The In ham G:ounty ~s 26, Ninctv·Scventh Year, No. Mason, Michigmn, Thur~dav, June 28, 1956 '• 4 Sections - 26 Pages ------~~------·------~-----r-·~------~------~ Fourth of July ~ Ritholz Awaits! Shortens Week I Ji'nurth of .Jttly, lll--Wr.rlnesilny, '!'he Ing· Road Workers hum <;:'ounty Nuws will publish Court Appeal TlwrsriHy Hs usual, Jnrt It will 13un,jumln Hlihol~. 57, Cllicng-o he necessary fol' ndvnrtlsnrs Costs $40,000 opllcinn r·r~rwktml of bribery, I~ unrl corrcsprmden\s . In have still fi'P.I! on $10,000 hllnrl awnltlng their copy Into 1\ie News nf· Inglwm cnunty's new $•10,000 rr ciJ·cult r:ourt rleciHinn on nn flee at least n rlny early. shop fl t tho marl r·runmlsslon na· uppeu\ fo1· a nnw trlnl. .Turlge That wuy, the JngiHim Counl,l' rage In Mnsnn will he comJllelep Philip H. Harl~r.\1 of Niles tool< Nt!ws staff can have o vrten· by next winter, ucconlln~ to lila HJlJlCiil unrlel' advisement nftcr lion, too, l•'rnnl< !~vans, cnunty hlghwny ()n· henrlng testimony for nenrly 4 glncer, Evans sulrl tho structtare, hmu·s In Mrtson TucHduy, holnr: hullt nlong the not·lh bollltd· ru·y \Inc of the eounty proJlel'ty BLOODHOUNDS will help track down criminals in Ingham rw lwlz WIIH r:onvl C'l erl Mny 17 county when Mr. 11nd Mrs. Phillip Millville of Mason train this pair. on the wesl side of the present in Mnson of paying rnnney to Big Wind Rips - gnrar:o, will hnu~c r•xpanrled sign, The Maivillos purc:h11sed the big dogs from John Hopkins, c:lvil mPmbei'S of l\w Mlclilgan optom· cnrponler nnrl matcrluls·testJng service workor at the state police post in East Laming. elry hoard of exumlners to huvc rlepH rt ment s, Mrs, Maiville has Dixie, 10 months old, on tl1e leash in tho them "wash out" rt cnmplnlnt Leslie and "Tiw new ilullrllng will give us picture while Maiville is wrestling with Bill, 11 3-year-old. hmughl ugnln~t Dr. Edwin L. a lot more r!llmw room," EVflllS Sanehlcl< of Lansing. Bloodhounds llre new to the Maivillcs. But the couplo is loarn· snlcl. "Aclunlly wr! won't be a~· in.g fast. For ono thing, the dogs can eat me11t faster than it can Judge Hndsell prcslclecl at tile rlln~ any new rlepm·tmcnls, wtJ'Jl be thrown to them. A can of dog food medt is worth only a lazy trial which slnrlcrl Mny 7. Stockbridge .lust ilc expanding some of the gulp. · prosunt ones," 'l'wo of rtl tholz':; n tl orneys, The dogs 11re friondly. They'll bo taught by the rowRrd system. Winds ripped trees and ullllty There Isn't nn.v gr~nPral COil· ,James Hng~erly anrl HaJTY wires Sunday mrmJing In Ing· traetoJ' for the ~rmslrur:tlon job. Actually, in service, thoy'll track down men bocuuso they'll bo look­ Cohen, hotJ1 of DeiJ"oll, laid the ham r·mmty along It 2·rnlle·wldc Roar\ commission Pmp\oycs are ing for 11 reward. Bloodhounds on tho hunt dren't mad at anyone. appeal heforc the judge. They stl'elcil hclwucn Leslie ancl Stock· rloln~ some of I he worl<. The rest Thriy're iust out llfter 11 food treat, Maivillc explains. pointed out that r:crlain testi· brirlgr.. No one was injured nor Is being hirer! as nrr.rlcrl, Evans t • Maivillc is 11 deputy sheriff. mony, which never should have were hulldings damngccl, but th~ cxplnlnerl. Lawrc1wc Barton, Ma· been permitted In the court, howqng wind and dcstroy.ed son hullrllng contractor, Is doh1g CIJUscd lrrcparahle preJudice to Sunday peace. the hlocl< worl<. Mason School Board Adds the jury, While ,fudge Hadsell In All phones were out of order in Roar] mmrnlsslnn employe!! his ehargc to Lila .Jury attempted Stoel\IJridge most of the after· have proJeets going In practically to explain the questionable test!· noon. Elcclrlclty was cut off in M X M C RN M Old b l l d every pari of lilP county this 5 More Teachers to Staff mony nnd told the Jury to dis· part of the villag-e. Limbs craekecl A c A , 11son smo i e de11 er, re:eive congrotulations from all quarters Sund

Mn11 MeCnm, Cllnlnn Willis nnrl School Districts W, V, l\nnnorl,v wcro )ott flfl' tile lrlp)e tn pnrr. Mnson's nlfnel!, niiJJillOilfl Will ROilrl hiH hays i!llll ll('· l11illol lmrnuije of ln~ttiTii!lenJ 1111rn· Meridian Passes MSU Helps illlllf!t' 1111 11 Pltlr• nf rlollhleH In :l'tlnnHgnln. llm• of ltnrnrm on pnllllnns, ll'iJIH 111 lho plrtln, Muson wns lwlti Mnsnn hnH ,1 11 .~1 o1w mnro wook Disc.uss Annexing Rc;gl.~ll!rerl vnter11 of lho cii,Y of tn li IJIIH 11111 lltov enmo Wltnn , • I• Speed Ordinance IJI'UIIP/1 :11iilr• HPc~rd HIHip mnn- In sltnrpr•n IIJl hrlote btnnp 1rtg MIIHonnnclthose rngl~lorerl votOJ'H Rural Pastor ngerl·l,; to lit;!· pll<'lwrs into i''llnl in 1111' riiH!l'IPI 1'11111 unrl Ctn·Jiec :·whool rlls- In Alnlrdon, Allt'l!lltt~. Deihl. Merlrllun IOWilHitlpls No. In ~el Mn~;111 Lr.~,lon n f • o •. tl'!· slngiPH lillll'llllllll'lll on .Jttl)' H nnrl !l, JIHII tril'r~ will lnlw llt!llon on ilnlwxn· Wheatfirlll nnrl Vovny whn rt!slde fnglwm lo puss u mnxlnturn Rlll'lll ·Lollrlernhlp :'i<'ltool will 11 1 Ol ~ HI I ' ·•' 1 YPIJI' litO IOUI'Ililllll!lll Will !Je itll]d In the Mnson sd1nol rllstr•lel are HJII!t!cl lnw. 'fhe rmllnr11wo will ho· be 111 Mleltlglln Rlnlt! lllliVm·sjly linn lo llw Mnsnrt rllstrir'l 111 ,fltly !l-2[) Wilt'll JII'OfeHHIJrH Will Pt·emonnil Wlu•nlr•t'lli(llill JliH'rciJ in Mnson will I lt!llltls I'~'IH'I!Rentlllfl ltllnllnl sdtonl mrrll ngs lllllit r•llt.:lhlc! lo c•nsl !heir· hnllors. enmn off[!eflve .Jnly 2fl, II WEts MaHon's 1111111'11 lli(lliJIRI Husintl (lf'Jli'SI'P illtri LlvlngslniJ I'OIIIltif!li, nrloplr!cl by lhe town lmnl'll nl the help l'lll'nl mlnlsii'I'H rluvnlop lntf Mumn fell ~hot'1. Bolh !til I wrrd\, ill'r'nt·rling to Supr>rlnlron· Wnrlc on Mnson's Hhnp lnilldlng WIIYH In !lll'Pilglhen I'UI'il) ei!l!l'l'h Is nn HC!hedule, ncenrrllng In Van· ,ftlltl' il meeting. lumw I'IIIJS wlrh lllPil on hust! 'Ill n· d · ·rir•111 Vnndr!l' Vr!n, nnrl commnnlly progt·nm~. lll'('fllllll '"'' nil or Mason's St'OI'• 1ear 5tar 15 emo e1 mg rim· Vnn. Grnngcw Brns., gennral 1 n I' 11 h r I rJ g lnwnshlp IHlii 1·• s e About lOD l'UI'II] dc•,·gymr•n Ponlt'iwlor, expects to hnve lite pnssl'ri n slmilnr nl'lllnnnce whldt lng, 1 H<.lh '1'<'111' or WPslf'l'll Auto hill! Holfr> sdtrllll rllstrlel hns r•nllr.rl from Mkhl!-(nn nnd lllilny ollwr n spPdnl nwntlng for Mnnclny bullcllng r.omplelerl lhe first pmt will lwcome of'feellve ,July 21, ' l'viiiHon now )Ills 11 yuulh lr!Hgrw j H)lll'IPrl to llx up lhP fomwr .Jnl~ ~lilies will enmil for· thr 2·wcuk nlt.(hl 111 H o'dod\ fol' 1111 lljtrll of Seplc!mlwr. The nnw lll'rllnnnr·es srwel fy n I•. COtll'SC!, I'(!I'[IJ"d or IIIli' vir~tory In :l Hllll'ls. Irrorsnn I·'"'"' Mlll'i(l'f Jiinl II Musnn Hdl!IO] lnlc!rl hy slnltJ,· r.ounty nr• munl· fot'lll the nqdeus fot· 1111' sprodnl IHinl'ri I'I'Jll'l'sr.nlnllvn will he on If IHiily sitters sir, It's lwrnnsl! dpnlllles. Tlte nrcllnalwes will faculty, helping with sud1 sull· ltnnri 111 ii!ISWC!r 1111y qllr.stlons on llwy'm renrllng the Ingham lwve no n ffeet nn r·onds where ,lects n~ psyclilutry, l1onw 111111 family living, 1111' l1111rl iiiHI II!> 111" JII'OJ!oserl nnnexnllon. Counly Last week Mt•s. lower rn tr.s of 1rnvel are requlrccl. Under 11w ordlnnnces, firemen and liSe, Chlll'l'il lllLIHJC, HJ!Pl'I'IJ :;ldiJ~; DRIVE-IN CHURCH Wlllinm MC!Iet' nclvnrtl~rrl In llw Mll.''flll's Hr'honl elrc·lor:; will go Wllnl nrl secllnn fot• u hnhy siiiPt', polir'emrn wltlln on iW1Ltnl clllty 1 111111 JHiilllc• J'c•lnllons. In tiH• polls Mnnrl11y, ,fllly 9, lo :'ilir rec•r.lvc!rl 17 replies! If you SERVICE AWARD lor tO yoar1 of do not hnve to hrerl llw spr•ed Holt Baptist Church pldl :! rlln•l'lors. SlnniPy IIolnws ~vtnl snme11llng nr wnnl tn gnl work with Soil Consorv•tion Service Is limit·. The llt'cllnnnces spPr•ify niHI Lylr 'l'ltnriau·n nr:· ~1111111n~ rlr; of.snmelhlng, try an Ingluim duo Molvln Stroud of tho lngh•m ASC, Evory Sunday, 7:30 p. m. through tho Summer f•11· 1'1'-~·lrl mnxlmum spr.r.rl lnglwm. nat•nr.s was elecl!!cl at .Twlglng of llvPslnr!k in nil· Soli Conservation Servlco at Gr.tnd laws are Lans-Ing, Wllllnmslon, lhe ~'late ennvenllon nf sheriff's In brcecls nnd elns~()H wlllt a sPpnmlr! Summar Sermon Sol'ies HovHn In 1946. Deihl, Aumllus, Ononclngu, LPH· r ' nt1 Humn WerlrwsrJnu nlghl. He show for• GuernsP.ys will be f'••a· "GI.OnAL EVENTS OF HISTORY PROPHECY" Jlc nncl BunJm1• I·IIll. All excrpl nncl Mrs. 13arnc>s lcfl S11nrlay unci lut•erJ events at lire• annllltl Dnr·y-1 At~D Lanslng lownsltlp have the hnsic retur·ned lo Mason Thltrsclay. lnnd plcnic·fnlr In Cru·snn Cit)' Pustor C. J~rnus Pasma Preacl1ing Ingham County News I fiO miles an ltol!r llmll. Lansing Sheriff RoiiPt'l Rllssr.ll of Gratiot pm·l< on Tltursclay, August IIi. / township sperlflc•s ':-!:1 milr.s an ('OIIIlly was clr.r•lr.rl liS preslrlr.m, 'fire hlg day-long event is [)'('[> ... Col ision lnj· ures hour. -·------· ----- to 1111! puhllc and sponsnrPcl Prwlt ------~ Volume 97, No. 26 1 .:~: S• us J2 7 The mmplete Merlcllnn town· • • I yenr hy Dnlrylanrl Coopc>r·ntlvP l'lll!l.l!iiiEil TIILJr.~DAY AFTERNOONS ll't THf! CITY OF ··x on - ship nrrllnnnee is 011 Page 3 In Road CommiSSIOil b·enmery Co. ;,f Carson City :illcl MASON, MICIIIGMI . !Section 3 of lhls issue. Greenvillr•. 11 will he lhP :JJ~t om ihe t:ulf!ff'd "" /lr.r.nnd elnHII· mntt~r nt JlOHlotllr.e, Mn11nn, Affohlann, under .Act Six people ended up in Sporrow s t H • D t cnnHecullve Dnirylanrl piPniP·falr. ol Murr.h II, JH79 hospltnl Tuesday nflernoon fnl- I h e s earmg a e The pmgrnm Oj)(!ns al !J::Jo a. lowing II r•olilsinn nt lhr. lnlersee· Schoo Lu·nc es m. with IIH! .lnclglng of ilwstCJ"''· tlon nf US·127 nnrl Harper rnnrl. Necessity for extending l~aHI Tlw GueJ'Ilsry Hltow r·uns t'OIH'LII'· sull~CRIPTION RATES ( Main sii'Cel in Lansing will he renlly nnci Is sponsor·ed by Mnnl· on .. Y""' In lnKhnm nnd lll•pluy advertf•lng rAt•• on •P· The enr driven hy Wnllet· ost $96 750 rlr.te1· :tl u hr.nrlng In he r:alm Counly Guernsey Brerr!PJ'S FUTURE udjnlulnuIPnuable rnunll•• In Allvance) ...... 2.Go fn~rr•llr.ntlon. nntlcf!lt Dn•ln•••on llrflt loculonnll local And IJftgeJ,reud· Thol'tle1 il'l'vnn nf Chicago i1y AmJ>nrs craslred S"nlOilH into ·. ; heir! Monday, .Tuiy .10 al lhr. Jng· nssol'intion. Rlhhons and •~a~h11' fj/1,' Y "/lr o'lrtnl hiris are cxpcC'Ic>d to hr. play. Thut·srlay nigltl Mason 111'111 Percr.nlage.wise Oakland crlllll· mlvet•tiserl in Ocloher, nccnnling State Record sltop fi·il on liH' In Pet Parade ry was first "in Inial meal anrl to the road engineer. clutch pilciting of Dkk WIH'C'it•r. Nearly 2DO youngslers pnrnclr.!l milk participation with Ingham Completion clalc> for the entire Mnnciny nigltl Haslcll l•clgr•ri Mn­ Probate Judge from lilt! Mason high scltool lo nnd Macomb counties tleci for pm,iecl is uncertain, he arlderl. He .son 7·6. Steele Street sdtool Wednesday second. Wayne was fourth. pninleci nul that deliveries on .Jim Pr·emo started for Mason aftemoon as part of lite summer The- federal government pays slntctural slecl for suclt fl build·' against. Stntc Record >'hop and ON NON.PARTISAN BALLOT recreation pl'Ogrnm. The eos· Gc towards each lunch and 3c lng project are running frnm 12 went all the way to lhr. last Inn· J~xprJ·imwrrl - Qnnlifirll tumecl youngsiC'rs pulled and tnwnrcis each half·pint of mill<. ln 1.8 months behind schedule., ing. With the .bases loatlcci and 2 pushed wagons carrying pols, ------....:...------,-----:------· ou-t Wheeler took over. He threw: Experienced- Conscientious- Qualified danced along lhe s1ree1 nne! rode dr.cornte!l hicyeles nnci lricyclcs Justice Court Actions ~i:~~~~h~u:J.alls anrl then strud~: as the summer recreation hanrll Roy W. Adams, Judice of Peace Duane Cl11rk conlributerl n * Fol'IIWJ' Assistant ami Chir•l' Assisln.nt ProsPCmting At· Jeri lhem . a day in jail and paid $15 on a J ert·y Heylwop, Sl Ltt'gis, exrr.s- drunk charge. He went before the sive noise, $.3. judge on Monday. · Jack Cline, Lmtsing, speeding, Rudolph Gill, Lansing, np· $8. pearcci Monday, paid $75 fine and Roherl Turner, Mason, speer!· cosls and was sentenced to jail ing, $5. for GO days after pleading guil1y Marion Ballin, Lansing, speed· to drunk driving, lng, $12 . .John H. Kelley of Webberville Helen Dudley, Mason, speecling, was tried for violation of the $8. Drug and financial responsibility law and Edwin Frisbie, Saginaw, speerl· was hound ovet· to circuit court, 1 ing, $10. Camera He is being held for $350 bond., Paul Struhsnka, Lansing, run· WARE'S Gaston St. Onge of Howell was ning slop sign, ~4.30. examined Tuesday on a charge of Hem·y Cad)•, Eaton Rapids, aggrnvatecl assault. He was re- speeding, $5. leaserl on $500 bond. .Tames Kenneth Lewis, Lansing, Harvey LaFollette of Hudson speeding, $10. pleacleci guilty Saturday to a Eugene Hayes, Saginaw, RpeerJ. Air Condilioning charge of re-ckless driving and lng, $5. was given a choice of $31 fine o~ Ronald CrnH, Mason; running 15 dayR in jnil. He went to jail. slop sign, $!5. Pilar Almazon of Mason was Richard Brown, Mason, no for tried wi1hout a jury Tuesday on trailer license, $2. the charge of dl'Ltnl< driving. He 1 Archie Bargy, Lansing, running was sentenced to jail for 5 days, reel light, oxp.irecl license, $5. placed on probation 6 months and Henry Scholten, Holland, speerl· Your Shopping Comfort ordered 1o pay $50 fine ami $50 ing, $10. Ghange to the COOL Side ••• costs. George Worth, Lansing, driving by Traffic violation· tickets re·. In unsafe manner, $5. in These Smart New Numbers! light·OS·a·feather fabrics ·(including many open·weaves and sheers!, short sleeves, softly rolled collors , , . all odd up a world Al.iRTEMP of cool comfort for you , , . come h(lcf end high humidilyl Division of Chrysler

Choose from o wide array or col· ors, patterns and collar styles • .'. );:;~ maoy reflecting the new "C:ontinen· Sold and Installed _\·'£-L, tc:l influence," ·by: Hager-Fq)(

·/' . ·', ·n· .. ' ' ' . . ·.•·.·.•··· ... QVl"S Stcire··:~ Men~ .: ...: ' ' :. 0 • ts·• • •• ' • ~ • ; ' I : • : ' ' • ' • .' • ' ' '.~ cis T.eo wel'O Mt•, nnrl Mrs. TToph· 1cm1ple visiter] with Pt'. Cn)•l Mo· unci. Monrlny Miss Wnt'J'ntl J,.ft. • t V W n Ken Rice Wins Contests 1'01'""', I\ennoth n!cn of Vuntown WC111 rwr• nnd Dnvlll nr Wulrlrr111 ltflrll KontHI r11' C'olttmlllf:;, · Ohio, nn· will I lifeH'II Allllll vny townshl11, won tho host opomlor nwrml lrt dullY vnc•rtllnn Blhlo Hl'hnnl Ins! MisH. S~lf, \VII IlLII. ~~r Ml.nrnl, 1.l,m· H,on r~f ~I'll lief Lmlg!! hurl rllllllt!l' Dlr1mnncl,l:l!l. 'l'hnugll slw sttfl'enJrl Pnllhr.nt·m·s Ill'(! Milo Sherwood, 1D55 rmcl lflfiG nncl won thrJ bast W!lf'll ut nolihllls M!!lhfllllsl lcl11, <~lsr1 vlsltnrl Jrlnncls unrl rr.lre· Sultnflu~ nlglll nt thi! WC!Hiflll Lansing Show Boat tnwnshlp, 1 he rlnughleJ· of Plrllo Mnse111 firemen answer·cel nn Questions and Answers on .'iUildllY llfWI'IlfiCIII. unci !Tt•IC!n !Iifolls Dunsmorr., unci nlnn~ 111 the Wll,llnm Pr.cl1 hnme I Mr. unci MI'H, Collins I-Tunting· us 11 glrlultPIHic!d llownrrl sehool. Dll blrn street Sunrlny for·enoon I "Queeu of llw Gra11tl" trm nnrl grnnrlrlanghler·s Mp~ Vespa meeting In the German city,· 'J 1 Ill~ IHWWNm Sll.VIG!t LAI\Jr:S '1'1~10 f~J·Irltl)' nt. the 1-Inllowny hnmu 11fl· Stn·vivlng lll'shles lilf' son GPI'· Mr. nnd Mt·s. 'l'htu·man I lul~y i (Cirws ltumun J~in~ Slar·s) er a sl"lncl E. Hoime•s a tlenderl l'lllil!i Gt\III'IWH lluht\1' Slwp, :1117 E. fii'II!Ut Hiwr·; Custudlun lor In Lansing, where they re· worl1ers, employers and self-em· Mr. and Mrs. Geor't.W Painter \Vf'l'l' tlw 7:ilh invocntlon of the Chtil'dl sided. Mr. Taylor died In 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey 'J'oolwr, Mr·. Vr~li'I'IIIIS Hl!l'i)uu, Civil' Vt!lltPr; 1111d olll~'l!l!l\ Ot'l'lc•c•, Cil'l" played lndlvldunls. Its purpose is of God 111 Anderson, Inrllunu, cllll'· Ct~UIPI', September 21, 1911, she ·mar· to provide a basic security In· and Mr·s. Eugene Allen and F'rnn· lng tl1c past wecl' !!nd. While 111 cis of Dimondale ancl George Bul· Fltlm 1'1\IU\INfi Ingham Farmer rled Dr·. John ll. Walls In Tucson, come during retirement y(!~rs or Anderson lw met Rev. Jcss1• Arizona, where she worlwd as 11 for the surviving clepunclcnts of a len. Nichols of 1-Jutchlnson, 1\nnsas. Cu·Srumsrll'l'd h,v I he\ ))Jsuhled Amr•r·ll·un Vr•lr•ruus Chuptr•J• Nu. H r·ecoptlonist in 11 hospital. She deceased hrend·wlnner. Guests Stmrlay for rllnnm· :11 who is a fnrmer friunrl from Jo'Drl ,Junirn· <:Juunht•l' ut' Cummi'I'C'I' nf (JJ•e•utl'l' Lnnslug- Dies Suddenly also was head of n drapery 'shop the lwmu of Mr. and Mrs. F'rnn· Knox, Krmturlly. On Sunday tht! In Los Angeles nncl at one time Q-In 1955 I tool< In $l.!i70.30 A Jife.Jong rw;lelf'lll of lhe Ma· worked In n postofflce for her on , my farm. My net wns Dilly son nnrl Aurelius area, William fnl her. Dr. Walls' preceded his $250 and I did not file nn account N. llPJTid;, G,l, rllerl sucldf'nly wlfP. in death. She joined the Ma· tux report. Do I have to file sur.h Mondny al SplliTOW hospital, Lan· son 13apllst church in 1883. a report? And do I have to pny sing. the social security tnx? Survivors include a sistel', He was horn in AIII'PIIus town· Mrs. John Allan, Likely, Br•ltish A-According to the regula· ship Ill .Jolm lltlri .Jnrw Weldon Cnlumbin, Cannel a; nml half sis· tions of the Internal Hovrmue , Hr!JTIC'I< nnrl attendrrl se/woljn ters, Mrs. Nell Hlnlnlntt n g1·nve to ~35, the Hexton to daughter·ln·law, Mr. and Mrs. Or· Brool. OClfll I Cnrolyn onrl 13Hrhnnl, at Onred beans, Ir~land, Mrs. Forrest Fr·y, Mar·J hl'oliii'I''S lJPSI lll:fll ilfJr) !-:11\'SIS vln Ott, Laverne 'Gibbs, Mrs.l [Hirwh and Mi~s Nancy Thorburn relishes, calws, icc cream, iced Our II'CI'f' IIS)lf'l'l'I'll'S IJy sr•rvc•ri individual hlocl;s of ic:c tea and coffee. Robert Tuylor and James Cou·j SIC'Wart 1\lls. Miss Kay Kreiner pr·e· The brid!! was honored recemly • " "' I siril'd 111 the E!Uest register. by 2 pre-nuptial showe1·s. Mrs. fil'f!!'iS \Vi!J1 \V!Jilt! /I('I'PS~Ill'it•:-; fol' Fill' tlll'il' honeymoon in north· New Arrivals 1 . her ilauglili'l''s WPcirii11g. 'I'IH• Vcrlyn Wood of Holt was hostess <•rnlVIichigan, the new Mrs. Spur· at a miscellaneous shower May Mr. and Mrs. Gale Bradshaw of hridr•groom'~ lllrllil<'r r·IJIISI' :Ill gr sr"ill'Ill~lllillliC'ri for lilt•, 1'1'· ;:,r:ulllale and Mrs. edged rn go_ld wrt11 grit-touched was born to Mr. and Mrs. "Albert ·llteir c•ongratnliltions to 1\lr. nnci Waiter Carven. baby mums 111 the crmtcr of ~ach Baclms .0 f Williamston at· Mason bell. Tiny yellow mums and glided General hospital Saturday· June ':1111's ..leWI'It on 1111' mcmnrilhlt! Tile eoupie spoke their vows mulberry surToundecl th_e base of 23. ' · ... nccnsinn. Gur•,·rs aiJI'IHic•f) frnm .lunc 20, 1!l0fi, in the home In "Grand Hlalll', (;rail< I ll;Lpirl:;, Lnw- whir-l! they now live at 1319 South the cal~c. Gold !!Undies rn crystal Mr. and Mrs. Bill .Hubbard." of holders were also used .. Yellow Dansville are parents .of a ·daugh· -:ton, Lakt•\•ic•\1', ltn\'al Oak. L;lll· .fc•ll't'l'"'on 'and where tliey lmve .. sing, Fr•1·nrlall', S:J;.:inaw, 1-:;Jsl spPnt all but 3 months of their· Golden Rapture r ·Dabs· Photos- . wore a' corsage of pink. roses. · .· ... :.a3~ so~th .illr~~~, <: ··. 'D~~,~:& Camera Ellis . Foss ,was best: man. . Phone ·M.uon OR· 7-4391 •• :_ ~ : .' l. ', •• ', • • • • • • • :, After .. a·' ;,honeymoon'.: tluough : . ..·• •., :''::·;'·:·,: ..··~~[:: '>: :. ;-./ .. ;--·.: )·._": ··::··· '.. ':'·' Tokyci , , Bangkok , . Hawaii . . · · . j a lamb curry, (see ,Jim's reclp~ Baptists. Willllo~lo_r It odds Dine elsewhere on tnls pagol potntn Glottas Ulllncl, :>hrlmp ~ulnd, bnl1ed bonn~, At AllJJJVersary Duuzer Iced vegolflbics, rolls, len, coffee Teacher Travels Widely in Orient ., Kiwanis Club ~nrl Icc creum, Showors anrl high wlnrts let up long qnnngh clurlng nov, !111il Mrs, Plnrence Hodel' M I he Hllvor flflllivnrsar,Y C'C!IC!hl'll· M1•, nnrl MrH, .lim Glotln ur tho ovcmlng fnr tllll rlluner tn hu 11 At llfllllP In DllllHVIIIP .lwtwcr.n trip lnol< 7 hlllii'H nnrl the !nrc/ for fires, 'l'ho filthy wnlor Is uHorl will he honoJ•erl nt fnmlly ntghll lion 'l'hln'srtuy ovonlng. AnollHlJ' Allr<'llus lived II(! In oxpoctntlnn~ 11 Httcr;ess, A prngrnm hnrl boon n~slgnmt>JJin In IJHI I•'nr f~nsl nnrll wnH *10, Hl!mncl dn~s. for nll purposes, from dr·lnlc! Mrs. Horlri'H 'l'ur:ii(lny nlgltl when llli!Y ~orvecl plnnnnrl, ilnt WIIH ennc•clerl hr.enusc T!:lll'OJin Is Miss l~llzniH'th Pollol1, 'l'l'Hill trnvol Is lnc"pnnslvo,l unci pcr·sonril hnlhlng lo lnundry in ohservnnae· nf' lhPir 2fith wort-· mother, Mrs, Nulllc Vn1we of lllf tho Ilnor· wcnllwr·. rlnughtr•J' of 1\!r, nnrl MI'H, Arthur ovon llrllt class, In Amcl'lcnn nnd as n rlurnp for wn:;tl!, On lnnrl l ding nnnlversnJ'Y• The party will' •rcmpomnco. llllOihlll' SllmjllliOliH fen~! to mnrn '1'1 • ' ' . '. 'I 'r. 'J I I j J I )(. Ill !lllll \VolH SLI VI.C C!ol L• Polin!;, 'l'hn young clenu~ntnry money, Fnr 11 third r:Jnss tlclcct,l people truvelcrl In porllcnrs, hi· (nile plncc hi Mnson Baptist uhn 11 t 10 ,l'l!nrs ngfl Mr. limn lOll h. wnn 1111~ nnr t Hll' tnl'ln styli• fl'ntn tnhlos lnarlr!rl tr.nchr.l' Is c!mplnyt!d hy the U, S. pnsscngers stnnrl up, or tr~· to, on cycles with curls nllachcd, churc:h, . nml Mrs. rtnrlrl livl'rl In 'I'C!IllPnt'· Inmllics 1111 the Glnllu lnwn, with fond. Lo11g tnlllns were set gnvcrnnwnt In Air F'n1•ec Dcpnnrl· the lurching tmins, Many eomc llffH'IIImnl~>~ Will lllll'lfllln Ml~a Helen Vflnce ltnd Clnren~;o nnee, whore Mr, Hnclcl npl!l'Uii'd n 'J'ho dln11er ln!!ludcd ~llcccl hnm, up ill 1hc spndnus hncltynrd. . nnl sc·honln. nhonrtl emTylng lniHis, unci JcccJl· As in many f;pnnlsh·spenlcl as 11 trneh· first elnss hcrlhs ware nke, hut money, Bccnusn slw bnught. snv· al First Baptist church. The son lhc Rodcls ,1crvcrl 11 JlilslorniP Lee &. The Mello-Tones r 1• In !Ill! Air Jo'nrc· 11 f)ppf!llrlf'nt short fnr Amerlerms. .Jupnneso crul othm· Items of hl'Dnzcwcnr mlnistcl' will be! n special guest nt Hoii!IJ. Hc!hool S\'HI!'In in fo'ralwo rnr nrxl I ruins have dining cur·s, .l11st ns /nnrl.lcwclry, thn merchant "threw '!'heir 2 C'hllrh·c•u, l!oy nnrl VII'· , ycm·, 111ir1 will sllll'l llll!rllc-;11 nnd Amerlc!nn ones do. In" 11 pnlr of tiny stm· sapphires, rtlnln, nnrl their claugh lr~r-in·lltW, Mnrli•rn :- SrJIIlll'll- SdwUiseh - l'Y tl 1c 1\ 1ng nnr 1 CJUcr.n. llw Hoover f!Oilllllisslon In Wash· Don Lehman will be Installed 1 llwlr own lnhh• ~I!I'VIC'e. !'ltlflfll'l' . stuy t Iwrc many o f II 1e group l'rt w peo11 Ic wcrc fl(C• nr lly "nnrl lnglilfl, SfJCl!\C lo members Clf the as new Junior Cltnmber of Com· n:so • 1:an Lrnvlng Lan.~lng on Aut.:tlsl H looi, sltlt! trips to Mt. Fu,liyamn, though they spolw lillie English, Drnp fo'nrglng association oi merce president In eeremonles at will he 111 !i::JO. The sncinl eom­ last Sllllllm•r, Miss Pollok tl'llvclcrll volcnnlc mountain liO miles west I wem willing to lenrn. Amct·lcn at !lot Springs, VIrginia, St. Jamr.s pnriHh hall Monday mlltcc is in ehargc, wllll Ml's. to Smrii~P h,l'. C'flll:'lll~!l:dal plan~ nf Tokyo, nnrl to Knmngum Iller lnst mn.lor excurslrrn was 'l'llesrla.v. Llnrlcmm·, Stod;bridgc night. He succeeds· Bill' Carl. Hnwrll'CI Cny ns r·IHLirman. Other nnrl sill It d on ,, nuJit,IJ Y ship fo1 whr.rf' lhf' lnrgcst Burldhu shrine over gastm• var•ntlon, when slw nncl Lan~lng lawyer, wol'lwrl with commltii!C! mr.miH!I'H nre Mrs , American Legion Building ,Japun. Slw HITlVPd nl 1\llsmvn. on In the C!OIIntr·y Is locntcrl. vlsitr.rl Kyoto Osnl\il and Nara tlwlloovcr mmmlssinn 20 months Mnin spi:!al\or nt the annual Rnlph Hnll, Mrs. Lwlnll Clif'llf'y. August 2;-i and seh tlfll lleg1111 Sr.p· , , I ' . ' nnrl w:1s 11 stwelill 11 s~lstanl to banquet and · lnslnllution cere· Mrs. Basil l~ruln, M1•s. HldHP'd 7:ic tcrnhr.r 12. 'I'I'IIIISJlnl'lntlnn for ChrisfmllS 11'11' to Unng-lwll I the nrst cnpilnl. of ,Jnpan. l~ornwr President llerhcn Hoov· monies will hi! Paul Bn~well or Chapman :111rl Mrs. Olive Brown. lf'llf'IH'rs Is fu>·nlshc•d, fmm home Tlw mnsl c"tenslvc nnrl thrill· Miss Polloi> rr~urned to tile U. 01. for 2 months. Mrs. Llnrlemar Michigan State. unlver~ity. He Is Mr·s. L.vmnn F'l'c•shnur Is In In the teachlllg ns;;lgnmenl. In,:: .intlnl of all, Miss Polloi< says, S. by plane, l\Iihtary Air Trans- IH:eomp;llliPrl her llllnhand the a former state president of the 011 chargc nf IIH' Pl'ogrnm nflr.r llw r·nmr. rl111·ing the Clll'istmns vacn· port Service lfl San F'ranclseo anrl trip. Junior Chamber of Commerce. dinner. Speeinl muslr· will lw 'J'wc~nl I'·OIIf' ll'll<' slafft•d t Inn, when a small group went by hy comrncrclnl pi nne to Lansing. Llnrlmm•r dis,. s s n r! "You William Kut.chey, newly clactcrl ""'. f;lf'nil,l' ."!" Iii!• ~llsnwa school, plane lo llong Kong ami Ban~· She Wlliled In Tol\yo several days Stal;e ill IIH• \Vorl{ 11 of' Ihe IlorJVCJ1 slate president will be tho In· sung !Jy 11 mnle quartet c~nm-~ whwh lind .Jr.,, flllplls. Brrmtse of l'ok, cnrltnl of 'l'hnilnnrl, former· after lll'l'lvlng fr·om Mlsmva hr.· · · " stalling officer, Bud Groll will be posml of Normun Lyon.~. llny lllf! Pnrly rc>llrf'lllf'lll ngr. for air tv f{nmvn ns Slam. Hon,:: Kong, fore gctlin,:: n flight out, Aftr.r Commlsstoll. master of ceremonleH, fimlrl, lllchnrrl Wt~orllnnrl nntl .. fnrc'(' tllf'll, llHJs! nr lhn c•h!l,dren 1he Hhnpper's pnracllsc, is n lll'i· Jancling at Hickam Field, liH\vnil, --·---- offlccrl::l to be Ins lulled Jolrn Coy. Ml's, Gr!orgr! J\lnri!JIIIll Pre-Holiday 1 OtiH~J· will sing n solo . wr>m or r.IPmrntnry age. 111hr!rc list• crown eolony, an lslnnd 11 she hnd a day and a half of Exlensiou Clubs alon,:: with Lehman arc Howard Wr>rc! 2 P!'nrhlnlrs from the ;h miles Iongo slflinlcrl Ill thc mouth slghts·r.elng In Hawaii before st 1 ft t vi p esi 1 t' Bob ~lr. illlfl Mrs. NelsrHI Hrown st!110ol1 ll11s sprln,::, however. l•,x· of the Canton river, The port, boar·rling another plane for Tmvls • Huuuy Slulflr•rs :Sislm·s * ·B ~r·1'' rs. ' c:J' r ic~-pe~e~ident· nnrl M11rgarct nncl VaiPriP llmw1· ''!fll for llu• lnr·l{ nr sllpplemen- lmnwn ns the gatewny between air force lmse, Callfnrnla. She Ml·s. Mj•rllt! By•·um opnnerl her 1 c c Jer, sccon · v · Ra·· arc oxpr.eled hmne 1~1·lrlny or Sat lnl'.l' mntr•rlal whJcoh elemcntnry the Enst nnd Wcsl. is ,lust out· nrrlvecl at the Lansing airport homo to llw Sunny Sis .Paul Cllle~, s~crc~ry~ a ~~ urrlay from lheir Wlf'nfion a' ~~~~ lf'ndH"'S hrr" <'1111 obtain from In· side Communist Chinn. lnst Sat.urclny at noon. ters exlcnsion group Thursday Snider, trca urer, nn D W y flf!ftver· Island and northern Mich· clnstrial puhllr·allons, mngnzl.nPs B ,. f It· I .. II l tile nJJ" A grnduatc of Dansville Agrl· even In~. Mrs. Harold Maim· rc- ~van~ and Robert Cone, state dl· l 0 II ' '"ll\' 'IC'C"S"Ii)le ec,JliRe O S OCd of lhe Orwntnl camera-shy, she reported, and is in Grnnd Rapids competing In Whenlfielrl Glmmr.n; will havf' Mix flour and butter together on top of stove and add style! n_r l'lloklng rlec, which won't he cnptured on film If they the Blyeficld invltalional golf their· an;; picnic Sunday, July ;lock:·(meat ~r'chiC:ken) for desired thickness, 'j AAA lo B Widths makes 11 f'XIremely light and I can help il. tournament. 1.. nt 1 ::JO p. en. at Rayne1· pari;, Then add: nlltTy. a_nrl exprcssr!cl It taste for Miss Pollok's most exciting pur- Phyllis Leyrer has joined thr, Mason. Tilosc iillendin~ are tr sul~;l,l'lc HCI'Vlcc: sand I tables·poon of good Curry Powder. On WPek (!nd~ anrl lwllrlays lhn of the best cashmere, which she County News for the summer. WJChes, beverage nnrl a cl>~h tr 1 Touch of Garlic. tcaehrr.< ofll'rt lravrletl the !5 Is· hnrl tailororl for only $60. Hera She Is a journalism s.tudent al PIIHS: :c.·r! erc~'m.wlll ~w ft~rmsh.ecl_l Juice of 'h Lemon. lfliHIR of .Japnn rJn sig!JI-seeing 1t would eost at least $200, Serv- Michigan State university. In co~sc or slnl m, lila g,rtlwrmr tours. Til!• first (!,xeursion for kc is extremely fast, she said. · , . . 1wlll be :rt lhe Gleaner hnll. Salt Miss Polloi' was a I rip by air I She chose \he fabric and pattern, Ball-Dunn s grand ope~tng WI 11 ; Prisci !Ia cirdc mel l\-londay fl! Pepper · from Mis:nvn lo S:rrmnm, city and was meas11red soon after· ar- ':un .through Saturday mght.. Ac: 16:30 at llusscll par!~;, Leslie. The If dclirecl, add pre-cooked small onions and carrots. . farthest nnrtli on llokkaicln, .Ta· rivnl in Hon,:: Kong. The party cn_rctu~g to Glen Dunn there Is business mceling was concluclcd 11 1. pan's lnrm r.~l islanrl. Frnm there went 011 to Banglwl,, nnd when sltll t1mc to r·eglster for the Sat· later 111 I he llfimc of Mrs. Olto Mix nfl·'ing_redients together and simmer for a few minufcs, on a cle:n· ria~· the chang-e of they returned 4 days later the urday night awardl~g of prizes, Fancher. Nine members und one _. ·... •._: __..;_....;.;;..;_ ___..:.:,. ______gunrrl e1111 lw seen Heross the wn· coal was done. Bob Coon of Mlcllcl!;on·Bakcr guest were present. · ter m1 Russian lcrl'itory. "Fabulous anrl fascinAting" lumber company left Tuesday MAI~N, MICHIGAN Armi~lier Oay the young tcm·h· were adjectives Miss Polloi< used morning with ·his famil:.: I?1' 11 · DELEr;AT8s AT- ALBTON Ingham County News June 28, 1956 I e>· and 1r:• r·nmpan1ons· lravc1 r.c 1 •Ill l 1roscr lb'mg tl 1e Th n11 an d cap·1 trip through northern MIChigan.· Mrllwtlisl· · Wflm£'11 delegates to ~oulh by train to Scndai anrl the tal. Since mnny of the residents , the insl ilulc at Albion J;:st wee!' .ramnt1.s' resort outside Scnclai, live In river boats there arc float· GOLF WOMEN MEET l\-!atsushirnn. Tmvcl is by hours ing mari>efs and peddlers rowed M rs. H aro ld •s co. ft e Jd was tlJc wereton Cain, Mrs. Mr~Ahc FmnkCohn, 1\li's,Nelhaway Clay- rather tlwn miles in .Japan, she in and out among the boat winner nt golf durtng ladles day nnrl Mrs. LawrcncC' Barton. Mrs. reported, and trains arc always dwellings, lutwlling their wares. IWednesclay when Mason Women s Raymond Norton is secretat·y of «'Xaclly on time CV Mrs. earn's brother·, Martin_ L. town was in Mason last we ell end Wood, who died Tuesday evening. to at.te11d her clflss reunion, and 111 "' Ill visited :Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dromedary Honey Like l"ont b~er 'f 'fl'Y Kruum ICinK IlL Bntvr.nclcr· and Mr. and Mrs. S. ~hpr,fil,e ~hol-tning PUT THEIR liOI Ensl Atih, MnHun. ~llwl D. Mcnovsko. •n Spice Cake Mix 3 lb can 79 ( s·wiftning 19-0l. Pkg. 3 69c HEALTH IN Mason Methodist Circles For SAFE HANDS Have Picnic Gatherings Nabisco Kraft Pk9 Mason Methodist church cir· membership, !\'Irs. Nellis Bate· Waverly Wafers 27 ( Orange Drink 46-0z. Can 31c 'cies elected and lnstulled officers man; secretary of literature, 4 Registered at picnics and luncheon meetings Mrs. Chellis Hall; hosj>ltality, IJn various locations • this wee!<. Mrs. Wallace Bailey; and flowers 1 Ruth circle met at Rayner pnrk and gifts, Mrs. F'mncis Fenslw. Tuesdny with 10 present. The _ Rachel was the name selected Pharmacists new chalrmun, Mrs. Donald Erl· for the circle MEATS fngton, conducted the business which met nt. the home of Mrs. meeting and Mrs. Russell Rnb·r' Forrest ~mith Weclnesday for a To Serve You bins hiul charge of the candle· one o'eloek picnic dinner. Qffi. Barbecued Ught Installation ceremony. 1 cers lll'c: Chairman, Mrs. Hugh Spare Ribs \FreshmDress.ed Fryers . , •Silsby; vice-chairman, Mrs. Len- I Deborah Circle members gath- nagenc Swearingen, secretary erect· at the home of Mrs. Frani< Mrs. Glen Coon; an'ct treasurer: LB 69c LB Nethaway ·for 11 potlucll Plcntc Florence Miller. Mrs. Betty Law· ·' ' 39c .. · dinner Wednesday. Highlights of ton Jed clevotlonals. During the I the A~blon Institute were given business meeting, presided over by M1s. Net!tnwny, Mrs. .Abe by Mrs. Silsby, the group talked Cohn nn,d Mrs. Lawrence Bm~on. about the fali hmmar. They will Eckrich Hot Dogs After mstallatlon ceremomes, not hflve another meeting until Mrs. Arthur Cole . conducted a September ' pledge service. ' · ; 1-LB PACKAGE 49C '. " ' ===~~~====~== .. Raid" Bug Open Till I 0 p. m. Daily .Velveetcl . '. Head Lett.uce Killer For Emergencies and After Hours Call ·-~h·eese I Sweet Corn . 2 For 45c Far House ~nd Garden .2:. LbLo~l · '79c Luge Silc . . ' . . ~- -' '.: ... 6 For 49c OR 7·0861 OR 7·8801 $1.29 Con ' ' OR 7·176l OR 7-8811 We·· :Deliver ·Phone. OR 7-7151 We· Del'iver . Day or .Night ' . . SHOP IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT

