Mineralogy of Leucite.Bearing

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Mineralogy of Leucite.Bearing 53 The Canqdian M ine raln gi st Vol.35, pp.53-78 (199) MINERALOGYOF LEUCITE.BEARINGDYKES FROM NAPOLEON BAY, BAFFINlSl-AND: MULTISTAGE PROTEROZOIC LAMPROITES DONALDD. HOGARTII Departmentof Geology,University of Oxawa Ottawa"Ontario KIN 6N5 ABsrRAcr Vertical, W- and NW-trending, post-tectonic,Proterozoic dykes at Napoleon Bay, southeasternBaffin Island, Northwest Territories, contain mineral assemblagestypical of lamproites: 1) phenocrystsof Fe-bearingleucite and sanidine' Ti-rich phlogopite,and high-Mg olivine anddiopside, and 2) a groundmassofTi-rich phlogopite,Fe-bearing sanidine and apatite. Except wherepreserved in chill zones,leucite has decomposedto a sanidine- kalsilite intergrowth or hasbeen replaced completely by sanidine.Phlogopite grains are emichedin Fe (to annite and ferri-annite)on their margins,relative to cores.Late-stage titanian potassium maguesio-arfvedsoniteappeaxs in some dykes and is also progressively emiched in Fe (o titanian potassium arfuedsonite)toward the margins of grains. In a few crystals, aegirine and aegirine-augite(some grains Tirich) overgrow diopside.Rare and very late-stage,possibly magmaticdevelopment of ninerals involves overgrowthsof potassiummagnesio- arfvedsoniteon Fe-rich amphibole,and phlogopite and 'feniphlogopite' on Fe-rich mica- With the exceptionof aegirineand aegirine-augite,all fenomagnesiansilicates are undersaturatedin Si + ryAl, with averagedeficits in the tetrahedralposition extendingfrom 15.770n aailte atdferri-annite (grain margins)to 1.57oin magnesio-arfvedsonite(overgrowths). The vacancies in the tetrahedralposition canbe fil1edwith Fe*. Rareminerals in the Baffur dykes,that arecharacteristic ofknown occunences of lamproite, are K Ti-rich sodic--calcicamphiboles, shcherbakovite, Ti-rich cbromite, and K-Ti-Fe oxide. However, some minor minerals in these dykes have not been described from lamproite [pectolite, lorenzenite, barytolamprophyllite' calcioancylite-(Ce),djerfisheritel, and the late Na-Fe overprint seernsexteme for lamproite.Evidence suggests differentiation with repeated post-consolidation i{ections. Rocls that are possibly related include a porphyritic volcanic rock containingpseudoleucite (sanidine) - forsterite - diopside- titanian phlogopite,lacated ca. 20 km west of NapoleonBay, not found in sita, small diatremedykes and sills (cementedwith K-rich, peraluminousglass), 8 kmWSW, andcoeval, mineralogtcally similar lamproitedykes at Sisimiut, southwestGreenland. Keryords: lamproite,ultrapotassic rocks, leucite, pseudoleucite,alkali amphibolg titanian mic4 dyke reopening,peraluminous glass,Baffin Island,Nor0rwest Territories. Sonauann Des filons verticauxpost-tectoniques, d'orientation vers I'ouest ou le nord-ouest,d'dge prot6rozolque, d6couverts i la baie de Napol6on,sur l'lle de Baffrq aux Territoires du Nord-Oues! contiennentdes associationsde min6rauxtypiques de lamproltes: (l) phdnocristauxde leucite ferrifdre et de sanidine,phlogopite riche en Ti, olivine magn6sienneet diopside,et (2) une pate conGnantphlogopite titanifbre, sanidineriche en Fe et apatite.Sauf dansles cas de borduresfig6es, la leucite s'est d6stabilis6e en intercroissancede sanidineet de kalsilite, ou bien a 6t6 complbtementremplacde par la sanidine.Les cristaux de pblogopite sont emichis en Fe vers leur bordure,et deviennentdonc de I'annite ou de la ferri-annite.La magn6sio-arfvedsonitetitanifdre et potassiqueapparalt tardivement dans certains filons, et se trouve progressivementemichie en Fe, pour devenirde I'arfuedsonite titanifbre potassique.Dans quelquescas, aegyrineet augite aegyrinique(ici et li titanifdre) forment une surcroissancesur le diopsitle.Plus raremen! et i un stadetrbs tardif, possiblementencore magmatique, il y a d6veloppementde surqoissancesde magn6sio-arfuedsonitepotassique sur I'amphiboleriche en Fe, et de phlogopiteet 'Terriphlogopite"sur le mica riche en Fe. Sauf dansle cas de l'aegyrine et de1'augite aegyrinique,tous les silicatesferromagn6siens sotrt sous-satur6sen Si + ryAl, le d6ficit moyendans la position t6ta6drique s'dGndantde l5.7Vo dansl'annite et la feni-annite (borduredes grains)jusqu'd l.S%odans la magn6sioarfvedsonite(en surcroissance).ks lacunes4plrarentes darui la position t6traddriquepourraient 6tre rempliespar le Fe}r. Parmi les min6rauxdes filons de Baffin qui sont caract€ristiquesdes lamproltesconnues, il faut sipaler les amphiboles sodiques-<alciquesriches en K et Ti, shcherbakovite,chromite riche enTi, et un oxydei K Ti et Fe. Toutefois,certains min6raux mineurs n'avaient pas 6td sipalds auparavantdans des roches lamproltiques [pectolite, lorenzenite,barytolamprophyllite, calcioancylite-(Ce),djerfisheritel, et I'emichissementtardif en Na-Fe sembleext€me pour une lamltroite.Il senble y avoir eu diff6renciationavec