Reading and District Bantam Society 2012 Open Show A Poultry Club Championship Show Northcroft Leisure Centre, Northcroft Lane, Newbury, Berks RG14 1RS Joint Show Managers Allan Brooker & Simon Harvey Poultry Club Representative John Breslain Show Vet and Welfare Officer Anita James Open to the Public Saturday 25th February 10am - 5pm Sunday 26th February 10am - 2.30pm Admission £3.50 for one day: £2.00 if paid with entries. £4.50 for two days: £3.00 if paid with entries (Children under 16 free) Exhibitors making 8 bird entries receive a 1 day free pass and Exhibitors making 10 and over bird entries receive a 2 day free pass Prize Money Prize money is payable where Classes have more than eight entries Club Shows & Breed Classes 1st £1.50 2nd £1.00 3rd £0.50 Trios 1st £2.00 2nd £1.50 3rd £1.00 Egg Classes 1st 0.75p 2nd 0.50p 3rd 0.30p Entry Fees R.D.B.S Members Non Members Club Shows, Breed Classes, Show Trios £2.25 £3.50 All Selling Pens £2.25 £3.50 Egg Classes 0.50p 0.75p Photographic Class 0.50p 0.50p In the event of the show having to be cancelled after the closing date, in circumstances beyond our control, RDBS will retain the first £10 of each entry fee. Entries close Wednesday 8th February 2012. Entries to Les Griffiths, 5 The Walls, Stanford in the Vale, Oxon, SN7 8LP Or email
[email protected] We regret that NO entries can be taken over the telephone.