Lin, Roy & self to see “There’s many a slip” stupid piece rather. Feel v. tired. Fine day.

Tuesday 16 September


Returned Balcombe by 10.40. Found Ruth, Muriel, Violet & Grace & my darling in morning room. Went for walk with Maud afternoon. Vi & Grace together, Ruth & Muriel who rode back to Nymans. Mr. Parker not back until 9 o’c. Lennie v. tired. Violet v. depressed leaving tomorrow.

Wednesday 17 September Violet & Maud to London for day. Violet with M. all day shop’g. Grace & self saw them off & went for lovely walk after. Lunched alone. Sat out & for another walk before meeting Maud at 6.30. Lennie also met her with Victoria & walked back with Grace, v. tired. Motor again useless & city worries trying! To bed earlier. My ear still uncomfortable & head stuffy.

Thursday 18 September Maud & Grace to Mrs. Keating to luncheon. Unable to go. My head stuffy with cold & ear numb & unpleasant. Lovely autumn morning. Very interesting lunch for Maudie & G, both charmed with Mrs. K. & the General. Lennie very nervy evening.

Friday 19 September Lovely day. Feel v. bad with cold & throat, nose & ear discharge. Went to see doctor at 2.30. Gave me lotion to have it syringed & gargle. Congestion thro’ cold. Went over new house with Nurse F. after. Lennie less tired evg. Roy here & Mr. & Mrs. Hohler who came early for tea & remain night. Baba girl to tea. They all danced evening.

Saturday 20 September Lovely day. Lennie at home all day. Lin arrived at 11.40. Met him with Nurse F. at Station. Maud, Grace & Mrs. Hohler decorating Church for tomorrow’s festival Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Hohler left after luncheon. Mrs. Tate called, also Fox Adams. Grace Roy & Lennie to Nymans, returning in time for dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Geilgud who remain until Monday.


Sunday 21 September Heavenly day. Cold makes me feel absolutely ill. Sat out all morg. & had most interesting talk with Mr. Geilgud. All to Church except Mr. G, Lin & Roy. Mr. Taplin to luncheon, v. fond of Conrad, knows him well. Large party fr. Nymans to tea.

Monday 22 September Heavenly day. Mr. & Mrs. Geilgud left, Messel party to fetch them morg. Maud, Grace & self drove to Mrs. Tate’s 12 o’c. Saw Baby girl & Maud saw Daisie. We both saw Mrs. Tate in bed looking sweet & pretty & wonderfully well. Throat & ear bad still. Canon Mead & dau. to dinner.

Tuesday 23 September Lovely day. Hilda, Mr. & Mrs. Hudson (conventional young couple) & Mrs. Elliott to luncheon. Callers later. Maudie confused (illeg) & Mrs. Fox Adams but put them off for night on account of Crawfurd rather seedy. Packed & rested.

Wednesday 24 September Return fr. Balcombe. Lin & self returned from Balcombe. Darling Maud & Grace with Lin & self, lunched with us Staf. Ter. Was fitted with blue canvas Gompels. Shop’g. Maud to dentist. Returned home 5.30. Altered contents of boxes & worked with Edith helping me. Mrs. de la Penha to Maud’s.

Thursday 25 September Shop’g. To Sloane St bought blouse flan. silk collar & facings £1.13.6! Met Lady Maclean, said Mervyn was to go & see her at Calcutta. Mrs. F. amiable & looking v. handsome.

Friday 26 September We go to Mrs. Johnson Ferguson’s. Lin coming by night mail, I alone by 11.30AM. Lovely day. Got up comfortably. Pd. £1.9.6. Roy to Balcombe, shoots with Mr. Tate tomorrow 10 o’c. My luggage left at Carlisle thro’

50 MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1902 carelessness of guard. Mrs. F. lent me charming dress which suited me better then my own.

Saturday 27 September Roy shoots with Mr. Tate at Balcombe Place. Walked with Mrs. Mitchell, rest drove. Afraid of driving with my ear. House party Mr. Farquharson, Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Barron, Miss Pilkington, Mr. Carmichael, Mr. Murray. Miss Barron sweetly pretty grey(?) with small features & sweet (illeg) voice.

Sunday 28 September X. Ami. whilst walking morg. with Lin, had to lie down with continuous & increasing ear discharge. Feel weak & head feels muffled. Rested after luncheon & late for tea! Lin vanished entire afternoon alone! Host took me in to dinner.

Monday 29 September Finished my (illeg illeg) entirely alone, rest finished by maids. On view after dinner! Mr. Mitchell took me in talked incessantly. Host on right of me & seemed also talkative. We played Bridge after dinner, host, Lin, Miss Pilkington & self. Shooters home v. late.

Tuesday 30 September Breakfast in bed & remain in all day. Felt better for a sleep on Mrs. J.F’s sofa after luncheon when all the party went for drive. Walkled, read & worked. Mr. Farquharson took me in to dinner & talked incessantly, c’d not have a word with host on my right! Played bridge with host after dinner.

