!"#$%&'$#&(#)')$ "*+$,'$-.'!"#+ Published by A Global Citizens Report on the State of GMOs Synthesis Report !"#$%&'$#&(#)')$ "*+$,'$-.'!"#+ !"#$%&'$"()*)+,-."/,0%1*" %-"*2,"3*'*,"%4"#56."7 8'$.,"91%:).,.;"8')$,<"=,>2-%$%?),. 3@-*2,.)."/,0%1* Coordinated by Vandana Shiva, Navdanya Debbie Barker, Centre for Food Safety Caroline Lockhart, Navdanya International Front page cartoon: Sergio Staino Layout, production and printing: SICREA srl, Florence Contact:
[email protected] Available for download at www.navdanyainternational.it www.navdanya.org Thanks go to all those who readily contributed in the realization of this report, particularly Sergio Staino, creator of the cover cartoon, Maurizio Izzo of Sicrea for production and Massimo Orlandi for press and communications. Thanks also go to Christina Stafford and interns Tara McNerney and Tanvi Gadhia of Center for Food Safety (CFS) and Sulakshana Fontana, Elena Bellini and Filippo Cimo of Navdanya International for their diligent coordination, editing and translation efforts. Final thanks also go to Giannozzo Pucci, Maria Grazia Mammuccini and Natale Bazzanti for their cooperation and assistance in realizing this report. This publication is printed on ecological paper SYMBOL FREELIFE SATIN ECF *$%/012/$-3435678$)690:4$ 07$4;6$+4246$0<$%&'8$=$ >2/86$(:0?3868@$>23/6A$!6B;70/0C368 Coordinated by Navdanya and Navdanya International, the International Commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture, with the participation of The Center for Food Safety (CFS) Contributing organizations: