i f - ) .'- ] NASA Technical Memorandum 104738 ! / Making Intelligent Systems Team Players: Case Studies and Design Jssues Volume 1: Human-Computer Interaction Design Jane T. Malin Debra L. Schreckenghost David D. Woods, Scott S. Potter, Leila Johannesen, Matthew Holloway Kenneth D. Forbus (" ,.",.,_ , .; :_ . C_Ct ].Z_ -'. > ./:_ ? September 1991 N/ A vJ _._.1 r _dJ NASA Technical Memorandum 104738 Making Intelligent Systems Team Players: Case Studies and Design Issues Volume 1" Human-Computer Interaction Design Jane T. Malin Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas Debra L. Schreckenghost The MITRE Corporation Houston, Texas David D. Woods, Scott S. Potter, Leila Johannesen, Matthew Holloway Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Kenneth D. Forbus Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas September 1991 Request for Comments We are interested in making this document useful to the reader. We encourage comments about this document that can help us improve it in future releases. Please send comments to:
[email protected] schreck@ aio.jsc.nasa.gov Abstract Initial results are reported from a multi-year, interdisciplinary effort to provide guidance and assistance for designers of intelligent systems and their user interfaces. The objective is to achieve more effective human-computer interaction (HCI) for systems with real-time fault management capabilities (i.e., process monitoring and control during anomalous situations). Intelligent fault management systems within the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have been evaluated for insight into the design of systems with complex HCI. Preliminary results include (1) a description of real-time fault management in aerospace domains, (2) recommendations and examples for improving intelligent system design and user interface design, (3) identification of issues requiring further research, and (4) recommendations for a development methodology integrating HCI design into intelligent system design.