. \ ~ ·, ' ' : ,'. ~ ,:GEORGE'S '•' ·~ • • MARKET• ~r' MASON. MICHIGAN \ . > 424<5~ ·:Jefferso~. ·~ .. . . ' --·------TWO-UNT'J' CllOJm BOY mlllwJ•, !'fllnpletc with pump nncl pipe· Iline; 1il·gnllon electJ•ic water Hay-Grain-Feed 1 hratrJ•; milk cnn melt; 1<1 millt 1!1111!;, Allen Frcdcrl,•l(, I% miles ------snulh nf MnHon rm US-127, phone I AM DEALE:R fn1· tlleddcy'.~ Phone OR 71M9011 MnHOil OR 7·0111. 2Bw1 Genetic Giant Jlyhrirl seed eor·n. The largesl Hybrid yet rlr.vclopell. HOME IMPROVEMENT You rnn plant this Prn·n 11 little lhlnner and sllll gel u larger• Farmers ylelrl. W. I1. Dudley nt Doble lnlte. 20wlf For Ad Action Own lhr fiJJeHI of Comhlnes ------OLIVEft Loans KASCO, WJHTHMORE and llow- No monr>v rlown-,Jus1 ynru· enn feeds; Nct1h1111sr.r baby . 11'nrlP·In chlclts, clucltllng~ and goslings; for e Wt~tlut!stl:l~' aHernoon e Olassifard clispluy nrls Up In 4 ~'f'ni'S to pny fertilizer nnd lawn sr.crl; wn!Pt' tlt•atllinn on t!hasRifit~d.'i R4c Jll'r Jneh SP!f propl'llr•d -- Pull type snftener salt. Tomlinson':-; Phil· T!CHMS - TP.RMS -- TERMS lips 60 Scrvlee and Fr!rrl Slore, e 40 wm·tls I'm· filii!- t\d. • 01w nl' l\[Jnhigan's lnrp;­ Holt, pl1onc Hall OX ·t·2881. Growing· dil lonul Wlll'lls 1e each . t•st rurol wont ud Sl'e­ Francis Platt JOwtf ------_, Hons ___ __ Dru• mllr! nn1·t h n f Mason on PIONgER I-IT-BRED ser.rl com US-"t27 For quality nnrl p!!t'foJ•mnrwC' Families Phone OR 7·!i!l7l yenr nftr!r yenr·, plant !lr.llr.ndable, 2:Jw1 high-yielding Pioneer hyhrlrls. -~------·------· Vnrir.tles to fit your specific r·on· I TUDJNG HORSE, IJeautlful lllnclt· 7' MOWEH, pnwm· lrtlteoff, for dltlons. Avnilnble now, Curtis B. • Livestock 1 mnre, 10 years old, well·trnlnerl, Farm Fnrrnnll trndnr·, Strpm· A; port· Wright, 3220 Wright !'Oar], Haute gent II'. One hay filly, .1 yenrs old, E . ahiP ling hr111sr Rxl!l; fi steel Htnn· 2, Leslie, phone Leslie .HJ !l·23:J.J. ------·---- not hmken, sire Stormscud; qutpment drlons. l~rhwll'll Kirltcr·, fi24~ Wil· Dealer for sotlth half of Inglrnm REGISTERED llnlstf!ln hull, MJJ. grandslre 1-lar!ltndt; grent·grnnd· lmrghhy rood a I 1he ('Ol'ncr· of county, 15wtr som Sylvln Lad, 2 yrnJ's old, sire Mnn 0' War, ve1·y good con· , Nl~W EQUIPMP.NT s BALEH--Nr.w Hnllnnrl 77. Will rio Dansville, r'OI'nr•J' Wlllinmslon nnd 2-.'l!l71i. 26w1j J WE:ANLING PIGS am1 2 Bl ne'1 _ FinestM·M In Jo'arm;uul OiiverMachinery fiA YMAKI':R. user!, model 307, ------·-·------· Member of F. D. I. C. romple1ely rr.lruilt. Milll'r Farm, Mason, Michigan ------·-- Angus bulls, one I'Cglstererl nncl I) mile north of i\lnson on US-127 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS- A num· the othr.r eligible. Ronald F. Phone OH.·7-fi971 her of millting anrl pre-freshen· Wesl, 1<184 Soull1 Clark road, Gwt Home and Garden Supply, M~~~~~ Anhydrous T-IAY--20 ar·res or sianding .June Ingham County News dover Jw;·. Pr·J,·erl :wcnrding to June 28, 1956 lng Holstein lwifers. Cull Dr. plwne_?an~v~-l~e -~~ !l·241i9. 26\\'~ ·---··-----·2 ______---·----- ___ .. ___ ------,-- _ Ammon ,·a Page 6 George Clinton, Mason OR 71811 PLOW, 2-botlom, H-inch, like CAS!~ C0l'•IBINE - With piclwp quality of Ira~· made. -M. 1-1. Lyon, OLDS-1!JSO, 98, h,vrl.ramali<', turn Lns]'Je ,JU 9·2106. l5wtf REGISTERED ANGUS BULLS II Ci T attaehnwnt. Ne:~rly new. Rollie Nitrogen t228 1vc~; marl. Phone Mason OR ::;ignnls, radio, good white ;;ir.II'- or· ' ..... ______------~ and cows, $150·$500. Purebred new, on I'll 1 lrr. - wnp. 'nmes Spcer, 7G8 W. 1-Imvell road, Ma· 7-7364. 2liwl wall lires. F.:ngilw and hody in CALVES - Regisl~rrrl Holstein 1-H club Janey steer nncl heifer RifP., Laxton I'Oad, Rottle 1 • M~· son, 2fiw1 ver~· good L'OtHlil"ion. Good buy helfer calves. Suitahlc fm· eu~1. and gardensa e. 1r•actoJ'so '" amiI. · S'td!llea ' •tnri ' · ·small flats ' $7· ' medium round. Evans, :1002 Silts marT, Mason, Big savings. nncl loaded with extrns. 2-tone young roosters. 1:ill!l La mil l'Oatl, Jcmnklin, 3175 Sitts road, phonr. I% mile south of Dansville. 25w2p '. ' · ' 4 ·'0 · ' . $7. Clare or Don Lnunslein, 334 7 7 1 2 £1 1 FORD-1955 Tudor, Fnirlane blue. $1,4flfi.Oil. Mason, phonr Mason OH 7.. 1913. Mason OH 7·8941. 2Gwtf ------ill'lclle. Cnn he ser.n0 at ~ ,OI_R_ -n D_: ____ . ___ ..... ~ ~'- _!J Irim. Radio, hen 1cr nml ;;peciol 1 fl:i5 PLYMOUTH Savory 2-clnor, 5 street, Mrrson. D. · Bin;>. 2 1 OR 7·1682 18wtf HAY-47 aeJ·cs stnnding, alfalfa,. interior lrim. Yolll' old ea1· 6 ~vith PoweJ•flite._Low mileage ------··· ______: ~~ ·F--arm·--T... ools Farm Machinery PIGS - R nicr. Yorkshire frcdeJ' ------i ___?w p . , and .June; 8 slwe11 and 11 buck. roulcl make 1"11e down payment., wrth hentrr·. ~1,<1!1:~.00. pigs, 12 werJ(s old. John D. BALER-International aulomalic FARM SEEDS -·Complete lim! Also a few old potatoes. Charlr!s FORD-1954 Custom Tudor. Mn· 1!15'1 FORD Vrctm•Ja. A slm~·p 1 Farmall 300 trar.toJ· rl!!mon~trotnr power takeoff. In good comli· of alfalfa, clover and grasses of Sti'O!Jel, miles easl· of Mason roon and ivory, .Fonlomatic. h a I'd top wilh Fordomahc. Marl\wnl'l, 2 /" miles south nli NEW AND USED metal heats. 14 Farmall M-D diesel tr·uctor lion. Franlt Launstein, phone Ma- the highest quality n•Jw available. to Webberville and Sioels HOlilh of clown town Mnson or't '19' lot • NF.W 'l'ATLPIPE.'i Songn1•, phone Mnsnn OR 7·8700, nl Hlnr·l~ clog, Mr~. Clwr·Jes MnHmJ, PiHlnr Mnsnn OR 7·7281. Mnlco homeR Into j,;com~ 2Hwl Mnrllni, 18!15 Oslmrne ronri1 Dnns· ------ville, JliJOnr. Dnnsvllln MA 3·20Hl, 2flwl proporty, Excellent Jor.ntlon fo1' Bud's Auto Parts GF.Eim, one pniJ· Pllgllm geasn, 26w1 ------rontnls, Owners sny to sell with Also 2 gl'fly gPPse, llownlfl I~ny, STUDIO COUC!I-Suitnhle for n low clown pnyment, Buy ani! m• mile11 I!Olllh of lloll on US·127 l'omrr· Ivos mtrl llolfP r·ntHis, Ma· PUPPTES-$11 uplece, 2 femnlcs collnge, Gnwl mnclltlnn, Niles boll1, Pl'lccrl wllhin the mnrlcet, Phon a OX fJ 2154 son, phone Mnsnn 011 7·1781. nnrl n mnle, Pnrl Boxer•, Also 4 Bmolcs, •1•17:1 WrHt Dl'lhl, phone Cnll for appointment to sec th11se !Jwtf 2flwl p Inside rlilOl'S, $1.50 eanh, Mrs. I~. Ifolt OX 4·7241. 2fiwl homr.s, Call Clarrnce M, Boles, M, JTilgm·l, R10 So11th Bnrnr.s, Mn· ------Mus on OH 7·2t1GI. f!!, Mnrl~t t PLYMOUTJf-1!J:J·I mupr•, gnnd ( ' hody, 4428 Coll1•ge rond, phmlf' son, phnno Mason 011 7·7471. Radio & Television Ag!'ncy, 2flw 1p Lansing ED 7·7701. 2Gw:J Dnn'l rAil n flar Ji'llrlny. 26w1 PUPS, nnlnrnl IIOIJ-Iniled E:nr,:Jlsh TV ANTENNAS-Complete! In· 1'RUCK lflfil ClteVJOif•t M·Inn shepltrrcl, ,Too !Ttill'hlson, 210:1 stnllnllon lndurllng 'I'V towet·s, tn1cl< wllh flu1 r·urlt, fHC'Ior·y- - -~------D~>.:l£11' Tt•nJI, DnnsvliJr, ph nne ABEL lmllt. F'ull philfls, exlm good mn· Dnnsvlllr MA :J-2RfJ5, 26wlp Also inSUi'lliJre repairs, lll'lliY tor nnd I]i·es, very Pll!nll frll' 1fJ5L ------Fries, 127 N, Lnnslng lilrer.t, phone Mnson OR Ci·l201, Only $<1!l5, Will llnniH'e. Cull SPIUNGER SPANIEL PUPPIES Real Estate WoynP l~eighncr, 207 Sm11 It Pnrlc -Lil•m· nnrl white, 10 W(lel82.1COMBTNA'I'ION weccl, llluslt ami •, '~ ~ " - ~ ' TELEVISION -17-inch Motnmla CiO·ACRE farm, 8 mlleR from LEST WE FOROET-The Fourth of July means a day otr from wot·k, and ,1 clay spent ut thw ' 2Ciw1 gt•nss cullc>i'; 7 1nrh JlO~I 110 1[] llC'W, r., 11i, 23-gnllon sizes Low lahle mallei TV, Complelely re- Lansing. 7-room modcl'll home shore or on a tennis cout t or golf course, u day with family and lnendo at a plcn1c, Ol' 11 day 1 ------·------·--- cI' ggcr: 20 ·I nc I1 I' I1'<'11 Inr smv f m· pricPs. Phone Holtl" OX !l-2118 or con< li toner1 1 1lW 1ur Jl ng new p1 cture with 1 herlrooms, GamgP, :JfixiiO just swinging lazily in u hammock with a glnss ~r lemonade In hond Btlt the men who, 130 l\fOTORCYCLJ~. HWi TTnl·lcy· smnll I tees, $fJI); M·M lnll'lor L.mslng-~~~· 57~:______22!!__ 7 tube. New sci guflrantee. 1Jnmlcl! hlp roof llnrn. Othm· hulldlngs. years ago, adopted om· Dcclnmtlon of lnclcpendcncc, wotlted long unci hutd for something Wi' Davidson, 2 Pnglncs, onr. lnf'· wllh cnlllvntol' nnll 2-Hi IHJitom Lavis, phone Mnson 011 fi-17112 Terms. now tnke for grantee!. That was our mdepcndence-our freedom-which, among other thing~. ing ani! nne Hloclc. Rohei•t E plow; pr·orlur.llontype J',ll!lal 2Gwl 457FT. F110NTAGE on US·127 Jets us enJOY Ollt' lctsure lime Ill any manner we w1sh, This Indcpenclcncw Day, tcmclnb~l tl1.1t Foote Furniture our freedom must be nurttlt'ccl, prot~~tcd, exet dscd. SomelhtiCS, ll'~ u long, hurd JOb Alw.,,~ Thompson, Dansville, phone saw. D1·. J. C. Ponton, phonP Ma· ------witlt n good 8-room house lo· lt'u everybody's job. DmmviliP MA .1 AArifl nftl•r 6 p, snn 011 7 nfier· (j p, Ill 21w3 FOil 1lETTEI1 BUYS AT LESS Real Estate en ted between MnRon nnll !Toll m. 2!lw2 -- -- - · ------Studios, new ...... $l!l up nnd prwed for quick snle. MASON AND HOLT Chroml' lllenlcl. Pleasc> Pall Mrs 119 Jam ounty ews Ulle , age Whtilsor, new Iires, lJP.nrlngs America ll'llcl{ will he coming to !Tnttt's: 0:30-!l:OO P m. lots nn Wnlntll court. Lnwrence broom louse, 3 bedrooms nnlrl GreenP, Jlhonl' Lnmln", lV 2·2125. , ', and valvl' jnh. Phmw Ilnlt ox Holt nnrl Mnson Tuesday of earh 143 ~ w. Grnnd River Simpson, 027 Hall Blvrl. Phone nth. Ilip-roor hnrn, Lnnd a I ,, . fJ2230, Elmer Hudson, 4:i2H weelt from now on. Be sure to I Wllllflmston, Michignn Mmmn OR . 1. wtf undr.t• I he plow, Locatrcl nn 2fiw1p IIOUSE-Onr> nrt'r of lnml with I REGISTEH- .1111) !I 1s IIIP la~l, 11 6 428 19 Grovel' stwel, Holt. 2fiwa phone Lansing IV 4·4411 a day nr _ -··------~---- ~IF!Citlop l'aflll. $10,000 with NEAHLY NEW c I, 7-mom housr anrl ga df-(C!, Bc>lltt· rlay_lo IIPglsAIPl' II \'II~ riP:-; 1t P to 21 1 ------two heforr. If pos~lble. Ynur donn FRF:EZ~R. 20 rtl. ft., new. $~ri3. 3 BEDROOM HOME, aulomallc .p4,000 1lown. ~ 1 ~ ·tel11 oom 1tom 111111 loP.Jiitm nem· Mnsnn Very vntl• Ill tw ugusl 1 Jll' 1mar;,•"' 111 Good WI'II lions nf clollting, just pl11ln mgs, Sllsh)' Implement Co., 214 1 It eat, gonrl neighborhood, newly NEAR MASON, Nearly new ,3. . near Aurelius CrntPr VC!l'l' 1Pasnnahl[', Call Mnsnn on 7 7't!l2 j ell!t lion Be sUl'l' to l r>gbtPI' witlt papers,I magazines,I furniture nr~t_l 1 Slate strrat, jthone Mason OR,refinisllecl lnslclc. Wnlldng ells· llellt•oom t•anclt·lypn homn, fttll mer community. ILls. L-sltnped fo1· appoinlm['nt. 2Iiw1pJ.\'OIII dty Ill' township !IPt'll llnv.- • metal te ped lo suppm t 111 1!J,,,J 7.1)1•11 2Gwl tance to rlowntown. Cnmpnre basement oil heat breezeway kitchen,. dining and liVIngII ______:ml A. Md'nwn11, HPJlllhllt',lll <'•lit·., USe d Cars II fll ~ ~ ~ 1 tnnm~. our o c D cs pronznn"' 1 ("'LI"el,, It• --- · -·------P·ll cct 1 on 1y' $6000 , w 111 t,$'"'00• ~,.J us '111Cl 2 ear gnrage loratl'rl on G Itmee Jlll·ne•iiplomes11 1 I 1 1 f nsul1·l I1 lrlltlntrlnr st:II['!'PJIIPsPnlallvc•. 0 15 I •· • • •ltlhl PI' vll•l I fr lfl2 " POT R"'FRIGERATOR I \ I Fl I I II ' . ' ' ' Y room alll u room Ill' .! ldl I 2Ciwlp- l!l!l5 PONTIAC 4-dnot· sednn IJy. c . [ el ,]O • Jl' ' pe:,: COLDS .''' I • - c,o vn pa~mcn. nanrer ocn y, I acres of lmul on n blncl. ,lamrs Whillnkl'l', 137/l Mur- any quantily, Jllompt •,pJ'vlne, • nGooclf v~6~r~!1~ 41001 or living room i-light lighting fix $!0fJ.!J5 plus 3 free gifts or werlt ends 17wtf clown with terms. Also ano1l1er gonctlmy rnact, phone D.1nsv11lr MA glldl'antrrd. ;::;:- 1'51 C IE -~ r Hefll· lures, matched Crli•Jyle C Wfllt7., NmgcElectl!cRnngeonly$14fl.!l:i ------' buy is 1<1.1 ncres mostly nil till· 33114 25wlf C'.ill or WI'IIP In ...... el' anrl l'fldln. 3!JOG W. Columhln rnml Phone nnrl olrl stove. IN LESLIE-fl·l'Oom hou~e nne! able Wilh good dairy set up, '2•1 ----·-- - Box 'J(i I, 01\Pilllls M[lson OR 7·7014. 2Ciw1 p Speer! Queen Washer $14fJ.!l:i- hnlh . .1 herlrooms. Automatic nil stnnchlons, silo, gl'a wrJL·I, on S.lltmlays . ' . ' . ' ' ' $3G9 g; I Lansing lmge bedrooms, full basement, o tcrs. you wan 1o uy Ill Roc . , 26wl carl. Br·s. A. 8 Ball, Mason. Norge 4 way Elect! w Dtyer, wns 1 I nny property in any town 01 ott I fu!i details lrJ Vi.tglmn ML')I~JiilJ and evenings WP 11111 dn pnlllt· ------2G 1 1 hreezeway ann a 2· garage. SeltZ Cl'll'(! Mlclllga 11 JWt f inn, IV:ISilin<• of housrs, lllOWIIl'd, 'w $22n, ,9, ," - NO\V $160.95 - 30'~ I No. J - fl~ acres in Bunker II Ill W h 1 of town c·oniHrl A. 0. (;rcl'nnugh, · • ' • ~ ,., ,., "' ------oft', " area with htilldings. $8,ROO with j all .or, dryerhl and d shwasilel' Broker. D.Jnsv1lle, 131Ci Mason • - · 1vn• still1 g .JIH 1 ro 1mng-1ng · or v· r · CASII TALKS-Concrete hloclcs go Wit 11 t s !tome. Lncnted 6 \"AN1.-.,.D Logs nnd stan1llng 11 \1' ,. \V]t• 1 It',, ' 1 RnaJ'1 11 · Miscellaneous at Y' Nnrne Deluxe Wflslwr anrl Dryel', .$2,500 down. street tM-361 plwnP D:lnsvtlh' ·v • "' - • o s o d d c ,11 1 , "rcl," 16'·, rl OR strip windows 20x16 $12 SO· '' a blaektop road, $15,000 with ___ Junction. Phone OR·76651 or Les 64711 1r OH r ?')wtfp ACCORDION -120 base, Ita linn .21 16 $13 ')r: .;,· 24 "'1r.1 ~01 , ')8 ·2o' this wel'k only $34fJ.!I'i and olrl room home. Price Is $fl,!i00 with $4,000 down. II 2326 12 tl 1· ' t ,. 1~91, , ' -~ 150 'x ' ·-·'· "'' x '•> ' ; - 210x ' washer. $1,000 down. HOUSE-4 bedroom linusP, for e · ___1":.._ mnlce Excellent shape, $ $lfi; No.l grade hirch cloorR, • Cooltl."tor, :v .ton,11fi V Air Con 'No. 3-40 acres wes1 of Mason NEAR MASON, 718 of an acre of sale by owner, Ill 1\1: ' 11. De- Will give terms. IIerscl1el Jewett, $6 n-1• 2/4 $7 91· 2/G $7 fli· 2/8 " 1 . . ? 1 11 Vi' ANTED-All ltlnds of scrap 5~1 W. Maple street, M.1son ·$8.95. .v. • One' light' .. ' grade ' door,"'' 2/8,' clitloner. Wns $2fJfJ flfl - NOW with gooclltome and fnrm huilll· land with a new garage, ]00-ft. s1rab 1e loca11on,') - 11 1 oePI 11' 11oml\' iron, tin, cars nncl lrtiCits. Also 24 3 on I\' $23~.95 I ings. Terms. roc!{ well and electric pump, 27· schllol, --em· gnragr. lflllP •11· • w $9.25 3Three light grade doors, No. 4-44 fiCI'es with fi room ft. New Moon trailer, fully son OR 7 7'H1 r, SPWCIAI-S '!'I-ITS WEEK-New No. 7 -li9 acres wltlt dairy ROUND LAKE-Very attraclive WH argc !Ivmg room WI t wo ::__ --- _:_ ____ .__ - ·---- . . :. sizes. Bought, sold, opened anrll !125 Union .streel Dn lsville Arlmirnl 10 cu. fl. refrigerator f~rm. Vel y tea~onnhle nnd de· lake front year·around home. pirlul·e wi nliow.s fireplace nn•ll POULTRY WANTED --· Give mP hrfm I d It Mo~;;on Prlv,ltc ,rnmily 2 repaired. Vault doors, money ' 't' '- hie Attr IIV " 1 nl 11 c • 6 gas heat, spnr'lntls climng nnd • lite c·It·' ,e" to ,. ,:, y n mo ·e for I Pprle crreMr m· hl > , chests, steel deslts, frllng cnbi· ______2_>w_p and you1 chrnce of new Admiral strea · nc e, ,not v. Moclern rooms including 3 . . 111 11 1 1 1 1 lOnf' , son,JII(s)lf'd~l , ~ 1 '.12.', ·· c.,,~le('_ - -- - $17.93 table radio for only $1fl9.95. Terms. . bedrooms. Very plensant large lt~l~hcn llrP.l, .tnr 1 011 ~ 1Jel 11 nnm. ynm· poultry, any lonli, nny _ 1 1 11 1 ~ ' nets, tear gas and combina· BARN - 30x1n J 1. lim her hnrn, Sllshy Implement Co. 26w1 No, 8-110 ncre homestearl w1th living room and dining room. Fuuslwd bakony provides .tmplc 1 amounl. Call Williamston fifi!l M I tlon service. Murphy Snfe Co,, good rnftets, beams and 1oof ______best of location. . Slone fireplace. Large glassed· space for extra rooms. See 1l11s lflwtf f 1 2622 Cedar road, Lansing, Mich. hoards Also 1,000 IJu, steel gtnin APARTMENT·SIZE STOVE and No. 9-118 acres with good in front poreh. New 2.cnr ga. one sonn Sc•coml c•ahin 1flx2'1, ------·------arm erv!ces 0na·qunrler mile south of hm, used one yrn1· L. fl. Eisen refrlgerillor, antique secretary. home and hmn. $16,900. rage. Prir.ecl for quiclc sale. with living re~om, two hedrnnms IIIGIIES:r PRICES paid for poul·l 5 Pennsylvanir~ lnterser.tlon on US· lohr, phone Mnson OR 7·0t.8,1. ,1 pail' eurlains, 108 Inches long. No. 10 -JOO acres w1lh heauti· nncl s1·reened 111 pordt. Complete· try. P1ck up an) •.lmP Custom ____ ·----- 127 or 1 mile north of Holt. 2;1w2 May be ~een over Ware's DI'Ug ful home nncl olher farm hulhl· WE HAVE SEVERAL nice lnlw ly furnished. Has eleclrle stove worlt JS specml. W. H. Appleton, SEPTIC 'I'AN((S CLEANED. Phone ClX·4·:J24L 2:Jwtf ------store by phoning Mrs. Lillian ings cottages priced right, located and refrigerator. 1dNtl for your I phone Mason OR·7·0382. 3wti Drnm liPid J:wl. '12 yems ex· BOA'l'S AND MOTORS _ Aero· frUI.IS-fOOdStuffs Stevenson, OR 7·9411 until :, p,m., MANY OTHER LISTINGS 1 within 25 miles of Lansrng, summer vncat10n. Lloyri M Gee, --·---·------.- perienC'e. All wml< gt1ar lnlc>Ptl. L. 063 fl r:1 26 1 Round lalte, Plea.~ant In lee also Brolwr, Stnf'lchrirlgc, phone Ji'it cit· WANTED -- Old haoles, coms, w. Coc, .110S 'I'Ul'llCI' st t <'el, phone craft 20-year.guarnnteed alum- ~R 7·1__'_ ~_t:_~· · w Bnttese lalte. burg 433. 2Gw1pl JCWI'lry, guns, plc~ure frames, Lnnsmg IV 2-7CJ.17 Hiwtf lnum boats from cnr·top to cabin DO YOU LIKEJ;;;;nemade rolls? FREEZER-22 cu. ft. chest-type, Robert Kirby ------·------l\erosene lamps, tumllurP, dishes, --- cruisers. Motors, all lwins, 3, !i'/2, 1!ouJ1le cl"or, less than a year DAIRY AND L1VESTOCI\ FARM, Indwn relics, et[•. P. 0. Box 441, 71'7 1 ~v 1 2, 11 11 1 Let me balt'm -Low IntPrrst P.fll'e' rent. WI! lrnde. 1500 Cavannugh namon rolls, 60c baker's dozen able. Phone Lansing ED 2·6766. 26wl 1 for irrigation. Ideal lnyout for RIDE WANTED from Eflst Holt Wlite or see road, phone Lansing TU 2-2961, 26w2 farming. Farm cnn be financed road between Phillips anrl Col- 23wtf Valerie Brown, phm-:c OR G6:~~t2f8p, MR EXECUTIVE, we hnve a with 4.5% loan. Compare. Very liege roads, to Easl Michigan close Paul B. Cheney ------·----PROC1 .. STUDIO COUCH and rollnway beautiful estate fol' sale con· INCOME POSSIBILITIES lor I I I I p I . L ROAD GRAVE-L------1 t' 0f 40 f sale Jn this older home of 3 gone local on ncar town, sc too s, lo ennsy vama avenue 1n an· F"l'm I-o", n ."et•vlc·e Barllyur(l~SS'<'D" "' fl - STR WBERR bed, bolh in "'Ood COJldition, $20 s s mg acies anc1 a 1tome 0 1 h 1 C II Cl M · W I · h 9 6 W I u - " ,, 1 . II, salt(! ttltel bJ,nn.Jc"'· • A '• IES -. When you each. Irene M. ,.,Nelson, 118 North c1' 18 II nc tl on, rastgne(I I 1or coun Iry heel rooms. Located within 2 nne c Murc tes 011 a7 2''('1a renee"' M , smg. "' ot wtgII II ours1 , .1 1, ecI" ge,It PilON~'" 01'' ll·".J.">,"IS ' cllrl. ,.. ·ancl.n Slti''ner, Mason thlnlc of strawbeiTles fo1· your 11 1 . 1 f t blocl~s downtown Mason. .Mr. Boles, nson ,, ' .~. m·· 31~41 L'.ast · o rom, Jl tone ,o ]J!l S J ff •. ,. " , f I I Ill1 I 0 f I Pennsylvania nvenue, Lansing, v ng Wilt ea ures you WI 11 ap· lett Agency. 2Gw1p OX 4·9907 after 6 J1 m. 2Gwl . . e erson, Jv ason Gravel Co., phone Mason OR ;:reezer Ji'or or.F'cer, I L n ~ WIte phone Lansing IV 7.0273, 2Gwl preclate. Priced at less than clup· Ha11dymnn this is it for only ------_ ____ --G-·- ·S-1 - -- 6·4104, 25w1ptf a son 'I'07.en 'ooc oc cers . e -----·---- licate cost. EnJOY this spacious· $1,500 as clown payment. Maite WANTED-TOBUY F" II It' CUSTOM BALIN J -··, rf' O!' ca 11 ··--- _____ have them sliced and sugarr.clm AMANA FREEZER - 1955, ]!J. ness nnd urban llveabJlity,. Shown tltls !tome pay fot• lt•elf,, 1·n In- TWO LOTS ON MAIN STREET[ t r ~ ·n good condition-'lee WouldcuI· II,"rry'' Allen at :l20S Phillips 1 EOATS-.">ome gooclused galvan· 30·lb tins. Phone Mnson OR fl. Phone Mnson OR 7·1871. ,by appointmPn1. Call Clarence M. come. c a11 CJ nrence M· Bo 1es, in Leslie,, across, from the ,pare. 61 ' pt·efet·vn o John• Deere Phone· Mason road, Route 4, Mason, Illtnne La[t·,,-~ lzed steel boats· left at $75 DO. 6·J531. 25w3 ' Mason OR 7·2361. ~. Marlett One lot 616 x1 32 at 1tel' 1ot 66 x 2 4 1 · sing "'D 7-74~ 1 24W.J A 26wl Boles, Mason OR 7·2361, E. Mnr· " ' OR 7 bet\ve n 8 a11d 4 26w1 - "' lso ne\" IJO"ts nnd l1oat tt•ntler. 26 with 30'xGO' quonset building · 9~61·1 c · ------1 ------• u STRAWB"'RRIES C I ------~---- lett Agency. 26w1p Agency, wlp · WANT"'D C 1 1 II W. R. Ducttey at Doh1e lalte. · '~ ~. - orne nne RUG-llx11 taupe, all wool. Wll· Very good location. P1·iced r1ghl \VANTED-More chlcl:>J·v ~~~:;ft,-!~-~o-11-J~-~---NICI-JOl !i-Ju,, 2nl tnna WOI'Ic, Gunranteor]. 111 Ens! CRAfT ,1 11 1 ?4 IQfi Hrurn nr J\.flrhlvtln, 'rho 'rfiiJn!e Gnntt IGJm, phone MIISOII OR 7·B0Al, ' - Y • • 6 Tf.RRY-AII.IIII ~~ tnan l-'IIANIIIH 1\. ,f~F.n~r·lY, l'lnonl[-, ''" foH' q,, l'nnnoy nr ln"h"lli· More Htulo of Mlr·hhrilnt 'flln Prf•hnlu Cnttr Slulu n( 1\Jif:hhcnn, Tltn l,rol~ulu Cuurl I WfLJ.JI\M w, I\I,Jt.~r·,y, Jlornudnnl. "' II lii!~Hinn nr Hfllrl Onurt, ""I'' rrt lhtt 20w1 (Ill' lho On•Jnly nr Jntrflum, !nr t.ho Cnuuly nf Iruchlll)l. I ~ull po!HIIrw Ill (JIJ·r·ull c~"l'l fur· 1111 Pltlllllt!t Olfhm, In thu PliY nr l'.UIWJI In At 11 ~mu-rlnn n( 11n!fl Onurt, htdrt ut. lhfl C:uuntv nr Jnuh/•111, lu rJIIItH• tJry, nt 1.1111·! Kltl•l Co11uly, un lhu ~tllh duy 1tf Jl;no, ------·------Pr·rrl)nln Olflnu In the Cllty nf Mumn, In At. II IHHUIIOII uf t!llld C'UIII'l, hl·ld filii Hlfll(, fill thu lllh rltry nr ·'IIIH•, lllfdl. A. II. IU;jfl, IJIUUINU l"UU'U~U:S -· lll~lll•• Want Ads ""'" OnmiiY, "" the 26th dny "' J\lun, liplo ~7. III{Jii. v,.,,,."' A. !(""'"~· l•lnlnillf, VH, Wllllnlll l'rmounl, IJON, J,fll!IH r.. CUAHII lng 8cwer, tiling anrl hulldlnf A, J), Jnna, l'rmmnl; IJON. IA)[f!fj r~. UDI\HJJ,I w. l{rii'IHlY, rlr!(r·ndnut, In thiH 1'11''1111, lt. Arlhut .Ju•hr .. rr( l'tllhlllU, I ~eptlo tanlts cornplcte, JJnv• l'rmll!Jt~l HON, J,OUJH ~;. COASII, Ar.thur Jutltfu uf l'rnlqttu. ILPJ•l'•H'illlc hy 11lridnvll nf Jdnlnlllr on Jn tlu• Mr•lllll' uf tho Jo:~:~IIIIP tJ( ANNA Ar.tln~ .rudgo or PrnllltliJ. frt tlht MllltfJr nr thu Jt'Hiutu ur I 1lll/ filn I hut tho IHHt I.JtiiWJl l'llflhlrntr•n nf llw l•l, Nfi~JIOI.'i, III'I'IIIHI'd, power digger nnd dozer. Phon1 In thn Muflor nf tho B~tnlp uf l .. ECJ\ (ll!}ftUY 1 Jlucnllrrnd ~ ' f llrlrunriHUI WIIK ftlifll' !lOIII Ht •• 'I'IIIUJIH, Jo'llll'l'll!'ll v. NnYtl /tllvhnr nr.•rl Ill ~Hill! PAJN'I'lNU 'l'IMIG Is here n~o:nln. Ort-7·•1!173. Glenn St nrr. 30wt' (l, CftAF'I', Hm:ou•tcrl, Notico lK llorch'y (Jivr.n, Thr1t thu Jll'· Jo'lnrl•llt. ('utll'l ltr••· pntltlnu l•rti.Yin~r thnt nnltl i\rl LnmhnrJ & Son lwvo HniiH· rll" .. , .... ,, , ... ,,r,,., "'"" lro ''"''' fOf'l(" •Hiun n( Jlulmrl 11, Cnrrw/1, Adi111111Htl'llf Tl.'."lllfiii'IJ, '~" ntoll·"" nf Wlllltlfll 1~. rutll'l ltdJtlfiiPIIIn 111111 di!IUrlfliiiC who hill JIUtllJun, prnYhUI' (Ur llccnuu tu ttcfl l.ctr nf t:UIId utltutu, ttrU.VJrllr (m• Ifill llllOW· Jlrull:tvf,, J\IH:IItrHI fn1 tlw 1WI1f pfniJtfltl, \\11'1'1• 111 lhn t!Jnn n( IJur ditll!h fhn Juttrtl fled Ma~nn nnrl 1'111'111 community WATCH AND CLG.:.:I< ni~P AIll •II ,L• ''lt ,I dUll! l!IIIIJU ,,, l!crt.llllf IUIII unco of hi~ flnnl /lt'Urlllllt 1 111111 rot' !lrt• II ht OUilbiti.Jl thul IIP(tmdnnl f'llllll' hiK hf•ltlt ur Hllifl r!tll'flll~tHI lllld 1JIItlth1CI ln !ol' llCVl!l'iil ynilrs wllll expert service, all worlt guarnnteecl t!HitltA thftrflln thtHI'rihrHt UKtilltnmnlll und cllitrlhutlnn or thn n·HI· llflfll'ltl'/1111'1! Ill rnrld 1:11111<0 1111 Ill' hl'furn lnhnrlt tho r·mtl uulnlu or whh~h ll.ld worllfld I•Hrtlc!i nddlllm111l noLfc·u Ill' Unb(!l'l J.. IJl'lll'u tures, mate1·lnl for plumblnl! Three IIIII 1rf IIIII' 7 ifll'gcsl CUSTOM SAWIN(~. Will get logo l'e•tlllrml hy lnw, UogiKlur uf Pr·ul111lu Only almut 10•;, of our sailors and sheet metal. Do your owr l-OUIS E. COt\Hil. ~liwa. cities lll'e on llw Gre11t Lulws. re-enlist. anrl snw Jumlwr, Also slab .-\. 'J'ruc Cmrv: AcUnt-r Jntlnc oC J•rolult•• lnstalllng and save, C, J. Perrin Tlol111rl f..,, llrrdrll wood. l•'mnl< Wnnt, llr·st fnrm llnl.dKit!r of l'ruhnto :.!tlw:t south of I lnrpr>r sdwol un US·l27 113 State street, Mason. 1flwt1 OIIDER API'OINTING TIME: FOR ut Butlcr5s g:~s stulion. Phone UPHOLSTERING and repalrlnp HEARING CLAIMS AND FOR Lrmslng IV ·Hl2fl I. 20wtf furniture. Will cnll at your DETERMINATION OF HEIRS ~---·-- --~-·--~ ------home nnd give free estimates. N1 Far heroism rescuing four perso11s from a capsized boat In rain TAN!'jER-S,t>lomber 4, ID56 DO YOU NEED plumhlng, heat· charge for plcl rooms and husha nrl'~ illness and dca l11. Mrs. llun IJu ~:ontlnued onee cvc1·y wcvk for Pdrlne~ to Clay Hulett, county dog war bath. Utilities furnislJCrl. Close to .James .J. Kmrncr, S1· .. and family. HiX (6J WeeiHl KUCCCU~fve • ,,.,,, TECHNICOLOPI LOUIS !!;. COMII, den, OR-7-5839 or tD aheriff office town. A1·aii11hlc .July 1. C:Jaclys 26wlp Circuit Judge Dlltdf,ul~d by ~Y.O UOIO PICfUI(~,Inc. ')R/i-96111. 8lwtf Brown, ~~:J.J ga!'l Columliia, plwnc ------~-- --- A Tru.; Cu11Y: I.,nnri~ Wuhl, lJeJIUty 1\kCRE:fmY-Wc wish lo lhanlc County Clerk:·.ilgoncd 1 Luura ExTRA SAT. MI~N!GHT NOTICE-All stra~· ttogs picked Mason OR 6-5521.. 26w1 \Vnhl, Dcl•Uty Couuty Clct·k. :~II nf om· l1ind fr·iends .. and Alvin A. Ncllcl', Atlornuy for PJuiutitr, up ;y ~he tngham County Hu·l FOR - REN;l,..:_:-F~i;.~-;;i~-;;-c( house neighbors for their inany expres· u'u~tlneil!t Addt'el:ia: 111:!2 I!:. Michlgnn Avv., Lnnain~o:, Uil. Michl~-:11ri. 2Gw7 SUNDAY AND MONDAY .nan~ .SCJcl~!y or t,y Clayton Hu· for rent. Four rooms and hath. ~ions of sympathy and conclolei1ce lett, county dog warden, are held Oil heal. Located PDIIrln~~: to the court thut the Cards of Thanks A. n. t!Jrifi. , WED. and THURS. furnished, $45. Call R. H. McLean, time' for J)rCKl!ntntlbn O( cJnim" 1\j.(UfOHt P1·c,cnt: liON, LOUIS E. COASH, """ eHtutc •hould be limited, nnd thnt n JULY 4-5 Mason OR. 6·1751. 21wtf SIMONE-I wish to llinnlc all Acting JudJ.Cu of Pl'ohntc. time und, t•lucc be UlllJOinLcd to tt!eelvl!: In tho Mnl.tcl' of thu EHlnlu or oxumlnc nnd · udJu•t ull elulm• nnd de· 2 BIG HITS-PLUS "LOOR SANDERS those who purchased art icll•s CIWRtH~ W. Cltoi"J'S, llucon•cd, mnnch1 ugnlnst Kllld duccnaed by und he• for rent. donated hy my relatives in Lan· Htll'old CtoftH nnd Hma.JI 0Htroni huv. Perldns Hardware, rare. tsnld court: phone Mtaf· sing for the rummage sale, which lng fih:d In Hnld Culll't thuil' lletltlon It I• Ordered, 'J'hnt creditor• ol Hllhl son OR 6·•1311. 24 pt•nyl!tl! Lhnl tho mlminlt~lrnllon of Hnld dcccnl!ed ure rcttulrcd to ttrcH(mt their w amounted to S20.70 fot• St. James eRtnte he A'l'nntcd to JoHeJlh W, Plnnck ulnlm• to onld court ut the Probntc Of· F__ O_R_R_E_N_T--G._r_o_u_nd_fl__,o_o_r_a_p_a-rt· church. Mrs, VIrginia Simone. Ul' to tSOtne othct• Hll itnhlu t•ct•zwn: fice ut 206 WcHt Snglnuw utrel!t,. Lnn• It It! OJ•dct•od, ~Pilllt tho 23rd duy of •lng, MlchiK1111, on or bcCoro the 7th dny ment. Close_ in. Garage ineludecl. · · 26wlp ,July, A. D. I 056, nt ten o'clock· In the of SC11tombcr, A. D. 1066, nL ten !arty. fol'enoon, nl tho P1•ohnte 0/flcu· ut 206 Phone a{ter 5 p. m. Mason OR t\vc ·'o'clock In the forenoon, rmld time Weijt Snlofinnw Hll'uct., LunHing, MlcbiKun, and plnco hereby UlJpofnted ror the· OX• 7·5623. 25wl MURRAY - It . tnlUbllc no• FOR. RENT-Native pasture, 50 ticu lhc•·oor bu l{!vun by llUbltcntlon or u tlcc thereof be Klvcn by lliibllcntlon of u acres, ,stream and plenty of want to thanlt them all for mak· COllY of thfH Oi'dCI', for tlu·cu 'sUllCCtiiiiVc COllY of thlti order for Lhref.l t~UcccaHivc shade. 35e per head of cattle per wealtH tli•cvloua to Knld dny uf hunrlng, in wookt:S pfovloUII t.o t:Suld duy or honrlng, In lng our 25th wedding, anniversary tho Inlihnm counLy New•, n nmv•t>llr>cr ·the Jngha.m ·county NuwB. n neWHIIftl)er week. Charles Hemans, 1,!: mile such a happy and memorable OC· Jll'lntcd nnd eh•culntud In •nld county, 11rlntcd und eh·culntcd In Mid county, · W I lnnd tl111t snld I>Ctltloncl' Klvo •known 11nd that •nld petitioner KIVu known south of.Aurellus Center on Aure· CUSlOn, e R SO Want tO thank llntcJ'U"tetf pni•Lic• ndditlur,ld notlcu BH ·For Promp~ .Ad .Action· lntercotcd lillrtlc• nddltlonnl notlou •• Uus road, Route 1, Mason. Phone those who sent us such beautiful •·••1uh•uil by lnw. · · · rOtiUircd by law, · Aurelius 112. 25w2 d d · It · · .. . LOUIS E. COASH, LOUIS E. COASH, ''· car S an messages, Was a A, 'l'l'llc CollY: Actlnl(, Judge of Probnte II. True Couy: Acting Judge oC Probnto pleasure to renew_ old friendships. ttabe,·t L. Dmlm. · Robcl't L. D1•uke · COTTAGE FOR RENT-On Budd To all of you and those 'who _no'--~~1 '_t•_,._.,..r__'r..,•,_b•.,.•t_•....;.--~---:­1 Rol!lstcr of. Probate 26wU lake at Hal'rlson, sleeps 10, $35. served and to om· daughters and ·week. Christina Manti, 2568 son·ln·la\v. We say: God Bless You. sand In· · Holt, phone Holt [ Mr; and Mrs •. P,aul Murray. . . . .25.w3 .. ·.. '· . ,. ·, '., . . :. ORI 7-9011I, ,-;F.·\~~w1 ' I · ,•, '} ~: ·. ' , 1 '-,' '. June 28, 1956 The lngh·am County News Part 2· North Aurelius Store Combined Business with Pleasure Summer Muskegon Teacher Starts Duties Holley &Bullen Store Was Landmark Re~reafion Gcncrnl Htorns ~lldl aH the Hoi· ley & 13ullcll store In North Aure· As Head of 45,000 State Teachers Jlus wem cornmunlly center~ In Program Francis W, Bemloq, lmtnwtor· mnny nrcaH of the 11, S. at the Mkhlgnn Slate 'l'mtl'itr.l'!i club nnd tqrn of the century. Not only dlcl JULY 2-b af pnlltlcul science and l:!oclology nnw serves ~~~ 11 memhnr of the residents gnther to get their clnliy ONUA l', ,JUI.Y 2 fit Muslwgon Community College M. S. 'r, C. bnnrrl nf dlrcetors, and mpll fmrn a cuhhyholc In one fol' n years he edl!erl Its o!Tic)al l'iiiYJ:'I'IIIlllCls IJ(H~Il 11·1:! 2·11 since l!l·lfl and soclul stllflies col'Ocr of !he store, but dul'ing u. m,, bulletin, (l, Ill,, 7-11 , •• Ill. teacher In Muslwgon schools 1•.the winter monlhs they ltcpt the Bee don wns (H'nslrlnnl nf Ihe ched und MAIL CALL lured neighboring farmers to the Holley & Bullen ut'tm·nonn. 1\usns lea\'!! f:ho high Lansing, Is 11 candidate for· the ntlon. fliSH( (ll'OShil!lll Hllrl jlllHi seet·etary Maude Bullen; ,James '!', Bullen, general store in North Aurelius, This scene was photographed about supervisor nnrl bmthcr to John; s!!lwol at 12:11\ I'· m,, 1:1~ p, m., Democratic nomlnallon as corn· Boedon's new prmlllon malws of lhc Muslwgon Torch r:h1b, urul 2 :-lli p, m. and one of the 2 remaining men Is 1900, The mail usually arrived about 4 in the afternoon, Men, and 'WI'. him preslcllng officer of the M. E. He has served his dli.U'eh, the women, too, congregated ~t the store to visit and trade while wait­ wrmN't•:snAl', ,JUI.l' ·I A.'s hoarrl of directors, of which William Miller, 11 vclor·nn of the Fell, licensed by tlw sin tc as 11 Central Mclhmllst dnlt'eh, as ing for the mail. lndnpmulencn lluy. l'luyg•·muuls he has been a memiJer since 10•10. ellillrman of the official hoard. Civil Wn1·. lrlenllty of the other funeral director· and embalmer, IR not known. · do.~ml. Wllh an impressive record as a Beedon Is a gmdualr! of Cnr- On the bulh!l.ln hourd It pm- 'I'JIUilSDAY, ,JUJ,Y 1\ llr·st became afflllnted with Pal· professlonnl worltor, Bee!lon has F'mnds \\', llemlon ~nnvllll! high schnol. lie received l'laygl'lllllldS llllllll fl-12 11, Ill, 1 gram, "An Irish gngagemcnt," mer-Bush In 18·10, He Is n gmdu­ served cduentlon as a member or linn association's pnwerful reso. his A, B. degree from Albion col­ and 7-JI (1. m. Ceda!' S!i·cl!t Jllay· lnltlatecl by .Juy Ficici nnd the ale of Wayne ttnlversily, ~pcclnl­ lhe M. E. A, puhllcatlons com- lullnns er>mmlllce, lege In 1!12:3 anrl l1is M. A. from class of 1!JIJO of Mason high J.:'l'onrul will lm orwn mrl,y 2-li (J, 111. Iloll show, Sltililc 811'1!et sehoul, izlng in the morluary sclenm, He mission, theM. E. A. profession<~! He recently was cllaitman of lhc Unlvcrsll.v or Wisconsin In ~chool, Is nclvertl~erl for the Webb liJ 11. Ill, received his pre-college educallon problems commission, the M. E. Ill" jngt'c•J·ttlvc c·r tnlllill"" of Ill!' 1!127. school house on May 31, A. tonur·c committee ancl roeenlly, ~. ~;. ~' .. J ~" , • : Beerlnn, 5:1, anrl wlf!', Georgine, Golf lnslrm~llon, llluson J.:'OII' fll St. Johns. . 1 0 f 1 , M .., A .. _' liep,utment. of cl.lss- .live In Mttslccgon. The Beedons Elmc1· M. Holley unci John and as n mcm 1er t Je · '"· • I cso roomMlchl.:o~n te·scltcrs and W'IS at r ne ''Ollt'St!, 10 11. 111, llnses h:uve r>lay­ James Bullen owned the store for Fell's afflllatir>n with ll1c local lullons committee which codified . ' . r·. ,' , , , ,': • ).. have I 0 gmnrlr:hllclrctJ hy 1hell· 4 gJ•mmds fol' Uu: g·olf t~Jili'Sil at 11 111 0 11 111 11 1 1 a time. The Bullen brothers oper· funeral dircelol' wus Intcrntplerl M. E. A. policy for the first time . ~e cc ~ n JC , eJ, t lC 1 ~ 11 · r:hllrlren: l~rn1wls W. Becrlon, .Jr., ated lhc business while Mr. !J :•lil p. Ill. this year. ~~~~Jilcatlnn of the n.orll~ ce~J· of Chlr:agn; Clwrlrs i\. l.lccrfoll of SwlmmhiJ:' •·m'll\'un f;o J>leasunl. by seJ'Vice llLirlng World War II Holley traveled as a salesman for In !he arm.v ail• force, He returned _ _ lrnltcglon of the nnllonal rlepntl· Grand Ruplrls; Rldwnl rt. f3ecdon lulw. IIIISI!S Imam r•luyg'fllllnds at In J!lo~3-ampany, to Lansing in 19,16, and W<~s np· 11 1 p. 111. und t'ehll'll 111 5 Jl, m. I..atm· his father, John T. Holley, pointed to his present position In clllllrman of the Nallonal Educa· He Is a past presrrtent of !he Higgins of Muskegon Jfelghts. bought his son's share of the 'l'wlliJ.;'ht. hns•~hull gum .. , ll::Jfl 1!l3 L. business. r>. m,, Al:hlctlc l~idd. J•'t•, Mlu·tin Js 'l'runsf•~•·r·l!d FltJI)AY, ,JULY II A Lansing homo nwncr, Fell Ray Bullen, retired runil mall Rev. Fr. Martin, pas- l'lu.yg-J•omul!-1 open Il-l~ 11.111. 11rul lives Jn Colrmlal Village sullllivl· .lll•am tO Fl'irnr:I~ carrier who lives nt 107 North lor of St. Mllt'y's C;1ll10llc church, 2-fj p. Ill. slon at 2fi00 Fair· fax rund , with Wl s . n Jefferson, Mason, helped In tho ills wile Carmen and ,J children, hilS hccn lran~fern:d In St. .Johns store and post office In his spare Girls luhl" t..,nnls lotu·munent, parisl1 ut. Albion. Succeccling Fr. II 11. Ill. Donald 12, Carol Ann, 5; and In· Mrs. Nina Ketchum time. In fact, it was there he got fant son Douglas, .Marlin will he Fr. 'J'Iwmas Filz· his firs! tasle of postal service. YWUA swimming- cillss11s In tlw . . gerald anrl fo"r. Gcorgr1 fit7.geralrl, Young Ray would take care of aft.m·noon. nuses hmvll Uw .high _A special drwer trarnl_nlf ~chooll ,Johnny Blossey, [1-year-old son~ bmlilcr·s fmm Gaines. fo't·. Martin routine poslill sales and call his !olchool 11t J2:l!i I'· m., 1:15 Jl. m., wrll he conducted in Wtllrumston of Mt·. anrl Mrs. Dale 131osscy, 1w11s appointor! as pa~tm· of St. II lid 2:45 , •• Ill, Vogts Find Old Papers Unelc Jim, who was postmaster, Ingersoll,In !he near instructor future atby theHownrd high was rllsmissed fmm Sagirww hos-ll'vlar,Y's church In .luly of l!l54, to talw care of money orders and Mr. and Mrs. George Vogl, J1·., school. Jlilal on Saturday, He undciwcnl Mt•, HtHI Mrs, 1£arlcness other mailers not trusted to the found newspapers almost a ccn­ l~a.v Churches Plan TV Sefies Mr. and Mr·s. F. L. Auslln of surgery Tucsrhl,\' morning. lwve reltll'nert from Newberry youthful tecn-aqor. The North lliry old when they tore old wall­ Aqrcllus and Aurelius post offi­ National Collncil of Churches, a Lansing spent Sunday afternoon Ml'. and Mrs, Floyd Horstman wlwrc they spent. a :J·wuclts vaca- Protestant church organization, IWPer olf the walls of !heir house wlth !heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. ami son, I,iecls for by. At• one time the tile mill was discussion were slavcr·y, politics for the past 3 weeks, returned Lawrence hospital June 17 fr>r found in every region except the a .large operation, supplying tile and religion. SumlHy to her home In Water- Isurger·y. Her mnclitlon is mportccll very cold anrl very dry areas. for most of the farms In the town­ I'AUL SLAGII'l' oms viclt. as guud. There arc some lG,OOO types In ship, Tho clay pit was located · Paul Slaght of Lan~ing, for . about 80 yards behind tho store merly of Aurelius, died Tuesday , and the sawdust mound was ncar· evening at Ingham Chest hospl- Q -·" •• 0 by, According to .Ra,¥.-Bulhm,. the d tal, Lansing. Surviving- are Clare ':~n· last relics from the sawmill arc Cook'· of-"·· Detroit,· Mr~;~-. H:~••nl:rHkc·''-''·'' ,ra·-. · ·· . .. . ._ Haase of Ti·averse Clly Mr·s: • the millstones, WIJ!ch until a Earl Whipple of Mason, all first short time ago were still on the WEST COLUMBIA ROAD was a shaded lane in the old days, cousins. site. with. just enough room for 2 buggies or wagons to meet and pass Decoration Day was always a pen1ng colorful and well-attended event each other. Two types of fencing are shown, spit rail fence on the LIFE with the ln North Aurelius. 'l'hree veterans left 11nd plank fence on the right. of. the Civll · War, William M. Webb, Hecto1' Smith and Edwin In the fot·ogr·cntnrl of Ihe church spl'ir1g, the lillie general slorc Zimmermans Loclt, were on hand to enter Into picture, the lwr~c blocl1 is visible. also caughl fire, hLlt was saved, Time: 9:15 a. m. Thursday the services, Mr. Loel1 wns Church-goer~ mounted :;tep:; to Sonicclay, Mrs. Smith said, follen hy a the church would march to the as well as !hr. church sheds. !raveling photographer. The en­ cemetery for the memorial trib­ Indlvlduul sheds inside !he big gravihg-s were macle from pic­ ute. Special music, usually lnclud· one wore buill by men who at­ tures owned by Mrs. Howard R. ing one or 2 ing west in front of !he gale to lhe 'North Aurelius church was Dr. Robbins Gets JANET former William "Mac" Wobh bullt in 1880 and speciHI 75th a farm, Webb OWnf'd the jli'Dperty Janel: He, Jim Brown boon in yet ~;ear celeb1·a lion was observed SPECIALS on boUt sides o[ the road. Now Speech Requests for tho od? October 30, 1955. 'l'he church Mr·. anrl Mrs. Howard R. Smith Zim: No, lhdnk ho•vonsl bumed April 21l, 1956, from a fire Dr. R. R. Robbins of Mason is of· undetermined origin, own the land on the east side and becoming a popular speal,er. Last Jonol: Well, you haven't anything Lee and Wesley Webb have the ready oithor. I've span! oil day The church was Incorporated week Tuesday he discussed legal land across 111e road. aspects of the healing arts before in and out of that window. February 17, 1880, as North Aure­ Mr. Webb named ll1e farm Every limo I got if decorated lius Methodist and Baptist Union members of the Caro Lions club. I sell something out of it and Foldin9 Woodlawn in 1880, a name Mr. On Wednesday he addressed ,a hove to start all overt church. At the time it was pas· and Mrs. Smith have again tal<;en tored by ministers of Mn'Eon meeting of the Dow Chemical Zirri: Poor you( And me ch•sing up for their portion of !he prop­ Corp. union in Midland, where he Methodist and Mason Baptist erly. alter paint in this hoot, churches who alternated Sundays. discussed industrial health and in­ Janet: For • chango lot's each Aluminum Remains of the old general sut·ance. Tuesday night he was in pick out throe unrolatod itoms. Sunday school started at 1:00 or store are still visible on the Port Huron reporting on family that wo ihink ore our ~ost 1:30 and pr·eachlng service fol- Maude Bullen farm. The build­ ) lowed. In 1917 the church was camping programs. buys and list thorn for our Ing was pulled out Into !he harn­ Dr. Robbins Is a Mason chlro· customers opprovol. Lawn Chairs remodeled, a basement was built yar·d of the Bullen place after it pmctor and le.glslatlve agent for Zim: 0. K. You first. and stained glass windows were had served !he community so Installed •. On February 8, 1921, the the Michigan Chiropractic asso­ Jonot: Wall, how about Eolon's many years. It has bel!n used ciation. pound stationery with matching Reg, $7.75 name of the church was changed for. tools and chicltens since. pock.igod envolopol, Waverly to North Aurelius Union church, When the old church burned ,last dropory and slipcover moleriol, Reg. S14.95 with tho uncondition•l guoron­ teo, ond Iroquois Truo Chino? Iroquois chino Is so n'ice lor Only $5.75 JEWETT smoll lomilios like us, because I con broil our slo