Wednesday 1 October Return from Mrs. Johnson Fergusons. Mr. Farquharson & Mr. & Mrs. F. left early & Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Barron & Miss Pilkington travelled with us to Carlisle. Fine day. Forgot my gold plate!!!. Gave housemaid


10/- had been most attentive. Enjoyed visit immensely altho’ I was not well. Roy gave Harold dinner at Garrick, so c’d go to bed early.

Thursday 2 October Gillie came in time for luncheon & leaves tomorrow. She ordered me fruit & flowers at Barkers. In bed till 2.30. Saw Dr Orton about my ear still discharging v. much & throbs. Feel generally seedy & weak. Played patience evening. Lin, Roy, Gillie & self dinner.

Friday 3 October Invitation to Belisha Lyne Stivens for shoot, Andover, until Monday. Cannot go, must get ear well first. In bed till 12.30. Gillie did “Punches”. Ear still bad, discharge, throbs & aches dreadfully. Colder & some rain. Letter fr. darling Maud. Had to send Emilie away, rude to Grace Fraser. Will not be any loss. Roy to Balcombe until Monday. Gillie left after tea. 2 pheasants & brace partridges from Hamilton Langley.

Saturday 4 October Orton came morg. 2nd visit, ear same. Felt feverish early, in bed till 12.30. Haunch of venison from Mr. V. Watney. In all day. Roy shooting at Nymans with Lennie. Quiet evg. v. happy alone with Lin.

Sunday 5 October In bed till 11. Read French book & Observer. Atlantic Combine settled! Lin took me for a walk, cold. My ear less painful & inflamed. Met Mr. Kenneth Graham. Felt better for air & exercise.

Monday 6 October Roy returns fr. Balcombe. Gillie comes for a few days.

Tuesday 7 October Lin dines at Fishmongers Hall to meet Lord Kitchener. Lovely box of sweets after. Walked morg. No one called.


Wednesday 8 October Went for walk morg. Dr Orton came, 4th visit.My ear bad, no better, & feel v. weak & seedy generally. Lovely sunny morg. Gillie to see a lady, no good. M.P. called. Flowers fr. Maud. Roy Gillie & self to dinner. Freda out.

Thursday 9 October V. wet. My room scrub’d & carpet down, well done. Gillie leaves today. Roy dined with Harold Messel Carlton & Music Hall after.

Friday 10 October Dined 9.30. Ear doctor away so have lost time! Orton came in for a second morg. to tell me & now promises to make ap’t with Dr Cumberbatch for Monday. Walked morg. alone.

Saturday 11 October Roy to Balcombe till Monday. Lin & self to matinée of “Marriage of Kitty” most amusing. Saw Mrs. Merryweather there & a girl friend. There & home by omnibus. Lin to Club & home to dinner. Quiet evg. alone Lin & self.

Sunday 12 October Lovely day. Walked with Lin Park. Met Mr. & Mrs. Braunstein, wanted us to lunch with them Hyde Pk. Club, too seedy to go. Rested & read. Lin & self alone. Edith out evg. & afternoon instead of Wednesday.

Monday 13 October At 12 o’c to Specialist Cumberbatch. Kept me 1½ waiting, pd £2.2.0. Altered medicine & lotion. Says abcess has perforated left ear drum & may take time to heal. Caused by general debility etc. Nothing to do with age. Roy returned fr. Maud’s, did not expect him.

Tuesday 14 October


Edgar & Sophy to dine here 8 o’c. Roy arrived middle of dinner, had been to Eton with Mr. Stern on motor. To Orton morg, told him Dr Cumberbatch had altered medicine & lotion, ear same, feel v. weak & seedy. May Nembhard to tea. Warm.

Wednesday 15 October V. windy, warm, gale. Walked morg. Ear the same. Roy dined out, I alone.

Thursday 16 October Dora came to stay till Saty. Roy dined out, no, dined out last night. Was amusing at dinner. I walked out morg. Drove at 3 & paid Wellers bill £4.8.0 for Carlowitz. X. Found D. here on returning.

Friday 17 October To Midge, Gatley Pk. Kingsland, Herefordshire. Unable to go too seedy with my ear, still discharging. Out morg. walked twice round Pond. Fine & warm. Too tired to go out after luncheon. D. went for me, got patterns. Dined 9.30, Lin, Dora, Roy & self. Patience after.

Saturday 18 October Roy & Con at Brighton until Monday. Dora leaves for Maud at Balcombe by 5 train. Lin & self to see “Best of Friends” Drury Lane matinée. Quiet evg alone together, to bed early. Dr O. called morg. Ear same. Very wet.

Sunday 19 October Fog. Cleared & fine later. Walked fr. Hyde Pk. Corner with Lin home. Read after to Lin. Fanny & Alice called, both looking very well. Quiet evg alone Lin & I.

Monday 20 October Walked fr. Hyde Pk.Corner to Marble Arch. Called on Sophy. V. angry Otley treated mare brutally, Sophy saw marks of his cruelty. Will not give us their mare now! X. Feel v. seedy indeed.


