Liquid-Xenon-Filled Wire Chambers
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Title LIQUID-XENON-FILLED WIRE CHAMBERS Permalink Authors Derenzo, S.E. Flagg, R. Louie, S.G. et al. Publication Date 2008-06-27 Powered by the California Digital Library University of California Presented at the XVI Inter-Confere"'''' LBL-1321 :'Energy Physics, Univ. of Chicago, _~ i .... i September 6, 1972 RECEIVED LAWRENCE R.40!ATION· lA80RATORY r' ?'~ ,,,,",., J """- >\:;'I utlJJ ! ( LiBRARY AND DOCUMENTS SECTtON I ..J1QUID-XENON-FILLED WIRE CHAMBERS ,~ '. -".,:,:',.:,';--'-',,' S. E.Deren~o;R. Flagg,S.G.Louie, iF. G. Mariam, T. S. Mast A.J. Schw-emin;'R,c. G~SI'Uits, H. Zaklad, L. W. Alvarez, and R. A. Muller .t " September 1972 ") 'J For Reference Not to be taken from this room ".) for the U. S. Atomic Energy '1 6mmission under Contract W -7405 -ENG-48 -1- -2 - LIQUlD-XENON-FILLED WIRE CHAMBERS':' Single-Wire ChaITlbers S. E. Derenzo, R. Flagg, S. G. Louie, F. G Mariam, t We have been operating liquid xenon-filled single-wire propor T. S. Mast, A. J. Schwemin, R. G. Smits, H. Zaklad, and L. W. Alvarez tional chambers for two years. (2,3) Figure 1 shows our single-wire Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory University of California chaITlber design, and Fig. 2 shows the pulse height of the 279-keV Berkeley, California 94720 photopeak as a function of operating voltage for 2.9-, 3.5-, and 5.0-tJ. and anode wires. The chamber counts well and the pulse-height curves R. A. Muller are reproducible to ± 100/0 every time the chamber is filled.
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