"! : .. 0 ••

DAY., .• AMBUL./\NCE SERVICE,· ~ND ~IfHT Color Is Our Buslue~~ Home Furnishi~gs Ambul•nce' Equipped wltli O~ygon and RuincitiM ' ., . ;<.· ' .... ·, · ' · · · · ·. · ,honl OR 7·6151 · · ·... t.jlchlgen Zimmerman's '!Uasoia · ,124· E. Ash lnoham County News June 28, 1956 Page 2 Ihr.nn receiver] fl'nm whlnh to mnl1e 11 l'ei'Hflolrl, Cull· lTnwurli Lynr•h nnd Sinpllllll Leslie News ronrln, hu~ I!P.i'll vlsllillg hi~· C'llliH• Hiley, ot' tlw H!!lroul r·u~torllnn!i J1eg11lnr• rnr.elln~-: uf llw Onmr· l'IIJI ns grwst.~ 11[ Mr, nnd MI'H, Bnth nmplnym; ltHvn Ins, Mt', litH I Mt'H, Hill! in l Jovm•, Clam C. Strange larllrllng~. rlugn Commtrnlly Pnrm~rs HI Olm~y tciJgtrlt! ol' Gc•rmnnlnwn, Tire I lover'H lllllrrtllltH!cl nl Sun· hon11 with llw HYstrm lr.sli' llwn chth Wns Ill the' 111\1111 111111 Monduy OhJn, l\111'1!11 I'I!I!Htilll'li for· II Visit, t111y 11lrtliOJ' M•·s. l•'lor·em•l! Hwnn 11 your. Two WPI!i In LPHiil' Illes and friPIHIH, \VIIS lhr! mar• tl!amnll Boh DlnghlliTI 1111d hi~ MtJIII'I' of Cl'llnd H11plds UiHI Mr~. lllWIJslilp. illll'illl wns in Wood· rluge or Hamid .JumPs 'i't'1ll'llllll1 Wife Unll DPII Chief Blll'ltlll llnld· Shuryn Zil'll llllll'l'il'd ,lllllf' j(i Ill Ohio, l'lllll'tl 1111 MI'H. Adunl!l' JJ,. is .'·arrvivPrl by n hrot her, (li'OViHl'li llilnl' or tinW!'I'S illlll Ludles Aid SndL•!y of llw Cnm· !IH• Pontlm• CPntral Ml!lhrutlst llil't'P, !lllss Snralr ,J,mnlllgs, Sat· Leslie's hnnrd of rdtiL'Hiion palms, In an m·rhw11)' lllltllnNi mu11lty d1ut·c•l1 will mePt ut tlrP l'illll'l'ir, Hev. Dnvlrl S. Evnns and tll'rlll,\' nftPI'IUJIIII. .John nf J.r•si!P, unrl rwphews E11rl IIIII horized lll'l'eSSJli'Y f'IJ uJpme111 Ullcl l•:rl Diii'SI!'J'ill'r'i< or Lesllr. w1111 grcPns lnlm·lw•[ld wllh home nf MI'H, Veri!P Dwight on D1·. Millon Bani< soiPmnlZPci the Mr. awl Mrs. Osc•nJ' lltlnlwr nnd fnr· the rww unit nf llw clemen· rlnlslrs nnd til!rl wllh white satin 13r•llevue mnd Tue~rlny, July :i. IVPddlng t•c•rernon,\'. family spPnt llw 1\'l't>l< PIHI visit· tnry sdwol nt lis Mondny night lover·s knots formed lilc s1•t ling M1·. nnd Mrs, Fl'llnl< Baldwin Jnd< Eldllnl'il' hilS lll't'f!Jlll•tl lng Ml'. aJHI Mr·s. I~IIIWI' l•'lnllglwr mePtlng. lnclurlr.d wm·e 180 riPs!< 11 for· tile nuptlnls. Hr.v. nnhrt·t WCI'I' hosts to llw 1\nowledgP position ns l'llllsPJ'Viillllnalrlt•witl1 1111rl family 111 Hr•llwl, Olilo. Mrs. Bertha Green units fi'Om Mii'!Jignn Sciwol Serv· Sel'kers rlit h 11 I t lwiJ· lwme 11 t tlw ('llllSPI'VIIIIon rlopurt men t 111111 Vlsllors 11 I I lw honw 11f Ml', lee In L11nslng; tendwr·s desl'noll' Memorial hospllal, tirrLinrlen \Vii~ aslnfPic!J'ia nne! on a well card. for n£!XI yellr's pi·esl· ls'ln 'S Pnil·hothnm l.llld 1111!11' StJII·III·iaw blue nylon, with IL filled hndicP year's showboat one of central Michigan's top attractions. 1 \I'lL' a nwm!JI'r of tl11• LPslle Farm llP.W Delta luthr. for tlw shop. rlent, Mrs. Hawl Byrum, who lws v · I.· illld dilllgilter. Mr·. and Mrs. Ll'l'll,V HIHI full sln•t I! J'Pll <'11url'ir. In a 1m !!I< how. The wnlst llnr. wns the Grand river opposite Francis park. tember. Wlll'ki!I'S picnic· Ill Grilnll Ll'llgt• maier l<~nrl Dox· wc•n• enllcrs 11 1 tlw Clydt! Wll- mairr, unera'rll serv1ees or· ss Ill· 1s oc < 11s" a co ns 1li'Y WPJ',- a ~e • L • " , " 77 1 1 1 1 The mother· of tile bride, Mrs. shortie~ coat. ~ garcllng· personal conduct ·of peo· of Eaton Rapids. Gorsline·Runcimalln1e 111rt, , were funel'illf'DIH uc· homeer 11 1ll', say ,.,, ·'· 11 . tnever·uges M1·. a11d Mrs. Carl I

Teachout of. Lansing, .. · , 1 . Mrs. Arrhir. Jfouse J'{lturned of Lansing were Monday Pvening ·Tile bride' gmduaterl fro'h11t~s~· from Howell hospital l~st '~hurs· visitors of Mr. anrl Mrs. Riehnnl , I lie high sehool and has served as day, after surgeJ'Y em·her 111 the Jarvis and family, REGULAR $1-00 SIZE secretary to the superintendent wee{,I M rs. Gem II( D a II y Iws IJeen Mrs. Erma Baldwin was host· f · •I 1 · L ·J· .· • ·II 1 staving wilh I he Hnuse family ess to 11 products party nt her ot' sc tooTl s I •'111 I es re smre m· this. ' wee!- 1lOTilc ~ Wedrlestlay· '., ftC!r·nonn · Now so~ lllifrED TIME oNL v rme. le ll !I egron.m, ~ mmmeJ-. . . '· . Thet•e were 17 r:uests present and em! teaeher· 111 ~es!re l~1gh ~ch.o?~ • Mr.. a1~d Mrs. E~lwarcl Berm;~ the afternoon was spent in plat for the pnst 3 ~cars •. IS n Fetrrs 1 and f.tmlly and Mt. nncl Mrs. El ing games. Mr·s. Betty Nol'I'IS e Stops odor instantly school graduate . w!lh degrees ton Casady nnrl family have gnve lhe rlemnnstrntion. Refr!'sh· • Checks perspiration more rffectively from Wesl.ern .MIChrgn.n ~allege moved to !heir nf!w homes at ments were served. • Greaseless, siainlrss, safe and gentle and the Umverslly o[ Mwlugan, Swm·tz Creel<, north of Howell. Mrs. Allen Miller and chiiLlt'C!Il tlw hl'irle. before ller 1 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cheney, Eat.on Rapids fl !-'ienie * l•'urmm· Assishml anti Chir•J' Assisfa.nj Pl'll§I'Cilting AI· 'e fr·esh creamy injm· I-Jo~m·ing [of !wei f~l Slays and marnage, was n miscellaneous Grace Strobel and Andy Jacl1son Baldwin pari\ Pr1day wrth thetr flll'llf')' . sl1ower· given by Mrs. Robert [visited fl·lenrls in Dryton r·ecently, aunt, Mrs. Bergie I..:eeler. Burnelte and n presenlalion of 11 The Girls club was enlertained Mr. and Mrs. Ril'iwrd .Tan•is floor lamp by the Teacill'!J's r·tuh.l at the horne of Mr. nml Mrs, Leo nnd fnmily spenl Sunday at Lnlw v. Gerhardstein Jasl Tuesday ~ity att.endlng the Keesler fam· Clmdual.r. ur iHif'hil{tlll fp lTniVI'i'tlily rJnh•t•t•sily ·•vening 1ly reumon. * Ria anrl e ' Mr. and Mrs. Delos· Caton of or l\lidrigan J.:llv Sl'luwl Schultz-Martin Mr. and Mrs. .Jacob Strobel and ICharlotle were Sundny callers nf children and Mr. anrl Mrs.. Ed·' Mrs. Billie Weller nnd M1·. mHI wnrd Strobel and children vlsrted Mrs. Edward Henderson anrl Vows Spoken at the Geor·ge Phillips home famil'y. Thursday evC!ning. Their mother Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Barlond * l\lul'l'it•t1 and lias :~ Chiltii'Pu Lilacs and tulips dcr·ornted tile jusl returned from Fl.orida, sp.end· and family attended the l"ugate MilSON, /IIICUIOAN Fitchburg Methodist church for ing a few months with relatives., family reunion Sunday al Middle· Ac1vo<~nt<•s Ji'ait· :11111 Vigorous l~nl'rU'; Dependable- Qualified the morning we1ltling of Anna * Louise Schultz and Jame.~ Marlin Mr& Grace Stroh~ ~siled M~. ttco:w:n~,~O~I~li:~~·~r~h~ey~s~p~en~t~tl~w~\:v:ee~l~<~l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cctpable Puller on June 8. Louise is Susie W

o ~.·

tWt sw•tt A&. Pillsbut·y USTOMERS' CHOICE CHOCOLATE WHITE YELLOW Md ORANGE t~ Cake mixes *:? 2 rkg •. 59c