Tuesday 21 October Invitation to dine at Carlton with Arthur Linley. Lin dines with Mr. Lucy, excellent compy as usual. Lin & self lunched at Mrs. Pirrie’s, v. pleasant unfortunately missed E. & Sophy & Lady Weston. Mrs. Nembhard came. Roy out to dinner too.

Wednesday 22 October Maud arrived to luncheon. She & Lennie come to stay until Friday. They dined at Mrs. Hohler’s & theatre after. Roy & self dine alone. He read Grays Elegy after. To bed early. Lady Margaret Watney had a son!

Thursday 23 October Feel awfully seedy. No discharge fr. ear now, unaccountable why I feel so ill. Lennie & Roy off together to city. Maudie off to Hunts about man servant. Drove to Hyde Pk. corner & walked home. Maud at 4 to Mrs. Pirrie’s. Too seedy to go. Felt v. seedy all day & at dinner.

Friday 4 October Darling Maud & Lennie & Roy left for Balcombe. Roy & Lennie shoot tomorrow at Nymans. Walked morg.

Saturday 25 October Fine. Walked morg. Lin gone to breakfast at Club & lunched there, to see Royal Procession. Saw well. I did flowers from darling Maud’s & slept after reading french book. Lin & self alone. Dr. Orton called whilst I was out.

Sunday 26 October Wet. Walkled with Lin to enquire after Lady Margaret & baby. Saw King & Queen returning fr. Windsor on our way thro’ Park walking home. Mr. Stone called & had tea. Long business talk. Edith out afternoon & evening. Lin & self to dinner only.


Monday 27 October Yolande Dietz married fr. Mrs. Dietz’s Dorset Sqre.

Tuesday 28 October Came to 13 Eriswell Rd, Worthing. Maudie & Lennie to Staf. Terrace for 2 nights. Maudie arrived for luncheon & saw me off at Vic Sta. Lin, Roy, Maud & Lennie to Drury Lane & sup’d after at Carlton! Saw Philip Cosens there! Comfortable journey to Worthing & nice clean rooms. Florence came in to see me whilst at tea.

Wednesday 29 October Lovely sunny warm day, out by 11. Breakfasted in bed, slept badly. Out until 1.30 on parade. Called to enquire for Aunt A. Met her on return. Boiled mutton & stewed fruit. Wrote after. Florrie called & we went on to Aunt Anna’s together. Quiet evg. 2 letters fr. dear Lin etc. To bed 9 o’c. Mrs. Spinks kindly syringed my ear.

Thursday 30 October Dull morg. Rained. Aunt Anna called for me & we went for walk together & took my watch to be mended. Letters fr. Lin & Maud.

Friday 31 October Lin leaves tonight for Hamilton Langley’s, Gatley Park, Kingsland, Herefordshire. Out morg. & afternoon. The 2 Florences lunched here, left at 3.30 when I went to Aunt Anna. Stayed ½ an hour & caught cold. Felt v. seedy evg.

Saturday 1 November Horrid cold in head & on chest. Out morg. with Auntie, lovely but colder. Auntie walks so slowly, told me about her will etc. After luncheon walked to Mrs. M McGregor’s, saw her & niece just starting for Somerset. Rested after & to bed early.

Sunday 2 November


Dull. Cold heavy. Out morg. on parade, cold wind, & walked after to see Auntie. Out again after luncheon until 3.30. Rested, & Florrie came in to tea, Florence later. They then went to Church.

Monday 3 November Fine. Met Aunt Anna on parade, walked till 1.30. Auntie asked me to lend her £10! Tells me she already owes Aunt Netta £10! Most brilliant look out for repayment! Poor little soul. Saw Con on parade afternoon! Came back to tea & supper & left by 10 o’c train. Looks v. well. Mrs. McGregor called with 2 dogs. Con gave me lovely flowers. Lin much enjoying his visit to Langleys.

Tuesday 4 November Lovely day, colder. New moon. Flowers fr. Ada Pickering, chicken & butter fr. Maudie. Put flowers in vases at Auntie’s, met her after on parade. Letter fr. Lin. Walked till 1.30, lunch. Out at 3 until 4.30. Lovely on parade. Tea, wrote letters. Florrie came & stayed some time. Maud & Lennie go to Staf. Ter. dine at 8 Westbourne Terrace. Chicken & butter fr. Maud.

Wednesday 5 November Worthing. Expences 1st week £2.14.2. Went out 12 o’c, late! 2 letters fr. dear Lin. Florence lunched here on ½ Maudie’s chicken. Paid my bill £1.16.8. Paid several bills self. After luncheon waited until heavy rain storm over & walked to Florrie’s, poor little neighborhood. Tea there, & Florence walked back with me. Alone on parade lovely evg. Pheasant fr. Ham Langley.