injections magmatiques r6p€t6es aprbs la cristallisationpremibre. Parmi les rochesqui sontpeut-Ctre affi1i6es, il y a une roche volcaniqueporphyritique contenant l'association pseudoleucite (sanidine) - forstdrite- diopside- phlogopite titanifbre, retrouvdeenviron 20 km i I'ouest de la baie de Napol6on,mais non in situ" de petits filons et fllons-couchesde diatrdmesciment6s par rm vene potassiqueet hyperalumineur; 8 km h l'ouest-sud-ouest,et des filons contemporainsde lamproitesassez semblables dans leurs assemblagesde min6raux,et decouvertsi Sisimiul dansle sud-ouestdu GrcEnland" Clraduit par la R6daction) Mots-cl6s: lamproite,roches ultrapotassiques, leucite, pseudoleucite,amphibole alcaline, mica titanif0re,rdouverture des filons, verre hyperalumineux,fle de Bafful Tenitoires du Nord-Ouest 54 INTT.ODUcToN This paperpresents the mineralogicaldata. A paper on petrochemicalcharacteristics is planned@eterson & Hogarth,in prep.). On Baffin Island, Northwest Territories (62"531{, 65'2I\{), metamolphicrocks of the CanadianShield GsolocrcAl SE"rrNG are intruded by na:row lamproite dykes. This adds an occurrence,in the Canadiannortheast, to the belt of The Proterozoicmetarnorphic rocks in southeastern ulfrapotassicrocks that extendsfrom Wyoming to west Baffin Island were derivedfrom igneousand sedimen- Greenland,a distance of over 4000 km (Hogarth & tary protoliths that have since been metamorphosed Peterson1996). to the upper amFhibolite or lower granulite facies (Blackadar The initial discovery was made n 1992, during a 1967, Jackson& Morgan 1978). Biotite- gneissespre- search for unrelated metamafic and meta-ultamafic orthopyroxene and biotite-hornblende rocks of Martin Frobisher's mines, which were tested dominate: biotite-almandine and biotite-sillimanite for gold four centuriesago (Hogarth et al. 1994).T\e gneisses are comparatively rare. At Napoleon Bay (Fig. DiscoveryDyke wasno ordinarydyke, nor an associate 2), weakly foliated, stark-white anorthositeis grey gneiss of local pre-orogenicbasic or ultrabasicroctrs, such as conformablewith dark biotite-hornblende gneisso' thoseofFrobisher's Countess ofSussex mine (Fig. 1). in three localities. Local "mafic includes heliminary testsshowed hornblende-plagioclase,diopside-plagioclase and the rock to be enrichedin K - - and Ti, depletedin Si and Ca, and clearly post-tectonic. diopside orthopyroxene plagioclaseassemblages. As a result of a haverse100 km NNW, along srike The areawas re-examined by the authorin 1994but, with metamorphicstrata at NapoleonBay, Scott (1996) xnce 1992, the Discovery Dyke exposure@; Fig. 2) concludedthat "lte rocks... may representthe north- had beencovered by a tongueoffrozen rubble. Further ward continuationof the ca. 1.9 Gametaplutonicrocks investigationrevealed several small satellite dykes on ofthe Torngatorogen [northern Labrador]". This ageis both sidesof the ice-filled valley, as well as six dykes consistentwith agesof high-grademetamoryhism and in four areasnearby (A, C, D, E; Fig. 2). Additional plutonism in southeasternBaffin Island (Hogarth & exposureswere found behind a reservoir of ice and Roddick 1989, Jacksonet aL L990, Hogarth et al. de},rj;s,2/zkm northwest(F; Fig. 2). Detailed minera- 1994).An episodeat ca. 1.5 Ga marks the final meta- logical study in Ottawaand Montreal followed. morphism of the region, although this event may NSIAND 'rPnX,trr, o \\ \-\,,\\ \ \(: $ d\ -'JFo lll \:, wAn/i/lcK -t t SOUND I i\l -F I l.l" til'I llli o**n*u650 ruffirHd 5 \ /-\'lRg"lDoF Hc. 1. Map locatingsites mentioned in text. LAMPROITE DYKES. BAFFIN ISLAND .-Trend F:-:-_-:-l Peat BiotiteGneiss r--------J t Felsenmeer, Maficgneiss LamproitedYke sand,gravel ,tt Anorthosite .( ,r' Foliation( vertical, inclined) Frc. 2. Geology,ultrapotassic dyke area,Napoleon Bay, Baffin Island. 56 TTIE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST oocooling representa age" [11 K-Ar determinationson METH0DS OFRFSEARCH metamafic and meta-ultramafic rocks reported by Hogarth et al. (1994)1. The pristine Baffin dykes, Polished thin sections for electron-microprobe l'240Ma old (T.D. Peterson;pers. comm.; K-Ar phlo- analyseswere made from the Baffin dykes,the beach gopite age), appear to have penetated a stabilized cobble of GreaterSumner Island. the two diatremeson cratonduring post-orogenicrelaxation. Kodlunarn Islan{ and country rocks. Minerals were At NapoleonBay, the prevalentsffike of the coun- analyzedwith a JEOL 733 electron microprobe and try-rock foliation is northerly (with numerousminor wavelength-dispersionspectrometry (WDS); it is fluctuations), the dip, 50-80'W, and the plunge, equippedwith Tracor Northem 55(F and 5600 auto- 40-50'W. Pronouncedjoint pattemsare NW- and W- mation and housedin the Mineral SciencssDivision of to WNW-frending. The E-W set tends to converge the CanadianMuseum
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