Millions of food shoppers choose their friendl~ IGA for savings and for quality ... For over ' • 0 IGA Whole Pillsbury 30 years IGA has been the nation's "Friendly" Carma I Food ·Store. An All-New ~.All Ameri~qn Sweet YOU CAN WIN TOO .• ! 1956 Cross Country Cal'e mix Stop in at your IGA, pick-up em entry blank Pickles and then mail your entry to - IGA Contest, P. 0. Bo:x 82.6, Chicago 90, Illinois -Nothing 22-0z. 2 rk~·· 59c to buy, and you do not have to be present to win an all-new 1956 Cross Country Rambler. Get your entry today • tomorrow for sure ! 39c

SEE A A Treat Anytime! Kool­ ~RAMBLER FOR '56 HOLDS .,-THE ROAD ON CURVES LIKE A STREAMLINED Aid .TRAIN ON A TRACK' Assorted Flavor::. 6 Pkgs. 25c

NABISCO Orco or Swiss Cream of Cookies Laryc Pkg. 35C SUNSHINE Cookie 1l·VOLT IGNITION TO ...... GIVE A MORE POWERFUL ., ,... STARTING "KICK" FOR . Assortment • COLD WEATHER . 2 PKGS. 49C 0 ~ • •. J...: 1 • • J J'lc MORE CARGO SPACI )-{ IN THE NEW RAMILI!R : . .A;.1t CROSS COUNTRY. WORLD'~ O~· ..._ SMARTEST STATION WAGON 1J. PILLSBURY'S BEST PICNIC TIME TREAT! ·• 2 - 25~1b Bags

Makes any 3.89 Picnic a 3-lb BaCJ Success I 1 Bag- $1,99 $1.15 10 lb Bag - 99c if CHOICEC~iUCI{ CUTS PICNIC STYLE Beef Roasts Lb29c Pork' Roasts Lb 29c ROUND- SIRLOIN . WILSON CERTIFIED Steaks Lb 59c Sliced Bacon Lb49c CENTER CUT SMALL LEAN Smoked Picnics Lb 39c Pork ChoF!.S lb 59c SWISS OR RIB 3 pkg. Hose Large Fancy ,SLICED BUTT Poa·k Steak Lb49c Steaks Lb49c Cantaloupe FAMOUS ECKRICH 2 Prs. Per Pkg. ,All Medt 49 Ring Bologna .Sliced Bologna c lfor 39c Slic:efJ Bologna All Beef Club Franks ' Franks !b $1.00 Red or Sc:edlc~s Radishes Ground Beef or Beef Hearts or GRADE I ' ' Grat~es Green Onions . or 2 Lb 49c Sausage Kids'~ ~·en's, Women's . Beef Tongue- l9c Lar·gc Sl·alk Fancy 4 lb $1 Values to $1.19 P~r Pkg •. Pascal Ce~erv ·. . IGA FRESH FROZEN · · 19c Oran9e Juice ·6 ~~~~ 8.9c ·Pools IGA Plastic Frozen Lemonade ':·:t~~? .Miss Naomi Gettig Weds Jrfedding Dllte 8et Piano Pupils Social Minister in Colzunbus, Ohio Give Recital ,. .. . Mls11 Nnoml 0!!111~, of l~olum· mull'flll ut llnno<'. '!'he otlwt· Ill· f'llliHI fHlpliH of Ml'H, Wllhml bus, Ohio, fnrmm·ly nf Dansville, tonilnnls Wl'l'e 1\'Jis:; Doro1hy Dm~C!illl jll'eHf!llf!! l'io~r of llll! pro· dilllghter• of M1·. Hll!l Mt'H, Wilhlll' wltltu pique rlrnss. Sill! <'ill'l'll'cl 11 gram, Witfdl I'OilHIHI<'rf of pillllD Mu~on Metllnr"list 111111 l'l'f!HhY· Cellig, 71•1 Pleusnnt Rillge, Box· mlnlniUI'I! llOilqllr!l. solos, dltPIH, a Jrln nnrl n c•nr'IWI te;·lnn C'hlll'dlf's will l1r>gln. lhr;lr· loy. '!'he hrldogrnom':; pm'c!nls lll'r' ll<'V. ltii'!Hif'(f Yn1111g, llllf'ill<', solo, I'P(I'rslllnl!llls of' I<' lions centered Hl'OlilHI Rnllmnn's Dlll'llforrl sang "H"w D11 I Lnve I fill, Kathy 'l'rlpp, AlliH! Dc!Cump, nt llw upr•nlng sPrir•s. Ills llll'nlt' pnlnllng of tlw "!·!!!ad of Christ." 'l'IH'L'," "C;!Im As 'l'lrf' Nigh!," nl!ll Carol Hayne>:; and Aln11, Dm•ld, Is '"fit<• Nnlnrl! of tiw CIHII'dl." 'l'llf' plcltlrn was hanlwll tn grer!n 1 "To Cella." llurlng Iii<• <'<'r<'rnony 1\'IAIH~AIH;'J' IPEGGYI COLI~ Hnnnlrl IIIHI Hulwn Dmsdw. OtiH!I' dnlrs R1•v. Arnold Is and Illuminated hy n tiny spot· sliP. sang ilw Jll'il)'f'l'flll "0 .Jl'SIIS, sdwdulecl In spconl< n1·e .July H, j llr:ht. Cnndelnllra sloml Oll·l'lther I HnVl' l'mmiscrl." Miss Mm·gar•r.t IP<•ggyl Cole ENf;AC;F:I\mN'I' TOLD hns d1osPn SalurrlSis l\11·. and Mrs. Climles Cnlr•, M1·. rluughil'l', Mill'r(llrPI May, In Carl dllll'dl will IH• unlo11 Methndl~l gown of white pique .In ri "wind· II'I'I'C' l't'<'<'il'l'd ily i'vll'~. Gt•itlg, Brown is 1111! son of Mrs. Gai'll<'l 1". LPwls, sn11 of Mr. nnrl Mrs. SJlPUIti nnd Is Pmplo.l'<'rfal Mldligiln Girls from 7 states are participating in the annual camp in northorn Indiana's lako region at sides and extenrlecl hack sklr•i wlllch gave the nnn Mouser, W:1shinglon C'. If., MI'H, Char•fps T<'l'<'ml and son nnrl 11<'1' flanr•p gratlunl t!rl from M;1son windward line. Hl'r fingertip veil <'UI IIIHi Hl'I'VI!d lliP 1\'C'drling l'alw Mr. nny. i\fl<'l' ri\'l'rl 'l'ursdny from Slwllmer. .Jon Dnvls ami Tom ('IJrlstf'nsrn Jo'lorirl:r, TnPsd:ry 111 sju•nrl a Wl'r>k l!f'fl Tlnlrsrlay for fi WPI'f:;ls al 1111 OJlPII hmtse !ul umtn·plla, flnnkPd Ill' n ll'i'll· pique similar lo that of thr! brirlc:>.j Scplemllf•r I, tlrt•y will rt•sirle 111 Willi ills fHII'euls, Mr. iiiHI Mrs. A. ROTC ll'ilillillg nt Fori 131'ngg, dlnnr.r·n1 12:.10 prPr'r>dPd ihP l'l'gu· lawn Jliii'I.Y Sunrl:ry. The party cling c•alte nnrl JllllWh tu'llvl. Mrs. Close friend of tho hrlrle, MI'S. Untied Tlwolllgi<·:JI S <'min n 1·y, L<'l' Snnhol'll. Norlh Carnlinn. . lnr merting. Mrs. ('f'<'ii llohm r1/' was J~lv<'n !Jy ilw Mun·ny.~· rlnugh· Ruth A. I!nll and Mrs. Lr•on

WehiJPI'ViiiP nsslsterl ns <'o·hm-:1· 1 ters, Mrs. Rll'!wrrl Gilmartin of Gilmnrtin of Lnnsing !-H'I'VPrl t•nlte ess. Lansing nnrl Drrnna Mlll'l'iiY nt nnli p1·esiding at tlw fllliwh howl M1·~. Tr!•ne .Jarrnd of Lakl' home. were Miss Patrid;r Bnrllsirlrnt, pn•siriPri oV<'I' SPVPml h11 uquf'ls of len roses, Miss IJarhal'il Hall. DLte lo bar! Couple ExchanB·es Vows till! lllrl'ling. Mrs. P.rlrw Galligan Jll't•senl<'d lo lflf' tmnorerl rrnlple weather IIH! rrofre~lmwnl lahlc• gave a tSSOI'i(•S. 'l'hr•r her· hLlllnn rli!-·plny, 1hi' M ~ilver· dol· in Lansing for ;{years anrl thrn 1 bride is tl1e claughlel' of the late nt. 221 Cllimgo :;lr<'PI, Lilchlft'ld. Attorney Rr.rtnr or Battle• Cr'nl of l•:nsl Ash, Phnn<' Olt H·l7ol members and :i guPsls illlend<'ri 1\ltu·rays lly liwil' daughters. iivrd sinee. Mr. Mlll'l'il,l' is 1111 Sll· Pf.ARSALL \Greve. Mrs. Alher•Jisc Downing Lit<'hfi<•lrl mmnlllnil\' si'!Jnols. Ji<• fmm Enton Rapids, l..aingshlll'g, I Mr. and Mrs. Gilmarlin Piller· [H'I'Vision ill tlw Fisher Boi'Vilir•. laincrl IH•t· pni'Pnls ancl Donna al plrml in Lnnsing. The <'OLiple cx· !\It•. anrl Mrs. Gilson Pearsall ing nrr. parents of the IH'i spolw lh!o'ir'nuptial grl'l'. The• nr•w Mrs. Down! ng •·r•ll'ill'illlon at 1 bl! ~'lurrny home. Mrs. Mlll'l'ny gn•etr'd ilrl' Mt·s. Clar·c•n<·c• E. BuI'VPrl a nrl . Last Wr:><'k '.~ gursl wns Mt•. 1\llll'l'il\''s nunl. At.o Avoilab/~ , , , For Mrs. Sherwood Mr. anrl Mrs. Bruce F. Greve Mrs. Norlnn C'ill'l'ir'd nn tlw sanw Mrs. Gertn11le Waters' or Si. MI'S. ]{Uih Rohcrls 111' Lansing uf Albuquerque, New Mexico, at- work at Albion eoJic>ge for a simi· R~CEPTION CARDS ,Jolnls. Mrs. Mul'l'a~··s pnl'l'nls eniPl'iainrcl at a storl< shower tended the couple. Mrs. Greve iar inslitull' whir'h was allenrl hy 4~0 women, Two wcPks ago lwallh. Mrs. E:d Nil'!wfs· of ANNOUNCEMENTS pnm· IVPdnPsrla,l' evening. trim. Mr. Greve Is a nephew of Mrs. Norton wns n slurlent in t llf' Ln ingshurg and Mrs ..J olm Tny hll' the bride. .lttrisrli<•l ional Sdwol 11f Missir>ns Mollern Cleaners llncl r·ltarge nf illr! guPsl regislel'. 'l'Ju• gro11p played gilnws afiPl' . whieh was also 1111 Alhinn's mm· 124 W. Ad1 Mason The Ingham County News :!' ::: '!• wili<'h ilw hosles~ serverlrnlc>d !I slat·es <'1'1'11111 o'lll. Wit· will begin at. 7 o'eloc•k with a on such 1hings as lye, ammonia nesses were the mothers of the choice of pie, cnl1es, coffee anrl ami strong acicls which should couple, Mrs. Mae Curtis and Mrs. Yourself iced drinks. The ~octal is open lo Treat remlml pnrenls that tlwy slwuld Myrna F. Peabody. Drug and the public:. t he kept nut of chilrlron's rcac:h, ,,, "' "' to comments Coral Morris, ext en· Mrs. ElizaiJet h Collar Potter al· our Howanl Spenr and family of Camera sion specialist in l1ome manage- tended a hirthdny anniversary Dearhorn were guests or Mr. ami WARE'S ment nl Michigan State. party Sunrlny for Mrs. Zon Ho· Sun FAshions 1 MrR. Colonel Spear Sntunlay. Mr. But, she warns, illings IIHLt 'bart o( Dnnsvillc;, On Mond~y anrl Mrs. Colonel Spem· visiiNi mig hi mean clan get· arc oflen 11111 Mrs. Hohm·t. and Mrs. .Tulia Mr. and Mr·s. Herscl Stnnley of (' sn iubelecl. In fact, l'emrrls on nne:> Dcmp;roy nf H;~mhurg ytsltecl [j:ast. Lansing Sunday. l:u·g,~ r.1 ty's poi~on coni ro 1, C'C'Iller Mrs. I oll et•, and lue.~clay r~verrl t shmv lhal. drugs l~uch ns ovel'· Cnllnr wns hm· gue~l. Ml's, Bessie Wallcrs of Mason Air Condil'ioning attended the wedding or her doses of i\Spirin, candy-flavored C11l. and Mrs. Marshall Barr ill'· grandson, Kenneth Br·own, 1n medicine nnrl oil of wintergreen! rive Dressy or ca­ insecllcirles, fumiturP polisltes er, Mrs. Bf!rtlw Barr. They left for Brethren in Lansing. She was t11r. sual sun b.:~cks and laundry bleaches, ttlrpentine Wedne~;clny In retum by train to week end guest of he1· son·in·law $2.98. $1 0.9fl and cosmetics are the most com· FL Monmouth, New Jersey. Mrs. and datlgflter, Mr. nnd Mt·s. S. C. mon causes of poisoning in chi!· Barr's clntlghtet·, Mrs. Norma Kutt, and family, in Lansing. Your Shopping Comfort dn~n. Welton of Dixon, Montana, is also For the youngsters under 5 it's yisiting her mother. She plans to Mr. and Mrs, Raymond McLean a good idea to check fol' poisons rcltll'n home Sunday. Mr. ami and daughters are leaving Satut·· BLOUSES !he ldtchen, bathroom, bedrooms, Mrs. Benjamin Barr of Battle day to spend 2 wecl1s at Linlool; by· garage, attic, yard, basement ami Creek were nlso guests of M1·s. park, Ludington. PEDAL PUSHERS closets. Be sure that. anylhing Barr nt dinnet' Sunrlay. SHORTS harmful is off the floor nnd low Mrs. Ambrose Hope, Jr., and shelves, oft' the tops or tnhles nnrl Ten·y of Los Angeles, California,. Woman Performs sinks, nway from food· shelves and M1·s. A. W. Stackhouse of AIR\TEMP nnd locked or stored away. J-Iolt were Sunday dinner guests Miss Morris suggests that [OI' of Mr·. and Mrs. Floyd Weldon. SWIMSUITS to suit your added protection rend nil labels Mrs. Hope and Terry 'returned to AMost Difficult carefully, including the small Angeles by plane Monday Division of Chrysler Lo~ ' ~"""':;"\, fancy in Oi' oLtt of water print·. Discard all pt·escriptions after visiting her parents, Mr. $5.9B to $15.90 not IJelng used. Never loavc and Mrs. A. W. Stnclthouse of Balancing Act it}.; ~/. household chemicals nround in Holt, for 2 weeks. Mr. Staclchouse' The most dlmcult balancing containers which were mean I. to is improving satisfactorily after I act of allis perfot·med ever·y dny hold food or bevernges. Always surgery, bY guess who? The avemse repl11ce the cover tightly on con· Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. American housewife. She hns to Sold and Installed· talners. Ami, keep them out of w. v. Barlmay were Mr. and balance the fnmUy food budget t•each and out of sight of chi!· Mrs. Charles I

• ' \ ~· ' ' ' o ,', ' • o " I o ' • •, o Ingham County News June 28, 1956 PageS Couple Greets Bunker Hill rlflltghtm• or Mr·. nnrl Mrs. Hnmld Bill Arl1lri,v spont lnst weol1 nt L~hlfl'l'iJIIJ. lllu HI ('fltn)l tH'III' r'II!ICPH· Mr. nnrl Mrs, Hownrrl Pnttr.r· A TO Z LUBRICATION clepnrltnl•fll In f'llllllrr•t!on with I liP r.lnth rnVPI'Pd llw tnhlr>, Mrs. Pat· slon is nlt·c•nd)' 1111 assurl'd pari nf snn ancl son at' Chirngo spent llw vlllngP. trrson's slstrt•, Mrs, Rollnnrl wert{ Pnrl wllh llw fo1·mer'R pal'· llu• 1111 r:wllotls. l!onpt!llgnrncr, of CJmlis Lalw nnrl See Tlwy nl~o IH'Hl'd Phil flhlrlry rmtR, M1·. nnrl Mt·s. Mrrrrllth Pnl· Mr, Pultei'SO!l's Hlstr•r•, Mrs. II!I'ROif, nnd Rnymonrl Swift of tltr r'nllll· PJ!:'l'I'r!ONS '1'0 C0 N n R E SS ty lwnllh rlepat·tnwnt rel.(nt·rling Brl'llnrd Hn,lf'sld, of Homen srt•vrd Mr. nnrl Mrs·. Rogrt• Cmnstou enlw. Mrs. Andrrw rn!P and Mrs. these duys nre nothing new, us the usr> of hmtsr ll'llllc!rs within this 120-yem·-old dorunwul slimys. nnrl rnmily of Laingsburg nnrl lhr Pflllflly. 'l'hn township hnnrrl Program Ends lfnw:l!'d Pn t lrrson, dn ughlf't' anrl M1·. nncl Mrs. Rnhet•l FiwP.e•t nne! dauglllrr·ln·law of llw couplo, An uct of Cnn!]t'c·~s in lB.Hl Al RICE CHEVROLET osRI!t'Prl thP munty thnt It will grunlL•d Micliigun slalcliortd on fnmll.v of Wllllnmstnn visited mmply with the lu•nlth dPpnrl· Bible School Jllllll'!'fl. condition lltul tlw "'l'olcdn strip," wilh M"r. atHI Mrs, Merrrlith Pal· ment l'ltlrs h,Y I'C'ljltll'lng ll'llllrr '!'he Br>n,lnmlns, I hough hosls, un m·cu desired hy hath ~licltig:tn !!'t'SOII Ttlf'sdny rvrnlng. mnrhes to hHVI! prrmits. Sllr'h Higllllghl of I l1e pmgrnm of' wr.t·r tlnnille to ntlrnrl at the last nnd Ohio, go In Ohio with 1\liclti· Mr. anrl Mrs. Rnhm'l Shepnt•rl For Complete Car Service pr>r'tnils mny 111• 11 htai!wrl 11pon tlw Stod pnl'('nls of a rlnughtrt• npplknllon to Wllllnm Caslwy, Sdwnl in tlw Bnptist chlll'r!h wns of llw!t• lnfnnl son, Clnrl\, ,))•, A storm uf indignullm~ follnwe(l, nnmerl Drhnrnh Ann, horn .June EARL CAVENDER, Service M IHlY nut of rlangr1·. Pntt•icin Relit~ nr llw llcnry J''o)'(l Cnpl. nnrl Mt•.q, Rolwrt Cnnham Mason llf'l'mnttr.ntly whlf'h woulrlt'f'CJIIit·r d1urch, ;;aiel Rl'v. David Hills or 1\JUSI'Uill slutr, II'US signed hy JQ!} and d1ilelren of Fort Leaven· rr!sirlcnts of Wltllcfo)'(l township, nn cxtrmdcrl permit good fo 1· (Jilf' the Mrlh(I(IIHI dttl!'f'h. ~··· Brlt!lPI' worth, Kansas, nnrl lhelt• cousin, Molli'Oe county, who 11idn'L want Linda Holznng!P of D!!lroll ill'<' 1 Y<'rt!', suhjl'et to tltr> uppt·ovul of lolrl tlw f'llllrlrl'll n l3iillc story WSCS· Meets at to Jive in Ohin. 'l'lU' Uppe1· Prn· thr> ('rHtnly lwalth dr>pat•tmr•nl. Padt day. visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallet• lnsuln, dennum•c!rl in the petition Slmnge WilllP C!nroute lo Wnsh· In mmpllnnr•(• with thP ('Oltnly I Eni'OIIerJ WPre 1:10 f'llllrlren, Methodist Church us "lite frmcn und Iii criiL• shores lngtor1, D. C., In sr.e Cnpl. Can· road mmmisslon's rf'qiiPsl, the with nn IIVP.I'ilf.:C nf !l2. of I,:tkl' Supel'iot•," Inlet• pt•nverl SUMMER TIE-UP - C 0 0 I, Holstein '!'he W. S. C. S. rner!l lng was hnm's parents, MaJor Geneml slim and collccted-lhot's the town.qhlp ho:ml rmaeterl a :ifl·mllr Wcll·nt!PtliiPd by hntll pnt·cnts a honnnzn o! timhct' :111d iron ore. comltu•terl at tlw Methorllsl church nnrl Mrs. Chm·les Canhnm. summer r e n d i t I on of this per· lwut· spPr.rl limit on all mario nnrl d1iirlren, tlw l'loslng- meeting ln~l Werlnesrlay rvening. Hughie Crnfl nnrl Tnylot• Cmfl sheath in barley beige or pep­ within tile township, exrll!slw of hHrl each depm·tmcnt rlemon;;trate Devnllons were led hy Nora word of llw rlenl h of per black cotton pique. Col· .~lntc OJ' national lt·unl' rrmrl~ or the work they lwrl drlllc within Stockbridge Lions lured in sugar white, the: wbole BASE COWS 1\isller. Tl1e program was In lhril' brothr.t•, Clifton Craft, in sPelions of I'Onds where lesser the sdwol period, Beginnet•s of f'hnrge of Evadene Sommer, ns· .Jncl\~nn county, J{rntuclty, Mon­ dress is tied up neatly with u speed limits ani prlSI!'d. Tt will pre·sdwol nge ~lwwed examples slsted by Mona Moeckel, BPulalr · Sponsor Softball day, ~hecltet·-board four-in-hand. become eiTf'cllw .July 21, as 11 of thei!· erayon coloring of Bibll· .lambs and .Jenmwtle Otto. Cnplalns for lhe newly-former! Connie an(l Ruthle Faullmer 1alws 30 days for n new spPcd Jaw l'al p!f'lut·cs. Tiley snng some of Corners r.allert on Huzel SteplwnH Mm·garct Collins sang n solo, Mlclgel Stockbridge hasclmll team arc sp~nrllng the weelt wllh their 10 llecorne effective, the srmgs the~· had learned. nnd Floi•encc Dutton To'rida,v. 20 Springer Cows and Heafers nl'companierl at th!' plano by Nel· are announcer! as 13ill Howard, granclpat·rnts, Mr. and Mr.q. Tim Clyde l~nhet• was :~ppolnled to Primnry department ehllrlren McCarm. lie Stephr·~~. .lad Mllteer, Terry Barnard nnd There will hi' a dwt'(•oal bar· fill a var!:uwy in the group of rlisplnycrl animals thr.y marie Michael Noll of .Tael\son sprnl hecue ~hl('ken dinner at IIH' Ruth Howard, president, intro-, F'rnnl< Spncllfnrf'. II Is sponsored constables to aHsliil .Jnr Southwell. whleh WPI'P. tolrl allnut in Biblical by Ihe Stockbridge Lions Plub and last wr.ek with M1·. nnd Mrs ..Jim church Sntunlay PVening, .July 7. Up to 16.000-lb Records Max Mills is thr. nthrt· assiHtanl. slorleH. .Junlnrs rlisplayrrl the duerd the 2 mlgmnl worltet'S who McCann and family. Mrs. Maxinl' Sweet is altf'tHI· are wot'l\illg in the area during tiu·ough their rontributirm or $50 Nor·mally lhet•e at'(' ''· Including notPhnol;s they mmle. the players will have Identifying Lnrry Flannery lwei an rmPt'· ing sumrnr.r sPlmol al E:asiPrn Soullnvell who is also the vlllagc July. They arc Rlrnrdo Velasquez ):(cnry appendectomy nt Mercy Michigan college in Ypsilanl i, Ready to Freshen ami .l;l<'queline Swecnr>y. Both of r•nlrll'erl T-shirts anrl som£> needed marshal. M1·. and Mrs. Ralph Breerlon equipment. hospltnl . .JackROll, lnst Fridny. where shf' will l'('('f'll'e her B. R. tlwse ynung people said 11 few ami Denie·e and Mrs. C. E. Ash· '1'\vo games will go on at the Mrs. Wilbert Winchell visllrcl degree nn .Jut~· 27. Mrs. Clm•aiJclle Glenn, am! mor(! of J;wl1son enlll'rl on the words tn tile group. her aunt, MrH. A lmn Raymond, in Mr. al!fl Mrs. Walrlu WaiiPrs .Iran Marshall, ehairmnn of a same lime eacll l•'t·iday at tile WE'Ll. FEED AT FARM TO MEET YOIJ . Mrs. Huth Howard nllenriPd a CP.cil lllldl\lns nnrl the Rie•harrl :1lhlf'tic field at p. m., as well Footr hospitnl, .Tnd1son, ·Mon· and Mr. anrl Mrs. ChariPs 1\ill:un slate 1\lngs Dnugllters hoard! AHhmnt•r.s Sunrlil,\'. r·ommillee to investigate circles 7:ao day. as Monday anrl Wednesday at one and .Jane s~l'!ll Sunday f'Vr•ning lll<'f!ling at !•'lint Tue.oliay. Mr. and Mrs. 01·Jn Oal\ley were for thP W. S. C. S., presentcrl the o'cloel;, nt Pleasant !:1ke. . Mt•, and Mt•s. Hamid Hosp and rcrrnt guests of IIH• Charles Brnrl· committee I'P.porl. A discussion Rohel'l Swc!'t rr.tut·twrl to his :family of Detrnil Sjlr>nl tlw wPrl\ j flr>lrl~ of MlrldleviiiP, and lhr• too}( plnf'e aftelwnrd nnd . the Hlgll school-agerl hnschall t·ec-, fitchburg homP. Sunday rrom MP!Ius lin.~· reatlon won from Chelsea 111·8 enrl with Mrs. f~arl Rosr. James 1\nrale fnmlly nf Ionia. ·· group voter! by s!'Cl'<'l hallot on pital. Brighton, wlwt·r· lw had Saturday 10-3 whelh et· ot• not I o hreal\ the last Wl'elc Tl1is summer the ~Irs. Lyle Grow bcPn a patient IIH• past Wf'ek. or·ganizntlon into cirC'lr.s. It was league plays Ensl Jackson, Par· Blhlc ~chool cndccl last Friday Mrs. Mertle Noy1•e is still slr·k C-:>me pick 'em voted down hy a narmw margin. ma, Grass Lnl\e and Mand1ester, at tllr. Fitchburg Methorlist ·at her home on ft;lllP.t'l s m:nl. as well as Chelsea. church, A program wn1r given In One to 30 ,Jnstlr•e CnuJ•t Fun and Fumble soft hall league Sunday school Sunday moming. I Lawn Furniture Violations selllr>d at JuHtice with 4 teams is captained by Boll There wns an enrollment of 39 Derby Neighborhood ..... Colll'l, Alva Beeman, justice of Wn'll finance If You Prefer Pntdon, Don Johnston, Mary pupils ami 11 teachers. Mt•s, C:, W. SJII'ing-nmn Stack Chairs peace were: Ransom l~leteh!'l', Stephens anrl Art Stephens. M1·s. Hugh Morehouse, who has Camp Cots Stor~kh1·idg!', ran stop ~ign, $5; The above groups are nil pat·t been visiting her daughter· in Mr. nml Mrs. B. B. Smit ll fll'P Chaise Lounges Maxine Allan, Stockbridge, no of the summer recrenl iona I plm1s. Jncl1son, has returned home. spending t11r~ s11nmw1' at their npc1·ator';; license, $fi; Beve1·ly cottage at Lost lakf'. P' Royal Chef Gri lis M1·s. We](orrl Call ret urnr.rl Undct•wood, Stockbt•idge, speed· Larv Watson spent til<> past homr fmm Mercy hospital, Jacl\: Mrs. Orh1 Ar:ldev, Mrs. 'J'Prl (;ardhouse Brothers Coriverto.Berich ficnic Tables ing, $HI; Ervin McNaughton, Lan· montli helping eare for l1is fat her son, SliiHiay afternoon, Pay, Mrs. SlaniPy J:'il.\' nne! Mrs. On Grand River 2 miles west of Howr.ll sing, rlisobeyed stop sign, $5; al Culver, Ky. Mr. Watson, Sr., Mt·s. Erlwa_rrl Hyatt of Leslie Geon:;c Spl'ingmall allenrled a Tlteorlol·e Nuss, Gregory, speed­ last wee!<. sncnt Ins I F11day with Mrs. Lucy hrirlal shower at tlw IHlmP or Acr~ss from Triangle Inn and featuring tho new $12; H ing, nnrl .John Kelley, M · · L M · · Orin Oat\ ley ami' GroiV nne! Mr:. and Mrs. Lylr. Mrs ..rack l\1yl'rs l~rirla.l' ('VI'ning W!'bbervillc, no operator's Jief'nse, I. oilll Is. · ' Gt·ow and Manon 011 in honor of BarllarH J{oilPI'In, $14.~0 OJ' 10 days in jail. Gury c~llerl M_t'. and Mrs. Mt·. 'and Mt·s. Lloyd Gee, Mr. Lakewood ·Garden Torch Gt·ant Rwhmnnd Saturday eve- nnd M1·s. Irving Bat{lorff, Mrs. gives festive, mellow liqht- kills mosquitos, moths, burn.s inex­ StrH'IIill'hlg-1! MHthodist, David nlng. William Wilson, Mrs . .John Huf. pensive kerosene. Perfect for garden, lawn, patio, bool dock Hills, ministel'. Morning worship, Mt·. anrl Mrs. Wynn Boyce had fine, Mt·s. William Freiermuth, - easily moved! 10:.10; C'IHn·eh school, 11 :110; cltoit• a pienir: at their home Sunday. Mrs. Lucy Grow, Mrs. Clair Tish l'ehr>nrsal, Friday, R p. m. All Other guests were tile Lawrence1 and Lcr. Titus rittencled funeral

'1 Dad an vinrude Humt·ich family of Webbervil!e services for Mrs. Paul McCreery Buy E fnclin Centennial choir will sing al thr 1\11. Hope Methodist church, and lhe Don Sommers nncl Wtl· at Leslie last Wednesday. M1·s. Only s4.69 Lan~ing, Friday evening, June 29. liam Sharland families. McCreet•y was a fot•mer Fitch· The official hoard will meet 111 the Mr. nnrl Mrs. Dale Miller are burg 1·esidenl. l'lllii'C'Il, Monday !'vening, .July 2, on a trip to Yellowstnm• park and M1·. nnd Mrs, Lee Tjtus· nnrl LOOK! ••• NEW ELECTR at :-l p. m. This will he the first other western points. Susie! lwve heen entertaining ·. meeting of the new churd1 year Mrs. Beulah Boyce spent 11 few relatives from Arlwnn. . nnd u large attendance is re· days wilh her son.Lioycl anrl ram· Mt·. :md Mrs .. Harold At·tz and quesled. The dedication o[ the Jly of Dexlet·. Fmnc•ls nf Sprmg~orl caller! on \; parsonage nne! churrh house has ·) II M'll • II) ll H Ill· Mt·. an(J Mrs. Welllo)'(t Cnll Sun· ~ 8111 paNel an~ ~tori• 1 c 1 et :mr . on.a r o s day ev()n in g. omy, plus small motor been sdJerlulrd for .July R, Dr. on~ handiOIIi easo. Masl lip A reg) do-good er for outdoor· flOW!!/ •• LaVern Finch, presiding. and fl'lends had :1 Jlir•nte at Hnl· Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Grow nnrl Thrillinc rua,, indoor hot.•sa ond garden LOW COST 1' ~conmtlV ... and pu::lll· land Sunday. Marion spent Sunday evening \ !~' $'46s.oo 'Amcru:a's flnul out· ht111an tlperatm£ cun· do·if-yourself jobs, lllC!X· POWER TOOL Mr. and Mrs. Paul Westfall nnrJ with Mt·s. Bertha Wnrner of board motor - w1th 'ven1ence. !ilow trolhna Slodtlll'idg·e llaptlst, .Tames E. daulong porlormancol O'w'llr 30 mph speod2. pensive, •Iuick, snup. OF 101 USES ••• Lombard, pastor. 10:30, morning d::lllght·er o[ Lansing visited the .Jael\son. on a If a dune n ts. worship; 11 :30, clmrr.h school, :ray ane IR visiting at the Hohert P. Wlllrnms atte!1ded lhe wedchng Power Mowers ole! Ward hom!' Sunday. WnH~on home. of Noreta Bart1g ancl Harvey 'tion. , Whispering Power in a choice of nine Rototiller";; I . Ouiboclrd Molot·s .Tackle Flaclt spent the week j Westerby at the Webberville Bap· models ... 3 to 30 horsepower. All are easy with her grandparents, the Hart· 1ist· church Saturday afternoon. 1 cw, otectric slarllng 'starting. Electric starting in 3 models. With more mans, Oa~ Mr. ar1d Mrs. Basil Stowe called n America's favoriltJ I North White · 15." Slow lrolling lo 1 power in the big motors there's increa:ed fuel Brllwny power .•• c~s')l Mrs. David Basore and family on Mrs. Rose Chaffee at Lansing. ~•r 25 mph. ·•• alllrting .•• quiet, smoulht lrnve })(!en entertaining he•r bt·oth· !\ll•s, Forest Fl!llow>~ Mrs. Chaffee just underwent sur- ~ 1 economy. See and try these great new Evmrug_!!_s.,L New Equipment et··in.Jnw and sister, Capt. and Joyce Updylte spent a few dnys gery and ltas returned home. s456.00 ~ .'i.'f\:JI $ 366.00 Mrs. George Gillispie, and family Ia week with Mrs. Ethel Sly, Vantown W. S. C. S. will have PLAY WHILE YOU PAY ... · Rototillers 8 1 of the air base at Dayton, Ohio; ' . • Jamlly night at the hall Wednes· USE OUR TIME PAYMENT PLANj. Power Mowers and Mrs, Bnsore's mother, Mt·s. Mrs. Ednn 'I'tlus and Mrs. Dora· day night July 4 In place of ... , . - ~---- John Bean Sprayers !Hand and Power) Edward Barnett of Ada, Ohio. thy McCabe. visited their daugh- their regu'tar dinn~r·. Those nt· Boats and Motors !Oliver and Mercury) Mrs. John Willmore and Judy ter and stster, !'vfrs .. Barbara lending m·e to tal1e ealw or wafers "Country Boy" Riding. Tractors are spending a few days visiting Schwanilz at Mnrme Ctty, oveJ'I ancl theil' own table service, Lawn Furniture · in Louisville, I