Thursday 6 November Lovely day. Effie to luncheon. We walked after to Blairs, out. (illeg) much impressed with Effie, & on to Mrs. Macgregor’s also went over house together, Geoff, Eff, Mrs. Mars. Florence & Florrie came about 4 o’c stayed some time. Felt v. tired walked so far. Lucky did not stay to tea Mrs. Mars as it rained heavily later.


Friday 7 November Lin goes fr. Gatley Park to Mr. C. Lawrence, Apethorpe Hall, Wansford, Northampton. Lovely morg. Sat out fr. 11 till 1 o’c. West End parade. Read Westminster. Letter fr. Lin seems to regret taking long holiday. So sorry he is already worrying about work. Walked after luncheon again parade. Lovely sky full of colour & slate coloured clouds. Some rain but cleared. Watched 5 fishing smacks put out. Called at Auntie’s. Florrie B. came in. Home 5.30. Wrote.

Saturday 8 November Florrie Blair lunches here. Pouring wet day & high wind. Went to see Uncle Leigh. Quite fine later. Wonderful memory for 88 years age. Florence returned tea with me, walked together on parade first but too windy. Bought crumpets.

Sunday 9 November Lovely but cold wind. Sat out on parade with Madame, Mrs. Macgregor’s friend. V.handsome woman. Met two F’s after, walked with them. Two F’s called. Quiet evg, read.

Monday 10 November Raining but walked between showers. Lovely evg, sea exquisite in setting sun. Went & wished Aunt Anna goodbye. Florrie to tea. Florence came in later. Decided to go home tomorrow.

Tuesday 11 November Worthing cost me £5.10.0 all told. Returned by 2.7 train fr. Worthing after a very happy fortnight. Raining but warm. Found darling Maud here & Lennie, both dining & Roy at Carlton. Maud bad cold. Lin returned fr. Apethorpe Mr. Laurence’s place before luncheon. Florence met me station, only just caught train.

Wednesday 12 November


Fine. Breakfasted in bed, Maud also. Lin out to lunch. Walked Sloane St 11 o’c, home 1 o’c. Bought gloves & 2 veils 4/7. Met Maud Coward. Home omnibus. Lin back for work, no carriage. Had windows cleaned, v. dirty!!! Maud & Lennie back to Balcombe, saw M. off in her carriage. Edith out afternoon & evg. Roy & self to dinner.

Thursday 13 November X. Petite s’en ira avant Noël (illeg) qu’on ne peut rien dire à la cuir sans qu’elle en fait plus! Maud & Lennie return for night. To stores by train early bought 3 drawers 3 vests Roy £3.0.6, 2 prs coms & petticoat self £1.19.6, odds 9/6 & 9/- Total £6.7.0. Unable to lunch at Mrs. Gill’s. Saw her moment. Mrs. Rooth called.

Friday 14 November Out morg. Slept badly must have taken double dose of medicine. To Bank borowed £100 more making £400 in all. Maud to Mrs. Young’s. Maud returned Balcombe 4.30. Did packing all afternoon & part morg. Roy dining out. Met Miss Evans, Blair’s engagement . Janie(?) Eykyn, Maud Paxton, Mrs. Williams & Mrs. Spofforth.

Saturday 15 November Fortnight’s books £6.14.5. Lin & self to Midge & Ham’s. V. comfortable journey took our own luncheon. Midge met us 1½ miles fr. the house. Hamilton arrived later, been shooting. Gatley Park & surrounding country perfectly lovely. Charming old house part built 1689. Plenty of bedrooms, very slippery old oak staircases of which there are 3.

Sunday 16 November Slept badly. Most comfortable bed & picturesque room tho’ v. cold. Walked thro’ park with D. & Lin morg, lovely. Midge & self rested after lunch. Major Kennedy & Major McCan called & Mr. & Mrs. Pennefather (v. handsome Irish couple) came 20 miles by road to stay. V. delightful people.


Monday 17 November Gatley Park, Kingsland. Second shoot Hamilton Langley. Lovely day. V. cold. Mr. & Mrs. Warmsley & friend, Major & Mrs. Kennedy who remain on, Mr. & Mrs. Pennefather, Lin, H, M. & self. All lunched in Park except self. Walked with Midge & Mrs. Pennyfather to Tabs.. Perfectly lovely everywhere. Bag 130 pheasants. Mrs. P’s cold bad, Mrs. K’s nightmare(?).

Tuesday 18 November Lovely day v. v. cold. Lunched with the shooting party at Keepers Lodge, most picturesque. Colonol Davidson & Mr. Warner with H’s party making 6 guns. Party of 10 to luncheon in cottage. Walked little with shooters & returned with Mrs. P. Played Cat & Mouse on billiard table, curling, & progress in billiards.

Wednesday 19 November Mr. & Mrs. Pennefather, Major & Mrs. Kennedy, Lin & H. all left early in detachments. Had long walk on Ludlow road with D. V. v. cold. V. pretty farm with stream of spring water running thro’ it. Quiet afternoon & evg.

