RESTRICTED Bayer Annual Report 2020 Five-Year Summary 2
Bayer-Geschäftsbericht 2018 A Zusammengefasster Lagebericht 1 Fehler! Kein Text mit angegebener Formatvorlage im Dokument. Annual Report RESTRICTED Bayer Annual Report 2020 Five-Year Summary 2 Five-Year Summary € million 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Bayer Group financial KPIs Sales 34,943 35,015 36,742 43,545 41,400 EBITDA1 8,801 8,563 9,695 9,529 (2,910) EBITDA before special items1 9,318 9,288 8,969 11,474 11,461 EBITDA margin before special items1 26.7% 26.5% 24.4% 26.3% 27.7% EBIT1 5,738 5,903 3,454 4,162 (16,169) EBIT before special items1 6,826 7,130 6,013 6,975 7,095 Income before income taxes 4,773 4,577 1,886 2,853 (17,250) Net income (from continuing and discontinued operations) 4,531 7,336 1,695 4,091 (10,495) Earnings per share (from continuing and discontinued operations) (€)1 5.44 8.29 1.80 4.17 (10.68) Core earnings per share (from continuing operations) (€)1 6.67 6.64 5.60 6.38 6.39 Free cash flow 5,806 5,202 4,652 4,214 1,343 Net financial debt 11,778 3,595 35,679 34,068 30,041 Capital expenditures (newly capitalized) 2,627 2,418 2,368 2,920 3,138 Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) (%) 10.3 10.8 4.0 3.7 – 16,5 Bayer AG Total dividend payment 2,233 2,402 2,611 2,751 1,965 Dividend per share (€) 2.70 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.00 Bayer Group nonfinancial KPIs2 Number of smallholder farmers in LMICs who have received support (million) – – – 42 45 Number of women in LMICs who have gained access to modern contraception (million) – – – 38 40 Number of people in underserved communities whose self-care needs have been supported by Bayer interventions
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