.. ' ' ) . . _.. . : . . ' . . . . ,' 1 lpgham County News June 28, 1956 Page 6 Wr.rlnr.srlny evening of lust wenll Mr. 1111ri J\lr 11, ,111111r.ij Ilurt · I Grovenburg News vl~ltnrl nt the lwmc nf l10r ~Isler, Ml's, Lrm Prenclmore, of Lansing, . Mrs. Howard North l\lrH, gmmn Thompson Ill• H.olt News tnnduri tile DllllSilllll'e fnrnlly fO• Mrs, Alton Kinney Gl'llllll '" '1'11111' J:Ul'IIJIII lltlion HI Lnlm Orlrssn Sunclny nft, <•rnnnn, 'l'iwm wu~ no rain qr Class to Give Mro, Lll,v ,f 1\'11~ In Ihili vl!!lnlty, Doli•nit SIIIIII'fhl,l', .J11ne .111, fnl' Gh·l Hc·ouiH A I'll llonol'!'rl New York I'Jiy, 'l'lw next rlny Ti1o 1\J. Y. i'. of 11nhhlns·Grnv· ,Jwllt 11 "Brownie" Mnl lr!son, 3-Act Comedy enlntl'g hnrl u pknir• at Pimumnt Nuptial Vows HIW will lw orte of 11 'gl'llllll of lfl rlnughl!!l' of Mr, nnrl Mr~:~, Rwan lnlw !-iaturrlny afternoon with 'l'lwre will lw 1 I'C'iH'III lll'r'· to icuvo II~· pilddnn to rinnny heuvy worl' storm IIH'l'l'. llllrll'atli 1\lc·Kim. Glvc•n In manlagr! hy Mr. Bcm~· Dies in Lansing for· some time, Mrs. ,\'l;rrloll Wo~rnl'r was r·o· lr.y, the hrir!P appr·onc•liccl the ai· Mr. ami Mrs. Byron Coy of I Mr. and Mts. Don !tic-!' nnd hosiC'ss. 1111' in a f.:OIVII of whill' lac•p over Lcslil' Sullivan, 202[) Pllliilps Nectlmor·c•, gl'flnrlmother· of the 'Nillimnston cnlit•cl Sunday at tllr! fnrnily vlsilc•d ,1\lr. and ~Irs. l~r· net. A small hc•;•cled c·ap held her l'CHirl, riled l•'riclny 111 11 Lansing hrlrle. Othr•r oul·of·town guPsls '1Cii11C or his sister·, Mr~. Ifugh nest l•'iil'llH'I' Sunclny In nr•trolt. Till' HlflrilgP llfl' of Mlr:lil(:(illt llngcr·titl vcoll and ~hr. r·arTirci 11 hospltul. lfn was hol'll .July 31, wcr·n Mt•, anrl Mrs. Ft'cd Dowling 1\ngcll, Mrs, f~wlyn l'acl,\', their aunt, !'!'· 1\lr'lntosh ;rpplcs r•ar1 be .stretcltcrt houquntof pink garriPnias anrlrcrl lfl!O, In Es<·anallll anrl liver! in of Pontiac. Tile in•rclc dwsc for a Mr. and Mrs. C·r•e Allrm nnrl turned ltwift \fr. nnrl Mr~. Geor~e Pulutcr anri VnnEtten was ll!'st man. liP was 11 ml'mher· of the St. & Co. and his wife is emtrlnyerl '\1'r. ami Mrs. A. L. Toolwr. Mrs. JlpasiPy wor·r• a nuvy hiuc• ,Joseph Callwlil' f'illlt'l'h nt Es{'a· at lila state laboratory. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! 1 11ncl wh!IP dress with white accc:!~· nnba and a mnmhc•r· of 1he [ --- Mr·. nnrl Mrs. Leon North anri sarles, comp lemr.ntecl hy a cor· 1\nfgbts of Columhus. ' 'amlly, Milclrerl North nnrl Lluil' sar-:e of wl1ite garriPnias. 'l'lw Moon enlleri Sunrlny evPning on Surviving m·e 2 sons, Wlliinm j' L ' Ch h bridegroom's mol her wore a of L;rnslng nnd Rohert of the u. anSI ng urc 'Vfr. and Mrs. Lewis Wilson of COME IN TODAY AND l!t•ess of navy bluP .lllci a plnl< S. navy In ,J;1pan; a clauglrler, , f Manon. Mt·. and Mi.~. Nol'l'is Hotchkin gardenia c·orsagc•. LPslic Ann of Lansing; anrl3 sis· I Is Location or 'l'hn lli'Wiywecls ll'l'f'iVPri glii'SIS tc•rs, Mrs. 1<. Kessler of l~ast Lan· qf Lansing called one clay las! lrom Lansing nnri Ilolt at a rr· sin~. Mrs. Vern Frnnl< of EH£'a·1 N • I y wer•l< nn Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles GET ABEAUTIFUL! NEW ceplion on llw lnwn of tlw flc11s· naha and Mrs. Loyola Kosky of upt1a 0WS l~mnlr.d With white Cedar street, am the br·iclegroom's Mr. nnd Mrs. James Hart at· gladioli in white tiffany hasl\cts. parents. Mrs. Lumbert wore a principal mechanieal clements widroly from introrlur:Lion of the worl you In EN,IOYING MOD· sriw, WI s co n s I n. Twenty-nine Pnllbenrt!rs were ,J. II. r~ctlaJ·s, nlumnl bnc:l< nn enmpus for I'll• Check Artist Takes $94 I~RN ART, She wrote It for pno· unions at commenc:ement lime, Two Stndlhrlrlge merchants yours llfio llwy moved I o MnHon Claud Pecl1, Coy Dunsmore, AI· pic who cnn't maim n study of it lost $!lol lnHt Monclny nnd Tuqs· whare he ennllnucriHs 11 fur fHrm· hert Humphrey, Boyd Relyen and hut want to lu10w whnt It's nil "We t!xpect the University of cr·. ·The l

11 •• and more and more ot them are discovering that the big Rocket-powered 8~ Is Vitamins ·Can Also well within their reach-especially right nowl '·' Help the . Mind ••• Small wonder mo1·e and more young own. And, with its famous Rocket En· A.ilr ua to ahow yau the tlgurtta • , , moderns are going for Oldsmobile in gine- a thrill to drive~ Above all, this YOUR INV.STM.NT HOLDS Of thirty-two suff~ring · froni merit.!! disorders, 5uch a big way! Most folks naturally 01dsmobilft is a BIG car . • • with the tweiity~nirie iinpro~edl fifteen rem~rkably after prefer a p~estige car , , o especially riding cmufort, superior - stability and certain rocti~t new vitamin treatment. Thus vita­ when it's suclt a value. Just look - safety typicnl of big-et!r design. · min ther~tpy has opened a whole new field for hu­ I • , a price that fits ·your budget better Came In for a behind-the-wheel trial than many models of the smaller, low· of a new Oldsmobile. See fm· yourself man benofit-and. mont~ I depression has been powered cars! . · how much yow· present em· is worth in figureB to m»ke it clear dofin.ilely connected with vitamin deficiency. o ~ I a resale value so high it tt·adition· t1·acle if you act now! You, too, will get ally tops the· field ut trade! Olds ideus ••• and the price of an "88" tlmt Oldsmobile. •' 111\S top Your doctor's guid~tnce. is most important in vita­ ~ , o a reputation for lively perform• makes it caS)' for them to come true. value today whea you therapy. Consult him before you buy, ance that's kriown and envied- every· Sec ns now! You'll find that we do busi· buy it • •.• top nlue where! ness in n quality way tu match the· quality tomorrow at J:csllle, Let· Best of all, this Oldsniobile is fun to of tlte cars we s.ell. JU t~bow ·¥ou 1 ._; \ C) LE:> S lVI C) B I ,L..:E 1\"fl!SJilmil'lltiMBBR!RmmlBWJI;.• A QUALITY PRODUCT brought to you by AN OLDSMOIILI QUALITY ·DIALIIU, ----- A ' :·· · · . . · ... ~ .. !~~~·,·~:\·::;---·· _.. 7 ...._~:.:.:.:., •• , .,,.,_.,,, lnoham County New$ June 28, 1956 Pa~e Plnllnwn Pontlno Cn, Trlnl helore the 2 Court Actions Olllll t WithrHII II !llrY tOk~n lln!lcr II II VI••· Marnag . e Appll'catl'ons mut 1 Divorces Granted Tho f'eoplo nr Uio Stu to of Mlr.hl~nn I' nul II Mookl 211, nkomo•' Mr•ll "' llntiY ~ loUilll"" VR Allllll n.,,. v• llnnulo AmcR B1uco U Urylle 10 I nton Jtnpltl11 lillitllnt dhectOI' of eKtenston nnd stnte 4·H Club lender on July 1 The Wayne Geer nttenlle1l tlw H-I -AHKmlu toH, ReJ.:lt~lt It d AI chill ct11 (i 17 Arlnl.,mnu nt lnfn1 mnllnu recul hnth Vlvlnn f Pt•l!!l t~on, .!0, I nuRIIIK N Wml!dn~tnn Avcllli(J LanMIIIJ.t Mld1 Jtlmd~:HI ~nllty hoth nc~tlJ11 tl hnth It'• Cnrl 1.~ 1\nJkuu, l'i ftlllnd Ledgt 2a old M11wby Cllllle up Ctom the 4·H Club ranks In Kent county, council mectli•r ,q Ilo11 ell Mon 1111111 111 '" d 1 oHit r C ~Ill Oil whl, h will mnmh I f01 flf nt~ncc A WutHnn 26 J.. nnslnJC. ·ye~ichlglln's first Intel nuUonnl Fnrm Youth Exchnnge delegnte dny nlglll A J'111t fnt y bt• J rllldtr) Whlll Jtlllllli llfl ICtllllltd 'J he PcnJJitt of thro SlntB n( Mh hlunn John R Schwflllzf r .!::! Ent1l lllnHhHC :~~ has been 11 member of the Michigan s:ntP. University extension Holurt 1~ )lliiiUJ J\11 lddH n111Ht lu nccnmrmnlr d I.Jy n VH Hn1 hnru J OJ Ivai und Shnr nn 1\ Jonn c On lit y 20 EnHt UinHlnJ.f since 1052 I<:ettunen, who retires after 39 years or service, 31 n. ~dllltl nf l'lohntn St 1IJ1If'l All IIHIIIJll nt lnf01mntinn If ncl ,Joint V Urn Jrut, .!2 EnHt LnnHinu stntf as Cui ti/IJ:cl Clue J, n( Bid lionel hy IL ~~ nK• 'l'he Snvann<~h filver II homh nlull HlllfiV ComiiiiiiY rot fi% ,r tho huth Jllunclf d uullty, hnlh 1 r!f • ptrd hoth Judith If llllmRt!!ud ,!II EIIHt I~nnHinn ~tilt" lender snw m•urly one million nnd 11 half Mlchlglln boys 11nd gtrle Olllll R FOR I'UfiLICA rJON nmnunt of tltt hid H11hm1llt d Stu 1111Kf11l r~muntlnd1 (ot tumt' nt .-. Honuld J IJcndllckHort 26 l..nnHlr g, take pnrt In the 4·H progrnm J\ 24, LnnHIJlH' ERthel 1lsd11 tu 11lt'tl lillY 01 nil hlliH n1 uc''ll \\iftlvrd lnfrumntlnn Jllt!idf"'d guilty nr. n HoblllHOJI 21, I.. HnHinJ.(' Mr ar1d Mrs Ernest Brower· of tJu bid thnt In the nJ•lnlnn nf llu lh 11111 1 Jlfl d I ontl C!onttnucd Rnnnld A Hill .. 1 Ensl Lnnslnl-t' L.1 Ferrier, Texas, and Mr and Lt hntul t ont i nucd Rol.Jct t. S llec k1 1 24 Enst. J...,nnllinl-t' their r.ousm, Mrs BPI tl1<1 Powell Mldi,IJ1d Jlltw 2'l MnKon Mf thod!Ht Ch1111 h lllf Peoplt nr tht Stlltr o( MlchiJ("IIIl Enlil B Alf>xnrll£'1 .. 1 Jinst LnnKln~ Mn11on Mlc h!J.Uil v~ Jllchnrd I~ Hl'lt~hly Atlltl~nm,nt JnmfK E Cultndtl .!l lnHt Iun11ln~ and fnmlly. Mr nmt Mrs Hollett Innes nnd ~- ../ lrrurnwtfon lf'lld lllerulttl J.tllllty Cntolyn A llc>nnrun .!1, EnHL l .. nrMing J,uw of Dc.u hrJJ n, Mr nnd Mt s ttplt tl I on I 'nntln 11 tl Haymond .s Hed' .! I, I nnHinK Pt trJ Mrs 8lla F01 em an Is In 1he fi!AUiiU 'I h p, ft(ll£1 or 1111 Stntt of Mil hiJ.-('1111 cln M Ulllln.:H .!0 EaHt I~IJIIflinJ.C ORDEI! FOR PUBLICATION Spm 1ow hosplt.Jl Hol tnd Grnhnm, M1 s Emm.1 Bed WA J NE vs Roy And1ew Outlnw A1 rllgnrnent Ulchuzd C ilLVHt ~ J...uruling Mu1y FINAL ACCOUNT wrlvrd ln(nrmntlon rtlend1 d J.: 1llty 1 c· L Ln1lln ~~~ I.... unRing Miss Mmle AmiCI son Jet LIITH'd f1J1tl, Mrs 13r>rlh.! Powell, Mr nnli ~~~a_- AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRS 111 ltd bond tfntlnwd Holn!rl II .Srnllh .!~ L1 nHinJ.t Mruy to the home of her patents M1 Mts 1\PnnPth Powell o~ml nephew 32 Dal"ry 'r!u Pe lp), tlu Stf te of K l\.nch, .! l EnHL LtlrlHIIW 010 DENJAMIN-July 12 tq56 or o1nd Mt ,md M1 s VIning Hawley 7 1 Vft Cntl nlnlr Arrnhmm1nt lnfo1mut on Dunne W Coanlll .!~ Prtly (nlolyn and 1\h s Sam Andel son, Mon· Slntt nr Mlrhh~nn 'I ht I 1uhntc Cflurt lfnd phiulr.d J.. nulty ruupt11l lone! J lbontltHIII 17 I nnHinH day nml sons spenr Sund.1y 111 the feed rill the County uf ln~lwm tnntlnucd B1111l! L IIIJtiWunth~l J1 23 Em•t home ol Mt. ami Mrs IJ.Irold At II HI Hl!IOI or til Hl Coult llf !d Oil I he Pt nplfl of thu Stnlt nf Mlchlgnn LnnHln~c Mr 1 y h. Conml 211, EnRf Inn M1·s Mat guerlte Oeste1le JQ· Jun I M 1'1~1 va 1..-: Roy Jnl'k!iOn Jlnwklnl4 ,\tilllf.fn- ttlng Jeffl ey Sunday In honor of the I tmned home Sunday from Spnr· • Exiro prolotnl PitH ut HON m1nl lnfmmntlnn r£lnd Htoorl mntl Hntoltl I' HendetHon 26 I nntdng hl1 thd.1y .tnntVeJs,JI ws of Vlnmg • E.dr• 'f'thm•nl l Jilg- nf P1olu tu Pltu. nr not J..:'UIIty enten I 11 m1 rulitl VlrJ.('inln L All n1nlh I'J lnnHrng tow hospltdl whew she under llnwley <~nd Mrs M,u gnret Jeff • E.Jro Moner•l• In t.IH M lt[CI or the l .. Hlnle or MAf(Y rm t1111l Dnvlcl A Mt Ihnth Jr .! I Almu, went smgmy EI,JZi\fli:JJI BENJAMIN llrcen•• rl rhe PIH(llt or the Stutf of Michutnll Mlly A 1 Ofltt r IX, LnuHin~ l'C\ Noticf fH H r~bY r,IVIII lhnL lhe ,, VII Olllt f n. IIWII J\1 I niKnment mrm In II• Doni ld G Yount 1.7 LnnsinJ.C PhyiiiK M1 s On1e Silsby umleJwent The Blr thllay llub met al I he trtinn or H M Polln1 d, AtlmlnJHtlntor nr twn 111ttl plenclt rl not J.CIIIIty hond <'DO• .r Pt lint 2! LnnHinJ.C surgery nt the FOld hospit tl In home ol M1 s Evn Aichln HI 11J t KllltP II UYIIlA' f01 tht ntlo\\'Uilif' of llltllill I nlly N Mdlt1 .!l StockhtldHl, Bt: BEMENT hfK finn I IICCOUI l fo1 II lett I minut f 11 uf fhc Pi">o11le or llu St11 1f Mlthiv;un hn1n A Rolurtfl IM, StoukluldJ.Ct Detro11 She Is Jeporled <~s con Wednesd.ty heiiH nl lnw aT d fot the UHHIJ.t'nmvnt nntl VH <.eorrre f?dwJud Cl11nh P1ohntlr1n Dun l!l G GniYCI J 1 M11Hon valcsclng slowly A specl<~l mePting ol lhe W S ci1Kll hutJun f r the J( HJdUi O( Hllld I i-illllt vc kud lt!Hf nndt nL Ht ntcru ed v;nrcL A Allen 21 E1 Ht LnnK[nJ.C & w1ll lu hN1rd nn July 1.. JOfll tt tjJJ .. II)( Pcnttle or tlu Stllll If MJchi~rnn I{IIJIU!lh II lueffl jl) Lnn!ilnJ.C Wendell P.ulen C S was nt the rhmch TIHIJ~ddy Feed Supply rnllYfiVI ncJntk tnth£ rolfllOOI\ Utlhl' v H a~ol S(~e J"dwr I d Cllllll7. St Jilt Ill e I X Jilt! M J nhnHlOI Ill LII/Uilr J.t' stationed at Marysville Cult .11 teJnoon P1 nlu te OfJ!ct! 1 l .!ll'i Wt Hl S1 J..t'llll W lnflnthH to ~ y tiH Jnckt~on JtiiHon ClmrlcK W Dlttmu1 .. D HnmulnR MASON St1eet I ln!-1111~ Mrchlgun lhu PcnJih: or thc; Stlllf' nf MlthiJ.{nn J>tnnnn H Whltf IH WthlHJVIIIt It [tl ()J tiered I hut IIOLH'I thr>J or i i VM Wnltct E Stone Artnlgntn• nt In• Hut ry lJ c.rr y 2 J J nnt>lnJ.C C lt ndn ).(IVun hy nuhlltnlton of n c1 1 y lu 1' of (o1mntlon ll'fl t plcudctl nnt Hullty hnrtrl c. Allen 111 HltUhtnn rn1 thlet \V('f'kH 1 onHccuLivt ly PII vlou!i to contllluctl fur trlnl Cluytun JohnHon Jt IU Hnltl d1 y of heurlnJ.t' In tiJ1 ln~-tham I h Pccnlr. nf ttu Stnlt of MlchiJ.Cun Cnrole A Spunny I ri MnHml County Ne\\tl 1nd thut tht.! 1 f'tillon' v~ Wultrr Edwr11d Slon1 A1r 111-(1\mtnl 1homnH W Plullu H 21 Lnnt1 Ill( 1UIIHI II I npy nr th111 llllH I.' to be Hill Vt d lllrurnrntwn rend pi ended not J.Cllllty Ell~n G Ollvt I 21 EuHt r IIJitllfl)..l' UJIOJ( ., ~~~ knoW I\ fl/11 ty Ill llllf I I Ht lit bond eont1n11ed ro1 llinl R1churl F Hlt.t41 .!.I DeWitt Vh1111 ht~-t lm;t knr wn nd1heHH by '' Riflleu~d I h Pcor lt uf tht! Stnlt of MH ht!-1'1111 In [..., Volz Il-l I.. nnHinK m11ll 1etu1 n 1eu h•t dt mnrult I 1 t )('llHl VM Hi! I I y Vnnnt 'tWII 01 lit I J.,tllllltHI~ mo- Gru lh Stitt l7 r nnt-~ltlH" I Suu rn111 tf.! !II ( i I} dUYK IHIOI lo MilCh Itt llr• til n of JoHeph LUVi!Y to 1 educ chu1 J.Cf l'J Luns nl-( Registration 1111! '11 hy perl!onnl HCI vic' nt l1 flHt five to Hhnplt nHHnnll and hntliJ'I JumcH 0 Allie!< .!4 LunfU/11( 1 ('il 1ltYK r11lnr I' Huch henlinJ.t' I ha P(JOJIC ur the Still(! or Michl).(/ ll BeiHltn 21 I II ~IIIH" JOliN McCLELJ,AN VJo~ Ht!nry VnnneiHOn, Chnnu-to of Jthl I DeWitt If Whitt :tJ Stnntnn STANLEY A ,, \If Cupy JrHII-{1! or l I ohnlt to g-udty uccentt d Hi!nlenced W Mnlon1 17, L:an~tlnJ..:' REFRIGERATION Hobt 1t L Drn k1• !he PfOJI nf th Stille or Mllhll.{lln Cicrllg~ (, (,1/llon fi, J) hull !-;1JHI111 n. r.tiHb I ol PI cthrttt! VIi H~n ry VnnnerHon Sunten<..>(J fin('., of r Arguf' jl E: ~L J llfiHIIlJf ------~.!r; 01 lU dnyH Jnghnm ~ounty Jrt.ll Pnul Jnck H Hnyllf n, .!. 1 WllllurnRtOII We Robudd Se•led Unols ORDER FOR PUBLICATION I he Pf 01l~ of lht St1 tc or M1ch!gun ~lenno 1 Phill1rt~ 21t (,Jnnd Led!!,~ FINAL ACCOUNT Vtl Allnn KllllD\l~t 0Jd~l fnt ;.:ptrl V.:lt- John A 11\\!rt 22 rwt Lnl~llll{ Notice GUNSON-July !2. !956 nt.:~Mo ft f H Pttmt!lu W Egt le1 21 EnHt I nnHing I he PfOJ Je of the Stile ur MJchiJ..C'II/1 Ld{ny J Colt ~~ J.. nnHIII~ Flmu 20 Years Exporoence Rt1 t~ f ..t.hchhcan 1 he Pt niHil• Cout t V!-1 Louae E JnhiiHUll OJcltJ fll tXJlitl F'trguson 17 new tt fu1 t..lh County nf ln~-thnm Domosloc - Commerc al "llne~li ft ~H Ju1 k D KHskt J1 Ar I llf!HM!nrt nr '-ll d ( OUil ltf ld Thl' Pf OJlle of lhi! Stl ti! I r Mlchhwn L SYJlllf I 17 l.nnAl 11.1-:' lllllt 21 111 ,, vs UlcHttl Hurt (nimH C Holt) 01de1 Anthnny 1~ J\IUZci Prompt Rcl10ble Guaranteed Service p , MOnt liON JOHN MrCLJ.U,AN !7 I rtnlitng for tlt~ChllJI{ing I110blll1011CI fnnnitfL :f. lnffi(lmln 11) al Modcsl Cost Jud~·e or P1obnte I nnHIIlt-f l'he People or th1 Strlf of M1chh.uut WtliJnm l\ Mltclu II ~H M: son Mn1lr Phone Holt OX 4 7711 II thr Multel of tht RHtnle nf r u I IE VH .Melvm Jenn I lucy Ordtn rol lttKU A Ht II 2"' l.nn~l/11-( n f. UN SON Mentnlly lncomrn~t( nt f nc~ or Clt{IUI!i ( h lrlt!H N PCIIY 2fl Notlct lH Ht ltlhy G1ver1, I hnt tht IHJ I O).o Mnbcl Nev. ton WlllmmH vs f,Jnnd rrlne Mtllt!l 2'1 1 nnKJUJ! trtlon of Nina. c IHnmnn Guru chnn or 'l•unk Wt:-tlt!tn UH Jrny lrml com Jn1 Ordlllg :w W llurn,.lnn Nr nty HIIJd t!Htntc pznylng fo1 the ullo\'Oitllct mt ncl'cl JH oaf"' 111 1 nrt I leHeJ, J" WlllmrnKton he I 11nnl IICI ount Hnd fnl the IIHIII~n or I 1nnk Bncon v~ I~nnfllng 1oni & IJJC 'lhomn:i ( Bnt:iford 2..! Holt Ch11- mt nt ur Lht lu!!ldut ur HUHI C'it llC tn thu Co J zml hefotc th1..1 com L without Jlll Y lenc (, BJmum J•J Hnlt ( l(t cuttll CH of the I Htntc or l~utlt H t PRIMARY ELECTION JIIOO(K lfl j)lllt Rohtlt R :\f)tt .. 1 lhtlf (nnn]P. CtUflliOf\ Who IH IIOW n LATE MODEL STOCK CAR RACES fit:CilHWd \o;lfl he I' nnl' Uncon VH Lumnng I ool & l>1e Wtdl(t 17 I nn!!lng twn1d on July I~ l 11'ib ll len o clock 111 Conpuny Mntlun o( A1tht1J Honk to Wdlum A VnnEtk .!7 l.nHt 1 thu fm en non ut llw Prolmtt• OJflcc Ill nn~tiiJ.t' 7 Events • SO Lap Feature • Fireworks Htrrke certuln < ;.,;lllbtts (I om clnulie NJ..mllt M Dnmucu11 l:!H r'nKt lnmtirw 20'i Wt Kl Sn~1nuw St1u1 t, LrnHinJ..:' Mlch t.1 hn undet r dviHemcnt Ed" n1 d I f{lt J•Jlet l7 l nmdn[..(" p, IIH~~~ fH Ordered I hnt notice Lhe1eof be I rnnk Uncon VK L .. mung 'lool & Die 1llcln Qunylo 19 11uth 4th of JULY NITE Co Mot1on of Atthut Uonk fo1 tl JUd~-t- l'homns E\llliH, Jr. IM LnnAinJr Pr J.l'[Von by JlUhllontwn of ll copy huleof lntliiL fm rthllntllf ItS proVCI hy teHtl .. lrll!ll\ L Shnnl\1111 II Llln:-ilnl-(' f01 tJuce \\ t!kt! CO/IHceUlJVt}y IIICVIOUK Tuesday, August 7; 1956 time trials 7:00 to Hllid tiny of huu1lnu 111 the lrudrnm mony nnd ev1dnnce In th!H c ttHH! ruln~n ('1nn1 th 1 ~\uJ..ruHtJrlt: ~8 l unHIIIH, County Nt WH unci thnt the Jlellllonl..!r undct nclvhH!ment I uclndll A nnvlr~on 2ii L1 1 ijiiiK ! ht Pea! lc of tht Stnte or ~1a:llli-\'llll Howard E (,ortlun, l)'j Lnns~ng J OHPy cnuKe IL cntJY of thtH not let~ to lu Hel ved first race 8:30 vs Rutu1ell DenHmot 1 111111 nnd ve1 dwL 0 Clinton, 111 '''null Unpid::s Nohce is hl'l'cby giwn llutt fown!lhip ~mil city elc•c•l\s will he a! the Jllac•i•H UJ10II ench ~nown 111uLy an lftlt!lf.!Ht at guilty us chn1J4'r.d bond continued fo1 Hhhuld ] Whltml-( ~2 Lnn~lnH hlH lnt~t knuwu rnldr1 HH hy regiHtl.lled lis letl below on Ra!n Date July 6 mull lf!tUin CIIJtt tltmnnditl at Jenl(t H~r1tence Snnd11L M Bnl nhn1t II I LIIHinu 11 I h(! of the Stutr. or MJchiJ:mn Rodney R Curt H I X Ml HOil RnHunne fou1teen IIi) dnyH JIIIOI to Huch bent• P~oJdt..! Vtl U.ur~Hell D'"n1:1mor e Ot de1 dt nymg mo- Pt!l 110 ly 17 Mru-1on JACKSON MOTOR SPEEDWAY lnJr Ut by /II HflliHf HCI vice I l it llHt hVf.J t1011 rm dh' cted verdu t of not guilty Erlwu11l H P 11 ke1 .!b Mruwn (-) dn)H Jllllll to Hlllh hmulng lhe Peoplu of the Stnle or ~ttchutlln I' Smnlley ll Mr HOII Admission $1.50, Children under 12. 50~ JOliN Mr CLELLAN vs HUHRoll Demuno1c Oadc1 gruntlll}< The Walte! B Lillie & Sons Hnbm t L Drnkfl hllng of motion for new t1lnl 1 He~ttfit~t of Pt o bnte 2'tw3 Ihe People of the Stnt or MlchJgnn farm near Greenville m Monica m Tuesday, July 9, 1956 v• Mn'"'""t Mn•on Or~lm """a"''"'" county Is the starting pomt of CotlnMt I f In lte Petition of Philo E•lwnHI WI I· the 1956 slate arm management ~0:\ rar lt!oltOinliOO or OflCintor'H luenHt tour August 15 From 8 a. m. j o 8 p. m. Ortlei t CKtorlllg IIcon He (,hent..!lh Inc clhn CnJ•itol C1g111 & c. l dy VR Emil J MnHlOV to TrnnKCl IJlt All leaks In pip() lane mllltel s Do Have or Jud~mcnt can 'cause a bad taste In mlllt And at such other tim11s aml Jdaccs as tlwy di•!iiignate to r1•ceive regtstt·atious for the You a ln Ue Anpllcnlion of Cnrl IC1nnz for rr>!IIOJutlon of th lver'H llccnRe Ordea of rcst01 utlon August 7 primary clt•ction. Any person who has not rl•-registt>J'I'il undl'l' the perma· 'lhe PCOJ)I(! of the Stnto or ?11JcliiR"flll lll'llt r1•gistration law, any Jlcrson who has ntowd to a new rt•siclenct• und will ha\ e VH Hon: hi L Stnrdovnnt Ju1y tnnl und vellllct J..(UIIty UK ~hnl~-teil letlporulent. been there at least 30 days bi•fm·t• 1•leetion tlay, and any 11ersou who \\ill bt• 21 years of 1emnntlcd fn1 Htmtcnce Remodeling or Building 'lhc Peopl1• or the Stille of Mlchucun age on OJ' before August 7 :uul has not l'l'gis ~l'l'l'd may do !'iO iu OHler to cast Ius ballot. VH Junmtn 11 'rh01ne Ju1y t1lnl und verd1ct guilty m; chniJ.tCtl hand (llO• Tnes1lay, July 9, is the last tl:ty l'egistmtions can be acr•e}Jtetl fo1• voting 111 the Aug11st 1 trnued run bel Newton WllllnmH VH (,1 nod 11Iection. Prunk Westetn Rnlhond Ju1y tllul con­ tnttJed COIICIUHion of Jll OOftl Mnlwl Nuwton Wllhnmfi vt~ f lll,Jul Project in Mind? Ttun Wt'Hteln UnllloJ1d Motwn foa dlr~cte11 vmdict 1et1CJV£1d under EmpHon Act Registration Places and Hours Mnb~l Newton Wllllnm11 VA (11 nnd TJUIII< W~HLCJII nnrllond Motion rol WE ARE WORKING IN MASON AND motion f01 dh octed vm diet l eRf'l ved und!!t F!mnHon Act, Al.AIEDON ONONJ)AGA SURROUNDING TERRITORY NOW Flunk llncon VR Lnmdng- 1'ool 4 Die Co Conclu11lon of t1inl lwfo c court with­ I.yle Oe~tAJrle, Clm lc Uohrwl (;, Noble, Cieri' out ll jUJ y VCI diet, )10 CUUHC (OJ nctfon At m.) home on the cou1e1' of Holt ancl At tlw I'IP1l1's 1 eshlene<>, 4888 Baldwin Perhaps Yoy Have Something You Want Done. rot deft ndunt 1"1nnl' Bncon vs Lumlng ro9l ~ Olmmos 1 ond!l. sheet In Onondagn. Co Older denying motion fur Jwhrment fat plnlntllf plt!Viout'ly tukqn yml~r ud­ vise~nent WIIEATFIELD I.EUOY Frnnk Bncon vs Lnnslng- Tool & Diu We Build and Repair All M(lkes of Rao.fs Dll Co 01de1 denyln~t motion to Rttlku Ln\VI'ence ,J, Smll h Vmnon lluclgc, CleJ•k ce1 tnln exhlbltH f1 om ell\! He P1 evlnuHiy tnl<.:tn nnde1 ndv1Ht1mcnt. At lhe clm·J,•s I'Csillence tat lllO Noble 1ond. At the clerl,'s resident e, 2 miles south of * rrnnl' BnDcon \'K I nnRhlR' 'J,ool & Die Webbe1 ville nt 171i4 J~lm 1ond 11nd July 9 at Co JlHI~mcnt rot tlefendan~ or riO CIIUfle Community hAll, \Vc•bbeJ ville. Build and Repair Chimneys £01 ICl!on COHtK to be liiX(IcJ, ! CI1'Y OF lUASON George Kellogg, City Clm k At the clm•k'!4 office fwm 8 n. m. to 4:ao INGHAJ\1 * Install and Repair Eavetroqgb,s New Court Cases p. m. on ,July D. Ueglstmllon will bo taken nt Ge.oJ•ge Vugt, .J1,, Clm•k Cloallc•rY the ciCJk's residence, 110 W. Syl'llmOJe, Mnson, At I he clerk'N 1 c'sidence, U92 IUnson street, Dnvfd F Cole et nl v• C.nt1nl Advoc­ Dnnsvllle, tlslng ComJIIInf, ct nl Bill for ll••mn• nn tile last dny only. 11ent InJunction John J McCune nnd * Paint Buildings - Spray or Brush F1ed C Newmnn (of CounMI), uttorneyl\, Pnullnc Showo1mnn uunrdlnn of Wnl­ WIII1'E OAK VEVAY tco Mille• v• J, B I>enn nnd Kn1hu11ne E Deun, Bill to Cor1 oct Deed Rnymmul Arlo Wurfle, Cler•k Mrs. Blancht• Whcelm·, CleJ•k \ If. McLenn, nttoo ney At the clerk's 1 csldence, 2 miles south or Ruth Dcnchmnn v~ Floyd D~oehmnn lleglster anytime nl the clCJit's t•esldence, * Do Plaster an~ Cement Work Mnson on US-127, 1~! miles ~vest on Tomlinson Uniform DcllUOdent• Acl Lloyd 0 S Yi miles southeast of Dnnsvllle on 3600 Josco Set vice, ntto1 ney, rond, UJI lo and Including ,July D. I'oad, nnyUme 1111 to 111111 lrJChllllng ,July 9. OUR MEN ARE EXPERIENCED AND FULLY INSURED DEUU * Mrs. Etlith Adcock, Clerk _ AURELIUS Districts 1, 4, li, II UIJd 9 nt the town hall: Rny DeCILIIII•, Clm·l' Dlstrlcfl'l 2 and 7, lU "'· l~llen Enya1•t at lililli At lhe clerk'!i re.'lidence nnytlme, 1 Vz miles ~llllet• t•oud; DlstTICbl 3 111111 81 Mt'S, Ella Ulch· west or Aurelht8 Center 011 Bl&rnes road. 111 tis, 3192 Eaton Rapltl8 nuttl. Ina ham (aun ly News Juno 28, 1956 1 James ~n11ud spent the PIISt W!!l!ll In- Chlca~:o, Winola, on fL c1tlzenship and the obll~Jnt.lons of Iiced t~a were served b~r the host• hus.lne11s florl pi~Jnsure trip. Cflch cltJr.lln In his cnmmunJty, H c~a. · · Mr. lind Mrs, Qlmr!cs S'lnQiem· Wfls gcnemlly llgreccl hY the Members prcaent nl t1111 mce~· Ottawa Uilh ente nro spendlnlf n lD·dny VI~OP· group, lhn~ they ratorlnbo~tt rwcr· lng ware Ml', nne!· Mr·s, Ciflrcnce Okemos News District tjon trip to Mpssnohusctts. Mr. ag~ or Rli!l'htly nboyc, In their Horstmeyor, Mr. nml Mrs, FrM SnnCicmcnte Ia Rssoclntcd wllh clvle lmowJPriJie and Interest~. It Horstrneyer, Mr. fllld M1·~. Lewl~ 111'111'11 uf. flrn 1'1!1111'11111 I'IIIJII!L'etlu Mlr.hlflllll Stntc university ancl wns nlso ngrced thnl they coq)ri Sclmo, Mr, nncl M1·s. ,Tf!CI\ Dilrc!', II.V nmfi, AI, I(NOI.J, Mrs, SnnCicmentc Is n tondwr In nil spcncl n lillie. more thne fltlcl Mr. nncl M1·s. Rnymc>nrl Ansley, /he Eust Lnnalng public schools, cffor1. on civic nlrnlrs, lnsle1ul of M1·, nnrl Mrs. Loron Wlgmun, Ml', Mr. llllrl Mrs, ,John ~1/ll'lrnyln~ fo•· the nlluwnn•·• Mr·. and Mrs. Arlolph May rc·lltomc Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson arc own· CHAMBERLAIN SAYS: oftnu~l,w It• thirdnnd uiKo"""""' llt'llying nccnnnc for the n•coui·L'H ""'" eently purehm;cd the Tomlinson Duane Brickner of Western crs of the Modern Youth shoe be I 11 "It would a great honor lo ser\'e he people of the Sixth , , ,rovnl nf lnv .. •tn .. ·nt• made hv """' residence at 'i!l32 Gl'llnclvlcw. 1\llchigan college, Kalamazoo, WilS sforcH In clownlnwn Lansing and District as their Congressman. I promise thut I will repre· tru•t•n n• •l111wn In lhe n~:cnunc, \viii t.., They have '' l'hildren. hnmc to visit his parents, Mr. Franrlor. · ln•nrtl nn July ltl, l!lfili, at tt!ll .. thil·ty M L C 1 1 1 J sent every group- farm, business, labor, and industry­ ,·,·ruck In u1,. f,,.,., 111,n, 111 u"' l'•·nhnt." nry ec amemn, r flllg rtcr anr Mrs. ohn Br·iclmer· for the ---~----.. - in all three counties fairly and honestly, t.o the best of my O!flc" nt ~or. Wc•t Snorlnnw St•·.,ct, Lnn- of Mi'. and Mrs. W. Cameron, lcl't 1\'C('k nnd, Duane will work in ability," Hlnt.e, Ml1•hh.tnn, f S I I' J J ) ' 1 F B 11. [H Onloo•f!d, 'l'hlll llflllee lht"'"n! he 01' eymOUI', 11! HIIHI, W 1Cre S ll! \U nmazoo during the SUmmer arm ureau CHAMBERLAIN'S RECORD: UiYen loy Jlllhlicnflon of II copy hereof WiiJ Slay Wilh 11CI' gr•ancJmclfJlCr, monJhs returning to his claSHeS Our Best r,,. th''"" wuck• con•ecutlv.,ly rll'cvlnuH to Mrs. Lee J, Smith, f r lhe sum· in the fall. · 'l'rhmg·Jc • Now serving as Ingham County Prosccttting Attorney ,.;nld dny of ht>nl'ln~. ln th1! lntrhum 11 • Att.orney for Michigan Senate, lil5:l-54. Cnunly New•, '""' thnt "'" t>~•tl!lo•""' mer monlhH. Mary Lee will l't•turn Earle Bullen has his new home .June meeting of the Triangle • Former City Attorney for E:ast Lansing References CI!Utle II COllY or thifl nntlr··· to Ill' KP.I'VCfl • tl f II t I I I' us 16 I d I I I F B I ll llt•on mwh known pllrty in inten>et nt Ill le a o resume ler s uc ll's on . . cornp ete lllll las us.I • ann tll'euu gi'Ollfl was a IC • Former 'fax Accountant, U. S. 'freasury Depnrlment hi• ln•t known """"""" by •·e~l•rer"'l at· Ol. l!trifi. modern truck VB's ,.,.,.,.nt., HON', r.ours 1~. coASII, ,Act.lnrr ,hull!c or Prohult•, . In lhr. Mutter nf the EHtltle ur CLAHA J(NJGH1\ lJI'I'f!ll~otl. ~IHI'S{Jll't't Got.t.lich (MI•tt, Fihno1'1~ Uott· ~eeand lieh) !wvinJ.t filed In Hnid r•ourt hc1· PB­ he poundS prove ·it! titlon [II'RYfllg that. ll CCI'tllin lnl'tl'lllllt!UI in writing, JHirpot·ting tn he the lnHt will tmlf tetllllment of HHid rfot!ltlltlCfl llfJW 011 file in Htdd court ht! ndmitlr!d to Jtrohale, Hltd that. t.hc ndm[nfH!rnUon of Hllilf eHtntc he grunlt•d to hct'tH!Ir ol' tu uont(> othr:r twitnhle per~o~tHI, n!Ho Jlrnyin~o: for n Pou11d for pound, the most povterful tmclc: VS's today rl•!tf!l'ntinntlun of lwln; ut law of ~altl dt•c•tHI!md, are Chevrolets. That's one way you can tell-they're It IH OJ•clr!retl, Thot the :!ltth dnv of Jtlly, A. 0. I \156, Hl c)cven-th!rt.y o'clncl~: VB's in th1! rnrenoon, nt the pl'obat1• otffce, the most modern going! 2fl5 W. Sn~:innw St .• l.t~IIJHin~. Mh!hhmn, 621 SOUTH JEFFERSON hfd nnd IH hcn·cLy nppoilltctl fur hunl'lng tmhl nctlt.ion: ' • . Chevrolet's modern short-stroke Y8 truck c;Jgines, do more work for It IH Furtht.t-w· Ot·dcrccl, Thnt J•Ubl!c un­ their weight than any other V8 in aily. truck today! ORCHARD S-1221- tlt•o tht!rcof he ~lven by publicntion uf n t!DJW of t.hiH Ot•dur, lot· tht•ec HIICCCHHivc~ That means they carry around fewer pou'ilds .fqr p01ver they' de­ wl•ukli JIJ'CYlouH to Knitl dny of hem·iru:. in ,/ the hu:hnm ·County Nt.!WI:I, 11 rtCWHJIIIJICI' velop. (They weigh up lei ..200 pounds less than. other comparable Jirlntetl nntl clrculntcd In Hnid county, engines!) lt means, too,· that less of the maximum truck G.V.W, nnd Lhnt HUid fH:tililliJCJ' l!h'c knnwn lnterm1t'ed JJtlJ•tles' additiunnl rwLfc,! ns consists of engine weight~and niore is devoted to payload. rctJUirt:~l, by luw. ,. . ' . 1 Stop by and let us give you the facts on Chevrolet's co1i1pact, super• LOUIJS E. CO ASH, NOTICE! •\ '/'r·uc Cuuv: Acting JudHc of Pa·ohatL! ~illcient truck VS's, · Rohl:!l't- L. Drulw ··. · 1\miUDIAN '1'0\VNSJUP ReJdHtet·. of .PI'Ubntc 26wH Ingham Coim ty ..• .ORDER. Fon PUBLICATION 2H!i -lln.slett Uoud . .sALE OF REAL ESTATE ...... ' .· . FAVORITE-July '24, 1050 l~ast Lansing, 1\lichfgait Stntr. or Mil!hiQ'nU,'1'he Probiatc Coul't fur· .. thc Co11nty· of .ln!!hnm. ~oil'Jo:lm OltniNANCI~ At 1l He'iHlun of tudd CourL, held nt thf! 11J•f1hntc Olflcc In the Clt.y of MnHon, in AdnJltcd .lune 5, 10511 1111id Cnunty, on the 21ith dny tJf June, A. D. 1!156. MERIDIAN TOWNSIIII' FOR SPEED CON'l'ROL l'rcRcnt: liON', !.OUIS E. COASII, OIUHNANCJ~ .Acting Jud~e nf Pnllmtc, ' ON 'l'OWNSJIIJl ROADS In the Mnltcl' nf lhc EHl11lc nf WIL· LIAM M, l•'AVORITE, Duct!liHI!d, SEC'l'ION I. No pet·son shall. drive uny motor vehicle on any r01id or Vcrnn ltuth Favorite lwvlrt~o: flied in hlghW:nmlnu nnd utllu•t nil clntm• unci tie· rugged yet compact cylinder block. is available for moving your pay­ tionnl at extra cost - in every r . ty of others mnntl, nKnhiHt •uld men tully lnconn>etcnt Modern design cuts down engine " • ' by OLnd boforc •nld court: . loads. You get hour-saving per­ Chcvi'Cllet tmck m(Jdcl. Horsl!· "E.. C"'ION IV A 1 1 · · . · It I• Ortlcrud, 1'hut c1·cdltorH of •old weight and increases. engine effi· formance on tl1e job. And modern " '-'- • conv ct. on of any person of the violation of any of Jncntnlly tncomJ•utent nre l'ut uirctl to cicncy, · power ranges as high as 195 for ·. :· the speed· limitations above set forth, shall not be ·construed to ~rcoent their eluln" to. ould cou•·t1 nt the V8 power saves dollars, too! fast, efficient high~torinage hauling, ,· 1relieve t1111e plalntlffthlu any clvfn.actionffrodin. the burden .of prov· .~~~~tt"Ln~~~~~~. rJ: e~t~"nn,w:,~t o~nff~r~·;:; .. ng neg _gence on e. part o t 11 e ce1 en ant as the proximate tho 6th dny of Septumbe•-.1 -A. o, 1ur.u, \ \ ' . . . l·cause of an accident, · . nt eleven o'clock In ttic forenoon, ·•nit! , . Unto nnd 11lneu hero by IIPI•olntcd for tho . SECI'ION V. Every person convicted of a violation of any provision c>:••nlnutlon nnd udJu•tment of nit clntmu Chevrolet·· Task•Force Trucks '' _.1 of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not more than ~~~~~~~~~~';:'"• · nsuln•t ••tel. mentully In· r one llundred. ($UJO.OOJ dollars or by Imprisonment In the county It •• ~·u .. thu•· ' ' <, 'r ' ''' ' • \ ' ," T ...· hi' f M. idl ., , . . . . LOUIS E. COASII; 44 7 s.: J'efferso~i · ·, ' OWnS p 0 er an A lruo Coi•Y:' Aetln11 Jud110 of Prob11to I• 'I' 1 c:1.B. ROBINSON, Cierlt ~~fit ort:.~fnP:~gat ·. . • , ' • J I 1 Ingham County News June 28, 1956 Page 4 Women Mr·s. i\rtl;ttl' Bi·onl>R onrl rltll-~· Mrs. H~1.el Hol'l. Dr•. ~ncl M!':>, ------·-·-----· Church School Election clr·r.n wr.rr. Thut•sliuy ovmthlll ,J. B, Hrt,yos, Mr~>. Grnr.e SCjl\nrofl,, - gllr.sls ol' Mr. llllli Mr~. I''Jnyrl Mrs, Nollie Hllllli!OilH, Mt~:l fi'l'llH• Dansville News View Pictures Will Be July 9 Cn~t:I'IIY ol' Slodlhrlrlge 'l'iwsrlny C'I!H Ynllcno)' llnrl lV!tHS Nettle evnn!Jnr 1hu;, wen! cllnn'er gtwsiH Gnmrto.ugl~ .Mt•s. Nollie Mc~Comh Tho Dnu~vllle Molhmll~t Wnrn· ol' Mr. unrl Mt·:;, f,r•ormrd nrrml\s, Hilt] M1 s. Lll~uheth Mcl• il, ill 11111 !own Mr~. li<.l!ltll Dt!lll nl' Lnnolng l•'t•lrlny gtwsis ol' Mr•, nnrl Mrs. 1\, ' Mr•, fiiHI Mr·s. Wesley Shopboli meeting Wetlnesdny ewnlng nt hnll. Wllf n St!ltrlu,v rli!lrli'J' gut•st Ill' Mr·. 0. G!'t!enmtgil. They went on a I hri homr. fiC Mr·s. Roscoo Arnold, Youths Feature llltmrciml a fnmliy reunion at NnminntinA pellilrms illll't'il£!<'11 unrl Mrs. c, i\, Dic•ltl. tntu· In vlsll till! gmne fnr·m, tho flnmwt 1 pari< In Charlotle Sun­ Twenty-six nwmhers wcrp ]Jt'es· Mt·. nnrl Mt·s. IInrr;• nnviH of Iris nnrl glm;lnla gnrdPJJH nr Mr. ent, fllhmlttC'r.l to the• IHlPr>n for Stirlfluy nnrl In lite afternoon nt· Jage nt Rodforrl und tho Cholsrm ;;evernl yenrs. No ot Iter• Jll!lltion:t families ntlrmclerl frunlly nigltt 111 homn, all of whieh nrc supporterl nehohl, Go(} Is my salvation; I will h·usl., and IIOL IH~ ------..., Plcnsant Juiw Sunrluy nvenlnr(. IOIHiec! llw Datrolt·Bnltlmore bnll hnVr! !wen iiilhmll tt•rl. · gnnws. hy the Mctborllst dll!l'eh. Lntt!l' nfmhl. (Isaiah 12:2.) Swimming was the mcwation he· Mr. nttrl MrH. Nolan Wemple mfreshments wore sr!J'Verl t1y Mrs. Feat• nnd supm·stition cnused Indians of Southeast Venl:'­ Polis will ill' Ojlllll frn111 I :flO p. fore n picnic SIIJlJ)(!l', r111cl ramily of Laingsburg were George Vogt, .Tt·., and Mrs. Fred zuela to believe that theh· gods Jived on top of a cet•tain moun­ m. to H:llfl [1. til. A husinr!Ks IIH'PI· Don Williams, rellring lll'esl· Hltests Sunday of thr. former's Le 11 cil'um. tain. Dul'ing thunderstorms, lightning would strike this lng will ho f'rJIIdttelr:tl nl'trt• the t!loetlon. dent, pmshlcnl at the.• husiness paronls, Mr. and Mrs, Arlhlll' 'f'he W. S. C. S. will meet in mountain. Lutm·, engineers dlscovet•ed that where the Indinn AUCTION meeting, whleh consislerl of e]C!c· Wnmple. Burl Bnuhman returned .July at the ltome of Mrs. G. r~. tlon of oCflcers. The rww to Laingsburg with tho Womples gods were supposed to live was a mountain of iron om. To­ Mr. nnd Mm. Don Lronnrrl nnri offic~er•s Monning, hut their will be no Lnc•utt•rl <'lll'llt'l' lll'ldgo lllltl ,Jt!l'fm·sun slrt•1•ls, l'llhl!:'ll of nro: Angeln Myull, prr.si1h!I1t: to spend n wer!k. day, steel companies have lur·ge mining opm·ations nt this fnmliy, Mr. nnrl Mrs, Hnrolri meeting In July for the Dorr.ns Oimurululr•, 1<111111'11 us the Rtunto11 Alhiiii'Ullnlis-;Uolhw lmplc· H.oylyn Voss, vice·Jl!'r•sirlmtt; Mr. and Mrs. William Nls· clrclo, mountain. The Indians have had to transfer theit• gods to Hnclemalwt• nnd family, Mr·. nnd Carin Hoeft, S!!cn!tary; David wongr•r and Lloyd nncl Mr. unci unothet• plnce. Mt•s. Floyd 1\emnsl, II.~· m•tfpr ol' tht• Jllsl!·il'(, Cuur•l ot' lluo. Unltml Stutr•s foa• VanDamme, tr·easttre1·; nnd Mar· Mm. Nnthnn Luntls were Sun· Fear and supet·stltion can cause us to look just as un­ unci Mr·. and Mrs. Don Ehret nnrl tlw Wt•slt•t·n Ulsll'!ot ol' ~llchig-1111 i'lontht!l'll lllvislon. In llunk· lene Swan nnd Snmlt·a Vttll Dum·/ day visltorH of Mr. and Mrs. soundly upon what we cannot understand as the Venezuelan family of Lansing llad 11 pir•ni~ I'IIJllt•y Nu, J!l,Hilll. mo, publicity. Hecvcs Gillespie of Rives .Tune· Class of '36 Has Indians looked upon that mountain. However, as Christians nl Porlnrcd foolish l'l•ut·s Mr. nnd Mrs. Vlnr·r•nt Gilif'tt lnst Sunday. 111111 iilllii!I'Stltlous as WI! I>ilwe om· t111st In 'rlll'e. Usc• ns, mu· l<'n· fltHI fumlly of Nnvl wr•n• 'I'W!srlay Bids Wanted Each member or the elass gave 1111''1'1 In stww othl'l'ii 'l'hy lnVt! thul; Utey, ton, muy not. fr!ln' lhuse l'lsllors of ltr!r p;m•nts, Mr·. ami 'l'J'Il<'i<. Hidranl 1\l'hr'l's ami fmnlly the aflernorm tiwy toured the THOUGHT FOR THE DAY llund mu! l'nwt'l' Luwn ~IOII'r•t·, llt•st1, Ad11lng- 1\illl!hhw, Rudin, 9; t95b, covering th~ purchase and removal· ol (I) ·l·stciry ·white frame new school. were Sunday visilrl!'s of thr Mll· house: (2) tool •hod; both located at 3527 Forest Road, t·IO milo.wost of "As we t•ealize the presence of the Lol'd, fear gives place iers. Ill Ill I !lz ·lou llorJg·•~ 'l'r·uri1, Jlt•nvy llut,v Implr•mt•llf. 'J'i·ulle1•, ., Coll'ins Road and (3) wiJito, !ramo, l·car garage; (4) chidon ·hou••: .both Othet· guests present wct·e Miss to faith." lllilln l[~·dmullt• ,Jill'lls, located· on · oast sido of South Harrison Road between Grand · Trun' .-and Mary Pennlnglon of Enst Lan­ Ruth Ann Burke (Venezuela) Hev. and Mr•s. llarr·y Moure I p,,;, Marquolte Railroad tracks. Bid on oach unit separately> A tO% "do­ sing, former home economics nnrl fnmlly nre 111tunding Frc!r! J•:l<'l'lr·it! Wl'!rler nml Hot!, Set 111.~:!11 'I'nu•fol' Chulns, Cns1, 7' posit of amount bid via chod or rnonoy order must accompany· bid. Sue· teacher nnrl Superlntc,nclent and ~1cthodisl youth eamp at Mnntmt. 1\lnwPr, Cnlnmllha Gl'llin llln, Ut·ng·s, Sllvt•r· lUng 'l'l'uctor, coulul bidder mu•t comploto purchaso dotails within (i) day• from notifi­ Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscnr Holden, this wcei<. Rev. anri Mrs. Moore cation or lorfolt deposit. Buildings must be completely romovod within Mrs. Searl Briggs, .Jon nnd .Jill. Plows, Ah· Cn!llJII'I'SSIII' I 111' 1\Jolur•: :)1:\J W Cnmhl111•, 2·l'OIV .: ( 30) days alter sale. Bids entered should be plainly marked on outside of Free Meth 0 dists Miss Madeline Millr.r and Mt•. arc set·ving on the stuff. . . Cm•n J'lunter·, ltl' Ills<', Uotru·y ll1ws, NPw :Ut\1 7' 1\low('r, Ne1v envelopo "Did on Buildings." right is rosorved to accept or refect Mr. and Mrs·. Leland Perrine, and Mrs. Robert Gentry of How· Mr. and Mrs ..T. C. Nelson ami Tf10 1\t:\1 Plow, llllrl ut hPt' l'tu·m I~Jlllllllll'lll. l'ulut Stl!'rayt•r·, Floor any or all bids and to waivo any irrogulo~~ities in -bidding. Sr·., were Sunday luncheon guests pI' en I.C at Park ell, Mr. and Mrs .•James Wt•lght family and Mr. ami Mrs. Carl 26wl of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Crnnrlall Nelson and family atlenderl tile ,Jul'!r, l11·ill l'l'l•ss, El•·•~tl'iw 1\laytag ft•rrzers l't•om Amana, Iowa, that M1·. and Mrs. Harry Gibbs ami family were week end guests· of wet•e not P_JCiwd Ufl by cnuf;ig;nl•e, 'l'hcy therefoi'e musL IJcl sold out at eost son of Mason we1·e Sunday vis· the fol'mCl''s parents, Mr. am! pills haudlmg. H you JWPd It ft·re:.wr- and who llll(!.SD't- you cun save itors at the Berger home. Mrs. Lawton Gauss at Lowe lake. RIG money by taking nilv:mtagc ol' this offet•, Washer can save 9 gaJioiis·: · Wl_a'est,cholce of dryers Mr. and Mr·s. Arthur Bt·onlcs Mr. and Mrs. H.oscoc At·nold, 0. ,. ,,..1 •·: and family spent Sunday with B. Arnold and Fred Gauss were of hot water per load! · ~ !6_ gJs or electric models! ' • ·~ .r:"t I', •; Mr·. and Mrs. Edwin Vanderbush guests at a fish supper Wednes· of Britton. clay evening at the Gauss cottage Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Cr•afl were at Luwe lalrice You Puy Only and family were Saturday eve· and family are visiting relatives nlng guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jus· in New Yorl< state for a weelt. tin Brady of Mason. Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. Ho!jlly and 14 15 ft. Upright Mrs. Wayne Taylor and Marcia daughter of Jacltsonville, Flor· cu. $306.00 $199 and Lt. and Mt·s . .John Alexander ida, spenl Wednesday and Thurs· attended the wedding of Miss day with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nel· Naomi Gettl.g and Rev. Edward son. 13 19 cu. ft. UpriCJhf $649.95 5 10 cu. ft .. Home Freezer Cherryholmes Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Price of 360.75 at Columbus, Ohio. Marcia acted Lansing were week end guests of as flower girl and Mrs. Alexand· Mr. and Mrs. Bob Price at the er was matron of honor. Jatter's· cottage at Sutherland ·Beth Woods S(>ent Thursday Jalte. 'EASY HOUR~S: and l<'riday with Connie West. . Mr. and Mrs. Jaclt Marlowe of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meredith of Escondiclo, California,\ were Fri· Open Daily 8·5 P: 1\l. Eden were Sunday dinner guests day visitors of their grandpar· O}ten Evenings of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald West. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. By Appo~ntment Forrest Wheeler left Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Myron Kirby, Sr., on a cruise on the Great Laltes Mr. and Mrs. My"ron l{irby, Jr.. for 2 weelts as a part of his train· and Mr. and Mrs. John Carr and ng In the. naval reserve, family spent Sunday at Long Mr. and Mrs. James Otis of Jake near Harrison. Midland. are the parents of a Mr. and Mi·s. Rex Townsend SILSBY. ' . . ., daughter born Monday, June ·25, and- family were Frldn~· evening at Midland hospital.· The baby visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence has· been liinned Janet Ly"im. She Hlehflch of Parkers'Corners. Mr. Is the great-granddaughter of and ·.Mrs.· William Shnrland and FIREPROOF Sl0RAGE CO. .. lmplf!tn-0.~:,· . ' ' ' I', ,·'' ••· ,· .. ','co~·' ''' Mrs. Mlna Otis. · family pf . Stockbridge m1d Mr. ·Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bush and and. Mrs. Owen Bachman of Lan· .728 E~s~ ·Shi~waSS«f' St.~ Lansing ~:l::~~~;;i:i: ~::l;i;=:~~~~=~~=~=~ famlly_~- atMte ~.~~da·"".t?h e•. ~So~·~oiJI];, r~.· ~llng ~eT~:§I_IIl.~~~ .~Y~!'!l.. ~J!, s!lests Phone. IV· 4-4479 · L 4 ,a.1 1n!lr "" 111 s, un ay,:,, .o t1e,1 .ownsenWI;· '··'·' · . .. . . ' ''•": Ingham County News June 28, 1956 Page 5 Mrs, ,Taclt Wade of L!lnslnr 'Jei'J'Y sl1m'tcalHis of Mlnn Oils. guests of Mr~. Zon Hohnt·t h 111rl fnmlly rnllerl on Mr. ~nd his prwr.nts, Ml', nne! M1·s, HniHJr•t Ml'. llllel Mrs, Paul llt•1lglr.n £11HI lwnnt• nf the bh·t)lduy nnnlver Chuck Roost Vfr•s, gn I'l Suge of Ji'Jorlclu 111 Ihe Smith, Mr~. Viole!! Hrnllh unci fmnlly uiii!IHincl a fnmlly gullwr­ !llll'les of MrR, llohar·t, Mrs, Ry chlldmn of L11nslng wr•rc• Hllnclny lng SIIIHiny 111 llu!· homr. nl' Mr. romo of Mr. nncl MrH. -John Potter lwt·l nnd Mt•, 1\ent, 1f Mnso11 Sunday evening. "'·COME SEE •• , YOU#LL SAVE AT A&PI vlslt·ors at tiH~ Srnlllr lrnnw nncl nrul !Vlrs. l.lall! Dl!Cosll! of .Tadt· Mr. nncl Mrs. Gerald TOnne nne son, Chnrlm1 Hmllh I'C!IIllllnml fot· n rumlly Ill tender) II picnic Sunda~ Mr•, anrl Mrs. Ivnn Gnllnwny of weelt's. vis IL Mr. 111111 Mr.~. Sum I''· B, Wll· nt !11~ home of Ml', nnrl Mrs, Me '}rand Lodge were Sunday cull· Mr. nncl Mt·s. Gl'()rge Vngl, !'it'., llnnlH of l~;rsl LHnHIIlg WPI'll Sill!· Klnlt!y Dutl'lelcl nf Ovid. II'S nl their pnrents' home, Mr. md were Sllncluy vlslltii'H 111' Mr. lrl. mrr·'s Jlltl'c•nls, Mr. anrl MI'H, Swn spencllng the WP1•I1 nt the homr M1·. unrl Mrs. Lnwrenre McTn· LB. Mr. unrl Mrs. Clll'frml llndmrun Wllllurns. Dl' Mr·, and Mrs. Llnyd Mut•docl< teo of Coldwater hnve mover! of .Tncltson wrn! Monrlny visitors Mr•, 111111 Mrs. FrlllH'IH Calr!s and Mr. und Mt•s, Enrl Risch anr 'heir· hntiSe trnller to their farm ~ r1f Mt·. and Mrs. Wes!l•y Shoplwll. l'lllnlly \Vf'l'o dlniwr· gru•sts Sun· M1·. unci Mrs. Lyle Kleinsmith o! ·o spend the summer·. Mrs. Aill'IJ llrncly of Hlrrnlnr:· day of llif' lutle~r's pan•nls, Mr. Wehlwrvllle wot'l! Sumlny visitor·~ Mr. nnrl Mrs. Elwin McCreery and Mr.,. GIIIJr•r·t Stiff of Masor1. hum and hr~•· fnlili'J', Jo'J·r•rl Snge•J' nf Lurry Flnmwry, who Is lr 1f Detroit spL•nt the weel' end 7" CUT, SUPER liiiOHT QUALITV )f Clwlsl'a, II'Prl' Wr•dnrsrlny Mr. and M1·s ..r. B. Dnllon spent Mer·cy hospllnl, ,Jndtson, recover with theft• fntlter, Pnul McCreery. READY TO EAT Srn11lay wllli the lallm·'s fnlluw, night gtJr•sls uf Mr. 11111! Mrs ..J. ll. lng fmm an uppendectomy F1·l Mr. unci M1·s. Curtis Wright and Dalton, ft'Prl Siif(f'l' of Clielsr.•:J. 'l'lwy also rlny, fnmlly Wl!re nt Tipton, Indiana, LB. LB. vl.~lled Mr. ami M1·s. Dan Lantis Mt·. nnel Mrs, Earl Showers nne Ji'l'idny on business. Rib Roost CAN Mt·s. Wllllnm MusniiT Is nl· of Si ndnlng nl the home of 24-LB. AVERA,GE Mrs. Dean Hector at ·onondaga, South Aurelius and Mr. ami Mr·s. Paul McCreery . and J\11', nnd Mrs. Lawrence Oes· ·North Onondaga $ lcrlr nnd family of Mnson were 1\h·s. D. If. Flllld IACtl j Prirlny ~upper guests of Mr. ancl 29 Mrs. Elwin McCreet·y at Detroit. Mr·. nnd Mrs. S. V. Lawrence John Causle nnrl Miss Wilma and Mrs. Aggie 'I'hurlby of Fitch· Pulver of Mason were married at burg were Sunday guests of Mr. WATERMELONS and .Mrs. Orhie Dolbee. Ihe Mel hodisf church,' Mason, on SIZE\36 CALIF'ORNIA, Sunday aflemnon. Several from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bunl