Thursday 20 November V. cold, grey. Midge, D. & self lunch at Mrs. Kennedy’s (née Kidson, brother taken Rushmore.) Mrs. & Miss Evans there also the wife of the Squire & Rector. Called on way home Kevil Davis’s & Mrs. Davidson handsome amusing matron. Had tea there & again here! Quiet evg. Midge sang. Letters fr. dear Lin & Maud & Edgar. Awfully cold at Mrs. K’s.

Friday 21 November V. cold & dull. Got up to breakfast. Ham returns today fr. London. Wrote Worthing. Dora & self walked to gate overlooking the lovely valley on way to Ludlow. D. took photo of picturesque farm on way. Mrs. Dunn came to tea. Midge fetched H. fr. station. We played bridge evg.


Saturday 22 November Hamilton out all day with Col. Davidson shooting. Fairly good days sport. 4 partridges given. Mrs. & Miss Buckole(?) to luncheon. All elderly ladies here great talkers. Mrs. B, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Dunn & Mrs. Davidson. La cuisinière ivre. Walked with D. morg.

Sunday 23 November Lovely warm sunny day. With Midge to enquire for bailiff & on for lovely walk thro’ the long drive cover, under pine trees & overlooking valley. To Church at 3 o’c, choir deafening. Cuisinière ivre, s’en va demain.

Monday 24 November V. wet, stormy but warmer. Unable to drive to Lady Curtis. In all day, read & played billiards & curling on billiard table. Kitchen grate being done. Letters fr. dear Lin dear Lin & Maud. Begin to feel anxious about things at home & fille de chambre. Cuisinière parti matin.

Tuesday 25 November Dull. Rain. Warmer. La nouvelle cuisinière arrivée. Worked & read morg. Letters fr. Lin, 2, etc & Mrs. Dale à cause de jeune femme de chambre. Elle demande gages en avance que je ne donnerais pas. Long walk with H. & D. Midge met us in drive after. Played bridge, Midge & self partners.

Wednesday 26 November Hamilton goes to York about some Bulls, he vy annoyed about going. Dull & grey again. Long walk with H. & D. in spite of rain. Played bridge evg.

Thursday 27 November Dora to Staf. Ter. today until Monday, dines with Mrs. Rooth & goes to Raffles dance. D. not going. H. left by 1st train, returns Friday. Midge D. & self drove to Major Kennedy’s where D. remains night. Midge & self alone quietly.


Friday 28 November Midge & self in bed breakfast. Pouring. Warmer. D. & self for walk after lunch, D. with gun. Saw birds but got nothing. D. to bed early, leaves for Staf. Ter. by first train tomorrow morg. Midge & self to Lady Curtis & Mrs. Wardale. Lovely drive. D. to London today.

Saturday 29 November Lennie to Scotland. Lovely morning. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Mary McQueen married 4 months ago! An. in yesterdays Times! Midge & self walked thro’ village & saw Farm Cottage quite a large house & beautifully kept. In all afternoon. H. very tired. Played Dummy Bridge, H. won again.

Sunday 30 November Dull damp & wet. H, Midge & self remained in all day. Packed with Frances. H. with liver attack & v. cross & contrary. Better evg. & going to take liver pills which he certainly needs.

Monday 1 December X. Pay last instalment on £500 allotted in P & O Steamship Compy 3% Debs. I returned home fr. Gatley by 11 train, pouring wet. Midge saw me off. (illeg) James, 10/- man 1/- porters. Pleasant journey up but v. wet. Fletchers’ fortune pd. today!!! Found dear Lin well. Roy dining with Maud & Dora & going to theatre after.

Tuesday 2 December Ham’s shoot, Capel Curig. Sir Antony Ledyard, Sir W. Curtin. Walked morg. Missed darling Maud. Lin v. busy with Durbah cut.

Wednesday 3 December Dora returns to Gatley. Albert Hall tickets, dare not go, too cold. Bitter. Maud fetched me morg. Were so long at Mrs. Young’s I had to lunch at Maud’s. Cusans there. Home in her carriage 3.30. Called on foot Mrs.


Fildes, away, Colin Hunter’s & Mrs. Spofforth. Roy & I dined at Maud’s. Con there.

Thursday 4 December Out morg. sharp walk & shop’g. To stores. Maudie fetched me at 3.30 & we had tea at Mrs. Ritchie’s. Ellie there & Mrs. Romer. To enquire for Mrs. Welby & to tea Mrs. Laking’s. M. sent me home in her carriage. Con dined here. Lennie returned fr. Scotland. Maud dined at Mrs. Messel’s, her birthday.

Friday 5 December V. cold. Went by underground to Sloane Sqre & walked home fr. there after ordering Lin’s photos, M’s note book etc. Met Lady Lockwood. At 3.30 in carriage to Sir John Tenniel’s with 2 books to sign & on to Maud’s saw her & Lennie who looks v. ill & nervous. Nurse Millie & Miss Cusans there. I had my dinner first. Lin & Roy dined quarter to 10.

