A POULTRY CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 28th – 29th September 2019 POULTRY, WATERFOWL AND PRODUCE SCHEDULE OF CLASSES INCORPORATING A RARE BREED POULTRY REGIONAL SHOW AND BELGIAN BANTAM REGIONAL SHOW *All Poultry will be subject to a Veterinary Inspection and if necessary Exhibitors will be asked to remove birds from the show.* HON. ORGANISER MR H EVANS, 10 Bretforton Road, Badsey, Evesham, Worcestershire. WR11 7XG. Phone: (01386) 830674 Email:
[email protected] SHOW MANAGER MR N J LANGDON ASSISTANTS MR & MRS I TANDY, MRS J PARSONS, MISS K NEWMAN, MR & MRS P SUTTON, MR A BUNN, MRS S GOULD, MS J McKEATING, MR & MRS C ROPER MR A PHILLIPS, MR B SYMONDS, P&E POULTRY, MRS I DAWSON. JUNIOR STEWARDS WILLIAM ELKINGTON, ABIGAIL FIRKINS, JOSEPH NEAL. CLERICAL STAFF MRS A LANGDON SALES MR R THOMAS MRS A AUSTIN POULTRY CLUB REPRESENTATIVE – MR R HEATH JUDGES MISS N BAREFIELD, MRS C J HADLEY, MR J D OWEN, MR D COPAS & MR J EGGINS ENTRY FEE PRIZE MONEY CLASSES INC. VAT FIRST Poultry £1.25 £2.00 Egg 50p £1.00 SALES £10.00 per pen (Maximum of 3 birds per pen) PLEASE NOTE: A commission of 10% will be applied to all sales made at the Show, payable to TCAS. ALL ENTRIES TO BE SENT TO: Poultry Section, Malvern Autumn Show, The Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire WR13 6NW. Tel (01684) 584900 Fax (01684) 584910 OENTRIES CLOSE ON WEDNESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2019, NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTEDO SPECIAL REGULATIONS – All entries will be accepted with the right of the Society to make such alterations in the Rules and Regulations as may be deemed necessary in the interests of the Society and exhibitors, to appoint Judges in case of illness, etc., or Show Regulations will be dealt with by the Show Organisers whose decision must be considered final and binding and must be accepted as such.