"'~;;;;.;""~--:;:;-;x.:...... ""w,:.»~;;t.M.;.riY(.',o!.•';.;.,.~..O: ... ,.,:.c~.;.~.~;.;.:o:U.~~'-'!"•"~"1-H•W"'~M:~;;;~iiij~~jfi •,,..,/l~V;OMIMIQ'l.h\'+:-'•:.W.W«~JUINoi-;.'M(.W~~):fh~IM.~If«w,.N•hl'.. .6'..X.~~NUJ.Y~•t~;.~"''"' ... -···-········· .. ·---...... ·-~ ...... This Message Is Brough~ to Yo~ H.t;~~~·xlm-w..:-m~w,:.;.-~.u..... ~)W•~.b'Mt'.«m~)'AKY:.:Y~..t~~lo'N#4V~·:-.•· ''"'""'•'•W~~~W"M~+}';,.y,wu""""'"""'... oCI!I'/.~~(~~+:(~(((O:•No•J.W,:«~l'«o(<~.....,;of,.., .WoiNWMIJNMU~(~>;o'.-}'Q,0:•:.0:Y!««*iY»h(«y;.({o»X,;.;~~W·:•:¥:•:•W•'I,W.~-:.:t;.»;-~y"l .f.~'LVI'M:~:w:..,~;w..;~.;o;c;w;N~AA«-a:-m:ffi»...... -.wN;.)~~....-..«ow..-..:"A•i•.w•"-' ~d... i;~lt)i~ ··-<--~..t~ot'»!«>>~+*X«->W..:.««~:'<.:~:>:-:+?.mVI-Vl+»i'il~"*:"'»*• ::~:;.:~~::~;i~=;=::===~~··-m-·....,t:;jiiiilill • --I'!«<0.'-tf This Message Is Broughtto You as a Public Service by 'the ~~ ...~-MWN~«oCI~.q.Woo(o:««~~~w;.;.:.:'.«·»:'..:<-:o;.x.Y·«(~Y • ._ '"':.<-:«o:<·:<~'W'i«W.•oVo"I'I'.II'Vt>~NhWM;.,,.,.~,.,...,If,...,..,., ••oX+.~.. -+WtJHH>-:«o;«Yll~~·~~.:.·t..:~(lo;~ :o;->:o(.W..;.)'/I,oi';·:•»!.:O>'Wr'... N#A~Y.ow'h»'f.W..V,ol+)(ojVo>;y.-~IN/Io~O~ -«>Ji(VW,y.NM'Xo:'fNI.W,V..!J,.~:««·:«ii#»:~·:~~·~·.s:.:·~.:.t~:.:@' ... \(1, tm,~:+HW..;:;»:-'+.«:>'It:~««<«~.'M'­ _..,...... ,YhWNu~~...,.~c-w..:.~o~~<.;.m:-xm;.:,,.."'"*~ as a Public Service by the Following Firms and lndi¥i~~als '*?.i:«o'.«-K~.IN.+n±«:o:.'.(·;."~o),;;~-.;~:>1f.4-i{«'l\ Following Firms and Individuals ·IV~M«W:,:;YI'.0»'~~,..,qtp ...... ,,NNN.-m.o;w..'l#:«o;'t'M'Iel#~~~ ....,.~~;'WU.((f')o',ot~fi"U.>,i.WIII' ·-t:~·.-~v~""'~"-<·:o:t'.'l'hl.-o-,.y,. .,.,,,.,,.

4+1(.00~WNt-NNU"'ffo•o•o• ••J~'-"'•'MNUIN>IM'I,Y!IIA,,O.Y" Wolverine Engineering Co. IJHMw,•u.-qn,.!,oWI•'tNU.~.,., "¥N' uu•-.•'UN" "UNIUiHtliMI.I.'(Ih.(>»,•,mll~l,o'..toH Mason · II+"'»W.««,y!X(o~N.IHU'' WIHI,o.,(o,f;,.<',9NNU~O,:.:~t:.ti~'.~ 'N..W.(t'~"-'1,.,...,... •••w .. ..,..,..,w,.,.,.;#(O:(lo'llrt.nn~ Kessler Conslruction, Inc, ••"'f««Y.~IM'""''~''' YU.UNINUN,'-.,.TI•'I,U.JU11 I'INMN">NIWio;.',>'u''-'"'.,1'" •oH-lo)W!·!1K>O«..,;-»:-:«-:<•~n Holt YI'X9Jol.»W.o"~:l'l ...... 4,fiHWNI#J,.,.J'qJW.I(!o~-:.'Mol4 w;o;>;}~Mfl'oi•'•'•'•'•W•o ...... 'Uoto<#»c-:«.(1.{+1-!~?:~ Dart National Bank •t~~N&y#.~I/Ho'IIHJ THE LAND OF THE FREE WNI.Y;Yr!'t:t'MX«-:<-:-:•yN Mason ww.o.«.:.:o»:m:«~Jo.W Gene's Sunoco Service ·~IIJJHNI~UUHI N.wNNo'l.wX .....w ...... M»~I+r Mason One of the first landmarks the European traveler ntNN.~." Mason famous Statue of Liberty. "M~~itt Millville General Store ,O,YIW(o!•}(oMo;.f~~"' ...... ,ow.Y'A-»>o Millville The artist here has deftly drawn a broken chain H,o,yiJI- =.,~m ~--oJ'lt' .,<./IWo'fll~'ll J. A. Dart Co. ..,...,. across the background of freedom's holy light, signify­ ...... w.:-x-:J,• Mason ing that oppression and human slavery cannot exist in Robart Nursing Home a land of free people. · Mason Murdock Oil Company - Mobilgas But freedom involves much more than an unshackled Dansville body and the possession of civil and political rights. Pioneer Barber Shop One may possess all these and still be a slave to his own Mason C. W. Glenn &Sons weaknesses. ' Chevrolet & Buick True freedom encompasses the mind and soul of man Dart Manufacturing Co. Stockbridge as well as his body and his political relations. Men are Mascn ensLaved by vicious habits, by their ignorance. oreju· :::. dice, selfishness and hate. The Farmers Bank The Ferris Compan" ...,. Mason Religion is the mother of freedom, Mason and the Church has been its chief and George's Food Markel most constant exponent. Jesus said, Perkins Hardware Mascin ''The truth shall make you free," and Mason the truth is embodied in the Holy ·Scriptures. -.1~(0~-'#NI Lindy's Drive-In A. A. Howlett & Company ~~N'I';{o1Ho/Wo ,H.N'U~/h.;oi.-/~~Wo'UIIIO• H»:Ih'.-::!:~+'#0 Consumers Power Co. Mason Dairy WWiHW/.INn~o(lhl• WNI!Io!I>W#/.<'~<-<'«W.N""" "'Nio'oV..Yt,YN.'fUo):~:r.((•:...... , M'U""·~H.'JN.','I~.O,.X«•:•W.·~:~·~,_ N.W'.Mv~w~~NM.w.... Mason Mason ••• ····nJ,<.;.;...-..-,:or.~W.«;:~~w.·..... ~H..e.'M<·~ ....»W.W,!M'A-1+-*' ,,,,,,...... _._.,..UI.'NN.•tt'~~~:O:•:·:~o}'/.-!- 0•' 'NoY.«<~.-J.WUitiOINYAA.tZNAo.o» .•• ~·.••uN.;.:.~:·~Xo!o:O.'~Y.·:·al-,•,•,o~o "WH.•WM~-:-'.-l'IHoWNI.I~«:o)lo'.(o;~~I»'IN.O:Io(o'U(WM¥Ho! Miller's Farm, Home & Garden Supply Kean' s Sc·$1 Store ...... , ... ~.:.:.w..:-:~..:.:{·:«."~~:{{~-::w:.:·::~:·>:.,. Wo'o!o!('H,'I.~·W.I.«YNut~,.,....,, ••~tW#.I.{-~'*'.««o)'WQMIJ.»NNt#H,IY.oN~ •••NoYNH.I'.I.~d{~o(.V,.:o;.;..ot'n$.'•'/.1/.~}l,f',t,-.y,•fN ''Y»'II'XY.',~~·,·~·!o'/.(.:1/,o:o;.'f,l.(•:fH.I.o'uA<:«..... NNJ_.....,,,, _...... ,..,.~.WINI... INo'oW~U~f'X.<'/.{{<.-,.W.-'I'..W.-.•,•1