Saturday 6 December Lennie & Maud go to Gatley for shoot. V.v. cold had to move in to morning room, & draughty there. Lin & self to matinée “My Lady Virtue”. V. stupid piece well acted. Edgar dined here & made good dinner.

Sunday 7 December V. cold bright. In morg. room. Lin & self for walk Park. Met Mr. K. Graham. Roy on to lunch at Club. Mr. & Mrs. Galbraith called. Lin goes by 10 o’c train fr. Euston meets Dora at Crewe Saturday & on to Galbraiths, Terregles. Quiet evg. Lin Roy & self.

Monday 8 December Out morg. Woollands. Walked back. Also ordered 3 of Lin’s photos at Stuarts, Sloane St. V. cold, not freezing. Rained afternoon. Remained in & Roy had carriage to take him to Coburg Hotel to dine with Tabbie & Hamilton & theatre after. Two huge fires going all day drawing room.


Tuesday 9 December Out morg. shops. Miniature of Nonie boy done & can now wear it. Mrs. Spofforth, Mabel W, Maud P, Mrs. Gill & Mrs. Laking called. Felt quite worn out with talking. Dined v. late.

Wednesday 10 December Out morg. shops. & at 4 o’c to Mrs. Welby’s found her looking sweet in blue & her boy huge person of 2 weeks & 3 days. Quiet evg. with Roy & played patience. Miss White called about work.

Thursday 11 December Miss White here. Piteous letter fr. my darling Maud. Unaccountable H’s rude behaviour to her. Most unkind & inconsiderate. She is altogether too good for any of my family. Feel v. seedy unable to go out all day on account of liver pill, Nurse Millie’s! Worked in drawing room.

Friday 12 December Shop’g morg. Had bread & milk at 7.30 & did not dine with Lin & Roy.

Saturday 13 December X. Maud & Lennie ret’d fr. Gatley. Mrs. Galbraith invitation for week, Lin going. La petite s’en va. Maud Hill came. Edith Haines left. Nice little thing worked well to the last. Lin worked all day, dined at Lady Jeune’s & went night mail to Dumfries.

Sunday 14 December Lin arrives at Galbraiths today. Walked to Sp’s, all in bed 12 o’c. Came down later! Sp. & Douglas to tea & Miss Evans. Roy & self dined at Maud’s, Mr. Marriott there. Muriel out afternoon & evg.

Monday 15 December Out morg. & afternoon. Lennie & Maud dine here. V. jolly little evg, Maud in high spirits. Roy out. Asked Mr Douglas to come, engaged.


Tuesday 16 December Out morg. shops. Wretched day. Maudie to tea. White here & in my room all day, desperately slow cutting out. Felt completely done up evg & v. sick. Liver!

Wednesday 17 December V. seedy, still livery. Tea at Mrs. J. Aird’s 4.30 & Desirée Welby. Morg. out. Met Lady Dent at Mrs. Aird’s & her small boy. Found Desirée v. unhappy about her father’s death. Roy & self alone evg. Muriel out evening & afternoon. Con called v. upset.

Thursday 18 December Fine. Went with Mad. at 11 to Bond St. Bought seal for Mr. Blair, waterproof Emma & bath slide Lin. Mad’lle lunched here & left at 3.15. Ada, Spencer & F. Walford come to dinner. Lovely flowers fr. Maud.

Friday 19 December Lin arrived by 8AM fr. Terregles, 4 pheasants. Maudie called with Mad’lle & returned again alone after ap’t with dentist & had tea. Con came for night. He & Roy dined with Harold M. Lin & self alone 8 o’c.

Saturday 20 December Out morg. M. & Lennie at Balcombe. Lin & self to see “The Eternal City” Her Majesty’s, excellent. Lin, Roy & self alone evg. Called for Pass Book, fearfully overdrawn £100 odd! Called & saw C. Hartree.

Sunday 21 December Walked with Lin in Park. Met Mr. K. Graham. Quite warm. Florence Walford to luncheon. Mr. Paxton & Midge to tea. Midge remained on to dinner, v. lively. Lin working.

Monday 22 December


Packed afternoon. La nouvelle ne vaux pas les gâges que je lui donne. Elle est laide petite et très commune.

Tuesday 23 December Mr. Blair’s marriage with Miss H. Blunt. Maud went & joined me at Vic Sta. after. Came to Balcombe by 5 train. Maud & self alone house, v. pretty & bright. Babies well & grown. Anne v. like Ottie.

Wednesday 24 December Lennie & Roy detained until 11 o’c PM by motor collapse. M. busy all day with presents & tree.

Thursday 25 December Lovely day. Lennie & M. to Church. All & Babies to Nymans for luncheon. Sat down 19. Rested after. Xmas tree. Babies left after presents. 20 at dinner. Fox Adams there. Played games after, left 12.30.

Friday 26 December All Messel party come to dine, 20 in all. Three tables in dining room beautifully arranged. Mr. Marriott & Grace Fraser came to stay. Danced all evg until 12.30. Lottery.

Saturday 27 December Lovely day. Maud took Nonie to Xmas tree party at Mrs. Horn’s. Ruth & self for walk. Grace played evg. singing & danced. Lennie & G. Cake walk. Nonie to little girl & taking toy gently fr. her, “Think that must have been meant for me!”

Sunday 28 December Lovely morg. Remained in to write letters. Lennie, Maud & Grace to Church. Mr. Marriott & Roy at home. Mr. & Mrs. Fox Adams to luncheon, brought small greyhound as present for Lennie. Lennie, Roy & self for walk before tea with 3 dogs. Mr. Marriott left. M. & self played bridge. Lennie & Grace played.


Monday 29 December Roy & Lennie to town early train. Maud had Xmas Tree party here. Mrs. M, Mrs. Sington, Ottie, Hilda, Mr. Loring, 2 little girls, Muriel, 2 Miss Meads to tea. Danced etc. Grace, Maud & self danced evg. To bed very late.

Tuesday 30 December Pay £35 last call on 14 shrs B.A.Gt Southern Rly 4% 1906. Paid & took receipt to London & Coutts Bank. Maud & self called & had tea at Lady Pearson’s, lovely house, & after at Mrs. Pennythorn’s. Lin came down in time for dinner. Played cards.

Wednesday 31 December Lennie ret’d fr. London after 2 nights there. Lin & self for long walk. Maud drove to Mrs. Tate’s & stayed some time. Sat up till midnight & drank Punch & was no worse for it.

(First three days of 1903 written here, amalgamated into 1904 diary)

Notes in back of diary:

Received 1902 fr. Trust Ac’t. Jany 1902.

Balance from 1901 75. 1.10

Jany Cent Uraguay 23.10.10 Local Loans 1. 0. 9 Argt Gt Western 18.16. 8 Feby Peebles 23. 6. 1 Gt Western Brazil 28. 5. 0 March Cordoba & Rosario 18.16. 8 Received trust to March £113.16. 0


April Steam Ship Nav 21. 3. 9 Illinois Cent 19. 2.10 Local loans 1. 0. 9 £ 155. 1. 4 June Canadian Pacific 23. 8. 9 Lehigh Valley 21.10. 12 July Argt Gt Western 18.15.10 Cent Uraguay 23. 9. 9 Local Loans 1. 0. 9. Aug Peebles 23. 5. 1 Gt Western Brazil 28. 3. 9 Sept Cordoba 18.15. 5 Oct St. Sh. Navigation 21. 1.10 Nov Illinois Cent 19. 3.10 £ 352.17. 6

Received 1902 fr. Private Act

Jany Wirral 1.17. 7 Cordoba Cent 1.17. 8 B.A. Pacific 5. 3 B.A.Western 4. 5. 2 B.A. Rosario 1.17. 8 B.A. Pacific 13. 4 Chinese 2.16. 6 Jamaica 1.13. 0 Robinson Mine 3.10. 0 Feby B.A.Pacific 13. 2 Gt. Eastern 2. 4. 9 Harrods 13.10 Waihi 3. 5. 8 Hull & Barnsley 2.16. 6 Furness 1. 8. 3 March Midland 6.13. 1


Glasgow & S.W 2.16. 4 April B.A.Rosario 1.17. 6 B.A.Trams 1. 0. 0 Coupé 5. 7. 6

May Barker 1. 9 Cent Argt 10. 6. 6 June Waihi 3. 5. 9 Harrod 3. 4 Sale of Rosario & 13. 0. 0 Cent Argt too small to invest £ 99.11.11

Private Money July forward 99.11.11 B.A. Western Deb 4. 5. 0 B.A.Rosario 1.17. 7 B.A.Cordoba Cent 1.17. 7 B.A. Pacific 2nd Deb 3. 4 B.A.Pacific 1st Deb 5. 3 Chinese 6% 2.16. 3 August Robinson 5. 5. 6 July Coupé 2. 8. 0 Jamaica 2.12.10 More fr. sale of Rosario 2.18.11 August B.A.Pacific 13. 2 Christiana 1.17. 6 G.E. Railway 14. 1 Midland 5. 3. 8 Furness 18.10 Sept Cash?? 13. 2. 4 Glasgow & S.W. Rly 2.10. 3 City B.A. Trams 1. 0. 0 Barker 8


Coupé 2. 7. 9 B.A. Gt Southern 29.13.1 Novr Rosario Sunshales 9. 4. 2 Dec Waihi 4.15. 0 Harrods 3. 3 B.A.Pacific 1. 6. 4 £ 199.10. 9 Trust Money Forward £ 352.17. 6 Local Loans 1.0. 9 Canadian Pacific 23. 8. 9 £ 377. 7. 0 Lehigh Valley 21. 0. 0 £ 398. 7. 0 Invested during 1902 May P & O Steam Navigation Group 3% deb Allotted £ 500 Paid May 16th due Paid 250. 0. 0 Sept 1st due 125. 0. 0 Dec 1st due 125. 0. 0 500. 0. 0 Second call Buenos Ayres Gt Southern 4% Ex 1906 on 14 allotted shares June 18th 35. 0. 0