~r;o;.;.:.',ooji.o't~.·)o;l/,•,•.-t),l'/.•:•t.«««V,•,•J'/,fU.•.\:IRJ!."(UNU/1 , ,.,..~«••WI.«I.~'.·X·.~-:;x-:.:-..:wm.'-«IY.•:V:•.:.~:...... «0v.(.I/..W..:.:-w~~.«-:-:.w..:'..w,... «-:-:·~w...-,w:., ..... ,... #W~'',0,011.~~·1·!•!{~~r!'.O::!;ao!•}!•:l.~'n:0~:-'~,'II.•:•:-:.:•:-"N'f,t,.,....,. Bcmenl Feed & Supply Service Estes·Leadlev Funeral Honie '"'+X"h!««o}:W.-».~,!•}Wo'fl;f,(IUIJ-"/.1/,.;W<•M"•WIIOIN•''"' ..~ ... ~:N ,..,.,,,.M'M'o'N~'I//~".MW,V,Y,w.-.~\v'.'"''•'VX.<".o~!•!•:•:«•l~i',o',o'~:t//,)/.l,~o'M"{~'»H ~:.:««<~:~(lo;.;;y..;.;.;wrw...... :-wn.~".·'I."'W..:o)'&·:«-.w.v.~·w.•~l' ,,.,.,,.,.,NN•u.>~¢>.. JM ... ~..:OI,• ...... N,W.W.Y,.:«•XY.-.:.:•!V:Y'IIN,Y.~\:,'•!I,~{I'U,.~)'Uo'UY'l<:<:f/.•o'O \toYMt),.I,I,«~:O:.:f.-:-'.«-:«¢,:<-;,:.»N,vNNJ:,>,'QIUli.O:ik"'WW W-''"''" ,., , , .~~'•'•' ~.w~:-:w~~o•·)W.I.?)'.;»,o',oh'.-'.<'$h,"!•XW.....,w.)l',.:{t,o!(lfh;.'(.;:;.:.:.:•r····tl"/',o:{~;{::{{•!{•}Y,{{Y!:::;.;·,•.;.:~:O:,.... 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((II"UJ.~'•'•:«««--«W"Hfo''t,-.W•d>' "'1 .,,,.,,.,.,., ..,,,~,,,..,w.~Y»:-:<:-:-:•,O:OJr,.;.."(•!h-:o',oh,o,•.oN.'·'•'•"''-"M-m,.,..:.-t.-.».<··r.u.·.w\'.'fo\'o'UUi•"fiO<•N can survive. There are ,;:ocracy nor civilization evangelistic service ·at 7:30 p. (.;o;«~:'.{(·~!·!(lo>:-;~-:·,·~t(•:«o:.:~•'·"'·'IN,O/No"nu.• m. Prayct· meeting each Wednes­ fH.«o>~.•;.',/J:Ot:Y ... I,O,t,WIIrNII<~• o<;,o.yoo every !lerson should atta~r soun~ reasons why •l<('J'.•:.'H.o'<'.UUM~:.;.JI...,Iu,,1 ,,;, and. BUJlpgrt the Church d semcea regularly day at the church at 7:30 p ..m. :. ,.,..,.,.Ut'<'.•:O:.:«i•~Xo:•;o:«''*"·.....,'u•• ~lnson 111ct hodlst, Raymond I... tNr.r.t~•IO:•'•.<«.-.w,o,u,.,ll.. •u-... own sake. (2) f'or hta chiid oro: (l) For his Th~y Norton, minister. Sunday wor­ \~''l'~!'.'•"<-'<'.«'IW.',i,v,•,oiM''·'·''•'"'N·'•"•, '~" sako of his community an~en s sake, (3) For the. ·Aut'tllius · Bllsiusi, Rev. · R~IJet:t • ·~~n,;o;v,.:.;.:-N,..\V.•:O:.:·.•N(I/.• .,.1,w.• ,..,, u ~-~ ship, 10 ·a. m .. union service at ~.·M:o::'Ik~.·~.-...... _.,,:t~··N.~'o¥H,o;•, .. " • • '' and material support PI needs his moral 11 a. m.; lllot·ning .worship, 10 'h'Xo»~:u,..-.;,r,o;r..;.:Xo)}W,,•:-'t1\>!•)»'...... \'NI.;(•,••.•ti••'•'••'•'••'l.•• Day M'o'o\.,.,'o'Uo•t,.;.;.)!•~,,.,....,,.,._,,..,Uui .. lo••••••••• wx·:~~.· sing sub-il)slrlct, cars will leave ~.\"'».',.:,..Y:,;(y.VJI\'~_."11••'•'\<""''•'''II,''n"'•''·••·''''"' Sunday Book Chapter ,.;.~:~·:~:~· o I< e nt o s ·cimmmnli.y, ·Rev: "'•'•~>.:•.(O:(I'.O:•!•XW,•Nio'ot""l/1,./1""•'''•''''''•'" llfonday "" ·" ·"" · · I!:Jodua Vl!r!~.! lite chitrch at 6:30: chapel prayer 'o'o!o'.O:.,..,;...,,);•:o::-;.;o;~v.<•)Y,•;•,•,v,·,ro'•·'o''•"' _ $.::."§:-?..:. '·' '"'''''' ''''-'·'•'-'•M:O:<~••'N,Yt,•.•J',i/, Tu.,day· • ·' · · ·' · • · · · · .Oaiatlnno 1.! David S. Evans, pastor. Morrilrig 1·13 '1.•:0:•!<:•:-.w group, Wednesday at 7; junior t,.,~..,,,.,,.,.,.,.;,:t> ·•··~wun.v." '•• ~:·,·.•.wn.w,.-.•.;.;.;o,.,.,.,,.,.,,.;~.;((<••! W•dneod~y' '· "· · • · • • Coionolont ~ I-to Vo•'•'(•:.»>•t:>>!•:."l:.'.IO.'•"•Z<».vu,yul.;.:tV•••ti•l;>••••u•• Friday. · ·"' · · · · "" ll Corlntlolan 10-20 ~enlor choir at ehurch sehool at 10:30 a. m.; 1 ~ a. 1 Saturday· · · · · · · · · · • · · · Eploeoiona Youth Fellowship, 7 p. m. •«.;:•»: ho»;.;.,•,w. .... O,'M' •JoN''I<'HJ.oN,'I.''' ''' .. ., · · · · · · .... Jnrnes s 8-18 M'(•:0:r.Y.:.:«t'(:.0~··:•'•'o'•.:·:·:r.-..-.•.•.·- .,,<:":~»:-:-.,...... 1·18 1\l!tson DDilliMt, Claren<:e Rodd, ·.:«-~:·:re:~byterlun, Rev. Vet•non "'''"' •• •'••<'•• •'•'•!•M•tUoWo,o,o,co,<.y,O•'J,, NNt.•,y,•,~•.•,vJ,\.,.,'11:•'•'~(.0:-!o:O.\'.-.o, • pastor. Worship service begins 1'. Smith and Rev. Ralph Miller, '""•' ·m.·~,o,·.f.-N.w.w.w~~.''~~::·~:::~~:~:~~·~-:;: Cupf nrht 1!10·~. ~~;~;~; 'Ad'~ :·g;;;~·~~~: 'Str~abu rr. Va. :·:-:o):t.=~~=·~~.''l:,:~!~;:: with the prelude at 0:50 a. m., pa~t01·s. Morning wor~hlp, 10 a. message by the pastor, special m. and 11:30 a .. m.; nursery and music by the senior choll·; 11:15 church school durlng both serv. What the Churches Are Doing a. m.,. Sunday school' under the Ices; Young people's meeting, 7:30 IAn!!lng Zion Lutheran, Rev. supGrlntendent, Paul Richards, p.m. St. 1\nthm·ine's Chapel (1~11IS· 1~. P. Zimmerman, pastot'. One J,eslle Fh·st D!llltiNt, Rev, Roh· with classes for all ages; 6:3(). p. copul), Rev. Derwent A. Suthers, 7 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wednes­ Communi!~· !Uethodlst churches block north of Cavanaugh road crt Worgul, pastor. S u n rl n y day, 8 p. m. Services arc in the m., Baptist Youth Fellowship will Grnce llziJltlst; of OnondJig11, VIcar, Mcricllan t·aacl, half-mile school, 10 a: m.; divine worship, of Dnusvllle nntf Vzurtown, Rev. be In charge of Tillie ·I\ramer; on South Pennsylvania Av!!nuc. north of US-16. Sunday services: WeiJb school house. next door to town hall, .Rev. Mal 11:15 a.m.; BYF, 6:30p.m.; eve· Cliaries R. Gross, pastor. 10 a. m., ·7:30 l'· m .. evening service; 8:30 Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.; church 9:15 family moming prayer and Hoyt; pastor. Sunday school, 10 service, 10:30 a. m. nlng wot•shlp, 7:30 p. m.; mid· church school, Dansville, G. E. p. m., youth choir rehearsal a net ., a.m.; momlng worship, 11 a.m.; Instruction, Joliowcd by Sunday WcGII pt·ayer service, Wednesday, Leslln Fr·ee lllcthodlst, Rev. recreation period, games will be evangelistic service,. 8 p. m,; school and adult Bible class; 7:30 p. m., junlot• choir practice Harry Cummings, pastor. Sunduy Manning, superintendent: 11:15 In charge of Dorothy Reed and· .\Vlllitunston Ccntet· 1\leUtodlst, prayer meeting and Bible class 11:00 a. m., morning pt·ayct· ·and at 4 p; m. a1.1cl senior choir prac· school, 10 a. m.; morning wor· a. m., worship service with a mes· lunch will be In charge of David Wednesday morning 10 to 11. · · Rev. Louis Ellinger, pastm·. Wor· scrmon, followed IJy. coffee hour. tlcc, a:30 p. m. ship, 11 a. m.; FMY service, 7:30 the pastor; 10 a.m., wor· Sturman; Wednesday, 6:30 p. m .. ship service, 0:30 a. m.; church Wednesday, 7:30 p. m:, evening p. m.; evening service, a p: m.; ship service, Vantown; 11 a. m., youth choir rehearsal; 7:30 p.m., sc.hool, 10:30 a. m.; Young Peo· prayer. Wednesday, prayer SCI'Vicc, 8 prayer and Bible study. Wllllnmston Wesleyan ~i~thod· pies meeting, 7:30 p. m. \Vllllnmston Conummlty lllt!UJ· church school, Mrs. Carroll 1st, Uowley, Rev. Cai'l A. Coffey, p.m. odlst, Rev. Louis Ellinger, pastm·. Glynn, superintendent; 7:30p.m., pastor, Church school, 10 a. ni.; Wlllhun~ton Nnztll'lllle, Rev. Grovenbut•g l\letlrodlst, · Groven· . Jt~den Unltml Brethren, Rev. Church school, 9:45 a. m.; wor· M. Y. F., Bible study. worship services, .11 a. m. and. 8 Harold Yochim, pastor. Chttrch St. J1unes Catholic, Ft·. P.aul burg road, pastor, Rev, F1·ancls Herbert Cherry, pastor. Sunday ship service .11 a. m.; supervised p. m.; W. Y. P. S., 7:30; prayer school, IO a. ,m.; worship service, , DeRose, pastor. Masses: Sunday, C. Johannldes, Sunday, 9:45 a. rri., school,, 10 a. m.; morning wor· nursery during services; Inter· service, Thursday, 8 p. m. 11 a. m.; Young Pcoplcs service, mediate M. Y. F., 4 p. m.; Senior 8:30 and 10:30 a. m.; dally, 7:15 Dnusvllle Free Mcthodl'!lt, Rev. message, ·~LI¥1ng In Christ;" ship, 11 a.m.; Christian Endeavor Hurt·y Moore, pastor. 10 a. 7:30 p. m.; evangelism, 8 p, 1)1.;. M. Y. F., 5:30 p.m.; Monday, 3·5 a. m.; devotions, 'l'hursduy, 8 p. ni., 10:.45 a. m., church school, Asll for both young people and adults, Sunday school, Genevieve Freer, Okemos Baptist, Rev. Jolin prayer meet_lng.. Wednesday, 8 p. m., s I on s for juniors: m.; confessions, Thursday after Towsley, superintendent; ,6:30 7:45p.m.; evening worship, 8:15 m, se s Booll eompnny, fmm captain on down board ns n non-profit fnunrlntlon nellve nrlvortlslng campaign, help fenlures Don Mcgowan nnd ,Joyce lllh!hlgnn I'J'f!HK AHsndnllun :JOO'A III'P. roprH'I crt In 1he Saglnnw In lowest "lmnt," to keep uflonl nnrl mise $100,000 to promote In· in Joc of augment 200 additional onlisterl World War II in I he double foa· for Cot ten, is I hal Mitzi, her fnlhcr, Niven, and Gardiner nre r!arrl sharks, diets lhel'c will hn virtually no liiiHI In pl11nning urb11n e.~pan· men who hegan their service ti1is tur·c at Fox llwatre F1·id11y and The glowing story of a ship and Don't be cought short lnsuronco. D • .vea1·. By 1957, Childs states thai anrl he's their large! for tho trip. agrleuiii/J'(' mrnainlng In Saginaw sion. Th!!J'e is II l'nn~lcir!l'ltbla omJnafes Sntunlay. a fighting crew unmatched in wi5o, Mdko cortnin you'ro covered township hy lfl70. amn11111 Df ~liiHnar~:inlli fnrm stale pollee will have 1,153 l'ni1· ol' Chilli!/'.~ NBxl. •goinsl the inro•ds of illnon, occl· trainer! men rcndy to cope with A romp in lhe aron:t nf Inter· bmvery, an aircraft canlor thai doni, fira •nd theft with • sound, ''' • • innrl in 1\!ichlgnn thai ean pmvirle J / Sk nutiunai Incident~. when Uncle refusoci to die after helng critical· CnlumhiH Pictures' new iwienr:e woll·rounded lnsuronco program. Pnplliatlon gmwlh lhl'(ll/!(hout ~:oo£1, weli·dl'llincrl pmperty Iot· U Michigan's highway safety prob· llll'illcr, "Earth vs. the !~lying y y I oms. Sum becomes a daddy somewhere ly hit by enemy bomb(!rs in the tho sill!!• is one of t.ilc hi!(gpsf rc~lrientinl huilrlin!(. Usc nf such abi'Oad, is· described in "Special final months· of tho war, is Saucers," stmTing HugiJ Marlowe factors In expanding "suburbia." lanrl, Iller point out, woulri ofreJ' This_ will he supplomcnled on Delivery," wilich Is the firs! hit. brought to tho screen In "Bailie nnd .Jnnn Taylor, will piny nl the Michigan's porntlillinn hns in· more lwmosilos without mnklng Fireworks will l1e the feature holidays as previously with 217 Fox t11catre 'l'ucsrlay, Weclnesdny attraction In the sky July 4, hut Starred in the romantic comedy Slallons," wl1ich is the second creased hy .38',f since 19•10, ae- lnmads nn lhe slalr!'s ngricullur· national guardcmcn. Childs ex· a1·e Josopl1 Cotten as a career Ifeature. and Thursday. Donald Curlis is cording to tho Detroit. board of nl OlliJllil. during the rest of lhc month the plalned tliat guardsmen proved to f ealllt'erl. commot·r:e. This is the bi!(gesl • • • 1111111y Way will dominate tho diplomat who finds 11 bady 1-Iemiing an all-stat• 1:ast. .John be effective in cutting down traf· ahancinnerl In his embassy garden, Lund, William Bendix, Keefe Fox theatre audiences can an­ gain t·cenrrleri by ltn\' inrlustrlall Tempo Is incrensing among heavens, according to the Univer· fie accldcn Is. 1 lieipalc one CJf tile most chilling and Eva Bartok as a loc:ai culic Brasselle, Richard Boone and state in 1111! nali;1n. · eitir.s milking plnns In sneJ\ bene· slty nf Michigan nstronomeJ•, 1 (!Xporienees 1'110 sc:reen has ever Tlw lmnrrl e.~llmiiles tiH!I'O lli'C! Ills of Ill!! IH'opnsed Sl. Lawrence Hazel M. Losh. · now· 7,2fifi,ri0o Miehigiln resirlcnls. Scm1·a~·. "This broad, hazy banrl will 'fhls figure hns gmwn by l:i;i,OOO Snuit Sic. Marie iHlJlC'S to in- como into good view In tho early annu;11ly since 19-m. corporate its industrial executive evening hours," she said. ".lust aftot• dark It extends as a giant arch from north to south across the eastern sl\y, rising higher and higher during the lllter night ? !tours and as the summer pro­ WbatS New in Geta11 gresses." Befo1·e tho lnvenllon of the tele­ • scope the true nature of the Milky Way could only ho con­ jecl urecl, Professor Losh con· linued. But nnw photo~:raphs taken with modern Instruments show that this cloudy appearance Mnn. l'uo. Wod. Thur. 2 Sbowa from 7 P. M. is caused by the presence of my­ Friday.Saturday 2 ahowa from 6:30 P. M~ riads of stars which cannot be Sundny 1howa continuoua from 3 P. M. separated by 1he unaided eye. "Field glasses or a small tete· scope, however, will reveal the Friday & Saturday, June 29-30 Innumerable individual st1trs which form tho hand," she stated. Bahy len on 1.1. S. mnhas:w dmm;tep ... Sr~crd Some of llu{ ennspicuous c:on· ag-rmls havr~ Sl'lll. lusr:ious nurse to g-et him hm:l\ ... steliations of the month will be Ambassador hns hands and ar·ms J'ull , Fh·eworl!s Cassiopeia-· ·and the . Northern starting! Cross In the north, Scorpio In Jo~wph Collen - Eva Uart.ol1 in lhe south, Aqttiln and Sagittarius in tho east. Rising In tho Milky Way almost exactly In the east is Aquila with its bright stur, AI· Special Delivery tair. SECOND JUG fll1' This star, says the astronomer, is located at the apex of a great triangle with Vega, In Lyra, and Deneb, in tho Northern Cross, as the other corners. Altair is one of our nearest stellar neighbors, ,,.,,~o, JOHN LUND • WILLIAM BENDIX Professor Losh points out. It is 16 light years away,. so it looics KEEFE BRASSELLE • RICHARD BOONE ,__.. now as it appeared In 19<10. WILLIAM LESLIE ACOlUMBIA PIC7UR£ Planets visible this month will be Venus, now a "Moming Star," Jupiter In the west, Saturn in the Buick SUPER 6·Passenger 4-Door Rivierq Cartoon "Woody Woodpeclwr from !\tars" eaat, and Mars slightly south of the east point of the horizon, Pro­ fess-or Losh said, ou·vE probably heard tis sara Iot:recently, about 'In every 1956 Buick there's newness from end to end. Sunday & Monday, July 1-2 Ythe 1956 Buick's 11ew Variable Pitch Dynaflow. * SmLim Jlunter George is grabbed by Money Hunter Mitzi New 322-cubic-inch VB engines. New brakes, new -State A.sks And maybe you've wondered just what that "new" means,, frame, new rear end. A riew deep-oil cushioned ride. Park Use of New "sense of direction" tracking steadiness. New 'Veil, it means a brand-new principle in transmission steering linkage and front-end geometly. New han• Fort Custer design that the engineers call "double regeneration." (lling case, new quiet, new comfort, new safety. New A 2,500·3,000-acre recreation A new way to make whirling oil adtl to its own velocit}'· carburetor "deicing." New exhaust manifolding. New area In southwestern . Michigan A new way to produce fast torque build-up at only interlocking safety door latches. New Safety-Aim heacl­ will be made avalla ble for public part tluottle. · . ·--- - · · use if a lease arrangement can Jamps. New features everywhere you look-including 1be worlceci out between the con­ ,serva tion department and the What does it do for you? · new styling and beauty inside and out. army. . The area under consideration is It gives you a quick new getaway rcsiJot1se -right in tha· What it all adds up to is the Best Buick Yet, by far. In ·the south(lrn portion of Fort Custer, near· Battle Croeic. The first inch of pedal tmvel-right where you Llo most of And we cordially invite you to come see and sample land is not being .used for mili­ your nonnal driving-and right where vou get better all the new thrills a '56 Buick has in store for you. tary purposes at P.resent and the1 gas mileage every inch of the way. conservation department wants to You'll find them packaged in a price that makes any make it availabre for public: rec­ reation. It gives you more safety-surge breakaway when you model you choose your smartest buy yet. Can you A request for a lease of the floor the pedal and switch the pitch-more electrifying make it this week? lorritory has been filed with Wll· ber M. Brucker, secrctmy of tho full-power acceleration to pull out of a tight spot. *New Adr;m£ccd Variable Pilch Dyrw~ow i.uf,e cmly Dunaf/ow Buick nugs. Bunn~·. Cartoon and Latest NC\l'S army. Immediate cansldet·ation ln1ilds tmlalt· It i.~ .l'fandurrl 011 lltJrtdma.rler, Super cwd Ccutury­ was promised by Brucker. And it gives you all this with absolute smoothness­ optimwl ttl uwrh:sl extra cost rm ITw Special, The lease arrangement original· whether you're in stop-and-go traffic, or in a highway ly was suggested by Robert F. Tue.-W.ed.-Thur. July 3-4-5 Erevit;(, chairman of the state emergency-becat~se no gears ever shift. in Dynaflow. AIRCONDITIONINO I conservation· commission, at a COOL NEW LOW PRICE Conservation of .t l c I a Is in· But if you thi~1k this gl'eat new getaway is the only II cools, fillers, dehumidifies, spected the area and consider it Gel 4·Seoson Comfort in your new Buick with 'genuine highly desirable for public us·e, reason for Buick's strong positioil in the Top 3 of -~. Double Thrill Show Erevitz called the land "Ideal for America's best sellers-listen: - FRIGIDAIRE CONDITIONING .':.ila~'ll.llion from. outer sl'uce nlcnicldng, camping, h I k I n g, n.ugb Mar·lowe - Joan i'aylor in hunting, winter sports and other recreational activities," · The tract Is nccesslble by high­ ~ way US·12 and public usc of the . • ••• I •• · Earth .' vS. Flying Saucers area would ·not Involve trafllc ... .. through the ·main peveloped sec­ ~· SEE • tion of the. fort. ! JACKIE GLEASONt :; ~[an: .eiuillgcs to bloodthirsty beast The conservation department • ONTV • Don Megownn - Joyce Ho1deu in would assume all· cosfs o! de· •.• hW)' SaltJtday fvllnin!l ••• vel oping the area .!or recreation· Best Buick ••• •• Yet ··~-~·'-'-~~~-· al use, includll)g. ·posting bound· aries, providing·. · l'oad:. bloclcs ·The·r WHEN lln!R AUTOMOIILEI A~E:IUILT BUICK WILL IUIL_!I THEM •. : .-·.·•..• ·.·\ We.r.ewolf, • , '• I, • where necess-ary, 'road. construe· tlon and maintenance and sanl· · tary facilities; ...The 'department also .would be responsible for fire protection whU~: the land Is un· der state control.. , Hilton .. &. . Rl~hards Buick . 'l'lle lease- would be cancelled . . . • ' . . _,... '• • I - ~ . the' land. would. revert ,fin; .Corner 'f!S-127 a.nd Legion Road '·.· ~:i!J~~~~~-.·~~.;;~~~~;;. E=:III•-..i.:~tii,:Jl;~~~~~~!~ to ... the · · ,In' the _j • •• ' • ' ' . .. Mason. .r. a...... n~~tionaJ· l-?-:--.-~~7~7~~ ~-,...,_~-:-:-~~•• u.' ~.-:-:~7'"":±~~~*~~+.,.~ ~~~--~~~ ~~---~;.~~---~~:.;;;,-.~~4~4~~:;U:~~)Z -·Mzrl.'.;,ij'-iiba...... ,_..,,;,.,.., ___ ,., '"'· ...... ,. . .;o''t;.c'iar..' _.,_,;,;,..,t:.;;,i,o.;'.i;;.r.,.; .. ;,..~ ....;.; .. .,...,.,.(~;.,: .....!l ...... -, · ~011. of PAnsvf]Je nnd Charles :r, ..... t, Editorial Page I·- •- •.• e' ..• rT .. -. )' ~<: ·-r·· &SK#Nt?tWSn~. 6 . ... -·--...... - Dnvl~ nr Ononrlngp, Down by the DJ•, Wllllum )!], Cllll'lr ha~ cnm· phtlerJ 11 !l'I'IHIUnto cmJr~ll 111 the Children Deserve Protection Unlwr~ll,v of Mlohlgnn HiiH!c! his rclou~o fl'orn llw nl'my und will A 5-~r!UI'·Olcl girl was ussaulted ln MaHon FJ•lcluy night. SYCAMORE J'CHI!nJC JH'III!lko In MIIHOII ,llJJy J, PI'I'HLiftrflotl lly n nwn1ully warped lwei, tlw lltlle gll'l wns led WnJ' vetcmns hl'lliiCl liP n re· llglrnts mr.etlng of .TciJovHh's Wit· 131CAV8H. TS LA N D-Pr.ople hncl COJ11C! Hl yc•nJ's ngo to 11ponrln from Llw J't•ont. of' u gr·ocm'y stom to high wer~rls only n few rwsscJH ut: llw Couch hullrilng Sun· ·sAFETY Wlt)t II few cJH,Yi'l to !lflill't~ 1!1111 II month. lie rnHI'I'IPrl 1111 Jr·l:;h luHs hlinclt•nd )'ul!l. nwuy, The gh•l wa:; lel't. to wundr'l', l'lnully yenrnlll!{ tr1 gel rrway fmrn tiu• tluy <1ft~1·noon. Ahoul !ill Mnsnn 1illll11hllng Into the m·ms of hel' anxious pur·1.m1s. The Cl'lmlnul htiSII nutst t'eulbw t.hut such nctH cun now he commilled hPIIC'h on Cnhle hay, l•'our tniii!H Dl'illlng Is sclwcluleci on 2 wild· lwt·f! /1s well as in ot.her mct.•·opolit u n m·ens. The easc of uway hflyoiHI tlw llghllwuse Is The EmrJ•nJcl Isle Is 11 new hont cut oil weiJK In Inghnm, nn the nre.e reasons why over ·1 t':Jtl!;pcll't ul ion and communication and eongested living con­ Iron Ore hny-nnothm· unspnll!!rl -dc111n unrl piPusnnt, It ean rmn·y B. B. Smith fiiJ'm In Merldlnn R Dl' 10 r•m·s. I I Is well to mnlre and n I 1111 uncllsdnsecl spot in Ve· spot nf ~JIKtr'llillg SliiHillllcl SJllll'i<· 69,000,000 Americans entrust dition:;, rnul\c it. easy J'OI' such wm·ped indlvldunls to J'oam the ling water--nml nnt u lwhitutlnn rc•sPI'vutlnns this linw of year. vay, cotlntt·yside, ol'len Into eompnmtivcly innocent. arens such us Jar mll!!s, The hoat leavr•s Chnt•lrvolx nt !l '!'he fedeml goVOI'Ilm, I'OIIl!l nnyo1w, he• ought io stand behind the charge. At: least he fpw cows nnrl a llnr~k of sheep tu Ur•uvc•r· Islunel; 'l'he rmu'l hou~e eagle which ;.h01 ildn'l ililck down, just. when his ideas have been an in­ enulrl malw n living, if he eut and bas IJeon the SOLII'I'I! rJf much burned ills own wood instead or speeulntion and some ricllr:ule and spil'llliol1 to liS. buying fuel oil; if he humeri kero· The Good whil'h was supposr.d to have sene instead of cleetric:ily in his flown In parts unlchooi clisi.J'ict and local organizations. crews In give most: employment. There is a conservation station. H's now a community proposition. The program is Tllere is a coast guard stalion and SAL AYOUBEE FORASLOW AS $199.~,~ hllcked financially by .all of the people. Now, all of the. people the cnnst guard also operates tile r.honld back the pt·ogt'am by tal. 1\:1., l~nsteJ•n Staruhll'd 1'1me. 1\lnt.i" Ml'l'huralsm·• Antomu. register their men under Wichigan's .lobbying law. · There I • At said Annual School Election there will be electe1l two tic Jllotm• Fr•ofelllor--au1l (2) mmubers to (lie .Boord of Ed~U!dlm!' of sold Dl!itrlct. for fnll aren't enough lobbyists to go around so sorrie have several CONGRESSMAN. ' unhuluuced.load swlteiL employers, · · · terms or thri!C (3) years, expiring In ,July of .1959, Each person voting to elect members to the Board or Etht· This type of governril.ent by SPI! group repr,esentation +' + + cation' must he u.' cltlzeia of.· the United SbateH, almVl\ the age of cari lead and has ~ed to troubles;· graft and greed. 21 year'!! ond have resldetl In the State of Michigan six monthti, I n t Ius· e 1echon · year lets·,. · mal t'IJI'Il wus HhrHII iqrtippc>rl In hand lilt-: tl10 past :J years, Thrse ex· butyric: ndd mny rlt!vctnr' nl· , seed In SC'I'ri Ih1• r•nwr· l~t·np, perlnwnts compnrerl llw 2 melh· lhotlgh it won't show 1111 for• abn11t So next. week I mny gt·aund the geese fot· the sumnWI' oris of mtatlonnl grazing nnd sl· ::1 monlhs. nutyr·Je ar:ld r:nmes 4o/o "Band s1•edi 111-: IIH• mv~r emp and just. let them feed, rest and mise families until It's lime to IR vr•ry lmporlllnt," 11.11seh snlrl, IOJ!f!, from a er•np cnsllr11 ton lrlt-:h In 8ueh ycm· tho luml wns rllvlrlrrl rnolslure. 'l'hls selrlnm In "0111: dl:;i< wns r·r•rnnvPrl from 1he h(lad south again. ln t.lw meantime, maybe we can usc 11 hotlwr~ into 2 rquniJ!roups. One wns fori a trcneh silo. Healing Is rnuc:h rlrlll whlr·li would 1'1111 ovr:r· the bathing IJrmut.y ot• Honw1 hing else! thnt looks good no mal.tct• what direction it's facing. gr·cen ehnpp<'rl rou~-:hage hauler! more mmmon In n tl'!nu:IJ silo r·nw. 'l'lrPn 21111 lh JH~r· IH'I'" of 0-20· Land Bank 20 fl:rllllzt•l' 1\'aH applied with the fmrn llw field nnrl yriJ'(l feel. The than In nn upr·lght nncl dlscmu·. !TatT.Y Cover•! out on Tuttle t'oad ncar· Leslie could hal'cl­ scenncl group was on pnstur·e wllh ng-es tiJC fnrmntlon of htllyrlc, He~ding. A sc•c>dlng mixture n[ 10 HERE'S A WITHO.RAWAL from tho soil fertility ban~ account. ly believe his eyes Sunday. a rlnlly mtntlon system follmved. Cut slancls l'ontalnlng Jcgunws LOANS lb ]Wr IIC'l'f! of nl fal fa a ncl rcrl The heavy rains last spring caused many unprotected sloping fields in 'l'he rcsulls showed lha t there clover• WllH UHPri, 'i'llP. WJrJe I'OWS Ingham county to erode like this one. 'l'wo hay wagons stood about 1.0 fc11t RJ)Ill't on was lillie In tho mill< anrl llw I'XI'elll'lll t'OVIJI' emp Write, Phnno, DriYa or Fly In Uw hlg 01111 prnductlon of the 2 grnnps, i\lso IP didn't IIJ!Jl<'ill' In lnwPr llw corn Cover crops in corn have long been recognized by Ingham OuveJ•t (lhWt! wlwn tlw wind (liclwd tiJI arul l'liJlpl•d it ovm· hottom-sld!HIJI. The otlwr didn't there \VIIS no slgnlflcrml riiiTcr· ylelrl. Tlw l'lll'll was just rts good county farmers as an effective rnothod for checking erosion and as a encc In the wclt-:ht change:; in Ihe National as CVI'i'," rtusd1 estimated lllls llHIVtl an irreh. 'l'he wagons had (i-l'oot sidtlS nn good source for green manure, But seeding failures have bQ_cn com­ j lwm whieh mallt'S it rwen mom unmmal. groups of c:rlws during tlw trial./ legum1! r'llVI'l' r·r'llJl added tth11ut Tho pusltlre g-roup of t:nws ate Farm Loan (j(J lh pr•r ar·rt• of nilr·or~cn worth mon. Hi~hway Patml is one or my TV favorites. Sunday aft­ slightly more llwn the slla~-:c J,t!IHJing 111'1\l'tlS $7 and $H. And lwsldes group. Another rllffercncc nrtcrl Wlll'rfo: ltOC:I\S proiPI'illlt-: llw soil fmm llle dam· el·noon I did some hi~d11vay pati'OIIing with Captain Vcrsile Association was thnt while both 1-(I'IIU(Is hart 1-latchln~r 1\11 Summar aglnt-: el'ff'l'ls of' Proslon. A lnl of Babcock or Lhe sllel'il'f's clepat·tmcnt. With the report of a nct'Css t.o n llrnlled amounl of lmy.­ 41/i S. CudJrlll1 s)lollgelilw nrganlt• material was t.omado at. St.ocldJI'idge, we headed south, like the geese, lt seemed that on hot humid clays piii\VI'd urHIPI' for hr:ans. Tills along Dansville J'OHCI. We lllttde the h·ip to the onion and LOWDEN FARMS l'hunr. IXKO cows preferred to stand anrl cat Clm rlotle ~n~J!Il 11liJJIIII'l' inr·r·pa:-;(~~ llw wa· mint capital in something less 1.11an 13 minutes. The dis­ hay rnthct· than io go out and ter·IHllrilng I'IIJHIC'ily of Ihe soil. tance was 18 miles. We could have made better time, but we graze. HATCHERY Flchl Offico nii:H•ll WIIH \l't•JJ·III(VJscd on lhJH f•hono J11ckaun ST 2-4ROfl stopped to cheek on a gmss fire along the way. As we rolled The ~-:realest: ndvnnlnge of lhr: 4B20 E. Derry Rd. nt l-lenrfctt11 1 13!1 \\<, /\sh 1\luson wlde·mw mrn pr·njer:l. lie has 2 into the village, a fire wcnl. flnt. 'l'ilat never happens on TV's soilage plan is thnt It took fewer R. 1, R.lvr.s Junction i l'hmw Olt 7-liO!Jl sons-in-law, Nola11 Weller· a111i Road Patl'OI. acres than the g-razing system. 1 Lawr·r•rwe Tripp, wl1o are ern· Howevc1· this occurred only when ployerl hy lhP Soil Cnnservalion 'l'lw eaptain, J~ahs to many, has a philosophy tall growing crops were used. Servir·P as soil r·onser·vatlonlsls. that Jll'l'\'t•nts crime as well tL'i det1~cts it. Jle relit•s Yields per aet·e of short j:(rowing Nolan Wellr!r is lrl['atcrl at Kaln· on )!;Ond l'l'ii!IHix :u·mnul tlu~ county to Imetr him r:r·ops are not Increased when fed mazoo anrt Lawrence ' .. !pp fiS· , I • " ·t J' j • t". J t . •·J , . t · as silage. slsls IIH• fngharn Soil Conscrva. ·LII I .ts II JIO .Lil 1.1 I llllu c spo s. The differences In cost;; he· !Inn llisl riel. Babs, pmbably like lots of othet· law officers has con-It wean the 2 sy~;tcms for herds of 1 A frw lnghmn enunly farmer~ 25 who hnvc bet!ll :;w:er•ssful will! tacts thmughout the county. They talm ycat·s t~ develop. :nws each appe~:·~ to he _very I A new ln'lll with the s·unc cagcmess and aptitude w0 uld h· vc sm,JII. ~n the Unlvmsrty of Mlllnc- l•'olll.~, rill Yllll 111'1!11 n tll'(lelld· cDver l'rnp se~rling inelurle Art '. : ' , . ' a sola tl'lals the roughage cost per Dr~yo who has br•pn successful a hare! . L!n1C matchmg. Babs sleuthlllg.. For Babs has a hundred pounds ofmtlk prorluccrl n hit! hay lnlldl'l' In 11111. ~'IIIII' using mr11 as a nurse cmp for mental list. of woulcl-he Violators and potential trouble-makers. was 84 cents for the pasture hlli!!N 111' Imy in shn·uge, t•nsh••··: s0edlng 11 Ifnlf:1, G0ra ld Diamond Half the battle against crime is knowing the people. It's t-:l'oup and !JO cents for the ;;Jiage StnJI hy FltANCIS I'I.A'I"I' t:n. , and Dan MnTTis Wiln have liarl men like Babs who mal\c an cffot·t to stay close to the peo- group. diL.Y In SI'IJ I he IUNO-W\'SI~ g-ood luci< wilh r·yc•, Ludell Che· pie who do the best job of Jaw enforcement. Quito a lot of llny silage is FAltM Jo:LEVA'I'OH lhut. not. ney who lms had a ~-:oorl covel' being put up in Ingham county crop seeding of rye seeder! hy Arul bt~sides Bahs' good law enforcement quali­ only llliiVI!S hull's of huy hut tiiJ.'i, lw's also u good ueighbor. 1\faybc that's why these days, If you nre making airplane a nrl Char•lcs Everelt who hay silage fot· summer feeding aiNo luuulles hugs, l'l'llte.~. ear Uslllilly ~-:ets il 1-:"''rl seeding of lll!'s a good officer. corn, loose gTuln und t•nsilug-e. rye grnss and sweet dover, only, here are a few points re· ported from field experiences of ROY RUSCH, Aurelius township farmer and Charles Allen of FOR BOTH BORROWER AND LENDER other farmers. the Soil Conservation Service, inspect a cover crop seeding of al­ falfa and clover made by Rusch in 70-inch ·corn rows, using the band­ I Dr. M. J. Green seeding method. Loans Sl!ould Pay Off Vulcriuuriun Dr.C.J.Hubbard "!jest cover crop seeding in corn I have even soon," Allen slated. V l~'l'l':IU NAUIAN FRANCIS PLATT 752 N. ('1•tlur St. Jllasnu 608 S. L11nsing St. MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE • OLIVER-~ l'lrune Olt 7-!JiDl I MILE NO. MASON ON U.S. 12.7 :M_ol.'&-'._1 Ingham County News June 28, 1956 Page 3 !•hone OR 7-8201 13 PHONE OR 7·5971 ~ FURNITURE- ANTI9UE II

Having sold lllJ' honw at 117 Ch '!mh sheet, Lesli.e, 1\licl!igan, locatt;ll ~i milt•s south of 1\lason ou US-127, I wrll sell the followmg articles at public mwtion:

I will sell the following household gootls uf ftf. W. 'l'homas and A. C. Thom:L'l at tmblic auetion located at the lllace 60li South Putnam Street, SATURDAY, JUNE 30. Williamston.