June £200 in Burmah Oil Company, rec. by Mr. Galbraith Borrowed £100 at 4% for this July 8th £ 200

Borowed £400 Invested 500 P&O Third call B.A.Gt Southern Dec £ 35. 0. 0 200 Burmah Oil 35 B.A. Gt Southern 735 less borrowed 400


£ 335

Sold by Messel 18th June all my Cent. Argt & Rosario ordinary stocks & shares for 20 Sunshales 7% pref shrs at 15½ . £10 shres £ 308.15. 0 with stamp 1.18. 6 £310.13. 6

Sent June 30th the 10 certidficates of same to Messel , namely 1. Cent Argt ord stock 115 ditto 25 ditto 15 Rosario 50 ditto 10 ditto 40 2. Shares C. Argt Rosario to Cordoba £20 each 40 Cent. Argt £295. 0. 0

Buenos & Rosario Ord stock 40 ditto 80 ditto 30 £ 150. 0. 0 Total £ 445. 0. 0

One has an eye & no head One has a head & no eye You can guess it if you try One hangs but on a thread

Ans: a needle, a pin.


Con’s investments South American Light & Power Compy, Edison Marshall Thompsons, Holles St, Cavendish Sqre

Evelyn Pem-Sankey, 23 Marlborough Rd, New Brompton, Kent Ada Pickering, Spencer Cottage, Upham, Hants Major Kennedy, Kingsland Rectory, Kingsland, Herefordshire.

Songs: “Oh, dry those tears” by Del Riago “I never knew I loved thee so” by Frank Lambert “The sweetest flower that blooms” “Come to me in my dreams” Maude Valerie White.

Stories discrete & otherwise “A ping pong tournament will be held for the benefit of St Paul’s nightstool” Lapse lingue! Douglas (illeg) story nearly knocking down man “Now then greedy!”

Gentleman asked to write in Innkeeper’s book “Quoth the raven”

What piece of furniture does Mr. Keppel remind you of? The women sit on him & men hold him at arm’s length!

Aunt Barbara, 5 Lorne Villas, Somerset Rd, Teddington S.W.

Dates for Mrs. J. Ferguson Sep 26th to Oct 1st, Oct 10th to 15th Oct or 17th to 22nd Oct.

What papers do the King, Mr. K & Mrs. K remind you of? “The King” “The Onlooker” & “The Daily News”.

Florence Blair, Woodbine House, Tanning Road, Worthing.


Mervyn, c/o Messrs King & Co. Forwarding Agent, Bombay, India.

N. Richini, Claridges Hotel Tilda, 19 Hill St, (illeg) Miss Rowley, 2 Bloomfield Place, S.W. Floence Blair, Tanning Rd, Worthing. Sophy, 22 Manchester St, Baker St. Anmna Dietz, 7 York St, Baker St

Maud Paxton’s dressmaker, Mrs. Williams, 26 Westgate Ter, Redcliff Sqre Lady Milman, 12 Tite St, Chelsea Embankment Conrad, c/o Mrs. Kenderdine, Hazeldean, Cuckfield, Sussex Mrs. Jones (eggs & chickens), Blaches, Little Caulfield, Dunmow, Essex Mrs. Holder’s place for maids, Miss Johnson, Eckington, Derbyshire and Mrs. Massey, Friar Gate, Derby Mrs. J. Evans, 3 Chartham Ter, Ramsgate Amelie Jotterand, 43 Catherine Street, Buckingham Gate Mrs. Taylor, masseuse, 381 Latimer Road, Notting Hill. No good. Aunt Barbara, 5 Lorne Villas, Somerset Rd, Teddington. Godfrey Sellick, “Romanholme” Pelham Rd, Gravesend.

Linseed oil & turpentine for furniture.

Waddie, 1 South View Villas, New Malden, Surrey. Aunt Barbara, Windemere, Eriswell Rd, Worthing. Mrs. Bosanquet, Servill(?) Rectory, Welwyn, Herts. Florrie Blair, Woodbine House, Tanning Road, Worthing. Miss Hogarth, 31 Egerton Terrace, S.W. Lady Goring, 146 Lexham Gds Jessie Hardinge, Cravenhurst, Eastbourne Evelyn Sankey, Ballard Lodge, Lyndhurst, Hants. Excellent lodgings.

Alice Linley, Villa Pozzoforte, Bardighere, Italy.


Excellent pensione kept by Mrs. Morgan Brown. Fanny Barker, Grand Hotel Helo(illeg) Cairo, Egypt.

Mrs. Bosanquet, Tenrie Rectory Welwyn, Herts Miss Macdougall (Lin’s F’s partners dau!) 36 Emperor’s Gate Miss Macdougall & Miss Zoe Bateman, 41 Queen’s Gate Gds, S.W.

Mexican National Railway (illeg illeg)

A.B. Birnbaum Esqre, 12 Cavendish Rd, Regents Park.