Sale St~tl'ts PrompU~· ut 12:30 1•. 1\1.

lfi·hl '1'\' Sr•t: Ga•·deu Cultivator· IJt•xlcr Wu.shing· Madtinc llishes, l'ot.s, l'ans, I•'lnt.iJ·ons I:OOP.M. SATURDAY, JUNE 30 1:00 P.M. Jroul ng llllnl'tl Waffle Iron 2 Food Grilulei'S 1\ih:lwn 'l'ahli!, 2 Chairs !toaster· Electric l'crculatm· Cnl'l1!e l'ut 'l'onstm· Chair Occasional Chair Dresser and l\linor Antique Table and Mirror 2 Uut.1c1· JSowls 011 BUI'I'ul Ant.ique Sl:uuls and Other Slnntls Milker Air Detroit Jewell 4-burnm· Gas Range Antique Writing Des),, 100 years uhl 'I U(lholslm·cd clmh•s Mahogany Dresser · J.. ibmry Stand At.walel' 1\ent Cabinet Radio 3 1\Ietlll Lawn Chuit·s Antique Rocl,ing Ohair ,I Nirt~ Hnddng· ChiLli's Uug 9xl2 Singer Sewing Machine Iron Bed, Springs anti lUattrcss li Alllif]IIC Blucl\ Walnut: Chnh•s with CIIIIC SCitls Leaks Cause Double Rinstl Tubs . Floor LamJI . l'lush l'lutl'oJ"IIl Uoclwr 2 Ant.lqnc l'lutt'onn lloclwrs Etul i'able 2 Smol{C Stands l)a\'t'IIJini'I: und Chuh· to ntutch lUahoguny Becl and Box !S11riugs lUag1Lzinc Racl• 2 l'm·clr ltoclml's Bad Taste· 2 Reed Chairs j Center Stand i..arg·e Ut•essing· Mh·ror •l'x2' 2 i'win Beds, Stll'ings and 1\lattresses 4 fl'xl2' Rugs, 2 of the sumo Jlllt.lm·n Jenny J..ind Bod and SJirhigs Smull i\llr•r•nt• l'x2' Scwerul Smull Rug·s Beware of air ie11ks In pipeline Oal( Dresser Rug 12x15]IIIJ Cherr·.v llJ•essm• milkers. They can cause a bad Steamship Trunk Occasional Table Electric Bathroom lleatcr l'lllnws and Cushions Frigidaire 8-ft. Refrigerator 'Nice Onl• Ded and Slll'ing·s t11ste in mille Iron Bed, S(lrings and 1\lattrcss mnnlwt.~ and Cm·llllns (some. JWIV) RoJler 4-burner Range Onl1 llrcsset• wllh l,tu•gc 1\lh't•or Two Mlclllgan State university !\laster Elcch•ic Health !\lachine llr•csse1; nnd Sturul Co\'CI'S researchers, Louis· Jol{ny and J. Kitchen Table mul 4 Chairs 2 Iitnor I.IUIIIJS · 2 •ruble LIUIIJIS Shlle1s nml l'lllow Cuscs (IIIIo new) 1\lcat Board Antltlllll \\'ush siund M. .TenRen, Sflicl they founrl in Dining Room T1tble and fi Chairs :lfi•l't, Glll'dcn Uosc, mi\V their study of pipeline mill1ers Oalc Side Board · · Rug 9x12 Brunswicl• Pool Room Table, com(llct.cly refinished : Uladt Wnlllut; HrJd und Spr•lngs Screen IJon•• f?rnmcs, 0·2x2·6, 6·7x2;8, 6-2x2·6 that leaky valves muse acid to 3 Antique Straight Chairs Drcsshtg· 'l'ltblc and % IJuy lied Dresser and l\liri'or Quantity Blani\Cts Gullm• rmd Cnso Corm In milk, giving it a bad An'tique Dro11 Leaf Tablu Bllf.ll: Hoom SCILitl~ Uomcl Air Conditioner Olhc1· Ar·tlclcs 1'oo Nmne•·ous to 1\lcJttlon. taste. · Quantity Dishes, some untlque . TelcJlhone Stand · Zenith Radio Cooking Utensils · They also found that extreme· 3 2·way Floor Lam1rs Carpenter Tools ; ly long pipelines \VIth many, s. Worl' Benches \. Piano and Bencl1 Coffee Table ·.~ '• NOTE: This is a very good line of fur1iiture .an. t ,,· ·. The researchers concluded that TERMS:- CASH ·stanchion lines In large barns TERt.iS:~Cash cqulcl be marie to produce excel· Not Responsible .. for Accidents ·'! lent quality millt by stopping nlr l!?aks, reducing the height· of risers and the length and slope of the line. · Y E. DUN(:AN~ Prop. When l'ncs arc to.o long a valve ·:,\ can· be Installed at the .midpoint BERT , of ·the conl:inuous pipe so the THOM·AS, Prop. 'mille will be drawn from only the JOY Cashier· · .midpoint to the milk room, they ·EARL ·DUNSMORE, Clerk. ·. . ' . ·.DAVIS,, : . · . ·· . · '· ·. · J poh1tocl out: ·, .. · · .·. ·· .· '· : ...... ~~~-...~ll!!i!l~. • •, ·-: •· ' . • •' • ':· • I ' • •- . ~~---!Biillll!lllll•l!!llllllll!l•l!ll•ltii!I!!IIJ!II!I!I!!!ll""'~'-"'!!l!IJ)!I!!Il!!!li'• Pios Decline B Per Cent Since Last Year nro la1•go nJ·ens, [l!ll'flclllnrly In iho \VU~IOIII I'CJIJl hell llllrJ fllll tPrort nnrt f(rncit• fToiRtrlns, .~·1 fl lh soulhwosJ, WliiiJO l'l'nps hnvu hoen Collar Herd tat, torn II• mille, lillllfll't 1•:1111 Prl. llitlfl hll by tli,V wonlhor, •l'i lf'gl~ll'll'd oiiHil-(llldt• lllliHII'liiS, ·South American Farmers Smaller Pig Crop May Boost Prices • • • Tests 47.9 !II II lh [oil, fl'i~l Ill milk: 111111 Dr•· 'J'iJp r'flllHC'l VIII Jon l'e~PI'V() )llll'J \VIIII]I' llt!IIIZ, 111 I l'gbiPII'd IJr Ill'/ II Buy lngl1am ,Dairy Cattle 1 Hwl~~. :10 !I Ill foil. Hll'l Ill Ill ill, U:v (JAitL t'OI.LIN' J Cllll IH• n•th~r·rort ns niiii'h ns fiO to rnnc)s r111rl llelcls In lll'nrl nil' 1hn or Hnll lmnlt 111 or,pum might lJn 1111 slwlvr•d tm· lhls y1·rl1', USDA nf· I fl>rh Jlllflltli'llon lilllllil ' \\'I'll I ('llHI h•s ,J llnvl~, UnllltdHgu This )'Pill's .~pi lilt: pig I'I'"Jl Woi'• '' gl IJSHIJD)lflllf'H, During May to: :J IH hPing Hrorw llcr•Huse PongreHH Hnld II slnins ll'rl 2 clult•y ft•sllng IIHtilll'in Cl!ill' 11-lc-!\III'IJaol g'lllih• lfrils!Pln, I loiHIUIII 1'01\' lo S11111i1 Alili'T'il'll lhiH Hjlllllr;; 1111 lh1• IJoisls nl I IIi"•'' lllld sC'f'IJIIcl Jill< iJ'Voll· of sf'l•cls IIPP, ill'tcl of l•'.l<'nllnil Nnl'ionul de with sllghlly n\'l'J' Wili In l!l!i!i, lllow••J' <'llJsiPt', ot Ihe one just In cnrry on plant h1 ceding. heJ' of lnghurn Sntllh DaiJ'~' lfrml L'llllinhPt'illln IL'glslf'Jf'rl I lolsll'lll, IC'J~hii•J( cJ IJfiJ 1<•111 lltiiiiSII)'. Gcnornl Jli'OVIslona of 1110 plnn Agtonomln, Ml'dPIIJ 11, L'olomhlu Dllilllg I !Iii, 'l";,l IH•.til 72'1 flllC] OiJOIIJ P( lo lh<' CIVC'I'lll{l' odlll\'C', Will Ol'dillCIIII,Y deveiof) Wlwn tiro stol'ngP lllill i~ com· Improvumenl nssnl'lullnn, lligh fJ 1.:1 Ill fill, 21i:itt Ill milk, ul Hoi I· fp. CElli he• fli'CHCiliPr) tlll'Ollgh Vlll'lOliS 111 11l<'fllcil•il ftl IIJP Hhlpn1l'lll ill' for Jill' JlflHt J(J ,\'l!IIIH, 1llii'IV l.tpliji,l' llllcl Jlii!VIc!P ll :!· pleled, serod~ will Ill! slmccl 1111rl hmcl In Cenlrai·Ingham D.!If.A ,,,., SIUITJHIIJ, H•glsiPJr•rlllolsiPin, llloiJPs oll•fl !2il IJIJIJK \\I'll' I'X Jnl'dl.1 111111 gQt wide clrr.ulnllon Wl'ight io l•'.t~•ttllucl Nfl<'llllloil ciP 1 cntnlogu<•cl Scf'cl JH'ociuc•ilnn will wns (JWJ)IJCJ hy Gall 'l'holhUJil, III:; HH.!lllllnl, :! 1-illlh mlllt JHllll'd oillll fllfioi,Jil,\ li'IJI,f<'lii'C] Supplh•s ol Jlllll< should hP 1" ' :! siPill plant. qull'ln· lwrcl 2:i llnlslolns pl'Ocltlc·ed 1111 Undur , YPoiJs .r. II nnd fl. D. Ill hili< IH ill :•1, illllr•JC•JII OllllJ1· :>mn!IPJ' rllulng ll11• <'mnlng lull ('lllc•lullylng of tllf'sp stems In pcc·ullnr prnhJPmH wlwn il comes or 1 Wl'I'C' \VII•J1ll \Volllt<•l DollS,\' I I'll'S houses In l'<'llfl\V o~ncl I'Pplnr e nvot'llll'e of ·1.17 Ill or lntiiPrlat nnrl und wlniPI', ling fll'li•c"l [Ill' llill'l) lh!' si:IIH• will iJPip ilr>vrlr1p u In o~pplylng llw plnns. 127!1 lh of mlllt dul'lng llw monllt. l'lwmiH•J'Inln, IPglsiPJPci I lolsiPill, siOJ'Otl scrcl lu~lng lis vllnllly, to aV<'JIIgP uhnvc IIJP ll'lttllvr•ll l'lllllfloil'l plnnl will! mnsl fruits ~ Jll ~I H7.H IIi ial, !.!2~1! IIi mill<; nnd GniP Till' <'lllcf dgl nnomlsl at Colo· OlilUl' high herds unci OWIIC!l'~ low lll'iii'S nl o1 V<'dl Ill~" Jllflf<'<'IPd flflm cllt'Prl '•lllllighl MISC8LLANY , , , A Jnrge Ingham County News June 28, 195{, litllo A & M snys mosl H<'('cl will In lnghtlln·Suulh 1\'l'I'P--Cnillon McMidtnl'l, gJ,uiP lloisiPtiJ, 7:!;; Ufif)A I Ills offl',·rocl 111 1111,1' Hl'dtli Pd ltull <'rncklng, IPss sun· rnslcJ 11 r•apsLJJ() mnnufnrlurrr Elcil'ecl, 17 J'eglsiQI'Qd Ill lnl, lflltllh milk. ------·---~- 1 emnln vlubiP fen· 1 ~-2fl I'O:n H m· IIol~ll·lns, wnnerl JPd pllf<'cl l'il<'I'Jic•s In 1'1' s1 o~ld IIIHI hell bl flobr.r·l Hlllncs, 22 rroglsiCJecl 7:1h lh mtlk; I',IIJI NIIIPsllnr, 17 dpallnn, On ill<' niiH•t· li.Jilci lhrJ·p rrliJPIIlrnl Plan M!Piilgnn',.; ntiiJllll or Jl'cl 1:111 in <'lllnplvlng wllli llw lll'l'(!llgol'c· and gl'llrle Ilolslelrm, •I:W lh 1n1, BJ'ull'n Swl,s, :v; I ih 1.11, !117 lh <'11Pl'l'll'S Is ilcol\.11 gll.tll\' fllllll sPI'V<' l'Pgulnllons, :;o 1lioil ASC 11•17 Ill mill<: LaVfll'll Elclicd, 2h mill<; HnloiJHI lloonw1· <'!.! VI'W (llOSJ>PC'tS SP\'Pidl \\'N1IH; dgo rnunl,\' Jl<'UJliP will lI II II ' 7.1mmcJ·mnn, JPgisiPJ'ccl Guei'Tl· s, 1, • • 1, .m1 '• pAst 7 venrs. If li1L'SP ~tll'ill'J s 111 P loolts as rf we may nlso nrPtl one Hl ~ D1 oug-111 lias hPcn so hncl In Wllh truclts to 38.3Jh fat, fl2G Jb milk; R E.13Jih;, llnlsiPins, :J!.! 111 lal, !li2 lh nullt; J which I shall ft'V to relale, you1· own o1· one you purl'lwsed '!Jp]plraul ho~y from other paris ol 19 registered anl'f LESLIE he lived In 19~:i lw w.1S dt1:1fl<•cl '331 S. Copllol, worse• lli.tll llw lnfestailnns of Mntnlce Felton, 40 reg 1-1e1cd 1\Qil)'riccd P,T,O, Forage Box on the market. 'either, for Hans Lnngm· and his not adequately J'eflect farmers' Reed, its Washington represenla· Labor costs aaved by building your own box more than pay1 family will go on the res! of their Hatching * costs, and are therefore unaccep.' live-said the depn1·tment's action for the lumber. lives singing the praises of the table to members of the associa· in raising prices threatened to people in America becuuse tl1ey Every Week COME IN .. ,tet how tlon." bring new troubles to the dairy are willing to share, not out of Gohl aloo makoo Kill you can tavomoney bv The MMPA filed a brief of ex· industry. SERVICE-Our Motto lot laloo ..nd~oco 11tf• building your own all• great wealth, but of what they unloodlne forogo •om, have. • ceptions to the recommended de· Reed said that in setting llulrl ' purpoto P.T.O Soli• Unloadlna Foroao Do•, September 4 Is the du!e the clslon and demanded the hearing mi111 prices at "arbitrarily high" to bring the Detroit federal mar· levels, the department would heifers will leave New Yorl1 for Gullivers Germany. Will yours be among ltet order in line with negotiated stimulate Pl'oductlon In the fluid prlces,J'or millt. Final deelslon on marketing areas beyond 1 con· them? ·We need 60 heifers for \Hatchery this shipment. ,We have the order is expected by Ausust sumer needs. Surplus mlllt pro· Eoton Rapids Silsby Implement Co. 1. , duced in tlu~se areas would be Phone E4ton R•plda 5381 ' Ingham County News June 28, 1956 PilgC 5 Legal Notices PROFESSIONAL lnulmm Countv NewJ Juue 28, 1956 BUSINESS-SERVICE

Profes.sional Foods Livestock Artificial Trucking Breeding Ambulance Service Beebe's West Side Bottled Gas Oxygen nnrl Sr•ol t "Your Frlenclly Neighborhood In Dcmnnd Inhnintor Grocery" Livestock Trucking 20-IIJ Sr.lf·Snrvo Cylinders Pontiac Open Evenings nnrr Sundays (iO·Ih Cyllnriers Sales and Sr.rvlr!c •rexaro Gas-Oil Detroit -- Monrlay anrt Tuesclny lOO·lh Deliverer! Cylinders Ball• Dunn GOOD WILL USI~D CAHS ,. 204 N, Cccln'r Ph. OR-7-4151 Charlotte - Monday Aflcrnoon Lr1wcr rates fnr rlual appllunca I we Give Golrl stumps Entlle CrN!k - Wr.rlnnRrfny users Funeral Home Also gcnnrnl locnl tr1wldng Proven Instnllo Iion Conversion Mason Phone OR·6·l22l Lime chips tor drlvewnys, Sires Howard Pontiac 1 BORDEN'S Botllcd Gns Appliances For Your 13'10 S. Jefferson Wc~tlnghouse Appliances Herd Phone OH-7-1801 Look as smnrt as you arc! Charles Cooley Replacement Ice Cream Bars Phone 0X·4·8319 or OX-4-1.171 Elite Beauty Shop Only 9c ! ______,_29wt.f Leslie Appliance Bert's Garage BEAUTY SERVICE ?orclen's lee cream also availnhle 210 E. Bellevue Inscmlnator General Repairing Phone Leslie ,JU 9·8252 m haJf.gallon pucl~s. Phone Mason OR 7·<1521 and ~15 S. Jeffcrson M[lson Livestock SAFE BY A SHADE-This trio won't have to run for cover Ruby campbell Ph. OR 7·2331 I Kean' s 5c-$1 24-hour Wreclwr Service nt Cypress Gardens, Fla., come rain or come shine, Thoir 'I'nUCKING AND BUYING Phone Holt OX-4-!1!172 unique hendgenr combines the features o( hPth hats nnd urn• brellns, while proteellng the hnlrdn•. Store Have your stocl< trttclcrs. Equipped wilh Oxygen and Nursing Floor Tile Legal Notices UWi\ I, NO'l'ICI•:S Resuscitator "We Barhcr·Jc In the Store" ALL ANIMALS INSURED Service ------·------·-- Scmi·Truck Service now Avallabln Home NOTICE 01' LETTING 01' DRAIN MOIITGIIGE 5111.1: Geor!:Je' s Market CONTRACT liND REVIEW OF IIHfunll havlr~~-e hP••n rt1111lu In th(l eon .. Call us on any l>lnd of llvest[)cl< Linoleum· and 111'1'0RT£0NMENTS dltlonr4 u( H t'l'l'tHIII 1\fni'IKili:C mudo rm Jewett We deliver on orders of $2.00 or you wIsh to sclJ at home. State Llcr.nscd LEXINGTON liVE, OK/IlN t/w ~~til cluy nf fi!•LuiJm·, 1\, IJ., 1\1•14. See us for your registered IIamp· Nrdil'f' i .. Ilt!H•hy (:ivt•n, 'l'hul l. Cit•t· hy ,[OliN lt. !ift,\Y """ N,\ll~H fl. more Floor Coverings • GIFTS nld L. Ontlmm, CtJIII!tY 11111111 Culnfllill· (iltAY, hlllll11111d und \\-lfu, and refHttdnd Funeral Home 421 S. Jefferson Mason shire breeding stock. The best in Klfllll'l' nf lht• C'ur11rty nf ltn-lllttn, Hlull! of IU tht• Olllru ur thn Hl!~IHI~r uf IJec1l11 M11son meat type hogs. Home for Men Mlcollh!/111, will. 1111 1111' :ltd duy ur ,JLdy, fnl' tho Cuuul.v ol ln~o:httfll, Hillin o( Phone Olt-7-G153 Phone OR·7·71~il ArmRtrong's Linoleum • WALLPA!'J~It ,\, P. JU;,n, ut th•• C:o11111y lh·11i11 Oll'lt•t• lr1 Mic·hi~HII, nn thu :.!Iii h •lny n£ Ot•lnbtJr, 2'1-Ilour Nursing- Service tiJ,. City ur Mu~un, iu !ltdtl ('urruty uf A. IJ., IIlii. ill Ultr!J' lr.n ur Mni'I.Jfli~CII, Expert Laying Servir:e • PAINTS Excellent Food I11r.dzarn 111 1u :au n'r•ltwl~ in 1h1 ror•t•llnnn nn l'UJ,Ce 1!1!'1, 1111 whil'h MurfJUtKu there 11( !hut lilly l'l'('l'iVI• Hl'llit•e) l1ld11 U11lil iH c•(uifnl'ci to ht• rl111• Ill. thct dnta nf thJa Bim Franklin Bigelow and Mohawk Carpets • WAVERLY l•'AI3fUCS Reasonable Rates II :fill (J't•luf'l\ in I ill• fnr••lloun or lhnl unllrll rut• prlni'IJtlll 111111 lntun•ftl the Radio- TV clny, wlwt1 hldM will he "''"lll'd nntl Jtllh· H11fn nr S!'Vt•U llurull·t•d Nhwty-nlno nrul Flowers Llccnsccl Dealers, Mason l11·ly lllllltlltlll'f'd rnt• 1/rt• l'(llllltl'lll'liun n£ U:l/1110 J)ollnrt~ ($7!1U.IJ:I), nnd un nttor­ Phone OR·7·8D41 11 t•urtnin llt'llifl I,IIIIWII ILIHI clt•Hil{nat "" ncy (f!fl of 'J'wunly·fivu )lrtiiUI'H nliowfl!l IIH ''L,•!.llll-:'lllll A~'t!. Or·Jdn:• llll'ul••d n11d hy lnw, lift Jll'ovlclml In l'lnid MorlKnuo, 12wtf Baii•Dunn Color Is Our Business Robart Nursing Home flHIIIItlitllrl'cl ill lht! Tu\~11'4hlp ur Mt•ritllll!l nnd IHl Hllll ur nt·uc·r· .. •lln~a ul luw lmv­ COMPLETE I•'LORAL In t~rdd t'nt~nly, ln~o: 111'1'11 htHiitulr•cl lo nwovur fhr. mnn­ Cousin's J 18 E. Oak Ph. OR7·243l I!Ytl Hl't'Ur11l J,y 1\Hirl Mut'l~o:agn or lillY Floor ,Coverings !:ini1l duliu ~~ IIIII' ~ou·t·lion h11Vitt~ tlu• 1,111·t liw 1,. 11 £, AHRANGI!:MENTS IIVI>f'/llfl' dt•plh llllfl Width IIH N1ol fu1fh: Radio & TV Service Weddings Mason l'hor:c OR-7-D231 1\ll hllllifiiiH 1111• IIIH r ..... UPIII'I. Nufle•(l i:t h••t'f!lty J.riVI•JI thul l,y virtue Lester L. Johnson Zimmerman's Contnacl Qunntllir!" ur lllf' IIIHWI' Ill """' ('IJII!ithll•c/ Ill flflltl Featuring Funerals · Parlics Phone Mason On fi-'l-ln Autc Radle OR-7-1301 Mason H" r~. ll. l:lllliiPt'tlUI\1!, XII I. f. mncJ •• IIIII! ptovldtel, on tht• :.!fllb dtty u( Delivery Service I li'" lluut~c !1~tulH, :r;r. 1. r. .1trly, A. II., 1\tfdi, nt. 1H:IIU o't:lur.k In ~~rvlce Convalescent Home Tl'lllllll'd c•ntc·h hn"lll!!, :! I'll. tbu rurtl/101111, llw llllliorHiJ.tlll'el will, at Jr~son Livestock Trucking Restaurants Good food and home nlmosphere Htd, muuhult•H, :1 l'Ft. the rwJ·th fr·ont dunt· uf tlw City 111111 In Pn•ul P•l'lltwrl!lun, lurnp tht• Clly nf l.nmdrtJ.{, (nJrhnm Cnunty, Clements Flower Shop To··Charlotre on Mondays Women Only ~Hid jnb will ill' li•l in ae'('(lt·drtiiC'I! \~ith Mi('hl~-:nn thut llclnJ.{ II r•lnco whon• tlut Hl82 Walnut Ph. OX-4-1791 51<1 W. Maple 1ht· CIIUKrlllll t\I!W 1111 llle \\llh lht· utll••r Cinult Cuur·t feu· lhl' County or lnKhrun Detroit Anytime "COME HUNGRY lllll•t•I'M ruoJ·Iuirdu)..(' to 1U1id llmln, In Uw IH ht•ld, Hell ul puhlk uucl.lnn tn thtt Mason nlfirt• nf the County /Jndn Cornml:·lldo/lt'l' hiJ!hf'l'll hiddt•t', tlw rn·umf.;p~ dmH:t•lltud In Holt Reasonable Rates AND EAT ALL Televisi~.{i( nf the t:nunty nf lnghnrn In whit'/1 l't'fl'l'• 14Uhl M11r tr.rii!CC, Ill' 110 nnrc•h lher·cor lilt 20!vtf YOU WANT" urwe 1nny ht• h11d hy nil fill I lit•~t lntt·r· mHy lm IHH!I':-IHUI'Y tu puy Uu• URlfiUIIt "Fine Flowers Always" Phone OR 7-2301 c"ilf'tl, 1111d hid~ will lw 1uudu neul l'~'l'ui\'~d 110 UK ufol'f,HHid f/uc uu Hllid MurtlfiU~o, Radio Country Style UCCIII'IIiiiJ,fi.V, With IU•Vl'll fl!.!ll'l!llf {7%) illff'I'Ciit llnl( l "WII>lf Cortii'III'IH ''Ill lu• mHdJ• with tlw inwt•HI nil lu~ul CIIKIH, LUJ(t•!htll' witl.l Hlllrl utlc•r• " • 1 1 · 1 1 tli'Y ft•u-1 whlc•h lUI HI fll'f'ITIIHt'li nro dc4 Service Jewett Flower Shop ------·------ll't!fiOIINth ,. ndl f'l' J,:'IV II~ adi'IIIIHit• Hf•• Hcrll t I ,;1 I J M t r II Butchering !'lll'fly (Ill' l/11• fiCiftH'Il111111'4' nf th: Wol[,, '('1:~~ \V,,~'t•~'l\'('l;;ry~I~~:!,IIIIH( ~\ U~::. (:Jf Country Kitchen 1111 2 Flowerphone OR 7-3Q51 Ill th1• Hlll_n IIH•II ri thr'lt• lu Ill' .'·':-..'•ci hy Nol'lh Onu Hlllldrt•fl 'l'h!l·ty.liv .. (l:l:i) • AUTO ltADIO Available Everywhere Carol's 1111', ll'i-11'11/IJI~ ln Jll~HI'lf tlw ro.d~t '.'' fl•et of r,nt l•'oltt' (·l): Blell'k 'l'wo (~) or 1U03 N. Lansing Mason I '"j"d "''Y und 11!1 hul~. n1ul tu udJolll n (' \\) Sui 11 i r 1 t 'I' ('') · MIH'h lt•ltinJ.r tn tHJc•h timt· nncl plw·c 1111 ;J'ol'l~!lll•' // vt, c,"' " •• •fl 1 ~" t! "I • We Deliver Phone OR-7-2701 1 11 11 1 • PIIONOGHAPJIS Phone OR 7-2311 Nursing Home I Hhnll puhlil•ly Hllllfllllit'l', . 'PII 141 1fiWIIHP..IH 1 H ou J• Butchering 246 W. Maple .Street The dute rnr tit~· ·ompJ,·tiull nf ~nwh divltunn or tht! Nol'th fruc:llonnl hltll • P. A. SYSTEMS J c·mttt·nt•l und Lhl• lt,'IITil'l uf Jtayr;H•nt {~) ,of StH•I.itHI 'fw~nty (20), C..:it,v of Pork on Tuesdays and Wednes· Mason 518 Wcsl Ash 'tlwt'r!fur.' ~dud! und will IH· HlllltiUIIncl nl ,l;m!H111K, I'CIICI'VinJ.C the, 'f"'u uf the l~ll!i1 CHARCOAL BROILED 't.IIP lillliJ nnd plitt•c fir lt•llin~. Any 1'1.!1'• l,hrel~ nnd fiiH!·hlllf (.1;:) (NJt, or thfi clays; beef on Thursdays. Pici< up Phone OR 7·5G:i2 HOI! dt•Mir·in~ lo bid 11 n llu• nhuv1, me 11 • Nor·tJ~ ::lcv,•nty (70) fel!t, htH'eof und Resiclen tlal Commercial and delivery service, tifllll'" 1\'fll'l\ \\ill In• n·qnit·e,J Ill •I••JtCIHit I J{llllltlfll{ '!':' liHO or thn \Vtt;t thrpfl nnd Well Drilling Steaks and Chicken Luxaire Furnaces wilh lhP ill'llifl11).!11 Hoard II l'l'l'tiliccl UIIO•Imlr (ol:,.o) fiJI!L ur fftp .Nmlh Hlll/(lllly All work guaranteed Men and Women dwck Ill' C'H .... h lfl the 111111111111 nr 'f'llll~t· (_70) ft•t'l •• "f lhP ,land HdJnluln~: nn thl! Chops and Spare Ribs * Sheet Mclal Work ------·------· ----- llurrdi'NI (:!i:III(J,IIIIl llollllr'H ""' H J.iiiiii'Hn· Ent~t fot· JOittl llnvtJ\\Uy JtHrpuH!'K ordy, * Estimates Gladly Given t1•1, thnt hr· will t·lllc•J' iut 11 1•11 ntnll't und fnr Oil• IIKO nrul b~ncllt_n_r .thl' nr•r'llflllllta Phone OR-6-1762 Leslie Food Lockers I [!ll'fli~h !ht• II'!Jllil'ud IHJtHJ UK JtiCHI'I'ihl'tl Ill' 11\VIII'I"H nr fllllrJH llflJflliLIIIJ{ tJrl!I'Cln, Phone OR·7-03:ll or Lindy' s· Drive-In .l y ~ hy Jnw. 'l'iw c•ht•f•I\H or 1111 .llllf!III'('('~Hflli IJnlcd: t\Jllil Ill, l!lr.ti. Th e E. R. LII hit/ciPI'Ii \~ill l11• r·l'llll'lll'd uflt·l' t•mtlntt!H GAPITIJI~ ~AVINGt:; & J,OAN CO. Well Drilling LesliQ .TU·D·!i31i1 Just outside of Mason on US·127 Wiljax Heating Co. 111'1:! /IWH1d1•el. Tlu• flll~'lllf'llli-1 rol' tin• Mort~ngeo Harold Lavis Wilbert Reynolds, Owner Nu'rsl'ng Horne IaiJoVt• lllf'lllitJIII'd Will k will hu nuule lLti'lfln F. {'nrrrrnlnr·. Attnrrlfl,Y for • lnllnwf;: Mor·t~II~Cc, lUI CII(Htol 8nvirr~R & Lon.n (i55 N. Cer!ar 1 3- and 1-hll'h for frtrm nnd home, 2202 Bertha Sl reel. Holt \ Jl . I /!l A \II if 1;-,, I (1;,7 Builrlin1:, LanA inc r,~. 1 Awl 8 Corner of Stale and Par·k-Mason 11:,:' •' 1',',·.i,l 1:•• ln:.H ----·------·---·-·-,-,--,--- Mason, Michigan 6- to IO·inch for air conditioning 11 1 11 1 1 1 Photography ___Ph_one_H_olt_o_x_4·2'_121 __ 1:0, I!1:0!1 ORJlER III'I'OINTING TIME I'OR ------and Irrigation. Jewelry Phone OR 6-5552 Nniii'P i" Fllrlh··· 11 "'"1'Y ni\'l'n, lhoil HE/IRING CLAIMS liND !'OR 1 1111 F1·idny, th" :.!7th day nf ,Jtrly, ]!J;di, ul • Fine !Iome-Cookcrl Meals Cnnnly llmin Olfi,,. ill rl~o• City nf M11- DETERMINATION OF HEIRS I~U~C'l'IUC • Rl'etere I Pr·tc'lcal NLirse ~!'"· Courrty nr lrudtalll, nl' Ill i'llU'ir .nthl'l' UURIIANS-Sr.ptember 5, lfl56 Prescriptions j WATEI~ Sl'S'rF:JUS Refrigeration Service · ego c c L l.llnt· urad•,. tlwt·,."ftiH', tr1 whJt•h I, Watches • Fifteen Years of Experience the CllttlliY IJr.JIIl Comnri:udont•l' llfor·c~ Slult• nf Mlc•lt!l.:'llfl. Tire l'rubllll! CtJud 'J'o fit your needs I Bulova · Elgin ·Hamilton. Wyler Custom , Hni1f, mny ndj1111111 Ur" 11111111., tlrt• llflfiCJI'• fill' Lht! Gtillllly 11f le11dHun. Sold ancl Instullcd Dumestlc Commercial Information and References tionrnmrt fot· lu•llt.ditH lind tiLl' lnrult~ e•orn- Al 11 tiC:-i:-ilnn of ~mid Gnul't, held 11!. Lhc Rings • Bracel::l~ f"!l;uJlv f:.i\/Pn \ll'ltied \\ithin th·· "Li•Xington Avu. Ontln f't·nlwt., Otri(•t•, in the Cit~· ur MnRon, '" "Prescriptions Are Our Spcc•tal J\Joi~I'~HIIwnl IJiMtt•it•t," 111111 tire lhu Hllid Cnunty, 0/1 lite.! !.!IHL duy or Orange Blos·som Diamond RingF Photo Finishing HJ1portiunm,•llll'l thL•I'Ctlf will ltf' HUhj 11·t lo ,1\lne, A. ll. l!lfoli. S!'f'CI nl ty" Lawrence Schnepp l'f•\'it•W fnl' 0111' day, rrurn rlillf' n'c·ltwk In Pn•Ht:ILI, IrON. ,JOHN McCLI!;LLAN, Roy C. Hart • One·Day Developing • t.h1• fcHl!I\IHtJI 11111il five• t/clor•h. in th 1• 11 ft. ,fnclgt• of Pt·nbate. I • Expert Service • Phone Eaton Rapids 3774 or 1'1'1!0011, 1\t :;mirl i'£~vit•W tlw l'UIHJ!Ullltion In lilt• Mnltlll' uf IIH· I•;atlltt• or I...Jo;UN 1328 s. ,Jcffcr·sou William Fink Building of I'OHt~ for tillid flmln will niHo ltc OIH~n fl. BUHIJJ\NS, llcr'J'Iltied, • Large-Size Prints • 4-2914 Hitchens l'houc OR-7-2231 JEWELER fnl' imipL•l'linn hy lillY Jtar·tlt~li illtur'clll•·ll. II Ullttcnr·lug In lhe Cnttr'l thnt the • Deluxe Quality • The roltowirr).:' iH n dt•l'icl'i\llillll uf lhl• tlnre fm· pn·Helllllt!o/1 11 f chrintti u~:nlnst Next to Fox Theatre llf'VUI'Il! li'IH'll'l 111• PHI't.'d~t of l~tnd corr- t!Hid t•:-illtlu HhrHJid IH! lllllill!cl, 1111d that 11 Drug Store Mason Austin t!lilutinl{ the Spl'cinl AHt-il!~hlnl'lll IJhtl'ict time nrul J•lltt'c he llll)loinlcd lu ret•o!vc, S. W. Hart W. R. Johnson or 1wid () 1·,t!n, viz: t!:\arninc and ucUu1-11 nil ('lnhnK 1111d de- Courteous Service Count,\-• uf (rrJ.t"lmm nt IUIJ.!I~ nutrrtiH IIJ.:'trin~;t Hlli(l dccummd l1y 1~nd be .. Holt ( at south city limits) Chesley's Drug Store Sharpen Shop ROOFING and EAVESTROUGH· 'l'oWfiHhill of Mer•tdiun Ill lni'I.!"C fot'l' :ouid Court; nnd !hut tlu~ lugrLI hclr-H Ccl'tlllfl lnruhi in l'il!Ctitm IH or Ml!l'itlillll uf l!llitl det'I'I\K(•II l'lllillcd lu inherit the 1334 S. rJtlffCl'SOII ING Phone Mason OR-7-6131 114 N. Mason Street 'l'u\\'nship uatuLu of which anid dt·l't'll~t·d died Hc(zod Personal 'J'hcrc(un•, All unkllfl\\'ll • Phone OR·7·0131 16wtf Nuw, 11111 1 111111 !-dwuld he Hdju'dlt·ldl'tl 111111 di!lt•rrnincd, Mason Windstorm Insurance Repairs I'I'Hidl!llt \ll'I'H0111i, oWIII•I'Ii lllltl flt!I','IOIIH It IK ()l'llt>IL'cl, '('hut nil tlw l'l'f'dilnl'll or Chesley's Phone OR 6-5572 inLPre~lt•cl in tire a1Juve dcKct·ibcd lantiH, ~11hl dul't!IIHJ•tl lll'e l't•quir•r.t! to prcKcnt Your clothes are safe in our "We Sharpen Anything" Free Estimates nrul yuu SUJH!I"Vi"'etl" llerrmt•d \VIII'tl n11d IIH'IJ• f•iulmH in wt•ilinJ.: and undt•t· onth hands. We get thew sparkling lnHhnm Cot111ly H11ad Corrunistilnn Hl'f' IIH fll'ovldml by :-;tulutL•, lu Httld Court at Rexall Drug Store Well Drilling 14w<1 hl!l'c•by notified lhnL ILL the tirnc 1111d lht• l't·ohult• fHI'Il:t' nl 20,i Wu,.;t. Snl.\'iunw clean, beautifully pt!!b~ed with Phone OR 7-2301 plllt'u ufnl't•!mid, ut• 11l t~Ut·h otht!l' tinro Slt•cct, l .. 111111in~. Ml!•hlv;tlll, nil ur lwroro and 2 and 3 inch Wells utmost care. No hlgh·lJI'Ice war· WeldinCJ :l05 West Elm St., Mason tlllfl plnce LhCI'f'llflt•r tu which /\Hid let~ Lhe .'ilh dny ur r-iCIII!•mhct•, A. IJ. l!lliti, nt Phone OR 7-66Ql till).{ may be adjnul'fwr\, I Hhnll lll'eteeul lt•u fnr·l Y·lh-t•